Camping Near Historic Bigfoot Sighting

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fuck mosquitos

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/laydown_staydown 📅︎︎ Aug 23 2020 🗫︎ replies
hey guys we're going up the micah mountain trail kind of we're getting the car as close as we can to it because that's the site of a historic bigfooter sasquatch sighting around here now i'm a skeptic about these things but a lot of people have requested it so i'm just gonna go to the site of a documented historic uh sighting or very near to it we're gonna set up camp and see what we can see or hear what we can hear i've got a good microphone we're gonna see what happens got beautiful wife and i in this rickety old 97 toyota corolla we'll take this thing as far up the logging road as we can get it to whatever looks like a good camping spot and uh we're gonna keep our eyes peeled and ears peeled for anything um anything unordinary yeah we we clearly are in bear territory and this one sets the record this is a huge bear it's uh judging by the looks of it i'm guessing a huge black bear cause i saw some smaller black bear piles back there and grizzlies and black bears normally don't overlap territories much grizzlies are a little bit of a bully so if it's just black bears out here uh that's okay but we do have some precautions that we're gonna take here definitely because we're in such a wildlife infested area now this is a beautiful spot the mosquitoes are horrendous that's about the worst that i've seen them on this trip so far so first things first is i'll get this thermacell going and that should kill the ones in this vicinity then i can set up our little rain tent we have just a little a little sun shelter tent thing because it's supposed to rain and that'll keep the rain off of us nicely and we'll set up a sleeping tent somewhere else so that we don't have to cook right where we're eating because we are seeing a lot of evidence of bears right in this area most of the blueberries in the area have been eaten they've been they've been picked down to nothing there's still a few leftovers but uh i think the bear has been through earlier and we're going to make it fairly unpleasant for the bear around here and i know we are in their backyard but we just there's enough room here for all of us we just need to not surprise them and let them know where we are and not attract them with food right to our tent we shouldn't have a problem that's uh i'm speaking through my phobia of bears there so this thing let this uh bake the skeeters out then we're going to uh set up our our little rain shelter more scared of the bears than any potential sasquatch because i don't believe in a sasquatch or bigfoot but here i am skeptic's point of view and we'll see what we can see out here yeah it's starting to get rid of some of those darn mosquitoes but uh i'll set up a little rain shelter thing here and that'll be a nice base of operations i really shows how much i'm missing that screen tent that pops up like nothing uh we picked up a different tent and it is such a hassle you know if i were going camping a couple times a year it wouldn't really be that annoying but since i'm going out you know like 60 or 70 times a year to go camping setting up uh setting up a tricky structure gets a little bit annoying see how easy this thing goes [Applause] looks as instant as it says on the box okay [Applause] all right i've never been more appreciative of the gear i've been using until this trip uh we picked up a coleman bristol model tent it's like an eight person because all they had was the paper thin one or this humongous eight person one and that uh the really little one um i'm gonna give that away i have already got somebody who would be very wonderfully gracious to have it and we'll put it to good use so i'm gonna try to set this thing up i sure i sure missed my pop-up shelter i'd be done already uh with step one and then you know what would be happening right now instead it took me an hour almost an hour to set this up last time i hope it goes a lot quicker oh why me oh all right step one is not even completed so it doesn't matter step one and a half today ah this is gonna be good yeah i'm a full convert to those hub tents or whatever the system is like this this one we picked up cost about the same as the normal hub tent that i popped out and yeah it's uh for the for the time and convenience you know i guess if you got snakes that could slither underneath or uh or venomous spiders or something they could crawl underneath and get you then for sure you want a floor uh in the climates where i cap not a requirement there's nothing that's really going to come up and get you from underneath the bottom of the the tent the mosquitoes you know the occasional one or two might find their way in but uh we haven't really had anything get into into the tents on us but um yeah it was 1955 and right around these parts let me let me double check my research 1955 when um william rowe reported an affidavit at his sighting with sketches and everything uh just up towards the the summit of this mountain now of course i'm i've spent so much time in the wild i haven't seen anything really bigfoot sasquatchy but i know people the people are fairly some people are pretty sure they're out there but i figured yeah well why not come up here to where i know they have been reported in the area now what i'm more concerned about is grizzlies because in the affidavit he said originally he thought his sighting was a grizzly because he'd shot one there last the year before but we got a killer mic on the camera so tonight we'll we'll point it around we'll try tap it on a tree and see what we hear um i'm not really expecting much if anything if something seriously knocks back at me i'll be sleeping in the car but i don't expect that to happen so the rain's beginning to fall maybe i'll throw the fly on that tent and then finish uh setting it up shortly i'm probably just gonna set up half of it for tonight just to keep the rain off of us [Applause] that's the way it goes around here but i'm going to drink more of this you guys crack your step twos at home and um yeah then we'll we'll get on to this sasquatch sighting thing here but keep your expectations low [Music] now i'm officially done with any tents that require tent pegs as part of the structural stability of the tent uh i always end up on ground that's either too soft or too hard and i know they got a various assortment of you know ice tent pegs sand tent pegs i've used uh lag bolts before but who can carry that many assortment of tent pegs you know like that's a little better yeah like a lot of the tents i set up they'll just the the only reason the pegs are there is to stop it from blowing away in the wind so if i put enough heavy stuff in the tent it won't go anywhere but yeah this tent without these pegs this whole side folds in like the side of a tent trailer anyway i'm gonna get a little bit of firewood which should be possible because we're in the middle of a clear cut and yeah let's go do that dawn and dusk are the prime time for bears and this is coming to dusk here very quickly i've been blasting the music i've turned it off right now so that i don't get a copyright strike but uh in case i see a bear and i want them to go away i give it a quick blast with the air horn and that should scare them or sound strange enough there's not a lot of really loud things in nature other than lightning maybe or an avalanche or something and of course bear spray for if if something comes worse to worse and i will be walking not too far from our compound and i figure if we get a good fire going and then crank the talk radio again that should uh keep them fairly far away so soaking wet firewood plus lighter fluid horse give her a little kerosene too for i think it's the same stuff to be honest wet firewood is the hardest thing you could ever have to try and light also anybody new to the channel don't do what steve does oh yeah and anything that smells even this stuff bears love it it's uh 2200 hours at the encampment nothing uh nothing unusual i haven't uh gone to bang a tree with a stick but i'm anticipating if i do that there's going to be an echo because we're in a mountain valley so i'm bracing myself for that possibility but there's one way to find out let's go hit that tree with a stick well here goes nothing i'm not even hearing an echo but maybe it's not loud enough maybe i need a better stick i don't even know how they actually do this could be playing with fire definitely need a better stick well i let them know we're around 2300 hours no sighting um nothing suspicious but i think it's time for something delicious and uh that should shake him out of the forest and come running over to to check things out this this little structure this is staying in my camping gear this actually went up pretty quick and pretty slick and it's a little big but uh smaller than the other screen tent i normally bring yeah there's no screens on it but they probably actually make attachments for this one and uh any tent with more than two poles is uh off of my list now it's just it's too crazy for the amount of camping that i gotta do uh i can't i can't do like uh an hour and a half two hour setup uh once or twice a week that's just insane uh anyway time to get cooking something up ran a little low on nature's abundance so we pulled out some emergency wood and uh it's emergency like 9-1-1 because it costs nine to 11 dollars a bundle and i'm going to throw a can of chili right beside the coals here and this is the don't do anything steve does channel because i guess it's coated on the inside with uh a sealant or something but i know a lot of uh i know a lot of trappers that seem to eat their beans this way and they're alive and kicking well past however long i thought they'd be going that we keep it off the direct heat then just slowly warm it from the side that should do just fine i'll call the number on the side of the can one of these days and actually ask him about uh warming the food because i'm not going to say cooking it over the open flame but just warming it from close by i think it actually gets warmed up when they when they can it uh like it gets heated in the can or something anyway um that's what i'm doing so the can of chili is going to turn into food here it's actually going to turn into frito pie and i have to mention the stars tonight are ferocious the milky way is actually overhead going full monty right now like horizon to her eyes and it's just incredible i'm gonna try and snap some stills of that because i can't get it on film due to the uh crumminess of my camera but uh let's take some snapshots and not a cloud in the sky which means it'll be a cold night and i don't see the moon anywhere so i don't know what the behavior of animals is during no moon i think they may not be able to see so they might be hunkered down who's to say let's uh take some pictures of some stars that clear sky turned into rain pretty quick actually uh the can of chili is still turning into food over there by the fire and no sign of anything out here so far um really i've been camping out here kind of in this area for years now uh on the order of i probably spent 60 70 nights on these logging roads not precisely here but in the general area and i would assume if there is a bigfoot or sasquatch it would have a fairly large range and things have gotten a lot more developed around here since then there's a lot more housing businesses human activity and also i'm a bit of a skeptic on the fact really uh a bear would be my biggest concern out here sasquatch would be actually solo on the list i would be more concerned about a landslide or something here than an actual sasquatch but who knows morning is a long time away and we'll find out what happens i'm gonna be having these uh cameras with me all night to get the gopro and i'll give that tree another whack here in a second see if anything barks back at us nothing how do you like that i think we might be safe for the night sitting here waiting haven't seen any evidence or heard any evidence at all and uh not to say i'm a skeptic well i am a skeptic but uh she's got beautiful wife out here with me she is in the car right now i'm out here close enough by if there is an issue uh it's time for frito pie the most uh basic of them gonna throw a little cheese on here a little cheese in the base [Applause] so melt and dump in some good old-fashioned uh canned store-bought chili yeah there we go i don't think i don't think it can accept the whole can but that's okay i can come up with a chili breakfast that's okay oh yeah this smells fantastic well maybe i can drive a little more in there but i know it's been a crazy uh crazy month here pretty much on the channel with being away from home and all the stuff that has to be done there [Applause] and thank you guys for sticking with me uh through ups and downs trials and tribulations but why don't i make this more often it's so easy so i have to give a major shout out to all the people that have sent beer donation gifts and that's what i call them but in reality i have a seasonal job repairing furnaces um i run a furnace repair company basically i'm self-employed repairing furnaces so you can imagine how the summer might uh be a lean time this is making it very possible to get a camp and bring you some strange videos so thank thank you all and uh please crack your step twos at home i forgot mine over there but i'll be cracking it open again shortly and yeah i'm gonna chow down on some corn chips cheese and uh can chili and just in time uh to get this done the rain is starting to fall again the rain's been hot and cold all evening what can i say but uh i haven't seen anything out here albeit i'm not a cryptozoologist if a bigfoot were to confront me i have a ceramic knife but i wouldn't do anything untoward uh everybody's just trying to live and get through this crazy little thing called life successful night i don't see any problems the car parked close just in case of uh of any animals that may come our way i'm gonna crawl into this uh monstrosity of a tent which we all know how i feel about this tent and we will see you guys in the am bear spray knife cameras um beautiful wife is out of the camera don't worry and i get the air horn as well uh just in case so i'm gonna crawl in right next to her and see you guys in the morning there's totally something outside right now [Music] okay i don't know what to do [Music] [Music] yeah um i have no idea what to do okay i mean close all right there's me i can do what else here okay i'm just about to sleep but i've got the air horn i can actually spray and the mirror spray i don't want to hoping whatever it is probably just curious enough to keep up and go away but it's like right in between us and the car right now [Applause] this is a bad idea [Music] i'm not gonna get any sleep tonight [Music] [Applause] [Music] i don't see anything out there oh man [Music] i'll keep you guys updated but i don't think i'm gonna be sleeping much okay it was a pretty um a pretty awful sleep last night actually and i wake up to more noise and it was light so i could see what was happening bunch of very confused looking cows outside i've just caused a little bit of a stampede you don't seem very thrilled oh it's the only wildlife we saw here uh no bigfoot but uh a lot of hoof prints and stuff like that um i'm gonna grab a touch more sleep because i didn't get pretty much a wink of sleep last night it was a brutal one huh yeah yeah we are on crown land but i guess there's a grazing lease on this uh on this little piece of property here uh this whole section here so anyway back to bed i need a little more sleep and so there you have it my skepticism remains on the bigfoot issue very issue i'm still uh concerned about but uh it goes to show you something a lot of mosquitoes this morning goes to show you that if if you're actually really worried that it could be a bear outside or sasquatch or something like that it could very well be a holstein right um that's not impossible but overall it is uh um it wasn't a huge uh successful sleep because uh i was waking up every five seconds i was uh i slept like a baby waking up every half hour screaming um so this uh this tent was a good purchase um i know you can get them for usually around 100 bucks out here they go on sale pops up very quickly it was it was a good buy i'm going to bring this camping with me a fair bit and if if i want to i could also start repairing windshields uh on cars and parking lots uh it's just a good little structure you should tie it down though if it's windy but uh yeah thanks for camping with steve if you like this type of adventure it's always something slightly unique the same but different somehow uh please consider subscribing and uh thanks uh thanks for watching if you made it this far and we'll see you guys on thursday cheers guys
Channel: Steve Wallis
Views: 440,112
Rating: 4.876101 out of 5
Keywords: bigfoot, sasquatch, camping with steve, steve wallis, bigfoot sighting, hunker down, step 2, steve wallis camping, sasquatch camping, bigfoot camping, mountain camping, bear, bears, bear camping, steve wallis step 2, steve wallis wife, camping
Id: I9-xLBzBjv0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 40sec (1780 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 22 2020
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