Tommy Bates - The fullness of glory

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praise God just remain standing tonight it's a privilege and honor to be standing here in this world ministry I give honor to the Lord Jesus Christ give honor to your pastor your visionary to as a minister and pastor when he starts his eloquent speaking you sit and melt and you say I wish I could do that I mean God has given him vocal cords that can paint a picture I'm not going to stall any longer I want to get straight directly into the Word of God because I believe this this message tonight I believe is going to bring us to another level of receiving a mandate from heaven our church tonight is praying for this meeting people praying all over there are thousands watching by internet those at the Elkhart Church we welcome you and so glad to have you with us we do have a product table I do have some Kentucky voice magazines just I don't have a whole lot of material out there the young men that I have with me they'll be out there if you'd like to have some down-home foot-stomping hand-clapping kentucky sound I can't be anything I'm not and so that's what's available out there let's turn to first Peter chapter one going to be reading verses 7 8 and 9 that the trial of your faith being much more precious than of gold that perishes though it be tried with fire might be found unto praise and honor and glory at the appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ whom having not seen oh how you love him in whom though you see him not yet there's the comma there because it means Paul's yet believing ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and my message tonight is and the fullness of glory the Holy Ghost has sent me here with the word tonight to declare unto you the fullness of glory let's pray father we come to you the name of Jesus I stand here as your servant anoint these lips of clay let your word go forth not with enticing words of man's wisdom but of love mercy truth demonstration and power of the Holy Ghost will never fail to give you all the praise and the glory and the mighty wonderful name of Jesus and the church says Amen you may be seated just for a few moments tonight we're dealing with the subject of fullness of glory the fullness of glory in the book of John chapter 2 verse 11 when Jesus turned the water into wine the word says this is the beginning of miracles which Jesus manifested forth his glory his disciples believed upon him the manifestation of the glory is the supernatural power of God released it's what we cannot do we have the ability to go to the well and to put water in a vessel but we do not have the ability to turn that water into wine God's not asking us to do what we cannot do he's only saying you do what you can do and I'll do what you cannot do in description of the Bible said the trial of your faith this faith that was once delivered under the Saints he said the trial of your faith is more precious than gold that will perish away even though it's been tried by fire he said that this this wonderful faith that you have I wanted to be found unto praise honor and glory unto the appearing the coming the revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ he goes on to say whom having not seen we have not seen him we have not touched him physically but yet there is something when the Holy Spirit touches our hearts and with the heart man believes unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation as we confess that Jesus Christ is the son of the Living God his Spirit bears witness with our spirit and there's something on the inside that makes us conscious of our God and we're conscious in the morning and there's a love in the depths of our soul that begins to connect with him and we love him more than anything because we found him to be a savior we found him to be a comfort we found him to be one that sticks closer than a brother and the word says you love him and though right now you can't see him you can't see him in the situation you can't see him in the trial you can't see him in the problem you can't see him through the storm you can't see him in what's going on in your life but there's a yet come aha and you know what that yet comma means it means you better watch out Satan because I'm not giving in and I'm not giving up I refuse to bend I refuse to bow my weeping may endure for an item but joy is coming in the morning I'm going to notify you Satan I want you to get on your your best alarm I want you to know there's a comma after that yet and that means I'm gonna pause awhile I'm gonna pause a while because I'm gonna believe that not God what he said I'm gonna stand upon his word I'm gonna yet believe and the Bible says when you yet believe that triggers something called joy and joy is not happiness something happiness is a natural human reaction and when something happens to you you get a new car you become happy you get a new house you become happy you get a new of something in your life you become happier some get a new husband and they get happy on some get another new husband and they get happy and some get another new husband and they get happy happiness is only a natural human response to a pleasure that has happened in your life but but there's something greater than happiness it's called joy I said it's called joy and joy in definition is unshakable confidence in God joy is what Paul and Silas had when they were stripped of their clothes and their back was beaten up until the blood was running down their back they were laying on a hole on a on a hard cold floor on a hard rock and the blood began to quagga later but at the midnight hour they looked at each other and said I don't know how God's gonna move but I know one thing up he's my God when I'm on the mountain he's my god when I'm in the valley he's my god winning I'm in sickness if he's my god when I'm in health if I'm taking chemo he is God if I'm on dialysis he is God if I can't pay my rent appeals God and God never changes suppose he's God in the father he's God in the son he's God in the Holy Ghost he's got all three oh do you know this God I'm talking about I said to you know the God I'm talking about this joy will produce the fullness of glory the fullness of glory do you hear me the fullness of the ring I believe we are right on the verge of something getting ready to transfer transfer in the United States of America and around the world I believe that something up is getting ready to change and the transmitter there's going to be a change and the fullness of a glory is on the way hallelujah how do you get the fullness of glory you gotta back up and have joy unspeakable lot you can't have fullness of glory until you have joy unspeakable and you cannot have joy unspeakable up until you have yet bleeding up and when you have yet believing it produces joy unspeakable up which brings about the fullness of glory but you cannot have any of it until you have a love like you've never had before I'm talking about you loving in the morning now you love me more than your entertainment you love me more than your literature huh you love me more than your fellowship you love me more than your peers you love me more than contradiction you love him with everything that is within you the love of God the love for God up is what going to produce a yet believing and yet believing a it's gonna produce joy unspeakable and joy unspeakable it's gonna bring about the of the Gloria when I say the fullness of it already I'm talking about all nine spiritual gifts in operation when I talk about the fullness of glory I'm talking about heroin coming off of this generation but I talk about the fullness of glory I'm talking about those who have children that are suffering from all kinds of childhood sicknesses when I talk about the fool as the glory I'm talking about the miraculous of the spectacular of the undeniable the incredible awesome a hand of God and looking for it up and then dissipating up and believe in God for an apostolic renewal and believe in God for a Pentecostal refreshing up I'm going to shout it - till I can't shout it anymore I'm gonna proclaim it till I can't proclaim it anymore he's not coming after a deadbeat religious machinae he is coming after those who are pool but the glory I'm talking about a glorious church I said a glorious Church a glorious Church give him a shadow brave everybody say yeah oh yeah oh yeah 53 years ago in the hills of Kentucky in a little Pentecostal Church with hardwood floors knotty pine walls and a knotty pine ceiling I've been singing about Christ since I was 2 years old I've heard the lessons taught me in Sunday school but sitting on the front row on that old oak bench that had cracks in it I'm telling you old fashioned church we were too poor just a poor country Church we bought the pews from the Baptist Church when they got their new pews and these were at least a hundred years old when we got him up and they had tracts in a one time old brother Morgan he jumped up and when he would shout he'd say yeah yeah like that two brothers got up to receive the offering up and when they got up the bench pinched brother Morgan and brother Morgan with hey a woman jumped up in the back and said I feel it back here too brother not three sisters took off running up there were five filled with the Holy Ghost stuff and six people got saved up because the bench pinched the brother I'm telling you right now we got something powerful I said we've got something powerful give the Lord a good shout yeah the preacher began to preach and I set there I felt something that I never felt before I got a little over haircut I'm knelt down at the altar and I prayed oh oh oh I became God conscious that night 53 years ago I became God conscious he became real to my soul the next year at six years old on this side of the altar Georgia gambrel on one side Alma Richardson on the other mountain Appalachian women with her jet-black hair Oh Alma wore her hair so tighten her eyebrows look straight up George she wore her brains so tight but somewhere about 10:30 at night I fell back I begin spoon in the unknown tongue they picked me up put me in the backseat of the car maybe about 11:30 at night I went to sleep speaking in tongues up 53 years ago I became God conscious a year later I became spirit conscious now when I became God conscious son I loved him but I didn't know much about him huh but in 53 years I found him to be a marriage counselor I found him to be a financial adviser I found him to help you raise teenagers I found him to be a doctor I found him to be a lawyer I found him to be a Savior found him to be away maker I found him to be a Dora where there see Madonna I found him in the night hours when nobody was there there was no 800-number son there was no Richard I could call there was nobody I could call home enough oh there's no lonely huh like a lonely preacher when you don't have anybody else to turn to but I can tell you huh he's spent enough where nobody was he spend where no one could be up for you to fill up a love relation do you find yourself say I love you Jesus you'll find yourself out around the pond taking care of your critters for you up here that's animals and you find yourself out pick and half runner beans and you find yourself say I love you Jesus I love you Jesus I love you Jesus you find yourself Sam no one ever cared for me like Jesus you'll find yourself saying there's no other friends so kind as he hahaha no one else could take the sin and sorrow from me you find yourself saying he's a lily in the valley he's the pride in the Morningstar you find yourself I take this whole world up but give me Jesus up you can have my tax acceptor you can take the church up you can take the proper tent you can have everything up in my world possession of but you can take my Jesus the world didn't give it handle ball ten take it away can I get a witness in a house whoa say I love you Jesus oh say it deep within I love you Jesus I love you Jesus I love you Jesus I love you Jesus I love you Jesus keeps you yet believing you won't believe if you don't nothing oh hey but I love you Jesus keeps you yet believing keeps you yet believing and I'm here tonight I thank you for the invitation but I'm preaching this gospel because I'm yet believing I am yet believing and when you love you until you have yet believing experiences your husband left you but you yet believe in your child's in jail but you yet believe in your money don't seem to be any better but you're yet believing huh everything seemed to be falling apart huh but you're yet believing that it produces joy and joy is expressed by praising and the Book of Psalms gives the seven Hebrew words for prese Baraka praise Him on bended knees up to Hillah praise him with a song yay Samarra praise him with musica yada praise him with little above man's a toad up raising with little above hands up with a song on your voice up hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah will bless His name forever more I said bless His name for evermore then there is a Shabak Chewbacca's aloud glorifying Tona can I hear a Shabak in the house and then there is a Hebrew word this Hebrew word it is a hilarious phrase it's called bilal sometimes it shakes its shoulder son sometimes advances up sometimes it spins up sometimes it shakes its hands up and sometimes you can never tell what it may do it's just an expression of praise only inside out my joy my joy my joy my joy my joy is expressed through our praise my joy unspeakable Allah so let me tell you something brothers and sisters when you love you'll not like you don't love anything else son you loving more than your sports of the answer you love him more than your turkey hunter you love him more than your deer hunts you love him more than your cruise you love him more than your sports are the hands up you love him more than your soap opera you love him more than your secular music your music you love him more than anything up it produces up a yet believing up you believe God when everything else fails up you look hell in the face up and say you cannot stop me I've loved him too much and yet believing up and yet believing up we've been may endure for a night but my joy is coming in aboard and then you're yet believing produces joy unspeakable and let me tell you that your hair unspeakable is expressed by seven Hebrew words up I don't need to rehearse them twice up but I'm gonna give you about five seconds so you can express your joy any way you want to express it you can Leland you can shout it to You Can Dance Center you can wave it up you can sing it but does anybody have joy does anybody have joy I said does anybody have joy joy is a threat to Satan because with joy I'm draw waters Halliwell salvation up with joy I have the strength of God I shall not run through a troop up and leap over a wall Satan wants to temper your joy but express your joy one more time keep the pray well I said where where so if you don't love him with everything that's within it you begin to doubt and the belief level becomes to get slim in the house of God you don't believe like you used to instead of when somebody says I got cancer you used to say I'm believing with your brother but you begin to say we'll walk with you through this when somebody's going through a crisis instead of saying things like I know God is evil and nobody's done for others he'll do for you the belief in the faith level becomes so low you can't trust God with your money you can't trust God with your family you can't trust God with anything and the reason why that the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ in this country is coming to a place of going through the motions it's because their love level has lost its heat up the level for love of Christ has lost its intimacy all when you lose your love up you lose your ability to believe that when you lose your ability to believe you lose your joy and the only thing you can do to replace joy is entertainment and the house of God becomes a showcase cinema or an entertainment center up and you gotta have a clown to produce some life in the church up close there's no sure hair you hear me tonight huh you gotta have somebody to crank you up up to find you but to share you up to sing your song or to produce your culture up and you're sitting there saying I'm waiting for my Salah sing enough I'm waiting for my salad worship huh you may wait all night long huh you know what I need to worship up just one person I thought gee I can praise him in hillbilly huh I can praise him in Spanish I can praise him in Russian uh I can praise him in any ethnic group I don't care if I'm in Russia I don't care if I'm in the Middle East I don't care from in the heart of Africa use your speech the Nana Hema that's above all other names up and it sparks a joy unspeakable título into my soul yeah when you don't have joy you have to produce something you have to produce a shenanigan or sometimes you got to produce something that looks like it's got joy you got to prop it up and where there is no joy they'll never be glory where there is no joy there will never be glory I'm a grandfather with six grandchildren and more on the way and I pray to God I have a dozen at least brothers and sisters I know what it's like to go to Busch Gardens I know what it's like to be with Mickey Mouse I know what it's like to be on a seven-day cruise and hear Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse all day long I don't know what it's like to be at Sea World I know what it's like to feed the Stingray I know what it's like to hold stinking fish cuz your grandbaby wants to feed it but they don't want to touch the fish so you got ahold of stinking fish and you have to go the bathroom and wash your hands and you wash them over and over and over and you find yourself conscious and constantly going like that you think everywhere you walk you smell like fish I've been there and done that but let me tell you something brothers and sisters with all of the money in the world I've been to London England I've never been to a theater before I was raised on order okay I had a young man with me he said pastor time are we gonna go see The Lion King it's in the theater I said no Michael we don't believe in that he said why don't we believe in I said I don't know he said The Lion King is a children's a program he said he don't have anything bad he talked me into it 150 bucks a pick a ticket apiece yes yeah you heard now one hundred and fifty dollars a piece to get in to see the Lion King I sit in one of the huge beautiful theaters in London England I've never seen anything like it I was on the end of my seat I was just spellbound I couldn't hardly understand half what they were speaking they were speaking English but not Kentucky but I didn't have to understand it it was so well dramatized I knew exactly what was going on all the brothers and sisters we do not have the supports nor the finances to reproduce the theatre some of the greatest in the world I could never build something like Kings Island in the back of my church on the hundred and thirteen acres up I can never build another Disneyworld up I doubted if there's going to be the first Pentecostal Holiness of Disneyworld that's gonna be built in Florida but I'm gonna tell you something brothers and sisters up I can't build a roller coaster up but I'll tell you something Disney cannot do I'll tell you something that theater cannot do I'll tell you something Hollywood cannot do a real genuine revival that manifests the glory of God up his dick cannot curse the cancer up Busch Gardens up cannot get you off of dialysis oh the abuse that parks in the world up can't make the baby's heart beat again no no never Lula we've got something up and at a switch second top if the fullness of Lauren comes to the United States of America it will shake this country there's not amusement park in the world I'm talking about drugs being gone I'm talking about dancers falling on but I'm talking about a sinner man up being cleanse from his sin up I'm talking about the power of darkness up under the bloody feet of Jesus Christ up and the only way the only way we can get that fullness of glory is it starts with a love relationship there's a lot of handsome young men in here you won't find a handsome young man go through college buy him a nice home in a nice car and get himself ready for a wife and say I'm ready I want to walk down the aisle you're never going to find a young man that waits his entire life for his soulmate and walk down an aisle with a robot yeah you heard me you think he's gonna walk down here because she can do the mechanics of cleaning a house and the lung you think he's going to look at a robot and say with this ring I thee Wed with loyal love I thee endow and all of my worldly goods with thee I share in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost he's not going to do it and Jesus Christ who went to he'll call my mother who shed his blood on Calvary who fought the demon powers of darkness in the heart of this earth who paid the price of all price to reconcile a lost world back to himself he's not coming after a broken-down a robot he's not coming after a mechanical church that has meeting with or without him up he's not coming after in affectionate touch people who sit on pews who are more concerned about the music than the Savior more concerned about the theatrics and the Savior I'm preaching tonight because I believe there's gonna be a fullness of glory and it's gonna happen up by a love relationship 2005 as I went to the church to pray at New Year's Eve I was under heavy burden it was one of those kind of years when everyday was a challenge by the time I got to the month of November the lying powers of darkness came to me said you Pentecostals ahead your day this generation don't want all of that shouting and jumping and praising and gifts of the Spirit and tongues and interpretation and prayer lines I remember December the 31st New Year's Eve I was feeling sorry for myself that's a god worse than the by worse than the trials that I faced this year is the lying powers of darkness telling me it's over for you your kind is done the side of the altar I just begin to get in the presence of God I was caught up in a vision I've never had one after nor before a Sullivan of America pastor parsley was in the vision God plainly clearly said the election of 2004 was changed because I had to have a man that would stand for me he showed me the spirit of the Antichrist as that beast coming across tamerica halls like a bear a body like a leopard gadget team like a lion for two and a half hours I wept till I had to go in my office and take cold cloths and wipe them on my face I went home on that Saturday night not even no one went the next day at church I never told anybody I figured 2005 had been such a didn't know what this thing was four days later pastor parsley calls and says God woke me up this morning and said you have a word don't change the direction of this church this entire ministry ops I was so intimidated I said I'm a Tommy bait I'm I nobody from nowhere oh I've been on TBN for their Christmas their Thanksgiving and their Father's Day and Mother's Day five times a year for several maybe ten years in a row my sons and I were special guests we just did family things but nobody knew about me preaching and I felt so intimidated I said I'll call you back I said I gotta check my calendar my calendar was empty well the first thing I said will you be there because I preached when he was gone he said yes I'm going to be there and my mind said I'm not going that man can describe heaven or hell he can describe righteousness or unrighteousness he's got a vocabulary gifted from heaven a gift from heaven a gift from heaven the Lord spoke to me and said don't preach you just tell the vision I came here that Sunday morning I stood behind this desk I wrote it down because I was absolutely terrified when I told the vision in this house the same spirit of travail fell on the crowd just like it fell on me you could hear moaning and weeping all the way to the top of those risers pastor said can you come back tonight they had to go the mall and get me some clothes and I want you to understand what happened in that meeting every lie that the demonic powers of Hell had told me for two months this is a thing of the past it immediately became a thing of the present all nine gifts of the spirit became an operation on Monday night 1500 teenagers were baptized in the Holy Ghost stuff I'm not talking about falling in the floor and getting back up and chewing gum up I'm talking about walking out the door you know but by yeah-heah hi-de-ho josiah tuesday morning brother 740 a world harvest preparatory school Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock the kids started crying in their school classrooms up many of the teachers were non Pentecostal so they didn't their had their degrees they were teaching up and they said we want to play can we go into the church without any clowns up without any fantastic music up there wasn't even anybody to lead on those little elementary kids up they fell in this altura and they begin to shake the very powers of darkness up and saving in the brain that same year but next year 2007 they asked me to come to winter best stuff because pastor parsley put it on the television I didn't know what was going on people were being healed all I do is come and shake and shout up I never had a website up I've never had a TV program up I never had anything I just felt I leave know what I was doing up I just come here just give a little bit there son and the power God was moving on everybody let me tell you who I hope God wants you to do us love him up and he's gonna do the rest up he wants you to love him in sickness up he wants you to love him in endeavor he wants you to love him up when everybody forsakes him he will say if everybody leaves up I'm not going anywhere once again I felt totally intimidated what the world am i doing in front of twenty-two thousand teenagers at Winterfest they didn't tell me any dress code I just wore what I always wore suit one of the preachers daughters three years later she said Pastor Bates when you came out in that suit I looked over and I said oh no it's a preacher her sister el Boehner said that's not what you said she said yes I did she said no you said oh no it's an old preacher I started preaching a I'm preaching tonight in 20 minutes I heard a rattling a noise the shaking clear up in the third balcony they were screaming young people started running down the aisles the crab net family was in that meeting that night they fell on the floor was supposed to been singing up I tried to pull him up and hit the ground I pulled him up again they hit the ground I needed him up I pulled him up again and they hit the crown up and finally I said let him stay there how to get somebody else that was wind Jason hood and the twins up received a dynamic anointing up and in that service pastor the Church of God said we've never had this reports up ten thousand teenagers up filled out cards up they said I lost my English up I begin speaking up in other tongues as the Spirit of God gave the utterance up I said Satan is a liar I said Satan is a liar he knows what the Gloria Leu up he knows what the power will do he knows what joy will do he knows what will happen if the church falls again in love with not the preacher not the denomination not the style but they fall in love with Jesus the second part of that vision we're living in right now the second part of that vision was the Beast returning with a harlot woman riding engine drinking the blood of the saints and the prophets and laughing at the church but I'm here to declare to you tonight in the same house in this same place I'm here to tell you under the divine unction what I feel burden in my soul the spirit revealed in that vision that this second we didn't know what was going to happen that second I kept on wondering but all am I seeing it now am i seeing it now the persecution that's come against the church that you know nothing about that we cannot we cannot tell the audience because they would go into panic the things that are being pulled away from us it's terrifying poor little people to come to my church and preach and get it offering come out of the mountains of Kentucky are called by financial people through the government do you have a license do you have a license to operate do you have a license to run a business they said I don't run a business if you're getting a check you're running a business a preacher is no longer a pastor anymore he is the president of a nonprofit corporation you hear me that's what's going on right now I'm no more respected because I'm a reverend or a man of God or a pastor that's where this nation is but hell I want you to look at this Kentucky enough and you look at him could I know one thing is going to back you off that is the Song of Solomon the Shulamite bride that says I love him I love him I love him I love him I love him up I'm not in love with my support group I'm not in love with my College founder I'm not in love with the singing I'm not in love with the personality I I found a savior her I believe that's the kind of leather that's in this house right now that's gonna produce and yet believing that's going to bring joy unspeakable let's sort of produce the fullness of the glory Joel chapter 14 there is hope say it with me there's hope for a tree full would be cut down and there's nothing left but a stump if just the smell of rain I'm gonna tell you something about the five physical senses hallelujah there is one that is connected bore to your memory than any of the other five that's the sense of smell you open up a bottle of Chauvin Musk I turn 16 one more time I can take your places in my mind 19 and 72 you open up a bottle of hai karate yeah and I can tell you another story you open up a bottle of Old English I can tell another story if I'm somewhere and I smell smoke neckbone son I'm at my great-grandma housetop oh yeah I said the sense of smell is what triggers the memory and the Bible said in this nation huh it seems like the enemy is trying to butcher down everything that looks like God and there's nothing left but us all we have to do is get the memory of what God did yesterday and if you can get the memory but what God did yesterday here there's going to be a renewal of what God can do today everybody stand your feet I want you to get your hands up in the air come on let's give Him praise give him praise give Him praise Oh give him praise give him praise hallelujah if all I'm supposed to do tonight is just bring the smell of rain to this house so that tomorrow night the pastor can step into the supernatural release of God ah ah I want you get a smell that's gonna trigger your memory huh that how God picked you up how he turns you around brother Wendell huh I saw you tonight you got the smell of yesterday on you I said you had the smell of yesterday when you stood up here I could see the smell of yesterday upon your life huh Oh hallelujah hallelujah and they're showing you here that witness the supernaturally Sagada when in one service brother huh there was over 63 different nations of people people that flew in planes of chartered buses something just to get here for a solemn assembly and I'm here tonight to wash your feet I'm here tonight up you can take the opening up you can take the anything up I don't need an honorarium brother huh what I do need up is a church that's gonna change my nation up a church up that's gonna make my school safer let's perch up that's gonna change America a spare top a real true display of the fullness of the glory before we continue I don't even know what time it is I took my I brought my watch I can't even her II know what time it is but I want you brothers right now to lay hands on a brother come on get close to somebody and then you sisters lay hands on her sister we are going to have a mass ultra call and this mass altar call is going to reach every one of those nations around the world on this mass ultra call it's going to touch every family everyone watching by in an accent everyone watching by television we are in the process right now of saying Jesus say Jesus I want to confirm tonight that I love you with all of my heart with all of my soul and with all of my mind Jesus you've been good to me Lord Jesus ah I'll never forsake you huh Jesus ah I refuse to give up huh Jesus ah I love you but now I want you to pray for your brother I want you to break for your sister and say release an anointing of God in world Harvest Church let it be transmitted around the world up in Elkhart Indiana P couple shucks hi I said in Elkhart Indiana in Elkhart Indiana receive it right now and in the penis' kentucky receive it right now in Georgia receive it right now in Canada in all over the world I want right now when I say in Jesus a him up I want the praise of God I want the joy unspeakable to be released with a prese then L is gonna shake up because joy is what's going to produce the fullness of the glory head get ready get ready get ready get ready in Jesus my lips our hands release yourself clap shut your hands leap for joy I want every pastor every evangelist to come up here quickly pastors and evangelists come on right now ministers the gospel I want you to come this is going to be a contagious this is going to be a contagious this is going to be a contagious experience something pastor parsley has an anointing in this house it's going to be released to you it's going to be released upon your family if you're here tonight just make me a little haven right here just leave me a little open spot in the middle if you're here tonight and you're a backslider if you're cold in the Lord if you're away from God I want you to get right here in the middle come Ahana you're going to have preachers in back of you preachers in front of you preachers on the right and preachers on the left come on up if you're a backslider I want you to drama lift you away from God get right here in the middle I want you to surrender your life to God because there is the smell the smell the smell of yes should hear the smell of the rain the smell of the rain now you ministers do the post you know the backsliders away from God get right in the middle with them we're going to surround you come on hallelujah you're gonna have to walk faster than that hallelujah come on church let's praise you mother coming this message this message must must be transferred to this young generation it is the young people in China that are evangelizing it's the young people in India that are evangelizing it's the young people in Brazil South America I know I've been there it's the young people in Europe the young people in South Africa but in the United States of America we've turned our young people into a bunch of toys we made shirts to be a bunch of games up but I want every entrepreneur I want every college aged over teenager I want you to fill this up and I want you to say you can count on me I'm gonna be in this Great Awakening I'm gonna be this outpouring I'm gonna be there hallelujah hallelujah come on hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah come on nephew hallelujah I smell something common passion I smell what happened yesterday Nina I smell what happened in a supernatural life I see what happened in the spot and the spotter is going to bring forth Lazarus Satan said he's dead by now he stinks but I speak to this young generation the enemy may say you're dead the enemy may say you stink but coming out of yesterday coming out of yesterday there's a smell of what God did yesterday a.m. and God's gonna do it again I can let's get covered by the blood dollar Christian college are you here oh I want to say it again are you here the enemy's lost I said the enemy's lost he tried to choke your president tried to choke your leader tried to kill it out because he knows that this place has been established up this place has been a stablish sub and confirmed not as any other place not just any other college nothing it's a place where you can get a degree and talk in tongues y-you get it it's a place where you can get a bachelor seborrhea and casts out Devils it's a place where God Santa I'm gonna pour out my spirit from the north the South the East the West this is great food how many wants a dynamic experience in the Holy Ghost you cannot get it without the blood the fire never falls celesta blood come streaming off the sacrifice everybody save Jesus forgive me of my failures my folks my sins my shortcomings let the blood from Calvary's cross cleanse me wash me because tonight I'm expecting a genuine smudge of God the Holy Ghost to surge me to purge me to renew me to revive me do you college students have class tomorrow oh my goodness get yourself ready I don't know what's going to happen but God is going to pour something on these grounds that's going to spread all over the world there's going to be people go to chatter and they're going to say something's happening in Columbus Ohio I've got to get there I've got to get there oh yes I oh my he all say hi say hey the smell of rain is coming in this house the smell of rain inna hold on the high PR the harsh in here dole this is a there's nothing else to do but let the rain along yeah there's nothing else to do you that got back to the Lord just begin to worship but if you don't know how just look at somebody else up and do what they're doing up throw your hands up you Jesus I Love You chief I love you cheese I love you cheese's I love you cheese's I love your cheese I love your cheese I love you Jesus ha ha ha you Jesus cheese's you choose I love Jesus support average shirt I love you Jesus God is going into your yesterday I want you to know something Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and forever he's the only one that can go into your yesterday he can go into your childhood brother he can go into your disappointments from yesterday only God can heal what happened to you yesterday and bring you into fullness of life in the name of Jesus son let the god of yesterday heal him there's a couple of you young ladies you had an abortion but Jesus of yesterday hand is going to walk with you right now that abortion with it get the guilt off of your back get the guilt some of you young men have been molested by here the holding up you've been the lesson you have never told anybody but the Jesus of yesterday is going to help you to release the molester he's going to help you to release the damage that has been done to your personality because you were molested as a child you research you hear me pastors this is what it's going to take this generation needs job they don't need an orator they don't need a storyteller they all need some type of entertainment set up they need the fullness oh the glory the fullness well shook up a hyah NATO ba are you ready to turn them loose raise your hands up on him are you ready to turn loose everybody that's hurt you look at me right now honey you have to quit talking about it you're gonna have to quit talking about I'm not talking about talking to counselors I'm talking about rehearsing it you may be only talking about it in your mind but quit rehearsed it over and over quit blaming everybody else for what's going on in your life I'm telling you God's going to change everything I said God's going to change around you've said I'm hopeless you said an omaha pottekkatt Amish at aia you said you say you're ugly you're not ugly nobody's ugly look at me honey you've gone through more than one attempt of suicide in your head I don't know who you are that I've seen you with suicidal thoughts and tendencies er I've seen you do not and you say I'm ugly and you say I can't lose weight and you see out nobody loves me but God is going into your yesterday Hannah he's going to change her yesterday ed he's gonna set you free and when he does you get on Facebook you tell it tonight if you've done a Facebook you get on Facebook right now with the gossip with all the stupid talk up with all the crazy stuff up about what you ate yesterday who cares what you ate yesterday are you telling him up I was in a service last night I smelled Reina I spill rain I smell Reina Lisa I don't know what you did when's the last time you wrote a song how long huh recently I've just heard the Holy Ghost saying you're getting ready to write an entire praise series yeah she took the words to those awesome now Lord I've seen from here it only had three chords in it she grew up as a young person they were listen to that old cassette and play with it thou Lord are a shield from him you're the glory in the litter my hand God took her hand with some accompanied by believers by her sister and in Brooklyn Tabernacle all over the world universities sing the Ala Lawrence she for me Lisa the Spirit of God when I walked by said I'm gonna gush a newness of song a newness of song and Lunas a song all I can tell you how they get yourself ready this gonna be something more different than you've ever had it's not going to be Hillsong it's not going to be after anybody else and when somebody hears it they're going to say I never heard it would like that before hallelujah because this is our house a destiny one more time lay hands on each other say let the brain fall let the rain fall
Channel: World Harvest Church Online Campus
Views: 68,901
Rating: 4.8030767 out of 5
Keywords: Rod Parsley (Person), World Harvest Church (Nonprofit Organization), Tommy Bates, God (Deity), Church (Project Focus), God, Jesus Christ (Deity), Holy Spirit (Deity), Miracle (Quotation Subject), Miracles Of Jesus (Event), Power (Dimension), Acts Of The Apostles (Religious Text), The Bible (Religious Text), Fullness, Glory (Quotation Subject), Government (Quotation Subject), Rapture, Christianity (Religion), Anointing Of The Sick (Religious Practice), Anointing
Id: Bm_CZr08GL0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 35sec (3995 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 27 2015
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