Camping In Abandoned Ghost Town Campground - Halloween Special

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welcome to the Halloween special on camping with Steve today we're heading to a ghost town in the desert that's actually called Steve Ville Believe It or Not so we're heading out there because that sounds spooky so we're gonna check this out that guy so Steve Ville turns out to be in the heart of Alberta's Badlands so it's kind of a desert ii-era T rattlesnake e area and as long as we don't set up our tent on a rattlesnake hibernaculum we should be okay for the night today it is getting to that hibernation stage though so they shouldn't be too active and this is the ghost town of Steve Ville sweet my purpose in life is to buy this down it seems to be all fenced off like private land and there's cattle farmer there so oh and my favorite signs to see is those no trespassing signs so Sun is fading quick we're gonna get this tent set up and then we'll do some exploring tomorrow because it was about four hour drive to get here from where I live so there was a bit of a drive today but we'll do some exploring tomorrow and man the cow was all over the place yeah we'll get the tent up so yeah I was expecting some more buildings in Steve Ville it looks like somebody just bought the whole town and it's their property now but there is the campground here the map was correct and not just that but it's like the creepiest campground I've ever seen in my life completely abandoned open at the end of October and free so this is awesome gotta get the tent set up and it's gonna be real cold tonight like minus 15 so I'm gonna have to definitely get hunkered down tonight [Applause] [Applause] yep we're just gonna explore around the campground a little bit before the Sun Goes Down and I thought it was completely empty but somebody's just pulled up with the pup so I'm gonna look in this little camp Shack here and see what what is happening in in Steve Ville holy moly it's kind of neat [Music] [Applause] okay our heater is not working it needs some maintenance so we're gonna book it into the closest town called Brooks and we're gonna pick up a new heater there because this is just gonna be pretty unbearable overnight without any source of heat and I have the wood stove but I don't want to use that because we have to keep waking up every couple hours to throw wood in it so booking it into town before they close at nine o'clock I'm gonna grab the heater get back to the campsite we picked this thing up beautiful wife is with me on this trip we have our nice hunkered down bed here all set up just a couple of cots with foamies and a bunch of blankets on it this thing is great because it's about - a dozen outside right now Celsius and my old my old heater this one died on me I have to do some maintenance on it to get it working this was about half of the strength of this much more powerful one so from the feeling it feels just about right because I can see the frost here building up already so for those don't know I've got the carbon monoxide alarm ready to go off if there's any issues and we're gonna we get our light going with the jakhary portable power pack it's a your standard portable power pack but yeah it is outlandish lis cozy in here and we're gonna head out to start fire and do a little tour around the campground in the dark on this loopy Halloween and I might even throw on a costume oh it is very cold out here so mister - quick fire there's a little bit of wood here from these these pot or butyl trees in Park but I brought a little bit of actual split firewood so we'll get this started then line up our pumpkins finally enjoy a step two and we'll be camping the camp pretty good tonight finally a step two which is normally earlier on in the progress of the evening but this is a certainly spooky campground out here beautiful white this came along with me she prefers to remain off-camera because YouTube is not everybody's jam I understand that of course mm-hmm so I got to give a big shout out to all the people that made this possible for the beer donations which today have turned into basically the Canadian version of a Bloody Mary which I'll show you about when we get back in the tent because this is pretty freakin cold out here so all these people here have really really made all this possible we figured there'd be nobody else here somebody did pull up and they're being quite patient with us with all these lights and cameras and pumpkins and carrying on etc so we will head inside in a bit I'm going to enjoy another step to out here and we'll poke around a bit maybe see what's happen out here and cook up a good good meal and now you're camping with Steve Laura Tory night adventure in creepy town what I really wanted to come take a look at was this cook Shack and it's been pretty severely the analyzed and some of it actually looks I think this is a makeshift daycare but we're gonna explore this tomorrow and I got some washable marker I'm like just great around coyotes I think it's about time to go make dinner and hunker down so to speak just starting dinner and nothing scarier than spam and that's what we're gonna eat and we're gonna make our Canadian Bloody Mary which is we use gin and instead of tomato juice from ATO and that's kind of what we do we call it a Caesar here so we're gonna mix up some of that get this guy going and then we're gonna be in business and everything's gonna be just fine for this recipe beautiful wife chopped up the spam into small particles and while it's smells like cat food we're following a recipe and then first step is to boil some pasta so here we go third of a pound worth of past I think putting as much as I can of water down the taste of what the spam is smelling like right now and some people may have fallen associations with spam unfortunately for me I really don't so just boiling then we'll continue on to step two three four five six seven pastas cooked the next step of this recipe is you need a frying pan so I'm gonna whip it out and a little butter so I'm gonna put chunk or two on there and if you're curious about this recipe for some reason and I really don't know why you would be but if you are it is the only recipe on Google that mentions the words spam and scallions we don't have scallions due to the fact that our grocery stores are a little out of season on them so we're just gonna put some onions in here a little onions a little butter and it's the way it all begins save some of these for an omelette in the morning and then we're gonna get to this cat food in a second and yeah here we go I hate to admit it for the smoke pretty good so the remaining ingredients I gotta throw into the pan cat food spam sticks to the plate good sign okay cat fleas found red pepper flakes I'll put in a pretty generous dash of that and sugar because we're caramelizing this stuff turn the heat down a little and dump and a little sugar into there we're gonna mix this up and hope for the best guys hope for the best beautiful wife is okay so what I need from you is the pasta and that water thing that actually does not look very offensive so I'm happy with this and we got some pasta throw in there that we cooked earlier of course all right yeah we cooked that a fair bit earlier and good thing we got this past the water to rehydrate this yeah yeah this is the camping meal of all time featuring spam the questionable scariest scariest spookiest cam piest thing but it took a little taste of it prepared like this it wasn't too bad so we will continue on with this guy here we go beautiful wife is decided not to take a bite of this experimental spammy spooky dinner but it's actually it's surprisingly good overall I have no issues with this I would make it again mm-hmm pleasant surprise dinner was surprisingly delicious and of course dessert is pumpkin pie and we're about to give this slice of pumpkin pie a real dose of reality here see that's what life is all about when you're hunkering down must eat oh yeah that's the way it should be we're gonna hunker down so to speak and then in the morning check this place out a little bit more good morning that was actually pretty warm last night that bigger heater definitely did the job I had to wake up and turn it down to half power as a matter of fact it was that not toasty in there so we made it through the night without a snake slithering and inviting us without that other camp are coming over to kill us it was fully successful night and I got to check out the river down there and I'm gonna vandalize that camp Shack with washable marker I'll just put Steve hunker down or something and we are just on the very corner I think we're actually in dinosaur Provincial Park and that's a big thing around here because they find so many dinosaur fossils in this park and the Drumheller is close by I'm not sure if anybody's heard of these places but there's a lot of dinosaur activity here in fact there's hundreds of dinosaurs per square inch in these valleys here and they're constantly finding new dinosaurs all the time out here so you know million years ago there'd be some humongous bloodthirsty roving t-rex just in the bushes back there ready to come and gobble us up but thankfully we don't live in that prehistoric time out here a lot of people are coming through they seem to be rubber tramps or van lifers you know people coming through camping for free for the night there's a lot of those in here for a good time oh that's so inappropriate but yeah there's there's one over here actually it's kind of well one year cancer-free that's awesome so there's a lot of traveling through here and time to put my mark where Supertramp was here and Joe homeless yeah seems to be well-known little spot in the homeless traveling circuit so gonna put and plus wait beautiful what there we go this is the whole reason Steve Ville even exists there used to be a ferry right here going across the Red Deer River and hundreds of people died trying to cross this river probably and then they put in a bridge and that kind of killed the town so next stop is a great little oasis spot that we found in the area and we'll take a little peek at dinosaur park but we're gonna pack up and then go make our breakfast at another little park in ghost town area and look at this litter bugs everywhere holy moley now this is like the first tree for remnants of a tree that we have seen in about an hour going down this highway so it is pretty barren kind of looks like you'd expect to see uncle Rico throwing his football around out here with his camper but there's a lot of little abandoned stuff in this area this whole this whole section of the province is just ghost town ghost towns ghost towns ruins everything else this is a nice little campground out here kind of an oasis in the desert there's a dam there and a reservoir and it's a cute little lake there's a little Lighthouse in it there's a swing some Joker twisted that seed around one of the poles but we're gonna cook some food here and then get back home like this little butane stove does the job it's light - its small clutter up the pan here and it go our potato pancakes part of a complete breakfast oh yeah while this is cooking I will tell you the spooky story of how I met beautiful wife who was at a cemetery actually both of us worked there for the summer I didn't mention this I think on a live stream once but for people who don't know yeah we met digging graves we actually dug a grave together the first day we knew each other and and of course I got fired because I was a little bit of a troublemaker there and that's the spoopy history of how we met so if you link in these videos please subscribe all your wildest dreams will come true and we're always up to stuff like this and it's gonna make this get right back into town edit this for the Thursday Halloween special thank you guys for coming along and stay cool until next time you're camping with Steve
Channel: Steve Wallis
Views: 511,861
Rating: 4.9255548 out of 5
Keywords: camping, ghost town, ghost, halloween, steve wallis, hunker down, tent, cold, fall, heater, mr. buddy, buddy heater, propane, spam, abandoned, campground, dinosaur provincial park, fossil, drumheller, haunted campground, haunted, steveville, alberta, camping with steve, big buddy heater, canada
Id: 93NHVSiNl6s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 0sec (1380 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 30 2019
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