DMV Renewal Test for Seniors 2024 in California

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question one this sign means a oneway road widens into two lanes ahead B vehicles on this road travel in two directions C there is a divided highway ahead answer B vehicles on this road travel in two directions question two when parked on any Hill always set your parking brake and a leave your vehicle in neutral B keep your front wheels parallel to the road C leave your vehicle in gear or the park position answer C leave your vehicle in gear or the park position question three even if you know your vehicle can maneuver a sharp curve at the legal speed limit you should still slow down because a you must legally drive below the speed limit on Sharp curves B the strong inward pull on your vehicle can be dangerous C there may be a stalled car or accident ahead that you can't see answer C there may be a stalled car or accident ahead that you can't see question four if you are Towing another vehicle or trailer on a freeway with four lanes in your direction you may travel in a any of the traffic Lanes in your direction B either of the two right lanes C the far right lane only answer B either of the two right lanes question five this Lane in the middle of a two-way street is used to a pass other vehicles when there is no oncoming traffic B make right turns when there is no oncoming traffic C begin or end left turns or start a permitted uturn answer C begin in or end left turns or start a permitted uturn question six all children under age six riding in your vehicle must use a child passenger restraint system unless a they are not your children B A Child passenger restraint system is not available C they weigh 60 lb or more answer C they weigh 60 lb or more question 7 you are driving at night on a dimly lit Street and using high beams you should dim your lights when you are within 500 ft of a a vehicle approaching you from behind B an oncoming vehicle C A sharp curve or Hill answer B an oncoming vehicle question 8 you are driving 55 mph on a two-lane Highway one lane in each Direction and want to pass the car ahead of you to pass safely you need to a wait until solid double yellow lines separate the lanes B increase your speed to 65 mph C have a large enough Gap in the oncoming traffic answer C have a large enough Gap in the oncoming traffic question nine you must notify DMV within 5 days if you a are cited for a traffic violation B sell or transfer your vehicle C paint your vehicle a different color answer B sell or transfer your vehicle question 10 this sign means a you may not enter the road from your direction B traffic on this road travels in both Direction C the road ahead is closed to traffic in all directions answer a you may not enter the road from your direction question 11 allow extra space in front of your vehicle when following a a passenger car B station wagon C large turbus answer C large TBS question 12 it is illegal for a person 21 years of age or older to drive with a blood alcohol concentration BCA that is or higher a 0.08% 800s of 1% B 0.1% 1/10th of 1% C 0.05% 500s of 1% answer a 0.08% 800s of 1% question 13 if you approach a curve or thep top of a hill and you do not have a clear view of the road ahead you should a pull over and wait for conditions to improve B use your highbeam lights to be more visible C slow down so you can stop if necessary answer C slow down so you can stop if necessary question 14 when sharing the road with a trolley or light rail vehicle a never turn in front of an approaching trolley or light rail vehicle B always pass a light rail vehicle or trolley slowly on the right C remember they are loud and move slowly like freight trains answer a never turn in front of an approaching trolley or light rail vehicle question 15 who has the right of way at an intersection with no crosswalks a pedestrians always have the right of way B vehicles but they should slow slow down and be careful C pedestrians but only with a green walk signal answer a pedestrians always have the right of way question 16 you are crossing an intersection and an emergency vehicle is approaching with s siren and flashing lights you should a stop immediately in the intersection until it passes B pull to the right in the intersection pull to the right and stop C continue through the intersection pull to the right and stop answer C continue through the intersection pull to the right and stop question 17 to see vehicles in your blind spots you must look a over your shoulders B in your side mirrors C in your inside mirrors answer answer a over your shoulders question 18 you see a car approaching from the rear when you check your mirror again to change lanes you no longer see the car you should a look over your shoulder to be sure the car isn't in your blind spot B turn your signal on and change lanes slowly C check your outside mirror to see if the car is in your blind spot and answer a look over your shoulder to be sure the car isn't in your blind spot question 19 you park your car at the curb on a level two-way street before getting out of your car you should a look for cars or bicycles on the traffic side of your vehicle B turn your front wheels towards the curb C make sure you are parked at least 2 ft from the curb answer a look for cars or bicycles on the traffic side of your vehicle question 20 if you are unable to see the road ahead while driving because of heavy fog and your wipers do not help you should a slow down and continue driving B turn on your light beams and continue driving C pull off the road completely until visibility improves answer C pull off the road completely until visibility improves question 21 it is very foggy you should slow down and turn on your a high beam lights B low beams lights C emergency flashers answer B low beams lights question 22 this sign means a narrow pedestrian bridge ahead B B pedestrians must yield the right of way ahead C there is a pedestrian crosswalk ahead answer B pedestrians must yield the right of way ahead question 23 if five or more vehicles are following you on a narrow two-lane road a move to the right side of your lane and Drive slowly B pull off the road when it is safe and let them pass C continue driving because you have the right of way answer B pull off the road when it is safe and let them pass question 24 when driving near road construction zones you should a slow down to watch the construction as you pass B decrease your following distance C pass the construction zone and carefully and avoid rubbernecking answer C pass the construction zone and carefully and avoid avoid rubbernecking question 25 which of the following is true about safety belts and accidents a they will trap you in your car if it catches on fire B they keep you from being thrown clear to safety which lowers your chances of surviving accidents C they increase your chances of survival in most types of accidents answer C they increase your chances of survival in most types of accidents question 26 you may legally park your car in front of a driveway a if the driveway is in front your house b as long as it is not parked for longer than 15 minutes C under no circumstances answer C under no circumstances question 27 when you look ahead while driving it is best to a focus on the right side of your lane B look only at the back of the car ahead of you C look beyond the car ahead of you answer C look beyond the car ahead of you question 28 you are approaching a sharp curve in the road you should a start breaking before you enter the curve B start breaking as soon as you enter the Curve C accelerate into the curve and break out of it answer a start breaking before you enter the curve question 29 if you approach an intersection without a stop sign or signals you a should always stop before driving through the intersection B must yield the right of way to all other vehicles C should slow down and be ready to stop if necessary answer C should slow down and be ready to stop if necessary question 30 it is a good habit to Signal continuously during the last 100 ft before you turn at an intersection a unless you are in a designated turn lane B unless your turn is protected by a Green Arrow C even if you do not see any other vehicles around answer C even if you do not see any other vehicles around question 31 which of these is a legal U-turn a on a highway where there is a paved opening for a turn B 150 ft away from a hill or curve C over two sets of double yellow lines on the roadway answer a on a highway where there is a paved opening for a turn question 32 you are stopped at an intersection the traffic light just turned green should you go immediately a yes but yield to any vehicle or person still in the intersection B yes or you could be given a ticket for causing gridlock C no because you must first wait 5 seconds before proceeding answer a yes but yield to any vehicle or person still in the intersection question 33 other drivers are not making room for you to merge onto a freeway with heavy traffic if it is absolutely necessary you may a drive on the freeway shoulder until a gap appears B stop before merging with freeway traffic C make room by forcing your way into a small Gap answer B stop before merging with freeway traffic question 34 If a driver looks like he or she is going to pull out in front of you the safest thing to do is a honk your horn and maintain your speed B slow or stop your car and use your horn C use your horn and swerve into the next Lane answer B slow or stop your car and use your horn
Channel: DMV Renewal Prep
Views: 17,628
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: test prep, DMV renewal, tutoring, practice test, written test, senior drivers, dmv license, dmv license renewal, written test for seniors, DMV renewal test for seniors, DMV renewal test 2024, California DMV, vision test preparation, written test tips, behind-the-wheel test, driving license renewal, study methods for seniors, health tips for drivers, senior driver resources, safe driving tips, senior driving support, DMV exam advice, road safety for seniors
Id: G9f7kFHIsr4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 25sec (865 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2024
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