Camping in the Rain - Campfire - Hardwood and Bird

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[Applause] it's coming in already some heavy rain  to start off the drive got about 2   hours to go and then a 2hour walk up  the mountain and Into the Storm welcome back Hello everybody welcome back to the YouTube  channel I'm heading out up the mountain into the   rain it's cold wet moist and rather miserable  but I'm happy and that's what I like so the pack   is absolutely fully loaded with treats heaps  of gear it's going to be cold so I have all   the winter stuff and we got to get up to Camp  it's about a 2hour slog pretty much straight   up the mountain but I'm looking forward to it it  should be good hopefully this rain holds off it   was pouring down as I came in but I better get  on with it get up to Camp get a fire going and   prepare for the elements but thanks for tuning in  everyone should be a good video I'm super looking   forward to this Camp so I'll carry on with this  walk and I'll come back you guys once I'm up at Camp breaking out of the trees a bit here  and I'm in the rain it's a slog up here   it's hard work with a heavy pack almost at  Camp it's brutal out here we on the exposed   and it's got a deep chill to it going  to quickly get off the wet gear get some   warm base layers on in the rain jacket  and get camped up that was a good walk in we're at camp and it's  freezing got to get changed quick get the beanie on and then  we'll be right instant relief   got the hellberg owner for this trip love this tent oh man it's cold check this out hillberg una what a lovely pitch  it looks so good up here in the mountains and   amongst the trees I want to get some of these  guidelines out cuz the wind might pick up and   it's quite an exposed spot here but man  it's cold I'm not used to this weather ha look at that I could put a couple off the back here but  it probably should be right just like that unless   the winds come up heaps I've got the TP set  up real nice and high so I can almost stand   up under here and the wind kind of comes through  this way so I'm Shed from the back by the tent   and the TP it's like a real nice setup here and  I can look out down that way I'm going to get my   stuff into the tent get all the bed set up and I  need a brew on get the down jacket on tooz it's so cold my Pack's giving birth to a big yellow Baby Woo it's a big one the RAB zero g puffer   jacket I'll get that on soon  oh all my stuff in the drive B and I've got the Zen bivvy I love this  thing the fitted sheet and the big quilt   and I'll probably need it tonight cuz it's already  freezing now it's going to be real chilly in the   morning so get this thing lofting up get the  sheet on I think it's time for a cup of coffee lovely now we're [Music] talking oh no the wck is here already  w e k a that that's how it spout Wier man you can see my breath the temperature  is really dropped it's a few spits of rain   could turn to snow but right now it's just  freezing cold with a bit of wind gushing over the [Applause] tops cheers everyone we're  back out on the mountain and the rain and I have my pit wicker with me too  I'm going to have to zip all the tint up   when I go get the wood cuz it'll just take  all my stuff as soon as I walk away even   if I'm sitting right here it'll come up  and just Peck things and run off into the [Applause] bush oh man this is good I'm  to enjoy this I'm start get firewood build   fire pit oh it's coming in want some  coffee with some coffee and biscuits secure the tent got the silky Zubat for wood   chopping but first i'm going to  build the rock pet right down here that's a good fer that's going to contain  the Flames nicely and hopefully send the   smoke straight up and not blind back  into my face all right time for wood wow that's quite a lot of wood that should keep  me going well into the night and definitely enough   to cook dinner but it's pretty tiring work  so I think I have a break now get some hot   and spicy noodles on and maybe a cup of tea then  we'll chop it all up and we'll get the pie going eh hot hot and [Music] spicy wood Montage let's go [Music] [Music] [Music] oh man okay time to stack all this nice  and neatly over here and then I'll baton   some up I think look at this pile  man there are some good cutting check out that that is an epic wood  pile it is sitting on top of a rock   so it's making it look a little bit  better than it actually is but that's   a lot of w let got to break these  sticks up now we can get this thing going see that Bushcraft I learned that from a book wer what are you doing looking for grubs  what an epic wood pile went over the top again   with the wood chopping but you know it's  what I like to do I like to come up here cut   wood eat food and relax so i' got this epic  wood pile behind me and I'll betat on a few   of the smaller pieces up and I think we'll get  this going then get a cup of tea on what is he doing just looking for grubs look he's just  there doesn't even care that I'm here just   chilling out and impressed I'm a stack  look at that stack I've got this little   knife again the little Moran it's good for  splitting the small pieces but not the big pieces look at that this is the epitome of Bushcraft for those of you watching that don't  know I'm in New Zealand and the wood here is   like a beach wood and it's very dense and New  Zealand gets a lot of rain so that's why I use   fire lighters and and I'm not like scraping  feather sticks and all that kind of stuff   cuz it's just no point and usually it's pouring  down with rain they're soaking wood soaking we   wood so just shucking some fire starter get  some of these little these little bits here   Beach ends I call them they usually pretty  dry and they can get going you know so I'm   not here to be a pro Bush crafter the sell light  fires you see that wicker came out right beside   all right let's let's die down a bit W man  this is a blaze there's quite a bit of wind   coming through too hopefully it doesn't  blow this way in a surprise gust I'll be roasted far out this fire is pumping I found some   really good dry bits of wood  so they're just igniting like instantly that rock walls reflecting  back some real nice heat just going to   let this die down and get a few bigger  pieces on hopefully these Flames will   subside a bit woo Sparks I think it's  time for a cup of tea and a hobnob here he comes Mr weer I think  he wants a cup of T and biscuit oh now we're talking big cup of Bal Pier  caramelized Pier to if you guys haven't   tried it yet go to your local Super Market or  store or whatever you call it from wherever you   are in the world and try find this product also  give you guys a closeup I've got my new favorite   biscuit hobnobs chocolate so I'm going to  sit by my fire toasty warm have a biscuit   and dunk it down to the fingertips don't  want to offend anyone I'm now in Camp Heaven actually I want snow we should really be having snow now it  could the weather just hasn't lined up the   conditions just haven't all come together but  hopefully soon within the next month or even 2   weeks there's definitely going to be some snow  I think so as soon as there's snow I'll be up   there camping in it or here or wherever so don't  worry guys I'm going to go out for every single dump there's a few spits of rain coming down there  might be another little front coming in get a bit   more rain which would be nice for all you guys  watching and wonder like why is this guy always   out in the rain why is he in storms I'll tell  you the truth I love camping in a storm it just   is what it is for me it's just way more exciting  I like seeing the weather go crazy and be in the   middle of it Snow's the best then heavy rain heavy  rain and wind is cool but it takes years off your   life so you know I do go out for the storms but  it takes me a couple days to recover after those   so yeah I just find it more interesting I do  camp in the good weather sometimes like I do   every now and then I don't know climb up a  mountain do a camp on the top but hopefully   this winter I'll do some camps when it's  like fully sunny and super crisp no snow   like falling but snow all over the ground  some of the coldest nights of the year and   just I don't know maybe sleep under the stars  or a snow cave or something so I'll do that   too we're just waiting for the snow in the  right conditions but yeah maybe I'm crazy   maybe I'm not I'm just doing what I like ni to  do it's a delicacy thumbs up for the biscuits all right dinner time I'm going to cook these two  sweet potatoes in New Zealand we call them Kuma   so I'm going to wrap these in tenf foil get them  in the Embers it's probably going to take a long   time to cook them and they'll be caramelized and  then I'll put sour cream on them and I got some   honey and rum pickled onions but Victoria said I  should probably stab them to help cook them so o   I don't want to cut myself going to put some stabs  into these I'll wrap them up I'll get them in the coals get some olive oil on there but it's frozen [Music] you can hear those sizzling already I think  they'll take about an hour so I'll just keep   them kind of to the side of the fire and move the  coals around then they should be fully caramelized   and delicious after that oh yeah this is putting  out Mega heat I just stepped away from the fire to   move the camera I could feel the cold instantly  but now next to this it's like a summer's day look at those cooking down in there  the back of the fire is still cranking I'm   just pulling Coes forward and turning  these around just camping with my pit bird Frederick he can smell my sweet  potatoes cooking in the fire and he   might want to join in and be a part of the main course hey mate leave them unless you want to  go in there probably tastes like chicken so   while this Cooks I'll shot with you guys  some pretty exciting news Victoria went   for a 20we ultrasound to have a look inside  her tummy at the baby that we're having and   everything is good I can report back the  baby is growing um to the acceptable size   and everything is developing enough fingers  and toes so that's good news and we wanted   to find out whether or not it was a boy or  a girl but unfortunately the baby was curled   up like this and like covering itself so we  couldn't actually see whether or not it was   male or female so we're going back for another  scan soon and hopefully we'll find out then but   it's pretty exciting I'll put up on the screen  a picture from the ultrasound so you guys can   see but yeah smash the Subscribe and thumbs up  for repopulating the world with more Elite level bushcrafters but yeah it's pretty cool and  I'm quite excited about it so that's my news   to report back and hopefully I keep saying this  we'll be going on a camp soon me and Victoria   and she can tell you all about it and you can  see her little pregnancy bump whatever you call   it but we have a real cool tent coming soon I  think and it should coincide with the snow so   we'll take this thing out in the snow doing like  a car camp and it should be awesome so yeah these   are cooking nicely and the fire is just cranking  my little Bird's just walking around and all as well the sweet potatoes are going good they've  been cooking now for about 45 minutes I'm a bit   scared to open them up because if I open them  and they're not done yet it's going to be a   real pain in the ass to try and get them back  and there little 104 wraps but this is what   I'm having with the sweet potato the ribey Wago  steak I love these things these are so juicy and   tender so I'm going to fry that up in the pan  probably Chuck some butter in with it then I'll   plate everything up but yeah I think I'll open  up the sweet potato soon and I'll get the steak   cooking and hopefully it all comes together  with perfect timing this fire is deadly hot ah smells good okay they don't look too burnt  it actually looks pretty nice look   at that soft steamy creamy I think  it could do with a little bit more look at that man look at  the marbling on that steak oh open these up woo okay I think I need let  them cool down a bit these have cooled down   a bit we'll open them up for the great reveal  they're not going back in so this is their final form o I burnt it oh no what have I done oh man  I don't think I needed to put them back in oh   Shivers what have I done hopefully the inside's  okay yeah the inside's all right there's just   like a hard layer I shouldn't have put them back  in the inside's beautifully soft and caramelized   but the outsides are pretty cremated all right  I peel it back and expose get the steak and the   juices oh my goodness and the special ingredient  for this is some artisanal like pickled onions   and rum and honey so they'll cut through  the um the sweet caramelized flesh of the potato nicely add a bit of a Zing I'll put  them more on why not and then I've got sour   cream this stuff comes in a little squirt bottle  which is real convenient so you just unscrew the top I can just smother it  obligatory closeup here we go so that's the perfectly cooked  steak nicely rested and you got all   of this the Flesh of the sweet  potato is actually really soft   so that's really nice sweet and caramelized I  think this one's Instagram worthy I'll take a   photo for the gram I'll put a p comment  so you guys can follow me but you know I   got to get a photo of this in the campfire it's  time to give this a taste start with some steak oh this side dish of the the sweet potato  sour cream pickled onions it's at one of my   favorite restaurants so I thought I'd give  it a try up in the bush and see if I can   replicate it I think next time what I got to do  is cook it a little bit less man it's delicious oh the perfect balance of Zing pickiness vinegar meaty oh beat a DEH High any day it might not look the best but I  tell you what that is truly delicious well that was dinner I chucked the puffer back  on cuz as soon as I moved away from the fire I   was getting cold again but I'll tell you what man  that dinner it may have looked a bit weird with   the crated little sweet potatoes but that was an  experience and it met my expectations so I think   I'll try it again uh but next time you know I'll  learn from my mistakes but trct some more wood on   the fire you can see it's cranking and I think  I'll just chill for a bit and probably have a   another cup of tea and some biscuits for dessert  but I got so much wood it's kind of crazy I don't   really need that much wood but you know I like  cutting it up but yeah it's all dark now you   just hear the birds crawling and few spits of  rain so it's quite cozy here under my shter some rains come back going to have a  big cup of tea and some more biscuits   the truck more wood on the fire  and it's just cranking out the heat oh got a boil [Applause] that's so [Applause] nice get some more sticks  on here get it to stop [Applause] smoking get some milk in this P we bro oh yeah full cup massive big cup oh it's hot you can see now the Twigs are   burning it's putting out heaps of  heat and heaps of [Applause] light   but man the milk chocolate hobnobs these  are now my favorite biscuits [Applause] so cheers everyone thanks for coming  on another mission with me into the Wilderness and a special thanks to all my  lovely subscribers and the channel members   really appreciate you guys continued support and  it does mean a lot that you guys want to you know   support the channel and you like it enough that  you want to you know go out your way to help   me out so thank you I to enjoy this brew and  this rain smash the whole packet of biscuits   just chill out by the campfire and probably  come back to you guys when I'm going to bed [Applause] [Applause] this is lovely nice gentle rainf  falling freezing cold roaring fire   big cup of tea this is good stuff  man this is why I come out and do it [Applause] yummy here we are all right I'm going to get   these pants off get the boats  off and then get into the Zen bivy oh yes the immense  Loft and comfort of the Zen   bivy ultra light oh man I have to have this  whole door open I reckon tonight to stop condensation okay I've managed to get myself  super cozy I've wriggled around and I've got   the pad real nice and flat so I should have  a super good sleep the zeny mat and the zeny   light appear it's just you know I don't  really want to go camping without it now   I think I said that in the last video but  I truly mean it it's such a good system   but yeah uh this tent's pretty cool it's got no  vesu as you guys probably seen so all my stuff is   like stored down beside me which is fine cuz  it's about 1.2 M wide I think and it's got a   pretty steep sidewall behind me here so I can tuck  right up against it and not really have to worry   about you know pigging out a vesu and all of that  so suits me but yeah I think I'm going to sleep   with the door completely open tonight to try and  mitigate condensation as much as possible there's   still a gentle rainf falling I'm not sure if you  can hear that it's quite relaxing but I do think   tomorrow morning it's going to be super cold but  yeah should be a nice night I'm looking forward to   just chilling in the tent and sleeping but pretty  sure that's enough for me I'm just rambling now   but yeah I Z the tent off and go to sleep I think  and I'll see you guys in the morning good night good morning everybody I just woke up  open the tint door there's a few splits   of rain coming down but I'm feeling  pretty good there's a little bit of   moisture in the tint but not much so it  was a bit of a success I would say um but   yeah in desperate need of a Coffee Brains not  working so we're going to get one of those on   probably another one then another one maybe  another one after that but we'll start with one these little coffee filters I love  them pick them up on the Internet heaps   of people ask where do I get them most  people watching are on different places   all around the world so I can't really  say but I just search for coffee filters   reusable coffee filters or portable coffee  filters onto Google I just bought a pack of   100 I think I just ordered a thousand more  cuz I like them man this is what I really   like being in the tent cozy ass with a coffee  in the morning one of my favorite things about   camping you can see the inner of the hillberg  it's nice and yellow and I've got my little Bol   light dangling up here which gives like a real  nice ambient glow through the whole tent so yeah   I'm super cozy the Zin bivy again performed  very very well just look at the Loft on it   and the Fabrics so soft and smooth it doesn't  feel sticky I'm not wearing long johns or socks   so it's just like silky on my skin but once again  the mat's awesome the bed's awesome truly is the   ultimate Sleep System so I have nothing but good  things to say about it he's back to terrorize my morning friendly little birdie that's a big  one fully developed that's my coffee filter   what do you want what do you want man you  see what I mean surrounded by Wickers I'm not alone oh no he's calling his friends  over a full scale attacks about to take place it's cold the second one's even better disco mode oh still quite a bit of heat in there see those Embers so much heat  just radiating off the stone still there we go fire just like that I  don't think I need another coffee   right away I'm just going to let  this fire build up a bit die down   a bit get some nice Embers going  then I'll probably get my pancake on for that's a lot of flame it's quite High [Music] [Music] oh my goodness can you see  that wicker it's in the tree there it's trying to get a new angle on me it's   going to swoop down and attack  from above this one has no fear whatsoever can smell my pancake back off man so I can't find my butter at all the  wick have stole it I don't know how it   happened it was right beside me and I can't  find my butter that's crazy it snuck up and   stole it without me even knowing I looked  everywhere search through the bush can't   find the butter so have to have the  pancakes with the dress maple syrup okay I think the pancakes are done get these off  I got three big pancakes and you know I don't have   the butter cuz of that pesky wer but what I do  have is an insane amount of maple syrup so you guys know I love it just drizzle I feel they cooked  all right they seem pretty good it's a big mess I mean the butter does add a nice element  to it but still fluffy sweet and delicious m all packed up it was pretty good nothing was  frozen so everything went back into the stuff   sacks and into the pack pretty nicely no pain on  the fingers but I got about 1 and 1 half hours   kind of gentle walk down it's a nice walk  out and it's kind of a crisp cool morning   so should be fun but yeah it was a great Camp  really enjoyed that one the Wicker I think the   Wicker one the pet bird came out on top on this  one lost my butter which is quite distressing   but I'll carry on down I'll catch back up with  you guys at the car and I'll just enjoy this walk emerg from the trees and man it's just  beautiful down here the reservoir is very   still it's quite low hasn't been much  rain lately so far this year so usually   it's full but it's been low for ages it's  about another 15 minutes and back at the wagon back at the wagon it's still a bit of an  effort getting out got a good sweet on I get my   stuff off I'll say goodbye okay it's time to head  out thanks for coming everyone it was a pretty   cool Camp hope you enjoyed it I'm really really  hoping we get snow in the next one or maybe you   know anytime I need it but I got about 2hour drive  home and then I'll get to work and upload this   video for you guys but yeah thanks for coming and  I'll see you in the next one see you later guys.
Channel: Abel & Victoria
Views: 32,629
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rain, heavy rain, rainstorm, tent, camping, deluge, ultralight, hikinh, nature, tentcamping, campong in the rain, heavyrainstrom, storm, water, wildcamping, wilderness, zpacks, offsetduo, solo, camp, abelandvoctoria, wet, tenting, campfire, outdoor, cabin, bushcaft, fire
Id: zzmoAynEPWY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 9sec (2709 seconds)
Published: Thu May 23 2024
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