CALIFORNIA DMV WRITTEN TEST 2024 | | DMV Actual Test Paper | California DMV Permit Test 2024 TEST 5

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welcome to DMV practice test Pro your ultimate coach to mastering the DMV test with confidence subscribe now and gear up for Success visit our website for free cheat sheets and other helpful resources to prepare for your DMV exam now let's begin question one there is a railroad crossing ahead and you can't see if any trains are coming until you are almost ready to cross the tracks how fast should you be driving option option A 10 mph option b 15 mph option C 25 mph the correct answer is option b 15 mph question [Music] two which of the following is true about double parking option A it is illegal under all circumstances option option b it is illegal only if you leave your car option C it is legal if you are making a delivery the correct answer is option A it is illegal under all circumstances question three which of these statements is true about safety zones option A the road is probably being repaired by slow moving Vehicles option b if a street car is stopped at a safety zone controlled by a traffic signal you can pass at 25 mph option C it is a space set aside for pedestrians and marked by raised buttons or Road markings the correct answer is option C it is a space set aside for pedestrians and marked by raised buttons or Road markings question four this sign means option A right lane ends ahead option b no right turn option C side road to the right the correct answer is option b no right turn question five which way do you turn your front wheels to park uphill next to a curb option a parallel to the curb option b to the left away from the curb option C to the right into the curb the correct answer is option b to the left away from the curb question six you are driving at night and using high beams dim your lights when you get closer than Dash feet from the car ahead option a 300 option b 200 option C 400 the correct answer is option a 300 question seven there is a railroad crossing ahead you see a mechanical signal warning you off an approaching train you must option A stop then proceed when safe option b slow down before Crossing option C stop only if you see a train coming the correct answer is option a stop up then proceed when safe question 8 this sign means option A fewer Lanes ahead option b divided highway ahead option C Crossroad intersects the main road the correct answer is option b divided highway head question nine a curb painted red means option A parking is for emergency vehicles only option b parking is for disabled persons only option C stopping or parking is not allowed except buses the correct answer is option C stopping or parking is not allowed except buses question 10 what is the benefit of a space cushion around your vehicle option A if another driver makes a mistake you have time to react option b there is none other drivers just crowd in front of you option C you don't have to worry about the driver next to you the correct answer is option A if another driver makes a mistake you have time to react question 11 you can avoid skitting on a slippery Surface by option a shifting to a lower gear after you start down a steep hill option b following in the tracks of the vehicle in front of you option C slowing down as you approach curves and intersections the correct answer is option C slowing down as you approach curves and intersections question 12 yellow lines separate option a traffic Lanes on oneway streets option b traffic moving in opposite directions on two-way roads option C A Lane barrier between regular and carpool lanes the correct answer is option b traffic moving in opposite directions on two-way roads question 13 this sign on a center lane means you may use this Lane for option A turning left or right only option b passing slow moving Vehicles only option C turning left only the correct answer is option C turning left only question 14 during a traffic stop what documents should you be prepared to provide to law enforcement option A only your driver's license option b your driver's license vehicle registration and proof of insurance option C none as law enforcement has access to your information the correct answer is option b your driver's license vehicle registration and proof of insurance question 15 you are driving on a two-lane road and want to pass the vehicle in front of you to pass safely you need option A a gap large enough for your vehicle to completely pass the other vehicle without exceeding the speed limit option b a gap that is only slightly larger than the other vehicle option C a gap that is twocc car lengths long the correct answer is option A a gap large enough for your vehicle to completely pass the other vehicle without exceeding the speed limit question 16 if you are convicted of driving Under the Influence DUI in California you may be required to option A pay a fine attend DUI school and have your license suspended or revoked option b only pay pay a fine option C attend traffic school and have your license reinstated immediately the correct answer is option A pay a fine attend DUI school and have your license suspended or revoked question 17 when you see a solid white line between lanes of traffic you should option A stay in your lane option b change lanes only when it's safe to do so option C merge into another Lane immediately the correct answer is option A stay in your lane question 18 when making a left turn at an intersection and there is a green arrow signal option option A you should turn without checking for traffic option b you must yield to oncoming traffic option C you have the right of way and can turn safely the correct answer is option C you have the right of way and can turn safely question 19 you are approaching an intersection with a green traffic light pedestrians are crossing against the red signal you should option A stop and wait for the pedestrians to cross option b sound your horn to alert the pedestrians option C drive around the pedestrians to proceed through the intersection the correct answer is option A stop and wait for the pedestrians to cross question 20 When approaching a stopped emergency vehicle with its lights flashing on a highway with two lanes in the same direction you must option a slow down and proceed with caution option b maintain your speed and pass the emergency vehicle quickly option C change lanes to the left if safe or slow down and proceed with caution the correct answer is option C change lanes to the left if safe or slow down and proceed with caution question 21 you are driving on a divided highway with multiple Lanes if you need to make a U-turn you should option A make the U-turn from the far left lane option b make the U-turn from the center lane option C make the U turn from the right lane the correct answer is option A make the U turn from the far left lane question 22 which of the following is a legal U-turn option A on a divided highway where there is a paved opening for a turn option b 100 50 ft away from a hill or curve option C in a residential area where there are no vehicles approaching within 500 ft the correct answer is option A on a divided highway where there is a paved opening for a turn question 23 if you are involved in a collision and no one is injured you should option A a exchange information with the other party and leave the scene option b move your vehicle off the road if possible and call for assistance option C leave your vehicle in the traffic lane until the police arrive the correct answer is option b move your vehicle off the road if possible and call for assistance question 24 when a school bus is stopped with its red lights flashing you must stop option A if you are on a divided highway option b unless you are on the other side of a divided or multi-lane Highway option C only if children are crossing the road the correct answer is option b unless you are on the other side of a divice ided or multi-lane Highway question 25 this below sign means option a traffic is permitted to pass on either side of an island or obstruction option b right lane stays to the right left lane stays to the left option C keep to the left merging Traffic Ahead the correct answer answer is option a traffic is permitted to pass on either side of an island or obstruction if you found this video helpful please hit the like button and subscribe to our Channel DMV practice test Pro for more videos visit our website DMV practice testpro for free cheat sheets and practice tests
Channel: DMV Practice Test Pro
Views: 31,942
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Id: FbrAd5bWHTI
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Length: 14min 51sec (891 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2024
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