I Lead The Roman Army To Victory - Adorably Intense Battle Simulator - Shieldwall

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throw it at him boys aah god damn it okay oh did he just lock his buddy's out he walked his buddies out dude this is great for me come on there we go charge boys charge [Music] hello there everybody Trey here and today we're leading a nation to hopefully victory in a game called shield-wall now this one's gonna be coming out on March the 23rd the developer was kind enough to send me an early press copy that has a few of the campaign levels released and yeah I am so excited about this game basically in this one you are a war commander I believe you're Julius Caesar because it's based on the battles of Julius Caesar and you have to lead your troops to victory by directing them on how to battle so the first battle in the campaign is the Battle of Aurora and all these battles are based on real world battles let's get into the battlefield and I'll show you where this game truly does shine in my opinion so here we are I gotta say the art style is absolutely adorable and if you remember back in the day there was a little game on my channel called for maisha this is made by the same developer as that and it's a very very similar game so I am recruiting right now I have recruited I think I did four maybe i only did three defenders but that's fine i have recruited mostly offensive units and they will automatically form to me I am basically their commander and I mean right now this is a battle of three nations and we have these capture points we have to gather that you can see green over here is capturing one so I'm going to try and battle these guys he's actually got quite a few units and I don't know if this will go well or not so you know what I'm gonna tell my team to charge I don't want to take the damage if I don't need to and we're gonna get it on the side here and I actually got hit quite a bit there oh my god how did my red unit get behind them red units are flying everywhere this is not going well what the hell has happened in my team all right all right I'm out see you later I'll just go into the oh I just killed myself okay well you know what let's go to the team upgrades right now cuz I want to get legionaries there are a little bit of a stronger unit then obviously militia so let's get some of these guys out it looks like somebody is at my door right now and I have no money because i unlock the Legionaries hopefully my defenders can do a little bit of damage here because I don't think that doors gonna last too long Oh God okay you know what we got some more legionaries this could get interesting green is going hard right at the start god I wish I had some more money right now unfortunately they did capture my one next external base all right and there we go we're gonna have to fight these guys off which couponer survived this looking like these units are a little bit more strong and there we go at least we're not dead yet you know what let's go back quickly and capture okay we're not gonna go back quickly and capture that base goddamn guys alright you know what I'm gonna tell you guys to hold here and I'm just gonna go inside good luck unfortunately they didn't last very long so it's looking like they're still doing okay I like that the arrows are in the guy's head right now all right I need a helpless guy though come on come on get the hell out of my base I'm sick of you green give me a chance to come back I can't believe we actually survived that oh they're still greener forgot it you're green and literally everybody is dead but me in a pile of dead bodies okay okay so hopefully I mean we are way behind you can see the team points in the far left unfortunate that start was a little bit rough for me I don't know why my team died so quickly I wonder if green upgraded to the Legionaries right away and that's why he killed me so quickly because I only had new militia just like I do now and yeah he absolutely destroyed me now all these things will up my gold per minute as you can see it's at zero once I capture this we get an extra 120 gold per minute which is great looks like greens gonna have some problems here we're back to all teams having two bases I think there's a base up here Oh Purple's there okay Purple's got a bannermen that will give them a buff I am NOT ready to fight this so I'm gonna adorably run home with my three men and hopefully gather a decent amount I know Purple's probably gonna take my banner over there so I'm gonna try and stealth take this banner that I can see in the forest over here and try and slow down Purple's progression because we definitely have to slow down purple they are getting ahead and obviously with the war like this money is the most important thing the more money you have the more units and fruit and the easier your life is so they just took my base green just took my base of course green really just doesn't like me it's like Purple's over there taking greens based perfect I don't have to worry about that and bam okay it looks like greens gonna go fight purple you know white I wonder if we should gank green I think Green deserves a ganking right now so it's looking like they're gonna battle each other you know what I'm gonna go stealth take this and then I'll come back and kill whoever is still alive over there so hopefully they're not following me they are definitely not following me we need to slow down green as well because as you can see green and purple are doing much better than me right now whoa what what the hell oh god they were over there so they can recruit units on flags that they owned and have just shocked me the benefit being I don't think they'll survive this oppa let's get back for eight let's use my shield hide hopefully do I have to be there to capture I think I respawn as long as I have the base and we have the base right now so we should respond wherever we are closer to so yes we respond right here perfect okay let's let's get some more legionaries that was close and like I say it let's go get that team over here hopefully they're still fighting alright we have a lot of gold too so I'm gonna operate to get some missiles we can throw those at the guys and anything else I want to do here Oh respawn time spawns a unit with a positive aura you know what we're gonna get that I don't know if he'll spawn here but we'll be able to get it later okay Reds Cowan back baby and there we go we own four of these six bases standard interface oh yeah that's right we can upgrade these as well now that we have the standard but we need him XP first so hopefully we can go gather some XP now oh crap is this the base oh oh okay you know what I don't think we're we're ready to chew it attack a base just yet oh hey would you look at that okay you know what throw them unfortunately they to Stu toad and that totally ruin that and I just jumped in there like an idiot pull back real quick but my teammates take the route course of this damage charge them guys charger charges fight oh you know what this is bad cuz I thinks their archers can reach me as well you know what I do not want to lose my bannermen so let's run back here real okay he's dead as long as I'm not dead I can re-recruit here so let's do that real quick spam higher there we go and now we should be able to come back and take these guys out all right knock them down a bit now I'll come down a bit good job screw you green you deserve it let me make sure I have all my units here so I'm gonna go back and re-recruit if I can and no I can't so I think I'm gonna go for the base now Oh bud okay Purple's here to put up your shields boys I don't know if they have these shots yet unfortunately I can't shoot because I already did it once let's charge charge all right this is a great spot to fight because I can recruit really quickly and I think I'm gonna go do that real quick because I'm getting a little nervous there we go get the reinforcements I'm just gonna stay back here you guys just get in there Maya will focus on making as much money as possible to beat this war there we go let's help them out a little bit Oh God okay I'm getting hit once again ray recruit ray recruit spend all the money to win this I don't know if I like how quickly the recruitment is because if you're at your base you basically win as long as you have money okay there we go there we go I think I should be able to yep there we go throw got one oh man he hit me you know what let's charge again I can always run back and get some more units I need to get this base if I want a chance to win oh and I just died damn it okay so hopefully I respawn there we'll see what happens here looks like here II recruited so he's got quite a bit of Units and yes I think I'm back at that spot where they LMI okay so yeah it's got to be right over here once again we're gonna have to spend some serious money here let's get some upgrades too though as well uh what can we do here you know what I'm gonna I didn't get the flags protection aura uh it reduces melee damage by five percent so that should be good what else should we get here we only got one seventy so we don't have enough for another it looks like we're gonna have to fight purple once again the question is where is green right now that's what's making me a little bit nervous oh dude oh there we go good timing on that and I'm gonna tell them to charge and I'll just let them do the damage here and I just want to make sure I'm safe because as long as we keep this we should be able to capture this this city here fortunately I am slowly river running out of gold so I'm gonna have to get in here and fight I spent way more than I expected but it looks like we won that war once again and let's get gather some units and once again I'm gonna go try an attack Oh God okay they just snagged one of my guys oh my god this guy's got so much money ah you know what all right I'm just gonna throw my shields then or something throw my shields yes I'm gonna throw my spears and get the hell out of here of course Green's here I'm stuck in the middle now they just Wow green just ninja cap that the bastard oh god yeah I'm in the middle I'm gonna die you know what let's go over here see if purple and green will fight each other oh yeah did did I just plan that out yes psych did okay now we should be able to get in there and do some damage charge boys get them from the back there we go that's three-nation war right now I really need to capture this oh we just did capture it perfect I wonder why I'm capping it when all the nations are here I guess it's cuz we have the most of the units and it's looking like it's gonna be close but we didn't speed with that very very well all right get some more units in here we got our bannermen back that means we're going to get that buff I'm almost got 200 again I think I'm gonna go back and start capping some of the points because I'm just wasting time here at this point I guess I should increase the limit of units I thought I already did that did it we've got to do this are you serious all right let's get some more in unison we've been fighting this with not the max amount of units that's crazy Oh God okay dude Oh there we go it's coming unfortunately I still got hit by it of course all right you know what throw it at them yeah we got two of them charged boys get in there and it's just a bloodbath once again the fighting in this game is so good I have an arrow in my eyeball right now so I'm just gonna pull back real quick there we go unfortunately they're capping it they're taking it back I need to get units here quick oh no I think I think they're gonna take this oh my god he just suplex me what the hell was that Oh God okay yeah it's just me it's just me all right retreat Julius Caesar we need to get out of here god damn it I held that for so long - oh you bastard okay hopefully yes they're fighting each other this is perfect for me unfortunately have a cool-down on my shot so I can't shoot them right now but I can charge in from behind again hopefully do the same thing with it last time and destroy both the teams come on man call man okay yeah this is looking good this is looking good there we go come on boys let's get one so let's turn this thing around again oh god here we go purple or sorry green again mass recruiting at the base of God I just got suplex come on we need to slow him down we need to win this charge boys get them down okay we did it oh my god I can't believe we survived that this is our time to come back unfortunately purple is seizing the moment - as you can clearly see just wondering if Purple's gonna try and take my base or not damn it Green screw up we have to work together and get purple down at this point while green is screwed I think green is dead now they might have one more team of troops out here but aside from that Green is a goner oh man unfortunately it's gonna be interesting for me so it looks like I could probably take this base these guys are too good with those damn Spears come on oh I shouldn't be taking this right now especially with how far purple is all right hopefully we can knock down this relatively quickly we need siege engines in this game oh man I am running out of units there we go get it get in here get in here we're just gonna go right over green what the frig are you doing here green oh damn it all right team this is our chance to come back is there anything I want to buy 200 gold right now yeah you know what I'm gonna get an extra spear I think that's probably gonna be the best purchase I need to go take some of these purple bases I don't know where purple is I think they're just kind of chillin at their base now but I need to slow down them I need at least capture one of them so it's even oh there's purple right there I wonder if I could stealth over to it it's not looking like it unfortunately you don't want to have to battle these guys over here but I'm probably going to have to throw it at them we got one let's see if we can get two there we go okay you know what let's go and I think I killed the main guy I'm not certain though but I gotta get these guys down come on boys we can do this we don't have to base just yet but hopefully we can overpower these guys and if I kill this team we might have a chance here come on man don't die Julius oh he's got reinforcements coming in that green know that that's that's purple okay capture it yes master crew we got it we're holding it all right and I totally forgot about standard customization so if we choose the moon we get three damage feet what is the X to HP and then this is plus 50% gold for a minute whew I don't know how pluck what plus 3% damage really doesn't sound that good compared to the gold per minute you know what I'm gonna do that screw it and actually because may choose yeah we can choose three of them so that's sweet I'm gonna choose one damage and then one more gold per minute there we go okay back to the battle I did that afraid if we put the battle throw in me okay throw it at him boys oh god damn it okay oh did he just lock his buddy's out he walked his buddy's out dude this is great for me come on there we go charge boys oh yes there we go he's gonna have to master crew we're gonna take a lot of damage here hopefully I can survive this and take him down I don't know if this is a good idea or not because I am being shot by the spears right now but I am just focused on offense I need to slow down purples progression get in there oh my god okay oh and I just died yeah well hopefully these guys can kill quite a few of his units all right you know what he's got only a few guys here I'm gonna just rush right in and capture his base really how much money did he have I was so catching up oh that's a little frustrating all right decided to try once again kind of holding green at a standstill here as long as I'm earning more XP than them I don't really care there we go let them come over here to us I'm going to stood oh you know what yeah throw it at me bros throw it there you go and my turn there you go right in the face you idiots yes okay charge them boys let's see if we can take heat that they grab me they grab me all the time but there we go we should be able to knock this guy down as long as we're wasting his money that's great don't come back guys come back follow me alright I think we pushed him back there we go that means we're gonna get this space you know what guys come back up all let me follow me let's capture the space let him run back to his base huh it's getting a little nerve-wracking because we're so close some points as long as I can hold more bases that'll be great I'd love to obviously destroy the enemy though let's capture some more let's actually upgrades to be got I guess here a respawn time we'll be smart at this point for induration horan cooldown you know what we we have enough money to buy all the upgrades so that's great do we have an upgrade for this yet yes we do so let's do HP I've been focusing on damage and we're gonna do one more damage as well okay so we're really focused on damage this run it seems to be working obviously quite well for us let's see what he's got going on here is this door still broken are you just not repairing your doors do you have no upgrades for door repair okay no it is actually broken very charged of voice come on let's get in I'm just gonna take the damage right to the face hopefully we can take down the store quickly cuz this is his final castle come on get it down get it down I don't think he's here he's going to capture another one of my basic bases that's totally fine for me you know what guys get over here let them just do their thing we'll try and defend okay and there we go we got it alright charge them and let's go see where he is he somewhere on the middle of the map so we need to get back there as quickly as possible excuse me guys excuse me I literally can't get through and now we're getting way ahead I don't know how we can possibly lose this I don't want to say that but yeah he's actually in the castle right now that's great all right let's slow actually let's pull back don't let the spearmen get me looks like he's gonna be trying to fight me over here so that's great for me I shall let him shoot first there we go and then do it back boys there we go good shot good shot once again charged him god I'm so sick of getting suplex stopping gettin old man I sort of got a few suplex me you bastard okay you know wow that guy just won the hell how did you launch him you know what I'm gonna go back and re recruit some more men it's not like I don't have enough money right Oh keep them coming keep them coming okay I've lured him over to my base so I can mass respawn once we slowly kill his troops get away from me sir okay wow we actually killed him remarkably quickly all right get him down you know come on boys attack there we go let's go let's go did I want to make sure we killed him oh we did guys guys kill him so he doesn't okay please tell me we can take these guys down now all right you know what screw you archers I swear to God just kill me what the friggin archers of course he did okay well that's fine I just took a couple arrows to the head no big deal his team size is much smaller than what it used to be so this is this is looking great for me I think we won just by sheer or a gold output keep it coming guys this is looking good he doesn't yeah he's no he doesn't have much as you can see charging you guys take the brute force to the damage for your loyal commander here oh yes there we go come on this is the way I wanted to win I didn't want it to be a timeout once again charge get them get them all okay these guys are like what the hell do we do now you guys gonna finish this guy Jesus Christ I need the help there we go charge them in the final few we got the bannermen here we're capping it I don't think it green stands a chance now god that was a good battle though he held out for quite a while let's get this guy down which is Spears really guys really cut Spears yeah there we go that's one way to end it and okay he's not dead I thought that was the one way to end it but clearly he was still just fine with like 15 Spears in his face but there we go we freaking won yeah that I I like this game it's challenging obviously and yeah definitely the goal this game is to get as much gold as possible because gold clearly wins it all right and that's gonna wrap it up for the first episode of shield wall now ah I didn't expect the first campaign level to be so difficult but let me know what you guys think because we have another battle here that we can indeed do and we can see if it's any different from the first battle so if you guys like this we'll definitely some more regardless if you're gonna know anything more about it link me in description thank you guys so much for watching and liking and I'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Drae
Views: 168,557
Rating: 4.9329066 out of 5
Keywords: Shieldwall, Shieldwall Game, Roman Battles, Roman Empire, Cesar Battles, Indie Game, Indie Games, Battle Simulator, Battle Sim, Battle Simulator Games, Battle Simulator Game, Shieldwall Part 1, Shield Wall, Medieval Battles, Medieval Battle Simulator, Kingdom Battles, Castle Battles, Shieldwall Gameplay, Drae, Draegast, Battle Strategy, Roman Army, Medieval Games, Medieval Simulator, Siege, Castle Siege, Castle Battle, Shieldwall Highlights, Funny Moments
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 34sec (1234 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 20 2020
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