Grilled Lobster Tail Recipe with Garlic Butter (2018)

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Hi, Jason Ganahl, GQUE Barbecue. Are you looking for the perfect pairing for your ribeye or Tenderloin? Well, I got it for you it's a buttery, garlicky lobster tail. If you want to see how we do that, it's coming up right now. Here at GQUE Barbecue, we are all about the grillin' and chillin' lifestyle. If that's something that interests you, smash down subscription button, hit that bell notification, and you won't miss any of our videos. We have guests over at the house. I always like their reaction when I put a beautifully prepared steak and some pretty vegetables in front of them. However, I get a bigger reaction where I pair that with a lobster tail. I always thought lobster tails were pretty difficult before I started cooking them. However, that couldn't be further from the truth. They are so easy to make. Today, I'm going to show you how to make them on your grill. We haven't made a lot of seafood videos. However, we've made one bourbon bacon wrapped shrimp that's absolutely fantastic. Put it in the Icart up above. Go ahead and click that to see that. I'm also going to put it at the very end of the video. [MUSIC PLAYING] First thing I'm going to do is get this garlic butter base going. I'm going to begin it by grabbing one of these half foil pans. I'm going to add about a stick and a half of butter to that. I'm then going to squeeze two lemons in there. I'm going to mince up finely two garlic cloves. Be sure to get a fine mince. I'm also going to add about a half handful of parsley. The parsley's mainly for color. Cayenne pepper for some kick. Add as much as you can handle. I'm then going to add some salt since it was unsalted butter and some pepper. And get this going on the Weber kettle. We want to get this completely melted down. Today's lobster tails run anywhere between four to five ounces. They can get really big. These are a little bit on the smaller end, so they're going to cook up kind of quick. Two different ways we can cook them. We can cut them in half and cook them in the shell. I think that's a good way to cook them if you're going to take the meat out to use the meat in something else like lobster ravioli or something like that. Today, we want these to be presented really nicely on a platter next to a steak or all by themselves. So we're going to do a cut right down the middle of the shell. So we can take the meat out so it'll make a pretty presentation. What I want to do is take the scissors, cut it all the way down to the fins right here, and I'm going to be really delicate. This first kind of section right here, you can break these completely off because we want the lobster meat to hang over the front and make for a pretty presentation. So you can break this first section off-- removing all these pieces, then you want to be a little bit more delicate as you kind of goes through here. I find putting my thumbs in, I'm opening them up. Here that snap? Breaks them open. If you get too rough here, you can break these shells into little pieces, and then you have little bits of shell in your lobster. So once you got that, take your thumb down on the bottom right here and break the meat away from the shell. And then push up on it, and it will release it entirely from the shell. And you could pull it up and set it right on top of your lobster shell to make for a beautiful presentation. This garlic butter base is coming along nicely. The aromas I'm getting off of this is amazing right now-- strong notes of acid from the lemon and the garlic. It smells absolutely wonderful. You can add whatever you like to the base. I tried it before with hot sauce. However, what I'm showing you guys is just a very simple garlic butter that everyone seems to like. So these lobster tails are cut up, and they look absolutely fantastic. I'm going to squeeze some fresh lemon juice over them, and then apply some of the rub. It's going to give it a beautiful color. So these lobster tails have the shell underneath them. That's going to allow them to cook indirectly, even though we're cooking them directly over the live fire. At 350, 400 degrees, you're looking at about a minute and a half to two minutes per ounce. Cooking lobster is very easy, very straightforward. However, like other seafood, its tightly bound muscle structure and lack of fat makes it less forgiving. Lobster can go wrong very quickly. We want to make sure we cook it no longer than 140 degrees. So I'm going to be checking in with a thermal pan. These guys are going to take about eight minutes total to cook. And let them cook for about three minutes before we start applying the base. So these guys have been cooking for about two to three minutes. Look at the lobster tails themselves. Look how they went from that really dark color to that beautiful orange. That's going to look so pretty paired up next to a steak. Give these guys a base. A little trick here is not to actually brush it on there. Just let it drop on there. If you brush it on there, and that rub's not set up on there, you can brush all that rub off. We don't want to do that. These guys have been cooking for another minute and a half or so. I'm going to play another round of base to them. I'd say they got about another minute, minute and a half to go. So we'll go ahead and hit them with another round of the garlic butter base. Look at that-- doesn't that look good? Oh, yeah. These are going to taste fantastic. I love the color of the shell as they cook-- how they get nice and bright and orange. These guys are coming along nicely. By drizzling the garlic butter instead of basting it on there, we get to leave all of our rub intact, which is going to give it that real pretty color. Lobster's notoriously known for when you overcook it. It gives it a very unpleasant texture. So we want to pull these guys right at 140 degrees to ensure we get that delicate soft, buttery, sweet lobster meat. Here we are-- 140. So it's time to pull it. What you can do for a garnish is take these lemons from the garlic butter, put them down on the grate, get those beautiful grill marks-- really going to make the lobsters pop when you use them for garnish. One last application of this garlic butter, and then I'm going to take those charred lemons and squeeze some of that lemon juice over there. It's going to be sweet, and it's going to really make that lobster come to life. I would give my left arm to have one of those next to a two-inch-thick Tomahawk ribeye. If you want to see more videos like that, go ahead and click my face right there. If you want to see that bacon-wrapped bourbon shrimp that I was telling you about earlier, go ahead and click that video right there. Thank you so much for watching, and I'll see you on the next one.
Channel: GQue BBQ - Westminster
Views: 2,570,671
Rating: 4.852993 out of 5
Keywords: grilled lobster tail recipe with garlic butter, grilled lobster tail recipe, grilled lobster tail, grilled lobster tail weber, lobster recipe, lobster, grilled lobster, grilled seafood, how to grill lobster, how to grill lobster tails, easy grilled lobster, weber kettle, butterflied lobster, garlic butter lobster, recipe, grilled seafood recipe, lobster tail, garlic butter, how to make lobster, how to cook lobster on a grill, delicious lobster recipe, seafood, weber
Id: BeLTD9lA34s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 59sec (419 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2018
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