Applewood Smoked King Crab Legs

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what's up everybody welcome to the bearded cook I'm mark his hilt for our first video on the channel we're gonna do our applewood smoked king crab leg on a weber kettle let's get started alright so we're gonna go ahead and get started what I have here is 8 ounces of water just playing water I use bottled water not foster water today I got the juice of one lemon if I make a mess here cut my meat I got a seed in there but we're not gonna worry about it I got a tablespoon of hot sauce any store-bought hot sauce to do and I got a tablespoon of a good crab boil and what we're gonna do is we're gonna use this this is gonna add a little bit of flavor not a lot but we're gonna spritz these down and then we're gonna season it with occasion seasoning and a citrus rub from he forearms barbecue we're gonna lightly season it we're not gonna overdo it shake this up you won it on a Miss pray not a direct spray and so what I did was I took the top half off my these crab legs came from a crowd cow and when you buy them they come pre split so that you can take the top half off so that's what I did I took the top half off and you're left with this beautiful I mean gorgeous crab meat I'll put a link in the description below so you guys can buy something is expensive this isn't like snow crab or any other stuff store-bought crab that you'll get and you can see the amount of meat this and each crab leg is substantial so we're gonna go ahead and get these sprits get some seasoning just a little bit now going over to it we don't want to mask the flavors all right so I'm gonna start with the Cajun seasoning first just a little bit we're not gonna overdo it should be good a little bit more on this and just a little bit bicha and that's it we got we got our grill over here go on the Weber Kettle going at 250 degrees we will go ahead and put these on and get to cook all right so we're gonna go ahead and get these crab legs on here you see we've got some good alcohol smoke rolling so we're just gonna put them on no special way I chose Applewood smoke because it's a lighter wood instead of something like Hickory or pecan you don't want to overpower the crab legs you just want to add a little bit of flavor put some of the bigger ones closer to the fire let's fish now there's no right or wrong way to do this just get them on it and that's it we're gonna come back probably every 10 to 15 minutes and spritz them and I'll bring you out back going first Brinson in about 15 minutes we're gonna head with your first Rick's you can see they're looking a little dry get the applewood-smoked going I know this press is gonna do two things you're gonna add a little bit of flavor I'm just gonna put moisture in the foot chamber which they help steam these crab legs that's on the take I'll probably do about two more times not gonna bring y'all back for both photos but I will bring out back when we get ready to bake these with the butter all right all right so we're gonna make this based on butter for the crab legs I got about a half a cup of clarified butter today we're gonna add three chives about our table spoon with add the juice of one lemon we'll add a garlic clove and we want to add about a tablespoon of honey really bring out the flavor that crab get this mixed up be real careful because this butter is hot just mix this together I'm gonna use this we're gonna put about a tablespoon each on each crab leg I'm gonna go for about five minutes we'll be done all right so we're reaching their dinner to cook so what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna take about a tablespoon a little less than a tablespoon I'm just gonna baste each one of these crab legs make sure we get some that garlic and chive in there because he's a split he's gonna sit down on each crab leg crab no he's really gonna soak those flavors up but he's got about another another five minutes I'll take them off and we'll set them out on a platter and I will bring out back when we're done take them off one by one just going they've been off about I say about 40 minutes at about 250 fluctuating a little bit all right I'll take it I'm gonna finish it with a little bit of lightly dried parsley a little bit for our butter just to make it look pretty and there you have it applewood smoked king crab legs on the weber kettle I saw hope you guys enjoyed the recipe and I hope you guys try to sit home I know this is unconventional but this is an interesting way to cook crab legs if you never tried it trust me it tastes amazing so thank you for following thank you for watching you guys like what you see please consider subscribing give me a thumbs up if you don't like it give me a thumbs down let me know how I can improve till next time y'all take care [Music]
Channel: TheBigBeardedCook
Views: 7,246
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Uo_WPzhntF4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 22sec (442 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 24 2020
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