DMV Written Test 2024 California | DMV Senior Written Test 2024 #dmvpracticetest2024 DMV Actual Test

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[Music] question one what should you do to prevent skidding before entering a curve option a slow down by applying the brakes option b speed up by pressing the gas pedal option C shift to a lower gear correct answer option a slow down by applying the brakes to avoid skidding it's advised to slow down before entering a curve thus avoiding the need to break while you're in the curve breaking during a turn can cause your vehicle to Skid question two when driving at a slower speed than the flow of traffic you should option a stick to the Lane farthest from the road's shoulder option b remain in the lane closest to the road's left side option C stay in the lane closest to the road's right side correct answer option C stay in the lane closest to the road's right side if you choose to drive slower than other traffic Drive in the right lane question three your traffic convictions and collisions stay on your record for or longer depending on the type of conviction option a 24 months option b 36 months opt option C 12 months correct answer option b 36 months traffic convictions and collisions stay on your record for 36 months or longer depending on the type of conviction as an adult your license may be suspended if your driver's record shows one of the following Point totals Four Points in 12 months six points in 24 months eight points in 36 months question four if your vehicle breaks down and you cannot move it completely off the road where should you stop option a middle of a curb option b stop it where your vehicle can be seen from behind option C top of a hill correct answer option b stop it where your vehicle can be seen from behind if your vehicle breaks down and you can't get it entirely off the road stop where your vehicle can be clearly seen from behind question five in which circumstances should you maintain extra space between your vehicle and the one ahead option A when the driver behind you is trying to pass option b when the vehicle in front of you is a large truck option C both scenarios mentioned above correct answer option C both scenarios mentioned above it's always safer to maintain a larger following distance when dealing with potentially risky drivers or Vehicles so increase your distance when the driver behind wishes to pass or if the vehicle ahead is large or heavy also during adverse road conditions such as slippery roads it's wise to maintain extra distance question six anyu's only lanes are designated for vehicles that option A are allowed to travel faster than the rest of the traffic option b are exclusively for car pooling option C are slow moving and restricted for Neighborhood use correct answer option C are slow moving and restricted for Neighborhood use question s you must not follow within feet of any emergency vehicle with a siren or flashing lights option a 400 option b 300 option C 200 correct answer option b 300 it is against the law to follow within 300 ft of any fire engine law enforcement vehicle ambulance or other emergency vehicle when their siren or flashing lights are on if you're enjoying this content make sure to subscribe to our channel for more updates don't forget to hit the like button and share this video with your friends who might find it helpful question 8 to avoid last minute moves look down the road at least option A 10 seconds option b 5 Seconds option C 20 seconds correct answer option A 10 to 15 seconds to give yourself time to react avoid last minute moves and Hazards always keep your eyes moving and scan the road at least 10 seconds ahead of your vehicle question nine when there are three lanes to choose from choose Lane for the smoothest driving option A the left option b the middle option C the right correct answer option b the middle question 10 how will you know it is safe to merge back in front of a vehicle you have just passed option A the vehicle's headlights are visible in your rear view mirror option b you can make eye contact with the driver in your side mirror option C you do not see the vehicle out your side window correct answer option A the vehicle's headlights are visible in your rear view mirror question 11 when arriving at an intersection you should first look because option A to the right vehicles coming from the right have the right of way option b to the left vehicles coming from the left are closer to you option C to the right vehicles coming from the right are closer to you correct answer option b to the left vehicles coming from the left are closer to you question 12 when is it legal in California to make a left turn against a red light option A only during times indicated by signs option b when transitioning from a one lane road to a two-lane road option C when moving from a one-way Street onto another one-way Street correct answer option C when moving from a one-way Street onto another one-way street you may turn left against a red light when you are turning from a one-way Street onto a oneway Street make sure there is no sign prohibiting the turn yield to other vehicles pedestrians or bicyclists who have a green light look both ways and turn when it is safe question 13 when passing a bicyclist on a two-lane road how much space must you leave between your vehicle and the bicycle option a 5 ft option b 3 ft option C 15 ft correct answer option b 3 ft question 14 a driver must for a school bus that is stopped with its red lights flashing on the opposite side of the road option A Move Fast option b reduce speed option C come to a complete stop correct answer option C come to a complete stop when the bus flashes red lights located at the top front and back of the bus you must stop from either direction until the children are safely across the street and the lights stop flashing remain stopped while the red lights are flashing if you fail to stop you may be finded up to $1,000 and your driving privilege could be suspended for one year question 15 when stopped behind another vehicle on a hill you should stay back at least option A one vehicle length option b three vehicle lengths option C two vehicle lengths correct answer option A one vehicle length question 16 occurs on wet roads when your front tires start to ride on water instead of on the road option A weaving option b velocitizing option C hydroplaning correct answer option C hydroplaning hydroplaning occurs when driving in wet or rainy conditions hydroplaning is a vehicle riding on water because the tires lose all contact with the road a slight change of Direction applying the brakes or a gust of wind could throw the vehicle into a skid question 17 if you double your speed on a highway your breaking distance increases by option a four times option b three times option C two times correct answer option a four times question 18 you are approaching an exit round on a freeway with double solid white lines on your left side what should you do option a slow down and cross the lines to prepare for the exit option b maintain your lane and exit when you see a single broken white line option C speed up to pass other vehicles before the lines end correct answer option b maintain your lane and exit when you see a sing single broken white line even near an exit Crossing double solid white lines is unsafe and illegal wait until you see a designated exit Lane with appropriate markings question 19 if you are changing lanes preparing to pass another vehicle or entering traffic signal and check for passing traffic by using your mirrors then option a check for oncom traffic option b check the front of your vehicle option C check your vehicle's blind spots correct answer option C check your vehicle's blind spots before you change lanes check your blind spots for other vehicles motorcyclists and bicyclists do not let the vehicle drift into another Lane question 20 what is the correct hand hand signal for indicating a right turn option a hand and arm extended downward option b hand and arm extended upward option C hand and arm extended backward correct answer option b hand and arm extended upward question 21 if a tire suddenly goes flat while driving you must option A try to stop your vehicle on the road option b try to move to the left side of the road option C hold the steering wheel tightly and keep the vehicle straight correct answer option C hold the steering wheel tightly and keep the vehicle straight if your vehicle's Tire suddenly blow out and accelerator malfunction one turn on your emergency flashers two hold the steering wheel will tightly and steer Straight Ahead question 22 this diamond shaped sign warrants that option A a windy road is ahead drivers should follow the directions option b there is a gravel road with sharp curves ahead drivers must proceed carefully option C the road is Slippery When Wet drivers must go slow correct answer option C the road is Slippery When Wet drivers must go slow question 23 the wide white line painted across a traffic lane before an intersection is known as a option a crosswalk line option b limit line option C yield line correct answer option b limit line a limit line is a wide white line that shows the drivers were to stop before an intersection or crosswalk if there is no limit Line stop before you enter the crosswalk question 24 which of the following signs represents two-way traffic correct answer image B image B represent the two-way traffic question 25 what is the minimum property damage covered requirement for an auto insurance policy on a California vehicle option a $330,000 option b $20,000 option C $5,000 correct answer option C $5,000 in California your insurance must cover at least $115,000 for a single death or injury $30,000 for death or injury to more than one person $5,000 for property damage thanks for watching if you found this video useful be sure to subscribe to our channel for more DMV written test questions give us a thumbs up if you liked it and don't forget to share it with others who might benefit from it your support means a lot to us
Channel: Permit Test DMV
Views: 13,189
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DMV Senior Renewal Test California, California DMV Knowledge test, DMV practice test, DMV renewal test for senior, California DMV Written Test 2024, 2024 DMV real Test, 2024 ca DMV actual Test sheet, DMV cheat sheet
Id: 2UGcYmZSjp8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 27sec (927 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2024
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