Old School Kochanski Style Wilderness Survival Kit

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hey everybody coming at you from my gear room and today is going to be a super fun and interesting video um we are going to take a look at an old school survival kit now Wilderness survival is been a big craze for a long time now and the guru of survival in Bushcraft is moors kohanski now this survival kit is based off of Moors teachings and it's got a few odds and ends of things that I've kind of added but they're along the lines of his teachings too and so we're going to look at this kit and for those that are new to Bushcraft and survival if you've never heard of Morris kohanski uh he he wrote the book on the book called Bushcraft and he uh he got into this back in the 60s and he did this for like 40 years he was A wilderness living skill and survival instructor uh now what prompted this video was the way he carried his kit and a friend of mine had asked how do you carry that and so I knew how he carried it but I thought I can't make a video on just how he carried it so I'm just going to show the whole kit and some of the tricks and and and the twist I have put on it all right so let's Dive Right into this and take a look at the elements of an old school survival IAL kit right everybody has their Guru their Mentor for Moors his was a guy named Thomas Roy Croft and it's either I don't know if it's Roy Croft or Roy craft but you might have heard of the Roy Croft pack frame it was his idea well he is the one to introduce Moors to the old seven cup Miro pot uh this thing right here to him Moors it was the perfect pot perfect survival pot seven cups and if you're surviving off the land you can use this for wild edibles or mainly you could use it for or like pine needle tea uh mainly for water for meeting your water needs he always said that a survival kit should meet two needs it should allow you to get sleep so you can travel and it should keep you hydrated it should meet your water needs now this mirro here what it is is he said he thought that years ago it came with a basket for brewing coffee but most of these oldo pots they had a bail and then they had a ring on the back the better versions had handles on the back and that's what's in our survival kit that I'm fixing to show you but he said that Thomas royc gave him his first one in 1965 because he said that this is what they put in the uh rcaf I think that's Royal Canadian Air Force in their survival kit this is what they put in there and so he fell in love with it and used it for air ever uh in modern times they started remaking these things and this is an anodized pot with a nice tight fitting lid and then it's got the bail and then it's got these are the better handles here see how it's got the handles on the back and this just has a ring Miro years ago back in the 50s and 60s they made two versions one had the ring and one had this but anyway this was made in America recently by a four doog Stove Company but they quit making them because a lot of the other competition started making these in China and selling them cheaper so sales dropped so they quit making it so anyway but that's the history behind this this was Moore's perfect pot the 7even cup pot and then this was the updated version of it so let's move on down and we're going to look at the actual survival kit next what wars like to do with this kit is he like to stuff all the components his survival tools inside this pot now he said at times he said this pot was perfect to carry but he said it at times it wasn't big enough so sometimes what he would do is in sometimes in some cases he would carry a coffee percolator I think this is 12 cup maybe and because it was larger because he also liked to be able to stuff a down jacket in here now there is a down jacket in here that has long sleeves and a hood but with down what you do is I can compress this and you can see there's still a whole bunch more room in there but that doesn't fit in this pot I tried putting a survival kit in it and then putting in a vest and it still wouldn't fit but more about that in a minute I'll show you how you can carry a vest but cuz these things these are compressable right here but he said that if you didn't have room for like for wintertime survival you probably didn't need it in the summer I don't guess but maybe fall or spring it depending on where you are if you're at a high altitude it could get cold at night but anyway that right there is a full down 850 down puffy jacket with a hood and and stuff now this thing right here will compress down even smaller I'm going to show you something about that in a minute now my friend had asked me they said they was talking about this and they said how do you carry this thing all right well they had a thing called a diddy bag and what a diddy bag and more showed these just like this but it was like a a heavy canvas bag that was sewn and the idea behind this is it had two purposes is one of them now you want to put your bail on the same side as a spale and you want to put it Opposite your back and the idea behind this thing let's see you know actually you could hang that out like that but it's not supposed to it's supposed to be inside there but anyway the idea behind this was is when you carry a pot like this when you when you hold a pot like this over the fire it gets SED up and so you had a diddy bag like this that you could put it in to keep it from dirtying up all your other equipment now the location of these two belt loops were so that when you carried your survival kit This Is How They carried it you would attach this to your belt and carry it on the back back here and just like a just like a modern fanny pack or butt pack now once you was at Camp the beauty in this diddy bag was you know you got your pot out and you're doing your thing you know you're heating over a fire you could take this with the belt loops and put it on the front of your belt just like that and see that way whenever you're walking around uh Gathering berries you would have a pouch to put the berries in in so or maybe maybe even if you're collecting tender or or fatwood for Fire Starting but that's the beauty in a diddy bag and they don't sell these you're you have to have one you have to make one yourself or or have have somebody make one but that's handy cuz like I say it's a dual purpose thing but he called it a diddy bag so now the modern way of doing things well a little bit more modern than that is to have a pouch and this is actually not a modern pouch I mean it's kind of modern because this is uh I'm trying to remember this is one of the earliest wheel uh field tree I mean real tree it's a oh there was a name on it here somewhere the type of camo I don't even see it now I got two more of these bags I'll look at them in a minute when we switch scenes but what it is is this you put all the contents of this in here and it's got velcro and I've been meaning to add more Velcro they see it's got a pot with the components in it and then you'll put a few things around it now I got to thinking you could take a down vest because like I said the survival Kit's in the pot and I'm going to pull it out we're going to go through it but you can compress this thing for like if it's going to be cold weather and then you can just pack it in what a little bit of room is left this is why I need to add more velcro to this I need to add velcro here and here because there's only one strip of velcro right in the middle so you can pull that over and cinch that down just like that all right now this belt is a special kind of belt and I'm going to show you about that in a minute it's an it's an old school brass belt but the way you wear this thing let me get this chair out way now the way you wear this thing is you wear it just like a fanny pack just like like that all right it's kind of big I guess but it's it is it is a survival kit it's not a backpack so what we're going to do I'm going to I'm going to we're going to empty this out and I'm going to show you the contents and how it's packed but for now what I'm going to do is I'm going to pull this belt out and this belt is a very special belt it is it's Mo's old trick of carrying a Bowa blade in a belt now we're going to go over that in a minute but I'm going to unpack this before we do that all right I'm going change the camera angle so you can see over in it a smaller pouch here and I was I was wrong I'm glad I found it it was not real Tre this is mossy oak forest floor that's pretty old school anyway this is a smaller pouch here for even more of a minimal kit and you can do a minimal kit here here with uh some certain very rare items like this you got a water container here and then you've got a cup for boiling water and I mean just bare minimum minimum stuff you could put that in there and then fill the surrounding area with other things and that is just a tiny tiny minimalist kit there but anyway that's Mo's never taught anything this small he always taught along the sides size of this so let's velcro this open okay now if it's not cold weather you don't have to have this so let's throw that to the side uh he always loved having a candle and I like having a candle in a container to keep it from breaking now you can really if you got room I think there was room for two candles yeah you could actually put two candles in there or cuz he said that the candles could help keep you warm at night and provide light and provide fire starting so the other thing you could do is you could se you could substitute for a road flare he used to say that a road flare was good back before they had bear spray that if you worried about bears you slep with this under your pillow so that if a bear come around you just rip it open and you got about I don't I don't know how many minutes I can't remember 10 or 15 minutes of sulfurous flame pouring out and he said you if the bear gets close you shove it in towards his face and his nose and then it'll make the bear go away so let's move that over here all right so we got this well I'm going to lay all this stuff out he said you should always carry some garbage bags big heavy duty garbage bags cuz there's a million things you can do with that it can be a poncho it can be a floor uh it can be a roof so got garbage bags and then he always preached on the super shelter he always always always said that you should carry a it used to be years ago it was a milear blanket but then he started preaching about carrying the tube tents which is even bigger piece and then carrying the myar plastic so you could build a super shelter I'm not going to get into the real big on the super shelter cuz that's there's plenty of videos on that now he always said to carry a knife his favorite was a MOA now I want to show you something here this is a MOA from back in the 60s okay the 60s Now 50 years later this is a MOA with a pair cord on it you wear it around your neck but I just wanted to show you moas really haven't changed that much but moras were his favorite there's 50 years difference in these knives this is around 2016 or 17 or something I think but there's at least 50 years difference and this has even got the old school MOA case but like I said old school all right that's the stuff that Moors grew up teaching and using now the only other thing we got in here is an old Sierra saw this is one of the first folding saws now this folding saw will not this is for crafting tools and maybe joints for your shelter or or or a frame for a tent or a TP or lean to this is not meant for firewood but more on this when we get to the bosea belt right now we have what's left we have the pot okay now just like I said just like with the other one when you put this pot in there you want the bail and you want the snout away from your back when you put it in there because when you're walking and you've got this belt in the belt loop and you've got this against your back if you'll notice I had all the padded stuff in the back back here so that it wouldn't irritate you if you didn't have that stuff in the back and you had this thing it'd be poking you in the back off the time all right so I'm going to sit down and change the camera angle and we're going to see what all is in here now any kind of waste pouch would work but that's what I prefer cuz that's the oldest one that I have I say what does that say field line and I think that's meant to be a water foul pouch or a duck pouch I think now it's always a good idea to have some sort of a bungee cord holding this stuff together what I like to do is I like these bungee balls now sometimes Moors would take paracord and wrap it around it but this just seems to be easier but now if you'll notice this is one of the old Miro pots and see it's got the good handles this is the desirable handles compared to compared to the ring you want the handle all right now then of course it's got the boil and they stopped making these back in in like the 70s I think may maybe 60s all right so you open it up and here's the survival kit now the one thing he preached is once you filled up the inside of this thing with your survival components fill the rest with paracord all right as much paracord as you can pack in all right so got some orange paracord let lay that right there show you this in a minute and we got this is some more paracord all the Paracord you can put in this is this is 50 ft and this is 25 ft so that's 75 ft and then of course you can break this down and get the fibers out of the inside of it for using it for fishing line or even dental floss now oh this thing what this is the Bol blade these are the bolts that go to it okay I'm going to set this over to the side I'm going to save that for last cuz that's the most interesting now Mo's always just carried this pot he never said anything about a cup but I feel like if you can get a small enough cup it's to your advantage because this is not a camping kit this is a survival kit so to me if you're boiling water you don't want to drink out of this if you have to I would rather you boil the water and pour some in and then drink it or if you have to you could even put pine needles in here or whatever for making some sort of you know some sort of a drink without having to do it in here but anyway I like a little cup that's my addition let's see now we have he always liked to have a keychain full of dads and this one has a a little uh light little tiny light that's a lumo and then it's got a super high loud loud loud whistle it's not a normal whistle it's it's it's a screechy loud whistle and then it's got a little piece of tender inside it with an O-ring and then this little thing right right here I don't know what this is I guess like a spoon for eating and then this is a can opener no telling what you could use it for and then there's little uh nail clippers they're great for digging splinters out and then this is a little Pharaoh Rod uh it's always good to have a backup feral rod on top of your main Ferro rod and then he loved carrying safety pins there's a little safety pens and then this this thing right here is one of those little leaders for fishing now I had a couple of fishing hooks on here that had special ends on them the rubberized ends to cover them up but I removed them because there's an actual little fishing kit in here I had room for it but you could add that to a keychain if you're wanting to do a little bit more minimalist than what I'm doing this is part of let's see this and another part these these these were in the uh I think it was in the Air Force this is from like back in the 40s or 50s this is from the US Air Force survival kit we're going to open these up and I'm going to show you these in a minute I'm going to set them to the side but they're they're old old school that's that's why um that's why I included them and then of course you got a pharoh rod Ferro rods are great because matches can get wet and if it's below freezing sometimes lighters don't work but a Ferro rod works all the time even if it's cold now just as a backup because this is not playtime this is not camping this is survival I also have waterproof safety matches in a crush prooof container okay so not only are they waterproof and they're in their own container but they are in a crush proof container all right now most people aren't versed in trapping so trapping is not a good thing oh let me let me show you right here see right here I had just enough room for tapee now this is the other thing that people don't talk about and that's because I had these kits right here that round kits that fit inside so try to get containers that fit in each other but people don't talk about tape enough a lot of people there's a lot of videos that are people are putting uh these components for a super shelter into their kit but the thing is in reality when you get into the field these are almost impossible to put together without tape so you you know even if you don't have like store them this ways you could take this stuff and you could cram it in like that or you could crush the tape if you wanted to but anyway you need to carry some tape to tape this stuff together if you're not going to tape it together ahead of time anyway and then this is a this is a bug net for if bugs drive you crazy you can either put it with the eyeh holes where you can see out or if the bugs are really bad you can turn it around and just put this in the front of your face but Moors like this because this also could be used as a bag for prefiltering water and he also said that if you want to carry large amounts of water you could get a balloon and fill a put a balloon inside here and fill the balloon up with water because the balloon would bust if you carried it on its own but if you carried it inside a bug net like this it would hold the weight now of course this is old old school some of you some of you older guys that hunted back in the six 60s and 7s you'll you'll recognize this camo that is an old school net headnet and then of course it helps to have a little compass and I don't like those junky I don't like those junky little bubble compasses I'd rather have something that's somewhat somewhat of a realistic Compass uh now you're supposed to have a signal mirror in here too and for some reason I misplaced both of mine but anyway but you should have a signal mirror I I got a I think I'm going to have to buy a couple more and then I have little packs of uh of um hydration zero sugar uh hydration electrolytes that's it that's what I was thinking electrolytes it's good to have them for in case it's like the summertime and then in here you got the bullion cubes cuz these bullion cubes make a magical drink that whenever you're out of energy you just make a hot drink out of this and it'll give you a burst of energy and these will keep your potassium levels up and you know this this this got the salts and minerals and things in it that keeps things functioning and then this is a a little fishing kit I'm afraid no it ain't going to explode I'm not going to pull everything out but everything is packed in there that you could take your knife and you could carve a pole with a notch on the end and tie this and do some jig type fishing so that's good that could be a that could be a way of getting food so all right what we're going to do we got two more things left I'm going to open this kit up and show it to you and then we're going to talk about the belt and the bow saw now these two little two devices here are wonderful all right now if I remember right I think they came in the Air Force kit I think let's open this up and I wish somebody made a more modern version there some of this stuff on eBay but there's some components in here and I'm going to try to remember how to put this stuff together I hope I remember how I might bumble around for a minute but these are the components there's three hooks okay there's three hooks they've got a weird thing on the end of them and there's a little eyet with threads and then here's a little connector rod and then there's a little spear right now I'm going to show you the paperwork this is this this actually has the original paperwor work now this is old school all right now this is made by let me flip this around so that you can look at the paper this is made by the manufactured by the US light Ray Corporation Dayton Ohio all right now how to use spit and Gaff hook assemblies okay the those parts over in the the bo the little other box there that's a part of the spit where you can uh spear Wild game bird fish whatever and cook it over a fire on a spit or you can put the little arrow on in and use it as a fish bear see it even says up here for roasting meat birds fish over a fire assembled for use as a spear or assembled as a gaff hook for fish see so it's showing the three different ways you could also set the Gaff hook up right here with a fishing line that's you could use the Paracord and you could put hunks of meat on here or whatever some kind of bait and try to capture fish but like I said spit used as a fishing rod spit used for keeping flare away from the raft ah now see this was meant like I said this is meant you know something now that I'm thinking about it this might not have been meant for the Air Force it might have meant for the Coast Guard I'm not sure don't don't don't quote me on that but let's look at this and see if I can oh how did this go together I think the way this thing went together is you turn this like this okay there's a hole right here and you put this inside come on that goes okay there it is M that's it right there this hook that has the little top and the bottom goes in this little hole here and this little hole underneath all right I'm holding this thing together I finally got this the curved part is on top okay now you got to remember this is an antique so I wasn't versed in how to use it because I just don't use this that often all right so you screw that all the way down and then you screw down this part lock it in and I want you to look at the size of that that that Gaff I mean you could catch some serious fish with that thing the eyelet is more than enough for paracord you could probably put three three things of paracord in it but what you could do is you could set this thing up from a a tree that you've got sprung over under tension with a trigger and then you can put a little bit a bait on here and have this under the water and I mean you could catch a beast of a fish and it's also saying that you can screw it on here so let's look at this uh like I said these are antiques I haven't used them forever but the whole idea behind the video was old school survival kit now this is some kind of heavy heavy heavy cord right here and I'm not sure what it is but it was on this so I just left it on so now let's see I think this slide open no let's see the end opens up I'm trying to cuz this is a cardboard it says spit assembly see I'm trying to there it goes it slides I'm trying to protect this because it is cardboard and it is an antique and it's got a piece of metal on the end to keep from cutting the cardboard cutting into it but the way this works is you got these pieces and look there's one slid inside it even oh it's a sharp Point that's why it was slid inside it I'd forgotten about that like I said I hadn't used this thing in years all right so you screw this together there's one there's two and then there's three you can kind of see the length on this thing it's close to 2 feet it's got a knurled handle and so you can screw on you could either put the Gaff on it for gaffing or you can screw this on it's a spear now the way this thing looks the way this looks I wonder if this thing was actually another piece I wonder if it was another piece of this that somebody sharpened on the end cuz it didn't say anything about that for stabbing but that's some ser ious length right there if that had threads on it then that was a really long Speare that was definitely over 2 ft but anyway a't that cool that is old school all right let's move this up look at that I don't know if you would shoot that out of anything make you an arrow or if you just use that like you you was over a creek like raino waiting on a fish and you stabbed them but that's what that thing is that's a spear and then the other thing is a GFF is that cool somebody needs to start reproducing these because they're so small they're great for a minimalist kit so like I said the Gaff itself without the spare look at the size of the little tin it comes in that's that's a lot for that thing anyway let's go on to the Belt now uh I think you'll find that very interesting uh even if you don't do any of this old school kit that stuff right there is very cool now like I said earlier this thing is for crafting this is for making tools it's for making bow drills maybe hand drills uh but the reason this little thing is in there you're not going to do a lot of firewood if you're in a really really really cold environment uh you're going to need a Bowa but now look at the size of this Bowa look at how big this thing is this is gigantic and this will never fit in the minimalist kit I don't even think a Backpacker would carry this but I I took an ALICE pack a couple years ago and I pulled the frame out and I made it to where a Bowa is part of the Alice pack but that was in older video I don't think a lot of people would want to do that but instead of carrying this which would really produce a lot of wood you got to wear a belt anyway so you're going to wear the belt you're going to wear the saw inside the belt and I'll show you how that comes apart this little thing here this is something that a lot of people know there's something in here that a lot of people don't talk about that they talk about and you got to carry Wing nuts okay you got to carry Wing nuts cuz when you put that bow saw together you got to have you got to have some people just carry bolts but it ain't like you got a wrench and if you don't have a multitool it won't work so you need Wing nuts that you can tieen them up by hand but you make the frame while you're out in the woods and this will help make that frame and then you take your Bowa blade and your wing nuts now the thing about this that nobody ever talks about is how you going to get the holes in it to put this in well that's when you need one of these little bitty tiny mini uh I think they call it a a wood augur but what it is is it's it's it's it's it's a piece of tubin thin tubin welded to a wood drill bit see how that's flat on the end you don't want a regular drill bit you want that one that's got that flat on the end of it right there okay so that way when you're out in the woods you'll take um I don't know if I got anything that'll fit in there you'll take your you take a piece of wood and you put it through there and that'll make it that'll make your handle it's like a tea handle and then you can use that to drill your holes for your bolts all right now I'm going to move the camera again because we're going to dip into this belt here and I'm going to show you a good overhead view of it to explain because it is not easy you have to do this homemade nobody makes these belts you have to do it homemade and I have come up I have had these I have I have practiced this before and I have had belts I've had saw blades bust through the belts and I've had them stab me in the back and this method I'm going to show you is the only foolproof method that I've seen yet all right so I'm going to pull the camera back over all right I'm going to totally dissect this belt for you okay just a regular old belt right here old school with the brass ends on it made Uso now let's lay it flat you pull this over just like that now this is velcro the entire length all the way down going pull this all the way down now I think some of the belts Moors had were just canvas with the belt sled inside with velcro but there's a problem there if they're sharp they'll they'll poke all right so this is probably going to stick to my table let's pull this over and there's the Bel now the idea behind this is the belt needs to be in some sort of plastic protector uh this is part of the protectors there's Ed different Edge protectors that you can get and I don't know if you can buy them you just have to get them off of packaging or sometimes when you buy uh band saw blades for uh big band saws you can get these things right here but the way this is okay this say just a normal belt now the way this works is this is a piece of piece of cloth the same length as I mean a little bit longer than the belt and it's got Velcro on one side on one end and then you flip it over and it's got it on the other side okay now the way this works is like I said we're going to lay this down and then you lay the belt down and then you lay the saw blade on top just like that just like that and then you're going to fold over one side just like that let me get you in a little bit closer here so you can see yeah maybe you can see a little bit better okay we got the belt laying on it put your saw blade on it fold this part over and then you're going to pull this over as tight as you can get it just like that right I see there ain't no way that those teeth are going to poke through there is no way and that's how you carry Banda a Bowa blade in your belt now couple other little tidbits about that you wear that around your waist you'll never know it if you'll use this exact design but you got to use some kind of plastic protectors now these are a nightmare to put on but you got to wear them okay so you got that you got your bolts you got your little mini augur and I don't know if you can buy augers this small or not I made that one but these things right here what you have to do these are a nightmare to put on they take forever to put on the back is not that bad but what I do is I tape it on now I'm going to pull this blade out I put a little bit of tape on here let's pull this off you might could use the tape while you're at Camp let's see all right this is supposed to come off easier but anyway uh while I'm taking this off I'll go ahead and tell you there's two different kind of Bowa blades for those that don't know there's a bosea blade for drywood you know dead dry wood and then there's a bosea blade that is for Greenwood you know wood that's not dried out hard as a rock that's you know still got the natural juices and raisins and stuff in it so here's the thing I'm fixing to show you the difference in them here's the the thing you know something I'm might have to cut the camera off while I take this tape off okay bear with all I got that old water tape off now that was a lot harder than I thought to to get off but anyway this if you ever do this you're going to see why putting this on and off of so bad but putting it on the back side is not that big of a deal you just peel this stuff off and this like I said it's just it's a it's a plastic but now putting it on the tooth side is a nightmare but I'm going to go ahead and peel this off so let's say you was in a survival type situation you would peel this stuff off and then you've got your blade now if you're going to do this look if you're going to do this carry a brand new bco blade right because you don't want to you're already using an improvised bow saw for cutting firewood and you don't want a dull blade you want to ensure that you got a brand new one now here's the thing I'm going to show you right here let's have a look see the difference in the two see the top one the top one has nothing but just triangle shaped teeth see the one on the bottom it's got what's called a scallop there'll be four triangle teeth and then there'll be a scallop okay the bottom is a Greenwood Blade the top is a drywood blade now this is my advice for if you're going to carry something for survival like this the Greenwood blade Cuts Greenwood really good but it does not cut drywood at all it bounces the drywood blade pretty much Cuts both it does a great job on drywood and not a bad job on Greenwood but this thing bounces I don't know why but these little scallops these little gullets here makes it bounce on drywood so I would say carry a dryw wood blade not to mention all your firewood is going to be dead drywood anyway so you want the drywood blade there is a difference that's everything laid down on the table here everything you see fits in that pouch in this type of pot now like I say you can leave off if you leave off some of the bigger things you know or maybe the bigger things will fit into a larger pot but that's a little excessive I think it's better because you got to have a pouch to carry it anyway but anyway that's the magic size the 7even cup pot and it's got all this stuff in it that's a pretty good bit for a small pouch and it pretty much covers all your needs I would say so within reason I mean there's specialized kits for the uh coldest of winters and the hottest of Summers and and wet lands and places where it's dry stuff like that so but anyway this is old school right here so that's it whether or not you'll use any of this stuff is kind of up in the air uh there's a lot of lot of uh lot of even though this is some old ideas there's still a lot of good ideas in this kit and uh even if you want to go a little bit more modern and you know not mess with this stuff it's it's it's good to understand uh us survivalist and Bush crafters and campers where it started and and how it started and where we came from and how far we evolved in what we've learned you know so anyway hope you found it interesting uh I wish I had more old school stuff like uh this thing cuz and this Gaff this old school stuff is awesome and this Mora from back in the 60s is absolute it's a treasure it's an absolute treasure it says on it I can't read it something I can't read it I'm not going to but anyway old school right there so and this Sierra Saw is old school very old school it was made in Korea nowadays everybody's used to bacos and Sil silkies but anyway hope you enjoyed it hope you had fun uh hope you found this interesting and uh get out enjoy life experiment always be prepared have you a survival kit spend time with your family blah blah blah take it easy enjoy life and we shall see you in the next one
Channel: ReallyBigMonkey1
Views: 89,554
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Survival, Survival kit, Wilderness survival
Id: 3TsfNq6-tuc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 46sec (2446 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2024
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