DMV Senior Renewal Test 2024 California| DMV Senior Written Test 2024

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[Music] question one increase the space in front of your car when you a drive slower than the posted speed limit B follow another passenger vehicle C are being tailgate correct answer C are being tailgate create more space in front of your vehicle when a tailgator is behind you maintain your course and speed then when safe to do so merge right to change into another Lane and allow the tailgator to pass question two when stopping on snow or ice drivers who are operating Vehicles equipped with an antiock braking system ABS should a pump the brakes B press and hold the brake pedal firmly C stay off the brakes and wait for the car to drift to a stop correct answer B press and hold the brake pedal firmly when driving a vehicle equipped with an antiock braking system ABS a driver should press the brake pedal firmly when stopping on a snowy or icy surface the ABS will pump the brakes more rapidly than a driver would be able to question three your turn lane is controlled by a green arrow which of the following statements is true a all vehicles and pedestrians in the intersection must yield to you B oncoming vehicles are stopped by Red Lights C you may make your turn without checking traffic correct answer B oncoming vehicles are stopped by Red Lights a green arrow means go in the direction the arrow is pointing the Green Arrow allows you to make make a protected turn oncoming vehicles are stopped by a red traffic signal light question four if you want to enter the freeway but you don't see a gap in traffic you should a maintain your speed and force the other drivers to create a gap B slow down on the ramp to wait for a gap C stop at the end of the ramp to wait for a gap correct answer B slow down down on the ramp to wait for a gap if you want to enter the freeway but do not see a space for your vehicle in traffic slow down on the ramp to wait for a gap do not drive to the end of the ramp and wait for a gap or you will not have enough room to accelerate to the speed of traffic before entering the roadway question five roads are slippery after it first starts to rain when the road is slippery you should and a avoid making Fast turns and fast stops B test your tires traction while going uphill C decrease the distance you look ahead of your vehicle correct answer a avoid making Fast turns and fast stops a wet slippery Road does not allow your tires the traction they need so it is necessary to drive more slowly on a wet road than you would on a dry road to reduce the risk of skidding you should avoid fast turns or stops question six accidents can happen more often when a all vehicles are traveling about the same speed B one lane of traffic is traveling faster than the other lanes c one vehicle is traveling faster or slower than the flow of traffic correct answer c one vehicle is traveling faster or slower than the flow of traffic question 7 at intersections crosswalks and railroad crossings you should always a stop listen and proceed cautiously B look to the sides of your vehicle to see what is coming C slowly pass vehicles that seem to be stopped for no reason correct answer B look to the sides of your vehicle to see what is coming anytime you come to a place where people may cross or enter your path or where one line of traffic meets another you should look to the left and right sides of your vehicle to make sure no one is coming question 8 this sign tells you that a no turns are allowed on the road B the road Narrows ahead C there is a series of Curves ahead correct answer answer C there is a series of Curves ahead warning signs are usually yellow with black markings they alert you to conditions that are immediately ahead this sign warns drivers about an upcoming Winding Road question nine when can you drive in a bike lane a during rush hour traffic if there are no bicyclists in the bike lane B when you are within 200 ft of a cross street where you plan to turn right see when you want to pass a driver ahead of you who is turning right correct answer B when you are within 200 ft of a cross street where you plan to turn right if there is a bike lane drive into the bike lane no more than 200 ft before a turn watch for bicyclists or motorcyclists who may get between your vehicle and the curb question 10 a solid yellow line next to a broken yellow line means that Vehicles a in both directions may pass B next to the broken line may pass C next to the solid line may pass correct answer B next to the broken line may pass yellow line separate Lanes of traffic moving in opposite directions a broken yellow line next to your driving lane means that you may pass question 11 fatigue increases the risk of a missing an Exit B being late for an appointment C falling asleep behind the wheel and crashing correct answer C falling asleep behind the wheel and crashing fatigue causes errors related to speed and distance increases your risk of being in a crash and causes you to take more time to make decisions when you are fatigued you could fall asleep behind the wheel and crash injuring or killing yourself or others question 12 this sign means a pedestrians walking along the road ahead B pedestrian Crossing ahead C pedestrians must not cross here correct answer B pedestrian Crossing ahead warning signs are usually yellow with black markings this sign alerts drivers to where pedestrians may be Crossing if a pedestrian is Crossing in a crosswalk marked with this sign drivers must stop and remain stopped until The Pedestrian is no longer in the crosswalk question 13 which statement regarding scanning the road ahead is incorrect a always keep your eyes fixed on the vehicle in front of you B to identify potential hazards early look well ahead C aim to look about 15 seconds ahead of your vehicle correct answer a always keep your eyes fixed on the vehicle in front of you to ensure timely reaction to Road situations it's crucial to scan the road 10 to 15 seconds ahead of your vehicle rather than focusing solely on the car right in front keep checking your surroundings and use your mirrors to understand what's happening behind you as well question 14 a white painted curb indicates a a loading zone for Freight or passengers B loading zone for passengers or mail only C loading zone for Freight only correct answer answer B loading zone for passengers or mail only at a white painted curb you may stop only long enough to pick up or drop off passengers or mail question 15 typically are diamond shaped with yellow backgrounds and black lettering or symbols a destination signs B warning signs C regulatory signs correct answer B warning signs diamond shaped signs typically warn you of specific road conditions and dangers ahead question 16 when you enter traffic from a stop away from the curb you a should drive slower than other traffic for 200 ft B need a large enough Gap to get up to the speed of traffic C should wait for the first two vehicles to pass then drive into the lane correct answer B need a large enough Gap to get up to the speed of traffic any time that you merge into City or highway traffic you should wait for a gap in traffic large enough for your vehicle to get up to the speed of other traffic question 17 when passing another vehicle it is safe to return to your lane if you a cannot see the vehicle directly to your right B see the vehicle's headlights in your rear view mirror C have passed the other vehicle's front bumper correct answer B see the vehicle's headlights in your rear view mirror before returning to your original Lane after passing you must make sure you are not dangerously close to the vehicle you have just passed when you can see both of the vehicles headlights in your rear view mirror you may have enough room to return to the Lane question 18 dim your headlights for oncoming vehicles or when you are within 300 ft of a vehicle a that you are approaching from behind B approaching you from behind C you have already passed correct answer a that you are approaching from behind you are requ required to dim your headlights to low beams within 500 ft of a vehicle that is coming toward you and within 300 ft of a vehicle that you are following question 19 if you see orange construction signs and Cones on a freeway you must a slow down because the lane ends ahead B be prepared for workers and Equipment ahead C change lanes and maintain your current speed speed correct answer a slow down because the lane ends ahead as you enter a work zone signs and message boards will warn you of workers slow moving equipment and or closed Lanes ahead you should reduce your speed and be prepared to slow down or stop 20 u-turns in residential districts are legal a on a one-way Street on a Green Arrow B when there are no vehicles approaching nearby C across two sets of solid double yellow lines correct answer B when there are no vehicles approaching nearby u-turns are permitted in residential areas if there are no vehicles approaching within 200 ft they are also permitted when a traffic sign light or signal protects you from approaching Vehicles question 2 1 this road sign warns drivers that a another traffic lane joins the one they are on B another road enters the highway from the direction shown C the road will make a sharp turn to the right correct answer B another road enters the highway from the direction shown a side road sign warns drivers that another road enters the highway from the direction shown typically from the right watch for traffic from that direction question 22 on a Green Arrow you must a yeld to any vehicle bicycle or pedestrian in the intersection B yield to pedestrians only in the intersection C wait for seconds before proceeding correct answer a yeld to any vehicle bicycle or pedestrian in the intersection a green arrow means go you must turn in the direction the arrow is pointing after you yield to any Vehicles bicycles or pedestrians who are still in the intersection question 23 which of these traffic signal lights directs a driver to slow down and cross the intersection carefully a flashing red B solid red C flashing yellow correct answer C flashing yellow a flashing yellow signal light warns you to be careful slow down and be especially alert question 24 if you park facing uphill where there is no curb set the parking brake and a turn your wheels toward the edge of the road B turn your wheels away from the edge of the road C keep your wheels facing straight correct answer a turn your wheels toward the edge of the road when parking uphill on a road that does not have a curb your front wheels should be turned to the right toward the edge of the road this will ensure that the vehicle will roll off of the road if the brakes fail question 25 if you are involved in a TR traffic collision you are required to complete and submit a written report to the DMV a only if you or the other driver is injured B if there is property damage in excess of $1,000 or if there are any injuries C only if you are at fault correct answer B if there is property damage in excess of $11,000 or if there are any injuries if a collision results in in death any minor or major injury or more than $1,000 in damage to anyone's property each driver involved must file a report with the DMV within 10 days in some cases the driver's insurance agent broker or legal representative May file the report to represent the driver thanks for watching if you found this video useful be sure to subscribe to our channel for more DMV senior renewal test practice questions
Channel: DMV Written Test 2024
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Keywords: DMV Senior Renewal Test, DMV Senior Written Test 2024, DMV written test 2024, california dmv written test 2024, california dmv senior renewal test, senior renewal test over 70 years, DMV written test for senior drivers
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 32sec (992 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2024
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