Caillou The Driver | Funny Animated cartoon for Kids | Cartoon Caillou l Cartoon Movie

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[Music] story time kids now what did caillou do today today's story is called caillou makes cookies it all happened when caillou was just three years old [Music] you have to play quietly now rosie's gonna take her nap caillou but i want to play you can still play just do it quietly caillou felt that being quiet wasn't as much fun as being noisy [Music] caillou i asked you to play quietly [Music] cookies i want cookies i'm hungry so caillou went to the kitchen [Music] honey [Music] oh [Music] caillou decided to make some honey cookies and so caillou got to work making a whole bunch of honey cookies fat ones skinny ones flat ones and round ones oh caillou what are you doing i'm making cookies look at the mess you made do you want to help mommy clean it up yes mommy me and you we have to make sure the kitchen is nice and clean now where's that dustpan i found it [Laughter] that's the way my favorite helper caillou caillou was very proud he was helping mommy make cookies mommy you made a mess you're right mommy makes messes too daddy daddy try the cookies try the cookies hmm who made these good cookies i did and mommy helped [Music] mommy daddy look what are you making caillou big mess [Music] come on kids it's caillou story time what's the story called grandma it's called caillou isn't afraid anymore it all happened when caillou was three years old mr hinckle lived next door lots of children said there was a ghost in his scary old house mr hinkle's house sure looked spooky [Music] and so did mr hinkle [Music] why caillou what's the matter it's mr hinkle he's scary why do you say that mr hinkle is scary [Music] look he wants to catch me [Music] he's not there and besides i know mr hinkle and he's very nice my hello there caillou poor mr hinkle felt sad when he saw caillou run away don't be frightened mr hinkle came over to say he was sorry you were scared he's really a nice man i don't like him i think you're just afraid of mr hinkle because you don't know him hello can i come in come in mr hinkle caillou mr henka would like to caillou oh but where did caillou go i don't know he was here a minute ago oh boy i think he's playing hide-and-go-seek and i love playing hide-and-go-seek ready or not caillou here we come now where oh where could he be caillou you where are you [Music] shh gilbert there here us oop i think caillou's hiding downstairs we're getting warmer i wonder if he's in here i don't see him no he's not here let's check another room [Music] there's only one place left where caillou could be i think i'm getting warmer and warmer caillou forgot all about being scared of mr hinckle aha well i'm glad to see you two are friends now i want to play again i'd like that very much caillou and this time i'll hide and you can seek i like you mr hinkle [Music] grandma this is dinner time not story time well this is a story about dinner time and eating your vegetables back when caillou was just three years old he didn't like vegetables very much in fact he hated them caillou eat your vegetables grandpa will be coming soon to take you to the park but you can't go to the park if you don't finish your vegetables i hate vegetables i want chocolate chip cookies cookies are for dessert caillou [Music] found some you can have a cookie after you finish your vegetables i love vegetables eat my vegetables daddy oh no you don't at least try to eat your vegetables caillou grandpa's here come on caillou let's go to the park i'm going to the park with grandpa and after the park we'll go see grandma she's making a supper wow a caterpillar [Music] caterpillars eat leaves so they can have the energy to turn into butterflies turn into butterflies [Music] what's the bird doing grandpa it's looking for worms to eat [Music] worms give them the energy they need to fly south for the winter and squirrels eat nuts they say them up for later when it gets too cold to go outside come here squirrel [Music] we're home and we're hungry as bears that's because we are bears wow [Music] peas and carrots mmm yummy [Music] bears eat berries tonight these peas and carrots are our berries [Music] later that night mom and dad dropped by to pick up caillou and how was caillou today i'm a bear i'm a bear too and we both ate all our vegetables we ate our berries grandpa and that means it's time for cookies [Music] story time kids here it is silly caillou wasn't lost at all now what did caillou do today today's story is called caillou's all alone [Music] mommy mommy can i have some juice oh do you want to play with me mommy shh caillou i'm busy 14 15. can i help you count one two three four caillou this is very difficult i can help you i can help you 16 20 1 2 3 oh no caillou look what you've done caillou i really need to be left alone right now i'm too busy to play why don't you go find daddy maybe he'll play with you caillou had really wanted his mommy to play with him wait a minute maybe daddy could play with him but caillou didn't know his daddy was very busy too daddy daddy wow is it broken not anymore i fixed it [Music] you look just like a snowman daddy look i'm a snowman too look daddy caillou i have a lot of cleaning up to do and i really need to do it alone why don't you go and find grandma caillou was quite sure grandma would like to hear all about his daddy's troubles with the washing machine there's a good girl rosie close your eyes dear hmm i thought she'd never get to sleep ah at last grandma grandma look at me i'm a snowman caillou shh rosie's sleeping daddy was fixing the washing machine and all these bubbles came out all over him there were bubbles everywhere grandma shh caillou please be quiet you'll wake up rosie caillou rosie and i really need to be left alone why don't you go and play with gilbert [Music] gilbert you'll play with me won't you oh [Music] maybe mommy's finished counting i'm sorry caillou i just have to be on my own right now [Music] do you want to play with me yay caillou come on down honey it's time for your snack caillou was enjoying himself so much he never even heard his mommy calling caillou are you all right we were a bit worried about you being here all alone what are you doing nothing just playing story time kids now what did caillou do today today's story is called caillou tidies his toys caillou where are you well it's not like caillou to disappear when we're having chocolate pudding that's right caillou adores chocolate pudding [Music] hey wait for me just look at this mess what did i tell you caillou i'm not supposed to leave my toys on the stairs caillou knew very well he wasn't supposed to leave his toys on the stairs [Music] put them in your room please caillou [Music] chocolate pudding i love chocolate pudding [Music] caillou come here please hmm that sounds important i think you'd better go and see what daddy wants caillou what have i told you about leaving your toys in the driveway i'm not supposed to that's right so i want you to put them away what about my chocolate pudding your chocolate pudding can wait here i'll help you [Music] even though his daddy was going to help him caillou still wasn't very happy caillou i want a word with you caillou you have to tidy up all these toys then you can have your chocolate pudding yes daddy [Music] are you sure we picked up all your toys i'm sure look then it's chocolate pudding time yay chocolate pudding [Music] oops i think you better take a look at this [Music] [Laughter] [Music] you know caillou you really have a lot of toys and they take up so much space i know and there's lots of old ones you don't really play with anymore what should we do you could give some of the old ones to rosie i could give her one toy and maybe some more later what you really need is a big box to put your toys in would you like to help me make one wow yes as soon as i finished my chocolate pudding there that should do it thank you daddy let's see if the lid fits properly story time kids now what did caillou do today [Music] today's story is called caillou learns to drive [Music] have you seen caillou anywhere he said he wanted to help me with the car i think he's in the garden and driving his car beep beep caillou's in his car [Music] now you probably know that caillou loves anything to do with cars and buses and trucks [Music] ah there you are daddy did you forget you said you wanted to help me wash the car [Music] caillou imagined he was driving the most fantastic car you ever saw hello mr lion [Music] [Applause] wow i'm really going fast this is fun [Music] oh no hey caillou look what you made me do oops [Music] daddy you're all wet what happened caillou had no idea that he was the one who made his daddy spray himself with water well it was an accident don't i look silly yes do you still want to help me you bet i was driving the car daddy is that right yes i love cars you know i know you do i used to love cars when i was little too and you still love cars look mommy it's all clean and shiny well what are we waiting for let's go for a picnic at the beach [Music] hello mr lion [Music] can i drive the car when i'm bigger daddy will you teach me of course caillou of course it's time for a story you guys let's see where caillou went today [Music] today's story is called caillou at daycare [Music] it was caillou's first day and he was a little bit nervous i don't want to go mommy i want to stay with you oh so do i caillou but you know mommy has to go to work and daycare can be fun hear that [Music] hello i'm anne martin the teacher and you must be caillou [Music] caillou was scared and shy now i'm gonna have to go honey no i don't want you to go mommy i'll be back caillou don't be sad even caillou's mommy was sad to leave him at daycare for the first time here caillou have a glass of apple juice do you want me to introduce you to the other children okay maybe after your juice then [Music] hey those are my blocks your mommy's gone [Music] hi i'm clementine what's your name uh caillou that's leo he doesn't like to share do you want to play i'm doing cutouts see here's an apple and that's a banana and this is raisin toast you can't eat them though they're only pretend do like daycare i like staying at my grandma's better that's where you stay when your mom and dad are busy she's an artist and i get to play with paints and brushes and paper and crayons and chalk and colored pencils we got all that stuff here oh boy i'm going to paint a a robin i'll do cutouts of what robins eat that's worms that's a good robin could you teach me how to paint like that sure leo if you teach us how to build a castle [Music] a castle has to have lots of towers a worm has to have lots of twists and a robin has to have lots of red [Music] here leo you can make a flag for the castle we have to make this tower higher caillou was having so much fun playing he didn't even notice his mommy and daddy look i'm making a castle [Laughter] [Music] come on it's story time kids caillou doesn't look very happy i wonder why today's story is called caillou joins the circus [Music] [Applause] gilbert i dreamed about a tiger daddy's taking me to the circus today he promised i'm getting dressed all by myself daddy will be so happy oops [Music] oh ouch oh no i forgot to brush my teeth look i got dressed all by myself ah i can see that and you did a very good job but it's so early i want to be late for the circus the circus oh no caillou that's not today the circus is until tomorrow no now it's today i got all dressed it's today come on caillou come downstairs and help me make breakfast no no i don't want to [Music] was in a very bad mood because he wasn't going to the circus how you stop all this racket you woke up rosie i want you to come downstairs right now even caillou's daddy was starting to get angry why can't i go to the circus i want to go to the circus let's make toast we can cut it into little duckies like grandma does no i don't want to make duckies that's for babies well then how about a circus breakfast we can cut circus animals out of toast to have with our boiled eggs but wait a minute we're missing something something that comes before the circus animals now what could that be a parade [Music] a circus parade of course that's it [Music] i can get the eggs if you wanted scrambled eggs you should have said so it's not my fault i know caillou it wasn't anybody's fault it was an accident daddy the toast hot hot hot ouch ouch ouch you can be in the circus daddy you're a good juggler and rosie can be the clown what's going on here we're having a circus do you want to be in our parade mommy oh are you going to be the lady who rides the horse i don't think so sweetheart i think i'll be the lady who marches back to bed [Music] story time kids [Music] this all happened when caillou was just three years old today's story is called caillou is afraid in the dark good night caillou have sweet dreams sleep tight don't let the bedbugs bite okay sleep tight don't let the bedbugs bite [Music] mommy caillou what's wrong bugs mommy [Music] they're all gone they were just shadows but what about the scratchy monster i don't hear a scratchy monster there is a scratchy monster in here he's making scratchy sounds i'm sure you think you heard something but there's no need to be afraid of monsters do you know why because monsters aren't real they're just make-believe good night dear i'm not afraid of monsters i'm not afraid of monsters [Music] it's okay caillou it's just your toy snakey yes but there was a flying monster and the scratchy monster it's in my room you probably just imagined you heard something caillou i can't find anything but the scratchy monster he went try listening to the music box it'll make happy sounds for you while you sleep good night caillou mommy [Music] [Music] the wind was making the tree branch hit the window that's what was making the scary noise see darling sometimes ordinary things can seem scary so the scratchy monster was just the tree look the scratchy monster it wasn't a monster it was just gilbert that cat you'll be able to sleep fine now dear with a little help from teddy [Music] i hope there won't be any more scary sounds i know how teddy can help make sure there won't be any more scary sounds good night caillou [Music] what's the matter kids [Music] our friends are supposed to come and they're not here well while we're waiting it's story time now what did caillou do today today's story is called caillou's friends caillou was feeling very sorry for himself whatever's the matter caillou you don't look very happy i've got nobody to play with don't you have any friends no i don't at that moment caillou really thought he didn't have any friends and that made him feel even more sad and lonely i'm sure you must have some friends let's see if we can think of one what about that nice girl clementine [Music] loves candies can i nope okay want some [Music] oh no i'm putting the yellow ones in a row [Music] caillou that candy was on the floor it's not going in your mouth wait a minute i have some more here they're clean [Music] well that's one friend do you have any others um i don't think so let's see now what about that boy leo leo's funny [Music] what's so funny you two nothing mommy well now that's two friends do you have any others no really what about gilbert isn't he your friend caillou had forgotten about gilbert of course gilbert was his friend yay gilbert you're my friend caillou is much happier now he started out thinking he didn't have any friends but now he knew he had three and now that he knew he had three friends caillou began to think about whether he had any more rosie's my sister grandma but she's my friend too that's right caillou hello everybody hello mr hinkle and mr hinkle's my friend too i have lots of friends don't i grandma yes you do [Music] look who's coming it's mommy and daddy mommy daddy you're my friends and so is rosie and gilbert and mr hinkle and clementine and leo are those all your friends yes aren't you forgetting someone oh yes and you're my friend too grandma [Music] i hope this will make you feel better it's story time when caillou was three he got a really bad earache and today's story is called caillou visits the doctor i don't want to see the doctor mommy why not caillou the doctor hurt me you're much better now it won't hurt this time the doctor's ready for you now caillou [Music] now come along caillou the doctor's nice i don't like her [Music] my dinosaur's going to fight the doctor caillou [Music] hello caillou how nice to see you again now how's that ear coming along let's take a look no my dinosaur is going to bite you oh so your dinosaur isn't happy to see me hmm do you think he'd mind if i looked in your ear last time caillou was at the doctor's his ear hurt him a lot so this is what's bothering you you put that in my ear you hurt me would you like to look through it caillou it's really interesting okay [Music] well can i look in your ear now you're much better and it won't hurt like last time okay [Music] i'm very pleased you'll be all better in a day or two oh no he's not going to bite me is he ah i see you want me to check the dinosaur's ear yes [Music] i think you must have been giving him the right medicine dr caillou well done dr caillou your dinosaur's all better now [Music] when dr caillou got home he couldn't wait to find someone with an earache it's funny in your ears gilbert [Music] i want to look in your ear [Music] shhh [Music] what's the matter what's going on oh you're going to like this story [Laughter] excuse me now let's see what did caillou do today today's story is called big brother caillou it all happened back when caillou was a very little boy about two and a half years old baby sister coming mommy very soon caillou i'm going to the hospital today grandma will look after you a few days later caillou was very excited because he was going to meet rosie for the very first time mommy here daddy here [Music] we're home all three of us say hello to your new sister caillou this is rosie caillou wasn't sure if he liked rosie oh she's just beautiful she's absolutely adorable isn't she gorgeous she's my special girl rosie wasn't very happy and neither was caillou nobody was paying attention to him he thought they only cared about rosie [Music] caillou was so unhappy he didn't even like his doll anymore [Music] would you like to rock the baby caillou no caillou didn't know if he liked rosie very much okay maybe later [Music] [Applause] [Music] caillou's daddy wasn't happy to see him pinching rosie caillou why did you do that to rosie i don't like rosie why not rosie doesn't play with me but she's only a baby she's just too little to play with you now it's not easy being a big brother is it but now that you are a big brother you can protect rosie since she's so small say would you like to help me i can't do this by myself [Music] caillou would you pass me the diaper please [Music] so you've been feeling a bit left out of things too have you gilbert all changed yes i helped daddy would you like to hold her caillou yes please mommy watch her head what is it caillou rosie smells good come on it's story time kids now let's see this story happened when caillou was only three and rosie was just a baby today's story is called caillou goes shopping [Music] car you time to get up it's snowing outside look hey i want to make a snowman let's get you dressed first now where are your sweaters but i want to wear these if you wear shorts outside you'll feel as cold as a snowman there's no more cereal we'll get some when we go shopping and we need some eggs too because i'm making a special surprise cake special surprise cake yay caillou and rosie always like mommy's special surprise cakes but they never knew exactly what the surprise would be [Music] caillou it's time to go to the store put on your coat and boots but mommy i want to play with my dinosaur you can play with him later now come on we're waiting for you caillou liked to go shopping but he always took a long time to get ready because he liked playing too caillou get in the car please are we gonna make a snowman well yes as a matter of fact we are yay a snowman but right now we have to get going mommy i want to ride like rosie okay but let's get going or there won't be time to make that snowman [Music] i want these caillou we're having a special surprise cake remember so we don't need cookies too okay what is the special surprise cake if i tell you i'll spoil the surprise now when we get to the checkout i want you to look after rosie while i take care of the groceries all caillou could think about were those cookies but he forgot exactly where he'd seen them before he knew it he was all alone lost and feeling afraid mommy mommy where are you mommy caillou what happened you went away no caillou you did but i'm very glad we found you let's go home caillou was still feeling upset but he was very happy to see his mommy and rosie again i didn't like it when i was lost mommy i didn't like it either sweetie so let's make sure you don't get lost again now let's finish making that special surprise cake but i wanted to make a snowman we are going to make a snowman only we're gonna make him right here in the kitchen the special surprise cake caillou and rosie were absolutely right they had guessed what mommy's surprise was going to be mommy look he's really a snowman then he must be cold let's give him a scarf [Music] kids i think we have time for a story come on this story happened when caillou was three today's story is called caillou in the bathtub [Music] caillou it's time for your bath [Music] i'm serious caillou i'm not gonna play games with you caillou didn't want a bath where is he [Music] i wonder where that boy can be [Music] where's caillou aha there you are come on caillou it's bath time i don't want to take a bath [Music] it's too hot mommy okay it's too cold mommy [Music] and where do you think you're going young man i'm going to play you can play later it's bath time now you have to keep clean i don't want to be clean no [Music] clean's no fun let's add some bubble bath no it certainly couldn't hurt what do you say to some funny bubbles caillou oh give me your hand doesn't that look like fun [Music] suddenly caillou wanted to have his ducky and he remembered he left him in rosie's room oh no not again caillou come back here [Music] lots of bubbles big bubbles maybe this can help you make more caillou had discovered the bath time could also be playtime he discovered how to make bubbles [Music] hey where's caillou here i am it's me where's my ducky don't worry ducky i'll save you [Music] mommy daddy you're all wet caillou discovered that bath time could be splash time okay caillou time to get dried off i don't want to i want to play in the bath good then you'll want to play in the bath tomorrow too yes me and ducky and a lot of bubbles and that's how caillou got to love bath time that's the laundry finished time for a treat kids it's story time now what did caillou do today ah yes today's story is called caillou gets dressed [Music] laundry day was a very busy day in caillou's house and caillou was well caillou was busy helping out where's the door [Music] i can't play with you now gilbert [Music] look what i brought mommy thank you caillou you're getting to be a big boy caillou was very proud to help out it was a good feeling [Music] caillou maybe you better run along now caillou thought if he was big enough to help mommy do the laundry he was big enough to get dressed by himself there was only one problem he brought all his clothes downstairs so he had nothing to wear no caillou you're wake rosie why are you in your underpants i don't have any clothes that can't be right you have tons of clothes goodness you're right [Music] i know we can play a game you can dress up i can't wear grown-up clothes daddy why can't you i'm too little we'll see about that aha here we are [Music] they fit great if you'd be so kind is to try this on sir that tickles can i have a hat too [Music] let me see let me see hang on it needs something else hmm every inch a gentleman [Music] i love my mustache daddy who says you're too small for grown-up clothes [Music] guy you look at you all dressed up you're so handsome i want a picture of my two men [Music] who's ready for a story look at all those teddy bears this story is called caillou's teddy shirt you sit here teddy here it comes teddy [Music] you couldn't believe his eyes rosie was wearing his very favorite shirt [Music] mommy what is it caillou rosie is wearing my teddy shirt it's much too small for you so i give it to rosie to wear it's not too small for me it's mine [Music] i need this shirt rosie teddy sure i'll get you your nice mousy shirt rosie okay [Music] [Applause] see it still fits me it's perfect okay poor caillou his tummy was itchy from the carpet and his shirt just wouldn't stay tucked in maybe it was too small for him but then caillou got an idea caillou thought he might be able to tape his shirt yucky tape you stay caillou was very sad he knew that his teddy shirt didn't fit him anymore but he didn't want to give it up caillou [Music] there's you wearing your teddy shirt you look so cute you were too that's when i was little i had my teddy shirt i'm sorry i didn't ask you before i gave it to rosie i forgot how much you used to like it caillou still liked it but he knew he was bigger now and it didn't fit him anymore maybe we could put it away in a special place to keep forever i'm going to give it to teddy good idea teddy you look beautiful in your new shirt [Music] how about a story kids what's caillou up to today this story is called caillou goes around the block caillou loved riding fast on a shiny new bicycle and he loved his bicycle horn [Music] hey that's my cookie mommy the squirrel ate my cookie mommy are you asleep it isn't bedtime yet hi hi sarah caillou had never gone around the corner all by himself but he had always wanted to [Music] hey caillou had never stood in a sprinkler with his clothes on before it was fun being out with no one to tell him what to do [Music] hi do you want to play hopscotch throw your rock like this [Music] caillou hopped like a bunny all the way around another corner caillou decided that he would go all the way around the block by himself [Music] don't worry bella's a nice dog caillou was scared of the dog where are you going i'm going around the block i walked all by myself you're very brave go that way and you'll get back to your house [Music] caillou was starting to feel nervous about being out on his own what if he got lost what if he met another big dog what if a big crow chased him [Music] hello there i know you your caillou i've seen you with your mommy and daddy caillou had seen this lady with his mommy many times are you out here all by yourself look what i've got here would you like to hold it it tickles ladybug ladybug fly away home i think it's time for you to fly away home too caillou but first let me get you something bye bye ladybug thank you the lady was nice caillou was glad to be walking home holding her hand hi mommy i'm home where did this come from a lady gave it to me over there ah yes i know who you mean but what were you doing over there while you were sleeping i went all the way around the block you did and i saw a rainbow and a hopscotch and a big dog and a very scary crow weren't you scared a little bit i think you better wait till you're a big boy before you go around the block again [Music] now where are those children hiding it's story time now let's see what did caillou do today [Music] well today's story is called caillou's hiding place it all started when caillou's mommy and daddy went away for a few days caillou and rosie were staying with his grandma and grandpa caillou where are you are you in here i can't see him anywhere maybe he's hiding look again well now what have we here it looks a bit like caillou grandpa grandpa what are you doing in there i am stuck if i can just move this box and grab hold of this thing and now if i can get hold of this thing [Music] grandpa what on earth were you doing in there caillou hiding in a hiding place hiding in a hiding place eh that reminds me of something caillou wondered what grandpa was going to tell him can you keep a secret caillou yes grandpa well i know where there's a special hiding place in the garden would you like to see it [Music] i'm sure this is the right tree [Music] well if it wasn't on the other side it must be on this side wow go on then have a look well how is it it's the best special hiding place in the world grandpa thank you grandpa why don't you keep the flashlight wow can i [Music] this was caillou's special hiding place he didn't want anyone else to know about it [Music] wow caillou are you in there you better come in the house your daddy will be here to pick you up soon well well well i just don't believe it what is it well believe it or not caillou that's a toy that belonged to me when i was a little boy just like you and when i was a daddy just like your daddy you must have found it in my special hiding place [Music] but it's your special hiding place now yay [Music] everyone's gone home it's birthday story time kids now what did caillou do on his birthday today's story is called caillou's birthday present it was caillou's birthday and his mommy was making his birthday cake i don't suppose you want to help me clean the bowl do you yes please mommy i thought you might [Music] be cake i want some i want some i want some come on caillou you really should let rosie have a little of that frosting daddy [Music] i thought you said caillou should let rosie have some frosting caillou had told everyone he wanted a special dinosaur as a birthday present [Music] but grandma's gift wasn't a dinosaur it was a sweater do you like it caillou of course he does oh my they're here already [Music] leo clementine come on in you two now just hold still a little longer caillou i've almost finished [Music] it feels funny daddy [Music] [Laughter] [Music] meow [Music] happy [Music] wow happy birthday are you going to blow up the candles caillou make a wish caillou you're supposed to make a wish he knew just what to wish for he wanted a special dinosaur [Music] caillou was so full he just couldn't eat any more birthday cake happy birthday caillou wow it's my special dinosaur thank you wow just a little while later everyone found room for some ice cream sundae rosie [Music] here's a clean sweater dear wow it's another special dinosaur caillou certainly had his special dinosaur now in fact he had two special dinosaurs oh wow this is my best birthday [Applause] grandma come read this a story a story about caillou i wonder what caillou did today this story is called caillou and gilbert not gilbert this is a picture of a cat i'm tired of coloring i want to play with someone rosie [Music] caillou wanted to play with someone but he knew he wasn't supposed to wake up rosie when she was taking her nap caillou [Music] you know better than that caillou but i need someone to play with daddy sorry caillou we can't play with you now you can play with rosie later caillou didn't want to play with someone later he wanted to play with someone right now do you want to play with me gilbert caillou suddenly thought of another game they could play i'll be right back caillou knew that gilbert would not like a story about a doll but he thought gilbert would love a mouse story and a story with birds look gilbert it's story time gilbert this is a story about a mouse named mousey one day mousey mousey had a friend named missy and one day missy and mousy gilbert look at the cute mouse gilbert look here [Music] i know what we can play hold still daddy will take you for a nice ride here take that corner gilbert and i are playing dress-up i'm the daddy caillou dress-up is a people game a people game you know how you don't like to play baby games that's because you're not a baby right yes well gilbert's a kitty cat not a person so he likes playing kitty cat games do you know what games he likes best yes you like cat games don't you gilbert meow get it gilbert now we're kitty cats playing a game together [Music] what nice kitty cats we have [Music] story time kids oh you're going to like this one it's all about the time caillou got covered with paint it's called caillou's colors how you were spending the day at his grandma's loft he usually found lots of fun things to do there but today was different caillou was in a bad mood and he didn't feel like doing anything [Music] caillou felt bored he didn't know what to do [Music] surprise it seemed as if nothing would cheer fry you up you must have got out of the wrong side of the bed today caillou what does that mean it means that some days you wake up feeling grumpy and don't know why i'm not grumpy well i'm glad to hear that we're going to have an apple pie for snack time i have to go and check on it i'm not hungry i don't want apple pie we'll see about that caillou was very grumpy what was he to do haiyu's grandma always let him use her paints and caillou always enjoyed painting caillou liked his blue picture and then he decided to use some of grandma's other colors [Music] wow [Music] caillou the pie's ready caillou where are you here i am goodness caillou just look at your hands i'm finger painting and look at your wonderful painting oh but you'll have to wash up if you want some pie you do want some pie don't you yes was it good dear hi sweetie did you have a nice day with grandma mommy i did finger painting caillou was very grumpy at first but then he did this lovely painting and now he isn't grumpy anymore i don't want to go home but you can always come back another day that's right anytime you get out of the wrong side of the bed and you're feeling grumpy you'll come and see grandma i want to be grumpy again [Music] hi youtube it's story time now let's see what did caillou do today today's story is called caillou's big friend caillou this is andre his mommy and i have been friends since we were little caillou didn't think andre was little at all in fact andre seemed very big you're already a big boy andre how old are you i'm six now why don't you play with andre while we talk come on let's build a castle do you have any games we could play i know let's play catch not inside catch broke my castle no i didn't you knocked it over you're not allowed to play ball in the house well let's play something else then let's play hide and seek okay i'll go hide okay oh count one two three four five six seven eight nine ten here i come here i come caillou where are you caillou where are you caillou couldn't resist that barefoot he had to tickle it oops that's not fair i tripped yes it is fair you're right caillou let's play something else well okay do you have any toys in your room andre was upsetting caillou wait for me i'll get my robot andre i got my robot what was that broke my chairs andre are you hurt he broke my special chair he's not my rent anymore andre i'm so sorry let me get a little bandage for that cut it's okay caillou was very angry with andre but when he saw the cut he felt sorry for him is andre hurt mommy i'm sure he's gonna be all right honey i didn't mean to break caillou's chair it was an accident why don't you two play soccer outside for a little while but the soccer ball is stuck in the tree i can reach it [Music] hey watch this [Music] wait up look kick it like this [Music] got it caillou was having fun playing with andre now [Music] [Laughter] [Music] look the ball went in the tree again anyone up for a story come and sit by the fire it's nice and cozy let's start tonight's story is called caillou snowman got one me too [Music] let's make a snowman a snowman wow do you want to help me caillou thought that was a great idea even though he didn't know exactly how to make a snowman yes why don't you start making the head i'll make his body okay gonna make a snowman gonna make a snowman i can't do it i hate making the snowman how's the head coming along caillou i can't make it you can't don't worry i'll show you how we're going to make the biggest snowman in the world the biggest snowman in the world in the universe i think that snowball is big enough let's make new ones first you have to make a tiny snowball see caillou liked having sarah to show him what to do a snowball you did it hey any stop but caillou wouldn't stop sarah didn't think the game was funny anymore he's fine if you don't want to make a snowman i'm leaving no stay please i want to make a snowman with you now look it's easy i'm finished all right let's put our snowman together we have to put it on top of this one are you ready i think it will hold now we need a head that's your snowball okay [Music] hi kids i have a surprise for you look in the bag oh kiri we can use it to make the snowman's nose [Music] wow the bag was full of great surprises and very soon the snowman had a big smile on his face hmm i have something else let's see if it fits look sarah he's beautiful and he's the biggest snowman in the universe wonderful now how about coming inside for a snack wait what's this it's a snowball no it's a snack for the snowman how would you like to hear about caillou and a very special friend today [Music] today's story is called caillou's special friend [Music] caillou was playing with his special friend george caillou's friend george was a very special friend we could play dinosaurs only caillou knew george and nobody had ever seen him caillou suddenly had a wonderful idea yeah let's have a race look mommy look grandma i'm having a race with my friend i'm hungry why don't you go and tell caillou it's lunch time okay rosie okay grandma [Music] [Music] as caillou tried to hide the mess he decided it was all george's fault that the flower pot was broken lunchtime coming [Music] george runs really fast you know but i beat him in a race where does george live caillou i don't know exactly where he lives caillou but i think he lives in our basement george is probably my bestest friend in the whole world you know caillou look we finished eating and you've been talking so much you haven't even touched your food [Music] sorry mommy maybe george had better go outside while you finish eating okay okay mommy [Music] thank you george caillou will be out soon see you later george [Music] hi caillou can you come here for a moment [Music] do you know anything about this george did it daddy are you sure george did this caillou's daddy knew that it wasn't really george who broke the flower pot yes daddy we had a race and george knocked it down hmm well i think you might have had something to do with it too don't you caillou yes daddy i'll tell you what why don't you help me clean up this mess and the next time you play with george i think you both should be a bit more careful okay you thought it was a very good idea okay good you just hold the dustpan steady and i'll use the brush george is very clumsy isn't he daddy a bit like you huh i really like it when you push me on the swing [Music] and i really like pushing you caillou [Music] how about a story kids yay this story is called caillou is scared of dogs i'm going to build the biggest castle ever [Music] done caillou was scared the dog sounded angry mommy mommy caillou what's the matter that doggy scared me the next day caillou was looking forward to going to his grandma's while mommy did some shopping but caillou and his mommy didn't know the grandma was looking after her neighbor's puppy for the day i have a special friend staying with me would you like to meet him yes please caillou don't worry caillou that's my special friend i really think he'd like to meet you no but caillou he's only a little puppy why don't you just come and see i promise he won't hurt you oh well okay see caillou he's only a little puppy and he's very friendly yes grandma well if you're scared why don't we shut the door so he can't get out okay okay caillou was still a bit nervous even though he knew the puppy was safely in the kitchen oh honey it's okay hey i have an idea let's read a book about dogs caillou was enjoying reading about dogs with grandma and he was beginning to be curious about that little puppy in the kitchen he's barking grandma we'd better go see what he wants don't you think maybe he's hungry who's a good boy then are you hungry here's a treat you like that don't you caillou was still a bit nervous but when he hurt his grandma he decided he really wanted to see the little puppy again [Music] what's so funny caillou he looks like one of mommy's slippers see caillou he wants to be your friend he's wagging his tail it means he's happy to see you if you hold out your hand he'll say hello [Music] that tickles i think you've made a new friend caillou hi doggie what do you know the puppy wasn't scary at all but friendly and fuzzy and funny [Music] good boy [Music] look look mommy i like donkeys now grandma read us a story about caillou let's see now this story happened when caillou was only three it's called caillou's summer good night [Music] when is she coming she'll be here any minute come in grandma i can't fix grandma you're too big grandma was caillou and rosie's favorite babysitter in the whole world hi kids what have you got there rosie [Music] after mommy and daddy left grandma played games with caillou and rosie [Music] and then it was bedtime while grandma read rosie astoria put her to sleep caillou washed his face and brushed his teeth then he went to bed and waited for grandma to come and read him a story [Music] grandma once upon a time there was a while grandma was reading the story caillou got sleepier and sleepier night night [Music] caillou was wide awake again and he couldn't get back to sleep no matter what he did he tried rearranging his pillow [Music] but that didn't help it was summer and it was still daylight outside how could caillou sleep when his room was so bright [Music] sleeping the wrong way around didn't work caillou really couldn't sleep and now he was feeling quite cranky caillou you're all mixed up your head is where your feet should be grandma i can't sleep well i'm not surprised it's too bright in here and i can see why you don't have any curtains where are they oh yes i remember your mommy took them to the cleaners i have an idea caillou was very curious about grandma's idea there you are caillou a night sky now you'll be able to sleep thank you grandma but if it's a night sky i think something's missing don't you ready caillou [Music] wow caillou's night sky was so beautiful and dreamy that he fell asleep very quickly it's story time kids now i wonder what caillou did today today's story is called caillou is a clown guess what rosie we're going to a parade [Music] we're going to see horses drummers and clowns i love clowns no clowns no [Music] hey rosie [Music] oh caillou i don't know about this what's the matter mommy i don't know if it's such a good idea to go to the parade why not mommy i want to go to the parade there'll be clowns caillou and you know rosie's really afraid of clowns no she isn't not anymore i wanna go caillou was miserable and angry it wasn't fair why can't we go just because rosie's a silly baby remember caillou you used to be afraid of clowns too when you were little like rosie well what are we gonna do now then caillou had an idea see rosie it's not scary a doll i know mommy i'll cover her eyes when the clowns come by come on caillou let's go up to your room why i have an idea maybe we can go to the parade but i need your help caillou just couldn't imagine what mommy's idea could be let's see [Music] these'll do let's show rosie the clowns aren't scary because they're only people wearing clown clothes okay look rosie [Music] [Music] look here [Music] see rosie clowns are funny no rosie like this see [Music] look rosie you're a clown so now rosie wasn't scared of clowns anymore rosie look okay kids i guess we can go to the parade now yay hold still rosie are my two clowns ready to go yes let's go story time kids let's see now today's story is called caillou's new shoes [Music] oh do you need some help tying your laces caillou no my shoes hurt honey your feet have grown they're too big for these shoes you need a new pair here these will do for now put them on and we'll go to the shoe store right away now caillou love to splash and rain puddles with his boots but today it was sunny and he wanted to run hi sarah oh hi caillou where are you going to buy a new pair of shoes we'll have to have a race when you get them bye bye sarah i want you to run fast like sarah come on caillou cai you liked looking at all the different kinds of shoes and boots there were all kinds of sandals and ladies shoes and even work boots oops wow these look fast hmm which color do you like best caillou um caillou just couldn't make up his mind which color he liked best well now before we decide on the color maybe we better measure your feet now let's see you are a size a size seven mommy mommy i'm a size seven my your feet have been growing caillou now do you want the blue ones or the yellow ones [Music] how about the green ones [Music] green yay we'll just put your boots in the shoe box so you can take them back home your new shoes are very nice caillou and so are my new shoes [Music] but you have to measure your feet first my feet stopped growing a long time ago [Music] come on kids it's story time when caillou was just a little boy of three he went to the ocean for the first time today's story is called caillou at the beach [Music] caillou's family was on vacation it was his first trip to the ocean and the beach the beach the sea we're off to see the scene caillou rosie do you hear that what is it that's the sound of the ocean [Music] we're here [Music] caillou was so excited he couldn't wait to get to the beach oh look mommy the ocean yes and look caillou the sun and that means sunscreen no no it tickles bye bye there that should do it this is a nice spot who wants to go in the water i do i do caillou hadn't had swimming lessons yet so he held his daddy's hand tightly as they ran into the it's cold oh it's all right once you get used to it caillou loved any kind of picnic but a picnic on the beach was best of all caillou's sandwich had sand in it look mommy well hey that's my sandwich [Laughter] hello can you follow that strange little crab that lived in a shell all the way to a tidal pool full of creatures from the sea there were starfish and seahorses and sea urchins [Music] who wants to help me build a sand castle i do i do go away [Music] look rosie like this and like this mommy daddy look when the tide comes in it's time for us to go [Music] my castle well we'll have to come back tomorrow and build another castle and we'll come back the next day and the next day and the next day and the next day know what time it is it's time for a caillou story well now let's see what caillou did today i think he met some animals today's story is called caillou goes to the zoo [Music] hi welcome to the zoo my name's zoe are we going to see lots of animals oh yes and we're very excited because lots of our animal families have new babies would you like to see some baby wolves baby wolves really wow see the baby wolves those are their noses why don't they come out i want to see them they were just born the other day so they want to stay with their mommy oh i want you to seize them you know caillou they'll stay with their families all their lives do all the baby animals stay with their mommies and daddies oh no most animals leave their families when they're big enough would you like to see another animal family yes please how you like the idea of animals having families they must be in their house caillou i'm afraid we might not see them today although i think we might be lucky after all wow he's so big the rhino's as big as a dinosaur i know dino rhino dino you know what caillou that rhino is not a he she is a she and she has a baby really a baby rhino of course caillou even really big animals have babies look look it's the baby rhino he's not very cuddly but i think he's cute as a button yay a sea otter it's a sea otter they're my favorite that little guy came to us when he was just a baby does he have a family too i'm afraid not you see his mommy died his mommy died will he be all right he'll be fine but you know because he didn't have his mommy to show him what to do we've had to teach him everything even how to swim and how to feed himself it was the first time caillou had seen a real sea otter i wish we could take him home with us oh you can't do that he's almost ready to go back to the ocean [Music] what's so funny caillou that chimpanzee looks like grandpa you're right he does look like grandpa but you know what that little guy looks a bit like you caillou [Music] he's coming to say hello oh it's getting cold outside i'm glad we're in here for our story time now let's see what caillou did today today's story is called caillou rakes the leaves [Music] caillou and rosie were having so much fun they didn't even notice that their mommy and daddy were watching them caillou rosie well it looks like you two are having fun daddy mommy come play with us [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] show me a red leaf rosie yes good for you here's a yellow one mommy and another red one thank you caillou and thank you rosie caillou loved spending all day with his family having fun in the leaves [Music] i think it's time to go inside and make supper come along you two i'll stay and rake the leaves caillou was enjoying himself so much he didn't want the fun to stop he wanted this special day to last forever can i stay and help daddy wake the leaves sure i think that's a great idea all right there's an awful lot of leaves caillou do you think we can rake them all yes [Music] i like making the leaves daddy oh well it's rather hard work but it's fun when we do it together caillou liked helping his daddy but he also liked playing he imagined that the piles of leaves were big houses in the city i want to live in this one [Music] caillou was having so much fun pretending that the leaf piles were big houses he didn't even notice that it was almost dark daddy come see my house wow that's a great house did you make it all by yourself yes come on in you two supper's ready daddy i had a fun day so did i i like it when i have my whole family around me me too [Music] you finish raking the leaves yes and there were lots and lots of them i made a city too caillou helped me a lot didn't you hey what's that on your head oh [Music] all ready for your bedtime story let's see what caillou's up to tonight it looks like he's going camping i found you grandpa you have to catch me first hey hi guys that looks like fun why don't you come and join us in the garden okay daddy [Laughter] [Music] give it up coursey [Music] [Laughter] [Music] oh that reminds me of the time i took your daddy camping when he was a little boy camping with my daddy who you bet we saw a big raccoon we went swimming in a waterfall i want to go camping with you a camping trip takes planning caillou well it does sound like fun and it needn't take a lot of planning do you still have that tent because i think i know just the spot [Music] hey caillou where'd you go here i am grandpa this time you go inside while i hold the front up now you see that pole in the back i'd better show you look grandpa bugs oh someone else has seen them too come and see [Music] grandpa i saw a nest and it had baby birds well we'd better get that tent set up or we'll be sleeping in the trees tonight too and not too close now they look perfect you look like a chipmunk camping with grandpa was going to be a lot of fun look at all the stars grandpa [Music] oh it's getting late i'll get the sleeping bags ready grandpa what are those lights in the bushes those aren't lights caillou they're fireflies let's see if we can catch one i did it grandpa i caught one you sure did [Music] all these noises were making caillou nervous but grandpa found a solution are you two campers awake yet breakfast is ready good morning what happened did it get too cold last night oh it got too noisy so we decided to go camping inside the house i was camping with grandpa next time we go camping we'll tell all the animals and birds to be quiet just look at caillou he's all dressed up let's see what's going on this story is called caillou's new babysitter caillou's mommy and daddy were going out for a special dinner i want to go with you caillou it's our anniversary that's a special day for mommy and daddy but we have something special for you and rosie too a brand new babysitter isn't that nice i don't want a new babysitter that must be julie now i'll go and let her in i don't like julie julie was a new babysitter caillou wanted his regular babysitter so he made up his mind he wasn't going to like julie at all hi caillou i'm julie [Music] just press this button [Music] bye bye doesn't your mommy look pretty in her dress and doesn't your daddy look smart in his tuxedo let's wave goodbye [Music] later that evening it was supper time i don't want any supper i don't want any supper too caillou you have to eat your supper you can't make me i have an idea your mommy and daddy are going out for a special anniversary supper so why don't we do the same [Music] even though caillou had decided he wouldn't like julie he was curious about this idea come on then what are we waiting for now you look just as handsome as your daddy do i really you bet caillou discovered he was starting to like julie now let's go and make rosie look as nice as your mommy gilbert hold it how you like julie's dressing up game but he still didn't care very much for salad come on caillou you have to eat i don't want any supper i don't want any supper too if you don't want supper why don't we have breakfast instead how can we have breakfast it's supper time it's easy from now on everything's going to be the opposite way around you'll see [Music] oh hi caillou hi julie did you all have as much fun as we did we had breakfast really but what about your supper i thought they could have their supper tomorrow if that's all right i'm sure that'll be fine julie and now if you're ready i'll take you home no daddy no caillou had been having so much fun with his new babysitter he didn't want her to leave don't worry caillou i promise i'll come back and see you very soon [Music] this is the story of when caillou learned to skate it happened on a winter day just like today ever since caillou watched a hockey game with his mommy and daddy he wanted to skate so his daddy made a skating wink in the backyard and bought him his first pair of skates [Music] [Applause] good but first we need to learn to skate i can skate fastest in the world [Applause] look mommy he fell down hmm so i'll be skating with the world champion that's great [Music] see soon you'll be able to skate like this [Music] okay now the first thing you have to learn is how to stand caillou discovered that skating wasn't as easy as he thought it would be [Music] this should help until you get the hang of it and now you're ready to skate [Music] i don't want to skate anymore it's too hard i know it isn't easy but i'm very proud of you for trying let's do it again caillou was tired of falling and falling but he did feel like trying one more time with his daddy i want to try again good for you [Music] you're doing great caillou oh no daddy i can do it yay look at me [Music] are you all right caillou hmm caillou you're skating you're really skating look mommy i'm skating [Music] who wants some hot chocolate after falling a lot caillou was finally getting the hang of it except mommy daddy yes dear i guess your next lesson will be how to turn [Music] and then we'll have to think about getting you a hockey stick a hockey stick wow [Music] look caillou's a mailman and that's perfect for today's story time because today's story is called caillou mails a letter [Music] are you having fun dear yes mommy what a wonderful sunny day i'm going to draw the sun i think the males arrived [Music] i wonder if there's any nice letters today [Music] bills bills bills nothing but bills it sure would be nice to get a letter for a change hi caillou is anything the matter mommy wants to get a letter does she now caillou explained how mommy didn't like bills and wanted to get a letter well why don't we send her one in fact i think you've already made one yes look that would make a wonderful letter can we send it to mommy absolutely we'll make sure the mailman brings it tomorrow morning caillou knew that people sometimes put kisses on letters with an ex a kiss that's great now what we need is an envelope i know where they are daddy i'll be right back how about a stamp yes [Music] oh gilbert caillou where are you now what are you two up to nothing nothing at all isn't that right caillou that's right mommy hmm if we want mommy to get her letter in the morning we'll have to have everything finished tonight and we have to get up extra early in the morning yes yuck now what else do we need to do we need to stick on the stamp that's right [Music] wow the next morning caillou and his daddy got up extra early so they could meet the mailman [Music] mommy mommy the mailman's coming mommy i think you have a letter today well this letter looks interesting caillou what a wonderful surprise and you even got gilbert to sign it thank you caillou i'll keep my letter forever forever wow it's the nicest letter i ever got bath time or story time you decide three times all right story time first then bath time now let's see what was caillou up to today this story is called caillou learns to swim [Music] caillou i'm right here oh are you coming in caillou it's shiny daddy look maybe you'll come in the big pool with me next time okay [Music] remember the pool today yes would you like daddy to teach you how to swim yes a couple of days later caillou had his first lesson he liked learning to swim and after just a few lessons he was getting better and better i can do it this time daddy i know you can caillou caillou wanted to swim and dive just like the big boys and girls do you want to go back in the water i want to swim all by myself well that sounds like a good idea yay [Music] i can swim now daddy [Music] [Applause] [Applause] come in with me daddy you can see me swim all by myself [Applause] that's it hold your arms out just like i showed you caillou walked on the bottom of the pool and very soon he was swimming all by himself that's it caillou i'm swimming i'm swimming can you see daddy yes i'm right here you can do it look at me suddenly caillou was afraid caillou caillou come this way but his daddy was right there by his side take it easy caillou swim to me just like we did before that was a bit scary wasn't it but you knew i was there didn't you yes daddy you know what you really were swimming all by yourself i was wasn't i i'm very proud of you [Music] story time kids [Music] what's the story today grandma well let's find out what's caillou up to now today's story is called caillou's rainy day we're gonna run a few errands together with all that rain outside we have to dress up to keep dry uh-huh we can jump in all the puddles uh-oh this feels funny [Music] here let me help you it's okay i want to do it i did it great need some help with your buttons [Music] let's go but caillou had forgotten something very important mommy yes dear i have to go to the bathroom [Music] i'll wait for you here caillou rushed off to the bathroom on his way there something caught his attention [Music] watch out [Music] caillou caillou caillou daddy what are you doing here i i was um going to the bathroom oh no i've gotta go now i really have to go [Music] may i see your airplane please let's land your airplane back in the airport okay it'll still be here when you come back and have you forgotten about mommy mommy i forgot did mommy wait for me caillou came back quickly to meet his mommy but when he got there she was putting away the raincoats mommy i'm here aren't we going anymore oh no we're still going but look the sun was shining so caillou and his mommy didn't need raincoats but there were still plenty of puddles this one first and this one goes in here mommy i think you forgot something [Music] yay [Music] i know they're fun but we have to run errands now [Music] you know what we can do though we can leave tracks on our way to the store look [Music] this is a story of when caillou went to the park with his grandpa and he met a boy he didn't like or at least caillou thought he didn't like him how you loved going to the park and sometimes he got to make new friends [Music] okay caillou you're on i'll make another one well hello there what's your name young man jim well jim this is caillou would you like to play with caillou jim i think that sounds like a great idea now if you need us we'll be on that bench right over there i'm making a tower i want to make the tower that's mine [Music] you broke the tower no you did i can make a new one [Music] he knocked it all down maybe it was an accident caillou jim sorry caillou aren't you jim but i fixed it and you sure did a good job now why don't you two play nicely together okay okay i don't want to play that anymore i'm going on the swings wait for me [Music] push me no i don't want to you push me first i don't want to play with you anymore caillou didn't like jim because he always had to get his own way caillou what's wrong he doesn't want to play with me [Music] he always wants to be first now jim you know you have to take turns when you play did you forget i know do you want to be my friend again [Music] so jim and caillou took turns with the pail [Music] then they took turns pushing each other on the swings and by the end of the day they were having so much fun playing together grandpa probably thought they'd never go home okay kids time to go just a few more times grandpa please [Music] are you ready for story time yes we are now let's see what caillou did today today's story is called caillou and daddy [Music] bye bye mommy bye sweetie now don't get into any trouble you two bye bye [Music] caillou's mommy and sister rosie were going out for the day and that meant caillou would be spending the whole day with his daddy that's what i like a good strong cup of coffee [Music] that's what i like too do you remember our secret plan caillou was helping daddy make a special surprise for his mommy [Music] [Music] do you think mommy's going to like her surprise bookshelf oh yes daddy [Music] loves spending time with his daddy like this just the two of them together [Music] [Music] now this should dry very quickly so we can oh no oh no oh no what is it daddy well in the first place you're covered with paint so are you hmm yes you're right and in the second place i forgot to buy the blue paint that goes on top of this undercoat i'll tell you what we're going to do we're going to take care of business that's what we're going to do [Music] there you go are you ready yes then let's go and take care of business hmm which color do you think mommy would like this one let's take it are we taking care of business daddy you bet we are caillou and his daddy decided to have a hot dog for lunch [Music] hello we're home it's dry daddy what on earth have you two been up to we've been taking care of business mommy look oh a bookshelf it's just what i wanted but wait a minute it looks like i have a new book too i made it mommy [Music] come on kids it's time for another caillou story now let's see what caillou's up to oh yes today's story is called caillou grows carrots [Applause] caillou why don't you go out to the backyard somebody's waiting for you caillou was very curious to know who it could be [Music] hey what are you doing i'm making a vegetable patch for your mommy would you like to help me yeah just wait and see caillou we're gonna grow all sorts of vegetables caillou didn't really like vegetables but he liked the idea of making a vegetable patch i'm giving you a special mission would you like to grow the carrots yeah okay here are the seeds for your carrots where are the carrots well you have to plant the seeds in the ground and give them lots and lots of water then they'll grow into carrots caillou's grandpa marked out a square in the vegetable patch where caillou could plant his seeds exactly like grandpa showed him yay [Music] grandpa it isn't working there aren't any carrots oh you have to be patient it might take all summer for the carrots to grow oh summer [Music] i finished my carrot good now i'll glue the ice cream stick to the cardboard [Applause] with his sign in the ground caillou wouldn't forget where his carrots were growing caillou went to the vegetable patch every day to see how his carrots were coming along [Music] and after a few weeks carrot leaves [Music] caillou was wondering if his carrots would ever come out it was taking too much time but a few weeks later hello caillou i just went by the vegetable patch and you know what i think your carrots are ready now really my carrots i want to seize them i'm coming i'm coming leaves again no carrots just leaves oh don't be so sure just grab some leaves and pull you'll see [Music] a carrot [Music] enjoy your meal everyone i grew the carrots by myself that's wonderful congratulations caillou and look at rosie she seems to like your carrots a lot although caillou still didn't like vegetables he thought his carrots tasted pretty good [Music] are you two ready for an exciting ride it's story time so let's see what caillou did today oh yes today's story is called caillou goes to a theme park are we there yet daddy are we there yet daddy [Music] because this was the first time he'd ever been to a theme park and he wanted to go on the rides with his daddy [Music] wow the first one he chose was called the niagara falls river ride stand next to the board what is it you can only go on the ride if you're tall enough yay do you like it yes it's fun it's a bit scary too isn't it caillou and his daddy agreed that the river ride was fun and a bit scary pretty soon caillou was having too much fun to be really scared [Applause] [Music] the water splashed us mommy who wants dessert i do me i want some yummy oh [Music] hmm well i'm not sure cotton candy is really good for you does that mean you don't want one hmm look daddy we're very high up look caillou loved riding on the ferris wheel from all the way up here he could see the whole theme park daddy daddy look it was the biggest teddy bear caillou had ever seen if they could throw all their hoops over a wooden block maybe they could win the bear [Music] it was a very difficult game for caillou it didn't go it isn't as easy as it looks can you do it daddy i'll try my best [Music] way to go [Music] caillou really really hoped his daddy could make the third hoop fall over the block [Music] did you enjoy yourself caillou oh yes mommy what was the best part was it the river ride the ferris wheel i know it was daddy throwing the hoops and winning the bear wasn't it yes [Music] i think we have time for a story before your bus comes now why don't we see what caillou's up to today well it's a story called caillou's school bus caillou didn't go to school yet but every day he waited to see the school bus coming down his street caillou really wanted to ride on the school bus with the big children [Music] daddy when can i go on the school bus well you won't go to school until after your next birthday let's see this is today and this is your birthday but i want to go on the school bus now well i think we could at least go and see the school bus even if you can't ride on it the very next morning caillou and his daddy got up extra early so they could see the school bus from up close here it comes daddy here it comes us oh doesn't go to school yet sarah [Applause] well good morning young man are you coming to school too [Music] wait a minute i remember you i used to take you to school when you were a little boy hello mr washington how nice to see you again this is my son caillou he wanted to see your bus well caillou i'm very pleased to meet you and i'm looking forward to driving you to school when the time comes i want to go on the bus daddy well i can't take you today caillou mr washington could see that caillou was very disappointed but maybe i could tomorrow as long as it's all right with your mommy and your daddy and i'll have to ask my boss if it's okay too so i can't promise i'll take you isn't that nice of mr washington caillou let's go and ask mommy wow what's this caillou that's the school bus daddy and who's this driving the school bus me caillou remember we have to wait till tomorrow to find out if you're allowed to ride on the bus [Music] hi caillou it looks like you're going to school today i was very nervous he didn't know if he'd be allowed to ride on the bus good morning [Applause] well we don't want to be late for school caillou come along what are you waiting for go on oh boys caillou loved riding in the big yellow school bus we're almost home caillou there's your daddy waiting for you [Music] i saw you now let's say thank you to mr washington thank you mr washington goodbye caillou goodbye see you after your next birthday where are you hiding it's story time [Music] now let's see what caillou did today it's a story called caillou looks for gilbert [Music] ready gilbert help [Music] [Music] dinosaur hunter it was even more fun when gilbert joined in [Music] snack time gilbert you stay here [Music] hi caillou what have you been getting up to i was playing with gilbert i saved him from the bad dinosaur did you you must be very brave to go dinosaur hunting [Music] [Music] where are you caillou was upset he told gilbert to stay but gilbert hadn't listened to him daddy was gone he didn't wait for me well he's not in here and he's not in the living room where is he i need gilbert for my game gilbert come here right now [Music] gilbert you're a bad cat caillou was starting to feel very mad at gilbert where could he be hiding oh what's going on caillou i can't find gilbert he was supposed to wait for me in the living room he's probably sleeping in one of the bedrooms let's go and look we'll be like detectives detectives hmm well if we're detectives we'd better look for clues what are clues a clue could be anything that helps us find gilbert so keep your eyes wide open [Music] caillou had found the string from the dinosaur he and gilbert had been playing with that meant gilbert must be nearby that's a very good clue [Music] he's not in here mommy i think there's only one room we haven't looked in my room gilbert come out gilbert look mommy the dinosaur another clue well you are a good detective [Music] [Applause] [Music] snuggle up children it's story time look at kayu he's having breakfast but it's not just any breakfast this story's all about caillou's surprise breakfast one morning caillou woke up very very early caillou was trying very hard to be quiet and not wake anybody mommy are you asleep daddy are you [Music] asleep caillou was wide awake and feeling very hungry he decided to have breakfast right then all by himself thank you caillou an idea he would make breakfast for his family [Music] hi rosie come with me i'm making breakfast for everybody hey caillou didn't want to wake his mommy and daddy he wanted his breakfast to be a surprise [Music] want some milk rosie um [Music] are you hungry breakfast gilbert breakfast was a lot of work now caillou had to set the table caillou wanted this to be the biggest surprise mommy and daddy ever had what was that i didn't hear anything i think caillou's in the kitchen caillou everything okay caillou shh it's a surprise oh i see okay hmm i wonder what sort of surprise caillou is making i wonder too the cupboards seem very full to caillou but where was the breakfast food mommy likes cereal [Music] muffins daddy loves muffins mama caillou wasn't quite ready wait mommy there was one more thing he wanted to put on the table he wanted his surprise breakfast to be just right okay come in it's a surprise breakfast it certainly is mmm it looks good and look my favorite cereal is already poured and there's a lovely muffin on my plate and the butter dish is right here so i can butter it the way i like i made you the biggest surprise ever who wants to hear a story is this a story you want me to read yay read it grandma let me see what it's called oh yes it's caillou's missing sock [Music] caillou found one of his favorite socks right away but now he needed the other one hmm caillou couldn't find his missing sock in his room so he decided to go and look in the laundry room [Music] caillou thought the sock might be in the washing machine but he was too short to see he decided to go and fetch a chair [Music] caillou tried to open the door but it just wouldn't open and that was a bit scary caillou it's daddy i'm here it's okay daddy daddy the door won't open i'm gonna get you out of there in no time you'll see i expect the doorknob fell out on your side caillou didn't it yes daddy well it didn't fall out on this side but i have to turn it slowly it's all right caillou what are you doing in here i'm looking for my sock did you look in the laundry room let's look together okay okay mommy brought some clothes up this morning maybe she dropped your sock on the stairs i good idea let's take a look can you see your sock no did i forget to close that door again there we go there's nothing in here i want to see it's not in here oh well let's go find you another sock your foot must be cold but i want my favorite sock after we find you a pair of socks you can help me fix the broken doorknob if you like [Music] uh oh looks like someone closed the door again honey are you there hello let's call out together mommy mommy caillou didn't feel scared this time because his daddy was with him oh dear are you in there oh no the doorknob came out caillou's daddy explained to his mommy how to put the doorknob back in and soon afterwards she opened the door i'd better fix this before anyone gets locked in again i'll go and get my toolbox what happened to your sock i lost it i bet i could put a smile on your face look in the basket [Music] here it is once caillou had both his socks on he helped his daddy fix the doorknob so no one would ever get stuck again story time kids [Music] i wonder if there's any way i could fit right between you two so we could all see the book what's the story about grandma it looks like a new adventure for caillou it's called caillou goes to work taiyo was excited he was going to go to work with his mommy the first thing we have to do is go through the revolving door i can do it watch me all right go ahead but don't forget to get out on the other side mommy oh dear keep on pushing caillou [Music] caillou had never seen anything like this before there were funny noises around and lots of people he had never met before [Music] caillou you must be caillou pleased to meet you welcome to the office caillou is here to work wow here you go your very own desk for the day and what would you like to do i want to do work [Music] caillou thought that working was writing on paper [Music] finished look mommy that's great caillou just a minute look mommy this is you this is daddy this is rosie and this is me take it it's for you it's beautiful caillou thank you you did a really good job can we play now i can't just right now caillou i have a bit of work to finish first maybe you could draw another picture hello teddy mommy's work takes a long time caillou i'm not quite done with my work yet but i have a surprise for you hello daddy it's me caillou i'm working with mommy i'm doing work teddy's with me i love you daddy bye what do you say we have some lunch caillou and his mommy took out their lunch and had a great picnic with teddy why don't we put up your drawing on my bulletin board that way everybody will see it yeah i want to do it wow it looks great [Music] here you go i'll see you later at home [Music] see that's the office where mommy works that's right caillou was really proud to show his daddy everything he knew about the office [Music] the doors were very heavy so caillou's daddy decided to help you really have to be strong to push these doors i know caillou told his daddy all about his day at work [Music] are you two fighting again now why don't you stop that and listen to a caillou story well look at this it looks like caillou and clementine are squabbling too today's story is called caillou's quarrel caillou's friend clementine was coming to play so he was getting his toys ready caillou caillou come downstairs clementine's here [Music] hi come in clementine come in say hello caillou hello now you be a good little girl clementine play nicely yes mommy and don't you cause any trouble no mommy i'm sure she won't be any trouble at all come on in clementine yay [Music] wow you brought lots of toys caillou wanted to play dinosaurs with clementine and he was going to explain exactly how he wanted to build a house for them with his building blocks let's play families i'll be the mommy and you can be the daddy that wasn't caillou's idea fun at all i want to play dinosaurs a teddy bear and a bunny they can be our children that's my teddy and my bunny caillou didn't like anybody touching his teddy and his bunny without his permission let's have a tea party for them come and sit down give them back they're mine don't be silly caillou sit down and play nicely i don't want to play nicely what's the matter i don't want to play families i want to play dinosaurs okay well the dinosaurs can be our children too how you didn't like that idea at all i don't want to play with you anymore i don't like you anymore mommy whatever's the matter caillou and where's clementine i don't like clementine she took my teddy and my bunny let's see if we can sort this out okay now can we all say we're sorry and be friends again sorry caillou your turn caillou sorry clementine [Music] come on in everyone clementine's big brother billy was a baseball champion and caillou was always very happy to see him hi baby hi caillou wanna play ball [Music] you're gonna be a great pitcher caillou come and have some juice you guys have a race [Music] caillou you and clementine are really good at baseball we'll have to play again soon oh yeah i want to play with you in clementine again tomorrow and the day after and the day after that [Music]
Channel: Caillou - WildBrain
Views: 2,281,814
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: caillou, caillou full episodes, caillou cartoon, cajou, caillou english, 까이유, calliou, #caillou, kayo, caillou Christmas, caillou theme song, caillou and rosie, cailou, caillou song, caillou holiday movie, cartoon for kids, cartoon movie, cartoon network, childrens cartoon, caillou remix, caillou gets ungrounded, caillou gets grounded, classic caillou, caillou wildbrain, caillou pizza, slime, caillou theme song remix, cartoon cartoon, cartoon video, #cartoon
Id: 4ja14qAPNTs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 157min 54sec (9474 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 23 2018
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