Caillou and the Emergency | Caillou Cartoon

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you're getting to be a big boy each day [Music] my world is turning changing each day with mommy and daddy i'm finding my way growing up is not so tough except when i've had enough but there's lots of fun stuff i'm [Music] that's me three's a crowd [Music] caillou we're leaving now where are you roar roar i'm playing dinosaurs you and rosie have been inside all day let's go out and get some fresh air can i bring my dinosaur why don't you bring your bucket and shovel instead then you could play in the sandbox okay caillou was happy to see that leo and clementine were at the park too hi can i help build the sand castle watch it caillou look what you did ah you broke my bucket we don't want to play with you you break everything caillou didn't mean to break clementine's bucket he felt very badly mommy what's the matter caillou leo and clementine don't want to play with me did you tell them you wanted to play with them caillou didn't tell his mommy that he had broken clementine's bucket he was sad and angry all at the same time i don't want to play with them anymore i don't like them i want to go home but we just got here caillou rosie's awake why don't you play for a little while longer okay leo clementine come play on the slide with me leo and clementine were so busy playing they didn't even notice caillou caillou didn't find it was as much fun sliding alone he really wanted his friends to play with him [Music] mommy can you push me in the swing too aren't you a little big for the baby swings caillou can you push me on that big swings mommy caillou i can't push you on the big swings right now i'm pushing rosie it was no use caillou tried and tried but normally mommy or his friends would push him to get started but there was one thing that caillou could do by himself climb the monkey bars [Music] oh why don't you go and play with leo and clementine caillou they don't want me to play with them anymore because i broke clementine's bucket well why don't you lend her your bucket here clementine you can have my bucket thanks it's an ice bucket a lot bigger than mine can i play with you sure sit over there you can help me caillou knew that leo and clementine were once again his best friends in the whole wide world get well soon [Music] one of caillou's favorite things to do was play spaceman with his best friend [Music] back leo oh no he's gone [Music] caillou decided that gilbert could help him find the space man [Music] [Music] leo didn't hear anything and checked to see if the coast was clear oh no you don't love them [Music] caillou was so happy that he had won he didn't notice that leo was hurt i want my money what's wrong leo my foot hurts caillou didn't know what to do he felt scared mommy daddy help leo hurt himself [Music] where does it hurt my foot ouch [Music] leo's foot hurt him so much that he couldn't even stand on it you better take leo home his parents may want to have his foot checked at the hospital good idea the hospital caillou was worried that his friend might have to go to the hospital don't worry leo everything will be all right i want my mummy [Music] is leo okay mommy we'll find out soon caillou but first he needs to have his foot checked at the hospital caillou had never been to the hospital he was very curious about what would happen there what will happen at the hospital well the doctor will look at leo's foot and find out what's wrong with it he might take a special picture called an x-ray to look at leo's bones i have to call leo's parents now will you please watch rosie for me okay mommy yes caillou will neil be okay i'm sure he'll be okay but he probably won't be running around much for a little while caillou hoped leo would get better fast so they would be able to play spaceman again soon maybe that's daddy calling about leo hello [Music] all right see you soon bye was that daddy yes it was and he says leah was already home from the hospital and is doing fine do you think he could come over and play now i don't think so caillou leo has a broken toe so he'll have to stay off his feet for a while he will what's the matter caillou caillou was disappointed that he wasn't going to be able to play with leo i want leo to come over i want to hear about the hospital and play spacemen well leo can't come over here but you can go and visit him i can sure in fact he asked daddy if you could come over and see him later i bet that would really cheer him up caillou couldn't wait to see leo and had a great idea to cheer him up i'm going to draw leo the best picture ever caillou wanted to draw something for leo but what a spaceman leo loves spacemen [Music] can i see it that's beautiful caillou maybe you can also put the finishing touches on the cookies i'm making for leo okay [Music] that one's for leo [Music] leo can't wait to see you me too i made him a drawing can we go now sure we can hi leo caillou caillou was happy to see that leo was okay a spaceman wow thanks here wow does your foot hurt it did at first but it's okay as long as i don't walk on it i forgot to tie my shoelaces and i tripped on them and fell you went to the hospital yeah and the doctor took a funny picture of my toes [Music] you want to play space alien how [Music] i'm coming in for a landing the coast is clear [Music] caillou and leo were back to doing what they love best playing together shadow play [Applause] caillou had his new neighbors jeffrey and jason over for some hot dogs at first the twins seem more interested in each other mommy what's the matter caillou did you spill some mustard it was caillou didn't know whether it was jeffrey or jason who had squirted him i think jeffrey knows what happened that's why he's going to help clean up right jeffrey that's enough helping for now jeffrey [Applause] [Music] can we play a game with this flashlight mommy hide and seek good idea jeffrey you kids could go play in the backyard but not for long it's gonna be dark soon caillou decided he would be it because he had the flashlight one two three four five caillou was excited about playing with his new friends but when he saw how the shadows had begun creeping into the yard he felt a bit scared until he remembered his flashlight come out come out wherever you are hey you two you're hiding in a place that kaia will never come looking well jeffrey's mommy explained that playing fair meant the twins had to go back outside caillou heard something behind a bush huh now caillou started to get really spooked he faced his backyard again and with even thicker shadows it looked like a completely new place to him uh i don't want to play anymore oh i'm sorry caillou i startled you mom is caillou a scaredy cat of course not in fact he was pretty brave out here all by himself it's scary out here when mommy turned on the backyard light all the spooky shadows disappeared they could even keep on playing a little while but this time mommy would be it no one will find me here oh can i hide with you okay are you jason no i am quick come in [Music] we'll get caught [Music] i'm a scary monster [Music] didn't want to be found just yet thanks to the game he and the twins were becoming fast friends a new member of the family [Music] no gilbert go away look rosie this is you baby oh look and here's one when gilbert was a kitten come and see caillou caillou love looking at pictures with mommy he remembered when gilbert was just a little kitten and daddy had brought him home for the very first time what is it go ahead look it's a surprise it's a kitten it's a kitten i got him at the animal shelter they said his name is gilbert i think it suits him perfectly don't you [Music] he run away it's okay caillou i think you just frightened him a little he's still a baby and he needs time to get used to us why don't we let him look around a bit while we get some lunch okay mommy is gilbert scared of me oh i don't think so caillou you two will have plenty of time to get used to each other don't worry i thought this might make a good bed he can sleep here in the kitchen why if gilbert is going to be part of our family he needs his own bed i'll just grab an old blanket from the basement i think somebody needs their diaper checked i'll be back in a second caillou you finish your lunch okay okay gilbert caillou remembered to move slowly so that gilbert wouldn't be afraid of him caillou was happy that gilbert didn't run away this time he wanted to hold him and pet him so that gilbert would know that he was his friend [Music] gilbert come back [Music] are you hungry [Music] hey gilbert you're making a mess [Music] look what gilbert did daddy [Music] we can't allow gilbert on the table caillou we'll get him his very own little bowl and put it on the floor okay you better take them both upstairs and clean them up can we give gilbert a bath well cats don't normally like taking baths but gilbert certainly needs one now i want to help just as soon as we take gilbert's flea collar off we don't want to get it wet here caillou why don't you hold gilbert while i fill up the tub caillou was a little nervous to hold gilbert again he didn't like it when gilbert squirmed in his arms here let's wrap him in this towel it'll be easier for you to hold him you see it's just like holding a baby hold on tight but don't squeeze him too hard hey you loved his new kitten very much okay come on gilbert time to get you cleaned up he ran away [Music] gilbert had escaped again caillou didn't understand why he was always running away from him he's not here daddy not here either there he is why don't we go real slow okay caillou we don't want to scare him okay daddy do you see him no he's not in his bed caillou come here i have an idea why are you taking off my shoes daddy not your shoes just the laces here now wave it back and forth on the floor and i bet you it'll get his attention caillou didn't understand why he was doing this until [Music] i've never met a kitten that could resist a shoelace [Music] he's all clean he sure is what's that noise daddy he's purring that means he's happy caillou is glad that he could make gilbert happy by petting him he liked it when gilbert purred now all we have to do is put back on his flea collar hmm you've been sneezing an awful lot since gilbert got here i hope you're not allergic to him [Music] when people are allergic to animals they can't be around them because they make them sneeze too much and get itchy watery eyes this worried caillou very much he didn't want to be allergic to gilbert come on caillou let's go see what mommy thinks if caillou was allergic to cats mommy and daddy would have to take gilbert back to the animal shelter no sign of hives and your eyes aren't watery do they itch caillou no mommy here caillou try holding him for a while [Music] i don't want gilbert to leave i have an idea let's try it without the flea collar on caillou was really hoping he wouldn't sneeze he didn't want to be allergic to his new cat well that's a good sign caillou let mommy hold gilbert for a second and you hold on to this [Music] that's it since it was the flea collar that was making caillou sneeze and not gilbert it meant that little kitten could stay [Music] gilbert has grown up so fast [Music] [Laughter] [Music] and that's how gilbert became a new member of the family so [Music] you
Channel: Caillou - WildBrain
Views: 2,159,162
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: caillou, caillou full episodes, caillou cartoon, cajou, caillou english, 까이유, calliou, #caillou, kayo, caillou Christmas, caillou theme song, caillou and rosie, cailou, caillou song, caillou holiday movie, cartoon for kids, cartoon movie, cartoon network, childrens cartoon, caillou remix, caillou gets ungrounded, caillou gets grounded, classic caillou, caillou wildbrain, caillou pizza, slime, caillou theme song remix, cartoon cartoon, cartoon video, #cartoon
Id: gs8BAg0gss8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 40sec (1360 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 11 2021
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