Cajun Crab Stuffed Fried Shrimp | Cajun Shrimp Recipe

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hey guys what's good welcome back of course who's in building cooking with tammy and i'm back with another recipe guys yes tonight we're going to be making cajun fried stuffed shrimp and let me tell you it's going to be absolutely delicious and so amazing so without further doing all that long talking guys let's introduce these ingredients and get to cooking first thing we're going to need for our delicious recipe is we're going to need some jumbo shrimp jumbo or colossal nothing smaller because we're going to be stuffing the shrimp and when you're working with the biggest size shrimp or should i say the larger size shrimp is much easier to stuff also we're going to need lump crab as well as mayo dijon mustard worcestershire sauce cajun seasoning old bay bread crumbs eggs and for our breading we're going to need all-purpose flour more eggs yes we do and we're also going to need some whole milk as well as xadaran's seasoned cornmeal fish mix and italian breadcrumbs let's get to cooking our shrimp has been washed and cleaned and deveined yes on both sides and we took the shell off however we left the tail on and what we're gonna do is we're gonna butterfly the shrimp just take a paring knife paring knife works the best and you just go slightly not too rough not too crazy and you just basically go down the back of the shrimp just like this and the shrimp is perfectly butterflied at this point in time we're done with butterflying our shrimp so we could put the shrimp back in the fridge to stay cool or we could just put it to the side depending on how fast we're working what we're going to do is we're going to make our crab mix for our stuffed shrimp we're going to add all of our mayo to the bowl we're also going to add our dijon mustard as well as our cajun seasoning our old day seasoning of course our worcestershire sauce and last but not least our egg i'm gonna take our whisk and we're gonna combine all of the ingredients together just like that real simple real easy mix it up really good this is going to be so tasty trust me all right everything is well incorporated and we have our lump crab right here we're gonna add our jumbo lump crab of course and we're just gonna fold it in we're not gonna go in there and mash it up like we're making mashed potatoes we're just gonna fold it in because you want those nice chunky bits of crab meat when you stuff your shrimp we want to be able to mold our crab meat so we're going for the perfect consistency i'm going to add a little bit more of bread crumbs we're going to start slow we're not going to go in there and get crazy and add a ton we can't take out but we can always add it's still a little loose so it's okay to add some more and of course these are italian breadcrumbs i want that flavor i want flavor from everything from start to finish how much bread crumbs do i add according to how much you're making you're going for a almost as if you're making a uh salmon patty you want to be able to mold it together if you're not able to mold it together then of course you're going to need some more bread crumbs let's take it let's see if we can mold it and to be honest with you this is perfect i don't need to add any more bread crumbs this is perfect see what i'm saying mold it into shape with no problem so is we're going to take our crab meat and we're going to mold it according to the size of our jumbo shrimp this would be perfect and of course this is a baking sheet lined with wax paper because we don't want anything to get stuck mm-hmm this is gonna be so delicious i'm gonna place it right here krabby patty number two and we're working on number three and this process believe it or not goes pretty fast if you have about 10 pieces of shrimp obviously you're going to uh mold 10 pieces of crab patties i'm just going to call it crab patties for now but you guys get what i'm saying in the meanwhile i'm going to continue molding and i'll show you what the next step is all right as you guys can see we are done so what's going to happen is we're going to place this into the refrigerator for not just the refrigerator let me take it take it back a few notches we're going to place it into the freezer for about 15 minutes because we want uh crab meat to harden up just a bit so when we stuff it and fry it and all that stuff it would definitely hold together all right so about 15 minutes into the freezer and we're going to keep doing what we got to do our crab meat is out of the refrigerator which is perfect right now we're going to work on our breading station we have our all-purpose flour as well as our zetterman's cornmeal and we have our eggs our milk and our italian breadcrumbs now i'm a girl that loves to personalize everything even though we're working with zadarian's cornmeal here's what we're going to do to personalize it and give it that you know that touch we're going to add some bread crumbs of course and these are the italian breadcrumbs i mentioned it before we're also going to add some cajun seasoning not going to add too much but we're gonna add enough we're also gonna add some paprika give it a nice color and this is not the smoky paprika this is just a regular paprika and i'm only doing that for that color we're also going to add some garlic powder as well as onion powder we're going to mix it in really good adding the bread crumbs to the cornmeal mix is going to give it a nice texture it's going to also give it somewhat of a crunchy texture but it's not going to be overly crunchy if that makes sense now if you want it to be overly crunchy of course you're going to go in with the panko breadcrumbs but for this particular mix we're just going to have a nice it's just going to be perfect it's going to be the perfect contrast of texture and flavor mix it in really good we want that even distribution of seasoning we don't want like seasoning to only be on one side and when you dredge it and you take a bite one piece has more seasoning than the other that's not cool you want it to be an even even situation going on when you bite into it next up on the assembly line is our eggs what we're gonna do is we're gonna mix our eggs in with the whisk and we're going to add our milk and of course this is whole milk and what we're doing is we're creating uh egg wash combine the eggs with the milk and this is perfect time for the fun part guys yes we're going to take our perfectly butterfly shrimp and we are going to add our crab meat and as you guys can see is the perfect fit yes it is we're going to sit it right on the top just like that and basically just mold it just mold it in here now you see how it works out when you place the crab meat in the refrigerator it stays and you can mold it however which way you want to right just like that perfect this is what we are going for now first thing we're going to do is we're going to dredge it in the flower put it to sit right there just like that quick and easy recipe but very impressive and here's the thing yeah you have a little time where you have to take the crab meat place it in the refrigerator so on and so forth you got to do certain things but here's the thing especially around the holidays there's always something to do so while the crab meat is hardening up in the refrigerator find something else to do right maybe mashing some potatoes working on the turkey who knows but there's always something to do and believe you mean the 10 to 15 minutes is gonna go by so fast all right next thing we're gonna do is we're gonna add it to the egg wash just like that and of course last but not least we're going to add it to our customized cornmeal mixture along with our italian breadcrumbs pat it one in there shake off any excess while being gentle don't want to move like a maniac with this one and we're going to place this back onto our uh not a cutting board but our baking sheet our lined baking sheet we're going to set it right here just like that next contestant up pat it on in and of course at this point in time we can move a little faster add it to the egg straighten the egg while you go and we're going to add it to our cornmeal mixture once again and you notice what i'm doing right i'm not taking the shrimp and literally taking it and dredging it and twisting it no i'm placing it into the cornmeal mixture yes but i'm taking the cornmeal and i'm adding the cornmeal to the shrimp that way we don't get too much movement going on because we don't want our crab meat to separate from our shrimp so in the meanwhile what i'm going to do is i'm going to continue stuffing the shrimp and i'm show you what to do next and let me tell you something you're not going to put it in the deep fryer just yet trust me you don't want to do that so do not click off the video put it in the deep fryer and then say guess what my stuffed shrimp didn't come out the way it was supposed to you got to be patient anyway continue watching and i'll show you what to do next it's been about 15 minutes and check it out everything is nice and solidified everything is held together now here's the thing i know it's the holidays and it can be hectic so i want to take the time out to give you some pointers and tips you could definitely stuff these shrimp the night before and literally place it in the freezer and let it sit there overnight because the stuffing process could definitely be timely it could take some time especially if you're making a large amount depending on the amount of people that you're feeding the oil is nice and hot and ready to go we're working with about let's see 350 to 375. you don't want your oil to be too hot because guess what then you're gonna literally fry the outside and the inside is not going to be cooked all the way through so you want that balance you want that balance of heat you don't want to overheat and you don't want to undercook so anywhere from 350 to 375 is perfect make sure you fill that pan up with oil of course because you want to deep fry also we're not going to overcrowd the pan because we don't want to steam our crab stuff shrimp we want to fry it we want to get that nice you don't want to serve it but we want to get that nice crunch all right and that even heat distribution going on so i will give let's see i would say honestly these are some big old jumbo colossal size shrimp so about five anywhere between four and a half to about seven minutes we're going to cook our shrimp our crab stuffed shrimp is finished check it out look at how beautiful and we have our cooling rack station set up right here because of course we want that oil to drip off because we want it to remain nice and crispy and if it sits in the oil it's not going to be crispy and to top it off even more what i'm going to do is i'm going to show you how to make a quick and delicious sweet and spicy sauce that's going to compliment our crab stuffed shrimp for our sweet and spicy aioli sauce we're going to need some mayo and a couple tablespoons of honey i would say about one to two i'm also going to use some chili powder for that heat we're not going to add you know what i'm not going to say we're not going to add too much you're going to add however much you like or how much your guests like now if i were you i probably make two different uh sauces with two different heat levels one with a little bit more chili and one with a little less just in case you have that person that can't eat spice you want to make sure you have something complimentary for everybody we're just going to give it a good mix and of course using a separate spoon you're going to taste it that is almost perfect i'm going to add a little bit more spice it has a perfect sweet contrast mix it in really good and this my friends is it time for staging look at how beautiful i craft stuffed shrimp is finished and let me tell you it makes the perfect holiday appetizer as i mentioned earlier all you have to do if you're pressed for time stuff the shrimp the night before and it makes the ultimate difference so tasty so delicious not to mention are quick and easy as always i'm cooking with tammy definitely give this recipe a try especially for the holidays and press your guess knock everybody off their feet in i will catch you guys in another video don't forget to hit that like button don't forget to subscribe definitely hit me up in the comment section let me know how everything turns out and most importantly don't forget to share because what sharing is caring and i will catch you guys in another video enjoy your crab stuffed shrimp talk to you later bye guys
Channel: Cooking With Tammy
Views: 100,120
Rating: 4.9587193 out of 5
Keywords: cajun fried stuffed shrimp, shrimp, cajun, cajun food, cajun shrimp, stuffed shrimp, new orleans, louisiana, seafood, frying, cajun cuisine, how to make stuffed shrimp, fried shrimp, shrimp recipe, shrimp recipes, food, cooking, how to cook shrimp, recipe, stuffed shrimp recipe, seafood boil, how to fry shrimp, louisiana food, recipes, cajun recipes, jumbo shrimp, deep fried shrimp, cajun cooking, best stuffed shrimp, creole shrimp, grilling stuffed shrimp, cajun dirty rice
Id: qEeSTdHqV3Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 52sec (892 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 31 2020
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