Winter Storm Camping with my Wife - Blizzard Survival - HEAVY SNOW

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foreign [Music] [Music] holy cow yeah it's nice we're gonna have these hot chocolates if they get into bed because this is getting rough out here welcome back to the YouTube channel it's Ava and I out here this time and we're in a snowstorm and this is the best of it so it's only going to get worse from here we've got heaps of food we're out for two days it's gonna be a great time we've been walking now for about an hour and as you can see it's starting to pack in my packs fully loaded with 60 pounds of treats and goose down got the big hilleberg tent but it's going to be an awesome cab I can already tell it's so pretty look at these conditions great conditions 100 kilometer winds tomorrow apparently yeah but we've got to carry on off a bit further then find a base and get warm had to put the big camera away as conditions are deteriorating snow's coming in pretty thick and it's doing a bit of a way to go it's pretty brutal conditions all right so we've made it into where we're going to Camp got this nice little clearing in between the trees it was pretty rough conditions as we walked up but we made it all right but we don't have a whole lot of daylight left so we've got to get the tarp up we've got to get the tent out hilleberg and then establish the entire base and gets it up but how's it it's cold it's real cold so the video aren't sitting up now Wendy icy snowy but she'll be right [Music] good [Music] foreign foreign for now not perfect but I'm gonna get stuff from 10. I made it in space tint set up tarps up and now I'm just emptying the contents of my pack and getting our our bed set up inside the tent as you could see there's quite a lot of snow falling while we're doing that setup but with my new macpac down jacket that I've got under here I was actually super toasty warm Snow's falling pretty nice and we're quite sheltered this is the perfect spot actually but what we've got to do now is we need to get all the stuff into the tent get our mats set up get our quilts lofting up we'll probably try to get a fire going and sit out and have some food that was pretty awesome and conditions are great I'm loving the spot okay whoa I was closed this because there's snow coming get it I was getting changed into my clothes that I'm going to set out and put on Alpine pants and my fleece pants underneath and then probably two down jackets and maybe my rain jacket over top of this jacket which is already a rain jacket this is what it takes to be warm in these conditions this rock is massive oh my God [Music] foreign [Music] foreign conditions are pretty drum as Tony would say but what we're going to do is get my fire starters and try start the fire it's I don't know if this is going to be I'm gonna take my gloves off not sure if this is going to work but we're just gonna have to hope for the best you know the snow's falling pretty good and it's dark and I brought my temperature probe this time and it's reading about negative one degrees so not super cold yet but it's getting there [Music] I'm gonna come on lighter we have fire just like that all right this is going to be pretty hard I'm gonna get sticks in there foreign dry you can hear it's got a good snap to it should be able to get this going nice foreign everyone we're established in base fires going although we're sitting quite far back from it you can still feel a bit of warmth so it's quite nice um but yeah we had a cup of tea and I think we need another one and we have a little bit of uh whiskey in these custom-made flasks that my brother gave us as a wedding gift it's a little test should I grab mine where did I put it whiskey tastes great in the snow but I think we've got to get dinner on soon we've got the sausage and rice meal with onion and cheese if it's not frozen we're hearing that tonight Burgers cheers cheers everybody thanks for coming on this crazy camp we finally set up and it's been a bit of a mission that warms you inside yeah alcohol keeps you really warm when you're in the cold like this so that's why you have it oh man at least it makes you think you're one I only have to put my other down jacket on but what we're going to do I think we have another cup of tea and a few more Ginger nuts and then we'll cook dinner sound like a plan sounds good yeah the fire's going good the snow is kind of falling gusts coming through but so far so good all right I'll get the tea on thank you Whiskey in the snow rather nice right everybody we're just now at dinner time and we're going to cook up some of the Radix rice and we're gonna cook the sausages onions and cheese all over it so that's the simple sausage meal it should be pretty nice bars going good and the gusts of wind are kind of coming and going I'm gonna have another sip of whiskey because I might do it the same I need to warm myself up I'm actually not that cold my down jacket's doing a pretty good job and I've been running around with the camera and getting a bit more wood somewhere right but we'll get dinner on and it should be glorious but this Camp so far has been pretty awesome what do you think Victoria it's been a lot of fun I'm excited for tomorrow though I'm having a bit more time to relax and attend read my book yeah it's hard that's hard work like coming up into these conditions and to Camp I feel like it needs to be hard work though because otherwise I'd freeze yeah running around getting rocks and steps we survived and defeat the elements in comfort and style that's the objective of objective of these camps is it what we're doing yeah feed the elephants I mean look at us we're out here having a whiskey it's quite nice it's got my campfire and I think I've got seven layers on my top at the moment yeah I'm pretty laid up too I'm not too cold at the moment greasy as a pants three pairs of socks two beans [Music] health food this is the sausage meal set my gloves off they're all wet and we're going to put some smoked Hickory on it it's going to be delightful security screen you want some yes please so a couple videos back you would have seen me beating this and I thought it was a game changer so here we are in the depth of winter in the snow storm having it again sausages sausages and the onions it's the brusket jalapeno Judo sausages well there's a lot of snow coming down the camera is probably spazzing out because it's trying to detect the snow and uh somewhere behind we really need this meal you guys don't see everything in the videos obviously but it's a lot of behind the scenes just to get these shots that's delicious I think it's not going to stop snowing actually this entire time so yeah we'll see how things progress but we're probably gonna have to take the tarp down overnight otherwise it's going to completely it's already sagging but I just want to enjoy this meal but not then I'll stress out about the snow later thank you Victoria I'll just carry on eating my dinner Whoa man what's coming in big time guys we're gonna eat this meal thank you I'm gonna eat this I'll show you anyway give you another close-up eat this oh that fire is nice you want to eat this and then you're probably gonna have a hot chocolate then get into bed because this is crazy but thank you so much for coming along with us on this camp and if you're enjoying it subscribe to the channel and hit the thumbs up we really appreciate it a lot of effort goes into these videos we hope you enjoy them we love doing it but it's always cool to have appreciation back so thanks everyone we're gonna eat this come back to you later blue snow is coming down in Tennessee this is hot chocolate time and it's getting pretty cold out here the snow hasn't really relented and the occasional wind gusts comes through which makes it pretty chilly but we have this last little Jared Arc hot chocolate but and then to bed I reckon yeah we'll give you the ultimate tour inside the helleberg you have with our massive quilt it's just full of Loft in there so we're not going to be cold tonight hopefully hopefully not we shouldn't be but yeah it's been it's been a nice night we've really enjoyed sitting out in the cold beating the elements it's been quite fun yeah I don't think we'll we'll discuss things tomorrow once we warmed up we were time to relax yeah but tonight we're just going to have this hot chocolates holy cow yeah nice we're gonna have these hot chocolates if they get into bed because this is getting rough out here far out goodness I am having fun I swear [Laughter] I'm actually not cold my just starting to feel a bit of coldness on the tip of my toes and my legs a little bit but this jacket is legit all right okay we're gonna get into the tent guys come back to you for the tent tour [Music] [Music] it's going to be a struggle got to quickly get into the tent snow's coming down pretty heavy pulled the tarp down right over the tent so it should hopefully shed the snow but that's got to get inside now it's a bit of a mess everything's crazy I'll come back to you when I'm in the tent we're inside the tent this is my golden quilt the Golden Palace the weather's pretty rough outside you get these big gusts coming through and you can just hear the snow shooting off the tent smashing into the tent Victoria's down here my hot pink quilt very nice so we should be toasty warm inside of these and on our Nemo pads but we're gonna survive the night I don't know how we're going to sort out the main camera tomorrow um that's just a big condensated mess but we should be arriving here it's quite cozy oh it's very cozy in here I'm super warm look at all that Loft on that quilt but we're gonna probably just relax and go to sleep now survive the night it's been pretty fun so far on this crazy trip and I hope you guys enjoyed it but we'll be back tomorrow for heaps of treats and get a good fire going and hopefully the storm's not too bad but we'll see you tomorrow guys good night good morning everybody managed to uh defog the camera sensor which is quite hard I had to put it in the quilt and warm it up but the current situation is we've had a makona and the tent is got like knee-deep snow all around it and as you can probably hear the conditions outside are pretty pretty brutal so I'm not sure what we're gonna do um to stand the tent until there's a bit of light outside I think but yeah check the forecast there's still heaps more snow to come especially tomorrow so that's the biggest concern of trying to get out yes I don't know we'll we'll see how the day progresses and have some bacon eggs for breakfast soon I suppose but we survived the night and the quilts pretty nicely we're quite toasty and warm and the tent is just dropping with condensation as you'll expect on these conditions but all as well and the snowstorm as you can see not good conditions out there you cozy I'm tint Bound for now I want to get up soon you can see that's the snow level so this is the door of the tent be quite difficult to get out of here you can just see all this condensation nothing you can do about that [Applause] let's just continuing to snow outside the tent the snow level has risen more building up in the tent quite dramatically [Music] snow out whoa that looks cold I think it's about eight o'clock and uh the wind is still pretty brutal we're still hiding inside the tent you can see behind me here the snow has kind of covered the whole tent um so we're still in here kind of huddling away but I think we're gonna have to get up soon I'm gonna have to melt a whole lot of snow with the cooker to try and make some more coffee probably gonna have to put all of our warmest clothes on when we venture outside but yeah this is this current situation conditions aren't good guys we're up and out of the tent and it's kind of like a blizzard conditions at the moment Victoria is clearing away the snow and I've got my final form of clothing on so I'm not cold but we'll try to get the tarp set up and shelter ourselves a bit uh but yeah it's pretty it's pretty rough conditions out here we've set our base a bit but we're just going to get our chair set up and we're going to make a coffee but the conditions are really bad there's lots of wind coming through so it's it's going to be quite hard to uh sit the camera up on good angles just these big gusts that will make do with what we can and we get a bra on I think you know some more yeah I'm super warm I've got so many layers on I'm not cold just the Windsor paint the time for another coffee thank you foreign it's already cold draw the flake out there foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah but out here this is this is a blizzard um and it's very hard to film obviously but I think it's time we attempt to prepare some breakfast I'm really Keen for some oats I think you want to lose some oats a nice hot bowl of Oats I think put them in a cup cook them in a cup we're gonna put them in a pan do them in the pan I suppose but this is very challenging I don't even have the pan but yeah we'll cook some oats hot creamy oats we brought up some luxury milk so we'll heat those up and have them and we have to decide what we're going to do today it's supposed to snow a lot more games for our car so I'm not sure if we'll be able to get out so we might have to escape today but yeah that's the current state of affairs my main concern tomorrow as well is a win forecast today's 60 70 kilometer ones but tomorrow it's like 105. we picked a great great time to go out for a camp but that's what we do so you got to subscribe and hit the thumbs up button for this type of misery camping guys we're enjoying it and we're actually quite warm but it's time we get breakfast on the hot creamy oats and we'll eat that and hopefully the winds died down a little bit I hope there's enough gas left I'm surprised that it's actually working so good this primer stove is quite legit okay I'll show I'll show you guys hopefully it focuses on this this is some deluxe luxury milk we're gonna cook our oats this is that it's spicy kind of like cinnamony winter spice milk spiced with parapito which is native plant native plants New Zealand it's kind of peppery some people call it the pepper plant had green leaf with little red spots over it oh good and we're just gonna Chuck out soon slowly cook them but Victoria tell our lovely subscribers about our honeymoon and wedding if you would like oh yeah are we we got married a few weeks ago must be three weeks ago now nearly been married a month now we're getting a divorce this is kind of nice to Camp we'll go camping it's going to be fun table says every week um no so that was lovely we just had a wonderful day with just our parents and siblings and ate some yummy food and yeah 10 people came to our event but it was a very nice luxury event fine this one so we didn't skimp on the quality it was just small but that's the way we wanted it which was quite fun and then we actually didn't go camping for our honeymoon no we did a bit of a South Island Tour and stayed in actual accommodation rather than a tents it was lovely she's having some luxury accommodation I mean the hilleberg's quite luxurious if you ask me This was um this little tent here was Abel's wedding gift to himself he said it was for our safety well it is for our safety we if we had the Big Agnes in this kind of condition snow would have been blowing in under it would have been a disaster I don't think we could have come yeah those teams are based so thanks to that wedding gift to yourself we're up here in these wonderful conditions they actually sound quite warm I've got I think five layers of Merino on a down jacket and my raincoat on top and then I've got two layers of Merino leggings in my pants so yeah the trip down to Queenstown was a great time hates way too much drank too much but I mean what do you do in your honeymoon exactly that but it was nice to get back in get back to oats and water back for our routine we've got a pretty strict routine really work during the week eat well train hard and come out here last weekend yeah these oats are starting to look really nice thickening up and the sun almost came out but not really what I was going to say um a few of you guys uh did us have given us super thanks so you donated to us in the chat which I really appreciate um don't expect anyone to do it but you know a lot of effort goes into the videos and we don't really get anything from it necessarily it all really helps yeah it costs a lot to come out on these trips but really appreciate you guys who feel you felt like it was worth it so thank you and we just buy more treats so we can go on more camps with the with the um the super thing so thanks guys I like these oats probably about ready if you reckon yeah ready yeah um two somewhere it's in the yellow back all right I can't tip it in there you go no I can't so I kind of want to stay out for another night but I'm not sure what we're gonna do I'm a little bit scared of the weather conditions mainly driving home we'll be able to walk back to the car easily enough it'll be still hard work but it's just we have to drive up over a hill to get back and it's over a thousand meters and the snow is supposed to fall to 600 meters above sea level and we are currently at about 1 350 meters and it's quite a remote road so it's not like it's going to get cleared straight away anyway yeah and I don't think anyone else is going to be cool enough to come up into these stormy conditions actually I think pains coming up he watches the videos he's a local he might have to save us [Laughter] man these dogs are good that would be quite funny saved by a subscriber I might eat some bacon after this man I forgot [Music] sorry anyway guys we're gonna finish eating this and tidy up and we'll grab some share with you the next move we're just going for a little walk stretch our legs into the blizzard snow's about knee-deep it's nice and fluffy it's pretty nice yeah the conditions haven't really gone in bed and I just checked the forecast and it's going to be probably another 40 centimeters of snow tonight so yeah not sure what to do I think I'm going to go back to my tent have a hot chocolate oh see what happens but this is rough man [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign let's get out of here all right everybody it's gonna have the spicy hot chocolate and we've made the executive decision that we're going to get the hell out of here because we want to avoid the title I lost my wife in a blizzard yeah and we actually want to be able to drive the car home conditions are going to get worse check the forecast 100 kilometer winds and another 30 40 centimeters of snow so we're going to pack down the tent that's going to be quite a fun experience get everything in the packs and we'll film the walk out so hang around for that that'll be on the GoPro and that's going to look funny Walking in the blizzard and then we'll also film some of the drive out to see if we make it but I hope you guys have enjoyed the video up to here really we may end up doing a car Camp yeah it could transition to car camp but appreciate you guys watching and it's been an awesome trip so far and it's a good learning experience camping in these conditions these are the conditions pretty Raw there's massive gusts coming through but I've got this stuff packed down now Victoria's in the tent and she's packing up our sleeping bags and stuff but the wind's getting stronger and tents out here guys I've got the tarp down and you can see the tent it holds up to these wind gusts really nicely what a beautiful tent Torres out of the tank everything's packed up in our bags should we just got to take the tent down now we'll film a bit of that and then we'll film some of us walking out in the blizzard pretty intense foreign rough conditions and the snow's quite deep it's quite difficult to walk on so we've got to make our way back down into the bush but shouldn't be too bad but it looks like the snow is coming in again and my fingers are cold oh thank you for ananya look at this beautiful it's not working on the car and my windscreen rifles obviously cannot get all of the um the snow off of the windshield but Victoria's got a poo shovel she can clear it and then we will try and get out on the road it should be okay there's a few other cars here so I think we'll be able to get out. it's not too bad through here well everyone I think we want to make it out all right a few cars have been through so not too bad and we've got a pretty good vehicle for this type of thing but I hope everyone enjoyed the video it was a great Camp a good experience yeah it was cool airs so that's a trip um hope you enjoyed it and we'll see you guys in the next video thanks for watching see you next time
Channel: Abel & Victoria
Views: 512,246
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: snow, snowstorm, blizzard, camping, tent, tarp.hilleberg, allak 2, wildcamping, storm, abelandvicoria, ableandvictora, winter, campfire, bushcraft, adventure, hiking, asmr
Id: UeFg3gg8uzs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 24sec (2784 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 05 2023
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