MonsterQuest: SASQUATCH FOOTPRINTS FOUND (S4, E8) | Full Episode | History

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large creatures may be prowling the mountains  of california two creatures i saw could not   have been more than a yard apart and they were  definitely there together elusive these beasts   are easily spooked they start thrashing and  screaming and throwing rocks at you strange   tracks may indicate a breeding population so this  is about three days old footprint right there   new evidence is coming to light so you can  see the subject moving from right to left now monster quest takes up the search  looking for evidence of the sierra sasquatch   i'm starting to hear something oh this  is pretty weird hi me do you read me   people around the world report seeing monsters   are they real or imaginary science  searches for answers on monster quest the sierra nevada this 400 mile mountain range  straddles the border of california and nevada   the area is filled with wildlife including the  bighorn sheep and black bear but lurking in this   alpine wilderness may be a family of beasts  that strikes fear in all who encounter it   it was at least seven foot tall as it stood  up very lean very muscular these were big   things these were big beings whatever  it was it traveled quite a long distance   i do think they're walking together  as a group or a family unit eyewitnesses describe seeing giant hairy  beasts that roam the sierras and family groups   they range from seven to nine feet tall and are  thought to weigh anywhere from 500 to 800 pounds   the animal's hair is dark black in the  younger animals to brown and adults   all of the creatures have piercing red eyes  and are known as sasquatch the one thing i   can't get out of my mind was the night we  were on patrol and we were waiting to be ambushed butch young was only 19 when he was sent  to the marine mountain warfare training center   near mono lake california they sent us  there to learn how to fight how to conduct   combat how to survive and make war and meet  the enemy head on in a mountainous environment   young thought he was prepared for  the remote wilderness location   the training center was extremely remote at night  you would hear absolutely nothing there was no   sound of cars there was no planes really going  over it one night young and his squad were on   patrol during a nighttime war game it was cold and  we were probably around seven eight thousand feet   there was snow on the ground the moon  was out and you could see quite clearly   the men spotted what they  thought was an opposing squad   as i looked off to my right moving through was  two figures in the trees one of them was standing   the other one was kind of crouched but the  pair did not act like marines on maneuvers   they were defying all logic about how a marine  should be in the woods trying to cover and   conceal himself it just didn't make any sense  confused the squad strained to get a better look   and i was looking for any sign that this might be  marines i was looking for a weapon i was looking   for the edges of uniforms i just remember the  moon being able to light them up just enough to   where i could see the ones fingers to be able  to distinguish that from 25 to 35 yards away   that had to be a pretty big hand it wasn't until  later that the marines realized what they'd seen   the next morning we found out that the aggressor  squad was two clicks away they weren't even in   the neighborhood they were nowhere near us so we  were wondering what we saw who was up there in the   tree line well maybe it was a bigfoot maybe we  actually saw a bigfoot the sierra nevada region   has long been the location of sasquatch sightings  and dozens of strange tracks have been found here but there are some who are unconvinced that  the area is inhabited by a sasquatch family   i'm skeptical about them being sasquatch because  we don't have any definitive signs in the tracks   that would separate them from human tracks  john mayanzinsky is a wildlife biologist   he believes that the tracks were made by a  known animal it's possible that these are young   sasquatch but i would think that young sasquatch  would avoid people just like old sasquatch do it   the sightings have persisted near mono lake  located 185 miles east of san francisco monster monsterquest will start with  search for the legendary creature here   they will search the area using infrared aerial  and ground surveillance cameras the science   team will analyze video thought to be a sasquatch  finally they'll examine the evidence that families   of sasquatch live here anthropologist dr jeff  meldrum will lead the expedition he'll be guided   by jaime avalos who has tracked sasquatch in  the area for years the fact that jaime has found   multiple individuals in concert of different  sizes but of a moderate foot length is really   quite intriguing by far the majority of reports of  sightings as well as footprint discoveries involve   a single individual i'm finding them going into  the same areas about the same time of the year   for about the past two years so i can go to an  area at a certain time and find tracks in these   areas now that i've established a corridor of  movement avalos believes a family of sasquatch is   traveling together because of the varying size of  prints he has found i've pulled up some that are   11 inches 10 inches and 8 inches younger juveniles  most likely based on the size of the of the tracks   the team's plan is to  examine the existing evidence   including the footprint casts assess whether the  habitat of the area could support a large primate   and then attempt to track down the creatures well did you guys have a good trip  yes we did sir how are you doing   fernando nice to meet you  you're the tracker yes sir i am i want to get my cuff out of here and tape this on   this is the thermal imaging camera we're going  to mount it on the wing the team believes that   the sasquatch can easily be frightened by noise so  they've decided to use a glider to survey the area   the thermal camera on the wing will pick up  the heat signatures of animals moving below   the aircraft has a small engine that  is used to climb to gliding altitude   then shuts off and the glider soars in total  silence undetected from the ground all right   you guys will finish with this cuff our camera's  all set we got i'm going to make it past 500 feet   see what your thermal image looks like and then  i'm going to do 1000 feet 1 1500 feet and maybe   get some sound readings about how loud i am so  that we get an idea of what the sasquatch would   would hear and i'm going to fire this thing up  so we probably should have you clear out here the test flight will enable them  to calibrate the thermal camera clear prop okay we've got full power leaving traffic uh it's terminal two tango  tango we're doing some sound tests i'll   be turning the right base making a  500 foot low pass over lead binding i'm gonna make a pass at about  a thousand feet over the runway   i'm gonna continue and make my next  pass at 1500 feet above the runway   for the third pass the engine is turned off to  begin gliding all right i'm gonna go ahead and   go into my stealth mode i'm gonna be shutting  my prop down uh we're gonna do that right now at this altitude it is impossible to  see or hear the glider from the ground   perfect for stealth surveillance but the high winds are causing  problems i think we've lost our tape   a cable has ripped loose ruining  the thermal image of the ground the pilot decides to land i'm on  about a ten mile final approach   for three trillion binding and  we've got some tape coming loose quest is searching the mountains of california  for the sierra sasquatch a beast that may live   in groups or families the earliest sightings  in this area are part of native american legend   the shoshone tell of the garbage a giant  hairy man-eater the garbage or hairy devil   was thought to prey on those  who wandered away from the tribe   it was said to carry off its victims leaving only  large footprints behind drawings of these prints   mixed in with those of other native animals  may be found on the rocks of the sierra nevada   the presence of footprints is represented  by any hunter-gatherer society represents   their familiarity with the animal life  that is present in their in their world   the shape and placement are significant in  identifying the sasquatch prints in the carvings   the representation of five-toed  plantagrade that is flat-footed   footprints which are quite distinct from  the typical representation of a human foot   this one foot placed in directly in front of the  other is interesting and they do stand out from   all the other more familiar wildlife tracks that  are represented so often in these petroglyphs and now new evidence has come to  light which may show the sasquatch   and when i saw it on there i was like son the  hair literally went up on the back of my neck the man who shot this video was concerned about  his family's privacy and has asked monsta quest   to obscure his identity we just took a day  trip out to monolith just to see the lake and   just you know catch the sights so we drove out and  parked the car and took a walk down to the lake i had my home video camera with me i just  basically shooting the scenery around the lake   shooting the two fish shooting the lake shooting  my family but something was lurking nearby the   rock formations are really pretty spectacular  and then sierra nevada mountains on one side and   then the white mountain range on the other side  that area was just spectacular it's beautiful   here we are at mono lake on saturday  morning first day of our vacation   i was shooting the panorama basically i was not  out looking for anything it was really cold it   was really windy and we just ended up packing  it up about probably about an hour later and   went home the tape was forgotten for 17 years  until one day when a family member played it   and noticed something out of the ordinary the hair  literally went back up on the back of my neck here   was this thing that was down there some kind of  creature that was down right where my kids were   right on the beach right there and so it was a  little bit unnerving if i would have turned it   off a second or two sooner i probably never would  have caught it to me it's still inconclusive it's   a mystery to me i don't i don't think it's a  bear i don't think it's a person i don't know the science team will analyze the video forensic  analyst greg stuchman has traveled to mono lake   where the recording was made he will collect  data to determine the size of the creature   the video was recorded in 1991 since the  footage was shot the water level has risen   seven feet partially submerging the rock  formations seen in the original video   the team is forced to search the 16 miles  of coastline for the filming location a panoramic image created from multiple  frames of the video will help locate the site   hey steve come on over i think i may have found it hey what'd you find they use the mountains  in the background as a reference point   let's get our measuring equipment and  do the complete photogrammetry analysis   to calculate the height of the  creature in the video they must   determine the dimensions  of the rock formations okay the first step is to photograph  them using known focal lengths hold it right there again put this right out to  it then they measure the distance of the camera   to the water line and the vertical height of the  water line to the center of the camera's lens   87 inches okay that's it okay the last step is to use a laser  measuring device to determine   the distance from the camera to the rock formation the science team now has the data they need  to begin the analysis back at their lab   jaime avalos believes that the tracks he has  documented around mono lake were made by the   creature he has traveled to an area near the  sighting location he'll be installing a pix   controller surveillance camera developed for  law enforcement agencies to monitor large areas avalos believes the creatures  are familiar with him   so he hikes in alone to set up the camera  i think the creature might be comfortable   with me just because of the approach that  i'm taking it's a respectful observation he finds fresh deer sky just below the snow line   this is the elevation where he  suspects the sasquatch may be hunting avalo soon finds a good place to deploy the  camera the system has wireless motion sensors   and can be buried making it virtually  invisible [ __ ] sets up the camera   motion sensors and infrared light  source then buries the recorder okay the team prepares to carry out its aerial search this is the airport right here this is the canyon  that i'm talking about there's been previous   activity before and this is actually an area of  projection you're not going to have a big area   that you're going to have to look at once we start  the thermal cameras they'll just cover the whole   areas we can also come down this way and then come  towards the june lake area the tip of this lake   i'm going to put my spoilers out and i'm going to  just circle around and drop several thousand feet   to the lake level if i see something i'll probably  swing out here aways climb way back up several   thousand feet they won't even be aware of me at  all let's go ahead and do this all right let's go good gas of both tanks we've actually got 18  gallons of gas that's six or seven hours of flight   the rest of the team follows the glider from the  ground to tangle tangle can you please advise on   your current position we're going to head on down  to june lake and we'll have our search cameras out   going all the distance roger that throttle back  now kind of just go into a gliding mode here   suddenly the camera detects the heat  source we're picking up a little hot   spot here just south of the little lake  there okay we'll go on up and take a look   on the ground the heat signature is near  june lake one of the areas they have targeted the ground team arrives where the hotspot  appeared and searches for evidence of the beast there has been a lot of deer came in through  this area to drink water in and out this is   where the predators hang out because they're  going to come down and they're going to have   to get a drink of water look at this one this  is actually a beer this is a big bear yeah yes   this area has been teaming with animals that could  be prey for the sasquatch also we have a raccoon   and we also have a deer and also want a  dock so we have a lot of animal activity   up here this area in and out in and out  come over here and drink water right there   the animal activity is encouraging but a  storm is approaching okay what do we have here it's like the 11 by 5 again the fresh track has  the same dimensions as those found by avalos   in the past water's starting to come up so we're  going to have to do this they need to make a cast   before the storm washes away the tracks this  wind is just really blowing me around okay   excellent don't need to analyze the print   that could be further proof so i'm just gonna  let it fill in itself we'll give it a second here monster quest has traveled to  the sierra nevada mountains   where a family of sasquatch may be preying  on the local wildlife population it could   have ripped my door off and there wouldn't  have been a thing i could have done about it jamie avalos was driving in the  mountains 30 miles southwest of mono lake   but he saw something shocking when i had come down this hill i had  seen this creature cross the road   i really wasn't sure what it was the  first thing that came to my mind was   you know what the heck is a guy in a  gorilla suit doing up at this elevation   i started pulling up forward  again and then it came back as the sun shined onto it i could see the changes  of the mussels moving underneath of the fur   avalos estimated the creature to be at  least seven feet tall i knew it could be   next to my vehicle within a minute it would  have ripped my locked door from my truck   extracted me from my vehicle and there wouldn't  have been a damn thing i could have done about it   avalos was so shaken by the encounter  that he has searched for the creature   ever since well i've been finding multiple tracks  for a couple of years now and they all seem   to be from the same group whether it's on  the eastern side of the sierras or whether   it's on the western side of the sierras  and i've been tracking them for over 400 miles the monster quest team has found tracks  that are similar to what avalos has seen   and they follow them to their source fernando  moreira is a professional tracker he was trained   by the portuguese special forces and fought wars  in both angola and mozambique if you're not real   good and you make one little mistake it can get  your whole entire team killed or you even yourself   dr jeff belgium will test  pereira's tracking skills we'll make it simple here to begin with and then   maybe mix it up a bit the varied  terrain will make tracking difficult   i'll tell you this that anyone who's faking  barefoot prints through this kind of environment   would have to have spent more time  out of shoe wear than i obviously have that's about all i can do maria is called back  and begins to read the overturned rocks and   compacted soil with astounding precision  the good tracker should be able to follow   the set of footprints all the way to the end  of it maria is able to trace the route exactly   even identifying the spot where meldrum briefly  sat down to change his shoes so the subject   actually sit down right here whatever was change  shoes okay from the bare foot put your shoes on it   and it's walking out even if a sasquatch has  the intelligence to try and conceal its tracks   barrera would still be able to track it  i'm really truly impressed fernando i the   fact that i was able to march out this in your  absence and yet you were still able to pick up   all those details even in the varied  terrain so you nailed the course really well the team resumes the aerial surveillance but strong winds make flying dangerous okay well we're getting wind coming down off that  ridge and kind of pushing us down and that's why   we're getting a few more bumps now the original  plan to fly into lundy lake canyon is quickly   changed with this much turbulence i'm leery of  going in that canyon okay let us know the pilot   attempts to fly towards the mountains but the  winds are too strong and he is forced to retreat   i always have an out even if there's a downdraft  we have an extra several thousand feet below us   that we can just ride it out we'll be landing  in about five minutes okay check back in with   us when you get there the high winds mean that  the ground team will be without air support the   searching location where avalos found tracks in  2008 hopefully we can find something down this way something here this one right there right right  i'm gonna mark it all the way around here yeah   let's go ahead and measure this okay so this is  looking like about a nine by four track this isn't   really what i've been picking up most of the time  the track appears to be a human print so the team   moves on meldrum and meinzinski begin to evaluate  the surrounding habitat to determine if it could   support a sasquatch population i'm going to  be looking for meat sources there's been a   lot of reports of deer and elk being used as  food by sasquatch those are anecdotal stories   of course but we have found some evidence  that they do use those things in some areas   but vegetation is more of a key to all of that  because we don't find deer where there isn't   deer food habitats combination of food and cover  this is really not prime habitat right where we're   standing they examine the food sources at a higher  elevation which might be more suitable for a large   primate coming up from the lake we're in a little  better habitat here we've got all these jeffrey   pines right here this is probably one of the most  productive sources of protein we can find right here's one that's dropping its seeds all over  the find makes myanzinski optimistic about the   suitability of the habitat these are a complete  protein for humans it's not outrageous to think   that a large primate of that size can actually  get most of its protein from these pines that   grow right here other animals are known to follow  the ripening of pine cones at different elevations   we have a different time when these nuts become  available by knowing where these are and being   able to pop these on vegetation zones on a map we  can to some extent predict where we should expect   to find an omnivorous primate here you find bears  moving right to those places at exactly the right   time within a day or so much like bears who teach  their young to return to recurring food sources   a family of sasquatch could be following this  food trail the young learn it from their mothers   generally in the case of bears and often it  has to be a quick movement right because birds   also feed on pine nuts they also feed on the  same berries that omnivores feed on i think   we need to look at some other places to find  a good combination of cover and food sources the large trout found in this lake  could be another possible food source   and the team spots more bizarre marks in the sand   this looks interesting here this one is actually a  good footprint you can see one two three four five   five little toes right there in this area and  there's a large footprint this is another one   and look at right there too you  see where the hell is pointing   pointing this way look away the toe is pointing  right there then you have this disturbance here   and actually even have the drug marks here  right yeah so you know what these drug marks   are is from a kayak or a selling about coming up  the person come out out of the water you can see   that everything is already completely dry and it's  actually these rocks is actually frozen in place   so this is about three days old footprint right  there monster quest is investigating reports of   a family of sasquatch that have been seen in the  sierra nevada mountains near the nevada california   border i didn't have a tag for this creature  wherever it was so i wasn't about to shoot it in 2005 joe wald was hunting  for deer in a remote area   it's about 8 30 in the morning i went up on top  of this ridge line i started walking south on it after traveling for about an hour and a half i  was pretty well tired and say well i'm gonna sit   down here take a break for about a half an hour  for a head back to camp but walls wasn't alone about 11 15 i said well i better get going again  it's getting late i need to get back to camp when   i went and leaned over to grab my rifle as soon as  i touched that i noticed moving behind this tree   this creature walked out in front of me and we had  really good eye contact and this creature had red   eyes disappeared into the wood line the beast  rushed off with surprising speed but then two   others appeared at that time i noticed there was  more moving to my left i do think they're walking   together as a family unit these were definitely  not human beings dressed up in any type of costume   it was hunting season they would definitely  be taking their lives and their hands walked   around with monkey suits on in the mountains  the two creatures then disappeared in the same   direction as the first i started getting kind  of nervous and i started getting that food like   maybe i better get out of this area and get  back to camp when i walk in the woods now i'm   looking around me all the time i'm very wary of my  surroundings now probably where i never was before this video was shot at mano lake not far from  where other sightings were reported the stutchman   forensics lab in napa valley california is  analyzing the footage so this is the copy   of the original video that i received from the  eyewitness the science team is attempting to   sharpen and enhance the video image looking for  details that might reveal the creature's identity   the low quality of the video is presenting a  problem we use a dedicated forensic software   system that is typically used in my field for  video enhancement in this case it doesn't help   us very much because we're dealing with a limited  number of pixels resolution the information is not   there from the beginning so if you don't have it  in the original format you're not going to be able   to create it when zooming in or sharpening they  stabilize the image so that only the creature is   moving this is the stabilized movie so you can see  the subject moving from right to left right here   the background is stabilized and the camera view  is moving around only one step remains this is the   final product the stabilized image that's been  cropped so your eye can focus on just what's   happening here and not any other distractions from  my portion of the video analysis i can't tell 100   if that's a human or if it's a sasquatch but the  image stabilization has already solved one mystery   this is what caught my eye in the beginning  is this kind of a foot or something right here   and some people think that there's a sleeve in  the stabilized view you can see that there's   a rock or a bush or something in the  foreground that blocks the view of that   it appears the figure is not simply a man in  disguise the work is given to senior analyst   greg's dutchman greg will be able to use  still photos captured from this video   to calculate the height of the subject  based on known dimensions at the scene the expedition team is looking for  groups of tracks dr jeff meldrum is   leading the hunt in an area near lundy lake  canyon away from the usual recreation areas we're well done on the fire john  so i think it's uh time for us to   go ahead and try that solo camera  system that i'm going to take with me   and head up into the canyon um you guys will be  able to uh monitor my progress as you move along   jaime avalos will try to make  contact with the creatures alone   but before he sets off he masks his scent with  smoke the cameras he will use include a buckeye   wireless system that records night vision images  from two perspectives and transmits live video yeah i think we're set to go taimi why don't you  go ahead and take off i think we're ready to send   okay i'm heading out good luck avalo sets off into  the darkness meldrum will monitor his progress six   bars good signal so jaime how far do you think you  are from base camp now maybe a half mile copy that   he continues on up the canyon attempting  to elicit a response from the creatures heads deeper into the wilderness he continues his journey not far from  the location where he's seen the creature looks like your signal's diminished to about  50 percent at this point still recording your   transmission however avalos is nearing the  limits of his video and radio transmitters 30 you're down to 30 percent   are you hearing any responses in reaction to  your whistling i'm starting to hear something i'm making up a little bit of noise to the left  of me i'm pointing the camera in that direction   your signal's breaking up we're getting  basically just static at this point can you   repeat your last you're really breaking up think  we've lost the signal oh this is pretty weird avalosa's signal is gone hi me do you read me monster quest is searching for a  group of sasquatch that witnesses   have encountered in the sierra nevada mountains this man has been collecting evidence that  he believes proves the beast's existence   this video analyst is examining evidence  to identify the monster and this man came   face to face with three of the creatures while  hunting in the mountains the expedition team is   conducting a search of the area and has heard  strange cries during the night they have lost   contact with a team member who was scouting  a location said to be inhabited by sasquatch i'm trying to call him again  aimee do you read me over finally avalos emerges over a nearby hill   he searched the area but was unable to find  what was making the sounds the strange cry was   not picked up by the team's recording devices so  they cannot analyze or identify what avalos heard   the team regroups in the morning to  examine the prints they cast by the lake   and to compare them to tracks avalos has found in  the past they focus on three specific size groups   this is it so what i have here are representatives  of the 11 the 10 and the 8 on the west side of   the sierras as well as the east side of the  sierras so go ahead and take a look and you   can flip them over and you'll see time date and  elevations of each of these as well as sizes   and those seem to be fairly consistent  over the past two and a half years yeah   pretty much i always seem to find all three of the  same the repetition of these three distinct tracks   has led avalos to believe he has been  following the same group of sasquatch   for more than two years there's no question in my  mind that you're finding the footprints repeatedly   of just a small selection of individuals they  determine the cast taken on this trip is a match   to prior tracks if we look at the details  carefully there are a lot of similarities   this rather distinctive furrow the toe uh  configuration actually matches up quite well   myanzinski remains skeptical that any of them  are from a sasquatch all these tracks seem   to me to fit into it proportionally into a human  description what leads you to believe that these   are something other than human well it's just  the fact of where i'm finding them that are   much more remote maybe three hours in maybe  about a 2000 foot elevation gain into some of   these back areas have you found some in climates  where people wouldn't normally be walking barefoot   yeah actually it was this one here this was taken  in three december it was along the lake there was   some snow along the side it was a chilly day that  day i've also found them along areas where they've   stepped on burrs and sharp rocks meldrum compares  avalosa's smaller casts with some from his own   collection that are thought to be adult sasquatch  tracks so let me show you some of the examples of   what we would say are typical sasquatch tracks  the first thing that that is impressive is the   size and so the average sasquatch track would  measure around 16 inches relatively flat foot   and an exceptionally broad heel we mentioned  the the flatness and that indicates that   there's a lack of a longitudinal  arch these tracks do exhibit an arch   this one is an excellent example very  well developed and well expressed arch   while the arch is a hallmark of a human track  it does not rule out other possibilities   meldrum has studied more than 200 track  castes but he's seen few that are small   enough to be those of juveniles that has raised  the question of what would a juvenile sasquatch   track look like could it have a more  human appearance and only take on these   characteristics of an adult sasquatch as  they achieve their gigantic proportions   professional tracker fernando moreira has also  examined the evidence but can't say for sure   if they are something other than human i don't  have enough evidence to turn on we said it was   real or not real he would need more than these  isolated prints to make a final determination   a good and always have to have a open mind and  everything could be real possibility could be fake   maybe we don't know until we find enough evidence  i hope later long in the future to be able to   find something and be able to  follow all the way to the end   if i could follow all the way to the end of  it i should be able to figure out the mystery the analysis of the video evidence is complete   by overlaying the original video  and still photos taken at mono lake   the horizon and rock formations are a perfect  match we've got the spot we've got the location   we use photogrammetry to calculate heights of  anything based on object of known dimension   within a scene unfortunately weathering of the  tufa formation has made the mono lake measurements   difficult to use based on the comparison of  the video and what's currently there i prepared   another exhibit the lines show approximately where  the water line is today the creature is below the   water level which means less than than seven feet  the seven foot rise in the water level would be   roughly one foot above the creature's head so  the conclusion is the creature is maybe six to   eight feet and that's about as close as we can  calculate given the data we've got to work with monster quest has made some exciting  discoveries during this investigation   the expedition team determined that the  area where the sasquatch has been sighted   could support a group of large primates deer fish  and high protein vegetation would be sufficient   to support a large primate  even during the winter months   while they were not able to determine what  it was the science team has concluded that   the creature captured in the monolake  video is between six and eight feet tall and the team was able to locate one track  that matches those jaime avalos documented   in the area and what i saw that day did not  match my understanding of what a human looks like   and i really don't think they want any um  interaction with human beings if they do they'll   let you know these kinds of observations in  reality lend greater credibility this isn't just a   singular monster out there in the wild   we don't know it all and there are still  mysteries out there i think that's what keeps   a lot of people going in this world is to go out  there and find out what's behind that next hill you
Channel: HISTORY
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Keywords: history, history channel, history shows, history channel shows, monster quest, history monster quest, monster quest show, monster quest full episodes, monster quest clips, full episodes, monsterquest specials, monsterquest specials full episodes, monsterquest specials clips, MonsterQuest season 4 episode 8, MonsterQuest se4 e8, MonsterQuest se04 e8, monsterQuest 4X8, history channel full episodes, season 4, episode 8, frightening sasquatch, footprints found, Sierra Nevada
Id: _spAo9_UW0I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 25sec (2665 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 23 2020
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