Rat Boss Attempt 10 - Hutts Streams Enter the Gungeon

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put the recorder bottom you got a gold molotov tier 3 for 20 months in a row hay huts thanks for cheering me at the last few days have been [ __ ] love your friend oh thanks mail table 20 months at a tier 3 is uh phenomenal goodness thank you thank you thank you thank you fave out if AVO w 16 months you can drive the but car we're going we're going in its up squat I think I'm cursed dead cuz you're still a walrus you trying to not become a walrus oh let's you know that's a problem there's the there in light the problem that key guy got rocked you have multiple key dudes per floor I think maybe we've we've seen that before that's what I aspire to just just all the key guys bring it on man do it Hut see you will kill this rat I hope so I so frustrating I still don't know what to do with that uppercut that third phase uppercut you guys what do I do and he swings up it's like PAH do I go left or right cuz I went I went down I got hit I blocked I got hit hey man I love that update and with you play it awesome tick tick tick tick tick tick four months welcome back Oh My Jesus what the [ __ ] was that I don't even see anything I did not see anything back there I literally didn't see a damn thing alright minor setback we'll see if we get any help upgrades if we get hit again we'll just restart all right breath oh good oh this is what I wanted to fight right now good I think the rat cursed me and turned me into a walrus well see you know what if I blew that up what if I boo that up and it gave me a heart huh what if I did that didn't even see that thing behind me uh who else did some self call me mr. Sian prime sub what's up welcome also rabid owl hey butts I got guns and last weekend beats the first floor for one hour and second after 6:00 that's actually not so bad because I remember the first time I played and it was terrible thanks for the [ __ ] you guys I could just open it with a key too but like kill the rad for mrs. only walrus maybe you cursed yourself by naming yourself a walrus pull it on bullet crime awfully miss Australia part of the country okay another blue another blue that's a wall I'm walking into why not state damage I don't know that's what I'm asking not find the boss so I'll get some health and healthy poo one of these guys douche don't give me this floaty one hit me harder to punch this floaty one five hundred bits this time maybe this is the last of my butt's but bits thank you walrus for sharing I appreciate that super generous bring it on our boy make your cool gear arse and stiff your laters no bye no health for me though no one's got any I could buy it but I wanted to buy a key instead I wanted to buy a key what else you got elder blank he just could just and should just pick up that key yeah hey let's try that again missed you while I was on vacation in The Dalles Hots how are you doing since Courtney murder did I miss the first one or something five hundred bits thank you bell sounds fun I'm okay I thought I want not streaming today honestly I've been like not getting a beginning just fine sleep right like a mount lies time wives I feel exhausted I like got mono or something there's no way we're opening that so it's hoping for out red heart I just I'm tired like all the time why am I so tired I even sleep in I slept in today and I took a nap cuz I woke up and I recorded something was like no I'm not feeling it I'm probably not streaming today took a nap and woke up tired helmet hey hey back on top baby they almost full most Dada if you must I thought was like a German or something utter bits nice to the bits friend would have a much cooler chairman deal for moose which Ninja Prime's up it's up to its ninja double-oh-seven thank you for that hunter [ __ ] Aikido hey how its how's it going cobol w also who made the tool any emotes that was dumb I actually host him a bunch super chill dude super talented he's around grab the elder blank I think we probably should even guard the elder blank over buying a key cuz let's say we bought a key and open up a chest and got the elder blank we'd be like save the water barrels you guys they matter stops going I wish I had a scone right now I'm hungry I'm hungry I've been trying to like change up my my diet and like my exercise is like I'm not big by any means but I've never ever had like good definition I'm like you know I don't know maybe I need to like start taking my diet seriously so I did that thanks take my exercise here say I did that I just think I'm eating too much food hunger a little bit no I'm not condoning anyone starved themselves I'm just saying I think I just over eats my food portion size should be fist sized little thing about my fist is who did some stuff triple network prime sub welcome appreciate that Magnus rain for our g4l gamer for life what's up six months and I'll appreciate that resub welcome back and Jax reads bizarre adventures 95 bits say huts you may buy gunga at full price also drink tea tea is the best caffeine you know teas good i like to you i don't get any keys in these guys but we have a hundred and seven money Munz money months so I'm thinking L Blanc I even want to buy them health piece I feel like buying the health junk in the two chests elder Blanc health and then and then kicking it we need a lot of health for the rat right now we don't really we've been actually doing just fine in the rat phases it's been more so the punch out fight which health does not matter what is it they say about guys with big hands big appetites well pinky seven months in a row what's up pinky I don't feel like I miss anything in there but I totally could help it's just a mess of numbers and letters you guys cows Chows chaos something Tier one sub thank you okay so the blank for sure the blank for sure you don't need the health if you never get it well maybe just the key then let's leave it up to RNG let's have some fun with it the free chest you guys or the chest room chest which one you think is bound to have better things I feel like the free chests more often give you like a key on the side of giving you something else but sometimes they give you [ __ ] like a health piece or something chest room chest room test chest chests free chest is 99 percent better says neck sit okay well why is it 99 percent of everybody disagreeing with you free chest we got some pl box we're gonna open that after the first episode so hang tight free chest free free alright helix gun what's up with me getting like the same guns over and over and over and over why do I get the same guns over and over I could still buy the health piece if I really wanted to you guys I don't really want the curse though so like maybe we're fine and I'm gonna take a shot in the dark here perfect good shot in the dark nice well well used ten dollars and bearded fetus you walked into a red Pope night and never happens your mate you're mistaken please reconsider you know cos on a prime sub what is up dude humble prime sub hello to you as well eight months in a row for whippy almost a butt baby also I've gotten into really into gunjan because of you I've gotten the bullet Marine Hunter Pass killed nice done good work good work soldier alexia 100 beds have you tried any more of my Suites lately I've been at work so not sure if I missed any um I'm sure that I have off the top of my head I don't know I forced my friends to try some jungle brawl they loved it they thought it was so good they were like Alexei is so right delicious [Music] poor guys alright I just I feel so obligated to find the secret rub all the time every time but are we good at finding it yeah you know I've gotten better Phil don't two months in a row I'm still not sure what Phil's not supposed to do but damn it Phil don't do it [ __ ] [Music] check the middle check the sides don't shoot it there's a barrel in front of it or a light bulb because it's not gonna be there look across from other door openings um eight months damn eight months when do I get a shirt them out I feel like we should make a thing like starting like right now subs that are selling right now are are no longer gonna get the t-shirt in nine months in nine months we're gonna switch it up and we're gonna instead oh this is we're gonna do putting their name on a poster a nine month but baby poster Tim dog 20 months what's up welcome back teach me the ways of the Hudson gungeon I thought that was gonna be it right there I had a special tingly feeling how much it like how much do you hate me looking for secret rooms by a show of hands are you guys intrigued as to whether or not I'm gonna find it because you want to know where the hell they are - don't even lie to me you want to know where they are hate out of ten [Music] charlatan what's up I hand Ren prime sub welcome with a Frick you guys I'm thinking like this area over here or like in this pocket pockets are good pockets are good maybe like we checked this area over here though we checked this we checked over here we already blanked right here like where else could it be come on man it's not the shot because we literally already blanked in the shop dammit portal room we checked the poor are not the portal portal room you mean the elevator room she's talking about little edge edge middle edge wanting to be towards another room son of a dick son of [ __ ] this is no fun make it stop please and I never find them sis fell down here I hate everything they're not meant to be found there's no fun place to Bengie ready to go I think we did everything all right Hilux cuttin is it any good maybe we get Hilux bullets again that's just one more thing that we've already had that we've gotten again like spice it up pain I think there's the biggest secret for this game you guys is he gotta figure out how to do a bullet hell game bullet doesn't suffer the consequences of touching by the way pretty special why didn't you use your freakin elder blade to find secret rooms I don't know some apparently an idiot you are my first bit donation cam cam would you quiet a second I'm reading a different one I'm kidding thank you so much with 1000 bits cam long time no see miss you much hots love hell yeah my friends bludgeon do you are my first bit donation and I love your content Thank You legends appreciate the first Biddy donation bit gennadiy nothing better blank every room like every room brah blank air to run but you'll find it for sure breath buzzkill that looks like a good contender for the secret room right there you said those little nubs in the wall probably gonna be it asking for it does a shop keep get mad if I elder blank in his shop okay interesting all right kind of want the mimic tooth necklace or the aq 47 one such thing that gives me infinite keys Shelton key is acceptable why would he I don't know still want to piss him off you know I accept oh you're still alive I literally I left the room for like five seconds you saw me come into the room and then go into that other room and then I walked into here about five seconds sir five kirtanam a nine months in a row oh yeah but baby is born it's beautiful needs a bath but yes glorious everybody plug your nose on our bits if you use your super in the rat fat while the rat is eating cheese you can prevent him from healing that's the only way using a super ok it's good to know you guys are still a vole piss pride himself butts out bulbous thank you why talk by the way I don't know if I read your name out loud yes uh uh BIA rich 27 months tier 2 sub 27 months that means 3 babies did I can't pay this child support spank generally speaking uh I've gotten real close to those guys at core unless something else happen maybe I should buy something else sorry I was on poison or something it's been happening a lot recently I get hit and I'm like what the existing just why and doing that same thing and not getting it made the child support checks these children are costing me like ten dollars a month and pure toilet paper 11 months are not doodled one more month full year hell yeah game just glitch didn't even take damage I feel like I get close to that dynamite guy I saw like I'm not scared of him anymore and that time you know it's rien still the fear reinstalled the fear dot exe in my heart get myself in trouble by backing away from one of those guys now or if I just trusted my gut mr. Wilde prime so what's up mr. Weil welcome how the saws don't kill the enemies still beyond me I'm gonna pop my elder blank in here just in case feel like you might be able to get it back before this one is over either wait some cigs or some ballots uh twerk ask a question will you pay Kasim lets Kasim can you tweet me like a trailer or something beetle boy asked a question big fan dog keep up the good work and stuff and nothing else guess Ron tier-one selves up get get get get get Ron Sinnott legends after going through all the hassle to donate this seem so serene just to get directly to you and thank you again you've helped me through some rough times so thank you no problem legend glad I could do something okay I might just let that go sorry but can't can't test me like that Firefly ninja four months in a row welcome back old people brain Sam I got an old person brain making fun of me who's your longest running sub it's gotta be uh bass for Lu me right why do you have to tease me like that can I burn it can I burn it open I like how the the liquid goes through the walls but the fire doesn't fires like I follow rules here okay [ __ ] rules look it up don't guess sheesh okay Oh they lock the Chris room on me how do I look it up someone's extra sassy today a certain breakfast pastry breakfast pray street-race is red like a strawberry all right I have a look alone Lennie hair floating around my face it's pissing me off a Danish Danish garnished a Daanish nice your brain sometimes he really gets you with those balls too close to the balls to close on our vets and part knee I can't read that that's like 14 paragraphs I'm fighting a boss horny [Applause] chapter 1 ok finish second I don't die I have a job is that weird to think that if this is my job Adam alright chapter one I almost forgot that I wanted to tell you you've been a big help in my healthy journey chapter 2 I've lost 25 pounds so far watching your vids as I exercise so thanks for keep me entertained and motivated chapter 3 you're very very very welcome awesome that is super cool thanks for sharing what the Frick is that gun call it the Courtney luck gun alright secret ember no balls congratulations yeah seriously it's a tough stuff what are you speak to me a c15 armor class non zero what does that do if you eat a color what color would you eat and wise is be rich minty green because it would feel nice and cool down my gut and it wouldn't give me diarrhea later like redwood or orange their nerd gets a girl as a question so I started working at a pretty popular farm a few years ago and thanks to great work ethic and keep my head straight I quickly rose through the structure now I'm the cie I Oh get out all right how does this thing fire okay interesting maybe it's not like really high power or something it doesn't charge or anything like that pink so I won't be miserable doop doop doop do doop doop doop do where's the secret room let's find that secret where the [ __ ] you come on sink it rum pum pum pum pum pum pum pum pum I shall find you people said you can open up Seagram's of explosions if we find the seeker and we should test that we should roll that barrel all the way to it blow it up and see if it opens up all right we should also open this up trick gun do we go for the crest kind of almost think that we should go for the crests because the second secret floor is gonna help us out by giving us extra stuff I feel like our runs always go better when we go to the second secret floor scones out pies gone I need a shower I smell like a lawnmower well are you a lawnmower oh you already found the secret room we're done that was so long ago it felt like ages are we gonna be able to get our money back on that well hopefully I think so let's go ahead and open this sucker combined rifle it's really good actually go grab our crest and get the hell out of here done Chester all gone yep besides that one that's locked up which I just I don't want to deal with [Music] now if you lose the crest you've lost a key and the crest well I've never gotten hit before in my life so let's see if we can keep that streak up [ __ ] oh [ __ ] the games like helping a trap room like they're not that difficult but like damn why overthink the [ __ ] out of these trap rooms maybe we should wait on the challenge room until after we know we made the press room but like I don't know what if I what if I clear all the rooms then he's like oh I don't have a room to challenge you on huh huh what then yeah I'd say wait never been hit before you say says clock that's yeah that's the truth to work as and review link you don't need to answer tweet that to me to our codes I this is gonna be lost in like an hour it's gonna be gone Nara 16 months and I'll keep rolling rolling rolling challenge fails if you don't talk to him first Oh in challenge mode what what does he want me to do oho I met the strangest faceted gentleman at wicks the breaches column work I found his idea most amusing we put forth in an aids such as they can never quit the forthcoming room in challenge mode it's the usual multiple balls what does that mean he doesn't let you challenge if you clear the next room on a scale from one to ten how many weaves speak in your chat my phone is boiling you guys are not helping me you're not helping me in any way shape or form so we're gonna do this and then I'm gonna lose my [ __ ] thing so like my gun keeps changing or there's modifiers to the room her ceramics and thermal clips don't have to worry about thermal clips if I got my this guy so every time you reload you drop your clip and it sucks a huge fire and you got to run or roll through it and that there are the curse ceramics no one cares need to find the guy who's enchanting priority number one [ __ ] you little [ __ ] this is like the best it could have been like way worse than this whoo never been hit explosive rounds mega blast whoo chilly Catherine hots I've been watching you since like wrath of the Lamb and you've been one of the best influences to me thank you nice Catherine I appreciate you subbing and throwing some bits the red chest question what's the worst question anyone has ever wasted pennies to ask you asked and answered potato or $1 hey huts I want to say that it is late in my country when you stream but I still watch you're the reason I wasted hours and Isaac keep on only only hours spent well totally worth it I mean how else are you gonna justify that Isaac tattoo [ __ ] dude no I don't wanna fight a mini-boss my crest no we're pull out the big guns corny luck gun bang bang oops pop bang boom bing bang boom fluke horny I'm not sure this gun is working what does this kind supposed to do maybe we should just honestly keep this out check yourself oh wow oh yeah hi sir make fire pants what's up tier 1 sub welcome welcome welcome he's on the map on the map on the map on the map on the map I'm a free dowser where's the crest room it's over here we gotta go down no gorni go Courtney luck gun maybe it did work I mean it softened him up big time I think mom now that's a question when you see people who sub now we'll be put on a poster does that mean I won't get a shirt next month oh no what what month are you I'm saying people who's up now like there where there was zero one month is what I meant maybe nom nom ask a question hey hots I was wondering if you ever been Morrissey's Irish pub I was there a few years ago in st. Paddy's and it was lit as bug I've been to a few pubs on st. Paddy's and I don't remember which what their names were I'll just drug they're my friends so I was drugged my friends what one thank you to boss for the 1000 bits that's really nice when it reads it to me it helps me out greatly oh man lifts bomb does something likes explosive rounds what if what if bomb does something with explosive round three check that 1000 bits P that's a lot of bit a lot of [ __ ] three months or what's poppin oh [ __ ] that's why it didn't do a sub alert lul how are you today I am doing swell better than I was earlier today honestly and Toves me when's the next round of but baby shirts whenever I get to it honestly I don't need that iron coin I drop it in the room and everybody dies keep my elder blank douche what if I killed him right there and I didn't have to fight him later [Music] three months for Doris to tutor dude let's go baby 102 from anime was secretly hoping that someone would cheer so I didn't have to but with the Kourtney gun you gain more damage for every piece of armor you have also the iron coin will clear a random room in the map oh so you're saying I should have just popped them I thought it was the current room could I just pop them in but then I don't get the money right I need to I need the money right now goodbye the key didn't think about that did you anime I totally knew what I was doing the whole time you're the silly one true I love being right it feels so good to be right I can't believe that dice guy drops no money you should drop between 0 and 20 he should roll he should roll himself when you kill him and whenever he rolls on is how much money you get oh Jesus this isn't gonna be fun holy goodness ha like poop sticks alright so we kind of have a lot of armor right now is that does that mean that the other gun is gonna be like really good that's why I be blade seven months in a row what's up welcome back I miss anything in that giant mess of stuff seems pretty okay seems pretty okay now give me the gun Knight get out of here get out of here before we do anything else before we mess up there's the the dude though the dude guy that's got like the really good weapons a patriot I think the Patriots like super good but there's no way in hell I'm gonna be able to buy it what if I elder blight them in the face and I blind them and then I steal it it's not really the best thing to do stealing is wrong so it's cat hair in the mouth not interested lady looks like this guns gained piercing at this point in time oops-a-daisy press the wrong button fat-fingered it help help help panicking eyes upon black money usable Pokemon let's black out would you knock it off lady get good huts is that really an appropriate thing to say to somebody who just uh one got the other Bank oh yeah Amal that's my favorite I'm excited about that new Amal it's [Music] anyone with the hundred bits please relay this to Hut's for me if you go to Stream labs website you can go to my subscribers tab and go to the furthest back page and it will show you your first subscribe or at least it did for me I can try it you're gonna interrupt my entire stream squad so that I can go do this one small simple little thing for you huh is that all this works I'll do it for this page there's a hundred and four pages squat alright page 1 page 2 page 3 page 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 wow it's a really good use of my time it's really good using my time I like it a lot it's fun for me to do this do it you yeah this is good if only I could search for the secret room while we were doing this okay right eighty so you know we're almost there there we go at the very very bottom bottom bottom bottom bottom of the lists okay the first subscriber ever this isn't gonna tell me the longest it's gonna tell me the first subscriber right it's Dax treks it's my boy Dax all in this ten months in a row what is up welcome back hi hey Otsego in a su Con this year what suck on suck on these nuts I did it for you yeah I yeah I'm sorry dude did I ruin them the joke my boy Dax he disappeared and then the ex ones up as monkeys are all our mate monkeys are real with two L's that was super interesting thanks definitely worth fast wasn't even on that page weird alright now what now what now why do we did everything no way to steal stuff on the secret room maybe unfinished gun is a load of turd you were seeker on where would you be I love it how like there's jokes that have gone around you guys for [ __ ] ages like these like Lake mo like on my balls jokes and like one person brings it back and in like the whole younger generations like I've never heard that before and they're coming up with like all of these new ways to do like the suck on my nuts kind of thing and it's like I'm just sitting here like can we get to the next mean place I'm real I'm real tired held up chaos two months in a row yo finally have time to catch a street and been keeping up on hunts too but it's nice to be here how it's three Thank You Harold chaos for two months in a row next mean please max [Music] [ __ ] cigarettes pissing me off never wasted more ammo in my life we're to check all like most of these rooms it's not gonna be there ready to check this on the bottom can't be in here cross fingered Crippler prime sub thanks the prime sub branch welcome it was dead before it started and that's what I'm saying not not so the younger generation has never heard it before they're like oh this is the greatest joke in the world I bet you when like that [ __ ] was going around my generation it was not the first time the first joke like that was actually made by Shakespeare what that was like to go to thine ball and then he's like mine balls ha yeah true story first time I was ever done I'm shook it sign I'll ask the question have you heard of my favorite philosopher Bo buddies it was actually a guy named Bo buddies oh he's real put the bar 19 months got him up and gunge an update and now that I'm a switch owner I can take the frustration everywhere don't do it put it down okay wasn't there it wasn't there well that means it's clearly right here what I meant to say was over here off this room found it I'm just happy I found it just happy to have found it pleased charmed yep you mom gay yeah you know I guess it is better than that a little more creative I know you are but what am I [Music] [Applause] dumbass say what what one of those gonna make a comeback I'm waiting I'm waiting um it did the first person to make tons of YouTube videos what did this new joke I discovered never gonna say oh my god he's so funny the next PewDiePie look I'll say you just wait what should we reload here secret finding gun my ac15 my air-conditioned gun it's only gonna get better and better as I get more armor right and don't lose any of it and one of you guys died doesn't that reload all your guns a little 50% for the first one a little bit for the other one take a step back sir explosive bullets don't do much for piercing weapons I think everything's full at this point let me go Redis typing prime sub but it's up brightest sled head that's the question I bought a ceiling fan the other day complete waste of money he just stands there applauding and saying oh I love how smooth it is Avery says newish Gunjan player here how do you unlock the bullet and the robot uh you'll see red capes like this like my guy don't shoot him bullet jump down the elevator well I'm a beaver hi-hats I really love you in your videos and they always cheer me up when I'm in a bad mood or when I'm a hurt like now I fell off third floor last two weeks but you are always here to cheer me up thank you oh nice we're not putting a leg wound joke in there I must've taken some restraint okay nice nice screen job there this way don't stand upon it in front of a [ __ ] goalie dude totally screen to me but some gamer haven't been able to catch many of the streams recently blame my new job jobs are like okay though like they're a necessary thing Congrats on the job I guess the boss more bits for thine good streamer hots the sassy female dog that what I am nice to finally yell I guess no one told me we need one key in two blanks and we confirmed that this thing does find secret rooms the dowser I don't know why I even asked chat any questions you guys were so split all the time anyways I don't even know why I freaking took the things before a trap room no I wasn't close enough I have to say strictly was not close enough for you to kill me spike so if you have to cheat in order to feel good about yourself then [ __ ] you you [ __ ] [ __ ] you piece of [ __ ] but you know keep on keeping on I guess do what you gotta do I guess I get it once killed a man for a piece of cheese sure did awesome no really nice it was my opinion that I was very much so far enough away for that spike not to hurt me agree to disagree we agree that you're a piece of [ __ ] what's what it is oh good it's a trap excuse me well that uh that armor class guns looking real shitty about now could have been good but you gotta remember the game cheats remember don't forget we're gonna lose a lot of Health to in the boss fight probably remember when we discovered that you don't get a frames and you're jumping over a table fun times good moments [Music] [Music] doing it I can use only one key so give me a black chest now how much auto-aim do you have not enough not enough mimic it was breathing [Music] yeah buddy whoa having fun oh wait now oh yeah oh good yeah bye Dee let's go a mole it's you yeah goddamn you're [ __ ] me I've never been so lucky in my life - mo it's don't 29 freakin months you know we don't need the key in this for me to the next floor so we could open this if you really wanted to when are you coming to Australia I don't know mate 29 months is a long time claw appreciate that thank you just asking this to get my pennies down to an even 3,000 I need to started thinking of some questions law oh yeah best day ever oh why don't I use my other thing to open it it doesn't matter at this point if I get sling not as good as my sword probably well maybe this guy needs to have some massive blocks though no sir someone told me to stand where the King spawns and I'll never get hit there's no there's no way you could stand where you don't get hit that makes no sense it makes negative sense oh I walked into that little buddy could just get to get out of here you're distracting me all right rubbing up on me and stuff no killing for me not you Lenny that was actually with the game that time this is just this is not meant to end happy this is not meant to end happy you guys can't you just feel it these guns are just sucking dick right now it's really hard my dad's working he's like dad dad hey Dad hey dad dad you want snuggle dad hey Dad bastard synergy with the bug boots bugging out breath planes like I'll make you feel better dad I'll make you feel better dad little man little but burger Haut see do you love me are you riding am i riding let's look you would get three of the thing you hate the most is the boss with Hunter bits little but burger get that greasy hair in the neck why so greasy Overlord Billy Prime's up but it's up Overlord beard grease there bud hey here come here let me get your neck let me get your neck go back so I can get your neck [Music] what a goof so we get back to it let's go we're going buddy we're going buddy you ready to go you ready to go oh yeah what is bugging out to okay um it shoots instead of sprays it shoots okay that's not like the worst thing I've ever seen it's just still not the best still not really worth my time I feel like we could gun lunch it I feel bad gun munching a synergy but hunter bits real any because he reminds me of my cat Garfield Magnus says it always shoots oh I'm thinking of the I think I'm thinking of the the dinosaur skull what does it do then boots leave oil instead of poison and you're immune to fire while holding let's test that out seems pretty hot but if I change weapons and I'm uh yeah then I live in fire all right Leonard is so cute can I have him since piggy piggy net for five million dollars only thanks to the nose looks but I appreciate that he's like just is just a couple for you dad let's get out of the helix gun and the trick gun maybe doll sir here are the dowser flare gun with the copper amoled firing with flares now we got more fire I think this is the one that poisons I don't know I don't know what the [ __ ] I'm talking about dude I had one with the flare but it poisoned him it turned green it might just always turn green on synergy we found both the secret rums so I think we're ready to go I think maybe yeah should we buy another key we probably should buy a second key which pistols actually pretty good but man flare gun burn burns permanently lets enemies on fire permanently okay [Music] okay help [ __ ] help me that bag is the biggest pile of [ __ ] [ __ ] dude I hate that bag so much [Music] Dodge's bank turns just timing that I don't have down talked about this before my elder blank blankie blanks they have a lot of damage what do they light them on fire and freeze them and bla bla bla bla bla bla bla I'm going to use my elder blank offensively that often [Music] I have purple depression and you helped me outs that's nice I think you were saying to help me up I was gonna say you can really help yourself out of that one I always seek help we've never demand someone to help you thought I could help though rats rat rum I'm gonna try to fight the rat you guys so much Len here my face we have a lot of keys well two keys three is a lot technically what we'll come back to that it's free in their face gifted a sub to monster kid thank you face welcome monster kid why don't we just make it why don't we just uh why don't we complete this and get the chaos and the uranium there should be something special that happens if I get enough of them I just turn into like super blank boy especially with the elder blank like come on just an insta room kill at this point [Music] my face is itchy get chaos and call it a day so many keys [Music] I just Eldar blank in a lot of the rooms good chance to find secret rooms new Omega uh the last bullet on my clip does more damage so if we have a single fire one it's actually really good something we do have one like that though opposite of alpha bullets anyways Eldar blank every room might find the secret room plus it just kills everybody the sling sling would be good we just go the other way [Music] [Applause] flips into single shot composite gun true the become the combined rifle I need a beard brush to get ladies hair outs minica product like that a goal called Kentucky prime cell what's up hey had severe tried ruin hurts by devolver digital I actually streamed that game yes icebreaker you know that last shot of icebreaker would be pretty powerful took the last room alright let's fight the boss at the sling see what happens Rojo prime sub what's up real welcome just share ladies cat hairbrush that'll probably help ya I hope you gonna snuggle rat this time daddy snuggle rat firing mini cannon balls at a cannonball oh no no [ __ ] hack do I hit it Magnum he'll be fine the secret room at all should we go open up that chest the door is already open so we could use our last key I get a money from the rat how much was the Kaos amulet 110 nail-gun sure good luck dad I believe this flaxen boo we didn't find the Seagram right 126 uranium is 91 should we just go for it what else are we gonna use our stuff on I could buy two keys I guess it doesn't really seem like the secret was gonna be off this room but we don't really know chaos is better if he can get it yeah but I can't all the a mullet I can see the nails in the wall where I previously shot and looked for our secret rooms that's helpful is that a is that a crack kind of looks like crack but it doesn't don't put cracks in the wall freakin dodge roll goddamn it just confusing everybody do the uranium it's a quick scan for the Seeger room buh-buh-buh-buh NEC groans when it come forward today Seagram's need space these are spacemen did we check this area here I think we do it honestly I have no idea what Gunjan is all about is il yeah it's about winning and being awesome and getting screwed over don't forget that step well I'm all out of ideas let me check this down here already I have no frickin clue where it would be poppin here sweet did alright let's buy uranium a mullet and get out of here blam literally this guy sells so many good things and I'm have most of the things that he sells I've got most of the amal that's still sells amal its ak-47 no amal it's good eight months enrolled that's not the key guy that's the the bullet guy sells the Eldar blank nevermind we have the elder blank and that's fine go to the crack the crack was false it was a false crack do you know that you can open up secret rooms with explosions people have been telling me that but it's [ __ ] lies you guys are liars pyromaniac one more month ago I'm a g4l now and I got some meat B dabs on Thursday get to meet B tabs and Thursday I'm still on the damn boot though nice pyro good luck with that try the elevator room it's it's done we already did we were in there and we were in that ballon up here we tried it the game cheats don't forget it's all a bunch of bull I got a false crack I'm not sure I even want to know what that means the bomb and the little bomber actually opened up secret rooms that only those two the bomb would make so much sense that it would open up Seagram's all right should we sling them the hash-slinging slasher box is lying I've tried did you see my sub thing yet stinkies buffering I did PI RL had a long conversation did you miss it ouch dude or herp derp get that a sub to meme of shadows thanks for the sub gifts you guys use the flare first genius just dumped me to die strum you're stuck in the table dumb big stupid dumbs said not the dice room all right that took way too long he shoves me backwards into a with the explosion piece of [ __ ] dude so does your problem if I get hit because I sucked and fine but don't put that [ __ ] on me [ __ ] no yes what we're using a lot of what do we need to reload this guy [Music] [ __ ] that nonsense [ __ ] that nonsense what the [ __ ] Pease [ __ ] we're not doing too well [Music] music solo I think we're almost fooling everything gotta reload that nail gun I can't even one-shot that small rats at the nail gun GG dude pick up in the post office I did dodgeball 100% fair they're organic you've got slow dude hold on a second let me look this up Gunjan rads I have to find it I got to find out for myself phase three a straight punch taunt uppercut nope nope nope nope nope no no spin attack that hits fort nope throwing a amp nope brass knuckles wind-up punch a star can be obtained on the second wind-up cycle of the punch that's it how do i dodge it that's the only way to dodge the brass knuckles whine a punch is to a star can be obtained in the second wind-up cycle of the punch that that's it you have to counter it really he did that like twice last time pouting EMU I'm not an emu you're an emu tier 1 sub what's up slain does extra damage if you let it bounce off a wall first a sign 'el interesting did not know that [Music] sick bro we're rusty today I know I'm not feeling it I want to believe but I'm having a hard time am I missing with the sling it's like aiming for the far corners of his mech why [Music] if it does more damage and it bounced off a wall I should just shoot it downwards right [ __ ] that way up dude is it doing more damage it seems about the same it seems to be the same damage to me that's what the wiki said anyway I just tried it and inconclusive for me [Music] can you give me something I can counter here not that one though I'm itching my nose you piece of [ __ ] you're worthless no one likes you he's gonna get me that every [ __ ] time [ __ ] [ __ ] I feel the Dodgers punch [Music] [Music] [Music] [ __ ] that [Music] don't eat cheese no cheese eating got'em I'm so good at this game easy no you can't put words in the screen I couldn't see where I was going I [ __ ] hate this game so [ __ ] nice Bri man 20 months what's up oh hey look at this screen stuff can you see the screen look at these words oh listen to my story I just dip the [ __ ] out I hate this game so much this game can literally just lick the bottom the bottom of my nuts the [ __ ] bottom of my nuts the worst part that's the part that gets closest to the toilet water [ __ ] hate you and they they cut that [ __ ] hole out like a drunk man [ __ ] pissing on a dumpster was I supposed to be able to see the edge of that damn thing with the text in front of the god [ __ ] screen I just I don't even want to I don't even want to continue playing right now I don't want to continue playing the game was mad the game was mad that I beat it and it had to get revenge it cheats man I'm telling you I don't even need animal we're all full we're full up breath well the sling wasn't I guess all right there were four keys so I think they got screwed over one the real enemy is the text on the screen seriously II just II just don't do that in a video game that's like a it's a definite no-no anyways oh it turns out I did that on purpose just to stir things up and make it seem exciting do we want to go for the chest opening you guys or should we go for the advanced dragon mode over halfway to but baby congrats on beating the red Foley but man that flub well love yachts keep it up man like I like walked generally just like down to the right like just I don't know they placed me next to the hole right next to that [ __ ] cutout dude I just I'm pissed I am miserably pissed right now I can I cannot even believe it did that to me I don't think I want the ant or the nail gun so let's get him the nail gun what else could we give them give them all the junk we're not gonna find junk in you guys it's not gonna happen good all right which chest take your pick one through four I saw more chest and dragging five seven you guys are really funny I've seen a lot of threes seen a lot of threes it's the sack not that good honestly and you're putting it up against an elder blank which I would like to use a lot more but whenever I roll over bullets they go into my sack I can hold ten active items now two months for epic cookie love you so much I always watch your awesome youtube vids since your stream so late for mice timezone keep with a nice work thank you so much the tweet content thank you for the two months in a row epic cookie and still in coal bin eleven months almost a year dad love you content keep up the good work appreciate that Fergie over halfway to well bye big congrats on getting the red Foley oh I read that one ready alright I think we're good to go you can go back up no I can't go back up how about I go back up son of a [ __ ] Oh what oh oh no trolls cheese boots whoo son of a [ __ ] clip that clip that and post that on our slash Gunjan and say that these chests can sometimes be mimics that'd be a good clip I thought he'd be strong yeah free karma you're welcome ill chinito i'll let my first cheer be done thank you for that fantastic stuff hover boots not so bad all right we're not gonna roll the blasphemy since it blows right now we are going to roll with I don't even know what's a good intermediate gun to use between the rooms laser rifle would have been nice to have a rail gun huh would have been nice to have a rail gun huh I want to go back out though [Music] [ __ ] railgun up there dude [ __ ] railgun up there full health shields railgun Lilith lune 11 months in a row I subscribe for the pro plays pro plays propane try to roll over the bullets instead of flanking them put them on my sack Thanks grim fill my sack I got thirty I see 30 Oh stormy Dark Lord prime sub 500 bits in Leviathan hey dad looks like I made it just in time for some sweet sweet Gunjan hey you missed the best stuff fell anime mangas it was at this moment that Hutt's realized he could have gotten the resourceful rat's energy can you get a synergy how could I've gotten that that was dirty sack right there impressed are we firing before laser rifle apparently I didn't hit the dodge roll button there I'm vehemently disagree bouquet super add four months Jojo yeah there's a trap rat transformation all for rad items there are only four they don't even know this I did not even know that there are only four items yeah yeah [ __ ] you get into this goddamn wrecking room douche orange I just use it now right why wouldn't I use it now well help what does the or orange do pulley lots of good stuff right do my blanks are just [ __ ] dynamite they're so deadly full HP plus 2 or plus 3 coolness from the orange it has synergies I'll probably not anymore since I used it but full health was good for me and the coolness factor that means that elder Blanc more God Hand reference come on the IceCube pouting EMU pride 1000 1000 bits thank you so much Fred Wow awesome there's very kind of you sir or ma'am or person thing that's what they they should really have on those like what sex are you male female person thing I'd pick that one every time Oh sheet Apache helicopter the boss 100 the orange allows you to go back up to get the railgun it does awesome good news for me set of i-23 come back I got stuck in the corner corner [ __ ] again this game in its corners breath this does poison him I told you the floor poisons him that was right all along reload stone I don't remember what that does I think it's good though [Music] try me try me oh don't you put that on there that's good that's pretty good underbid some pouting emo and female right sometimes like words come out of my mouth and I'm like you're an idiot so please don't take offense dragon plays prime sub I knew it right when I said it I was really just saying like sire like you're a knight like you're super badass and good with a sword is why it really meant okay you want to take offense to that then like that's your decision all right guys em all up the behind right now and not really much to do with it finally got twitch prom and em happy fantastic nice Georgia you have the composite gun the combined rifle yeah that what you're talking about trick gun with a side of Fritz fridge two months what's up is that greener enough how many hours of do you have an Isaac I have no idea someone looked that up demon head where are my demon head synergies you can dodge the sacks you can also dodge the hand that comes down neat is that the way that they blink my only two sorry but will you be doing polling fight me I'm not sure when the next time we'll be doing that I honestly don't I really despise this box Elda chaos the flare gun is now shooting green fire which doesn't burn you and lasts forever it's a game of Thrones reference one day turn poison doll why did they poison how can she slap alright do some know what the kinome Konami code is should we give that a shot [Music] the green things are hegemony credits it's like your money's where are they now I've got nine hundred and eighty three of them that's how you unlock new weapons from the shop I haven't unlocked weapons in a long time so I have 900 of them 2376 hours an Isaac up up down down left right left a beast art isn't there like a thing if I do that up up down down left right left a beast ri5 to halt feeling the gun though up up down down left right left up up down down dodge goddamn it up up down down left right left a beast art does it do anything its alt f4 how do we activate this thing isn't that a thing up two up two down left right left right up up down down left right left right BA come on you guys up up down down left right left right B a start it's not working it's not doing anything maybe it's only on the d-pad up up down up down down left right left right B a sorry not I thought something supposed to happen but maybe not use up the animal yeah laughs laughs fires a grappling hook that's right right up up down down left right left right left right there's a there's a way to get a ice ball too it's while shooting [Music] let's I'm just gonna look it up you guys so you guys are all over the place sometimes it's a [ __ ] show a bunch a bunch of people yelling when they don't actually know the answer and they're like it's nurse what is it d-pad what's it called directional pad and there's one person that actually has the answer and they're like why aren't you listening to me I said it five times it doesn't even show it on here upon reloading your character inputs the directional pad part of the Konami code upon reloading oh okay nothing special I'm gonna use it up it only works midnight in August Sunday briefly hold down then right then the fire will cause the gun to fire okay briefly hold down then right there it is that's sick dude you see that the fireballs balloon to a burning Ring of Fire he's in on the Lich so he can cheese it he can't move yeah whatever I'll just get a free chest to mimic little bomber son-of-a-bitch saccade you nine months in a row LaBeouf baby holy shootouts nine months I've enjoyed your streams well I've been able to catch them don't waste all your ammo ha too late I wasted it but I got a little bomber out of it so I'm like really happy and stuff very pleased pack this gun the cactus gun synergizes with the orange No [Applause] no it's not that good I don't think still okay bye [Music] let's watch explode for funsies bullet idle vengeful spirit does something and stuff nobody cares did the shop have anything good putting two keys is enough we should test one of these in here blanks whatever did we find the secret room no are we going to find the secret room I want to test it with the little bomber on payroll and payroll thank you so much the prime sub dog store me asked a question so I was never given the option to say a thing when I got prime sub broodwich so I'll just use the hard-earned pennies I guess you're awesome huts I'm really happy I've come into a bit of money recently so I can support one of my favorite streamers Thank You star me Dark Lord if you typed more than that I cut you off and there's a limit to it appreciate you uh 7 though not sure where we're gonna find it you guys I'll check all the spots that bright my brain tells me a check but maybe we already checked this was no elevator just came down it's not there anyways this doesn't matter dude you found it already no it was over here it was this one okay let's go next for them dark wings prime sub we haven't even used our cheese shoes yet [Music] haven't even cheese shoes did kill everybody and save all the plates just randomly pissing everywhere [Applause] [Music] look out Mike cheese boats cheese boats cheese boats cheese boats reload Stella's 180 there's no way in hell I was gonna be able to afford that thing [Applause] no no cheese booths [Music] good shot bud bolt X my 23 months in our life my girlfriend up she wanted to write you something nice and she's just not well that was nice thank you for that heartwarming snow Lotus asks a question have you ever played any two who games nope Vulpix pretty good you think that after that many months your girlfriend would take some sort of interest don't you think vulnerable all Baird's up ghost bullets is bad with explosive rounds oh well I'll Google well for synergies and I was drop one of the other my laser pierces - now you should play a rush rover never heard of it poof amid dead tier-one sob I keeping this up my friend [Music] daisuke bullets chance bullets good rng what is that supposed to do laser B laser I cheated I had an L a blank fire bullets from other guns sometimes I like it when the stream goes through them it bends a little bit I'm amber 11 months in her all thought I'd lost those thanks hot Bank hots I didn't come back betrayer shoot it's actually gun see your room I haven't sure this laser can find secret rooms under beds from dubas hey hots have you ever thought about streaming super mario odyssey if you aren't able to obtain it I understand I have obtained it I do have it and I did stream it to completion check it out on my channel Hut's - Holy Grail I'm gonna get it it's a cheese Cup it's all right bud it's a cheese Cup betrayer I didn't shut up yeah it's a cheese Cup snuck up behind me two guns one cup all right Holy Grail time withered vessel what does it do though triggers blank effects upon taking damage refills ammo hey our blanks are really strong so why not some [ __ ] with me they're dead does basically like turns your hearts into shields as well I did I'd expected better but it is what it is that's all it will ever be found the singer um didn't get to open it with on the bomber though mm Oh for what for nothing Your Honor my curse you are wreathed in darkness get the head out of my shop okay thanks it's been fun Thanks wha Feng Feng Shui nur prime Sawa get back you stay back angry bullets hungry for more how have we not gotten a synergy with all of these bullet upgrades my mind is blown [Music] I'm not the best gun for this fight are we sling is the best gun oh that's right I forgot we're fighting mega super ultra dragon oh [ __ ] dude ha ha ha balls that was like yeah we don't have to try anymore no we do yeah we do beam guns are great for that stupid skulls would you tell your son to knock it the Frick off Jim would you knock it off he's a guest we don't treat guests this way little Jim ah Jim to cutscene be [ __ ] kidding me Jim I don't know what the best gun for this phase is [ __ ] Jim Jim oh I don't need to kill him looks pushing all the buttons now uh-huh uh-huh easy stuff you kept playing stunning prove it he's going down dude my bag is gonna be poppin take my sack Oh that's tough one is this supposed to be difficult who needs all that stuff from the rat fight not me done I can't kill the past I can't even kill the past even if I wanted to can I oh no they don't need the thing from the skull we could actually talk to the person at the forge oh let your past you guys Jim is short for Jim Burt Lynch ledge ledge pass pass pass [Music] I don't even remember that bullets past past won't work past won't work he's going to choose Lich because next to no one chose it past will work we might lose finding the pass because it's gonna be much much much harder than us going through hell and killing the Lich that's actually incredibly easy at this point in time but I've done it by accident a second time Archie's boots here haha I didn't even have to make the jump oh good [Music] boo do do doop doop doop doop doo doo doo doo doo doo write my eyehole we're probably in toulouse honestly I think these are difficult right and we don't have any of our upgrades Gunjan proper the past hello no master oh my young lit only you can save us I tried to wield our ancestral weapon but my dick got stuck in the ceiling fan instructions were unclear when I aim and fire it just stabs me in the head even though it has lost much of its great power it is said that it can reflect the magic of the dark wizard I fear all is lost but perhaps you can succeed where I have missed aim true my that's blunt [Music] when I call this sword James James Blunt hi sir fight on and on internet no no no listen sucks I'm out I can't go No pew pew pew jokes shamrock 100 oh [ __ ] doesn't block anything well so it's you haha the bullet person the spell is almost complete soon my quick-draw master rises all bullet camp will be slaves to his grandeur to be fired by his will I have learned from our undead master but I am NOT his kind the usurper she'll soon reign turning back now return to your chamber and rejoin the rest of your pathetic kind or do you think you can stop me go ahead on go ahead on fight me bro I got sweaty palms though deflect his magical powers is that it that's all I gotta do pay no attention to the false balls oh I missed it it wasn't even aiming at me the [ __ ] track it down what do you guys of terrible aim is this even your job are you even like an evil wizard getting like glitchy I don't like that I don't like only glitches up a little bit it's gonna be hard to aim that's a false false ball real ball [Laughter] [Applause] master [ __ ] [ __ ] Oh No someone ruined the tiling goodbye Lakha mots [Music] I am the giant pig green Hulk ping cannon get it it's like cannon again and I mean but like bullet related cuz his guns get it I like how do I hurt him start out the punch Oh does that expect it I may need it this looks like big toe stool now I get close to him oh gosh this blows it's like really blows [Music] some serious blowing aah so I just got a lack him with a stick then he's he pushed me away did you see that he pushed me he shouldn't be able to do that what about pushing me for he's pushing me again Bob trained professional damn it use your blanks on what this sticks it in there it's like GG dad yeah and everyone was happy done [Music] okay but honestly though that bus was terrible imagine if I would have just had like any gun period it was really tough given that I had a wooden sword anything else would have been so easy to kill him
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 47,593
Rating: 4.8258348 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Enter, gungeon, enter the gungeon, advanced gungeons and draguns, supply drop, update, free, hardest, game, impossible, secret, easter egg, shooter, shooting, rogue, roguelike, dungeon, crawler, random, randomly generated, best, top, worst, fail, epic, pixel, art, amazing, color, bullet, storm, bulletstorm
Id: T_F3i_SC5t0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 130min 41sec (7841 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 08 2018
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