California DMV Permit Test 2024 | 46 Real Test Questions Set #3 | DMV Driving Test | DMV Test 2024

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Welcome to our Channel DMV permit practice test visit our website for free road signs Chi-Chi and additional resources to help you prepare and easily pass your DMV permit test now let's begin question one it is illegal for a person 21 years of age or older to drive with a blood alcohol concentration that is Dash or more option A 1/10th of 1% option b 8 hundredths of 1% option C 5 hundreds of 1% the correct answer is option b 8 hundredths of 1% question two you must notify DMV within 5 days if you option A sell or transfer your vehicle option b paint your vehicle a different color option C are cited for a traffic violation the correct answer is option A sell or transfer your vehicle question three two vehicles are approaching an uncontrolled T intersection one vehicle is on the through Road and the other is on the road that ends who has the right of way at the intersection option A the vehicle on the through Road option b the vehicle on the right option C the vehicle that arrives first the correct answer is option A the vehicle on the through Road question four when a traffic signal light isn't working at an intersection you should option A come to a complete stop then proceed when it is safe option b stop before entering and let all other traffic go first option C slow down or stop if necessary the correct answer is option A come to a complete stop then proceed when it is safe question five this red and white sign means you should option A stop and check traffic both ways before proceeding option b give the right of way to traffic on the the road you wish to enter or cross option C keep a steady speed and check traffic both ways the correct answer is option b give the right of way to traffic on the road you wish to enter or cross question six if you have a green light but traffic is blocking the intersection option A stay out of the intersection until traffic clears option b merge into another Lane and try to go around the traffic option C enter the intersection and wait until traffic clears the correct answer is option A stay out of the intersection until traffic clears question question s smoking inside a vehicle when a person younger than 18 years of age is present is option a legal if it is your child option b illegal at all times option C not restricted by law the correct answer is option b illegal at all times question 8 when is it legal to use a cell phone without a hands-free device while driving option A when making a call while stopped at a red light option b when making a call for emergency assistance option C never the correct answer is option option b when making a call for emergency assistance question nine which statement is true about motorcyclists and motorists option A motorcyclists are not allowed to drive faster than other traffic during congested road conditions option b motorcyclists have the same rights and responsibilities as other motorists option C motorcycles are heavier than other vehicles and are less affected by wind or rain the correct answer is option b motorcyclists have the same rights and responsibilities as other motorists question 10 you should stop before crossing railroad tracks op option A even when the railroad tracks are out of service option b anytime a train may be approaching whether or not you can see it option C if your vehicle has three or more axles the correct answer is option b anytime a train may be approaching whether or not you can see it question 11 you are getting ready to make a right turn you should option A always stop before making a right turn option b signal during the last 100 ft before you turn option C slow down and Signal as you start your turn the correct answer is option b signal during the last 100 ft before you turn question 12 you are on a two-way Road and the vehicle ahead of you is turning left into a driveway you may legally pass the vehicle on the right option A if there is enough Road between the curve and the vehicle option b even if you must drive in a bicycle lane to do so option C even if you must cross a solid white line painted on the road the correct answer is option A if there is enough Road between the curb and the vehicle question 13 the speed limit in any alley is option a 20 mph opt option b 15 mph option C 25 mph the correct answer is option b 15 mph question 14 to turn left from a multi Lane oneway Street onto a oneway street you should start your turn from option A any Lane as long as it is safe option b the lane closest to the left curve option C the lane in the center of the road the correct answer is option b the lane closest to the left Cur question 15 which of the these statements is true about child passengers option A children one or older and over 20 pounds should ride in the front seat option b children under age 1 should not ride in the front seat in airbag equipped Vehicles option C the front seat is generally the safest place in the car for children 6 years of age and older the correct answer is option b children underage 1 should not ride in the front seat in airbag equipped Vehicles question 16 when you change lanes or merge with another Lan you option A have the right of way option b should first stop and check for cross traffic option C need at least a 4 second second Gap in traffic the correct answer is option C need at least a 4-second gap in traffic question 17 this white sign means option a railroad crossing is controlled continue at your regular speed option b look listen and prepare to stop at the Crossing if necessary option C stop at the railroad tracks and wait for a signal before crossing the correct answer is option b look listen and prepare to stop at the Crossing if necessary question 18 if there is a deep puddle in the road ahead you should option A maintain the posted speed to make it through the water option b avoid the puddle if possible option C shift into neutral as you drive through the water the correct answer is option b avoid the puddle if possible question 19 you must make a written report of traffic accident occurring in California sr1 to DMV if you option a fail to pay your registration fees within 90 days of receiving your renewal notice option b are involved in a collision and there is more than doll 1,000 in Damages option C allow a licensed driver from another state to drive your vehicle the correct answer is option b are involved in a collision and there is more than dollar 1,000 in Damages question 20 you are driving in the far right lane of a four-lane freeway and notice thick broken white lines on the left side of your lane you are driving in option A the carpool lane and must merge into the next Lane option b a special Lane for slow-moving Vehicles option C an exit Lane the correct answer is option C an exit Lane question 21 which of these statements is true about driving and taking medications option A most cold medications can make a person drowsy option b over-the-counter medications cannot impair driving ability if taken in the recommended dosages option C medications are safe to take at any time if prescribed by a doctor the correct answer is option A most cold medications can make a person drowsy question 22 which of the following is true about large trucks option A trucks have fewer blind spots due to the vehicle's height option b it is best to pass trucks very slowly and on the right side option C trucks often appear to travel slower because of their large size the correct answer is option C trucks often appear to travel slower because of their large size question 23 for which of the following traffic lights must you always stop your vehicle option a solid red lights flashing red lights and blacked out traffic signals option b solid red lights red arrows and flashing yellow lights option C solid red lights flashing red lights and yellow lights the correct answer is option a solid red lights flashing red lights and blacked out traffic signals question 24 when you you see this yellow sign you should option A always stop at the crosswalk option b stop at the crosswalk until a crossing guard signals you to go option C be prepared to stop if children are in the crosswalk the correct answer is option C be prepared to stop if children are in the crosswalk question 25 a pedestrian who is blind or visually impaired uses traffic sounds before deciding to cross the street if you see a pedestrian with a guide dog or white cane waiting to cross at a corner you should option a stop at the crosswalk and honk your horn option b drive into the crosswalk so the person can hear your engine option C pull up to the crosswalk so the person can hear your engine the correct answer is option C pull up to the crosswalk so the person can hear your engine question 26 your wheels should be pointed straight ahead unless you are option A waiting to make a left turn at a traffic light option b parked on a hill or sloping driveway option C parked on the side of a level roadway and there is no curve the correct answer is option b parked on a hill or sloping driveway question 27 you are required to wear your safety belt in a moving vehicle option A unless the vehicle was manufactured before 1975 option b unless you are riding in the back of a pickup camper option C and failure to do so will result in a traffic ticket the correct answer is option C and failure to do so will result in a traffic ticket question 28 when driving in fog snow or rain you should use your option a low beam headlights option b highbeam headlights option C running lights the correct answer is option a low beam headlight question 29 to be sure a lane is clear before you change lanes you should option a look in your outside mirrors only option b glance over your shoulder into the lane you want to enter option C always turn your head and look over your right shoulder the correct answer is option b glance over your shoulder into the lane you want to enter question 30 you should adjust your rear view and side mirrors option A before you get into the car Option B before you start driving option C after you start driving the correct answer is option b before you start driving question 31 cargo extending more than 4 ft from your rear bumper option A is illegal under all circumstances option b must be marked with a red flag or lights option C does not legally have to be marked but it is a good idea the correct answer is option b must be marked with a red flag or lights question 32 the speed limit for a school zone where children are present is Dash unless otherwise posted option a 15 m mph option b 25 mph option C 20 mph the correct answer is option b 25 mph question 33 instructions from school crossing guards must be obeyed option A at all times option b during school hours only option C only when children are present in front of a school the correct answer is option A at all times question 34 you are crossing an intersection and an emergency vehicle is approaching with a siren and flag flashing lights you should option A stop immediately in the intersection until it passes option b pull to the right in the intersection and stop option C continue through the intersection pull to the right and stop the correct answer is option C continue through the intersection pull to the right and stop question 35 a peace officer is signaling you to drive to the edge of the roadway you decide to ignore the officer's warning and flee the scene you are guilty of a misdemeanor and can be punished by being option A find up to doll 1,000 option b jailed in the county jail for not more than one year option C given a warning and a citation the correct answer is option b jailed in the county jail for not more than one year question 36 all of the following are dangerous while driving which is also illegal option A wearing a headset that covers both ears option b having one or more interior lights on option C using cruise control on residential streets the correct answer is option A wearing a headset that covers both ears question 37 this sign on a center lane means you may may use this Lane for option A turning left or right only option b passing slow moving Vehicles only option C turning left only the correct answer is option C turning left only question 38 during a traffic stop what documents should you be prepared to provide to law enforcement option A only your driver's license option b your driver's license vehicle registration and proof of insurance option C none as law enforcement has access to your information the correct answer is option b your driver's license vehicle registration and proof of insurance question 39 you are driving on a two-lane road and want to pass the vehicle in front of you to pass safely you need option A a gap large enough for your vehicle to completely pass the other vehicle without exceeding the speed limit option b a gap that is only slightly larger than the other vehicle option C a gap that is two car lengths long the correct answer is option A a gap large enough for your vehicle to completely pass the other vehicle without exceeding the speed limit question 40 if you are convicted of driving under the influence in California you may be required to option A pay a fine ATT 10 DUI school and have your license suspended or revoked option b only pay a fine option C attend traffic school and have your license reinstated immediately the correct answer is option A pay a fine attend DUI school and have your license suspended or revoked question 41 when you see a solid white line between lanes of traffic you should option A stay in your lane option b change lanes only when it's safe to do so option C merge into another Lane immediately the correct answer is option A stay in your Lane question 42 when making a left turn at an intersection and there is a green arrow signal option A you should turn without checking for traffic option b you must yield to oncoming traffic option C you have the right of way and can turn safely the correct answer is option C you have the right of way and can turn safely question 43 you are approaching an intersection with a green Traffic Light pedestrians are crossing against the red signal you should option A stop and wait for the pedestrians to cross option b sound your horn to alert the pedestrians option C drive around the pedestrians to proceed through the intersection the correct answer is option A stop and wait for the pedestrians to cross question 44 When approaching a stopped emergency vehicle with its lights flashing on a highway with two lanes in the same direction you must option a slow down and proceed with caution option b maintain your speed and pass the emergency vehicle quickly option C change lanes to the left if safe or slow down and proceed with caution the correct answer is option C change lanes to the left if safe or slow down and proceed with caution question 45 you are driving on a divided highway with multiple Lanes if you need to make a U-turn you should option A make the U-turn from the far left lane option b make the U-turn from the center lane option C make the U-turn from the right lane the correct answer is option A make the U-turn from the far left lane question 46 which of the following is a legal U-turn option A on a divided highway where there is a paved opening for a turn option b 150 ft away from a hill or curve option C in a residential area where there are no Vehicles approaching within 500 ft the correct answer is option A on a divided highway where there is a paved opening for a turn question 47 if you are involved in a collision and no one is injured you should option A exchange information with the other party and leave the scene option b move your vehicle off the road if possible and call for assistance option C leave your vehicle in the traffic lane until the police arrive the correct answer is option b move your vehicle off the road if possible and call for assistance question 48 when a school bus is is stopped with its red lights flashing you must stop option A if you are on a divided highway option b unless you are on the other side of a divided or multi-lane Highway option C only if children are crossing the road the correct answer is option b unless you are on the other side of a divided or multi-lane Highway thank you for practicing with us if you found this video helpful please hit the like button and subscribe to my channel for more practice videos to help you easily pass the DMV written test please visit our website www. dm- permit Das practice dash for more resources to help you prepare for the test
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Length: 30min 57sec (1857 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 16 2023
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