California DMV Written Test 2024 | DMV Senior Written Test 2024 California | #californiadmvtest

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question one to be guilty under vehicle code section 20002 you must option A leave an accident scene option b fail to identify yourself to the others involved option C all the correct answer is option C to be guilty under vehicle code section 22 you must leave an accident scene or fail to identify yourself to the others and involved question two the accident is so minor that the driver did not realize that it had occurred option A the prosecution cannot prove the case against you option b the prosecution can prove the case against you option C both A and B the correct answer is option A because you did not intentionally leave the scene of an accident and fail to leave identifying information the prosecution cannot prove the case against you question three you should signal option A at least 80 ft before you turn option b at least 70 ft before you turn option C at least 100 ft before you turn the correct answer is option C when you are changing lane or changing side you should signal at least 100 ft before you turn question four four you should use your headlights option a beginning 30 minutes after Sunset option b until 30 minutes before Sunrise option C all of the above the correct answer is option C you should use your headlights when it is too dark to see from 1,000 ft away and beginning 30 minutes after Sunset and until 30 minutes before Sunrise question five what should you do when the road is wet option A reduce your speed by 5 to 10 mph option b reduce your speed by half option C reduce your speed to no more than 5 mph the correct answer is option A you should reduce your speed by 5 to 10 mph when the road is wet question six if you must drive in heavy fog or smoke you should not option A Drive slowly option b use your highbeam headlights option C increase your following distance the correct answer is option b if you must drive in heavy fog or smoke you should not use your high-beam headlights always use your low beam headlights question seven children under 8 years old May ride in the front seat of a vehicle in a federally approved child passenger restraint system they may ride in the front seat if option A there is no rear seat option b medical reasons prevent the child from riding in the back seat option C all of the above the correct answer is option C children under 8 years old May ride in the front seat of a vehicle in a federally approved child passenger restraint system they may ride in the front seat if there is no rear seat or medical reasons prevent the child from riding in the back seat question 8 regardless of the posted speed limit your speed should depend on option A the number of vehicles on the road option b traffic congestion option C all of the above the correct answer is option C there are also situations with specific speed limit laws and conditions where you should reduce your speed unless otherwise posted the ideal maximum speed limit on most California highways is 65 mph it is 55 mph on a two-lane undivided Highway and for vehicles Towing trailers question N9 what is vehicle code section 12500 option A driving without a license option b hit and run option C driving under the influence the correct answer is option A the vehicle code 12500 is driving without license question 10 you are driving on a two-lane road the vehicle in front of you is moving below the speed limit what should you do option a pass the vehicle when safe to do so option b tailgate to encourage the driver to go faster option C honk to Signal your impatience the correct answer is option A if it is safe and legal you can can pass a slower moving vehicle on a two-lane road question 11 while driving on a two-lane road you encounter a broken yellow line next to your driving lane what does this indicate option A No Passing allowed option b passing is allowed if safe option C passing only for motorcycles the correct answer is option b broken yellow lines indicate that passing is allowed if it can be done safely question 12 you arrive at an intersection simultaneously with another vehicle who has the right of way option A the vehicle on the left option b the vehicle on the right option C both vehicles can proceed simultaneously the correct answer is option b when Vehicles arrive at an intersection at the same time the one on the right has the right of way question 13 while driving at night you encounter a vehicle with blinding headlights what should you do option a flash your high-beam headlights back at them option b look directly into the oncoming headlights option C look toward the right edge of your lane the correct answer is option C this helps avoid direct exposure to the bright lights and maintains your visibility question 14 this sign means option a one-way Traffic Ahead option b two-way Traffic Ahead option C keep to the right the correct answer is option C keep right the sign marks a traffic island or a highway divider and it warns you to stay to the right of the obstacle when this sign is installed at a highway it may also be accompanied by the divid Highway begins yellow warning sign question 15 while driving you witness a collision between two vehicles what should you do option A continue driving without stopping option b call 911 if there are injuries and then move along option C stop assess the situation and call 911 if there are injuries the correct answer is option C stopping to assess and provide help in case of injuries is essential question 16 what is the time frame for transferring ownership when buying a vehicle in California option a 5 days option b 10 days option C 15 days the correct answer is option b vehicle buyers in California have a 10-day window to transfer ownership to their name question 17 what is the primary factor influencing a vehicle's stopping distance option a tire tread depth option b brake fluid color option C windshield wiper condition the correct answer is option a tire tread depth directly affects a vehicle's ability to stop efficiently worn out Treads reduce traction increasing stopping distance question 18 what does BAC stand for in the context of driving option a blood alcohol content option b breake assistance control option C basic automotive calibration the correct answer is option A BAC measures the amount of alcohol in your blood question 19 two sets of solid double yellow lines 2 fet or more apart option A may only be crossed to enter a private driveway option b should be treated like a solid wall and not be crossed option C denote a lane for beginning or ending leftand turns the correct answer is option b two sets of solid double yellow lines spaced 2 feet or more apart are considered a barrier do not drive on or over this barrier or make a left turn or a U-turn across it except at designated openings question 20 you are going to make a left turn from a dedicated left turn lane when a yellow arrow appears for your lane you should option a speed up to get through the intersection option b be prepared to obey the next signal that appears option C go through the intersection since you have the right of way the correct answer is option b a yellow arrow means the protected turning time period is ending be prepared to obey the the next signal which could be the green or red light or the red arrow question 21 select the statement below that is true option A people with more body fat are less prone to alcohol intoxication option b body weight has no effect on the rate of intoxication option C alcohol is able to be absorbed by water the correct answer is option C body fat deter determines how quickly you are affected by alcohol alcohol is able to be absorbed in water not fat this simply means that people with less body fat have more water in which to dilute the alcohol so drink for drink if people weigh the same the one with more body fat will show signs of intoxication first question 22 when you enter traffic from a stop X pulling away from the curb U option A a should drive slower than other traffic for 200 ft option b need a large enough Gap to get up to the speed of traffic option C should wait for the first vehicle to pass then pull into the lane the correct answer is option b whenever you enter traffic signal and be sure you have enough room to safely enter the lane you have to share space with traffic already on the road and you must know how much space you need to merge with traffic Cross or enter traffic and exit out of traffic question 23 this sign means option a two-lane road ahead watch for oncoming Vehicles option b Road Narrows ahead prepare to merge right option C traffic merges with your lane ahead the correct answer is option C merging traffic traffic may be merging into your lane from another roadway be ready to either change as Lanes or allow other traffic to merge into your lane merge signs appear on expressways just before Expressway ramps drivers entering from the right must yield to traffic on the main route and must make use of speed change lanes to merge smoothly and safely with the main traffic flow question 24 when entering a freeway entrance that allows you to accelerate to merge you should drive at option A about 10 mph below the flow of traffic option b about the same speed as freeway traffic dot option C a legal speed of freeway traffic the correct answer is option b the key to entering a freeway is to accelerate on the entrance ramp Lane to match the speed of freeway traffic in the right lane signal before you merge to indicate that you want to enter check the traffic around you and when clear merge carefully do not cross a solid line or through the gore area question 25 when parking downhill and the curb is absent your front wheels must be turned option a parallel to the road option b towards the side of the road dot option C in the direction of traffic the correct answer is option b when parking a vehicle facing downhill on a street with or with without a curb the handbrake should be set and the vehicle's Wheels should be turned toward the curb the vehicle should be in park or with a manual transmission in Reverse question 26 you may cross a double line to pass another vehicle if the line on your side is option a solid yellow option b broken option C solid white the correct answer is option b a broken yellow line on your side allows passing remember that you must observe all other rules of passing passing is only allowed if movement can be made safely passing is an extremely dangerous maneuver that can end in tragedy be extra cautious question 27 which of these statements is true about light rail Vehicles option A Light Rail Vehicles can interrupt traffic signals option b you must always pass a light rail vehicle on the right option C they do not have the same responsibilities as other vehicles the correct answer is option a question 28 this sign means option a directional Arrow option b first aid station option C Crossroad the correct answer is is option C Crossroad one of the intersection traffic signs another road crosses the highway ahead look left and right for other traffic be alert for cross traffic and Regulatory signals question 29 when you approach a sharp curve in the road you should option A start braking as soon as you enter the curve option b start breaking before you enter the Curve option C accelerate into the curve and break out of it the correct answer is option b on curves there is a strong outward pull on your vehicle which is especially dangerous when the road is slippery slow down before you enter the curve you do not know what may be ahead stalled car collision Etc question 30 this white sign means option a drive to the the right option b right turn yield option C slower traffic should move to the right the correct answer is option A keep right the sign marks a traffic island or a highway divider and it warns you to stay to the right of the obstacle when this sign is installed at a highway it may also be accompanied by the divided highway begins yellow warning sign question 31 one seat belts can be most effective as injury preventive devices when they are worn by option A passengers when they are on a long drive option b all occupants of a car being driven on an expressway option C passengers and the driver whenever they are in the car the correct answer is option C seat belts save lives and can prevent serious injuries in traffic crashes this is why most Most states require seat belt use by adults in motor vehicles and seat belts booster seats or child safety seats for children question 32 look carefully for motorcycles before you change lanes because option A it is illegal for motorcycles to share traffic Lanes option b their smaller size makes them harder to see option C they always have the right of way at intersections the correct answer is option b due to the smaller size motorcycles are much harder to see than regular Vehicles motorcyclists are recommended to wear bright and light reflective clothes keep the headlight on even during daylight hours and Flash their brake lights before slowing down question 33 when driving on a slippery surface such as snow or ice option A maintain traction by following other vehicles closely option b pump your brakes to keep them from freezing option C shift to a low gear before going down steep hills the correct answer is option C question 34 what are the consequences that can result from driving under the influence of alcohol or other drugs option a possible imprisonment option B driver license revocation option C all of these choices the correct answer is option C question 35 which of the following statements is true about BAC blood alcohol content option A the breathalyzer is a test of a person's BAC option b a chemical test for BAC is needed for an alcohol conviction option C BAC levels are reduced by a person's physical fitness the correct answer is option a question 36 you may not double Park option A except while waiting in a car Option B except when making a delivery option C there are no exceptions the correct answer is option C question 37 what does it mean when a school bus is stopped and its red lights are flashing option A you may not pass while the red lights are flashing option b you may pass if you are facing the front of the bus option C you may not pass if it is on the other side of a divided highway the correct answer is option a flashing red lights on a school bus means the bus is currently unloading children and they may be crossing the street you have to stop and remain stopped until the lights stop flashing question 38 when you see this sign you must option A stop completely check for pedestrians and cross traffic option b slow down without coming to a complete stop option C stop completely and wait for a green light the correct answer is option stop sign the stop sign is the only eight-sided or octagon shaped sign you see on the highway at an intersection with a stop sign you must stop and wait for pedestrians and cross traffic to clear the intersection before you go again slowing down without coming to a Full Stop is illegal question 39 a highway with two-way traffic is marked by which of these signs the correct answer is option C two-way traffic ahead you are leaving a separated one-way roadway and entering a two-way roadway also used to remind drivers they are on a two-way Road question 40 a person may ride in a pickup truck if the option A person is accompanied by an adult option b sides of the pickup truck are at least 24 in high option C pickup truck is equipped with a restraint system and the person uses it the correct answer is option C question 41 driving under the influence of any drug which makes you drive unsafely is option A permitted if a doctor or nurse administered it option b permitted if it is a diet pill or cold medicine option C against the law the correct answer is option C question 42 before getting out of your parked car on the traffic side of the Street you should option A give an arm signal that you are exiting your vehicle option b turn on your left turn signal option C check traffic approaching from behind the correct answer is option C when you are ready to exit your vehicle look carefully for passing Vehicles bicyclists and motorcyclists do not open the driver's side door unless it is safe to do so and you do not interfere with tra trffic do not leave the door open any longer than necessary question 43 if a car ahead of you has stopped at a crosswalk you should option A stop and then proceed when safe option b change lanes look carefully and pass option C slow down look both ways and proceed the correct answer is option a question 44 what are are the colors of a sign which tells you the distance to the next exit of a highway option a black with white letters option b red with white letters option C green with white letters the correct answer is option C guide signs also known as destination signs are green with white letters guide signs provide information about intersecting roads help direct you to cities and towns and show points of interest along the Highway question 45 if you have a back of 0.1% you are blank times more likely to cause an accident than if you were sober option a five option b 7 option C 10 the correct answer is option b with a. 1% BAC you are 7even times more likely to cause a crash than if you were sober question 46 a solid white line on the right edge of the highway Slants in towards your left that shows that option A you are approaching a construction area option b you will be required to turn left just ahead option C the road will get narrower the correct answer is option C
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Keywords: OnlineCourse Prep, Tutor, test prep, tutoring, online course, preparation, classes, lessons, free tutoring video, review practice tests, California DMV, Senior Drivers, DMV Renewal Test, 2023 DMV Test, Driving Test Practice, Multiple-Choice Questions, DMV Test Preparation, Road Sign Identification, Safe Driving Techniques, Updated Driving Laws, Driving Regulations, official test paper, actual exam test, Dmv practice test pro, Dmv permit test 2024
Id: HG2SuTe3LY4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 26sec (1466 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 29 2024
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