Buttermilk Biscuits | Martha Stewart

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[Music] generally at Thanksgiving I don't dare put bread on the table but I do put biscuits and these are the flakiest most beautiful biscuits they're just fresh out of the oven and they're very easy to make these are Buttermilk Biscuits and this recipe comes from a collection of our favorite recipes from the magazine over the last year the 2002 annual recipes book and they're very easy to make and you should absolutely have them with your Thanksgiving dinner because with cranberry butter and all the rest of the fixings uh they'll be very popular on your table and it's very easy to make um you want to whisk together four cups of flour in a bowl this eliminates the sifting process with four teaspoons of baking powder baking powder causes the biscuits to rise and makes them light and Flaky and we're also going to add one teaspoon of baking soda which neutralizes all the acids because we have the acid of the um wonderful buttermilk that's going in here and the acid of the baking powder 1 and 1/2 teaspoons of salt and one teaspoon of sugar and just whisk that all together and now to Quicken the process you can cut all the butter in by hand one cup two sticks of unsalted cold butter or I'm just going to show you a little secret of mine I use the food processor because I like to make a lot of biscuits and we have the buttermilk here and our butter and what I do is take a couple of the cups of flour and I just put them into my food processor one two like that two and a half or so and then I put the butter in and then I just pulse it just pulse now that would have taken you a little bit longer if you were going to use the pastry cutter the oldfashioned way the way my mom taught me how to make biscuits so here we have the butter all nicely cut up you can also cut the butter in with two knives the way Grandma used to do so now with your fingers just mix this all up get all the dry ingredients mixed in with all those little pieces of butter butter also helps the biscuits rise the biscuits bake the butter melts into the flour leaving pockets of air that fill with steam so there it's all nicely broken in and the buttermilk we're going to add two cups now at this point you could add chopped Dill you could add cheese you could add corn kernels you could add thyme Rosemary you don't want to over mix this is very important not to you want to avoid developing the gluten in the flour which toughens the biscuits and the most tender biscuits are just done so carefully by hand just barely touching the ingredients all those great southern ladies who make their biscuits on their biscuit boards holds the flour they're marble topped usually and they are beautiful now it's good to use a binge scraper like this too just to help you keep moving this dough around flow is good just to prevent the stickiness and and we're going to get about 1 and a/4 inch thick round here on the counter see how it's still moving that's good sign we're making big biscuits this is a 2 and 1/2 in biscuit cutter now you could use very smaller uh very small biscuits you could use the rim of a straight glass like this you just make sure you put that in the flour and cut out your biscuits we want nice straight sided biscuits that's a beautiful biscuit or this is even easier with the lovely sharp edge now these are also great you can brush them with a little milk on the top and sprinkle them with sugar for sweet biscuits for Strawberry Shortcake berry short cake so now we're going to get this right into a preheated oven of 375 degre and bake until it's lightly browned uh each of these biscuits about 18 to 20 minutes and put them in a beautiful basket like this keep them warm you can serve these for breakfast for your out of town guests you can serve them of course at dinner and if you want just break it in half like this look how beautiful and Flaky and delicious this biscuit is comes apart into layers a little bit of that cranberry butter yum looks good to me how does it look to you
Channel: Martha Stewart
Views: 1,287,916
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Keywords: Martha, Stewart, buttermilk, biscuits, how-to, Recipes, Cooking Tips, Home Decorating Ideas, Crafts, Gardening, Food and Dessert Recipes, and Entertaining, Martha Stew, Martha Stewart Living, how to, tips, Home living, humor, funny, entertainment, Home, Baking, Cooking, Food, meal ideas, Entertaining, lesson, recipes, ingredients
Id: QgrB5OMdr_E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 6sec (306 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 06 2008
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