Camping in DIY Instant Pop-Up Folding Origami Shelter

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hey guys welcome to another Thursday edition of camp and Steve I built a pretty cool origami structure I'm gonna pop out but of course I forgot my shovel so I'm gonna pack down the snow with these snowshoes then put the ground tarp down that should work just fine because there's actually ice underneath of the snow so clearing it would make a huge pile of difference but I'll pack down a little flat spot for us and we'll get right into camping have to do it so here's the deal with this guy made out of coroplast just cut a little door in there it it all comes apart the back is it was going to be taped together but this tape does not perform in the cold so I've just tied it on right there and that holds the whole thing together in in storm your conditions I'll definitely stake it down but that's that's the structure it's triangular there's not a ton of space in it but definitely more than normal tent you're gonna put in a nylon tarp for the floor I was going to do that before but the wall is digging into the snow give it a lot of rigidity so I like that looks good alright the shelters set up so time for step two of course and uh we'll come in here in a sec give a quick look around but I can live a happy life here this is awesome so yeah it's not the biggest in here but definitely good for one guy this is the best plan we could come up with that would fold up origami if we added a third war a fourth wall it would double the space in here and it would be quite quite comfortable but it's just Gorilla Tape and this Coria gated plastic stuff I found a deal on Kijiji which is like Craigslist in Canada and I got five sheets for ten bucks a sheet so 50 bucks and ten bucks of Gorilla Tape when I threw it all together I know I'm gonna get questions about the exact plans but we just kind of googled and did origami and made it as we went and we weren't sure if it was gonna work so it's these are eight foot sheets cut in half in the middle and the roof parts are just 45-degree angles at four feet each hinged in the middle and on the corners and it just pops right up so this is super cool it would make a good green house or something like that even like there's a lot of good possibilities for this quick type of setup thing so I'll probably get a fire started then we'll put some lights up in here and get this all kind of setup for the night but time to get a little survival fire going because it is going to be fairly cold tonight right now it's not too bad it's about 0-2 Celsius so we're looking at 28 degrees Fahrenheit right now but it is gonna drop down substantially at night and I'll figure out what that's gonna be but it'll be much much colder so we'll get a small fire going I know there's a firing under here because this is one of my usual spots that I come to so I did the polar vortex camping out one year and I've done a few other ones this is where there was that meth lab parked out here is somebody's motor home anyway yeah I brought wood but it's kind of a gray area this is public land up to the high-water mark after that that's somebody's farm over there so I really shouldn't wander into their land too much people can be unpredictable so yeah they're pretty well picked clean for wood anyways so not that not that I couldn't go scrounging for wood but I don't want any problems okay full pieces of wood there nice little trick you can use it's a whole bunch of gel hand sanitizer this stuff burns real good that should start it very nicely I'll bring the chair over and we can sit by the fire for a little the fire definitely provides warmth and helps keep you alive but I find that there's really no substitute for a ton of clothing on so fires nice but clothing is my priority if I had to choose between one or the other for a little camping trip like this I would go with just a bunch of powerful clothes see all these ducks out there and they must have some really powerful insulation because they're swimming in that water and it's got to be below freezing but not frozen because it's still moving so that's really remarkable so the Sun actually sets around 4:00 p.m. here so this is what we have to deal with cooking dinner in the dark please let me know what time the Sun sets where you guys live because that would be interesting to me but yeah it was shortly after 4:00 maybe for 20 or so the Sun Goes Down here in Edmonton and we're gonna get some dinner going cuz it was research clean-out day so I grabbed some stuff from the freezer that should hopefully form into a meal and walk around there and see what what I had to go through in the snow on the drive down here I was concerned because the snow was coming hard and I knew it was gonna be deep at least six inches and the whole way here I plowed through the virgin snow to get to the campsite and things are going good so far but as long as it doesn't snow we'll be able to get out of here in the morning some of you may know I like to use these butane grills and provided it's not too cold it should start okay there we go so the butane actually has to be above zero Celsius or 32 fahrenheit in order to vaporize but we're gonna be doing this right here close to the fire because it's so convenient I've got a cook set here and we're gonna be doing just a quick simple dinner tonight that means olive oil can't go wrong with that but it will freeze on you in these temperatures this will go completely solid and you will be in bad shape in the morning at a grocery store you can get combination of mushrooms peppers onions etc for a reasonable fee if you can figure out how to open the plastic container right I'm not being dramatic this is actually kinda difficult I see that's how it goes nice it was clean out the fridge day you know the freezer day and that meant some Johnsonville Italian sausages those are going into this feast here and we'll chop them all up into there save a couple for breakfast some pasta sauce classic oh yeah some water we're gonna dump in some of these three cheese tortellinis that should be quite okay out here I've no issues about that [Applause] [Applause] we'll bring this to a boil and then we'll shout out and hunker down [Music] tortellini and sausage pasta absolutely amazing I know you want to see it but yeah there's a great thing that I decided to clean up the freezer because this is a great simple camping meal if I plan to do again [Music] time for bed so I'm about to curl up in here I've got a little lantern going here which I'll turn off right away because there's no ventilation if I leave this on but I do have to give a huge shout out to all the very generous beer donation funds which have actually gone into some proplast to build this shelter all you guys are amazing I can't I can't say enough about that but I'll leave it be because I don't want to seem like I'm panhandling or anything so you guys are great I'm gonna curl up for bed and we'll see you guys in the morning this is so cool like being in this little shack I don't know I love it so time to hit the hay good morning I'm up early and in the car I was having trouble understanding why I was so cold but I did just bring the one sleeping bag and I got in and looked at temperature in the car - 18 Celsius so it is a cold one for just one sleeping bag but I did majority of the night there but I am warming up in my car and I'm gonna go make breakfast so with the Sun up it certainly warms up real quick it's still registering about - 8 - 9 Celsius but it is a lot warmer than it was at the crack of dawn I do have to give a shout-out to Dylan see who sent me this water bottle this hot water bottle thing for the last time I was cooking I did a one of these military rations and I just dump the water out after I even heated the meal so this will allow me to save any of that if I'm using something like that and I could have used it last night but I found that was really warm when I was falling asleep and I was really warm and told you know just the boat before it was time to get up for the day so it's uh wouldn't have helped too much but in the future it's definitely gonna come in handy so thanks Dylan I'm gonna throw some Canadian military rash and espresso roast coffee in here and that would give me the kick I need to get everything packed up and I'm gonna make a small plate of hash browns - got those little dehydrated ones they work just fine and dandy can you see I've invested in a little bit of a cook set not the other junky stuff I was using this is still an expensive stuff but it's a lot better than what I had that smells so good I'm not a fan generally of instant coffee but time to place for everything this looks good to me oh that is strong nice nice nice nice so I'm gonna make some hashbrowns it's tempted to crack an egg into it set the eggs I'm sure are frozen solid not hearing much movement in there but the other thing people did mention was I was using canola oil last time which is I know it's not a really good oil actually it's an acronym stands for Canadian oil low acid which is doesn't make it sound actually appetizing the actual the actual name of it is rapeseed oil which is actually far worse for marketing than Canadian oil low acid but I did have to bring that again today because I'll show you in one second this is my olive oil this is my frozen olive oil it freezes up at like not even freezing so it's pretty much useless and the canola oil is still useful so it's a little hard to do there these are my lovely dehydrated hash browns just rehydrating them and that will make enough to feed an army so big shout out to crazy neighbor who helped me build this structure here and I'm sure that's why most of you are watching let's actually take another look at it walk around and I'll briefly explain how we built it while these things rehydrated I built this happy little guy out of coroplast corrugated plastic which is just like plastic cardboard I used four and a half sheets I believe yeah so what I did was this is one sheet eight feet by four feet and we cut that in half and then we put a hinge at a Gorilla Tape in the middle of it and we did that to all three panels and we attach them leaving one end not attached then we basically just took these other sections here put a 45-degree angle coming off at four feet here and I have one of the origami paper things as well that we were using when we came up with this design so a real simple way to kind of see what this is all about this this is what it looks like all laid out I don't know if you can see this is the top then it it pops up and goes together like so but when it folds down it goes like that and again four feet eight feet four feet 45-degree angles all up there and the other three edges are like that and then it folds down like so and goes into the car so glad I brought this hope that it helps to explain something but yeah I don't have any measurements there's no step-by-step guide I may have to revisit that depending on how many comments I get asking if there's instructions for this thing but when in doubt you just improvise and start it with piece of paper and see what you can build see if it folds up nicely and that's the that's my advice on this but those hashbrown should be rehydrated by now yes this is one of those boxes that I've used before and it makes an insane amount of hashbrowns so get these on there's gonna be enough left to bring back to beautiful life because it is a huge box of hash browns hash browns are done and they have baked up fried up just perfectly nice and crispy just the way I like them I guess I'll touch on a few things I do get quite a few questions about Bigfoot what do I think about Bigfoot have I seen Bigfoot and my Bigfoot I haven't seen a Bigfoot or any traces of one or Yeti or anything else like that but I'm no cryptozoologist so I'm not the expert on this topic but my my general theory is I've gone to some extremely remote parts of the country up logging roads in places where there have actually been Sasquatch sightings reported to the police and all that but I can't picture anywhere that you can get to by Road not seeing some traffic or a human within two weeks like between hunting season recreation season people are out in what you think is absolutely remote wilderness you're gonna see somebody there eventually regardless of how far you go so I'm just surprised that they wouldn't been seen yet and you know no evidence of them so it would be really cool to be honest that would be that would be awesome and I'm not ruling it out but again I am NOT an expert on the matter but people have asked me to weigh in on my opinion about the Bigfoot situation [Applause] [Music] [Applause] just like that well thanks guys for watching time to get back to reality for the week until next week when I can go camping again so until then we'll just think of all the good good memories out here to keep us going through the next week and if you like this type of thing and you've watched this far please subscribe that helps me out and if you don't like it and you've watched this far I don't know what to tell you I gave you a chance to bail when I started the fire it's I don't know what to tell you if you didn't like it and you're watching this for some reason but thanks for the view anyhow so gonna get back into town and have a good week everybody Cheers
Channel: Steve Wallis
Views: 601,126
Rating: 4.9110117 out of 5
Keywords: camping, shelter, winter camping, origami shelter, camping with steve, steve wallis, hunker down, instant shelter, pop up shelter, pop up tent, cold camping, camp cooking, camping meal, instant pop up tent, instant pop up shelter, pop-up shelter, pop-up, how to, origami tent
Id: aGHGtnpy-IU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 29sec (1589 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 05 2019
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