We Tried EVERY Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream Flavor (Part 2)

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- Which of Ben & Jerry's other flavors is the best? - Let's talk about that. (bright music) (wavy whooshing) - Good mythical summer. - Today we're taking it back to the humble beginning of last year when we did our first ever gut-check. We tried every Ben & Jerry's ice cream flavor. Now that we've been there, we pooped that. - Yeah. - We're revving up to wrap our mouths around everyone of their ice cream alternatives. We're talking about their frozen yogurt flavors, their non-dairy ice creams. But listen, I mean, if there's not any dairy in it, is it even really ice cream? - Well, as long as there's not any real ice cream around to compare it to- - Oh, yes. - I hope it is, or at least it's close enough to fool us, 23 times. - Yes, either way, we're gonna find out, which of these flavors is the absolute best, one creamy spoonful at a time. (air whooshing; bright music) It's time for Gut Check! Ben & Jerry's edition, part two. - Oh yeah, and while each frozen dessert is entirely different from the last time we did this, a few of the 23 flavors we're about to try, will be familiar names, but different versions with different ingredients. But how much will those differences impact the taste? Well, that's gonna be up to our guts to decide. - Now the one type of flavor we will not be trying today are Ben & Jerry's Moophoria's Light Ice Creams, because we have contacted a contact at Ben & Jerry's, and he told us that these are incredibly hard to source right now, nationwide. So maybe one day we'll get to those, but not today. So we're gonna rank each flavor on a scale of one to 100, based on our initial gut reactions. After we've tasted and scored all 23, our scores will be totaled to give us the top four highest scores. And then we're gonna compare the top four, head to head, and anoint our favorite as the creamiest of the rest. - I got my pre-schooler scoring chart here. And the pints are ready to go. So Stevie, let's get to scooping. - [Stevie] Gentlemen, if at any point there's too much tastiness on your tongues, you can cleanse your pallettes with some bread stick bites to prime your taste buds for more sugary goodness. You see them right there. - They smell good, and they're warm, thank you. - Okay. - [Stevie] I warmed them myself, thank you for thanking me. Okay. - How did you warm them? - [Stevie] Oh God. (Rhett laughing) We're gonna try and keep this as far as possible. And little is fair when it comes to the relationship between your taste buds and peanut butter, so we'll be tasting all flavors with even the slightest hint of peanut butter first, because we know how excited you get when you receive peanut butter by surprise. - We're very easy to impress with peanut butter. - We love, oh, we love it. - We love peanut butter, turns us into peanut butter robots. - I'm cool with that. - [Stevie] So, we are going to begin with the non-dairy version of the Tonight Dough. - Oh. - Mmpf, mphf, mphf. - [Link] Lot's of different things in there. I'm immediately like- - Get firm with it. - This is not ice cream, so- - Oh. - Am I gonna have to adjust the whole scale, or does this scale not go beyond 50 ever? - No, listen. I'm adjusting the scale. And if some of these don't get above 60, then so be it. That's a 48 for me. - Well I'll give it a 56. (icon popping) - [Stevie] Non-Dairy Peanut Butter Half Baked. - Oh yeah? Okay. - Mm! Peanut butter! Peanut butter. (laughing) - That's really good. - All right, 70. (Rhett chuckling) - 74, I'd eat more of that. - [Stevie] Non-Dairy Netflix & Chilll'd. - Ah, mm-ha. - Mm, I like that. - That's pretty good, what is in that? - 69. - 66. (icon popping) - [Stevie] Non-Dairy P.B. & Cookies. - Oh? - Yum. - Peanut butter is good. (chuckling) - Cookies! - Cookies are good, too. There's so much of that, you don't really taste the non-dairy as much, I like that. 70. - Ah, ah, ah, ah, 69. (icon popping) Was so close. - [Stevie] And, that concludes are peanut butter category. So, I hope you guys had fun. - Oh man, I need a breadstick after that. I'm glad it's warm. (laughing) - [Stevie] Okay, up next, we have the non-dairy ice creams and frozen yogurts. All of the non-dairy ice creams are made with sunflower butter or almond milk butter. And are certified vegan by a non-profit who's mission is to do that sort of thing. - Yeah, that's my ninth and tenth favorite butters. (Stevie chuckling) - [Stevie] So first up is, Phish Food, non-dairy. And now I'm gonna keep not saying the non-dairy part. - Phish Food, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon. - Mm, mm, mm, mm. Was a hard piece. Was that a tooth? A fish tooth? Very chocolately. - 59. - 40. - Ah, seven. (icon popping) - [Stevie] Coconut Seven Layer Bar. - Coconut, Link's not gonna like this. - Nope. Oh look, it tastes like sunscreen. - Yeah, that's not great, 38. - 13. (icon popping) - [Stevie] Coffee Caramel Fudge. - Ah. - Eh, 33. - I don't like that one. 29. (icon popping) - [Stevie] Americone Dream. - Ah. - Mm, mm. - It's pretty good. - [Link] 49. - 47. - For me, 49. - All the scale we're on. (icon popping) - [Stevie] Karamel Sutra Core. - Oo! (both chuckling) - Uh! Oh, what a bad after taste. (Link humming) - 51. - I'd say 36. (icon popping) - I didn't get an after taste. - Yep. - [Stevie] Milk and Cookies. (Rhett clearing throat) - But not real milk? - [Stevie] Correct. - Is it milk with quotes? - [Stevie] Yeah, so I say, milk. - I gotta tell you, having not tasted any ice cream, non of this is as good as real ice cream. - This is not ice cream. - I mean, I'm not being fooled at all. - No. - I'm thoroughly disappointed. Uh, sorry Ben, sorry Jerry. - That's a 34. - Oh man, 27. (icon popping) - [Stevie] Colin Kaepernick's Change The Whirled. - Oh, okay. - All right, all right. - I like the concept. Is there cherry in that? - Mm. - 21. - It's not great, sorry Colin. (woman laughing) Uh, 29. (icon popping) - [Stevie] Chocolate Caramel Cluster. - Okay. - Mm. - Mm. - I like this helping. - What is that? Is that a pecan. - Mm. Yeah, yeah. You're left with something. - There's a nut in there. - Is that like a walnut? - And that's not a dairy free nut. - 63. - It's not that great, I'd say 57. (icon popping) - [Stevie] Creme Brulee Cookie. - Okay, all right. I kind of like that, it has a doughy, almost like an icing taste. - It does. - 68. - It does taste like icing. If I'd only liked icing. 40. (icon popping) - Ha, ha. - [Stevie] Mint Chocolate Cookie. - Oo! - That's a nice change of pace. - [Rhett] Okay. The mint and the chocolate over power. Oh, that's really, really, really good. I'm going all the way to 78 for that one. - I'll definitely give it a 72. (icon popping) And I'm not usually on the mint and chocolate train. But you're exactly right. - But the mint completely covers over a world of hurt. - [Stevie] Coffee Cold Brew Fudge Chip. (Link humming) - Mm! - Coffee's doing a similar thing for me. - Pretty good. - And you get hit with a chocolate, afterward. - There's a little bit of fakiness in there. But it's not bad, 60. - 72. (icon popping) - [Stevie] Caramel Almond Brittle. (Link choking) - [Rhett] There's something wrong with that one. (Link vibrating choking) (woman laughing) - Ah, can't! - Something's real bad, eight. - 10. (icon popping) - Eight, I'm going lower than Link on this one. - [Stevie] Chocolate Fudge Brownie. - Okay. The regular version of this is so good. - Don't think about that! - No, that's what I'm saying, this is not. - No, I thought this is pretty good. 74. - I'm not going that high. It's better than some of the ones I had, I'll give it a 61. (icon popping) - Mm. - [Stevie] Chocolate Chip Cooke Dough. - Oh! (Link humming) - The cookie dough is still pretty strong. I don't feel like I'm missing much from the cookie dough part. - The consistency of the cookie dough- - 65. - Is not soft enough. - 59. (icon popping) - No, not soft enough. - [Stevie] Cherry Garcia. - Oh God, I like this. I ate a lot of Cherry Garcia. - Does this have cherries in it? - The cherries helped it for me. - If you like that. - That gets it up to- - 30. - A 67. (icon popping) - [Stevie] Cherry Garcia Frozen Yogurt. - [Rhett] What? - Oh wow. - I don't mind if you do. - This one's better, 31. - That's, 67. (icon popping) - [Stevie] Half Baked Frozen Yogurt. - [Rhett] That's solid. - Oh! Mm, I'm liking that. - 74. - 70. (icon popping) - [Stevie] And now you can break stick it, because that concludes our main category, and boy are you gonna want to get something else in your mouth, before I tell you what's up next. - What are you talking about? - [Stevie] Well, we said that you were trying every other flavor. And that does include Ben & Jerry's special line of Doggie Desserts. - Really? They do that? - [Stevie] For real, for real. Starting with Rosie's Batch. - Rosie's batch of what? - What part of Rosie is her batch? (people laughing) - Oh, it could be a lot worse. It just tastes like cinnamon. - It tastes better- - Like clove. - Yeah, I mean, this is like. - He loves stuff for dogs. - I'll give it a 64. (Rhett chuckling) - Well no, it's not that good. I'll give it a 28. (icon popping) - I mean, I wouldn't know it's for dogs. - [Stevie] Okay, if you gave that one such a high score. - I gave it a 64. - [Stevie] I don't know what to even anticipate for this final one, because- - Was there dairy in it? Is it real? - [Stevie] No, no. Well, no. No, no, no. But the last one, it has peanut butter in it. (chuckling) - But it's for dogs? - [Stevie] It's for dogs. It's called Pontch's Mix. - Uh-oh. You thought you liked Ruby's Batch. (people laughing) - I gotta admit, that's pretty damn good. (people laughing) - It tastes like Nutter Butter. - I mean, I'll give it a 48. - I'll give it a 67. (icon popping) (people laughing) - [Stevie] And just like that, you've tasted every other Ben & Jerry's desert. Your scores are being tallied as we speak, and you'll be re-acquainted with your top four momentarily to choose your ultimate favorite. - Okay. (air whooshing) (water dripping) - Quick reminder, wanna invite you to check out our podcast, it's called "Ear Biscuits". You can watch the video form on our YouTube channel, "Ear Biscuits", or stream the audio version every single week, wherever you get your podcasts. We're talking about, in the latest episode, our trips back to North Carolina to see our family, post-pandemic, so yeah. Get into it with us, okay? - [Stevie] According to you, the top four other Ben & Jerry's deserts, in no particular order are, non-dairy Peanut Butter Half Baked, non-dairy P.B. & Cookies, Half Baked frozen yogurt, and Mint Chocolate Cookie non-dairy. - All right, so we got a couple of almond milk with peanut butter, which is no surprise. And then we got the fro-yo version represented here, and sunflower butter, represented in the mint section. - We're giving everybody a chance today. - And the peanut butter, you know, when it doesn't take ice creamy, when you, a strong flavor like chocolate, but definitely peanut butter, as much as we love it. It really helps in this instance, because it's such a strong over-flavor. And this performed well, before again, that's not what we're doing right now, but, I'm kind of drawn to it for the same reasons. - [Link] Chocolate and peanut butter ice cream with fudge brownies and peanut butter cookie dough. So there's lots to like there. This one's got, it's basically like Cookies & Cream. - These peanut butter swirls. - [Link] Munchy peanut butter swirls. - It might have more total peanut butter in it. - [Link] But between these two, there's not as much to explore and experience per bite. And like the variety there. - I think so. - I do wanna compare it to the fro-yo. Gobs of chocolate cookie dough and fudge brownies in chocolate and vanilla. Again, you got all of this variety happening. - And is there a difference in the frozen yogurt of it all? - Whoops. - I don't know. - I'll eat that. - This is striking me as definitively worse than both of these, now that I'm having them side-by-side. - Yep. - Like right off the top. - The almond milk is giving a better flavor of the ice cream- - Yeah. - Than the frozen yogurt. - I don't need any more of that one. - Yeah, let's take this one out for that reason. And the Mint Chocolate Chip is just so, they just like sandwich cookies, but you know we're like Cookies & Cream. - It's very simple. - We got their version of Oreo Cookie. With mint. - For me, this is the one that I would not immediately know you were giving me something other than ice cream. - [Link] In this world, if you like this flavor, and you don't have the other one, or you can't have the other one, I think you're really gonna be satisfied. There's a little bit of scratching my head here. - You come back to that peanut butter though, and it's so good. - [Link] Mm. Let's confer privately. Huddle up. I'm feeling wanna huddle up. I'll just sit here, awkwardly. - I'm still thinking. - I know, I now what I'm thinking. I mean, I'm just gonna half-huddle over here until you're ready. - I think I know what you're gonna say. (both whispering) - Okay, then let's not actually say it. - All right, 'cause I'm on, we're saying that this one is going in third place. - And Mint Chocolate Chip is going in second place. - And official best other flavor of Ben & Jerry's, is Peanut Butter Half Baked. Woo! (off stage clapping) Congratulations! - You didn't scare us this time. (both laughing) - You can only fool us once. - Ben & Jerry's, we love what y'all are doing. - Yeah. - Even when we don't love it as much as the last time we loved it. - Thanks for subscribing and clicking that bale. - You know what time it is. - Hi, I'm Eric. - And I'm Shannon. - And we're eating Ben & Jerry's Peanut Butter World. - [Eric] While watching "Ice Cream Taste Tournament, Day Four." - [Both] And it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - Yeah, it was a good choice. Better than anything we just had. - Enjoy! - Click the link to watch as we determine which rejected Ben & Jerry's flavors should actually be on store shelves. - And if I know where the wheel of mythicality is gonna land. - [Rhett] We're bringing the heat with our newest mug. The GMM Heat-Activated Mug, which an image that changes when you add hot liquid. Get it now at Mythical.com
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 1,749,562
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test, season 18
Id: enIjuwxUBEI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 59sec (899 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 02 2021
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