Survivorman Bigfoot | Portland Oregon | Les Stroud | Never Before Seen Episode

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I think that as a community it pays to keep an open mind, as far as anything in this field goes. Is it hard to swallow, adding telepathy into the mix? Absolutely, but we stand no closer today to understanding the phenomenon of Bigfoot/Sasquatch as a collective, than we did 20 years ago. Cherry picking what we want isn’t productive, and makes it hard for people with encounters that go beyond the scope of their understanding to share what they have experienced . Retaining healthy skepticism is correct, in my opinion, but so is remaining open and listening. For the time being, I’m going to keep my ears open to Les Stroud and let the conversation continue. Good luck out there everyone!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 14 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/thetruegiant πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 04 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

If anyone wants to watch the bigfoot survivorman season it's on amazon prime if you have a subscription.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TheeDeliveryMan πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 04 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I haven't seen this one before but as someone who wants to believe, stories like they tell each other in the car makes it hard to do so without more context.

A single tree falling over near a lake without wind? Could have been beavers?

A guy in a hut is so scared he joins his friend in another room but doesn't even wake the other one up. Does that make sense?

Sometimes they say they sound like a train inside the woods, sometimes they are silent and precise enough to throw a little rock...

Furthermore, adding something like telepathy makes everything even more complicated, now you have two huge controversial question marks instead of one that you want to deal with.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 14 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/fabonaut πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 04 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is from his internet paid membership channel.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ifriedrice πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 04 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Man I like Les.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Magooracing πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 04 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I was super disappointed with this episode.

Where do I even start?

How about telepathy. it comes up a bunch in it, and despite talking a little about skeptical concepts, les and his partner just seem to accept that - both with their words and with how everything is presented...

I'm the kind of person who accepts that maybe a Bigfoot creature could exist. Were still discovering new cities, new uncontacted tribes in remote villages, and hell, new jungles. I think its within the realm of possibility that in the most remote places in the world there could be a species of hominid that has survived. There is precedent for small numbers of species living in remote areas away from the eyes of humans. I don't think it's likely, but i think it's possible and i sure as hell want to know if there is any truth to the claims.

But telepathy? Its never been documented in lab settings.

If you can actually communicate ideas remotely, just with thought, it should be trivial to demonstrate under controlled conditions. The first person to demonstrate that would be world famous forever. The people involved with win Nobel prizes - reshape our understanding of the human mind. The implications on biology and physics would be extraordinary. Maybe some people would want to shy out of the limelight, but to think not one person with that ability could use the financial break of a lifetime is incredulous to me.

But there is another things that is proven to exist. Frauds. Con-men. Liars.

So to me, when they talk about a sheriff who can talk to bigfoot (a creature who's existence is disputed) with his mind(an ability never demonstrated under controlled circumstances) i can't help but cock my head. What is more likely? That there was a confluence of two disputed, extremely elusive, rare phenomenon? Or someone lied?

Why would they lie? I dunno? People lie for all kinds of reasons. Maybe the sheriff and the other guy just like tricking out of towners. "Hey Jerry, wanna here about the prank i pulled on this film maker and his friend?". Maybe they've arranged this whole event to draw attention from something else? Hell, maybe they're entertainers - creating experiences for thrill seekers in their spare time.

The guy talks about how he tested them but saying he'd be there in a month, then just showed up. That's actually a clever thing, but if this was an elaborate hoax, they might simply have the 'experience' set up ready to go at a moment's notice. It was a nice step but shouldn't be the primary. I think an interesting test would be to say goodby to the sheriff the next day, thank them for everything, then drive back out to the same place and take a look. Tracks(bigfoot or otherwise). Fur. Fallen trees and their break marks? Or maybe some kind of lighting setup. would be interesting to look, but we only have the story of the one event.

And then there is the other lady and the primary event - and she introduces even more rationalizations. They're sensitive to EM. How do we know that? Because big foot told them through telepathy.

And she'd never lie about that. A psychic would never lie about their ability.

What ever. Move past it. Okay so that's an interesting thing as a film maker. How do you video tape something without electricity? I feel an option should have come immediately to Les' mind. Non electric camera's exist. Bring a Kodak single use camera. A Polaroid. A fancy old mechanical camera. This is a problem that we have solutions for. it would definitely be hard to bring higher quality stuff like that out into the woods, but doesn't Les like the challenge of film making in the wild?

At the end of the episode he posits the available options. And again we need to consider that lies are an option. They are potentially on prepared ground. The lady lives near by and evidentially knows the area well. Is it beyond the realm of possibility that they set something up to trick visitors? Remember, Les states that he saw lights, and heard footsteps. And a sense of foreboding. And that's it. Again, I'm supposed to believe that instead of someone playing an elaborate prank, that telepathy exists, and that this cryptid exists, and now it is sensitive to EM fields, so that's why you can't get a picture of it.

And again, why not come back the next day and look for foot prints or other evidence.

There is a sentiment about getting writing feedback. "if someone tells you something isn't working in your writing then they're probably right. If they tell you why it isn't working or how to fix it they're definitely wrong."

And I think it applies to a bunch of stuff in reality. I think Les has experienced things he can't explain. And i think that in trying to paint an explanation without solid evidence is a good way to run into an unjustified explanation.

I like Les. I love his work. I want to see him investigate big foot. But i want to see him do it in his way - going out into the wilderness to see and document what he finds, and not relying on other people with sketchy stories and unknown motivations.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/JuxtaTerrestrial πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 06 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I enjoyed watching this thank you

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/peglegpowderskier πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 04 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

ThNk your mother for conceiving you. Looking forward to watching this !

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/fatts4x5 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 04 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] like it or not the phenomenon is huge and powerful and never mind finding bigfoot never mind the tv shows never even mind my own series survivorman bigfoot the fact of the matter is this is a phenomenon so if you're going to come to the party and just try to throw a bucket of water on it you're not invited turn me off right now go watch something else but if you're fascinated by the subject matter and you think hang on what are the realities what are the possibilities then stick around because basically i'm back in action i want to find out what's going on out [Music] there [Music] [Music] do [Music] right now i'm on the outside of portland oregon i'm going to hook up with a friend of mine who has had some similar experiences to what i have experienced and we're going to chat it out we're going to talk about those and there's a an air i mean it's so funny there's so many places to go with all this and this this is ostensibly a hot spot but what does that mean you know does it mean that it's a hot spot because a lot of people are in this area so hence you get more references more interaction more experiences or is it a hot spot because should this species completely can totally exist it likes to be there either way it's a hot spot it's been well over a year maybe three years since the last time i was involved in filming survivorman bigfoot for that series and uh you know really i've gone on record saying that that entire year spent diving headfirst into what i call the phenomenon of bigfoot sasquatch yeti was an incredible eye-opener for me on on on too many levels really uh you know as an eye-opener in terms of the phenomenon itself of course you know what what is involved here um historically speaking unbelievably the amount of historical references and evidence anecdotally speaking unbelievable the amount of anecdotal references uh and things that go on out there uh and then and then it was a matter of uh not only if there's something to this phenomenon in other words if bigfoot exists what is it and that became a real fascinating part for me was connecting to all these different people who are so impassioned about the subject matter and discovering that their impassioned on vastly different levels and for vastly different reasons so we have this whole collective of people that are you know from the scientific side of things who are focused on the concept of gigantopithecus and uh what you know how this species of large upright walking you know bipedal ape could still exist intact in the world today and then you you know you have the debates and the arguments on the what it takes for an animal like that to to exist and then you know you start walking through all these different possibilities and stories and things that go on and then on the other end of the scale you land on aliens and you know everything that's in between is is if you don't find it utterly fascinating then you need to open up your mind a little there was an old man that was down one of the bays down here digging clams and um he wasn't getting too much where he was digging so he's going over to a little island for some reason he looked back and here there's some kind of an animal down by where he was digging and one of the elders that was with us he started hearing these sounds of screaming and sounds like someone was getting murdered or someone was being tortured or something it was really weird it's loud screaming it was a really uncomfortable feeling and just hearing that [Music] our pales were almost full and our saxophone was full and just boom out of nowhere this big rock right in the middle of us where we're thinking just missed we didn't wait we took off like scared rabbits these are from the patterson gimlin film site actually so this is uh the tracks of patty these were cast by roger patterson this is one of the two originals those are still excellent examples of presumably a female sasquatch we come up the creek roger in front of me come around this big downfall tree and the creature was standing just about 30 or 40 feet on the uh on the other side of the creek and so roger's running across the creek trying to get focused and my first thought was yeah these things really do exist and then roger runs across the creek and he stumbled and fell down then he jumps up and runs over to a log and gets his elbows down on the log and starts stabilizing himself to get better picture i see this thing walking slow but it's covered a lot of ground quickly she got quite a little ways up there and i i said well roger i want to follow her and he said don't he said don't leave me here and then he tells me later why because there's three different sizes of tracks down there and he thought that the other two might be right there well i wasn't thinking about the other two or nothing i just wanted to see this thing again to make sure you know to make sure i knew what i was seeing our window was like you know it's probably six feet up off the floor i looked up into the window and i seen this humongous arm reach right in it it almost touched me you know arm was this i mean it was massive huge there's no calm when there's six or seven bigfoot running around you stomping in the woods and i was screaming at them yeah like i was yelling like my voice went hoarse you watched them yeah so that was it was a brutal night i'll just never forget that that smell that sight that and that feeling that i had at first it was fear and i'm not scared of anything i mean like i said i'll fight a grizzly bear with a toothpick i'm not scared but this was scary exhilarating and makes you doubt everything you ever learned in your life that's real and unreal my auntie sexy looked back changed big things down in the right red coat and then i heard this this scream and it was right behind the house and not just us our neighbors heard the same thing to me he's walking just down the road there right behind ourselves watching people going by we never stopped till we got down to the corner here whatever it was was pretty big i'd say 19 10 feet i figured that was not quite since producing the series survivorman bigfoot i've been approached by a lot of people that have you know areas where they believe a lot of activity is going on that's worth looking into and they've seen that i'm approaching this approaching the subject matter with an open mind but a skeptical mind uh not a cynical mind uh and so there's honesty that has to be spoken when the experiences occur whether i'm having the experience or someone sharing their experience so in this situation i dug a little deeper and i went out to this uh ladies property and did experience some phenomenon that i can only explain by either is an incredible interaction with something out there that ain't no bear or this woman is lying to me and hoaxing me having me on i'll show you what it is and it's up to you to determine which is which but for now i'm trusting her enough that i'm going back there and i'm meeting my friend devin and this time i want to go out and spend the night out there try something new this time i'm going to try silence i'm going to try music which i've never done before and i'm going to try turning the camera off and letting it just be at that point if something wild and wacky happens you'll only have one option either believe me or call me a liar let's go devin madison is a fellow filmmaker whom i met while shooting shark week in south africa at the time while sitting around with the camera crew i mentioned that i was filming a new series called survivorman bigfoot the boys had a good laugh about it and didn't even think i was serious at first but years went by i did the series and unbeknownst to me devon had by chance his own bigfoot experience that turned his opinion around and his world on its head there we go let's do this i'm a pretty good read of people i deal with a lot of different people that try and trick me and this guy was not trying to trick me at all he was sincere he really believed 100 what he was saying in which he was saying that he's goes out and speaks to bigfoot and his friend can mind speak and it's that so i came in the understanding of okay people think there's this ape living in the woods and now this guy's throwing on top of that that he can his brain telepathically speak to them their eyes glow they're highly intelligent there's lots of them they can speak i mean it just i mean it's taken the ridiculous to a whole new level ridiculous and i just kind of threw this guy's door i'm like this is hilarious so at this point you're still in mock mode oh yeah i'm taking this guy's calls i'm like this is hilarious like maybe there's something to this we can film this guy who believes this stuff in his head so i called the guy up and i i kind of tricked him because i told him hey i might be able to come there next month yeah because i don't want them to go set anything up so i was like i might be able to come here next month what's your work schedule like because i get off working around seven every night like just come up man we'll take you out it's the next day i finished shooting and i started driving towards kentucky and i called him on on the route i was like hey guess what i'm like 30 minutes out i was like what i expected him to pull it off or he couldn't do it no he met me at a gas station straight from his work his friend who could tell them to speak to them was the sheriff of the town huh so sh the sheriff's car is rocked up there the guy in uniform so i'm like wow okay all these things are like adding up like he wasn't lying about this stuff at least right i brought a friend with me ryan who was also at south africa that time right ryan okay i didn't know ryan he was on the ship but he he had no idea he had no idea if he took this guy well let's let's let's and let's frame ryan powers i mean ryan you know my memory of working with ryan is he's one of the most cynical it's all crap kind of guys going oh yeah and i wasn't ready for i'm also pretty not far off from that at that point i was super skeptical and everything super science-minded like ripping everyone off who thinks differently like that but i just ryan had no idea about the conversations ahead of this guy all he knew was like hey man there's this crazy guy that lives in kentucky two hours away i've been speaking to him for a long time he swears he's friends with bigfoot and he'll take us up that's like you want to come with it'll be funny it's like the only rule is you can't laugh at this guy i love the situation because this guy really believes it and he's going to take us out but it's like you want to come with and he's like yeah it's still be fun so he comes up with me he's got no idea at all what we've ever spoken about with this guy he made it totally blind so ryan's with me we meet up with the two guys we head into the woods no cell phones no flashlights no cameras no anything we keep on hiking it's about an hour and ryan powers comes to me the other guys are walking ahead and we moved on now i wasn't feeling any character moving on ryan's okay when we were back there i swear there was something in the woods that looked like two red glowing eyes like eight foot off the ground i thought i was seeing things i closed my eyes and i looked back and they didn't go away and i don't know what it was it was weird so i was like huh well that's strange because they didn't point it out if they'd set it up they would have been like oh look at that you know sure they had no idea they walked off already now this guy that's a telepathic one all of a sudden he's a pretty stoic white gentleman he all of a sudden lights up like crazy this is the sheriff the sheriff he lights up like i haven't seen and he is excited he is telling me the big male is right here in the just on the tree line and this has never happened ever they're very shy it takes a lot of trust but he wants to speak to you individually he said you your name he wants to speak to you so okay he goes because go uh go introduce yourself to so now there i am with my buddy i'm speaking to the darkness trying not to laugh and hoping that he is not laughing cracking one off while i'm speaking this speaking to the nothing in the darkness just confusing myself and i say who i am what i'm there for and the guy's like oh no response that's weird never responded they felt bad they're being really apologetic because nothing happened because they were like wanting me to come out and see something that would allow this thing to happen that they were dreaming about and as i unlocked the car the automatic headlights turned on and they were facing the woods exactly where we came out and they they didn't know i clicked the card on my own wall clicked it lights came on and wherever we came out of the woods it sounded like an elephant crashing through the trees going back deep into the woods and i mean like nothing i mean it wasn't a deer it was trees moving just crashing something i was like whoa that was kind of like a locomotive yeah i was like that was weird i couldn't explain it i didn't know what it was it would take a lot of logistics to make that happen at that exact time and that coupled with the i thing that ryan had seen it kind of i wrote the night off but it kept on but it's getting questions you're going now yeah i was like man it's i mean it was kind of strange that the main thing was ryan not knowing anything and seeing that and the big crashing thing i was like oh it's still bs but i kept on opening that question a little more than i did in the past and then it got to the point where i was like you know what i'm gonna go again with these guys they were having a gathering in georgia and he's like i've got it's a group of these people that are all they don't want to prove anything to anyone they keep it to themselves uh they just like-minded people that are experiencing this phenomenon uh speaking to sasquatch in their areas they're friends with them all this kind of thing he's like hey i got you in they said you can come to jesus georgia so i went out there and then had a full tree pushed down in front of me come on basically and it wasn't windy no dead still the guys i was out there was speaking to the sasquatch allegedly in the area and he said hey can you please show david that you're around he just really needs something and as he said that this tree gets pushed down in front of me crap and i hear a whoop and again nothing conclusive trees fall on them no but let me go there let me react to that because um the tree being pushed down thing yeah um first of all it's a phenomenon it's a it's it's a an occurrence yeah that has been told and retold many many times and whenever anybody says well what they're doing it because this because that let's face it that's going to be conjecture no matter what and so my conjecture on it is potentially they're doing it to scare you off a little bit potentially they're doing it to kind of just gauge your reaction and get a sense of how you're going to react to something like that and first of all we have to think about that they can push a tree down but we're not talking about saplings no these are greens yeah so i don't know if you uh had seen my episode in clem 2 when the tree came down i've i've had that happen to me i gotta say close to 15 times now a tree just fell over over there a very large tree wow i've got chills and the hair is up on the back of my neck i am here on the stillest of nights there is not a breath of wind you know and any other time in any other camping trip in any other situation i'd say oh that's really cool tree must have just rotted just at that time on i got to hear it that's what i've been telling myself for years and years but since doing the research there's a lot about how they push trees over to scare you i'm out here in what's reported to be i don't know whatever you want to call it hot spot for bigfoot i guess and uh it's the most stunningly beautiful quiet night here right now and a huge rock or tree falls over in the corner there it doesn't make sense i took my son and his buddy we went up to our cottage in ontario and i had been filming a week earlier in the same area and had a whacked out incredible experience filming a survivor man thing i won't go into that story but the second part of the story is i'm at my cottage a week later and i i get out off my boat onto the dock the boys are still on the boat i've just stepped on there's no wind it's a glassy water day it's beautiful there's nothing moving and massive tree comes down right then and there okay by chance fate of timing sure could be but this is like tree number 15 now for me but anyway and right there and i've had all this activity week before okay in the same way so tree comes down i didn't say anything to the boys nothing at all i'm like huh but in my mom like huh and of course i'm thinking a little fanciful i'm thinking oh you're here are you i'm just doing that you know i'm just thinking that so sure the power of suggestions in my brain have a night with the boys everything's good i wake up the next morning and logan goes man we didn't sleep all night what are you talking about because you didn't hear that but no what well i slept and this is not the first time this has happened i slept like a baby while they couldn't sleep all night because something was banging on the cottage all around the car like bang four bangs over there and then five bangs over there logan was so scared he got out of his bedroom and went over and there's bunk beds in the other room and him and his buddy stayed in that room together i slept through the whole thing and as i said that's not the first time i think it's the third time now where i'm out there really relaxed like hey i'm just putting it out here you know with mine and then like i fall asleep don't see a thing and then the next day someone says did you hear all that like one thing it was like all these trees came down in this one situation so so uh you know power suggestion uh that's always possible you know but it's about collecting the all of this data and not putting it together like some weird nicholas cage movie of conspiracy theories and strings on the wall you know but actually saying is there really any substance here we have this discussion on the east coast there's a lot of places where it'd be like you know a lot of snickering oh yeah you move into areas like the west coast and man a large percentage of like oh yeah my uncle and i am they they saw it on a camping trip yeah i've heard now there's an interesting thing so people modern day people here write it off like yeah we know we know they're out there that's what aboriginal cultures do they in fact i heard one one native man actually say one time and he says ah yeah you guys are just finally coming around on this right because for them throughout culture throughout hundreds of years yeah oh yeah they're out there and there used to be a connection to them michael limbacher claims to have a telepathic relationship with a group of what she calls the real people and one particular sasquatch she calls guardian she asked nothing of me she wasn't some kind of obsessed survivorman fan but she felt i had a connection psychically to the bigfoot in her area just behind her house now hang on telepathy psychic ability mind speak just what's going on here i had visited months earlier and though i saw and heard nothing i definitely felt something something unexplainable for the moment mikel often leaves gifts and gets different gifts in return when i was here i purposely left a gift of a feather at her gifting post without telling her just to see what would happen i was going to say what he made an h for us okay that's always going to ask if you left it or they left it yeah i changed it around i had stuck a fairly large feather sticking out here and um what had happened was this feather was gone but another one had replaced it because i said that's not the feather i put in yeah there's a feather stuck in there and then on top were two rocks and two purple flowers [Music] sometimes they're like this uh which i take to mean they've passed by here but the other one that this is what i left here i left this time and a and they brought the sticks they i they weren't there and then there were sticks there so do you do you ever when you're walking in the forest you see like sticks placed in the ground i haven't even really looked for that you know that much but i really did pay attention to this oh wow you can feel it it's in there solid i couldn't i couldn't do that and the ground is not disturbed at all you know around it like like someone if they dug a hole it would be very hard to make it look that way again oh yeah that's in there and like you said perfectly in the middle of the part yeah and straight up and down yeah you know i don't call myself a skeptic but i'm not but we don't have a natural explanation exactly and that's a big part of what i do is and and is try to look at something like tree structures for example yeah you know when you see them it's like okay let's count it out let's find out which was the first one all right then then do it back from that could this one have fallen over because of wind could that happen because and then but when you get to a point when you've got three or four or six and they're intertwined it gets harder and harder to write it off to snow and wind yes yeah they definitely blocked me off from a path i was using or if it was not me they were blocking off it was someone else with one of the broken tree things where the tree snapped off and it's like it was under this in this very small path so one day i said well you guys i'm gonna move this and i got off my horse to move it i forgot to tell mark there right where they blocked off from me going was an old piece of barbed wire that was you know buried part in the ground and then up like that and and if my horse had caught that it could have severed the tendons i mean it was this like but they they were like no don't go on the spot because they did nothing when i went around it but and it's you know it's not that far up there where that was but right at this moment mikel paused for just a few seconds she was getting a telepathic message from the sasquatch about our presence there and our intentions for the night in the bush and she simply wanted to pass on the message the he she refers to is the one she calls guardian he said to remind you it's not magic like this forest is not magic but it has a lot of energy so does he have a recommendation on where we should go he's showing me exactly where you should go i think you're going to know the spot so i'm not going to say it so let's see if we get the same feeling about the same spot [Music] even scientists will discuss at length the viability of humans with the thought energy ability to telepathically communicate some would say we do it all the time without even knowing it so why is it a stretch to consider something else on the planet with not only the ability but perhaps the mastery of communicating telepathically i think because michelle operates entirely on the telepathic level she's even testing her own telepathic ability by saying i don't want to tell you where i think you're supposed to go go and let's see if it ties up later what intrigued me about mikel's story was just how much information she shared with me that seemed pragmatic like the concept that sasquatch are bothered by electromagnetic fields making the deep wilderness their preferred habitat i think perhaps you open yourself up to certain opportunity by being remote and in natural areas and wilderness areas for for a lot of obvious reasons however it's not necessary yeah the only thing i get out of it is less chance that it was someone else or some man-made noise right yeah that's the main thing for me less chance of being hoaxed if we're right out here we hiked the trails only a few miles from the nearest road but deep enough to feel isolated as the claims go bigfoot are bothered by our electromagnetic fields it interrupts their own vibrational energy and as they have apparently told mikael none of this is magic it's just science maybe quantum physics understanding the laws of the universe that we humans haven't quite figured out just yet they can't build cars fly or compose symphonies but that doesn't mean that they don't understand other things or can't use as their main form of communication savant-like telepathic ability what we're doing right now to me is a lot more appropriate for trying to get some interaction happening with this phenomenon in fact a lot of people have said you know you want a real good interaction just act normal have kids have a picnic just be normal if there's anything that's going to happen out here it's not going to happen because of what we do it's only going to happen because we're here and it's by chance or because we're lucky or because we're putting out the right kind of energy maybe even the right kind of thought energy maybe even the right kind of emotional energy whatever it takes to create an ambiance that allows for interaction to happen so i can leave the camera running but basically for the next bunch of hours we sit and we wait and we listen very carefully there's no quick fix to this mystery the best mysteries of this world require that you put in the time all right so this probably isn't the last shot that i'll take with this camera but it's been thought that electrical signals are problematic they interfere with sasquatch and just their whole i don't know their psyche their physiology everything that's going on so uh dev and i have agreed to turn everything off including our cell phone so there's no signals nothing's just the two of us sitting here and so i may be back i may not be back but um look i'll show you there's devin see there's the fire there's devon proof that we're just gonna sit here now and see what happens and actually all i'm hoping for at this moment is that the temperature will drop about five degrees so i can put my shirt back on because it's hot all right hang tight we'll see in a bit that's something that i haven't tried before is uh music and a lot of uh a lot of people do utilize music especially flutes and things like that and it seems to make quite a big difference i've got my harmonica and guitar and so well devin just kind of hangs out and feeds the fire i've just been playing a little bit so [Music] [Music] bye [Music] do [Music] if you're waiting for a big hairy hand to come down upon my shoulder any second now don't for what's about to happen tonight will be a left turn to a place i never expected to go there hopefully they didn't notice a mistake i made i'm gonna shut you off again and uh devin and i are gonna just i'm going to just continue to sit here and play a little bit more music and listen let you know something happens a lot would happen this night more than i feel able to share just yet as i'm still trying to put my finger on exactly what did go down in the late hours of the night that said we did experience a phenomenon i've only ever heard about but now after years of long dark nights in the woods i have my own story to tell [Music] [Music] this is a search it's a journey into the unknown and any amazing journey takes time diligence patience and what happened last night was intriguing and interesting and just the beginning on about four separate occasions both of us at the same time without speaking it until until we figured it out after could feel uh know all i can say is you could feel a presence feelings aren't facts but they are real at the same time and the feelings were real hair on the back of the neck that sort of thing we both heard two individual solid footsteps heavy could be anything could be nothing and perhaps the most significant and especially for me because uh i experienced this once before in a crazy way up on the top of a mountain but this was different this was more like what a lot of other people talk about yeah this was looking out into the bush and seeing a couple of lights now don't get me wrong here we're not talking about bright flashlights i've heard it described in so many ways red glowing eyes that you can see or but that's that's not even what i'm talking about right now i'm talking about what some people describe as wait for it orbs now i can't say that's what i saw they didn't come close but they were pretty close like 30 feet we're not talking like hundreds of yards away we're talking 30 feet away in one case 15 feet away two different separate glowing lights uh and they were moving so it wasn't just a simple reflection they were moving it's as if you look and there was a light here and it it sort of expanded a bit and got a little bit smaller and then over here was a very small one and we both saw it devin saw it first we both saw it we watched them and devin even attempted communication with it because this is what has been reported people able to communicate with orbs the orb is actually responding to the communication and uh more often than not a sasquatch encounter happens in a situation like that so what did we see i haven't got a freaking clue what we saw but i saw it that part is fact and we were wide awake and everything was normal so we saw those two lights that after oh i'm going to say a half an hour 20 minutes seemed to disappear um we saw a few other fleeting glimpses of the same thing and this is not our eyes playing to i know that's that's what you're probably saying your eyes are playing tricks on you no no both of us are watching the same thing describing it in the same way in the same location um conferring with each other what we're seeing it's like if you know you're you're watching a wolf walk along a trail you see the wolf yeah i see it oh it's it was no different this whole thing is a journey into the unknown these are just baby steps on my search for sasquatch [Music] what i heard felt experienced telepathically has to be expanded upon before i'm ready to tell you the whole story so i'll go back out there but as for the orbs we'll think of this for humans we talk about out-of-body experiences there are stories of astral projection abilities is it all bunk or was edgar casey and so many others able to do what they claimed and if that's true then what if the phenomenon we call sasquatch bigfoot can do it too [Music] i do have one other thing to say for presentation like this and i'll repeat this often in a circumstance like this you're you're left with these these four options and you've got a choice here that's devon waking up now i've told you what we experienced last night a couple of individual footsteps close by three or four moments where both of us felt the same kind of presence even like right within our bodies just you could feel the presence at the same time individually acknowledging it after the fact that yeah i feel that too and then the two glowing points in the close distance in the forest and again i'm not here to say they were orbs or not orbs i don't really know because then it was two they were not as defined to be able to come to say this is what they were but we both saw them clearly you've got the four choices the first one is is it all mistaken identity were the light simply some sort of weird reflection from car lights or something like that uh and are we both having the same mistaken identity at the same time and that would include hoaxing is someone out there trying to hoax us number two we're both delusional you gotta decide all right well les and devin are clearly delusional caught up in their own delusions of of the story of sasquatch and bigfoot and the legends number three you have to decide or are we liars are we lying about it all for the sake of making this presentation to you or are we simply telling you the experiences we had stating clearly and concisely the facts of the moment of what went down the choice is yours to make you decide based on what i tell you about what devin and i experienced you decide whether or not we're delusional mistaken or whether we're lying or whether we're simply telling you the truth of what went down
Channel: undefined
Views: 1,002,608
Rating: 4.8039298 out of 5
Keywords: Survivorman TV Series, Les Stroud, Survivorman, Survivorman Les Stroud, Survivorman TV Show, Survivorman TV, bigfoot, sasquatch, survivormanbigfoot, devonmassyn, portlandbigfoot, portlandsasquatch, portlandoregon, oregon, portland
Id: N-ILD09_iK0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 38sec (2438 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 04 2020
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