Camp Meeting 2021

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[Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] we are in charleston south carolina tonight welcome to camp meeting 2021 i'm telling you the presence of the lord is here and we had an incredible time last night with bishop chante y younger the lord blessed us on last evening i want to thank each and every one of you for joining us on this evening and listen i promise you you will be blessed tonight by the presence of the lord it's prayer time it's prayer time and we believe that we touch the very heart of god through prayer and i am just so privileged to welcome back to this platform our daughter she is a powerful woman of god and she has blessed us for many many years would you help me celebrate the ministry gift of pastor tammy renee glenn come on let's receive her now in her own way as we submit to the voice of god praise the lord everybody god is a great god he is worthy of our praise and honor in glory we give god great great praise tonight i thank god i want to honor bishop and lady moore praise the lord my spiritual father we've known each other since [Music] 1989 praise the lord when the lord joined and connected our hearts i've been thinking about so much since we've been here what joy it is what great joy in my heart to be able to be here to share and i just appreciate god for all that he's doing and how he does things he does things well i am honored to have the opportunity to share in prayer to be called the lord met us beautifully here on last night and i'm very grateful for what he imparted into us i don't know about you but i'm telling you i don't know if y'all even heard the testimony that bishop shared with us about the power of prayer glory to god y'all i don't know if that hit anybody like it hit me i i don't know you know i i don't know if y'all here i don't know if it hit you like it hit me we all the way here and i think they were in california if i'm not mistaken and and he just listened to prayer and it shifted and changed his life and it caused him not to do whatever he was headed to do that he canceled the flight i don't know if y'all heard that we don't get excited about stuff like that now if somebody was prophesying a car or a house we'd be just going stone crazy but that right there shows us the power of prayer the power of worship amen when prayer and worship comes together it has the power to move things y'all ain't saying that lord come on here church hallelujah so i bless the lord tonight i want you to take a seat for a few minutes babies give me a minute uh bishop has released me in the assignment i know i have to eight o'clock and so we're gonna do this at eight o'clock what i've learned it's been it's always a tremendous it's just life is tremendous i i praise god i thank god for jesus and i'm saying that because i'm learning more i'm growing more i'm maturing more and the lord continues to teach me things and he's speaking things and so as i pray and prayer assignments are given unto me the lord is teaching me what to pray for okay he's teaching me what to pray for and so tonight in our assignment as we're here in this camp meeting tonight we're not just here for for our all-focused prayer but we're here praying intentionally and so i'm going to share some things the lord gave me and then i'm going to tell us what we're praying for hallelujah all right all right that's i'm going to tell us what we're praying for as a matter of fact i'm just going to tell us our focus tonight is of prayer is being released to fulfill purpose that's our prayer focus tonight being released to fulfill purpose are y'all with me y'all here we're here lord god i need everybody to say that being released to here we are here's a few things are you listening are you listening with your spirit watch what the lord said he said if you never realize that you are part of something greater than where you sit your environment your inner circle you will never walk or live in the fulfillment that god has established plan or purpose for your life should i say that again if you never realize that you are a part my god of something greater than where you are y'all ain't y'all know listen i need somebody to shout i'm a part of something greater than where i sit i'm a part of something greater than where i am i'm a part of something greater than my inner circle can i can i get somebody to say the lord said tell the people that say say i'm a part of something that's greater than my inner circle glory to god hallelujah there's more to me than my inner circle i'm a part of something bigger than my inner circle i'm a part of something bigger than my environment glory to god y'all ain't saying nothing if you never realize that you will never come to walk in the totality of fulfillment which god has for you the lord says it's one thing to be great in the space you reside in but it's another thing to be great outside of that comfort zone i'm telling you what he told me to tell you today i'm gonna say that again praise the lord he said it's one thing to be great in the space you reside in but it's another thing to be great outside of that comfort zone tell somebody tonight i'm going to be catapulted into my purpose god hallelujah number three god says he says god gives you permission watch this god gives you permission tonight to experience all of his and the bible teaches us the earth is the lord's y'all didn't hear me tell your neighbor there are no limits there's no limits there's no limits there's no limits there's no limits come on we're going to pray you out and then too glory to god hallelujah somebody say release tonight glory to god hallelujah release r-e-l-e-a-s-e somebody say release r e l e a s e r e l e a s e r e l e a s e e a s e e a s e e a y'all y'all ain't listening r e l e a s e release e a s e r e l e a s e e a s e y y'all ain't listening i thank you hallelujah okay uh you missed it r-e-l-e-a-s-e-e-a-s-e this release through this prayer tonight is gonna bring you to a place of ease you've never known yeah lord oh oh somebody tell guardian oh yes lord all right i feel the holy ghost it's the welding in my belly i'm trying to get us to pray and it ain't going to take us long hallelujah r-e-l-e-a-s-e i need somebody just to start spelling it r-e-l-e-a-s-e and take the last four letters e-a-s because when you get released and catapulted into purpose baby trouble can come and you're still at ease [Applause] i felt power right there in the holy ghost hallelujah that's what we're praying tonight let me finish reading all right our prayer tonight our prayer tonight is to be loosed from everything that's holding you from what god has ordained for you to live out walk out experience encounter in this lifetime i do feel rushed i need to slow down our prayer tonight is to be loosed from everything god said no no go back because they didn't hear he said they didn't hear you god says tonight he gives you permission i need somebody to say i have permission from the only one that matters i need somebody i have permission from the only one that matters god gives me permission tonight to be released out of into hallelujah hallelujah our prayer tonight is to be loosed from everything somebody say everything every thing two words everything that's holding you from what god has ordained you for you to live out walk out experience and encounter in this lifetime glory to god prayer is a catalyst watch this prayer is a catalyst that moves us into the mind of god that which is ordained that which is established that which is determined prayer is a catalyst that moves us into the mind of god what is the mind of god that which is ordained that which is established that which is predetermined prayer is a catalyst that moves us into the mind of god what is the mind of god that which is ordained that which is established and that which is predetermined one of the elements of prayer that we have been given is found in the book of matthew chapter 16 verse 19 and i will give unto you the keys of the kingdom of heaven and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loose in heaven glory to god god says tonight our prayer is a prayer of release to fulfill purpose glory to god hallelujah the word of god also found in luke chapter 19 it talks about when jesus was on his way to jerusalem and it came to pass that he said listen i need you all to go two of your disciples into bethany and i need you to go there he says it will be a coat that you will find there and when you find that coat there he says tell them i have need of it tell them i have need of the coat y'all ain't saying nothing and he says when you get there he said the coat that never man has set on he said loose him this prayer is going to loose you if you want to be loose come on here on here y'all we're not just here to be praying tonight but this prayer assignment is for a purpose that god has established so i need y'all to get uncomfortable out of what you used to and realize at this moment count if you trying to go anywhere in god in this season if you're trying to walk in any level of obedience to god this moment is a crossroad for your lives so let's pray we're going in standing glory to god everybody's standing glory to god hallelujah hallelujah i need you to open your mouth and begin to worship god hallelujah declare he's holy come on declare he's righteous lord help me be still declare he's holy oh god our father which art in heaven thou name is holy thou name is righteous you are kind and you are wonderful we glorify your name we exalt your name we lift you up god because there's none like you we thank you jesus we thank you for your goodness we thank you for your mercies we thank you for your grace hallelujah that is ever sufficient oh god we thank you for your mercy that was applied this morning and we thank you for your compassion that have not failed us great is thy faithfulness and we honor it today oh god we thank you lord jesus as we enter into your presence god we come with joy in our hearts declaring oh lord our lord how excellent is thy name in all the earth heaven and earth together declares your glory father we declare that you are wonderful you are our counselor you are everlasting father you are mighty and in you we live we move and we have our being oh god we thank you that you have brought us into the house of prayer one more time lord we thank you because we know that there is help in the sanctuary and god we know that it is in the sanctuary that we shall see your power and that we shall see your glory father we thank you tonight for this camp meeting uh oh god almighty for it may have been established for one reason but god you got a plan in motion and father we are very grateful tonight in the name of jesus to have been on your mind and a part of your plan uh concerning this camp meeting uh lord we want to thank you we want to thank you for life lord god for health and strength father where we're in a land and people are dying everywhere people are dying all over the place but some reason another hi my shanda you kept us alive you kept winning i need y'all to come on here you've kept wind in our lungs you kept us breathing in the name of jesus you took the strength out of covet for those that did suffer and you've allowed us to be in the land of the living god and oh lord while we're here we are believing like david to see the goodness of the lord in the land of the living god we want to thank him because you keep breathing at us you keep giving us mouth-to-mouth resuscitation you keep breathing into our lives you keep breathing into our purpose and god for this we want to thank him [Music] we cry out of our bellies tonight god because we realize that we were made by your hands uh we are your workmanship we were created for your glory and we were created for your praise and tonight god almighty we want to thank you that lord god you have not held us to the consequences of our sin but we thank you oh lord we thank you thank you for forgiveness thank you for looking beyond our faults and seeing our needs oh god thank you for giving us the help of the holy ghost in the name of jesus who empowers us to walk not after this flesh but to walk in the spirit oh god that you will get the glory it is by the help of the holy ghost that we make not provisions for this flesh but father oh father in the name of jesus we submit our bodies to your hands uh in the name of jesus but we are vessels of clear who want to do right who want to walk pleasing huh who wants you to get the glory out of our lives uh so god tonight you've sent us here lord to assist as a midwife oh god oh my gosh to birth your people into their purpose to perk your people into your will to birth your people into your mind to birth your people uh into your plan to work your people into your purposes oh in the name of jesus have your way tonight oh god i'm father i pray that you will rebuke the devil in the name of jesus uh remove every blockage remove everything that could serve as a hindrance that the people of god will be bound and can't move in the spirit you said tonight that we want to be released in the name of jesus oh god our father we thank you for the release tonight in the name of jesus so god our father by your mighty hands by your mighty power we asking her to release hearts from her to release hearts from past pain release hearts from past brokenness in the name of jesus it is a hindrance it is a roper that's holding on to individuals that they won't not turn into their purposes oh god our father release of god release somehow release them of god from the spirit of offense that is the bait of satan uh god in the name of jesus release him oh god from every crutch release him o god from every bit of anger release him okada from malice of heart to release him oh god by everything they are holding her and they are remembering that was done under them because you're calling us purpose is calling us purpose is calling us [Music] is calling us up in the name of jesus you've kept us alive you've kept us alive to fulfill your purpose so god i pray that you dig deep down in our souls uh you would that we prosper not and be of good health even as our soul prosper so god our father moving our soul moving our soul in the name of jesus turn the light up deep down on our soul everything that's been suppressed uh everything uh that's been coming over everything that's been pushed down we give you permission to expose it to to uncover it of the moshiach in the name of jesus dig down holy ghost in our hearts and bring it up tonight bring it up in the name of jesus and cast it out in the name of jesus we are depending on you lord there are things that we may not remember that has a hope to our lives oh we cry tonight remove it oh god in the name of jesus because you got the power to do so and we trust you in the name of jesus god our father we pray tonight that you would release every negative word that has been spoken in our that has taken root and seated in our hearts and in our lives oh god your word says death and life is in the power of the tongue and oh god almighty there's been some words spoken huh oh god there's god in our lives that's god in our ears that don't want to lose us that don't want to let us go but god our father tonight we say move your hand loose here give me your sight loose here every negative word that holds us up in purpose every negative word that impede upon our destiny uh lucia in the name of jesus god almighty uh take that word out to dig it up root it out root it out to root it out root it out root it out root it out in the name of jesus don't let us hear it again in the name of jesus as we're moving up to our best days root it out so we don't have to hear it again that it will cause us to draw back in the name of jesus that it will cause us to not go forward in the name of jesus and god our father in the name of jesus we pray tonight that you will release our mind the battleground of the enemy release our mind the battleground of the devil release our minds release our thought processes in the name of jesus oh god hallelujah help us to think on things that are lovely help us to think on things that are pure release us into those things that are worthy of praise our minds we lay it on the altar tonight our minds we live on the altar in the name of jesus cast the devil out tonight cast the tormented spirit of the hope cast the tormented spirit out that plays with the mind of your people uh cast that tormented devil out that makes them think of a messiah they are not worthy they are not [Music] out of the mind of your people [Music] [Music] in the name of jesus as we bring a result captain to the obedience of christ casting down every imagination of pulling down every stronghold in the name of jesus because we want to be released into your purpose we [Music] [Music] wash it out clean it up take away every memory in the name of jesus i i feel help in here church i feel the help of the holy ghost cast it out now that we may be clear in our thinking that we may be clear in our culture that we may have a continuity of doubt as we go further in your purposes in the name of jesus yes come on here church hold me your mouth tell god yes yes oh god our father transform my mind who you were therefore give us a greater heart for your word it is your word that transformed the mind and give us a new line of the mind of christ in the name of jesus [Music] in the name of jesus and all god we pray tonight that you will release us from every negative soul release release us [Music] in the name of jesus break the time break the time bring the title back to time in the name of jesus [Music] lose [Music] [Music] huh that's holding your people back up the things that they know about themselves that nobody else may know lucifer every negative song in the name of jesus ties up with witchcraft ties with war lots of ties with witches ties up with spells of ties [Music] in the name of jesus release release oh in the name of jesus you said it your word that jesus came the anointed one the priesthood the messiah the anointed one he came to set the captive free set the captain preached from every negative time in the name of jesus from every power of molestation from every time of rape from every time that you're bond in the name of jesus will you help me of your creatures in creation to come forth and be the manifested sons of god in the name of jesus yes have your [Music] of jesus we surrender wheels we [Music] we want to be liberated and we may fulfill your promises of walking in heaven in the name of jesus yes lift your heads in here into your authority we ask you to release us into your power we ask to release us into fearlessness we ask you to release us into bonus that we may do your will be perfectly furnished in the name of jesus that we may fulfill all you called us to do in the name of jesus yes yes we say yes we say yesterday we say yesterday thank you for freedom thank you for liberty thank you oh god that you have chosen us you're saying your word we didn't choose you but you chose us and for this we are grateful and we will yield ourselves have your hand and kill [Music] lord god thank you come on here church i need y'all to raise up i need you to raise up in the holy ghost i need you to raise up i need you to let tom go out of your building i need you to open your mouth raise up and hear her and receive this prayer release and be released into your destiny be released into your next be released into your greatest hour come on here church come on here church god does all this well come on church come on in church be released in the power of the holy ghost somebody lift your hand and say holy ghost fall press on me holy ghost i need and want your power hold it go i needn't want your authority holy ghost i need y'all to stop playing huh come on here and cry for the power of god yes it's in the name of jesus it's in the name of jesus in the name of jesus that great i am that i am the sacrificial lamb the one who is and what and will they have appeared it's in the name of jesus the one that's the author and the finisher of our vader it is in the name of jesus the one who bled the one who died the one who was buried and ascended into heaven sitteth on the right hand of the father waiting for the command to return is in that name it's in his name it's in his name that we pray so be it and it be so sold it and he'll be so and it be so [Music] [Music] yes lord come on open up your mouth solving it and if your soul whatever it is whatever you've been praying about whatever that you've been [Music] i wish somebody ought to walk around and just a class over is [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah if you believe it's so in your life [Music] [Music] oh [Music] lord come on we're getting ready to move huh but charge this atmosphere charge your kindness really yes [Music] hey hey i may not understand what's attached to my head but the fact that i'm willing to obey him says this great things for me says that he's releasing me into my greater says he's releasing me to better days somebody says [Music] and let all the people praise him for a renewed yes may all the people glorify magnifier let's go old school yeah yeah can we bring it all together everybody [Music] [Music] [Music] yes i heard pastor clear said it last night he said this way that the lord is telling us to go you haven't been this way before god is doing a new thing in us god is doing a new thing in you so will you tell them [Music] i want you to understand what's happening right now as we sing yes it is a sign of our agreement with his will it is a sign [Music] our open confession of an inward heart that we agree whatever you have for us lord we agree [Music] why are the all others our calling lord don't pass us by will you lift your hands and just give him glory right here come on for the rest of the night is yes lord i don't see yes yes i agree i'll see it yes [Music] i'm gonna tell them yes [Music] yes i agree one more time i'll say it [Music] last time that we moved i promise you everybody's thinking i'll see you [Music] i will be what you called me to be we have to release so we sing yes [Music] lord we agree it's my desire passionately is to be what you've called me to be and that's what i'll be will you open up your mouth and give him glory right here come on open up your mouth and give him glory glory glory glory hallelujah glory to your name jesus we honor you today hallelujah we'll be what you called us to be hallelujah we say yes lord hallelujah thank you lord glory glory hallelujah hallelujah [Music] we're singing glory to his name [Music] glory to his name [Music] there to my heart was the blood [Music] [Applause] his name i'm singing lord [Music] his name hallelujah glory to him [Music] singing lord [Music] [Applause] clap your hands right here come on clap your hands and sing glory glory glory glory glory glory glory glory thank you jesus hallelujah hallelujah put your hands on it right here [Music] [Applause] [Music] the song of the lord and son and you're gone [Music] i will sing of the song of the lord angels will join in and cry holy [Music] i will sing [Music] holy [Music] my god [Music] oh [Music] put your hands on it right here [Music] hallelujah hallelujah come on stay right here i will sing as a healing of god healing will rest on us [Music] [Music] we think [Music] oh my god [Music] [Music] my [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh my god [Music] holy oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] holy [Music] oh [Music] you are my god you are my god you oh [Music] one more time [Music] oh [Music] [Music] you're the faithful one oh [Music] my god [Music] we sing [Music] glory [Music] and my heart [Music] we sing last time [Music] god [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] are you god hallelujah oh my god [Music] worthy is the lamb [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] you're painful [Music] is [Music] come on clap your hands everybody to the praise and the glory of god oh come on we've been here since 7 30. i know but he's still worthy of glory and he's still worthy of praise hallelujah hallelujah there are some places by its very nature [Music] by its very nature it's understood why we enter into those particular places when i go to a cinema or a theater i'm going to watch a movie when i go into harris t the republics i go to buy groceries if i go to rick hendricks auto mall i go to look for a car if i step into a hair salon i go in there so that i can get my hair done but when i come to the house of the lord i come to lift my hands and open up my mouth and give god glory come on we've come for this i said we came to praise him and we thank god for the opportunity what a privilege and an honor i said what a privilege cause some of y'all look like it's a chore what a privilege and an honor it is to worship at his throne we've come to glory if i'm god bless you you may be seated in the presence of the lord can we celebrate our worship team come on let's celebrate this tremendous worship team let's celebrate all of our minstrels come on we can't do it without them and i want to thank god for the opportunity to be here my god pastor tammy renee glenn come on let's thank god for this prayer warrior this intercessor this woman of god who always who always comes and blesses the atmosphere and the people of god we are the better because she has come to be with us on this week and i thank god for you and we love her and we thank god for her ministry i want y'all to help me thank god for one of my sons in the ministry apostle norman orrell come on come on he's been he was here last night surprised me and he came again tonight all the way from greensboro he passed us three churches y'all in three different cities and the lord is blessing his ministry and i'm so honored to have him here with us on tonight amen and to each of you your attendance and your presence is a blessing to all of you that are watching us via live stream whether you're on facebook live or you're watching via youtube thank you for being with us in service i believe there's a word from the lord tonight and i don't know about you but i'm excited about what god is about to do and continue to do in this place listen lady moore's on assignment that's why she's not here tonight but she is here tonight we want you certainly just to focus your attention on the screens at this time as she greets us on this evening and so many things are happening in the world we've come to camp out with jesus 116th psalm and the second verse says that as long as we bend down to talk to jesus he will listen to us my prayer is that while you're here this week these two days that you will camp out with jesus that you will allow yourself to whisper a prayer to him pray out to god and know that god is bound down to listen i'm encouraged i hope you are too god come on let's take off a lady more come on come on thank god for her and for her ministry lord the lord is blessing her ministry amen and she is on assignment this weekend we cover her in prayer as she's doing the will of the lord amen listen dr latarra tillman is here she is here and she is prepared to deliver us the word of the lord it was necessary for us to be here these two nights because i believe the lord has something specific to say to us did not bishop younger bless us last night with the word up you ought to just tell somebody i know what i heard [Music] i know what i heard and we thank god for the word of the lord listen man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of god i believe that god has a proceeding word tonight and if you sit there in expectation and anticipation and pull on the anointing tonight i promise you you will leave here with an answer on tonight dr latara tillman is our preacher and prior to hers coming and plant and placed on this being placed on the platform i'm going to ask that brother melvin crispil my son will come and he's going to minister to us following melvin the next voice you will hear will be in the person of dr latara tillman amen can we celebrate come on let's celebrate these young people thank god for overseer goodwin he's home tonight amen but we never want to take anybody for granted to all of our elders our clergymen and women thank you all for being here our mothers are here tonight amen i see pastors here and we thank god for each and every one of you on the where's shayla is she in the room she in the room she's somewhere fussing i know she can help she was my coordinator for this conference this week so i i got a thousand text messages while i was sitting there but y'all thank god for my daughter shayla he man this is her first time amen she did a wonderful job and i'm so proud of her amen come on let's prepare for the word of the lord praise the lord life center hallelujah um the lord is truly worthy and worthy to be praised can we just once again just lift our hands in the sanctuary and just begin to adore him my grandma always used to tell me sometimes when there's nothing left to say the angels will just cry holy holy holy holy when i can't find the words myself in my own situations holy holy are you lord holy are you lord righteous are you lord mighty are you lord strong are you lord magnificent are you lord we cry holy we cry holy we bow in your presence yes lord we bow we bow we bow before the king of kings for your train fills the temple hallelujah only only you are [Music] like you [Music] [Applause] [Music] my heart my life it is yes only you are [Music] you are [Music] worthy you are [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] it is a testing [Applause] come on everybody across the room help me set only you [Music] yeah you yes you are holy only you are right just nobody like you [Music] come on even at home create space create space for him to come in yeah only you are you are one terrible [Music] no one can do the things you do who is faithfulness [Applause] and never yes [Applause] [Music] hallelujah thank you for a testimony thank you for a testimony only [Applause] we lift up our hands in adoration only you for only you only you [Music] oh try so many other ways tried so many other things [Music] true [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] on lift up your worship here lift up your worshiping hey we reverence who you are we reverence who you are sitting high seated high seated high above the earth where you belong is where you belong we lift you high we lift you high oh [Music] we joined with the angels you [Music] receive our worship lord receive our adoration receive our praise receive our praise receive our prayers as we pour our name on you as we pour worship on you receive receive receive receive receive receipts [Music] you are [Music] i believe i believe i believe [Music] everybody [Music] [Music] yay [Music] you're sorry lord you're sorry lord you do what you want to and we're okay [Music] yes you are you are have you weighing us have you weighed us [Music] before your prayers [Music] [Laughter] come on even at home say you are holding come on let's just adore him let's just adore him [Music] oh [Music] only you [Music] [Music] you are [Music] you you are [Music] [Music] we breathe you in only you [Music] you alone you alone you lord only you you're so [Music] no one else [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you for rest [Music] thank you for a hiding place [Music] thank you for peace thank you for presence for you decided to come here to rest your weight on us thank you some of us don't deserve your presence but thank you for in your presence there is fullness there is fullness there is fullness you make me whole you make me whole you make me whole you are holy you were [Music] for there's no one else [Music] like you [Music] who [Music] [Applause] [Music] all my love my [Music] thank you for a testimony [Music] thank you for a testimony for we overcome by the blood of the lamb [Music] and by the word of our testimony [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] come on and bless him right where you are come on you're still worshiping you're still worshiping lift those hands in worship come on worship him tell him how much you love him tell him how much he's your lord he's your savior you can't live without him come and worship him right there come on until you leave this place shift the atmosphere over your entire row come on your mouth up to open come on let him come in the room let him come in the room let him come in the room come on worship him right there come on worship him right there put those hands together bless them all over this place [Music] i said bless them all over this place if you can find anybody greater show me who they are but there is nobody like him there is nobody like him i'm touched all over and there is nobody like him he's my all he's my there is nobody like him hallelujah glory to god touch your neighbor right there if you're familiar with him and tell him he's no there is nobody like him he is our savior a king our redeemer our way out our way in wonderful counselor majesty he's our everything and there is nobody like him no money like him hallelujah glory to god glory to god hallelujah what wonderful worship that we've experienced being in the presence of the lord is the greatest place to be and i don't rather to be in any other place than to be in his presence we honor the lord once again but just who he is on this afternoon this evening the lord has kept us one more day one more day the lord has i've learned how to rejoice in the day that i'm in one more day i still can lift up my hand to open up my mouth got the activity of my limbs one more day i'm here by the grace of god let us honor the man of god the under shepherd of this house bishop moore come on honored to be in this stead on this afternoon amen such a sweet and kind gentleman and we are honored to be here on tonight would you bless the lord one more time for bishop moore this cabinet of preachers those alike that are part of this body on tonight i honor you in the name of the lord certainly i want to thank god amen for my friend pastor goodman come on let you bless the lord for pastor goodman and to all of these distinguished preachers men and women of god amen that are here on this afternoon i must give deference amen to my husband on today i honor him he's with me on this assignment he's left his assignment to be with me on tonight amen and certainly i thank the lord amen for my husband on today my staff is with me partial of them are with me on tonight amen we just came to have a little church amen this great woman of god that's on this front row amen i don't know her name pastor pastor renee glenn god bless you woman of god god bless you god bless you god bless you i might not know names but i can discern amen and i know that this has got to be a woman of god that is with us on tonight first samuel 17 chapters where we're going to go first samuel the 17th chapter four verses for your hearing for samuel 17. the 48th verse is where we're going to go and it came to pass when the philistines arose and came and drew nigh to meet david that david hasted and ran toward the army to meet the philistine and david put his hand in his bag took vince's stone and slang it and smoked the philistine in his forehead that the stone sunk into his forehead and he fell upon his face to the earth so david prevailed over the philistine with a sling and with a stone and smoked the philistine and slew him but there was no sword in the hand of david 51st verse therefore david ran and stood upon the philistine and took his sword and drew it out his sheet thereof and slew him and cut his head therewith and when the philistines saw their champion was dead they fled the 51st verse is where we're going to draw our theme our thesis for tonight's preaching presentation therefore david ran and stood upon the philistine and took his sword and drew it out of the sheep thereof and slew him and cut his head off there with and when the philistines saw their champion was dead they fled i want you to just tell somebody my subject on tonight it didn't kill me it didn't it didn't kill me it didn't kill me find somebody else and tell them it didn't kill me father we thank you for your word and the anointing that makes preaching easy but we need to be effective on tonight that blind eyes may come open and that the people of god may hear what the spirit of the lord is saying will tell you thank you and we will bless you and we give you back the glory it is in jesus name and the church say man why don't you scream across this church it didn't kill me it didn't kill [Music] for the last two years we have been living through an invisible war for some it's called a pandemic i've called it a plan gimmick it is the war of the unknown the problem with this war we know how it started only a few understand how this will end i've been answering a question that many persons have asked me being a prophetic voice in this nation and the question is prophet did god send this virus did he give us this pandemic i began to share with them that when i went to god the lord told me that he did not send it although he has used it to show how weak powerless and frail we are and without him we can do absolutely nothing many have begun to teach that this is all about what god has done but god never needs man to do anything that he's got power to do by himself i've been telling folks the last time that i checked that when god got ready to destroy the earth he did it by water but the last message was that he wasn't going to do it any other kind of way but by fire so he didn't need a virus he didn't need a pandemic he didn't need cancer he didn't need anything to get the church's attention he's already got it planned out why don't you talk to somebody for the first time and tell them he's already got it planned out and we might not understand his plan but if we stay in his wheel he'll keep us while he's still planning it has caused us it has caused us to come to a place to understand that we must depend on the lord we must find ourselves back in the place of prayer black in the place of consecration it has pushed us to admonish the fivefold the gifted and it provoked the slow fold it has caused us to see exactly what the church needs to do in this hour in order to progress and i want to tell you something that we can play with time if we want to but there is somebody that's behind all of this that have orchestrated what we are dealing with as a global pandemic we don't know whether we're going to be here tomorrow or whether we're going to be standing by next week and so what we've got to do is do like the old saints told us to lean and depend on jesus i wish i had a real church in here because we can walk away from the basics of salvation and the basics of holiness if we want to but let me tell you something there's some trouble that will hit your life that you'll find out what we were taught back being still works for today and if we're going to get through it we got to get to the place where fire and power is still in our belly oh you're going gonna make me work tonight but if we don't get to this place now to understand it's not about titles it's not about prestige it's not about notoriety it's not even about popularity nobody don't even care about that no more there are people that are still trying to inhale to exhale there's somebody that barely got in this service today because of the hell that they're dealing with at the house and the last thing they want to deal with is to sit by your cold body with no praise and no joy when they bailed me i could have rolled in here y'all don't want to talk to me you could have got a text message or email a dm that i was hooked to a ventilator and so when i come into the house of god i gotta do like david i gotta bless the lord at all at all times his praise got to continually be in my mouth so what is done is that this season has caused us to walk in a different realm our strength has been made perfect in him are you hear me been our weakness yeah it has caused us to pull on the things of god that work intercession works having a strong prayer life works real worship that's not hinged on whether you see my tears or not still wash it whether you pat me on the back or tell me i'm gonna make it i've got a confidence in the holy ghost that i'm not gonna lose but i'm going to win where my winner's at in here where my folks in here that says i came in here because i know that my life is on the line and i need god to walk something out before the weekend is over yeah yeah yeah yeah so it is causing us to respect it's causing us to respect the things that god has laid down as a foundation for the church the fifo ministry now has been admonished there is a respect that is coming on certain offices yeah because the church needs the apostle the church needs the prophet yeah and anybody that's running into one another they're standing out like a sore thumb and they're under they're not led to lead because they are out of order are you hear me but what this season is doing is that it is causing us to see that the church has got to get back to the place called power oh my god oh my god oh my god i'm afraid in this hour that folks have learned how to do church without god they've learned how to worship without god what in the world are you doing and you doing it without god no fear no reverence no respect we just do what we want to do lift up my hands and say god take it y'all don't want to talk to me there's no accountability no god there's no accessibility and there is no purity in what we do tap your neighbor if you know him and say whatever you do you got to be real in this state oh my god because when we lift up our head we're not lifting up my hand to a fake god we're lifting up our hand to a real god any moment in his second in an hour he can reach down and pull us out of what we hear but i wish to be what is it doing brings us to this place that it is causing the christian to be distinguished from the saint it's causing the revelation of the birthing of the believers that happen on the cross of jesus suffering to become the ingredients of the lifestyle of the saint i grew up during a time that we was not acknowledged as christians the saints taught me that we were the saints and there was something about the saints lord have mercy see a christian can come in and do what they want to do and sit there and occupy the seat but a saint come on fire while they are frying the chicken y'all don't want to talk to me they don't wait till they get here to catch on fire they are already on fire before they get here and that's why everything on their road has to come subject to the fire that's on the road oh my god there's a good time right now to do a road check because if there are people that's sitting on your road and got no fire maybe you need to get your bags and your babies and move off the seat because they perhaps may be a blocker of miracles perhaps they may be a blocker a breakthrough and you gotta get something before you leave out of here uh the saints are distinguished between the christian the point of becoming a saint is by way of us enduring persecution what is the meaning of persecution persecution is the act of harassing oppressing or killing people because of their difference from society yeah saints learned how to endure persecution they learned how to walk through the times of life that was hard my father being an elderly man would often talk to me about walking through the civil rights yeah my grandparents would talk to me about walking through the 30s the 20s and the 40s and they would even they would even share with us the sharecroppers dream the things that slaves went through because their parents went through slavery well many of them that learned who christ was understood that in their time of being made it was not trying to kill them but it was trying to make this when this pandemic came up i looked at my 70-something year old mother and i said to her mommy what do you think is going on does this look like something that we are able to endure she looked at me and she said baby all sharks this ain't nothing we've been through worse she said this is the time that you lock your faith in the god of your salvation she said and if you can bring us through that then surely he could bring us through this the lord began to show me good me that there are a lot of people that are dying and have died hear what i'm saying from the lord as i've spoken before you will begin to see generals die even more you will begin to see babies fooled and die this will become a season in this last half of the year where things will begin to shift oh you hear what i'm saying but what you need to know is that while we're walking this thing out you can't get weary in your face oh my god there's a whole lot of people that have died prematurely not because of a virus but because they had no hope in their salvation they taught god they came to church they worshiped with some of us but they didn't have a real relationship with him while you're saying that because you're looking at us of course i was diagnosed or i was told that i had it the latter part of the end of the summer and me and my baby was the only one in the house with it my husband didn't have it my daughter did not have it but me and my son had it and we had to walk this thing completely out there was one night i saw death walk in my room and when i looked at it i said what are you here for and why are you here i said cause i did not call for you and if i did not call for you you ain't got no business on my land or in my house i told death to get out how dare you slip in like a thief and a robber how dare you come past the blood over my house you just that bold that you will walk up in here where the righteousness is i said get on up out of here 30 miles from my house that death anger took a woman and a man but it came in my house first it was meant to take a woman and a man's child but because my faith this is your time to open up your life until look at somebody and tell them you better tell it to leave because we just talked about it and he's walking to and fro look in whom he may desire and anytime you call a demon name out that demon will come back and check and see if the house is garnished but i need to see about 25 praises that'll open up your mouth and say the spirit of the lord lives in this how i wish i had some covert survivors in here that'll wave and jump and say i'm a survivor that never thought it was gonna kill me he thought he was gonna take me out but i'm not surprised [Music] so here it is we must understand that if we're going to walk this thing out our faith has not it's not giving permission to get weary we've got to stay in a place where our faith is locked and loaded that no matter what happens around us we are not throwing in the towel we are not walking out the door but we are going to stay there until we see god do just what he said he was going to do i know that there are some people that's in here on tonight that have learned how to do pity parties very well yeah you've learned how to take pictures of yourself and put it all over social media of how bad it is you've learned how to dm folks text message people let them know how worse your situation has become but there are some of us that know like job though he slay me yet will i know i got to walk this thing out but i'm going to walk it out the best way i know how and if i got to walk it by myself i walk it out by myself but what you're not gonna do is see me die before my time here it is the book of genesis introduces us to the giants genesis tells us of the nephilim before noah's flood before this time that we'll we will see goliath we find out that there are the anarchists and the immigrants the amorites the raphaipes that are before the flood yeah numbers numbers includes the discouraging the report by the spies of moses sent with canada we can attack these people they are stronger than we are yeah all the people we saw there are great in size it seemed like we were grasshoppers in our own eyes these giants that are introduced in the scripture shows us clearly according to genesis the sixth chapter that these giants are birthed by way of seducing of fallen angels yeah they are the seduction of demons that have come together with the daughters of men and birthed philistines oh my god to defeat the children that god will rise up yeah we understand that this generation of today that we live in must understand that the defeat of the enemy will not be by the strength of human flesh but by spiritual warfare we wrestle not against flesh and blood into what paul taught but spiritual wickedness principalities in high places our opponent the devil sends out illusions that seem bigger than us but nothing is larger than god we must understand that when we are walking this suffering persecuting way out that will only facing giants the text says in the new testament for i reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us for the earnest expectation of the creature waited for the manifestation of the sons of god the sons of god a birth at their greatest potential when they have endured suffering you know how strong you are by how much weight you have obtained you you you know what your abilities you have by the attacks that are come up in your life in a place that becomes the greatest fight will become your greatest victory the problem is is that you've got to learn how to warfare in that attack in order to overcome in that place because if you don't know how to walk you will always stay defeated oh my god if you don't get to the place where you obtain the knowledge where you get the information and you understand that you cannot stay right where you are but you got to know how to fight the enemy so you know who the enemy is because you used to live with him you used to save it you used to ride with it but you don't know what he uses to know how to fight you oh my god there's a whole lot of people that think they know him by name but they don't know him by nature i can know your name but if i don't know your heart i will misunderstand your relationship with me the church now has got to the place where they don't understand exactly who the enemy is but the bible says that we wrestle not against flesh and blood it's principalities it's wickedness in high places it's the opponent of the enemy to knock us completely off course but i want to talk to some people tonight that says i've made up my mind that i'm not going to live the rest of 21 defeated have made up my mind that i'm not going to die prematurely i've made up my mind that i'm not going to lose another blessing i'm not going to miss another opportunity and i'm not going to allow another dog to go to my enemy i am in wait for god to give me every promise that he said i could have here we are here we are in this moment for the bible says that we are dealing with a giant a giant by the name of goliath i don't have to tell you all the facts and reasons of goliath's existence or even his passion goliath is a goliath of our days of children that we understood even in sunday school but this goliath is not the goliath that we interpreted in sunday school because our young mentality only shows him through a storybook but touch your neighbor again and tell him but this goliath has materialized itself it's got flesh and blood it's got region and territory it's a job it's an opportunity it is really in my life and every now and then i think i have defeated this goliath only to find out that it woke up only to find out that i only went to sleep i thought i knocked it out for good but it just went to sleep and woke up when i least expected it this goliath is the very thing that have come to become the attack on the saints three major points and i want to share with you number one the enemy attacks the mind yeah he uses the playground of the mind it becomes a ball of mental confusion yeah what we are dealing with right now is that we are dealing with people that are literally filled with fear and anxiety it is almost as if the church must be prepared not only for grief therapy but they got to be prepared for mental therapy how do we appeal to this church that is coming after this pandemic what do we say to this church that's coming after this pandemic because the people that we see that's walking among us is nervous the people that we see that is walking among us act like they have lost their mind and if we tell the truth about it we are dealing with people right now that the enemy has attacked their mind but they didn't even attack their body we're not just dealing with people that have survived the virus we're dealing with people that have had a slow quiet mental breakdown in the middle of a quarantine they can't deal with the fact that they had to be by themselves they can't deal with the fact that they had to face their problems at home nowhere to run no who knows what to call nobody to go to because everybody was going through the same thing and some of them allowed the enemy to come in through a door to attack their mind that come in and take their peace but can i talk to somebody in here there is no trial i'm going to give permission to take my mind there is no way that i would allow the enemy to have permission to take my peace there is no way i would give the devil any office to come in and take what he's tried to steal from me before the pandemic my mind belongs to god and if i'm going to bless god and if i'm going to enjoy the things that he's promised he was going to give to me i got to keep my mind together why don't you look at somebody tell them to hold it together number two number two number two number two it's a lifestyle that the enemy attacks he attacks your lifestyle he attacks your business he attacks your money he attacks your dreams yeah the lifestyle of the enemy comes because he knows that everything that you have wished for everything that you have prayed for is now trapped within the lifestyle that you build and so the enemy comes in and to attack it because he knows that if i can distract them and get them off course they'll forget the very plan that god gave them for their life number three number three is that the enemy attacks your worship yeah your prayer and your posture in prayer is important he attacks your worship because your praise is a part of your weapon he knows that if i can stunt them if i can hold them hostage if i can hold them right where they are and then they have nothing to use against me this is why this is why when you come to church you gotta make up your mind that i will bless the lord at all times you got to make up your mind that i'm a part of the noisy crowd you got to make up your mind that i'm the individual when david said let everything that have breath praise the lord why because i know that every time i use my weapon called praise i am demolishing the plot of the enemy i am moving forward and progressing and causing myself to walk in my most divine victory because i still look god my praise i got somebody to lean over at your neighbor and say after all i've been through i still got my praise still got it and i don't care what i might have to face tomorrow i don't care what i might have to go through on that next week tonight my praise is my weapon of ambush against the plot of the enemy and as long as i use what i got i can defeat every devil that's around me i dated to lean over somebody one more time like my grandmother and said i still got my praise yeah i still got it it's a part of my strength it's a part of my survival it's a part of who i am i'm a saint because i praise her when you see me you know that i'm a praiser when you hear my mouth scream in the middle of a message you know that that's a praiser when you see me lift up my head you know that i'm a praiser and after all i've been through lean on somebody one more time and said i see you yeah i pray oh so here we are here we are we in this book the bible and we have been brought to this conclusion that david is facing a giant he's facing one that has defeated many of his own enemies but david knows because he has already been through warfare personally but defeating a lion and a bear that there is a strength in him that he has told saul himself i can defeat this enemy here it is you find out that david has now got to face the fact that his hands will become dirty he's got to deal with the fact that his hands will become bloody how is it that the scripture says that thou shall not kill but david would find himself being a warrior at the moment having to take the life of another man but i found out that there is a warfare there is a place that god would allow men to defeat his enemy because god himself schmidt or smiting the egyptians he himself uses his own power to get the message across and david now says within himself i've got to defeat this philistine if i don't take him out his whole army is going to take over our city if i don't remove him out of this land his own army is going to defeat my family this comes to a place that all of us must ask ourselves how are we going to allow the enemy to take everything that we love out of our hands oh we're going to ball up our fists go after the fact that it is our job to protect and defeat and says this will not happen like this why don't you just look at somebody and tell them you got a decision to make because the enemy that's coming and has tried to literally take over your whole house but the bible says that this warfare isn't but it's mighty through the pulling down of strongholds it's not through a physical fight but the saints fight through what we call spiritual warfare we know how to fight in tongues we know how to fight with the clapping of our hands we even know how to do the war dance and we know how to do it through praise because what warfare that has been set up against the saints is the fact that we've been given the strength to know how to defeat all the enemies in our life why don't you grab your neighbor and say neighbor you've been taking one at a time but this is the time you gotta take them all out because we gotta survive this next decade we gotta walk through this thing and know that the lord is going to pull us out the bible says that goliath got out there and the scripture says that he tried to harass him twenty days and the bible says that david chad is fast smooth stone and the bible says that he pulled them out knocked the devil out but it wasn't over this is why the saints of god have got to get their back into the warfare look at somebody again and say somebody else has been fighting for you but this is where you got to get in it for yourself that he didn't have a sword in his own sheet but he reached over there grabbed goliath's sword and the scripture says he proceeded to cut the enemy head off i want to tell somebody that this is your hour and this is your moment that the enemy of your life will not defeat you that the power is in your head and the soul [Music] whatever you do have don't throw in the towel they're still straight up in your head hey that was probably tired was probably weary but there was so much adrenaline running through david that he knew that whatever he did he had to defeat the enemy i want to see how many giant players in this house have three people and said get ready to slay the giants get ready to take his head yeah yeah yes lord save david defeated the enemy in the presence of his family in the presence of the people because he knew that if i keep a lion and a bear chilling wow surely i can defeat her this philistine i came to tell some people in here that whatever you've been through the power of god is on the inside and sharing [Music] it didn't kill you it didn't take you out it tried to touch it it tried to bring it down but power was in your belly touched three people and power power power power power [Music] that can be defeated it's in the ability i don't care what the diagnosis has come to you i don't care how many decisions you made i don't care how many people have walked at your right you are not defeated you're not defeated you're not defeated you're not defeated you're water and you love [Music] [Music] all the way from georgia but i came to care somebody in here that's on the verge [Music] it ain't gonna kill you if you ain't dead now it ain't gonna kill you if you ain't called out it ain't gonna kill you crosstalk ready to use your testimony by his glory lead on somebody say all the things that i've been through all the stuff that i had to walk through it was by the grace of god [Music] in the month of january after they show her a limited size in my breath i lay there they cut me from the top [Music] [Music] and what we felt wasn't in there it didn't it didn't kill me it couldn't take me out i came to tell you that cancer can't kill you it can't take you out bad trials didn't kill you it can't take it out why because you are a giant slayer touch three people and say slay giant trace lately [Music] [Laughter] [Music] every every time [Music] you get to the place [Music] you realize that's on the inside of you your greatest anointing is going to develop through your greatest trial but you got to be willing to go through it just just get through it if there's a beginning there's always an end just get through it don't die in the middle of it just get through it don't lose your mind in the middle of it just get through it after i went through the breast cancer scan after i went through the setups of the chemo this that and the other then i had went on vacation it was almost like it was a setup i was the only one to get food poison went from food poison literally in two weeks of trying to get myself together getting ready to fly out to california and then i find out i had covert but while i was walking through those trials every now and then sick as i could be every now and then weak as i could be i've never lost my praise [Applause] [Music] i know some of y'all just came from preliminary but i want to see some folks in here that says after all that i've gone through [Music] yeah after all that i've had to face on this shield alone one thing the devil could never take from me is my praise and i just need about 25 praises that are waving at the girl wave at your girls said i still got it i still got my praise so every now and then while i was in my room and my baby was in the other room i would call miles and i said it's time to get up my personal nurse who's one of my armor bearers she will call me she said prophetess move your arm to move your ledge because as long as you move things in your body gotta work the congestion gotta move out the way she said walk around every 30 minutes just take a few steps i was weak i didn't know what whether i could stand or not but i would call my my son in the other room and i said baby it's time to get up and praise her in only 30 seconds that's all we needed 30 seconds was giving us a miracle and i need some people in here that are jumping your sheep and start praising god put your head together and praise him right where you are come on [Music] wait a minute i'ma get on out of carolina my praise set me up that the deaf angel had to leave my house and go 30 miles down the road [Music] tell somebody said there's a praise on you that's gonna run the deaf angel at your neighborhood there's a praise on you that's gonna get death from out of your apartment complex there's a praise on you that's [Music] right where you are [Music] where you are [Music] you've got a wave offer right where you are everything in your life is getting ready to shift for you [Music] business and opportunity doors to be major open for you are getting ready to shift on your behalf there will be no delays there will be no deny the season of return is here i said the season of return is here i said the season of return is here and in this season of return is major refunds he's going to pay you back and then he's going to give you back paid of all the hell that you've been through y'all didn't catch what i said i said he's gonna pay you back and then he's gonna give you payback that means everything that you've been through there's an interest that's coming on top of what you've been through your season of return is here every place that have been dried up every place that have been almost as if it's hard [Music] to get out you're pulling stuff up pulling it up pulling it up by the roof almost like every time you're trying to plant there is a major setback when i hear the lord say tell my people that i am giving them a reset button you're getting ready to redeem the time it's going to cause the time to be redeemed and every miss opportunity every shut door the lord said don't look for the door that you lost because the door that i'm getting ready to give you is not a door but it's a gate it's going to be larger than the door that you had before [Music] he said this is going to be the very thing that's going to push you into the next season and the next phase of what this world is getting ready to turn into god said there will be nothing going to be held back from your hands well i see mounds of money and coins currency that's getting ready to flow from all across the globe god said there's going to be a breakthrough in the economy god says and resources and money and even people in direct contact is now going to be close proximity to you god says know that my hand is on your life and i'm getting ready to pause these things now that happened for you and your houses god said because this is your season of resetting you won't lose nothing but you will gain everything you will not lose anything you will gain everything and god says i'm going to do what i said i was going to do i'mma do it quickly in the middle of the pandemic recall the prophecy recall what i told you recall what i said to you to remind you that i ain't forgotten i'm getting ready to do just what i said i was going to do you should build houses you shall buy lake you shall have promotable streams of info you should have businesses your children would not want me anything if i'd be a prophet of god things will begin to roll over in the next seven days god says you will begin to see sleepy prophecies wake up sleeping prophecies are going to wake up sleeping prophecies are waking up and the word of the lord shall be known in the land of the limit that i am [Music] every person is getting ready to obtain new property i want you to stop walking start walking start walking start walking start walking every person that wants to obtain new property start walking yeah stop walking yeah walk it walk the property walk what you want walk it out because that's the realtor that's good right to find you that's real estate let's get ready to come to your house walk it out [Music] to your children children i feel the anointing of wealth it's flowing now that's what i've been waiting for it's like walking out walking out walking up walking out walking up walking because it's coming in your feet [Music] i could tap into that anointing because i live on 250 acres of land i live in generational wealth i don't live in just one generation i live in generation my grandpappy own 3 000 acres of land right there in sylvania georgia so i live in generation wealth anytime i need something i know how to call it for so every platform that i'm given a chance to walk in i want to release what's on my life cause i'm not stingy i want to see you bless so much so that your enemies when they touch you they'll go to that mailbox and find a check i want you to be so blessed that every time you think about your bank account change your numbers it starts automatically changing and your credit score goes all the way up and this is who i'm talking to i'm only talking to people that says there's a prophecy that's been sleep there's a prophecy i know what's good and it's a prophecy of wealth that's over my house and i'm getting ready to have it in the middle of a pandemic in the middle of a planet cause this mind walking out walking out walking up and saying it's mine [Music] that woman right there i gotta go major breakthrough is coming to you major breakthrough is coming to your family when i hear the lord said this season of being stand still almost like locked down locked under trying to figure out what to do like the lord said that your family getting ready to come out in a major way when you wave your hand i love the fact that i can't see your mouth when you wave your hand god says tell her that every time she waved her hand i was sending angels to come back for her i was sending angels to fight for her god says and you will not be defeated and you will not go under he says i'm getting ready to do something great in your house and among your family yeah wednesday morning you talked to the lord you had a conversation with him and that was a very private conversation that i won't release but i hear the lord say tell her house house house house that's the code word house he said tell her that i heard her and i'm going to do it god said there will be some things that you won't be able to tell everybody about there's some things that you right now are dealing with that you can't even order out of your mouth but i hear the lord said that if you jump up three times if you just start jumping up three wait a minute she just started jumping that's more than three times god says i'm gonna do it by the time you get back to the house by the time you get back i need some people that need a house blessing gotta praise god with her i'm gonna go [Music] major opportunities are getting ready to open again for you it's going to be so great and so wide and so big said the lord he said these things are going to happen because of your humility i don't know you but i know what the lord is showing me he said your humility is a thing that is opening while you were worshiping i saw your humility i didn't see arrogance i didn't see pride i saw humility god says and this is the door that's gonna walk you through god says it's gonna go through so fast that i see you on broadway i i see you on major platforms of acting i see you walking through those producers uh arena and there's gonna be conversations but there's gonna be major negotiations said the lord and there's going to be a huge snake that's going to be present but god says the angels are going to be with you and my word is going to be in your belly god says know that what i have said to you what your parents miss he said it will not fall to the ground said the lord he said i'm going to do it he said what was a skip over of the past it's now getting ready to fall in your hands you shall go far you shall go beyond he said don't compare yourself don't look at yourself any different from the others he says stay pure stay honest stay humble and watch i open up major doors there is a great absence in your heart there's a great absence in your heart but i hear the lord say that i am doing this i am going to be with you i'm your father i'm your mother and i'm going to walk you through it and i'm going to close my head that guides you through it and i will do the thing that will cause millions to be in your head millions and millions and millions and millions shall be in your head and not just at concert but in your hands and decree your body be healed from the crown of your head to the soul of your feet i come against every secret attack i come against every quiet attack in the name of jesus and i speak you shall be made whole what happened to your parentals i keep seeing the lord say that whatever happened back there god says it will skip over you and you shall love and not [Music] tell somebody death be captured that be canceled just be casual death be casual not give me 20 praises let us praise god for this man i don't need no fake showers no fake dancers move your feet [Music] out get off of that [Music] open doors open doors no more closed deals no more closed deals but open doors open doors open doors open doors open doors open doors no more closed deals but open doors now [Music] what's on your house is big every hand you touch every person you come in contact with these next seven months it's gonna be strategic because now god is placing people in your hands that you're going to direct in the places that they should go into god said just as i've done for your house he said i should do for the hands that you touch and the lord said that i am doing [Music] a miracle on your house top i'm touching children in your house i'm spotlighting them i'm putting them in the spotlight there will be nothing hid from them i hear the lord said same thing i said to him deal after deal after deal after deal after deal after deal after deal it's getting ready to happen on your house top god says and nothing shall be withheld prosperity on your life the doors of opportunity that work through you of getting ready to flow in every hand that you touch this is the moment saith the lord this is the hour saith the lord i see a son child god says i'm getting ready for all to be set aside others and they shall be higher than the others i am giving them full access i don't know if it's the music or what it is but i'm giving them full access and it shall be so set alone that i'm gonna move it quicker then later and i'mma cause things to open wide said the lord of hosts somebody throw your hands up and say me too lord somebody scream it again say me too lord someone scream at me too lord me too lord [Music] every person that knows that you escaped the plot and the plan of the enemy everything that could have killed you could have taken you out my boss during the clark cold says i'm here it's by the grace of god i made it by the grace of god every person in here that would obey the voice of the lord that would give us close to a 77 gift i'm the first stand with the quickest possible all over this house stand with it as quick as possible come on you're not thinking about it you're moving you're moving you're moving you're moving get that seat in your hand come on you're sewing tonight hallelujah you're sowing it tonight get that seed in your hand you said i got some things on the table prophetess that i need god to do before december gets here i got some things that i'm entrusting the hand of god to do all my behalf come on there's some more persons that can get that seed of 77 you're standing you're standing you're standing you're standing you're standing you're standing with it i want to see you i want to see you i want to see you hallelujah this seed i've taken for the last the last 12 weeks of the miracles that have happened through this one seed debt has been cancelled children have been reclaimed back to parents scholarships have been given doors of opportunity have opened bodies have been healed by a seed trust god with the seed trust god with the sea you're standing with it you're standing with it get that seed and start giving it you're giving it by all information is at the bottom on the screen you're giving it now atari to my ministries is giving us well i'm giving a hundred dollars we're sewing i won't ask you for nothing i won't do i was trained well my daddy trained me well hallelujah those person to have that 77 and you've given those that says i still want to be a part of the giving those that are giving the 50 dollars i want you to stand with it stand with you if you have a fifty dollar seat stand with it we're getting ready to pray in a little bit you're sowing tonight those that are giving it down sow that seed of fifty so that c to 40 so that c to thirty hallelujah lift that hand up that has been giving lift that hand up that's given father i pray right now you will cause the blessings of the lord to rest in their hands thank you father nothing wanting nothing lost all found and all in our hands thank you for the great return thank you my father for what you shall do and what shall be done in jesus name every person in this place that has given every person you're not a thief you're not a robber you don't steal everything that's been released in this house is sealed by seed if you're that person that says i'm not a thief i'm not a robber prophetess i've given i want you to put your hands together and bless god all over this house come on come on and give it come on all of those persons that need to walk come on and walk now giving now giving now come on come on all over this house all over this house you're sewing come on come on come on you're walking because it didn't kill you come on hallelujah [Music] hallelujah come on put those hands together bless the lord all over this house come on let's put our hands together for the ministry gift of dr tillman come on let's thank god for this word come on life sinner let's thank god for this vessel we were blessed tonight everyone's standing to your feet we were blessed tonight they're still coming and they're still giving god bless you i want to thank each and every one of you for your prayers and support for being here on tonight it's tammy ziegler here is tammy lennon is she still here and she here tonight we please let her know that we thank her for all of her assistance she's a part of us and she continues to be a blessing to everyone who has been a blessing to these two nights we celebrate you and we thank god for you once again pastor glenn thank you for your gift tonight for blessing us to all of our visitors i see pastor john l cancer here bless you amen listen whatever god promised you did you hear dr tillman tonight she said whatever god promised you he didn't forget you ought to just tell yourself he's still going to do it blessings to you repeat after me what i say unto one i say unto all watch as well as pray the blessings of the lord that maketh rich and that if no sorrow be upon your life even now in jesus name grace and peace let us go in the peace of the lord blessings to you you
Channel: Life Center Fellowship
Views: 324
Rating: 4.6363635 out of 5
Id: b3uGOLLeY3k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 165min 47sec (9947 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 01 2021
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