Calvary Chapel Pasadena Live Stream

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of you father god and i thank you lord that in the midst of your people today father you will pour out that reign o god and you will bring father that anointing father god that is already here father but father i believe that as we begin to praise and we begin to worship you god you will deliver those things that you have promised oh god that it's not just in the physical but it is in the spiritual realm that it starts first father and i pray god that you will anoint pastor as what you have given him god that he will bring such a message today o god that it will bring us to our faces before you lord we thank you father because you are almighty god great is your faithfulness lord and i thank you lord and i give you praise in jesus name amen amen amen shake off those heavy hands and lift up your holy hands i need a charge to start flowing in this room i know sometimes when we get in and we begin to sing it's kind of sluggish but don't forget who we're singing about today don't forget who you're worshipping today and he always deserves level 100 in our lives always there's no warm-up you just get in and worship we're going to sing the glory is his today oh god the glory is yours the kingdom has come and the battle is over so i encourage you to shake off anything that you've brought in with you today that may hinder you from worshiping your god the way he deserves to be worshiped and let's lift our holy hands in this place today come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] yours alone now and [Music] i forever this world could never stop there is no one like our god reaching down to touch the broken mercy breaking through this moment come on singing and faithful is your the name is coming jesus in your name we rise the glory is yours [Music] [Music] and on that day when time is over i'm all safe every heart at last proclaimed oh god [Music] [Music] [Music] all the glory is yours yeah oh yeah yeah come on sick of nobody here we go say nobody beside you there has never been anyone anything like you [Music] nobody beside [Music] nobody [Music] the kingdom is coming the bible is over jesus in your name is [Music] nobody [Music] [Music] anything like that nobody will ever be like you jesus [Music] there's nobody equal to you jesus [Music] i feel him i feel him right there [Music] oh jesus [Music] there will never be anyone anything like you nobody beside you [Music] nobody beside you there will there will never be anything like jesus praise you jesus lord breathe on us this morning father even more than what i feel right now lord give us another wave of your presence in this place another wave of your glory or that we would lose ourselves lord in your presence today that we'd forget everything that we've been going through this week everything that we've got to do today that all of our focus all of our love and admiration for you lord is right here right now that we give you it right now that nothing else at this moment matters lord by lifting my hands and worshipping you in this place today because you deserve our praise press it press the end of the lord display thank you jesus thank you you jesus [Music] you give life you are love and you bring light to the darkness [Music] you restore every heart that is [Music] and you bring light to the darkness [Music] every heart that is [Music] so we [Music] so we pull out our praise to you [Music] oh you're so great [Music] you are loved and you bring life to [Music] you restore every heart that is [Music] oh [Music] so we pour out our praises [Music] is [Music] [Music] where are you oh i never get tired of telling you how great you are [Music] [Applause] come on right now across this room come on [Music] oh come on [Music] come on send it straight up to heaven here we go come on the earth [Music] come [Music] the on will shine your praise our hearts will cry and these bones will sink hey great [Music] these our hearts will cry [Music] all that i have i give to the lord today [Music] pour it out [Music] and all god's people sing great are you when we loves to hear you sing come on he only knows it baby wants to hear us singing come on great [Music] on the earth and all the earth will shout your grace [Music] if you didn't know the person i'm around now you know it come on and sing it and all the you will shout your praise our hearts will cry and these bones will [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] please is [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you [Music] the lord is perfect [Music] to [Music] you're the only one that is perfect jesus you are perfect [Music] yes [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] i want to sing that third verse [Music] i [Music] as you call deeper still into love love your father [Music] [Applause] is [Music] there's a sweet spirit of god in this place today [Music] and he's working in this room i see people out in this congregation today that started in praise but i can tell you they're down right now the lord is just dealing with i see it that's what you're here for today right to get it all worked out there's only one person that can work it all out it's a good father that we serve he has everything that you'll ever need and it's not money and it's not material things it's eternal life it's a resurrection from your old self to your new self you become a new creature and he saves you and redeems you by his blood and when you walk out of that it's one of the best ones you'll ever live when you do it the lord's way everything will line up and work out in your faith but you must do it his way you must do it god's way he's got a perfect plan for your life he's got purpose for your life but you must give him your life because your life is not your own thank you jesus [Music] oh what of jesus [Music] isn't he wonderful sing hallelujah christ is risen [Music] for he is [Music] christ is risen come on singer with me [Music] is for he is christ is with us [Music] the father's arms are open life forgiveness was born with the precious blood of [Music] the father's arms the precious blood of jesus christ [Music] is [Music] is [Music] thank you jesus come on lift your hands all across this place what a savior praise you lord there are times that as we worship god's presence comes in in a very strong way and it's here that he's here this morning in that way and a lot of times when that happens he is here to act he is here to do something and this morning i really feel very strongly the lord is here to heal some people that are in the house and it's very specific this is what the lord spoke to my heart there are people here and there are people that are watching and you have been diagnosed with a blood disorder and you may have told someone or you may not have told someone but i know this the lord knows and it may be anything from anemia to something even more serious but it is affecting your heart it's affecting your life and the lord says this morning he wants to give you a second opinion how many know it's okay to get a second opinion and this is what the lord says his opinion is of what you're going through he said he said by his stripes you were healed that's the final word on your condition and right now i believe with all my heart the lord is healing people with blood disorders and right now he is going to just heal your body you you may not feel it you may not feel a lot but you're about to feel all of the symptoms you've been having are about to leave in jesus name he's healing you he's healing you he's healing you he's healing you ma'am you right here you right here right there with your hands raised this affects you this affects you you are one that has you you've got some issues that are going on and i know there's others in the house but this is the one the lord showed to me specifically and i know there's people watching so right now let's agree in prayer together as we transition and lord i just pray right now that your word is forever settled lord that if you said that we are by your stripes we are healed we are healed and i thank you now that this disorder is cleared in jesus name i thank you lord that the next time they are tested it will show negative for the things that were positive that were wrong and that lord you will restore strength you will restore vitality lord the the irregular heartbeat that is being caused by this will stop in the name of jesus because jesus you are our healer you are in this house to heal your people this morning and i thank you lord that you you do a complete job from front to back and from side to side in this congregation and to those that are watching lord you are washing that blood free of disease free of dysfunction free of abnormality in the name of jesus every red blood cell will be right in jesus name and lord i thank you that today lord we have a confidence and an assurance because this is your word to us this is the word of god that by your stripes we are healed and right now lord we reach out we reach out you may know someone with a blood disorder i want you to pray on their behalf we reach out right now for the hell of his garment we reach out right now by faith and say lord i need healing today in jesus name we pray amen amen amen amen thank you jesus hallelujah hallelujah you can have a seat we want to welcome you to calvary chapel this morning you know um i haven't been a mom very long um five months actually but the lord was just he showed me something super sweet and you know your babies have different cries right if you're a parent you can kind of tell like oh that's a fake cry like no big deal um but there's something about when judah cries and he's hungry there's something that i can't ignore about that because i know that i have the what he needs to feed him and the lord told me yesterday as i was praying he said hunger goes unnoticed by me hunger goes unnoticed meaning when you're hungry for him he takes notice of that not only does he take notice of that but he says you know what i have what you need i'm your father i'm good and i'm gonna satisfy and i'm gonna fulfill and i don't know who in here is feeling like does god care about what i'm going through put everything else aside the bible says that those who hunger and thirst for him for righteousness they will be filled meaning he is going to satisfy that need and so i think about times in my life where i've been so hungry for him and it's like the lord's like i want you to get to a place where i'm your only option where it's just me where i'm the only answer where i'm the only solution and i don't know who in here today has maybe been turning to other things to satisfy needs but the lord is saying today hunger and thirst for me like you never have before and watch what i do so thank you lord for that amen he's good he's good before we transition into a time of offering i have some announcements that i'm really really excited about next sunday right after church that'll be sunday september the 19th we're gonna have something called a sunday serve social if you were sitting in here and you're like i've never connected to this church i've never served in this church i feel like people who serve probably have some qualifications that i don't have or i need to get my life together for that can i just say put all that aside we we want you to get connected to the house of god in the house of god you find purpose you come alive in the house of god and so directly after service next sunday stick around we're going to have some lunch just in our cafe and ets room and we're just going to be talking about needs within our church that we have whether it's ushering whether it's helping kids check in whether it's volunteering in youth or young adults that's my next announcement something brandon and i are really excited about on friday september 24th at seven o'clock we're going to launch our first young adult service it's called tribe young adults and it's something we've been wanting to do for a while and the lord confirmed it the other day and was just like y'all need to start young adults if you're sitting in here and you're like i'm not young and i'm not an adult we're targeting ages 18 and we're going to say like mid-30s like early 30's um if you are hungry for more of god we're gonna be here on friday september 24th we're going to have a service at 7 00 pm and then every month we're gonna do an encounter service and then two weeks after that we're gonna have community nights where we go out we do something fun so we might go bowling we might go to dinner but we want to invite you to be a part of that we're super excited about what the lord's gonna do in that so if you know a young adult or if you are a young adult we invite you to that but as we transition if the ushers can come forward for offering um i've been thinking a lot about these two words and the two words i've been thinking about is consume and contribute and we've been talking a lot about it just in our day-to-day life but i think a lot of times people come to church our mindset is a consumer mindset meaning lord what are you gonna do for me today how are you gonna speak to me today lord touch me during worship lord if they don't play this song or if they don't and and it's kind of like we're this consumer mindset when really the church was actually set up our mindset should be god what can i contribute today that's what church is supposed to be god i want to offer up a praise to you that's contributing god how can i serve your house today that's contribute god how can i give to your house that's contributing and i want to challenge our church today that we would kind of shift our mindset you know we can consume monday tuesday wednesday you can turn on podcasts you can worship everywhere that you go you can consume every other day of the week but we meet here on sunday mornings and if our mindset mindset shifts from consuming to contribute i really believe that we can reach our city i really believe that we can see god move and do things and so lord today as we pray and go into this time of offering father i pray god that you would shift our mindsets to not be consumers god but to contribute to your house financially lord by serving by giving who can i bless who can i serve god what can i give to you today lord shift and change our mindsets in jesus name before you give today we're going to have the the buckets but i want to give you guys an update we want to thank you for those who have given to we were needing to raise 5 000 for renovations for acs and those kind of things we are at 2200 of that 5 000 and we want to thank those who have given but i wanted to give you an update on that i know some of you sitting in the balcony our balcony ac went out this week so um that's something that we're getting fixed so if it's a little warm up there we apologize but we love you guys and we want to thank you we have how you can give on the screens right now but if you are going to give in person you can just come forward and drop it in right here but we want to welcome you and thank you for being with us this morning amen [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] amen praise the lord let's give the lord a clap offering this morning thank you lord i wanted uh before i get started this morning and uh my message today is uh i want to give you a little update on my mother uh i know some of you know she fell several weeks ago and my mother will be 85 years old next month and uh we we we didn't think she was going to pull out of it but she did and we thank god for uh those who helped us pray and and you know the bible says in the it's the fifth commandment says honor your father and mother did you know that that's the only commandment that god gives a reason why you should do that it says honor your father and mother that your days may be long did you know god blesses us when we honor our father and our mother amen anyway i wanted uh my mother was doing better we had her move to a nursing home and she's doing she's doing pretty good she her her biggest request is that she wants to go home she wants to go to heaven and you just don't know what that's like you know when i first got saved my mother fought me so hard on becoming a christian and i i want to encourage you about something with that you know when you become a christian sometimes your family does kind of reject you a little bit maybe they don't understand it's really what it is they just don't understand what happens to you when you fall in love with the lord and you you desire to commit your life to him and serve him with all your heart and sometimes that's just kind of a jolt to your family because they just don't see it and uh but you know one of the greatest things is that if you'll continue to follow the lord the lord will work on your family can i get an amen you know the bible is so clear about that he said if you love your father or your mother or your brother or your sister more than you love me he said you're not worthy to be my disciple have you ever read that it says that and what he means is that your loyalties must lie with him before it even lies with your own family you must love him and be loyal to him over your own family that's what he's saying he said if you don't do that he said then you're not worthy to be my disciple and i understand that i really do but to know that my mother is ready to meet the lord now and that several years ago she gave her life to the lord and you know she started feeling better and i wanted to i wanted to bring something to her when i had a recently got a chance to go visit her she's in a little town that's north of here a little bit and i thought well i'm going to take her a hat i just thought well maybe it'll make her feel better if she puts a hat on and so i brought her ahead i i got a picture up here i want you to see i gave her a hat and uh i just uh it was just uh you know you know if you can't give your mom a skin hat then what can you give her i mean come on my mother has always been such a sport about these things and she was feeling better that day and i told her i brought her ahead i didn't even think she would touch the thing because my mother has been so kind she gets kind of upset if we were to bring sometimes we'd go hunting and bring squirrels and rabbits and everything in there and if it touched any part of anything she got rid of it she she told us if you barbecue any of that on that grill we're going to get rid of that grill and buy a brand new one so so to understand she could put on this hat and she was feeling good that day so anyway i wanted to share that with you today amen i have a wonderful mother and she's very supportive and and to know that she's ready to go to heaven is the greatest one of the greatest thrills of my life can i get an amen how many in here you want to see your mom go to heaven amen praise the lord why don't we pray how many in here your mom's do not know the lord yet anybody in here just raise your hand say my mom hasn't accepted the lord anyone i see that hand okay amen anyone else let's pray for those mothers right now amen father i just lift up every mom that's represented here today that has not submitted their life to you they don't understand you lord you they don't understand what you've done for them and i pray lord for these the salvation of these mothers lord lord there's no one like our mother in our life lord and we pray lord for these mothers and those that lifted their hands that lord that that send laborers to them lord you can send people and put in their path lord to talk to them about you lord you can do things in their life to cause them to look to you in ways lord we can't even understand but lord i pray lord before lord they depart this life that lord they'll give their lives to you they'll confess their sins and accept you as their savior and lord we will love you and praise you for it in jesus name amen amen how many thank god your moms are saved how many in here your mother saved and going to heaven let's give the lord a hand clap for that [Applause] i want to continue this morning i started last sunday on promises from my father and i want to talk to you about the promises that god has made us and and of course you know there's no way to talk about all the promises that god has made they say there's between i don't know uh eight and fifteen thousand promises that god has made some some relate to us some of them don't we we talked about last sunday that some of god's promises are conditional some are unconditional and that means that there are certain things you have to do our part our responsibility before god will fulfill his part of it and uh so when we talk about that and you look at the promises of god you have to understand a promise is a declaration or assurance that one is going to do a particular thing or that a particular thing is going to happen because of the promise and it's important that we that we understand that because when you make a promise you're telling someone that that you're going to do a particular thing or that you're going to do something for them uh in in a in a future way something's going to happen and you're promising that you're going to to be there and do that for that and i think the lord wants us to understand especially in the day that we live in right now with so many things changing and so many things we just don't know where they are that in this hour of such unsettling moments that we have to understand something that god and his word will never change can i get an amen it does not matter what happens in our world it does not matter what is upset it doesn't matter if whole governments fall it doesn't matter what happens if a whole continent falls off the earth or goes underwater nothing is going to change god's word nothing the bible says that god's word has been forever settled in the book of psalms it says god's word has been forever settled in other words when god wrote it and god god gave it to us it was perfect when he gave it to us nothing has to be altered nothing will ever be changed in it not one word of it and and you know while our words may last but a moment in the air we speak them and they're gone god's words are eternal can i get an amen god's words have meaning and they will always have meaning throughout eternity of what god said now god took it a step farther and he didn't just say it he he wrote it he he moved upon men the bible says uh that he moved upon men and through the power of the holy spirit he wrote the word of god you know the apostle paul wrote two-thirds of the new testament most of that he wrote while he was in prison and you have to understand that you know god had to get him to a place that he couldn't do anything else but right you know and that's what he did you know i heard him i heard a sermon one time from a man that says you know god would how many times paul was put in prison and he's sitting in prison going now what do i do and the holy spirit said you're going to write some things i want you to write how many no you really can't write and focus on writing till you get isolated till you get focused and then you can begin to write and that's what he did he isolated the apostle paul and then he told him to wrote to write that but he made it a matter of record that will always stand and it's important that you understand that that god's word will never be altered it will never be changed and when we think about that we have to understand that uh uh that that when we think about a promise we think about it's it's usually given to a person in regards to something that's that's going to happen in the future some circumstance or event that's going to happen in your future god will give you a promise now you have to understand something about the lord god usually gives a promise but it's buried in the impossible situation do you understand that when god gives a promise it's usually buried in impossible situations in other words when you look at something a lot of times you'll say i don't know how i'm going to get out of this or how this is going to work out for me in other words i don't know how the end of it is going to is going to play out well god gives a promise that we can know how it's going to play out that's what that's what faith is that's what faith in a promise does is that it tells us how things are going to work out if we will believe it somebody say i believe it amen and god's promises are not obvious things in other words if i were to say to you i i promise you tomorrow the sun is going to shine i mean that's like man okay well that's kind of obvious or that uh the sky will be blue and i don't know what the rains are going to do with the blue sky but when the clouds clear the sky will be blue god doesn't give the obvious god tells you things that it's like when you look at the promise you say i don't know how he's going to be able to do that but how many know that you have enough history with god to say god does do that though i know god is not only a promise maker he's a promise keeper and that should give us great hope of the hour that we live in or wherever you are in your life right now with the lord because i know this i absolutely know this without a shadow of a doubt i can say this about every person if i was to point to anyone in here i can say this about you concerning the lord the lord has already fulfilled certain promises to you he's already done it and you should rejoicing that you know when we come in and we praise the lord do you know what that's doing it's not only thanking him and but it's getting our focus on who we need to focus on and here's the thing you have to remember when you quit praising the lord it's a sign you've been distracted it's a sign you've been distracted if if things start happening and you're you're not focusing on the lord again you can know this something has distracted you either it's a person it's an event or something has happened in your life and it has pulled your attention away and you don't praise him like you did because your attention is over here now how many know it's so important paul said i'll praise him i mean david said this i'll praise him no matter what happens what he was saying is that i can't lose my focus here even though these events are going to happen and these situations are going to happen in my life i can never lose my focus on who's going to help me through it i've always got to be sending up a praise and friends i can tell you this i don't know what percentage of your life is going to be like this but i can guarantee you a percentage of it will be when you feel the worst god is going to ask you to praise him when you don't see the end of the event or the circumstance he's gonna he's gonna ask you to praise him and how many know in that moment god will deserve the praise just like he will when the event is over with and he has answered that prayer how many know god's gonna answer your prayer one way or another god's going to do it it may not be in the timing and it probably won't be the way you think he does it but god doesn't just tell you every little bit what he does it says he'll give you a broad promise and i'm going to show you this in a minute that he's going to take care of it what he wants that is from you is that you believe him because there is nothing that moves god like faith for it says without faith it is impossible to what please god everything in your relationship with god is based upon your ability to believe god and trust him that's why it says he's given to every man and woman a measure of faith you say i have none that's contradicting the bible you do have some it's just where you place it amen it's not faith in what you can do it's faith in what god will do for you that's what's going to bring you into incredible it will give you an incredible life that's all i'm going to say just like with my mother when i thought at one time my mother would disown me because of that now she can do nothing but praise the same god that i serve because god is keeping a promise and i believe this to be did it happen overnight no it didn't happen overnight there were years and years and years that i lived for god and never saw my mother live for god never saw my mother or father praise god never saw my parents read the bible never saw anything like that but then there came a day because i kept praising him and serving him god did the impossible somebody say amen [Applause] we have to do our part we have to believe him we have to trust him but it's not based on just thin air we put our faith in belief in a word that he has spoken to us somebody say amen so his promises will shine the brightest in the impossible places of your life and that's why it's important that you're standing on that promise because it will hold you through it that's where your focus should be not on the impossible things that you can account for well this is happening and this is happening or this is happening or this is happening no god said this would happen and that's where my focus is going to stay i'm going to show you that here in just a minute you know there's a well-known promise and and i didn't put it up i have a few things i want to put up but not this one because it's so it's so popular so it's so declared all the time and that is in hebrews 13 5 where god says i will never and he says it three times i will never never never leave you nor forsake you how many of that's comforting but when god said it he knew there would come a time when there were situations in your life that would contradict that he knew you would come to a moment in your life when you didn't feel god you didn't see god nothing would support that he was with you then you had the promise do you understand that see god gives promises but everything else around it may contradict it when you wake up you say i don't feel god you may feel god in here today you say i felt the presence of god i heard the word of god but tomorrow morning when you get up things may be totally different you may not feel a thing you may not you may not see anything but how many know he's he said he'll never never never leave you so what does that tell you to do get up like he's sitting there because he is you get up and you praise him because he's listening to you you you do the things that god that you know god has promised to do so he says i'll never never never leave you in in psalms 19 119 verse 49 and 50 if you'll put this one up remember your promise to be your servant it gives me hope and then in verse 50 it says you comfort me in my suffering because your promise gives me new life how many know that god's promises will give you hope in suffering because you don't know but with a promise it gives you a hope and that's what he said your promise your promises you comfort me in my suffering and i don't know how many may be suffering in here right now and i you know i'm not talking about physical surfing where you're hurting and you need pain medication i'm not talking about that you may be in here and if that's you i hope the lord will heal you i'm talking about there is all kinds of suffering we can go through there's all kinds of things that we can go through if you're a person who lives in fear that's a form of suffering you're fearful you don't know what's going to happen and that's why god comes in and tries to give you his word now whether you take it or not is up to you god will not force you to believe him god will not force his word upon you at all god will not do that because he made you a free moral agent which means you can make a decision you can walk out of here you can hear every promise god's hands and walk right back into your old life and live just like god never spoke to you or you can take these promises and go out into when you leave here in a few minutes that you can go out there and you say you know what i'm going to believe god's promises in my life and how many know it will have an effect upon everything in your life somebody say better amen so when we think about the promises of god we have to understand that that promise is an assurance that god is going to do certain things and when i was writing this down it was like it was like this i i put it like this i promise is going to assure you that one someone will definitely do or give you and then i wrote this and when i wrote it the holy spirit stopped me god will definitely arrange something to happen in your life and when i wrote that down the holy spirit stopped me he said jay that's a word of wisdom for somebody that's going to be sitting there sunday morning and a word of wisdom is something that's going to happen in your future but what god was saying is that he said i am arranging things to happen in your life that's why we have another scripture that says god uh orders the steps of a righteous man or a woman are ordered by the lord there's an arrangement you've heard people say in different countries around the world they'll say my marriage was arranged in other words they had somebody already picked out for you and it was arranged you really didn't have any choice in it well what god is saying is that god is arranging things in your life god is setting things in order in your life and if you'll continue to follow him serve him do what god says you're going to come into that arrangement and not many days from now can i get an amen you know it's incredible and it's exciting when you know god is arranging things in your life it's it's it's so you know when debbie and i were looking we were looking for homes that we because we had rented homes for nine years we weren't able to buy a home for nine years and then when it came time when we were able to do that then we were wanting we went over we found a home that we wanted and it was for sale and we wanted it and we were trying to work that out but uh we had to sell our old home first it was contingent on selling our old home and then you know we got over there and and man we really liked the home it was it would meet our needs and and then one night we got a call from the owner and they said jay you know i'm sorry i know you and your wife wanted that but we've got another buyer and they're ready to go and uh we just we're just gonna have to sell it to them and it really disappointed us and i thought oh wow man then we had all our hopes built on that you know that we wanted that home well what we didn't know is that two streets over from that home they were had they were building new homes right around the corner and we just happened to drive back there and came on one that was for sale and got out anyway that was the one god wanted to put us in what i'm saying is this you may go up to a certain thing and god may get you to a certain point in your life and you say well this is what i thought would happen and it doesn't happen but all god's doing is that you have to understand something god may get you to a point about something he's led you to but it doesn't work out but it's because he wanted to get you to a certain place then he's going to show you what his plan was because all along god had arranged your steps god had all along because you're not just somebody that walks out of here that you're kind of you just do your own thing no way we're the sheep of the lord's pastor amen we have a shepherd that directs every step we take amen we have someone we have a heavenly father that watches out for his children how many know god knows a lot more about a home buying than you would ever dream of knowing about a home how many know god knows what's wrong with that home before you ever buy it how many know the city you're going to go into or where you're going to go or whatever school you're going to go into or whatever girl you're going to start dating or whatever boy you're going to start dating god already knows about that and if it's going to have an effect upon your life in a negative way god will block it did you hear what i said god will block it he won't allow it to happen because he knows your future and you've got to trust god that god knows a lot more than you do that's why in everything that you do you should do it through prayer and supplication with god let your requests be made known unto god in everything you do filter it between what god can do amen no matter what you do ask the lord about it bring him into the equation and he will help you do that how many of us want to go get things or buy things or go places that we know it's not going to be a good thing for us and god can do that god will put you in exactly the place i'll put you with the right person that he knows i'd have never dreamed that i ever married debbie bowen that was her name debbie bowen i don't know where she is she's probably with her grandson what is it oh there she is well he sees lights honey i can't see back there is that your boyfriend sitting next to you back there oh no that's my grandson i see him i got you right whoo folks it's exciting when you live for god don't do anything don't invest don't do anything until you filter it through the will of god he's got a right to be brought into this see everything we do concerns him you don't want to enter into an investment buy a home marry somebody and then do it and then turn around and say lord would you bless this that's not the way it works that's not going to work out well for you if you do it that way well i like her or i like him or that job looks good if you're going to change jobs you better ask the lord everything about your life has an arrangement to it amen there is nothing once you become a child of god you become under his rule that's what we make jesus our savior we accept but we make him lord which means he becomes lord over every area of your life amen that's where people struggle is in that lordship not in being savior no no no who wouldn't want to come to the lord who forgives you of all your sins and all the things you've ever done that it's just we don't even want to bring it up no no no that's not the part it's when you get up from there in that confession and accepting that when you walk out now who's going to run your life who's going to do it the lord you've just committed to him you've given your life to him it says you've been bought with the price therefore glorify god in your body amen we've been bought we've been paid for we're no longer ours we belong to him that's where the problems start that's why you've got to crucify that flesh that wants to walk out of there you know how many people i've seen come to an altar and receive christ i never saw him again never came back to church because they never made him lord they went right back and most of them are backslid today they went away from god because they wanted they tried to take that experience with god and then go out there and live their own life with it it won't work that way how many know if any man or woman be in christ they're a new creature all things of what behold all things have become new everything in your life will become new and you will want it to become new there is nothing in that old life that's what happened with lot's wife what did the lord say to her don't look back at that old life there is nothing back there but pain and shame and you're gratifying yourself there's a new life for you ahead amen no man having put his hands to the what the plow and looking back is even fit for the kingdom of god you cannot start this race and live this life turning around and looking at what you used to have god has so much in front of you so many wonderful things ahead of you and he wants you to look at those you and i have been delivered from that old life that old life should be cut free so that we can move ahead that's why it's so it was such a mystery to god when he brought his people out of egypt and they began to want to go back to egypt he was like what what are you saying to me you've been in slavery for 430 years now because it's a little rough out here this new way of life is not fitting your desire you want to go back to that that's what they wanted you know what they said they said we can remember the melons the leeks and the onions and the garlic that's what they said it was the food they tasted see when you live the longer you live in this life without god you're going to taste things in this world and some of them may taste kind of good and you won't forget them i guarantee you but when you come into that new life then that old life is going to pull it's going to pull you back into it that's why it's so important that every person around your life probably will have to change unless they're believers as well that's why god says a believer cannot marry an unbeliever he says what agreement do they have don't dare as a believer go marry an unbeliever and expect it's going to work out right women women i've we've heard women say well i'm going to marry him i know he loves me and is he a christian no but you know we're believing after we get married he said he'll come to church and and he'll do this and never worked out never worked out and then you start having children with an unsafe partner and they don't want to raise your children any longer in church to know the lord then lots of problems then the children don't know what to do they're confused they've got a dad that believes or a mother that believes or one of them that doesn't believe so that agreement it starts that's why i'm saying i don't know how i got on off on that but you got real still when i started talking about it because this is where we live if you run around with the same friends before you got saved but once you get saved if you run around with the people i guarantee you're going to go back to what they live unless you change your friends it doesn't mean you're any better than they are oh no no no it doesn't mean that at all what it means is that you have a new allegiance to somebody you no longer can do what they do because your heart's not the same place you're as guilty as they were but it's like i've been saved from that and i don't want to go and keep doing that again come on somebody help me here i'll get through here that's what happens with people we have kids that go to school they come down they feel the lord when they come to church the lord speaks to them they know it they give their life to the lord then they go back to school and they try to fit in you're not going to fit in there anymore like that you say well i don't like that that's part of what we call identification it's when you identify with the lord and then people say it's like this a man was riding on an airplane one time and he was sent into a man sitting next to a man and he asked you know you know they got to talking and he said well what do you do he was a preacher and he didn't want to tell him that right off because he didn't want to shut and put a wall up he said well he said i speak for the richest jew in the world i speak for the richest jew in the world and the guy looked at him and he said you're a preacher aren't you he said immediately when he knew that he said immediately he identified being with christ and that whole conversation changed that's what happens with people is what happens with us when they identify you as a christian on your job please have the lifestyle that you need to have to back that up because i guarantee you everybody in this in this nation knows what a christian should live like whether they believe it or not but they know if you're claiming it they'll know what comes out of your mouth they'll know whether you live right let me know what i'm talking about amen i got the medal in here didn't i it's all right it's all right the lord the lord is trying to teach you and he's had to teach me that and it was a it was uh it's not an easy thing sometimes to uh you know leave those things that are behind and move on and god give you other people that you can fellowship with and and be around and go it doesn't mean that you can't have fun anymore or or that it just means that you can't have fun the way you used to have fun okay i mean can i get a better amen than that amen so uh let's just uh uh let me find my place here okay so what happens with a promise is that it basically equips you to prophesy in your own life and prophecy is just when you start speaking out things that are going to take place in your life you say well how does that work pastor it's like this let's just say you're going through something maybe and this is one that's real common and it's going to happen maybe your needs aren't being met or maybe maybe you're financially it's not going the way you thought or in this crisis that we're in right now with this coveted and everything people's finances have just i mean it's really changed a lot of things amen now inflation is coming in and a lot of things are going to happen they're saying it's going to happen it is happening and and with this new government that we have that's changing everything fuel costs food costs everything i mean everything is just changing so you have this situation and you're in need and here's to say if somebody says well what's going to happen to you you have to be ready to prophesy your own future based upon one of god's promises what should you say to somebody when they say what's going to happen to you what's going to happen if this is a you you have to prophesy my god's going to supply all my knees according to his riches in glory by god jesus that's what's going to happen to me isn't that right do you see you prophesied your own future based upon one of god's promises that have been forever settled and are eternal that apply to you do you know how it's going to work out absolutely not do you feel like it's going to work out i don't feel it do i see it i don't see it but this i know god's word is true and he gave it to me and i'm going to stand on it through this [Applause] that's what he said prophesy your future how are these things going to work out i don't know how they're going to work out i can't give you the details of it but this is one i know i'm god's child he's my father and he's given me this promise and that's what i'm going to stand on you can't go and folks you've got to be ready when unbelievers ask you questions like that don't be ashamed to tell them god's word don't be ashamed to say it they may not understand it but you understand it amen how many in here you prophesied your own future before and you said i don't know how this is going to work out but god's going to take care of this he said he was and how many it worked out [Applause] god has ways god does in the impossible with man things are impossible but with god all things are what possible in isaiah 43 look at this one with me if you'll put yeah thus says the lord who makes a way in the sea and the path through the mighty waters verse 17 i think i have oh i'm sorry verse 19 behold i will do a new thing now it shall spring forth shall you not know it i will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert now what was god saying it's the old saying it's really not a scripture per se but this is what this verses mean it's you know have you ever used god will make a way where there seems to be no way that is what he's saying i will make rivers in the desert that's not normal he said i will make a way through the sea what's he talking about you remember when moses stood at the red sea coming out of the exodus with all these millions of of jewish people that are following and he gets there and he realizes man we've got a problem god says there's no problem here there's a problem for you but it's not for me and god said raise your staff do you know how many places in the bible that god superseded the normal the natural order of things i'm going to say that again because this is the definition of a miracle when a miracle happens in your life it's when god supersedes the natural order i'm going to give you an example so you'll understand this when moses stood at the bank of that red sea and he looked out and he had to bring the people across there was no way there were mountains on both sides and pharaoh was breathing down their neck he says which way am i to go god said just stand still and you'll see it and that's a lot of times what god's trying to tell you and i stand still and you will see the salvation or the deliverance of the lord and what did god do he made a way through the sea he superseded the natural order of things god will have to do that for you and i for for you and i to survive mark it down that's just the way it works with god let me give you a couple examples that you'll know these okay i wrote just a few you remember the widowed name you remember jesus was passing by and they were having a funeral they were carrying what they call a buyer the the the casket on their shoulders and he walked out he saw the woman crying do you understand a lot of times when you're crying the lord turns because there's such compassion in him he cannot deny it there's something pulls at him when he hears people upset let me know what i'm talking about and when he turned to her he realized what was going on he realized it says in the widow of nain but it says that was her last living relevant and it was a young boy her son had died prematurely it doesn't say why and it simply says that jesus walked up to the casket and laid his hand on it and when he did that boy rose up what a funeral that would have been to attend what did he do he superseded the natural order what was the natural order when they're carrying that casket where do you think they were going to the graveyard to put him in the grave see god steps in and has the power to supersede that and that boy walked up and he returned to him how many say thank the lord he's not with men things are impossible but with god what all things are possible there's nothing off the table with god so don't put things on the table just say god you can do the impossible i'm going to believe you for it all right you remember when joshua was fighting his enemies in joshua 10 and joshua made this ridiculous request he said god stop the sun from moving and god heard it you can read it and it says the son stood still for an entire day so that he could defeat his enemies how many know god can do he supersedes the natural order of things that's what a miracle is and that's what a promise will do a promise will come in and supersede okay i i want to show you how many remember the ten lepers you remember the ten that were crying out jesus heard them and what did he do he healed all of them he superseded the natural order of things with leprosy leprosies they were outcasts they had to be put in their own place because they were contagious nobody wanted to get around them you're talking about a a terrible way to die a terrible way to to have to fit in is that you know to be separated from your family because you've got leprosy and all of a sudden god heals 10 of them why because he superseded the natural order of that disease don't tell me god cannot supersede things god can go above and beyond why because he has the power to do it now here's the thing if if a disease comes in and and it takes you to heaven that's just the way it is i cannot explain why god does certain things or certain ways or whatever when both of my kidneys failed and i thought man this is it i mean i just this is it you know and i i i knew that i could get a donor but i had to go on dialysis for 18 months you're talking about a lot of fun it's going dialysis and i didn't go on normal dallas's the kind of dialysis i went on was not anything most people even know about but anyway i'm not going to get into all that all i'm going to say is that god provided a donor i'm here i'm standing here i'm able to preach because god did something that's all i'm trying to say because god was not finished with me there will be a day when our course is finished and i'll leave and that's fine but nothing's going to overtake me just like with paul they could not kill him until time was come when he said i fought a good fight i finished my course i kept the faith it is time for me to go home and god said that's it come on home somebody say amen folks get it in your head the gods you serve is a promising god but he's a keeper of those promises no matter what kind of situation you're in i want to show you this i'm just about finished what time is it 11 58. okay i wanna i want to show you this in romans look at this in romans 4 as the scriptures say i have made you a father this is talking about abraham this is true before god the one abraham believed the god who gives life to the dead who speaks things that don't yet exist as if they are real now look it says in other in one this is the easy read version but in the king james it says he calls those things that are not as though they were that's the god what we call the god kind of faith listen if you're going to get anywhere with god you're going to have to learn to call those things that are not as though they were did you get it you have to say it it doesn't exist you can't feel it there's nothing to support it but you'll speak it i don't know how this is going to happen but i call those things as though those things that are not as though they exist this is what happened verse 18 there was no hope that abraham would have children watch this this is so good but abraham believed god folks you may be in a situation where there's no hope that anything's going to happen but yet believe god it puts you into another place and continued to hope and that he would become the father of many nations as god told him you'll have many descendants verse 19. now watch watch how this works out watch how this happens in this life abraham was almost 100 years old think about what he was trying to say to a man who's a hundred years old you know he this guy's ready to go not have children but god had a promise it says against hope he believed hope that's the way it's worded in the king james against hope he believed hope in other words when he looked at his body he realized there's no ability to procreate any longer i'm done i've been done i mean that's just the way he said it i'm done look look at me i'm done i'm 100 years old i'm like a i'm like a shrivel up old prune look at me i can't do nothing here yet god had said something to him he was about to supersede the natural order here amen but folks don't get carried away with abraham i want you to put this in your own life because things are happening in your life right now that against hope you're going to have to believe hope watch this so he was past the age of having children stop this is a big one see this world goes on age a lot when you get to this certain age and you get to this certain age and you get to this you can't do certain things with god that doesn't apply so don't limit yourself with an age and say well i'm too young i'm too old no no no no god has the ability to bypass that order and get you the fulfillment of his promise to you hallelujah also when he looked at sarah you remember in my big fat greek wedding when her dad they're driving to the restaurant and it's real cold and it's in the morning and he looks at tula and he says you look so old do you remember that you would look so old and you know her face just drops it's like you know it it's it's it's about to get him because his his daughter he wants her to have marry a great man and have great babies in in in but you look so old and i think that's what abraham said when he looked at sarah he said you look so old sarah and sarah said look at yourself yo well i'm not going to say what i thought i wasn't going to say anything bad i was going to say your f-a-r-t you know that's what they call them you'll forgive me of that won't you i'm just getting i'm real anointed up here so i never know what's going to come out of my mouth no i'm just kidding so he was past the age also sarah could not have children abraham was well aware of this abraham was well aware of it what are you well aware of see a lot of people think i'm well aware of all my all the things that are against me i'm well aware of that but yet but his faith in god never became weak oh that's what connects you to the impossible amen go on verse 20 he never doubted that god would do what he promised that has to apply to us no matter how difficult it may look in our day no matter how unreal it no matter what's happening in your life don't ever doubt what god has promised us don't do it at any time it says he never stopped believing in fact he grew stronger in his faith and just praised god verse 21 i'm just about through abraham felt sure that god was able to do what he had promised verse 22 so that's why he was accepted as the one who was right with god and god fulfilled the promise we know that folks listen i'm telling you god's promises will be buried in the impossible but god is the only one who can link it and bring you through it and fulfill that promise in your life god is not like man who makes promises and then breaks them or makes promises and walks away from them or makes promises and could care less how you feel about it god's not like that when god makes a promise to you and you're holding on by faith god is going to fulfill that promise in your life you're going to see the fulfillment of that god's going to do it come on give the lord a handcuff look we're living in a time god spoke to me two or three weeks ago and he said jay start reminding my people about my promises one more time and i knew exactly what he meant when he said it i was driving on fairmont when he told me he said jay go back and tell my people about my promises you know why because see in the day we live in it's all brand new but god's promises are still here and they're still for us the thing is we just need to be reminded of them let me say pastor i need to be reminded of the promises of god in this day that i live in because the day i'm in right now is like no other day i've ever been in come on somebody we need to be reminded why because god's word is eternal and it doesn't matter what's happening around us god's going to fulfill his word in us as long as you'll believe what god said amen let's praise him come on just lift a hand and praise the lord glory to god glory to god come on lift your voice in here lord i praise you this morning i thank you this morning your promises are yea and amen to me lord it does not matter i don't have to work out the impossible you'll do that what i have to do is believe you lord and i cannot i will not lord limit you by my age or what's going on in my life lord i know that lord it will never stop a promise lord as long as i believe you lord you will supersede the natural order of things in my life you will do the impossible you will do the miracles in my life because you love me and you're committed to me and lord we praise you for it i want you to stand in here i feel the presence of the lord in here right now i know he's talking to us all in here right now in the name of jesus you're not walking out into an empty thing you're walking out into the promises of god you're standing on the promises of god god has every intention of fulfilling every promise he's ever made you [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah lord i praise you oh i praise you lord there's no one like you lord oh lord i'm so glad that you know me i'm so glad that you saved me lord i love you for that today i thank you for that today lord you've never abandoned me you never will abandon me lord you'll never forsake me lord [Music] come on just pray here just a moment just pray you're fixing to have physical food but i'm going to tell you something it's the spiritual food right now that's going to strengthen you and i because god says man did not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of his mouth we exist because of the of the word of the living god he's going to do it how many in here today i'm not going to ask you what it is but i'm going to ask you this and i want you to i know you will i'm not saying you'd be dishonest about it but what i'm asking is the reason is is because i want you to admit it how many of you say pastor i'm in an impossible place right now in my life or there's some things going on i don't know how it's going to work out and i need to just stand firmly on the promises of god in my life right now i need to believe god if that's you i'm going to ask you to do something i'll ask you just step out of your seat and come right up here to the front come on that's you just just just admit it we're not going to ask you what it is [Music] i need my heavenly father to fulfill his promises and i believe that he will fulfill every one of them to me wow praise the lord i want those that are here and all over this building just praise him would you just praising having to know god knows what we need to hear before we ever get here on a sunday morning he knows what you're walking through he knows what you're going through he knows everything about your life and he loves you he loves you he loves you and he's made promises to you today thank you lord thank you lord lord we admit today and i stand with you if i could i'd stand down there with you believe me i'm in a place right now in my life that it's different there's things happening that are different and i'm i'm trusting god to fulfill his promises in my life and i praise him that i know that he will fulfill them at this time in my life i'm not going to doubt him i'm going to get stronger in my faith and believe that what god has promised he's able to fulfill it in my life i'm not going to look around and look inside of me and say i'm so weak or i'm so old or young or whatever it may be i'm just going to say my god said he'll supply every need he said he'd never leave me he said so many things to me and i'm going to trust him for it right now in jesus name i want you to just let's just declare this today just say this with me say father thank you for your son jesus there would be no hope without your son but today i walk into this church and i hear your word and lord it's exactly what i needed to hear i need to be strengthened to believe in your promises today i'm going to believe your word i'm not going to be distracted i'm not going to be let down but i'm going to look at your word and i'm going to know i'm gonna know that you will fulfill all your promises in my life in my family in my marriage on my job in my finances in my health every area of my life belong to you and i'm here to tell you father i trust you i believe you and i honor you today in jesus name amen come on praise the lord hallelujah the lord the word of god encourages us doesn't it thank you lord i uh i had to go check on something and i was i was sitting in the back i never sit back there and uh just about four people down from me this young man carlos raise your hand okay so carlos has a beautiful family he has a beautiful wife and he has four beautiful daughters and god had given his wife a promise that one day carlos was going to get give his heart to the lord and she wouldn't quit praying for him she prayed and prayed and prayed and she held onto the promise that one day her husband was going to serve the lord so i'm sitting back there and jay's preaching about promises promises and i hear carlos three people down yes amen amen there there was a time that that wasn't possible there was a time that was completely impossible and i couldn't be happier that carlos gave his life to the lord and carlos we love you i praise god and i praise god for this family there's people in here today that i believe is with all my heart something you've been holding on to for a long time you're gonna be saying yes amen amen i know my god can do it amen let's thank the lord as we're dismissed this morning god is a god of the impossible we used to sing a song we used to sing a song i've got a feeling everything's going to be all right remember that song we sang the soup out of that song we'd get on it and we'd go on and on and on i gotta feel it everything's gonna be all right oh well okay stop so we'd sing it and sing it and sing it but really and truly it needed to be changed up just a little bit because feelings change i needed more than a feeling a whole lot of times if i waited on a feeling i really wouldn't have been happy what i needed to be singing was i've got a promise everything's going to be all right you might be in one of them that pastor was talking about that maybe there's division in your home maybe you're saved your spouse isn't but you're holding on in faith believing maybe you married him and you didn't even know jesus maybe you were both heathens when you're married and that's that's not a slam it's just true you didn't believe both of you didn't believe but now one of you believes the other one doesn't you've got a promise everything god's word is a promise that he'll he'll bring it to pass you keep praying you keep believing honey did you have something else well everywhere is a god who still honors his word and still heals yes amen amen lord we go out of here today in faith believing your word and lord we thank you for every promise that is forever settled yes and amen and lord we give you glory and honor lord bless your people bless this week lord i thank you for open doors i thank you for blessings that are going to flow i thank you for burdens that are going to be lifted and i thank you for miracles to happen in jesus mighty name we praise you for it amen god bless you we love you hope to see you next sunday god bless you
Channel: Calvary Chapel Pasadena
Views: 89
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: KQm5pPB3GaQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 55sec (5755 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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