California DMV Written Test 2024 | DMV Actual Test Paper #californiadmvtest

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[Music] question one which of the following is true about driving speed a California has no minimum speed law B the faster the speed the less control you have of your vehicle C it is legal to exceed the posted speed limit to pass other vehicles the correct answer is B the faster the speed the less control you have of your vehicle as driving speed increases the chances of death in a collision increase if you're going over 80 mph you have almost no chance of surviving an accident the speed you drive affects your breaking distance so you should increase your following distance as your speed increases question two to help avoid skidding on slippery surfaces you should a shift to a lower gear after starting down a steep hill b accelerate into curves and break while exiting them C slow down for Curves and intersections the correct answer is C slow down for Curves and intersections slow down before you enter a curve because you do not know what may be ahead braking on a curve may cause you to Skid question three you must look for bicycle riders in the same Lanes used by Motor Vehicles because they a must ride facing oncoming traffic B illegal share Lanes with Motor Vehicles C are entitled to share the road with you the correct answer is C are entitled to share the road with you bicyclists have the right to operate on the road and may lawfully be permitted to ride on certain sections of freeways where there is no alternate route and bicycling is not forbidden by a sign watch for bicyclists and share the road when they are present question four you can drive off the road to pass another vehicle a if the vehicle ahead is turning left B if there are two or more Lanes traveling in your direction C under no circumstances the correct answer is C under no circumstances you may never drive off the paved or main traveled portion of the road and onto the shoulder to pass another vehicle question five you are stopped at an intersection but your view of the cross street is blocked by a building bushes or parked cars you should a cross immediately if the cross traffic has a stop sign B check for pedestrians then cross immediately C drive forward slowly until you can see traffic before crossing the correct answer is C drive forward slowly until you can see traffic before Crossing question six you must notify law enforcement and make a written report Sr one to DMV when a you intend to file a certificate of non-operation for your vehicle B your vehicle is towed for parking illegally C you have an accident and there is an injury or death the correct answer is C you have an accident and there is an injury or death when you have a collision report it to DMV using an sr1 report you or your insurance agent broker or legal representative must complete an sr1 report and send it to DMV within 10 days if someone is injured no matter how minor the injury or killed or property damage is over $1,000 an sr1 report is required in addition to any other report made to the police CHP or your insurance company question s slowing down just to look at accidents road construction or broken down vehicles on the side of the road a causes traffic congestion B prevents rear-end accidents C improves traffic flow by preventing accidents the correct answer is a causes traffic congestion question 8 you are approaching a green Traffic Light but traffic is blocking the intersection what is the best thing to do a partially enter the intersection to establish your right of way B don't enter the intersection until you can get complete across C continue into the intersection and wait for traffic to clear the correct answer is B don't enter the intersection until you can get completely across even if your light is green you must not enter an intersection unless you can get completely through the intersection before the light turns red if you block the intersection you can be sighted question nine on freezing wet days which of the following roadways is most likely to hide spots of ice a roadways near the tops of Hills B roadways on Bridges and overpasses C roadways paved with asphalt rather than concrete the correct answer is B roadways on Bridges and overpasses Bridges and overpasses tend to freeze before the rest of the road does they can hide spots of ice question 10 a curb painted blue means parking in is a allowed for a short time if you wait in the car B for disabled persons without a special placard or plate C for disabled persons with a special placard or plate the correct answer is c for disabled persons with a special placard or plate a blue curb indicates an area where parking is permitted only for a disabled person or driver of a disabled person who displays a placard or special license plate for disabled persons or disabled veterans question 11 what is the time frame for registering an out-of-state vehicle in California after becoming a resident or getting a job a 10 days B 15 days C 20 days correct answer C 20 days if you become a resident or get a job in California with an out-of-state vehicle you have 20 days to register it question 12 how long can your driving privilege be suspended if you are in a collision without proper insurance coverage a up to 2 years B up to 4 years C up to 6 months correct answer B up to 4 years driving privilege can be suspended for up to 4 years if you are in a collision without proper insurance coverage question 13 merging onto a road is safest if you a slowly move into the nearest Lane so other drivers will make room for you B drive on the shoulder of the road until there is an opening C wait for a large enough Gap in traffic to enter the road the correct answer is C wait for a large enough Gap in traffic to enter the road question 14 what does this road sign means a medical services ahead B There is a T intersection ahead ahead C another road crosses yours ahead the correct answer is C another road crosses yours ahead question 16 you must notify DMV within 5 days if you a are cited for a traffic violation B paint your vehicle a different color C sell or transfer your vehicle the correct answer is C sell or transfer your vehicle in most States you are required to notify the Department of Motor Vehicles DMV within 5 days of selling or transferring your vehicle this is because the DMV needs to update its records to reflect the new ownership of the vehicle failure to notify the DMV can result in penalties including fines and suspension of your driving license question 17 accidents tend to happen when a all vehicles are traveling near or at the same speed B one lane of traffic is traveling faster than the others c one vehicle is traveling faster or slower than the flow of traffic the correct answer is c one vehicle is traveling faster or slower than the flow of traffic when one vehicle is traveling faster or slower than the flow of traffic it can create a hazardous situation that can lead to an accident this is because other drivers may not be expecting the vehicle to be traveling at that speed and they may not have time to react safely option A is incorrect because when all vehicles are traveling near or at the same speed it is less likely for an accident to occur this is because drivers are more aware of the other vehicles around them and can adjust their speed accordingly option b is also incorrect because when one lane of traffic is traveling faster than the others it is not necessarily a hazardous situation this is because drivers are aware that one lane is going faster and can adjust their speed accordingly however if a vehicle in the slower Lane were to suddenly change lanes into the faster Lane this could create a hazardous situation question 18 weaving in and out of Freeway Lanes during heavy traffic a improves traffic flow by creating space for others to merge B causes further traffic congestion by slowing down other vehicles c will get you to your your destination safer and faster the correct answer is B causes further traffic congestion by slowing down other vehicles weaving in and out of Freeway Lanes during heavy traffic is a dangerous and illegal driving behavior that can cause accidents and further congest traffic when drivers weave they force other drivers to slow down or break to avoid a collision this creates a ripple effect that can slow down traffic for Miles question 19 which of the following is true about the use of your turn signals a you should never use both electric and hand signals B if you signal for a lane change other drivers must let you in C it is a good habit to always signal for Lane changes the correct answer is C it is a good habit to always signal for Lane changes it is a good habit to always signal for Lane changes this helps to communicate your intentions to other d drivers and can help to prevent accidents signaling early continuously and even when there are no other cars around can further enhance safety question 20 when sharing the road with a light rail vehicle you a may not drive in the lane next to the light rail vehicle B should monitor all traffic signals closely because they can change for the light rail vehicle C may turn in front of an approaching Light Rail vehicle at an controlled intersection the correct answer is B should monitor all traffic signals closely because they can change for the light rail vehicle when sharing the road with a light rail vehicle you should always be aware of your surroundings and be prepared to stop at any time Light Rail vehicles have their own traffic signals that can change at any time and you must obey these signals just as you would obey any other traffic signal question 21 which of these statements is true about about driving and taking medications a most cold medications can make a person drowsy B over-the-counter medications cannot impair driving ability if taken in the recommended dosages C prescription medications are safe to take at any time the correct answer is a most cold medications can make a person drowsy it is important to be aware of the potential side effects of any medication you are taking before driving some medications such as cold medications antihistamines and muscle relaxants can cause drowsiness and impair your ability to drive safely if you are taking any medication that may cause drowsiness you should avoid driving until you know how the medication affects you you should also talk to your doctor about whether it is safe for you to drive while taking the medication question 22 for which of the following traffic lights must you always stop your vehicle a solid red lights flashing red lights and blacked out traffic signal B solid red lights red arrows and flashing yellow lights C solid red lights flashing red lights and yellow lights the correct answer is a solid red lights flashing red lights and blacked out traffic signal according to the California DMV handbook you must always come to a complete stop for the following traffic lights solid red light a solid red light means that you must come to a complete stop and remain stopped until the light turns green or an authorized official tells you to proceed flashing red light a flashing red light means that you must come to a complete stop and then proceed with caution blacked out traffic signal a blacked out traffic signal means that you must treat the intersection as a four-way stop question 23 you must stop at the intersection ahead just before the intersection you have to cross railroad tracks you should stop before you cross the railroad tracks when a you don't have room to completely cross the tracks B The Crossing is located in a city or town with frequent train traffic C you transport two or more children in a passenger vehicle the correct answer is a you don't have room to completely cross the tracks you must always stop before crossing railroad tracks if you do not have room to complete completely cross the tracks this means that there must be enough space on the other side of the tracks for your entire vehicle to fit without blocking the tracks question 24 driving under the influence of any medication which impairs your driving is permitted a under no circumstances B if you don't feel drowsy C if it is prescribed by a physician the correct answer is a under no circumstances it is illegal to to drive under the influence of any medication that impairs your driving ability regardless of whether the medication is prescribed by a physician or not this is because even prescription medications can have side effects that can make it unsafe to drive such as drowsiness dizziness and impaired judgment question 25 what does this sign mean a the left lane is reserved for car pools with two or more people when the HOV lane is metered B the left lane is always open to all vehicles regardless of occupancy C the left lane is reserved for emergency vehicles only correct answer a the left lane is reserved for car pools with two or more people when the HOV lane is metered the sign shows a white diamond with the text h 2 plus two or more only when metered on a blue background this means that the left lane is reserved for high occupancy vehicles with two or more people but only when the HOV lane is metered when the HOV lane is not metered all vehicles are allowed to use the left lane it is important to note that this sign is specific to California in other states the left lane may be reserved for car pools at all times regardless of whether or not the HOV lane is metered drivers should always be aware of the local traffic laws when using the left lane question 26 what is the benefit of a space cushion around your vehicle a other drivers can cut in front of you improving traffic flow B if another driver makes a mistake you have time to react C it inflates to protect you from injury in case of an accident the correct answer is B if another driver makes a mistake you have time to react question 27 drivers are required to obey instructions from a security guards patrolling parking Lots B other drivers whose vehicles are broken down on the roadway C flaggers signal persons at construction sites the correct answer is C flaggers signal persons at construction sites flaggers are responsible for directing traffic safely through construction zones they are authorized to give instructions to drivers and drivers are legally required to obey their instructions question 28 when parking downhill and the curb is absent your front wheels must be turned a HS the road B parallel to the road C towards the side of the road the correct answer is C towards the side of the road when parking downhill and the curb is absent your front wheels must be turned towards the side of the road to prevent the car from Rolling away this is because the force of gravity will pull the car down Hill and if the wheels are turned towards the road the car will roll into traffic turning the wheels towards the side of the road will help to prevent this by directing the force of gravity away from the road and towards the curb if there is no curb turning the wheels towards the side of the road will still help to prevent the car from Rolling away because the wheels will be digging into the ground question 29 when you come to a corner with a stop sign you should first stop a after crossing a crosswalk or limit line B in back of the crosswalk or limit line C at least live feet away from the stop sign the correct answer is B in back of the crosswalk or limit line you must come to a stop before the stop line if there is one if not you must stop before you enter the crosswalk if there is no stop line or crosswalk you must stop before you enter the intersection at the point arrest the intersection that gives you a view of traffic on the intersecting roadway if you are learning something new from our video and it has proved helpful in passing your DMV driving license exam then please do like the video this will boost our morale further and also subscribe to our Channel question 30 the car behind you begins to pass you you should a maintain your speed so traffic will flow smoothly B pull to the right and stop so he can pass C slow down slightly and stay in your lane the correct answer is C slow down slightly and stay in your lane when a vehicle passes you you can help the passing driver by keeping to the far side of your lane you'll make it easier for the other driver if you reduce speed slightly in any event don't speed up while the vehicle is passing after passing the other driver will signal to let you know that the car will be returning to your lane question 31 what are the colors of a sign which tells you the distance to the next exit of a highway a yellow with black letters b green with white letters c red with white letters the correct answer is B green with white letters guide signs also known as destination signs are green with white letters guide signs provide information about intersecting roads help direct you to cities and towns and show points of interest along the highway question 32 when entering a freeway entrance that allows you to accelerate to merge you should drive at a about the same speed as freeway traffic B about 10 mph below the flow of traffic c a legal speed of freeway traffic the correct answer is a about the same speed as freeway traffic the key to entering a freeway is to to accelerate on the entrance ramp Lane to match the speed of freeway traffic in the right lane signal before you merge to indicate that you want to enter check the traffic around you and when clear merge carefully do not cross a solid line or through the gore area question 33 you want to make a right turn at the corner a pedestrian with a guide dog is at the corner ready to cross the street in front of you before making your right turn you should a honk the horn to warn The Pedestrian of your presence B tell The Pedestrian when to cross the street C wait until the person crosses the street the correct answer is C wait until the person crosses the street do not turn right without looking first look for any pedestrians especially blind pedestrians or traffic before starting your turn blind pedestrians who have a green light are not expecting a driver to make a a right turn in front of them turning may result in the blind pedestrian becoming disoriented and vulnerable to being hit by another right turning vehicle when attempting to cross the street question 34 this sign means a divided highway starts B divided highway ends C bumps in the road the correct answer is B divided highway ends question 35 if a school bus stops to unlock load children on a four-lane highway divided by a 4-ft paved strip Vehicles traveling in the opposite direction are a required to stop until the stop signal on the bus is withdrawn B required to stop then proceed with caution C required to pull onto the shoulder of the road and proceed cautiously the correct answer is a required to stop until the stop signal on the bus is withdrawn on a two-way street or Highway way all drivers moving in either direction must stop for a stopped school bus which is picking up or dropping off children if the highway is divided by a raised barrier or an unpaved median at least 5 ft wide you do not have to stop if you are moving in the opposite direction of the bus question 36 what are the colors of the warning signs that indicate hazards ahead such as Curves in the road or narrow Bridges a black letters or symbols on a white background B black letters or symbols on a yellow background C white letters or symbols on a blue background the correct answer is B black letters or symbols on a yellow background warning signs are yellow with black letters or symbols warning signs advise that you are approaching a hazardous location or a location where there is a special rule sometimes a warning sign is joined with a yellow and black recommended speed sign this indicates reduced speed is advised in that area question 37 to turn right onto a two-way street from a two-way street start in the right lane and end in a the left lane B the lane closest to the curb C any Lane that is available the correct answer is B the lane closest to the curb as you prepare to turn get as far to the right as possible do not make wide sweeping turns unless signs direct you to do otherwise turn into the right lane of the road you enter question 38 before you reach the intersection when crossing railroad tracks in slow traffic you should a sound your horn as you are crossing the tracks B stop on the tracks until your light turns green C wait until you can completely cross the tracks before you proceed the correct answer is C wait until you can complete complely cross the tracks before you proceed a motorist should never stop his her vehicle on railroad tracks if a vehicle stalls on the tracks and the motorist sees a train coming he she should get out and walk clear of the tracks never try to race a train most trains need more than a mile to stop if traveling at 60 MPH or more question 39 when you follow vehicles too closely and another driver suddenly Cuts in front of you what should you do a slam on your brakes B drive onto the shoulder of the road C take your foot off the gas pedal the correct answer is C take your foot off the gas pedal when another driver Cuts in front of you too closely it's important to avoid slamming on your brakes as this could cause a collision instead you should take your foot off the gas pedal and allow your car to slow down naturally this will give you more time to react and avoid a collision question 40 when sharing the road with a trolley or light rail vehicle a never turn in front of an approaching trolley or light rail vehicle B remember they are loud and move slowly like freight trains C always pass a light rail vehicle or trolley slowly on the right the correct answer is a never turn in front of an approaching trolley or light rail vehicle light rail vehicles or trolleys are considered vehicles under California law and have the same rights and responsibilities as other vehicles as such it is important to be aware of them and share the road safely question 41 this road sign means a railroad crossing is controlled and continues at your regular speed B look listen and prepare to stop at the Crossing if necessary C stop at the railroad tracks and wait for a signal before Crossing correct answer B look listen and prepare to stop at the Crossing if necessary question 42 blocking an intersection during rush hour traffic is a not permitted unless some of the Cross traffic can get around you B not permitted under any circumstances c not permitted unless you have the right of way the correct answer is B not permitted under any circumstances blocking an intersection during rush hour traffic is not permitted under any circumstances even if some of the Cross traffic can get around you or if you have the right of way this is because blocking an intersection can cause a significant amount of traffic congestion and can also be dangerous for pedestrians and other drivers question 43 which of these statements is true about driving and taking drugs a only IL legal drugs can impair your driving B any prescription drug is safe to use if you don't feel drowsy C even over-the-counter drugs can impair your driving the correct answer is C even over-the-counter drugs can impair your driving all drugs including over-the-counter medications can impair your driving ability even if you don't feel drowsy some drugs can affect your reaction time judgment and coordination this can increase your risk of getting into an accident question 44 if your vehicle has a steering wheel lock should you ever turn off the ignition while it is moving a no the steering wheel May lock and you can lose control of your vehicle B yes turning off the ignition will not affect the steering control C no unless you want to Coast downhill the correct answer is a no the steering wheel May lock and you can lose lose control of your vehicle steering wheel locks are designed to prevent car theft when you turn off the ignition while the car is moving the steering wheel May lock up making it impossible to steer the car this could cause you to lose control of your vehicle and could lead to an accident question 45 which of these is a good way to spot driving hazards a focus on the vehicle ahead B focus on your inside mirrors C B scan ahead of your vehicle the correct answer is C scan ahead of your vehicle scanning ahead of your vehicle is the most effective way to spot driving hazards this involves looking at least 15 seconds ahead and identifying potential obstacles or situations that could pose a risk by scanning ahead you can anticipate potential dangers and take appropriate action to avoid them question 46 at what BAC level can individuals under 21 years old face legal consequences for driving a 0.01% b 0.05% c 0.1% correct answer a 0.01% in California it is illegal for anyone under the age of 21 to drive with a blood alcohol concentration BAC of 0.01% or higher this is known as a Zero Tolerance Law and it means that even a very small amount of alcohol can have serious legal consequences for underage drivers thanks for watching if you like our content please like the video and share it with yours Friends Club and don't forget to hit the Subscribe button
Channel: DMV Written Test 2024
Views: 42,657
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Keywords: DMV practice Test 2024, DMV written test 2024, DMV real Test Paper, DMV California written test 2023, california dmv practice Test, california dmv permit test, DMV permit practice Test
Id: zu-jLq-oDJo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 46sec (1846 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 01 2023
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