California DMV Written Test 2024 | DMV Senior Written Test 2024 | DMV Renewal For Seniors

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Welcome to our Channel DMV permit practice test visit our website for The Ultimate California DMV cheat sheet and a free road signs cheat sheet to easily pass your DMV written exam guaranteed now let's begin question one one way to know you are in a truck's blind spot is option A you stay close to the vehicle's right front wheel option b you can't see the truck driver in the vehicle side mirrors option C you follow no closer than 6 ft the correct answer is option b you can't see the truck driver in the vehicle side mirrors question two it is against the law to enter an intersection when option A you can't get all the way across before the light turns red option b the light is flashing yellow and you didn't stop first option C the light is yellow the correct answer is option A you can't get all the way across before the light turns red question three when should a three-year-old weighing 45 lbs be placed in a safety seat option A under all circumstances option b only if the child is in the front seat option C only if the child is in the back seat the correct answer is option A under all circumstances question four which of the following is true about double parking option A it is illegal under all circumstances option b it is illegal only if you leave your car option C it is legal if you are making a delivery the correct answer is option A it is illegal under all circumstances question five you must look for bicycle riders in the same Lanes used by Motor Vehicles because they option A must ride facing oncoming traffic option b have the right of way option C are entitled to share the road with you the correct answer is option C are entitled to share the road with you question six you may cross a solid double yellow line too option A enter a private driveway option b overtake and pass another vehicle option C make a U-turn if it is safe the correct answer is option A enter a private driveway question 7 blocking an intersection during rush hour traffic is option A permitted if the light is green option b not permitted under any circumstances option C not permitted unless you have the right of way the correct answer is option b not permitted under any circumstances question 8 you are approaching an intersection the traffic signal light is flashing red what should you do option A stop and let all other vehicles go first option b stop before entering then proceed when safe option C wait for the green light before entering the correct answer is option b stop before entering then proceed when safe question N9 driving under the influence of any drug which makes you drive unsafely is permitted option A if it is an over-the-counter medication option b under no circumstances option C if it is prescribed by a physician the correct answer is option b under no circumstances question question 10 when may you legally go around or under a railroad crossing gate option A when you can see clearly in both directions option b if the crossing gates are malfunctioning option C under no circumstances the correct answer is option C under no circumstances question 11 which of these statements are true about blind spots option A you only need to turn and look over your right shoulder for Lane changes to the right or left option b look over your right shoulder for a right lane change and your left shoulder for a left lane Change option C vehicles with two outside mirrors do not have blind spots the correct answer is option b look over your right shoulder for a right lane change and your left shoulder for a left lane change question 12 when can you drive using only your parking lights option a 30 minutes after sunset or 30 minutes before Sunrise option b not under any circumstances option C on foggy days the correct answer is option b not under any circumstances question 13 scanning while you drive means you option A keep your eyes moving to look for possible driving dangers option b stare at the car immediately ahead of you option C look as as far ahead as you can see the correct answer is option A keep your eyes moving to look for possible driving dangers question 14 California's basic speed law says you should option A keep your speed close to that of other traffic option b never drive faster than is safe for current conditions option C always drive at the posted speed limit the correct answer is option b never drive faster than is safe for current conditions question 15 should you always drive slower than other traffic option A no you can block traffic when you drive too slowly option b yes yes it is a good defensive driving technique option C yes it is always better than driving faster the correct answer is option A no you can block traffic when you drive too slowly question 16 if there is no crosswalk and you see a pedestrian crossing your lane you should option A make eye contact before you passed him or her option b slow down as you pass him or her option C stop and let him or her finish crossing the correct answer is option C stop and let him or her finish Crossing question 17 which of these is true about signal persons at Road constru instruction site option A follow their instructions only if you see orange cones option b follow their instructions only if the road ahead is narrowed option C obey their instructions at all times the correct answer is option C obey their instructions at all times question 18 you are on a two-way street with two lanes in each direction to turn left start the turn in option A any Lane open to you for traffic in your direction option b the left lane for traffic in your direction option C the right lane for traffic in your direction the correct answer is option b the left lane for traffic in your direction question 19 you want to park uphill on a two-way Road and there is no curve which way do you turn your front wheels option A so they face Straight Ahead option b right towards the side of the road option C left towards the center of the road the correct answer is option b right towards the side of the road question 20 what is the benefit of a space cushion around your vehicle option A other drivers can cut in front of you improving traffic flow option b if another driver makes a mistake you have time to react option C it inflates to protect you from injury in case of an accident the correct answer is option b if another driver makes a mistake you have time to react question 21 you are involved in a minor accident at an intersection there are no injuries and very little vehicle damage you should option A leave your vehicle in the traffic lane until law enforcement arrives option b move move your vehicle out of the traffic lane if possible option C not move your vehicle for any reason the correct answer is option b move your vehicle out of the traffic lane if possible question 22 you reach an intersection with stop signs on all four corners at the same time as the driver on your left who has the right of way option A the driver on your left has the right of way option b you have the right of way option C whoever is signaling to make a turn has the right of way the correct answer is option b you have the right of way question 23 which of these statements is true about slip slippery Road surfaces option A driving on wet leaves on the road will give you extra traction option b on cold wet days shade from buildings or trees can hide spots of ice option C the pavement is less slippery when it first starts to rain on a hot day than it is afterwards the correct answer is option b on cold wet days shade from buildings or trees can hide spots of ice question 24 a flashing yellow traffic signal at an intersection means option A continue at normal speed through the intersection option b stop yield to all cross traffic before crossing the intersection option C slow down and be alert at the upcoming intersection the correct answer is option C slow down and be alert at the upcoming intersection question 25 when driving on a multi-lane street with other vehicles option A you should drive alongside the other vehicles so drivers can see you option b you should drive ahead of or behind the other vehicles option C it is safest to drive in the lane next to the center lane the correct answer is option b you should drive ahead of or behind the other vehicles thank you for practicing with us if you found this video helpful please hit the like button and subscribe to my channel for more practice videos to help you easily pass the DMV written test please visit our website www. dm- permit Das practice Das for more resources to help you prepare for the test
Views: 42,869
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Id: yG4id033H2M
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Length: 14min 40sec (880 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2024
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