Bacon Wrapped Shrimp With Sweet And Spicy Sauce

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welcome back to cooking with tammy today i'm going to show you how to make the ultimate 5 star appetizer today we're going to be making our bacon wrapped shrimp with sweet and spicy aioli when i tell you this recipe it's going to be perfect for the holidays or any sporting event trust me this recipe is definitely guaranteed to impress your guests all we're going to need for this recipe is some shrimp of course and these are the jumbo size shrimp can't go small with this recipe after all is the holidays we also have some applewood smoked bacon as well couple strips and with a smoked paprika and i tell you different alternatives just in case you don't have smoked paprika we have some light brown sugar as well and melted butter like i said couple ingredients but hey the flavors are gonna be everything first thing we're going to do is we're going to make sure our shrimp is perfectly deveined the majority of the shrimp is the vein and clean boat back in front but i wanted to demonstrate just in case of course this is the shrimp with the shell one so what we're going to do is we're just going to de-shell it take it off just like this and this already came deveined however i like to get that vein in the front as well so we're going to take our paring knife go straight down the middle it's the same thing we would do if we were deveining the shrimp from the back take it on out because we're not trying to make our guests sick give it a quick rinse once again pat it dry and we're good to go first thing we're gonna do is we're going to cut our bacon straight down the middle because these are some long strips to be honest just like that and of course these are cooking shears not regular scissors for household duties and there's no reason for us to see it's not shrimp to be honest with you because it's going to pick up all the flavors from the applewood smoked bacon so trust me on this we don't have to go in with uh seasoning or should i say additional seasoning and we're just going to wrap our bacon around the shrimp just like that so simple so quick so easy and it fits perfectly and for this particular recipe we don't need toothpicks only because the bacon is long enough to wrap all the way around however if you work with those little short pieces of bacon you definitely want to secure it with a toothpick if you don't have a toothpick guess what you do you get a skewer break it in half and use it as a toothpick but for now we are good we are going to place it side down just like that leave it right there looking all cute and pretty right once again we're going to repeat the same process just like that wrap it all the way around get yourself a good cut of bacon it does not have to be expensive not at all believe it or not as you can see this is such a quick and easy recipe and it doesn't take you know you don't have to be an expert to get this done for uh for the holidays it's all about those appetizers tasty delicious guess what quick and easy appetizers and we are down to the last one yes we are wrap it around and guess what we have an extra piece of bacon but guess what in life everything is not about busting and fighting and stressing and worrying and hollering at hooting what you're going to do is you're going to take this extra piece of bacon and you're going to wrap this bad boy you're going to double wrap it and this bacon right here or should i say this bacon wrap shrimp is going to go to the person who's been good to you all year round if you can't find nobody then guess what this is yours make sure nobody touch it and you put it right there on your baking sheet now that we have all of our bacon wrapped shrimp on our baking sheet here's what we're going to do it's time for us to make our little concoction right this is what's going to pull this recipe all together so what we're going to do is we have some melted butter as i mentioned when we reintroduce our ingredients we're going to add some light brown sugar to the butter make sure the butter is melted of course get that brown sugar well incorporated give it a good quick mix and we're going to add some smoked paprika now here's the thing guys as promised i'm gonna tell you what to substitute with the smoked paprika with if you don't have smoked paprika you can use chipotle powder they are both made with smoked chilies yes also you can use ancho chili powder as well so either or you can use smoked paprika chipotle powder or ancho chili powder they're all chilies give it a good mix make sure everything is absolutely delicious and good to go and if you want to raise the heat up a little bit you can add a little bit of chili powder or even a little cayenne pepper as well i'm going to add a little bit of chili powder because i want to kick the heat up in this recipe you don't want to make it too spicy especially if you're feeding guests so here's the thing what i would do you can make some spicy and make some non-spicy according to who you you know according to the preference basically you're going to take our brush and we're just going to brush it on just like this coat it really nicely don't be afraid you have a lot of sauce make these shrimp nice and saucy with all of this flavor now you see why i told you guys we're not gonna do any uh seasoning on the shrimp not necessary once that bacon grease starts to break down and the fat starts to render it's gonna the shrimp is gonna pick up all of those delicious flavors oh my goodness the bacon is gonna have the ultimate flavor not to mention we added our chili powder plus our uh smoked paprika which is gonna give it that nice smoky flair as well let me make sure i get in really good here with my double wrap shrimp gotta get that guy really good i made sure to keep my eye on this guy right here i did not forget which one it was and last but not least i'm gonna go in and we're gonna brush some sauce on the last one just like this make sure it's well covered oh yes we are not gonna be stingy with the sauce we're gonna make sure everything's covered and what we're going to do is we are going to place it into our 400 degree oven that has been preheating and we're going to allow the shrimp to cook up for about let's see about 15 minutes i would say after about 15 minutes this is what our bacon wrap shrimp looks like so we're going to go in there one more time with that sauce that we had and we're going to bake the shrimp once again make sure we get all that extra flavor extra flavor just load that yes hit it off with a little bit more just basically on the top and what we're going to do is we're going to change the setting on our stove to broiler and we're going to pop it back in there and allow the shrimp to brown up or should i say allow the bacon to brown up just a bit more and yeah that's about it and that should take to be honest with you be mindful keep an eye on it it should take about maybe two to three minutes everybody's stove is different but i'm gonna turn on the broiler setting and we're gonna allow it to go i would honestly say my broiler probably about two minutes and these shrimp will be ready to come out in the meanwhile we are going to work on making a delicious complimentary sauce it's going to make these bacon wrapped shrimp taste even better for our saucy sauce guys we are going to need some mayo as well as garlic powder onion powder chili powder honey smoked paprika tad bit of lemon juice and guess what we're also going to use some sweet chili sauce because guess what we saucy like that so what we're going to do is first first thing we're going to add to our sauce is the garlic powder i know you guys some of you are like big or measurements a lot of times you just got to throw it in and make it happen sometimes the best foods come out the best without measurement one teaspoon of garlic powder one teaspoon onion powder and a half teaspoon of chili powder when it comes down to the chili that's totally your preference because it has to do with spice also we're gonna add some smoked paprika i'm gonna add a couple dashes we're also gonna add some honey to balance out the smoky flavor and the spicy flavor and that is about what a tablespoon of honey we're gonna also add our thai style chili sauce that's about a tablespoon as well and we're gonna add our lemon juice the lemon juice is just uh what maybe about a teaspoon teaspoon and a half and we're gonna go in i'm gonna mix it all up when it comes down to the sauce you're going to play around with it just a bit you're going to go in there and you're going to taste it make sure that sauce is complementary if the flavors are not to your liking see what it is that you need to add maybe you need to add a little bit more honey maybe you like your saucy so it's a little bit more spicier so maybe you need to add a little bit more chili powder you know so or maybe you want to scale down a bit from the spice and you want it to be more on the sweet side so of course you're going to add more honey make sure you combine it really really well because you want all of those dry seasonings to literally dissolve in the sauce you want to have a nice smooth aioli sauce of course you're going to give it a taste test and for my preference i'm going to add a little bit more of the sweet chili a little bit more honey and a little bit more chili powder i want that sweet but yet spicy cake so we have our sweet and spicy and the only sauce that's going to complement our bacon wrapped shrimp it is going to be perfect it's going to be the perfect compliment look at how gorgeous absolutely perfect in less than 20 minutes we have holiday appetizers yes we do yes we do and our double wrap shrimp right here goes right on the top yes now that right there my friends is everything not to mention the taste is going to be absolutely delicious like i said bacon wrapped shrimp took about what 20 minutes total 15 minutes in the oven five minutes in a broiler or a little less nevertheless is less than 30 minutes and we made our delicious sweet and spicy aioli sauce which is going to be the perfect complement to our bacon wrapped shrimp guys in with this recipe right here there's no way you could go wrong this holiday season as always thank you so much for cooking with terry don't forget to like share and subscribe definitely share these recipes because guess what sherman is caring and i will keep these banyan recipes coming to you anyway guys as always i talk to you later and i'll catch you in another video bye guys
Channel: Cooking With Tammy
Views: 97,772
Rating: 4.9537573 out of 5
Keywords: Bacon Wrapped Shrimp With Sweet And Spicy Sauce, shrimp, bacon wrapped shrimp, bacon, appetizer, shrimp wrapped in bacon, bacon wrapped shrimp appetizers, bacon wrapped shrimp recipe, party food, cooking, bacon wrapped shrimp on the grill, seafood, grilled shrimp, bacon shrimp, shrimp recipe, bacon wrapped shrimp in the oven, bacon wrapped stuffed shrimp, shrimp scampi, quick and easy, grilled bacon wrapped shrimp, stuffed shrimp, seafood boil, seafood boil sauce, appetizers
Id: O72RJLdXj-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 10sec (670 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 15 2020
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