Called To Lead: The Foundation of Leadership - Dr. Myles Munroe

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tonight dr. Myles Monroe [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh Thank You Mikey selector Mikey good evening everyone it's good to see you I'm very excited about tonight for a very important reason and I know that you came expecting God will not disappoint you on Wednesday evenings we are going to be focusing on something that is most critical and that is we're going to talk about you better talk about you discovering some things about yourself and my focus will be on leadership development so I want you to get a clean sheet of paper or turn your page to a new page in your iPad and we're gonna focus on Kingdom leadership discovering the principles of your personal leadership and every Wednesday evening we have a midweek session we'll be focusing on this I'm calling this the kingdom leadership Bible study kingdom leadership by the study I as you know I've been traveling around the world teaching a lot of people about leadership I have been training professionals and those involved in government leadership in business in the church and I've done that to thousands of people I have hosted leadership conferences here in the Bahamas with thousands of people coming here over the years but you know I've never sat with you and taught you those things they teach so many people and this year I have been released to do that so when I say evening is going to be about you it's gonna be not about the millions around the world who I travel to over the years but I want to focus on you becoming and discovering your tremendous leadership ability and I want to encourage every member of the church to get a copy of our textbook will be using this it's the most important foundational book that I have written and it's called becoming a leader and it focuses on discovering the leader on the inside of you now there's reason why we have to deal with this subject our theme this year demands that we focus on leadership our theme for this year she would recall is Kingdom leadership transforming society say that with me Kingdom leadership transforming society I noticed on our Facebook we have a lot of people who have tuned in some of you left your names and the countries you are watching from thank you so much for joining us and I'll be teaching you as well these principles that are very important for you developing who you are but you were born to be on how you can execute your leadership potential so on Wednesday evenings our time together will be focusing on Kingdom leadership and we're going to be focusing on the principles of the Bible relevant to your leadership development so really we're going to be talking about becoming a leader which is the title of the book and you'll be required to read the chapters and we will teach from those chapters in depth we're going to go to this together systematically so that you will learn the principles and then also apply them I promise you that if you follow my my lead in this you would not be the same person at the end of the year that you are now because there's no way to remain the same when you get new information about yourself and this focus is going to be really on you discovering the leader within you so our sessions will be focusing on becoming a leader discovering the leader you were meant to be my approach to leadership is very radical when compared to traditional leadership theories one of the problems with focusing on leadership is that many times people think that the moment you used to wear leadership you're not talking about them and so many times they even stay away from experience because they perceive themselves as not being of that category or that criteria and so they say well if you're gonna deal with leadership then that's not for me that very attitude is evidence that the system of the world has done an excellent job in brainwashing you about leadership you and I have been trained to not be leaders our culture gravitates against you becoming a leader our history is built on being subservient so we are very good at being subservient and sometimes we confuse being subservient with being a servant and they are not the same so our mentality controls our destiny our mentality controls that we respond to even a series like this that we're gonna go into so we're gonna be dealing with your mentality we're going to be dealing with your attitude but most of all we're gonna deal with your perception of yourself because you cannot lead people any further than you've gone yourself and if you are stuck with a misconception about yourself then everyone that you meet will be also influenced by that limitation I speak as one who also was born under this same culture and I myself had to go through a very drastic mental transformation I had to shared some belief systems that were hindering my growth destroying my life I had to disbelieve think that I believed I had to decode some things that had become a part of my my philosophy and in some areas of my life I'm still fighting some of those battles most of them I think I've been able to conquer but the greatest challenge of the average human being is they don't perceive themselves as being a leader this causes us to not fulfill the assignment God gave us so I want to first talk a little bit about the kingdom assignment and why leadership is important our theme this year is what transforming the society through what Kingdom leadership there's a reason why I used to term Kingdom leadership transforming society and you'll understand that during this series why they go together our assignment is an assignment of leadership so please write this down man's purpose for creation was leadership that's an awesome statement there are 7.2 billion humans on earth and the Creator created all of them to be leaders that is a shock to most people's experience and education that statement is every human being was created by God for leadership it's a tough statement to believe it's matter-of-fact I know exactly what you're thinking after that statement if everyone is a leader then who's gonna follow and that question is also evidence that you've been successfully brainwashed by a culture that is a result of fallen man and that culture is being perpetrated throughout history for thousands of years we are now experts at self degradation we are experienced at devaluation of self we actually are afraid to put value in ourselves because our culture says that something you should do we embrace the spirit of humiliation not humility and we somehow have been trained to avoid responsibility for changing our environment but yet God God is a good God he created you to be a leader and I'm gonna hopefully along with pastor Richard and the other ministers that I have appointed we're gonna take you on a journey to meet yourself I know you know God but it's you I'm concerned about you you know you most of us want to know God but our problem is we don't know who we are and so we're gonna take you on a journey the next seven months and I promise you if you stay faithful attend every session don't worry about anyone else just stay focused and you follow the material and you listen to the explanations something is going to happen inside of you the same way it happened to me I was changed when I encountered this reality that God created me to be a leader that lead me to point number two write it down the original assignment of God for mankind was rulership over earth the original assignment of God for mankind was rulership over earth now this may sound like a simple statement even though we read it in the book of Genesis but you have to understand the implications of it God created you to be a ruler over earth things in the earth this would make sense a little later in the series and the third introductory statement I want you to write down is that leadership and I'm defining it here in a simple term for now we've get into deep definitions later but leadership is really the capacity to influence the conditions and the environment that determines the destiny in life I'm going to give an opportunity to write that down leadership is the capacity to influence conditions and the environment that you are in that determines the destiny of life in that environment that's leadership so leaders are people who influence conditions and if you live in those conditions you will be influenced by them leaders also influence the environment they can walk into a room and change the atmosphere they can change the way you feel about yourself they can change the way you see things in your environment a leader has such an amazing capacity that they can let you see things you couldn't see they can change the environment what makes them dangerous is they can therefore determine your destiny they can actually take you where they want you to go I think of the statement made by Jesus Christ the greatest leader in time and outside of time he said this words leave them alone I'm quoting him they are blind leaders and if the blind lead the blind he says they both have the same destination they fall into the ditch notice I am always intrigued at his statement he said if the blind lead the blind what is he telling us he's telling us that a person can be in leadership and be blind he's not talking about physical sight because I doubt you'll follow a person who can't see physically obviously he's talking about lack of vision lack of revelation lot of understanding lack of perception lack of intuition that's blind but what amazes me he says if the blind is in leadership then those who follow that leader must also be blind because they can see that the leader can't see I think when you decide to follow someone your first question should be can you see what do you see where are we going so he's telling us that leadership is about destination it's about destiny it's about taking people to a place leadership is about movement as a matter of fact the word lead is a verb you cannot lead and stand still the very word has to do with move so when you say I am a lead you say I move things from a place where they are to a place they haven't been so this concept of leadership is built into us let me take you to another statement write this down our leadership mission I'm gonna relate this to our theme this year what does that theme Kingdom leadership transforming society in this first session I want to set this up for you to understand why you need training and leadership and why you need to learn how to become a leader and why leadership is necessary for you to carry out the great commission the great commission is a leadership commission I'm gonna read a few scriptures from the Bible that relate to the Great Commission here's one found in the book of Matthew it says and he called his ten servants to him and delivered them 10 pounds and said unto them occupy until I come and I got explained this this is a parable Jesus was giving about the 10 servants that were given they were given resources he was referring to the creation of Adam and he was talking from the from a parable that Adam was like a servant who was given responsibility to take over resources for a master and he uses the term occupy until I come in other words do business on my behalf rule this place for me until I come back to check on you and get an accounting of how you did that's what the parable is about he's saying to you you are to be in charge this is why I named my leadership book that came on master in charge because I discovered that you are supposed to be in charge when you occupy a place that means that there's no coexistence it's a deep worry when you occupy a place it means that ain't nothing as occupying it which means that you are in charge of everything in the environment so he told us to occupy until he comes what we have decided to do is to coexist so if we make room for other influences he says no I want you to occupy let's look at another statement made by Jesus I call it again the leadership Commission we caught the Great Commission but I'm gonna call it the leadership Commission and here's what he says in mark chapter 16 verse 15 and Jesus said to them go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation this is an instruction we call it a great Commission he's commissioning us to go and do something to go into where all the world we of course will continue to learn more about world as we go through the year but I want you to understand what this statement means is that go go is an initiation he says don't wait for anything to start you start start don't wait for things to happen you make things happen in your environment to do that you must be a leader automatically leaders don't wait write that down leaders don't wait what makes you a leader is the fact that you initiate a change in your environment I don't know how to emphasize this enough leaders stop things they they begin things they initiate things that is what separates them from a follower the follower just follows the rules he met there the follower follows the trail he met there the follower follows the instruction someone else gives but the leader creates trails the leader becomes the instructor of the environment so leaders don't complain they change things leaders don't murmur they create change I wish I had the words to explain this to you the first word of the Great Commission automatically makes you a leader it says go that means you stop things you begin things he's telling you that you can he telling you that you got the capacity to stop things but we are not trained in our passive culture to change things in our environment we are so well conditioned to behave by our historical oppressive oppressive spirit that we are afraid to rock the boat even if the boat is sinking because we are mentally damaged we are conditioned to follow the blind into the ditch go the next statement he says is into into means engage the environment into means get involve and integrate yourself in the system that's leadership leadership engages the environment and then he says into all all means every area every aspect nothing is off limit to you when it comes to influencing the world we have been conditioned to stay in your place if you heard that be seen and not heard matter of fact they will tell you eventually behave yourself and this came down to us from the colonial masters and we still hear them crying in our air stay in your place but he says no every place is your place go into what all the systems the word world means governing systems areas of influence you cannot influence influence unless you are the influence so for you to influence the area of influence you've got to be in a position to be the influencer which means that you are the leader so we cannot carry the Great Commission if we are not in the position of influence that leads me to my next point and that is he says breach now I want to clear this word up very quickly this word is not a religious word preach the word preach used in the Bible means to announce to declare or to demonstrate it means all three preaching is not a sermon of religious emotional encounter preaching is declaring something you believe and you want other people to know to make an announcement that something is present and you want people to recognize it that's what the word preach means jesus said the kingdom of God is among you he was declaring something with present you call it preaching preaching is to declare so we supposed to declare things not only by our words but by a demonstration of our life and things we do and then he says the good news the good news referring to the kingdom of course so we know our message to go there and make this happen and then he closes the commission by saying to all creation create a Oh to all creation this word creation means everything God created let me tell you what he means he wants you to bring the kingdom influence back to earth to bring everything that he created back under the influence of the kingdom now the Bible says that creation is groaning the trees are groaning the animals are groaning the salvation of the earth is also a part of our responsibility so the the the creatures and the plants and and the reptiles are waiting for the manifestations of the sons of God they're waiting for you to show who you really are they're waiting for you to take charge so they can be under the right influence you know the Bible talks about when the earth comes fully under the kingdom influence that the lion and the lamb will be friends right now they are not friends lions eat Lambs but when the right environment comes back that means the lively grass the power of influence can change the nature of your environment so a leader can actually change the entire environment including the environment physically who spills the oil in Freeport men do not nature we put the oil in the ship and didn't secure a ship and the ship spills the oil and the oil kills the fish and destroys the Barrier Reef and the fish weep and the coral dies because we did not preach the good news to creation also that means we are supposed to manage the environment and not damage the environment leadership saves even the environment all right he says go into the world I want to just talk about this for a second and connected to our theme in John chapter 17 verse 14 we find these words actually in verse 15 14 set it up where he says that I am I am in the world but not of the world and that you've been called out of the world in verse 15 he says I do not pray for you to be taken out of the world Jesus said look I'm praying that the father will not take you out of the system most of us have been conditioned by religion to get out of the system to avoid the world to stay away from the cosmos Jesus says I'm praying against that now this is very important for leadership see notice he says take do not take him out of the world but that you should keep them from the evil in the system is that possible is that possible well he thinks it's possible he thinks is possible you to be in the middle of muck and no mud gets on you he believe that you can be in the middle of corrupt people and be uncorruptible which means that you are in charge of your life be in the system he says but keep them from the evil in the system and then he says in verse 16 they are not of the system he's talking to his father they are not the system just as I am NOT of the system not of this world okay I want to to to show you why this is important for us Jesus Christ did not leave the nation in the hands of governments took me a while to figure this one out I was in a meeting this afternoon with some leaders of churches for about four hours and they came to talk to me because they want to get my advice on how to influence this country and the statement I gave them that they grabbed on to it this one I said somehow we have we have elevated their own government Jesus Christ did not leave the earth in the hands of political machineries let me read what he says let's read it he says in the book go and make disciples of what every nation who's he talking to who's he talking to his disciples the nation was left in the hands of his disciples let me quote it again go and make disciples of every nation then he says baptize them in the name of Jesus and teach them everything I have taught you now this is some instructions again I'm very heavy go and what make disciples if you make someone do something what does that mean you and judge you cannot fulfill that command unless you are in the leading leadership influencer position go on make disciples of every nation then he says baptize them I'm not getting trouble but i'ma try this baptism is simply write this word down initiation you are initiated into a belief system they got different words for it we have made baptism a religious act baptism is not a religious act it's an initiation into it's like for example being accepted in a school and you go through orientation that's baptism the Pharisees baptized the Sadducees baptized the Herodians baptized John the Baptist baptized ready for this Plato baptized Aristotle baptized Socrates had disciples go and read your history then their followers were called disciples baptism implied that I submitted myself specifically to one master teacher I am forsaking all the other schools and this will be my school of thought this particular person so you basically abandon the other schools and you submit only to that school that you choose that was called baptism now if you were to apply this meaning original meaning to the instruction it means to go into the system and make every nation your disciple is that what he says that disciple you nations the word disciple is the word student he says teach them everything I taught you I want sure how this works write this down please like this picture I love this picture of these little Cubs being taught by an adult lion you know that the dog lion is a leader the leader of them of the jungle he's the leader of animals right but look at look at his students say he is teaching them she is teaching them how to be like her lions don't associate with any other animals Lions don't keep company with any other animals that is probably why they are the king of the jungle because they don't want to learn anything from other animals maybe that's why Jesus Christ says he is the Lion of Judah not the dog oxen and pigs they they mix with other animals but but the lion is a very strange creature it never hangs over any other group except of its own kind now because the lion learns from the lion and the lion is the king and all of his cuff gotta learn to be Kings you kind of learn kingship from a slave mentality can I add quickly you become like who you hang out with you take on the very nature of those who you submit to and they cannot teach you anything that they don't know let's talk about our leadership Commission make disciples the word disciple is the word student student every boy's a student write it down please this is very important because somehow we keep making this word a religious word Plato and Aristotle had disciples go look on the internet type in Socrates disciples of Socrates you will see it come up a big writing they all had disciples stop thinking that Jesus Christ is one what her disciples are John everybody had disciples can I put it this way in the days of Jesus and in the day of the Greeks the Greeks were the first ones to actually refined it but it started way back in the times of like Elijah they have what they call schools a school write this down was not a place it was a person so you didn't go to a school you went to a person the person was called master teacher write it down the word master in the Hebrew language is the word that we translate rabona fraboni or rabbi rabbi simply means master teacher it's not a religious title it means an expert in an area of knowledge so an architect would be an a rabbi in architecture a mechanic would actually be a rabbi in mechanics it simply means someone who specializes in a certain area of knowledge a lawyer is a rabbi matter of fact did you know that the scribes were lawyers write it down write it down please let's remember these things so when you're reading the Bible be careful Universe's the scribes and the Pharisees were completely different they're different thus the Pharisees were experts in the laws of Moses they studied the Torah the Pentateuch they knew the Mishnah these these guys knew everything about the first five books of the Bible they knew the laws of the prophets these guys they were they were called rabbis because they were experts but their's was in in those Pentateuch scriptures the the Sadducees were lawyers they call them scribes they were professional lawyers they knew the law they were also Carabas john was eventually called a rabbi because he was expert in this certain teaching he called the kingdom if you don't believe me I'm trying to get you to see leadership turn your Bibles to the book of Matthew chapter 3 I want to show you why John became very dangerous to the other rabbis Matthew chapter 3 we find these words concerning John it says John began to preach verse 1 chapter 3 in those days John the Baptist came declaring announcing demonstrating preaching my mother's words now you know don't make it religious he's announcing in the wilderness of Judea saying what repent why for the kingdom of heaven has arrived the King James would say is at hand and I would say is near it actually means is here so what did John preach I was John's message the kingdom so John became a rabbi of the kingdom was the word rabbi master teacher of this message the Pharisee didn't have this message the Sadducees didn't have this message they wrote engine of this message everyone had the unique message they became master teachers all right now when someone became an expert in an area of knowledge it was called school of thought write it down school of thought means a certain thought of philosophy that that person has as an expert the school of thought why would they call this a school of thought there's thoughts of schools well it means that you can be schooled in a certain thought idea I'm trying to explain baptism to you because the command says go and baptize everybody so John has a school a school as what students so therefore they are called what disciples isn't it means his students John had a school he didn't have a religious order he had a school his his his expertise was in this kingdom idea that's why they had a problem with him the Sadducees were experts in the laws of Moses in the law you know the the ceremonial or the the to call those those laws of the the hygiene laws they were very strict you know they don't want to attack then he sent us when they said you didn't wash your hands remember that that was the saddest you read about the Sadducees that said that not not the Pharisee the sciences because these guys were the law that they want to strict strict lawyers the kid can't keep the law now here's John with his school school of thought the st. chapter I want you to read something with me look at verse 13 then Jesus came from Galilee to the Jordan to do what I can't hear you to be baptized by John now wait a minute what's what's going on here you got Jesus the Christ coming to a guy school and telling him I am going identify with this school I'm not gonna submit to the Sadducees or the Pharisees or the Herodians I am going to join your school why because I want your thought in other words to be baptized means that you believe in an idea so much that you submit yourself to immersion of the idea that's why you become a disciple of Jesus when you believe in him that means you just began to school a young man came to me the night he says you know Sunday I gave my life to Jesus this young man right here now I said I'm glad to see you why he just gettin started he got a now sit and learn the ideas of the school what school the school of Jesus Christ when you say you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord it simply means you become a student of all of his ideas so let's see what Jesus does it says Jesus came one to be baptized by John John recognized him because they were cousins remember and John says I know you are you should be baptizing me I should join your school and Jesus said no it doesn't work that way you are the teacher you are the authority I have a submit to you I want a whole city to know that you are the thought I submit to whatever you teaching is what I believe that's baptism now God is going to every system and get people to do that to the kingdom with Jesus a good student was John a good teacher let's find out look at verse 17 time has passed of course verse 17 same chap chapter 4 verse 17 next page anybody got it let's read it together I'm from that time forward Jesus began to preach what did he preach Matthew 4:17 the same words that his teacher taught get it he repeated the same words repent for the kingdom of heaven has arrived in other words you know you are a good teacher if your students sound like you how many times they said to you you must be good a mouth little church now what they mean what they really mean by that is you sound and they're talking about necessarily tuning language they're talking about content your content sound like you've been under a certain type of person that's a good sign that you are a good student you suppose the sound like you're teaching so Jesus became baptized under John by the way I got time to read it but you should read this whole passage and even read the first three chapters of John as well whether there was a relationship between them the Bible says that that John one day woke up and said to his students his disciples do not follow me any longer that's in the Bible he says follow him he turned his entire school over to one of his students named Jesus Christ sometime he missed that passage in other words Jesus didn't go look for students John turned this old school over to him and then John went to prison and his head was cut off remember that in other ways Jesus had a an entire school when John left he was the master teacher he knew the message and then the Bible says and one day he called his disciples to him little things y'all don't read too carefully and he chose from among them 12 to be with him otherwise he had a big group the other one this day Jesus Christ had a big school that John built turn over to him and out of the students he chose 12 maybe that's why Jesus didn't have a hard time cover to convince Peter James John with all of you Matthew about the kingdom they were already in class maybe he chose the best students who knows but the Bible says he chose from among his disciples 12 to be with him which means that he had a advanced class that's why they called him what master his disciples called him master which means rabboni master teacher jesus said go into all the world and preach the kingdom to what the nation's and then he says make them your disciples you cannot write this down please teach them means that you have to be in the position of influence to form the minds of your students I have three bachelor's degrees from University one of them is in education I studied education for four years I got three batches the same at the same time I used to work you know no less than 23 credit hours a year semester I was kind of weird I love to study and when I studied education they had classes and education called Educational Psychology anyway I was studying education you can say the kitchen and what they do is they teach you the development of students house how kids develop and what they learn at certain ages so I I know where you at right now what you can and cannot learn anymore you can you learn educated psychology and they they actually take you through this process of understanding human development and then when I graduated I had to take a extra semester but they call teaching practice to be certified and I was in a school in Tulsa Oklahoma in high school to teach for a semester when I first joined the class I was what they call a student teacher I was assigned to a veteran and that veteran teacher had to teach me how to teach students and the first thing the teacher said to me to be the teacher you must show them you are the authority can I say it again the teacher says to be a teacher you must first show the students that you are the authority go into all the world and make them your disciples your students what's this instruction this instruction is can I reverse it go into all the world and you be the teacher teacher means the one who has the influence to form the minds of the student that means you cannot be the follower and carry out that demand the command of the Great Commission is you have to become a leader so my job and that's Rich's job on all of our jobs this year is to teach you you are our student we're gonna teach you how to be the one in charge how to be the one that when you show up even if you don't have the title you're the one they look to for direction in the environment you are in it happens to me all the time 99% of places I go I don't look for leadership sometimes I'm I try to come in incognito I mean they recognize me it's too late I'm gonna show you how to become the teacher you cannot control the class if you don't have the authority right is down you cannot transform which you cannot influence transform society okay that's fine so now I gotta figure out how to do that first I must become the transformer to become the transformer I have to be the one who is the influencer in the environment I didn't say that you have to have the title you know leadership who there's a leader inside of you I'm gonna prove that the problem is it is smothered under the idea that you are a follower and the devil is praying you will never meet yourself I know I'm talking about personally in a few days I'm gonna be flying to Hawaii 600 people will be in that room in the first-class hotel six star hotel 80% are multimillionaires they owned so much and they invite me for the last eight years to come and teach them for four days they are my students what do I have that would make a multi-millionaire sit and take notes I was born in Bane town sleeping on the floor something happened to me that has to happen to you you know what did it information I call it discovery the Bible calls it revelation revelation right away revelation down Revelation actually means to unveil to unveil means that nothing is new okay let me let me show you what I mean I have this bottle here I hope I get it to stand up whoever knows hold this up for me just hold it up yeah that's good okay I'm gonna veil the bottle camera see this is the bottle still there it didn't go no away so when the Bible says God will give you revelation revelation it means that the information was there all the time the Holy Spirit comes into your life to simply lift the veil to show you what was always inside of you that happened to me I didn't go anywhere to find Myles Monroe it was covered under culture bad teaching oppression colonialism low self-esteem poor self-concept it was smothered and then the revelation of God's truth lifted the veil and I discovered myself and I realized I was not who they told me I was you cannot transform what you cannot influence and your kind influence which you are not in charge of you know I don't want you to think in terms really of titles and power you know some of the most powerful leaders in history were those who are not an imposition of with authority you know Joseph was an interesting guy Joseph was a slave but he knew who he was he knew his gifting and when they bought him out of prison he became prime minister of Egypt he didn't get the title of Pharaoh but Pharaoh said to him you will be my father that's in the Bible now Pharaoh is an old man Joe is a young fella but Joseph's expertise in a certain set of knowledge made him the father of the Pharaoh we get into that little later on how your gift is what makes you a leader not your title so it had a gift the gift of being able to tell the meaning of dreams Pharaoh says I want this man to stay close to me he'll guide and lead Egypt I can't give him a title but he's in charge of everybody see he influenced Egypt by the way in case you forgot the Bible says and Pharaoh sent an edict out that all Egypt shall worship the god of Joseph ladies and gentlemen that's called national transformation I rest my case make a note of this this is very important not only can you not transform what you don't influence but I want you to think about this responsibility we have this year God told us I want you through Kingdom leadership to transform your society now you see why it's that way you see why you can't really transform society if you are not in leadership influence so my job is a exciting but maybe tough one and that is to get into your head and somehow introduce you to who you really are so that when you leave this place in the next few months you would be a different woman altogether you'd be a different man you begin to see that what they thought of you was not true meet a something friends people ask me how did you change I tell them I really don't know it just happened but it really came through revelation he unveiled me it blew my mind I'm still trying to accept Who I am because that's that's not what they they didn't tell me that let me show you this our focus our focus this year is in that document we will lead national and spiritual change to do that you've got to be in a position of what influence to bring transformation spiritually in a country you have to be in a position of influence right in your job in your workplace in your home among your friends who is the leader it's the question when you get together with your friends who is the influence when you sit with officers in that in that mess hall down there and immigration what I mean are there ones who influenced by you or are you influenced by them as a student in college whose influence I'm not I'm going to show you something during this series you don't need to push yourself when you are in charge you know one of the scriptures this year is going to be a powerful scripture and that Scripture is you are the light of the world won't even light it never fights darkness I getting ahead of myself you know yeah don't miss Sunday coming but when you turn light on light never fights darkness darkness flees he says you are the light which means what do you do yes sure no fighting if you gotta fight for attention you ain't there yet there's an air about a leader that becomes the impact in the community I'm gonna teach you how to get that son you have inside of you a great man that no one knows about and it comes through revelation of yourself so this was we gonna learn this year I want you to write this down first we're gonna learn number one the original source of true leadership okay I'm gonna teach you that in this class because that is what I learned that set me free the origin of true leadership number two we're gonna learn in this series what is leadership because so many definitions of study and they didn't satisfy me number three we're gonna learn in this series how to become that leader you can't just become one and so you get a title it doesn't work that way matter of fact true leaders never really seek titles Trudy doesn't they don't even seek followers followers are attracted to a leader they attracted gift and before we were learning this clay this series the principles of leadership there's some proof you gotta learn something you've got great character great personality but you haven't learned the principles so you're still stuck number five six rounds we're gonna learn the qualities of a true leader and don't confuse qualities with qualification which is number seven some people got the qualities four then qualified qualifications are very different from qualities qualities are inherent qualification must be learned or taught you can be born with equality I still not be qualified to use it and number eight we're gonna learn the cost of leadership leadership has a high cost and you're gonna be a leader in your generation get ready to pay a price and I speak from experience and still speak from experience when you are a leader see people want you to stay in line well it would have leadership did you means what you step out no one wants you to step out step up means that you know you no longer with them so leadership automatically has a cost a number nine we gotta learn the Mocs of leadership I'm gonna teach you ten marks of a true leader and you can learn each one of them and they are very very important matter of fact my next book will be on these ten marks I'm doing a lot of research on that now the ten marks the leadership have to be taught I'm gonna teach you what those marks are and then number ten we're gonna learn the dangers of leadership some things you got to be aware of be cautious of as a leader because you can lose everything in a second leaders are always afraid of themselves you fall when you cease being afraid of yourself what keeps the leader safe is fair of self this is why a good leader brings around him or her people who tell them the truth because you don't trust yourself you need people around you to tell you the truth that's what protects you so we're gonna learn the dangers of leadership I want to close with a verse it's found in the book of fish book of John can you turn there please one of the first statements that changed my life was this statement found in the book of John chapter 2 it's a passage that you don't always see but honestly I was about 17 years old when I read this 17 years old who does a long time ago for me but it was Rondo's unveiling it's about discovering yourself John chapter 2 verse 23 it says now while Jesus was in Jerusalem at the Passover festival many people saw the signs that he was performing and believed in his name okay so the Bible says some people saw what the miracle signs and they believed in his name because they saw the signs now some people will follow you because what they can get from you okay I want you to watch this you didn't never seen it before verse 24 but Jesus would not entrust himself to them he's an I trust in you now wait a minute don't you want people to believe you shouldn't you be excited they believe in your name the Bible says he did not entrust himself to them it tells you why he did not need any man's testimony about him before he knew what was in man okay we had learned this later on but here's what he said I'm not gonna let you decide who I am I don't trust you by the way the same folks who believed him then well the same ones who shouted read a verse against powerful verse he did not entrust himself to them because he knew what was in men and he did not need any other man's testimony someone got another word a testimony was the other word come on huh approval okay what's the other words come and get in a translation hmm come in is that what it says no no sorry get another version acceptance okay no it's another version the word that is used in the one of the time this is validation it's very important he didn't need other man's validation see as long as you need me to make you feel important you can never leave me if you gotta feed on me to feel like you are valuable then you are as valuable as they think and say you are so he says look you guys don't make me valid I don't trust you even your good response doesn't affect me see when you know who you are even applause doesn't mean anything to you you you can manipulate a person who knows where they are that's the point you you even with your good accolades they not impressed because it's not the accolades that make them who they are they were who they are before they met you I feel that way about myself and that's why I discovered that it's a Jesus I want to be like you and Jesus the Bible says he knew who he was that's where leadership begins self-discovery I love myself whether you love me or not and I love myself so much I am my best friend and I hang out with myself very often and we talk and I tell myself of myself how wonderful I am y'all think I'm kidding just in case you won't you see I tell myself how nice I am I'm a good man I'm powerful I'm awesome now you were taught by the colonialist not to say that because I call the colonialists cause that selfishness pride well let me quote a proud person to you I am the light of the world I am the way I am the truth I am the door I am the resurrection I am the water I am the bread ah the guy was into himself in a liar tell him who he was he knew who he was if you don't know who you are you can never be a leader so our job this year is to introduce you to yourself let's pray father there's a leader trapped on the inside of every person the thousands watching us live around the world we pray that they will during this time the series experience what we experienced in this room Lord many of us are good we've been doing our best we want to do better but father let this be the year that we expose who we are to the world by a holy spur beep river revelation unveil the truth about us in your word show us who you made us to be when you said let us make man give us a revelation of your image in us for we were made in your image and we will give you all the praise what's accomplished we would take no credit for what's done here this year but Venice tonight shall be a meeting with ourselves and our God let us keep this appointment every time these doors open that we will work this journey together and become the great leader you were born to be I pray Lord that you will help us by your Holy Spirit to understand truth in Jesus name I give you praise for each one who is here aim any questions anyone has any questions yes ma'am [Music] [Music] you should never be considered selfish when you choose your own friends even if your friend is you I'm a very I'm similar to you you know I am very private and I'm always with thousands of people all the time I choose who I want to be with and that choice is important if you are lying you know hang out with dogs or I know with kittens or whatever you know so no the answer's no secondly if you if you plan your day like you said you you plan your day then that means you control your day and if you make a plan and it doesn't include these people then that's their problem you know you know you're not included in my plan so you know that you ain't my so that's it so it's important to plan your day Jesus Christ was the same way he didn't mix hurt everybody he chose everything he did he chose we would be with all the time and you know I think sometimes we you can be so ok let me put it this way I just quote him he said the greatest commandment in the law is not to love your neighbor he said love your neighbor to the same degree you love yourself so yourself is first what we try to do is hate ourselves and love our neighbors and it's impossible psychology will tell you that you can't love anyone more than you love yourself so the focus is to love God which makes you fall in love with yourself you reveal who you are when you fall in love with God and now you see your neighbor just like the image of God you love them also so your self love is the first love you must experience and that comes from loving God first when you love God all your heart your mind your strength you discover that you are made in God's image also so you fall in love with yourself that's what changed me when I discovered I am God's image also that makes it therefore easy me to love you because you are also God's image and if I hate you I hate myself so I can't hate you if you God's image too and I'm government so my love for myself is the measure of my love for you a lot of people are so busy trying to love everybody they don't love nobody because they haven't found their own bodies yeah so absolutely no and I think it's important to control your environment the control you allow us to come in the environment you know I mean you have to control your life this is your life depends I mean you know one waste time people who ain't going nowhere yeah I mean I'm I'm the same way you know so that's a very important question any last questions
Channel: Antoine Victor
Views: 121,539
Rating: 4.7326608 out of 5
Id: vsuDzDFJPlE
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Length: 77min 58sec (4678 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 03 2018
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