DMV Road Signs Test - Road Signs Practice permit Test

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this road sign alerts you to a do not enter b the road becoming wider c slow down and yield the right of way stop if necessary d an upcoming hazard the correct answer is c slow down and yield the right of way stop if necessary while driving you approach a stop sign and the car in front of you proceeds you should a go if the way is still clear b stop at the sign and proceed when the way is clear c stop only if pedestrians are crossing d proceed at the same speed the correct answer is b stop at the sign and proceed when the way is clear this road sign alerts you to a special conditions or hazards ahead b yield the right of way c a railroad crossing d a change in speed limit the correct answer is a special conditions or hazards ahead this road sign alerts you to a come to a complete stop b stop only if other cars are approaching c reduce your speed d yield the right of way the correct answer is a come to a complete stop this road sign warns you that a no u-turn is allowed b a curve is a head c you must turn right or left d traffic flows only in the direction of the arrow the correct answer is d traffic flows only in the direction of the arrow this road sign indicates that a you may turn during the red light b you may pass only in the right lane c you are entering a one-way street d you must refrain from turning during the red light the correct answer is d you must refrain from turning during the red light this road sign warns you that a road conditions that can be slippery when wet v the road is a dead end c no u-turn is allowed d you are entering a one-way street the correct answer is c no u-turn is allowed this road sign indicates that a a school crossing is ahead watch for children b you must allow other vehicles to merge into lane c you may not pass cars in your lane d the parking space is reserved for people with disabled parking permits the correct answer is d the parking space is reserved for people with disabled parking permits this road sign alerts you that a you are entering in no passing zone b you must slow down c a passing zone is ahead d you may pass only on the right the correct answer is a you are entering in no passing zone this road sign alerts you that a a side road intersects v you must keep to the side indicated by the arrow c you may drive in the left lane d you have the right of way the correct answer is b you must keep to the side indicated by the arrow 7 this road sign indicates a traffic in the lane must turn in the direction of the arrow v no left turn is allowed c traffic in left lane may turn right if the way is clear d a curve is ahead the correct answer is a traffic in the lane must turn in the direction of the arrow this road sign indicates a no right turns b u-turns are not allowed c a no passing zone d no turns on red the correct answer is a no right turns this road sign indicates that a you must come to a complete stop and then enter v you cannot drive in that direction c you cannot pass cars ahead of you in your lane d you should enter the street or expressway ramp the correct answer is b you cannot drive in that direction this road sign alerts you that a a one-way street is ahead traffic flows in the direction of arrow v traffic turning left on green must yield the right of way to traffic coming from the other direction c you may not make a turn on red wait for a signal to turn green d you must make a proper turn signal then turn right the correct answer is b traffic turning left on green must yield the right of way to traffic coming from the other direction this road sign indicates a you must turn left v the road curves to the left c no left turns are allowed d the road is closed the correct answer is c no left turns are allowed this road sign alerts you to a a school crossing obey the crossing guard b a railroad crossing stop 50 feet ahead of tracks c a pedestrian crossing slow down and be ready to stop d a no passing zone watch for children playing the correct answer is c a pedestrian crossing slow down and be ready to stop this road sign advises that a the next exit is 25 miles ahead v the driver must be 25 years old to exit c the maximum safe speed for the exit is 25 miles per hour d the minimum speed limit is 25 miles per hour the correct answer is c the maximum safe speed for the exit is 25 miles per hour this road sign indicates that a left turns are not allowed b a traffic signal is a head c left turns are permitted from right lane only d an intersection is ahead the correct answer is b a traffic signal is ahead this road sign alerts you that a a divided highway ends keep to the right v you must bear either right or left ahead c a divided highway begins keep to the right d the road ends ahead the correct answer is b you must bear either right or left ahead this road sign indicates a the road ahead is 13 feet 6 inches wide b that you should not proceed if your vehicle is taller than 13 feet 6 inches c that you should increase the distance between your car and the one ahead to at least 13 feet 6 inches d none of the above the correct answer is b that you should not proceed if your vehicle is taller than 13 feet 6 inches this road sign alerts you that a the road curves to the left ahead you must drive at least 35 miles per hour b the road curves to the right ahead you must drive at least 35 miles per hour c the road curves to the right ahead a safe speed to travel is 35 miles per hour d there's a hill ahead reduce speed to 35 miles per hour the correct answer is c the road curves to the right ahead a safe speed to travel is 35 miles per hour this road sign alerts you to a road work ahead v a partially closed road ahead c a sharp right and left turn ahead d use a signal before turning right or left the correct answer is c a sharp right and left turn ahead this road sign indicates a the road becoming wider b the road ahead curves right then left c you must drive in the left lane d the road curves to the left the correct answer is b the road ahead curves right then left this road sign indicates a check your brakes v a zoo is nearby c the maximum safe speed is 35 miles per hour d a deer is crossing ahead slow down and be ready to stop the correct answer is d a dear is crossing ahead slow down and be ready to stop this road sign indicates a a divided highway ends v a one-way street is ahead c a road is closed ahead d turn at the next intersection the correct answer is a a divided highway ends this road sign indicates that a the right lane ends soon so you should merge left v the road has soft shoulders c there is a low place in the road d the lane ends soon merge right the correct answer is a the right lane ends soon so you should merge left this road sign indicates that a crossing is not permitted b a business district is ahead c a school crossing is ahead d pedestrians must stay on the sidewalk the correct answer is c a school crossing is ahead this road sign indicates a the lane ends soon merge right b a work zone is a head c pass only in the right lane d you may not pass cars ahead of you in your lane the correct answer is d you may not pass cars ahead of you in your lane 14. this road sign indicates a right turn only b the roadway ends ahead c curve to right d a one-way street the correct answer is b the roadway ends ahead 15. at railroad crossings with flashing signals you must always stop your vehicle a true b false the correct answer is a true this road sign alerts you to a a three-way intersection b stop if traffic is approaching c an upcoming railroad crossing d an area where no turns allowed the correct answer is c an upcoming railroad crossing this road sign indicates a there's a sharp turn to the right b you should keep to the side indicated by the arrow c a winding road is ahead d the pavement ends the correct answer is c a winding road is ahead this road sign alerts you to a a church b a first aid station c an intersection ahead d a railroad crossing the correct answer is c an intersection ahead this road sign alerts you to a an intersection signal before turning b a warning that a road joins from the right c a sharp right turn in the road ahead d a winding road ahead the correct answer is c a sharp right turn in the road ahead this road sign indicates that a an intersection ahead b a steep grade ahead c a winding road ahead d merging traffic ahead the correct answer is b a steep grade ahead 21. this road sign advises you that a cars in right lane must slow down b no left turns are allowed c you must merge d you may pass only in right lane the correct answer is c you must merge 22. this road sign indicates that a the speed limit is changing ahead v the minimum legal speed is 45 miles per hour c the next rest area being 45 miles ahead d you may not pass for next 45 miles the correct answer is a the speed limit is changing ahead this road sign indicates a bicycles crossing or riding beside traffic b stop only if other cars approaching c yield right of way d soft shoulders for motorcycles the correct answer is a bicycles crossing or riding beside traffic this road sign alerts you to a a change in the traffic pattern or route is ahead in a work zone b exercise caution as the road joins from the right c yield the right of way d slow down because a railroad crossing ahead the correct answer is a a change in the traffic pattern or route is ahead in a work zone you may be fined if you are convicted of exceeding the speed limit in a highway work zone 8 true beef false the correct answer is a true this road sign indicates a the pavement ends b a divided highway begins c stop look and listen d no turns aloud the correct answer is b a divided highway begins 2.5 work zones one you may be fined if you are convicted of exceeding the speed limit in a highway work zone a true b false the correct answer is a true this road sign alerts you to a a bicycle crossing a head b slow down there is a change in the traffic route ahead c pass only in the right lane d an intersection ahead the correct answer is b slow down there is a change in the traffic route ahead this traffic device indicates that a a railroad crossing is ahead stop 50 feet ahead of tracks b only high occupancy vehicles can travel in this lane c you may not proceed until the lights have stopped flashing d a work zone is ahead keep your vehicle in the middle of the lane and obey the posted speed limit the correct answer is d a work zone is ahead keep your vehicle in the middle of the lane and obey the posted speed limit this road sign alerts you to a a change in the traffic pattern or route is ahead in a work zone b exercise caution as the road joins from the right c yield the right of way d slow down because a railroad crossing ahead the correct answer is a a change in the traffic pattern or route is ahead in a work zone this road sign alerts you to a take a sharp right and left turn ahead b proceed into different traffic lanes part of the road ahead is closed c a series of turns and curves ahead d watch for cross traffic a four-way intersection is ahead the correct answer is b proceed into different traffic lanes part of the road ahead is closed to make a left turn you may cross double solid yellow lines a true b false the correct answer is a true 2. when you encounter broken white lines in the center of the highway it means a lanes of traffic are going in the same direction b no turns are allowed c passing is not permitted in either direction d slow down the correct answer is a lanes of traffic are going in the same direction three when you encounter double solid yellow lines in the center of the highway you must a reduce your speed b not pass in either direction c use care when passing in either direction d slow down because you are in a school zone the correct answer is b not pass in either direction when you encounter a broken yellow line alongside a solid yellow line in the center of the highway it means a it is not legal to make any turns in this area b pass with care in either direction c passing is permitted only from the side of the broken line d divided highway ahead the correct answer is c passing is permitted only from the side of the broken line when driving on a two-lane road with no lane markings you may pass a slow-moving vehicle a on the left side if there are no signs prohibiting passing and the way is clear v on either side c on the right side the correct answer is a on the left side if there are no signs prohibiting passing and the way is clear when you encounter double solid yellow lines it means that passing is not allowed in either direction eight true b false the correct answer is a true when you encounter broken yellow center lines it means that no passing is allowed a true b false the correct answer is b false when you encounter a broken yellow line in the center of the highway it means a no turns b passing is not permitted c passing on the left is permitted when the way ahead is clear d crossing the line is prohibited the correct answer is c passing on the left is permitted when the way ahead is clear when you encounter broken yellow center lines it means that passing on the left is allowed in either direction when the way ahead is clear a true b false the correct answer is a true when you encounter a red arrow signal you may turn after you come to a complete stop and look both ways for traffic and pedestrians a true v false the correct answer is b false unless directed by a police officer you must obey all signs and signals a true b false the correct answer is a true when you see a flashing yellow traffic signal at the intersection up ahead what should you do a slow down and proceed with caution b come to a complete stop before proceeding c speed up before the light changes to red d maintain speed since you have the right of way the correct answer is a slow down and proceed with caution when you encounter a flashing red light at an intersection what should you do a be alert for an oncoming fire engine or ambulance ahead b slow down and proceed with caution c come to a complete stop before proceeding d speed up before the light changes to red the correct answer is c come to a complete stop before proceeding when can you legally make a right turn at a red traffic signal a after stopping if no sign prohibits right turn on red v when the traffic light first changes see at any time d in daylight hours only the correct answer is a after stopping if no sign prohibits right turn on red avoiding traffic controls by cutting through a parking lot or field is perfectly legal a true b false the correct answer is b false pedestrians do not have to obey traffic signals a true v false the correct answer is b false eight at a red light where must you come to a complete stop a 100 feet before the intersection v 50 feet before the stop line c two car lengths behind the vehicle in front of you d before you reach the intersection stop line or crosswalk the correct answer is d before you reach the intersection stop line or crosswalk bicyclists do not have to obey traffic signals a true b false the correct answer is b false what must you do before turning right at a red traffic signal a slow down and proceed with caution b come to a complete stop look both ways and yield the right of way to pedestrians and other traffic c check your rear view mirror d come to complete stop and proceed when the light turns green the correct answer is b come to a complete stop look both ways and yield the right of way to pedestrians and other traffic you should never drive in a lane with a lane use signal displaying a red x a true be false the correct answer is a true what do lane use signals indicate heavy traffic is ahead v a work zone is ahead c where you can and cannot drive during different hours of the day d all of the above the correct answer is c where you can and cannot drive during different hours of the day before turning right on a red light at an intersection you do not have to come to a complete stop a true b false the correct answer is b false when you are on a one-way street and turning left onto another one-way street you may turn left at a red light a true b false the correct answer is a true the light at an intersection is green and a police officer motions you to stop what should you do a obey the traffic light b follow the officer's direction c obey the police officer or the traffic light d proceed with caution the correct answer is b follow the officer's direction if you encounter a yellow x-lane use signal you should move out of the lane as soon as safely possible a true be false the correct answer is a true when can you legally make a left turn at a red traffic signal a you are on a one-way street and turning left onto another one-way street b traffic is stopped c between midnight and 6 am d no one is coming the correct answer is a you are on a one-way street and turning left onto another one-way street to whom dontrefix signals apply a drivers b bicyclists c pedestrians d all of the above the correct answer is d all of the above the light at an intersection is red and a police officer directs you to go through the intersection what should you do a stop until the light changes to green v stop until the light changes to yellow c stop then drive on carefully d follow the officer's direction the correct answer is d follow the officer's direction where you can and cannot drive during different hours of the day is indicated by lane use signals a true b false the correct answer is a true thank you for watching and subscribe for more videos
Channel: DMV With Charles
Views: 1,227,007
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dmv written test, Take a Road Signs Practice permit Test, DMV Road Signs Practice Test, California traffic road signs practice test, Road Sign Practice Test 2021, DMV Driver’s License Test, DMV written test 2021, Permit Exam for DRIVER LICENSE, dmv practice test 2021, dmv permit test, dmv learners permit test, DMV Rules of Road, Driving Test Tips, DMV Writen Test, REal DMV test questions, dmv written exams, Road Test, Rules of the Road, dmv Road Signs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 14sec (2714 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 04 2021
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