Caillou at the Lake | Caillou Cartoon

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[Music] today mommy and daddy had taken caillou and rosie on a special trip to the lake to celebrate the 4th of july caillou could see lots of people enjoying themselves who are all these people mommy they're here for the party caillou today is a special day where people get together to celebrate and have fun [Music] caillou saw a group of children playing a game of tag they all had their faces painted like different animals can i get my face painted too mommy of course you can but how about we go for a swim first [Music] caillou had lots of fun playing in the water with rosie look mommy rosie and i are being fish [Music] hi there are you here to have your faces painted yes please i want to be a bear just like my teddy great choice now hold still caillou tried his best to stay still while the nice lady painted his face but the brush was very ticklish that tickles almost finished [Music] there caillou looked at himself in the mirror he looked just like teddy look i'm a teddy bear who wants a hot dog i do i do hello there what can i get you we'll have four hot dogs please coming right up here you go help yourself to ketchup and mustard thank you can you help me with the sauces caillou okay caillou squeezed as hard as he could but the ketchup wouldn't come out it's not working you have to twist the top caillou oh i see [Music] [Laughter] it was time for the firework display caillou was very excited are the fireworks gonna start soon daddy any minute now caillou just keep watching it's starting caillou had a wonderful day celebrating with mommy daddy and rosie he couldn't wait to do it all again next year today mommy and daddy had taken caillou and rosie on a very special trip to the zoo here we are [Music] caillou looked at the map of the zoo he could see lots of pictures of all the different animals which animals do you want to go and see first caillou let's go and see the elephant great choice caillou where is it mommy caillou looked for the elephant but he couldn't see it anywhere there it is [Music] caillou likes the elephant he especially liked the noise that it made [Music] [Laughter] can we get a pet elephant i don't think we have room for an elephant at home caillou they're much too big look the mommy and the daddy lion are sleeping would you like me to take your picture caillou yes please [Music] say cheese [Music] don't worry caillou it's just a baby lion i think he wants to play with you [Music] more i did it [Music] ah [Music] hi i'm linda what's your name i'm caillou and this is my sister rosie hello caillou hello rosie would you like to come and feed the monkeys with me yes please [Music] caillou was very excited he'd never fed a monkey before these monkeys love to eat fruit and vegetables why don't you and rosie put some on that rock for them [Music] look they're eating it [Music] hey my hat monkey they also love to play caillou come down from that tree we have to go home soon i'm down here daddy that's just a monkey oh there you are caillou [Music] look what i found caillou it's an elephant this one is just the right size to come and live at home with us caillou had loved his day at the zoo and he was very happy to have his very own elephant to take home today caillou was having a playdate with clementine they were playing king and queen of the castle hello i am king caillou what's your name i'm queen clementine it's nice to meet you king caillou what are all those boxes for daddy [Music] mr daniels down the street is moving house so we're letting him borrow these boxes caillou thought that the boxes looked like big building blocks i know how about we build our own castle that's a great idea caillou you can be the king and i can be the queen i'm going to build the wall i'm going to build the tower [Music] there our castle is finished lower the drawbridge clem wow this place is huge hello queen clem hello king caillou shall we go to the top of the tower we can see the whole kingdom from up there okay [Music] we're so high up [Music] from the top of the tower king caillou and queen clementine could see for miles around in every direction it's so beautiful this is the best kingdom ever let's go and sit on our thrones as king caillou and queen clementine entered the throne room they were shocked to find that somebody was already sitting there [Music] hey you can't sit there only a king or queen can sit on the throne me queen me queen oh it's you rosie rosie you can't be the queen clementine is the queen [Music] it's okay rosie you can be the princess they're pretty [Music] oh no the castle is under attack [Music] it's a giant [Music] okay play time's over we have to take these boxes to mr daniels now oh but we were playing king and queen it's okay king caillou i'll bring them back for you to play with once mr daniels is finished with them caillou had loved being the king and he couldn't wait to build another castle with his friends [Music] explorer caillou and his friends were on a rescue mission to save teddy she's getting away faster guys caillou no catch rosie crazy too fast leo was struggling to keep his dinosaur under control how do you steer these things [Music] you guys look like you've got yourself in quite a tangle there what have you been up to cave girl rosie has stolen teddy we are trying to catch her on our pet dinosaurs and save teddy well that does sound like quite the adventure kids you better get back to it sarah and clementine wanted to catch up with cave girl rosie to save teddy but they knew they had to think of a plan i can see her going over the mountain past the clearing to the north maybe that's where her cave is nice spot clem let's draw out the island and we can figure out the best way to get to the cave we're here and the cave girl has escaped back to her cave on the other side of the mountain to get there we need to pass the quicksand lake and the river we don't have to ride the dinosaurs again do we i think we should go on foot so we can sneak up and catch ro i mean the cave girl let's go [Music] the team of explorers came across some quicksand caillou thought this was going to be tricky but clementine had an idea [Music] [Music] then they crossed a river which was very wide and very deep sarah spotted some stepping stones they could use to safely cross [Applause] [Music] look guys it's the cave we found it caillou and his explorer friends had finally arrived they were so close to finishing their rescue mission cave girl rosie was fast asleep snuggled up to teddy by the campfire of her cave there she is and there is teddy we need to move in slowly and quietly we don't want to wake her leo leah wait [Music] i got him guys i saved teddy [Laughter] that's not good look [Music] teddy [Music] caillou and his explorer friends rode through the jungle trying to get back home safe over the mountain through the river [Music] and across the quick sand but the gilbertosaurus rex wouldn't stop chasing them then leo had an idea [Music] the team of explorers had saved the day and rescued teddy it was time for them to rest up before their next adventure caillou was chasing leo round the jungle gym they were pirates and leo had stolen his ship caillou was determined to get it back [Music] you can run but you can't hide it was show and tell at school caillou was excited but nervous to speak in front of his class okay caillou ready when you are what have you got to show us today this rope was my grandpa's he gave it to me for my birthday [Music] he loves to fish at weekends he takes me with him and we catch all kinds [Music] careful caillou don't go overboard [Music] if you want to catch a fish you need three things a rod some bait and a strong knot and some patience what's that it's waiting even when you don't want to now what you want to do is have a strong knot so that the bait doesn't fall away or get bitten off by the fish you're trying to catch all we need to do now is wait once caillou had thought back to those fun weekends he stopped feeling so scared he taught me how to fish how to put a worm on the line even how to steer the boat and best of all he showed me how to tie this cool knot see you pass the end over itself like this then under and around the standing end like this it's called a figure eight real sailors use it for all kinds of things [Music] that was excellent caillou i think we all learned something that was awesome thanks at recess i'll show you how to caillou listen up i want to go outside and show leo my figure eight well you need to be patient you might learn something new my daddy took me sailing this summer he bought me this model sailing boat so that i can always remember [Music] if you want to go slow you need to pull the sail out like this and when you want to go really really fast you need the wind to hit the sail right here one day i'm going to sail around the whole world [Music] that was just excellent class see caillou there's always something new to learn and anyone can be a great teacher now recess all the kids were out playing in the sunshine mrs martin looked around smiling as she looked she spotted caillou and jessie in a shaded corner by the jungle gym a storm's coming jesse we need to get out of here we need to move fast push that sail out caillou mrs martin had no doubt about what game they were playing as caillou and jesse sailed their model boat through the air caillou and rosie had spent the whole morning shopping for groceries with mommy and daddy so as a special treat they had taken them to the toy store to buy one toy each to take home wow look how many toys there are rosie toys toys remember just one toy each okay look squishy balls they just look like regular balls what's so special about them they're really cool when you squeeze them they change color but you never know which color you're going to get yellow one i want yellow one caillou could see that rosie was still too little to reach the squishy balls by herself here you go rosie say thank you rosie thank you okay are you ready three two one squeeze wow you were right caillou they do change color is this the toy you want caillou caillou thought that the squishy balls were really fun but he wanted to look at some other toys before he made up his mind maybe we should look around a bit more first there might be something better over there caillou could see a girl playing with a toy he'd never seen before hi what's that toy you're playing with it's a fidget spinner you hold it between your fingers and spin it once it's spinning you can do cool tricks like balance it on the end of your finger here you try caillou took hold of the fidget spinner and spun it between his fingers he could hear it making a little whizzing sound great now try to balance it on one finger [Music] looks like you need some practice [Music] never mind caillou let's try again [Music] ready i'm going to let go now i'm doing it mommy look how it spins it's like an airplane great job caillou caillou come and look at this it's a spaghetti making machine first we have to choose a color for the spaghetti but i thought spaghetti was always brown this is special spaghetti it can be any color we like caillou had never heard of different colored spaghetti before wow even blue of course yellow yellow thank you rosie now we can have multi-colored spaghetti for dinner caillou watched as daddy placed the blue and yellow dough inside the spaghetti machine it's ready all you have to do is press down on that lever wow it really does make spaghetti it looks delicious sorry caillou it's not real spaghetti it's just for playing with what's the point of spaghetti if we can't eat it whoa did you see that [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi there i'm jesse hi i'm caillou i was trying to catch that truck but it was too fast oh you were very close i almost crashed trying to escape you so you were driving it can you teach me you make the truck go forward by holding down that button there and you turn it with those buttons there [Music] great job but be careful if you go too fast it might crash [Music] [Applause] oops i'm sorry that's okay you almost had it i can help you there you are caillou you shouldn't run off like that we didn't know where you were sorry i was learning to drive the truck but i crashed well at least you're helping clean up the mess you made caillou could hear something rattling around inside the eggs hey there's something in there what is it it's a surprise each egg has a different toy inside and sometimes it even has sweets and stickers caillou thought that the surprise egg sounded amazing mommy i want a surprise egg good choice i think rosie has decided too okay here i go what surprise did you get caillou i got some colorful sweets some smiley stickers and a toy truck amazing caillou was very happy with his surprise egg now he could practice driving at home [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Caillou - WildBrain
Views: 13,916,178
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: caillou, caillou full episodes, caillou cartoon, cajou, caillou english, 까이유, calliou, #caillou, kayo, caillou Christmas, caillou theme song, caillou and rosie, cailou, caillou song, caillou holiday movie, cartoon for kids, cartoon movie, cartoon network, childrens cartoon, caillou remix, caillou gets ungrounded, caillou gets grounded, classic caillou, caillou wildbrain, caillou pizza, slime, caillou theme song remix, cartoon cartoon, cartoon video, #cartoon
Id: m6Wc1ur2DZ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 37sec (1597 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 22 2020
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