Road Signs Practice Test #1 - California DMV Written Test 2024

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question one what does the below sign indicate option A there is a flagger controlling traffic ahead option b children Crossing ahead option C school zone Crossing ahead the correct answer is option A there is a flagger controlling traffic ahead question two this warning sign means option A you are approaching a four-way intersection option b you are approaching a railroad crossing option C you are approaching a restricted Zone the correct answer is option b you are approaching a railroad crossing question three this red and white sign means option A you have the right of way option b let cross traffic pass before proceeding option C cars on the right move first the correct answer is option b let cross traffic pass before proceeding question four this sign means option A pedestrians walking along the road ahead option b pedestrian Crossing ahead option C pedestrians must not cross here the correct answer is option b pedestrian Crossing ahead question five the below sign means option A beware of heavy Vehicles ahead option b Steep Hill ahead option C warning sign for drawbridge ahead the correct answer is option b Steep Hill ahead question six this red and white regulatory sign means option A no left turn can be made here option b a left turn can be made only after stopping option C all traffic must turn right at the next intersection the correct answer is option A no left turn can be made here question seven this road sign means option A be prepared to stop if the light is flashing option b there is a traffic signal ahead option C controlled railroad ahead the correct answer is option b there is a traffic signal ahead question eight what does the below red and white sign indicate option A the road ahead is closed to traffic in all directions option b ield the right of way option C the road is closed to traffic in your direction the correct answer is option C the road is closed to traffic in your direction question nine this warning sign means option A road is Slippery When Wet option b inding road ahead option C road with sharp turns ahead the correct answer is option A road is Slippery When Wet question 10. this five-sided sign indicates option A you are approaching pedestrian Crossing option b you are near a school option C the road ahead is a walking trail the correct answer is option b you are near a school question 11. the below sign indicates option A merging traffic entering from left option b warning left lane ends ahead option C orning warning one-way road ahead the correct answer is option A merging traffic entering from left question 12. this warning sign means option A winding road ahead begins with a curve to the left option b passing aloud from left and right option C winding road ahead begins with a curve to the right the correct answer is option C winding road ahead begins with a curve to the right question 13. what does the below sign mean option A divided highway ends option b keep to the right of obstruction option C left lane ends the correct answer is option b keep to the right of obstruction 14. this sign means option A intersection warning ahead roadway ends must turn right or left option b Side Road intersection ahead option C why intersection ahead the correct answer is option A intersection warning ahead roadway ends must turn right or left question 15. when you see this sign at an intersection you must option A stop only if you see pedestrians Crossing option b slow down and yield to oncoming traffic option C come to a complete stop proceed only when safe to do so the correct answer is option C come to a complete stop proceed only when safe to do so question 16. this exit speed advisory sign means option A slow down maximum advised speed is 25 miles per hour in ideal conditions option b slow down maximum advised speed is 25 miles per hour in all conditions option C minimum advised speed limit is 25 miles per hour in all conditions the correct answer is option A slow down maximum advised speed is 25 miles per hour in ideal conditions question 17. what does the below sign indicate option A warning divided highway ends ahead option b Winding Road advance notice option C two-way traffic Advance warning the correct answer is option A warning divided highway ends ahead question 18. this below sign means option A traffic is permitted to pass on either side of an island or obstruction option b right lane stays to the right left lane stays to the left option C keep to the left merging traffic ahead the correct answer is option A traffic is permitted to pass on either side of an island or obstruction 19. this sign at an intersection means option A no right turn permitted at this intersection option b no right turn on red light option C all traffic must turn left at the next intersection the correct answer is option A no right turn permitted at this intersection question 20. this sign means there is option A Wildlife Reserve ahead option b deer crossing ahead option C Z Zoo nearby the correct answer is option b deer crossing ahead question 21. this sign means option A right lenens merge left option b Road Narrows ahead option C passing is allowed on right lane the correct answer is option A right lenens merge left question 22. this regulatory sign means option A passing is not permitted in this Zone option b you may not park at locations where this sign is installed option C pedestrian Crossing is prohibited the correct answer is option b you may not park at locations where this sign is installed question 23. you are on a three-lane highway this sign means option A all Lanes permit left and right turns option b left lane must turn left center lane must bow straight right lane must turn right option C center lane permits you to go straight left or right the correct answer is option b left lane must turn left center lane must go straight right lane must turn right question 24. this sign on a center lane means you may use this Lane for option A turning left or right only option b passing slow moving Vehicles only option C turning left only the correct answer is option C turning left only question 25. this sign means option A new Lane will be added to the left in the same direction merging not required option b left lane ends and merges to the right option C passing on the left permitted ahead the correct answer is option A new Lane will be added to the left in the same direction merging not required question 26. this sign at an intersection means option A before making a U-turn you must come to a complete stop option b no u-turns are permitted at this intersection option C you must yield to all other oncoming traffic before turning the correct answer is option b no u-turns are permitted at this intersection 27. this warning sign indicates option A you will encounter a railroad crossing when turning right at the intersection ahead option b you will encounter a railroad crossing when turning left at the intersection ahead option C railroad crossing straight ahead the correct answer is option A you will encounter a railroad crossing when turning right at the intersection ahead question 28. this traffic sign tells you option A the road you are traveling on intersects a highway ahead option b the main road curves to the left with a side road entering from the right option C there is a three-way intersection up ahead on the road the correct answer is option C there is a three-way intersection up ahead on the road question 29 what does the below sign indicate option A this road crosses a narrow bridge ahead option b soft shoulder warning ahead option C railway tracks ahead the correct answer is option A this road crosses a narrow bridge ahead question 30. this road sign means option A sharp right turn ahead option b a road joins from the right option C the road ahead turns sharply right then sharply left the correct answer is option C the road ahead turns sharply right then sharply left thank you for practicing with us if you found 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Length: 17min 29sec (1049 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 29 2022
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