Cabinet Doors - Skill Builder

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[Music] hey guys it's aaron today we are going to take a look at using a couple different commands to add different levels of detail for a cabinet door front and drawer front door front and drawer front the door and the drawer we're going to add some detail let's hop in okay so here's my cabinet this is extremely basic simple uh i have this it's all one group it is a group i do have it as a group right now obviously you probably want this as a component because it would repeat i put as a group because i'm going to do this multiple times i don't want to have it repeat across this one so if i double click into the group i have the body of the cabinet here i have a door and up here i have a drawer if i double click the drawer i got two pieces the drawer itself and the front so those are the pieces i'm going to work with let's start we're going to start with the the simplest of solutions i want just a little relief on here so i want something to break up this big flat front and of course how you go about this process all depends on what level of detail you need for the work you're doing i'm going to say for me i i really with this particular one that i'm going to do right now all i want to do is i just want to get something that looks a little bit more exciting i want some a panel in here so i'm just just looks more than a big white slab so what i'm going to do is the simplest solution i come up with i'm going to go to offset and i'm going to pull this down i don't know maybe like two and a half inches something like that so we'll go 2.5 and then i'm gonna grab it and offset it again uh maybe uh a half inch point five inches and i'm going to grab this right here and pull this down 0.5 inches also all right so that's that's i mean if i was looking at line drawings if all i wanted was like a 2d so parallel camera something like this align my view straight to that front i could be done right now that's if i if all i want is lines but i don't i want i want 3d i want some more more stuff going on so i'm going to take this piece right here and i'm just going to push that in maybe like yeah just an eighth of an inch this piece right here will also go in an eighth of an inch and then this piece right here maybe i'll push that in like uh yeah three eighths something like that okay so that is it's quite a step up from what we have before just the slab if i wanted the drawer to match i could come in here i could say offset and the nice thing is that oops i forgot i'm only one level deep i'm actually outside the drawer front components and double click again to get in here and as long as i don't have the rest of this hidden i can go to offset and i can pull this across and actually use these dimensions to offset two and pull this one to oh actually i don't i just want this this is all i want on this one i'm just gonna push this one back and use the same thing i'll reference back here and there we go so that gives me a little bit of relief it's not i mean obviously it's not the most detailed piece if i was actually if this was routed out or something like that i'd probably have some curves in there but if i'm looking at it like from here that's awesome so many times we see these models where they have so much detail super heavy i was looking at a cabinet the other day that had a 1 16 round over so just the corners were just rounded over 1 16 of an inch and each round over section had 12 segments so it was an enormous super heavy model and it was one cabinet it was one piece like this and it was like half a million faces so uh don't do that this is enough a high enough level of detail depending on what you're looking at so if i'm just looking at it from out here this is perfect but i can go a little bit more detail than that so let's hop over to this next cabinet and we're going to go up one level from that so rather than modifying this existing cabinet what i'm going to do or doorfront i'm going to i'm going to make a new one so i'm going to come in here while this is still in the group i'm just going to trace on the outside i'm going to come in like this click here to here and then i'm going to double click that and just move it straight out along the green axis by moving along the green axis it'll be easier to snap it straight back afterwards all right so all i'm looking for here is the shape of the door what i'm going to do is i'm going to come over here and i'm going to draw just a so i know these doors are three-quarters of an inch wide i'm gonna draw a little little rectangle three inches by three quarters an inch and what i'm going to do is i'm going to draw the section of of what the outside of this cabinet might look like so um you guys will have to forgive me i'm not a professional cabineteer i probably made that that term up but uh you get it so i'm gonna do is i'm gonna draw a little square right there using inferencing and then draw a circle and then i'll get rid of these pieces right here so this is a little cabinet or little corner detail i'm going to take out of this section i want to put this on each corner so i'm going to select select it and hit my modifier key option or control to copy and then use move to move it and then rotate to rotate it and then i'll just hit option copy again to put that right there all right i'll grab this one same thing rotate it again another 90 degrees move it with option put it right there and i could actually move it and then pull the copy again but i like having this in the middle of the the piece so i'm not worried about like accidentally grabbing an edge or something like that and making a mess all right so at that point i'm done i get rid of that i could just move that last one that probably would have been the way to do it and get rid of all these pieces actually i don't need this either i don't actually need this surface i want to get rid of that because that's going to mess with my follow me that i'm about to do i do want to keep this edge one last step i'm going to come in here to the middle i'm going to draw a rectangle i am going to hit my modifier key option or control to draw from the center click right here and i'm going to pull a rectangle out like that and i'm going to get rid of this all right so that is the shape i'm looking for now i'm going to do is i'm going to triple click get this rectangle before i do this actually i'm going to do something one last step i'm going to take this piece and make a copy and set it over here i'm just going to set that down don't don't even worry about it pretend it's not there stop looking at it all right i'm going to grab this outline i'm going to say follow me and then pick my shape and there we go then i get that you'll see right now it has this this this piece is kind of set in but it doesn't fully fill it so i'm going to just say push pull come in i'm going to grab this face pull it all the way across and it's going to merge disappear and i'm a triple click and make that into a new group which is now my replacement for the door so i have to get it in context i want to put that i want to get rid of this door and put this one in but i can't just delete it because it's inside this component so what i'm going to do is i'm going to come in here select and delete that to get this one inside here i'm going to select it i'm going to cut that i'm going to come in context here i'm going to say edit paste in place it's going to put it back where it was and then i can move it anywhere on this face just pull it straight back along that green remember we pulled it right out along the green axis and put it right back along the green axis and click right here to place it boom that's in there now all right let's come out let's uh let's simplify our process by going into context to create the drawer front i'm going to grab this piece and cut it i'm going to come in here double-click double-click again right now i'm in where it's so here this is the door fro drawer front sorry drawer and door just i'm struggling with them so this is the piece i want to replace so i'm going to do the same thing i did before actually we'll do this in context so like i said it's me a little bit simpler i'm going to draw a rectangle right over the front then i can click it move it straight out there we go so this is the profile so i'm going to hit command v to bring that in i didn't use uh paste and place i just use v this time and now where do i want to put it it grabbed it by the lower left corner so i should be able to just drag that right onto the profile of this new shape perfect all right now i don't actually want an inset all i want is the corner piece just like what we did here i only want to put it on the outside so what i'm going to do i'm going to draw a line across here and then i can just select and delete all of this now double click triple click excuse me get my profile follow me click here and then just push this across to fill that space up awesome actually i didn't do this down below until afterwards but i can get rid of those lines i can triple click reverse my faces they should be faced out awesome and then finally just make that into a new group now i can select this one delete it select this one grab it by the face pull it back along the green axis i can actually hit my left arrow key to lock to that green axis and then just pull it back to the face of the cabinet and there we go so a higher level of detail than what we had over here but you can see it wasn't a whole lot more work i did put that all the way on both sides i made that symmetrical i could make that just a flat square on the back if that's what it's supposed to look like but there you go two levels of detail using two sets of commands to create those cabinet fronts and we did both of them in what let's do my timer here less than 10 minutes so a couple of options if you're a cabinet maker and you want to go to a another level of detour we actually have pieces that's a little bit more works i have to break those up those ended up both being solid pieces so they look good for architectural use that kind of thing sections renderings that kind of thing but if you wanted to go a little bit further you would have to break that up into pieces but you could actually do that from that second profile we created if you like that please click like down below that way we know what we're doing is good and if you haven't already please subscribe we create several videos a week and you'll be notified of each and every one of them coming out if you subscribe most importantly though please leave us a comment down below most if not all of our content is created from comments from viewers like you we like making these videos a lot but we like them even more when showing something you want to see thank you you
Channel: SketchUp
Views: 18,336
Rating: 4.9797978 out of 5
Keywords: SketchUp, 3D modeling, Offest, Push/Pull, Follow Me, Cabinet, Door, Drawer
Id: zRuFprnmH-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 20sec (680 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 05 2020
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