"It's In Your House" - Modern Church Pt 5 | Touré Roberts

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hey family welcome to the official youtube page of one i'm excited that you're here this message is getting ready to bless your life i want you to stay connected to the incredible things that are happening in this movement so don't forget to subscribe and turn on your notifications and if you want to partner with us and some of the great things that we're doing all over the world you can give as well now it's time to get into this word i love you god bless you let's stay connected hey family god bless you it's time to dive into week five of the modern church series and man time sure flies it seems like i feel like i can go on for five or six or seven more weeks and talking to you about the things of god and we will continue although this is the last installment of the modern church series and i really feel like this might be the most important part as we take a look at a passage of scripture that i think encompasses and embodies who the church should be one passage of scripture just a few verses and i think that it breaks down who the church should be in any and every era and so i want us to go there to acts chapter 2 beginning at verse 41 through 47 as you are finding it in your your bible as you're finally in your word i'll just recap a little bit with modern church we've been talking about a variety of things and if you haven't tapped into the earlier installments of this message i encourage you to do so we talked about how the church is anointed to be philanthropic that yes we lay hands on the sick and they recover yes we we drive out demons we understand spiritual warfare yes there's so many things that the church does we we preach the gospel we get people to an awakening of who they are in christ all that takes place but but what's interesting and we saw in the book of acts we were also anointed just like jesus to do good to be philanthropic and and you've seen if you've been around you've seen we've we've taken that up a notch we already started being philanthropic uh or more philanthropic i should say in uh in the beginning of this year and we're taking it to another level because we believe that the church is called uh to help to do good uh and so we talked about that uh in the first week and we've just gone out i'm not gonna recap you just go back and and get that i want to talk about what we're talking about here today go back and get the messages uh you know we talk about a lot of things i just want to i want to focus on this and so let's go uh acts chapter 2 verse 41 through 47 and uh and the word of god says this then those who gladly received his words after peter preached on the day of pentecost those who gladly received his word were baptized and that day about 3 000 souls were added to them 3 000 souls were added through one word and it says not only were those three thousand souls added they were baptized and in verse 42 it says and they continued steadfastly in the apostles doctrine their teaching and in fellowship and in the breaking of bread that's communion and in prayers and then it says then fear a deep reference for god a deep appreciation and a sense of value on who god is god's holiness and god's glory fear came upon every soul and that environment look at what that environment of fear and reverence and deep appreciation for god that environment created it says and many wonders and signs were done through the apostles now i i i teach on that and i get into that and i plan on talking about it but let me just stop right there there is an environment that sets up the miraculous oh god i feel i i need to get through this but but but there has to be there's an atmosphere and one of the things that we're doing we're going to talk up talk about and touch on it today is is we're going to be creating environments for god to work sometimes we have to give god something to work with and it is in how we perceive god and how we perceive god's mission and how we perceive god's people and it's it's when we have faith and we understand that it's his glory to thine is the kingdom and the glory and the power and so there is an environment you might be wondering i don't see miracles anymore i don't i feel like i don't see enough healings anymore i feel like i don't see breakthroughs and i hear god saying you have to create an environment and that environment has to do with reverence right it's not fear like oh my god i'm afraid you're going to kill me it's not that it is a deep reverential insight and perspective on god so much so that when you sense god is in a room you just kneel come on somebody when you sense that god is near you you worship you know anyway i i digress let's get through this then fear came upon every soul and many wonders and signs were done through the apostles now all who were and now all who believed were together and had all things in common and sold their possessions and goods and divided them among all as anyone had need you see that philanthropic spirit it's right there right and then it says so continuing daily with one accord in the temple that's one place and breaking bread from house to house they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart praising god and having favor with all the people and the lord added to the church daily those who are being saved father we thank you for your word it is a lamp and to our feet it is enlightened to our path we thank you for your spirit we thank you that you're here and god we want to be closer to you we want to gain more wisdom and more knowledge and more insight god and and we want to discover ourselves we want to find ourselves we want to know how you want to position us in this time in this season so that you can add you want to add but we have to be positioned for you to move and so god through this message god bless all who are listening we thank you for people that are watching and listening from all around the world father i thank you that you're going to touch their hearts i thank you god you're going to minister to them or thank you lord god that you're going to awaken them and we thank you for revival we believe that we are on the brink of a glorious revival we're on the brink of seeing greater things that we have ever seen before god through the church in our lives god in the lives of our family god i just sense your presence assists that you're doing something in this hour you're doing something in this season you are a mighty god and you will define yourself through mighty works hallelujah and we're reminded of what you told us jesus you said i gotta go but greater works you shall do hallelujah and so god we thank you right now for greater works and i prophesy greater works over everybody that's watching again listening right now i prophesied greater works over everybody who is connected to this sound and this work greater works greater works greater works greater works do me a favor put it right there in the feed if you're watching via live stream come on put greater works in there i claim it i declare it i decree it greater works we're on the cusp of revival i see it i feel it i know it it's gonna be awesome hallelujah glorious things are gonna happen in the name of god in this season if you believe it and you receive it just put your hands together or put your typing together or put whatever you want to put together and say a man a man an amen crater works greater works greater things i feel it i feel the holy spirit i want to just throw these notes away and just prophesy i i just sense it i i sense you have to sense the moment [Music] you have to sense the setup god is a set-up god he's not a setback god he's a set up god the setback is always for the setup oh god [Music] just just let me be unorthodox right now just just just let me flow just let me flow you got to sense it the sons of issachar they understood times and seasons this is not a time to be sad this is not a time to give up this is not a time to quit this is not a time to throw in the tile this is a time to plant yourself in the things of god this is a time to plant yourself in the word of god this is your time to surrender i feel that some of you are wrestling and i hear god saying it's going to get easier when you start surrendering i feel the spirit of god when you just surrender to god and say god i'm yours thine is the kingdom thine is the glory thine is the power i'm yours no more wrestling with god i feel like we're moving from jacob to israel we're moving into a season where we're going to stop wrestling with god so that god can do what he wants to do if you will allow god to do what he wants to do i just want you to shout have your way lord put it in the feed have your way lord hallelujah oh god he's holy he's holy i hear god saying for i know the plans i have for you plans to prosper you and not to harm you to give you a future and a hope i hear god saying if you would just say have your way have your way have your way have your way have your way you've earned my trust you've earned my respect you've earned my honor you've earned it you've earned it you have earned my life in you i live and i move and i have my being have your way sir [Music] it's tough because you're not surrendering it's tough because you're not surrendering i'm not saying you're not in a tough season i'm not being insensitive to the reality but there is there's a time and there's a season and a moment where you have to say god here i am i'm yours i don't care have it all i feel the spirit of the risen savior somebody literally i hear this prophetically you are on your death bed and i hear god saying that if you will just say yahweh i'm yours have your way a miracle was going to take place in your life a miracle is going to take place in your circumstance there's something that is dying and you're trying to hold on to it but if you tell god you say god have your way new life is going to spring up new life new life have your way have your way have your way i'm yours i'm your horse i'm yours lord not my will not my will but your will be done your kingdom come thank you lord thank you lord oh hallelujah this this church they didn't have watch this they didn't have the luxury of structure uh they they they didn't have the luxury watch this of the bible there was no bible there were no letters there was something you had the torah you had the law and and some of the prophets but you had no organized manual this was a way they were going in a way that had never been prescribed and although that is frustrated or defined rather although that is frustrating it was the best thing for him i feel the holy ghost and some of you your lives have been so disrupted your normals have been so so so shaken and broken that although it's uncomfortable and it's awkward you have been forced into this place where god can really be god in your life and i think to a certain degree the church we have gone through our own disruption because i i think that first of all i love the church with all of her flaws i mean she is just as about as flawed as anything can be and yet and still i love the church and god loves the church and the bible says that that who god loves he chastens uh-huh he he cha he said in other words if i didn't love you i wouldn't chase in you i would just let you do what you do even if what you are doing is going to lead you somewhere but but who i'll lead you somewhere wrong but who i love i chase him if i'm into you i chasten you i i correct you me correcting you says i have an investment in you me correcting you says says i see value in you and the church and the world but the church in particular has been greatly shaken over the past 16 17 months the pandemic you got to pay attention the pandemic watched this disrupted church operations and we were talking about yeah we just have to pivot and all yeah yeah pivot yeah no what you make what we had to do is humble ourselves and gain and get in the presence of god watch this and out of our systems i love systems i teach and i preach on systems and structures but i can tell you sometimes they are just as much a curse as they are blessing because systems and structures sometimes will attempt to harness the move of god and the move of god cannot be harnessed oh hallelujah in fact that's the only way that you want to use that's the only time trying to use a system is okay i know what god is doing so since this is what god is doing let me try to put some structure under but what happens when god is not doing it anymore what happens when god moves or he shifts or he has a different vision for your life now those same systems and structures are actually working against divinity and so with good intentions you're building around where god was and so what god has to do is god has to allow a shaking and it is unsettling and it is nerve wracking what do you do when a god thing becomes a good thing did you hear me we talk about the difference between a good thing and a god thing everybody gets that but do you know that sometimes a god thing that is out of date becomes a good thing and no longer a god thing and so what do you do when a god thing that you waited and it you found that it was a god thing when you were weighing a good thing and now the god things becomes a good thing you're trying to get back to the god thing what do you do surrender not my will but your will be done this early church had the advantage of not having a manual that was an advantage to them they had an advantage watch this of not having experience this this is the one time in the world when experience or not having experience actually works in your favor because when you don't have experience you're forced to posture yourself in a posture of learning and submission and humility and if you see it right it can be a very exciting time because you're you're it you're it's the monotony is being broken up and you can live an off-field life with god every single day and your relationship with god can grow and flourish this is what the disciples were going through they they were on this incredible journey with god and jesus he even jesus didn't have all the answers they asked him early on in the book of acts they're like hey hey you know is this going to be when the reconciliation of israel comes how do we know times see jesus i don't know doc i mean if i didn't say dog but jesus said i i don't know he said that that's in the father that's the all i don't even have access to that and so even though they were with jesus they still things were still limited and they they had it why did i watch this they had enough sensitivity about who jesus was to follow him to move but not enough to have it all figured out and so that's who we have to be we have to be sensitive in the holy spirit he's not going to give us everything but he'll give us enough all he'll say listen he said follow me to those that he was calling but he never told them where he was going but he was close enough to them where they could perceive his glory and his divinity right and so they they they went along but they didn't know where they were going and many left everything to follow him that that is the that's it's the luxury of spirituality to constantly be a searcher for all things god and that's what this early church was in and and when i look at these verses and there's so much of these verses and we can unpack this over several weeks but in these verses and these verses acts chapter 2 verses 41 through 47 and these verses for me is are the the the perfect and most effective macro level picture of what the church must be in order to be effective at a macro level right there in those what is that six seven verses right there at a very macro level is the perfect example of who we need to be watch this to be impactful no matter the error no matter the error if we can extract the essence and the disciplines from those verses we can apply them to any time and any age and find god and find what god wants and when we find what god wants we'll be successful you know what i thought was interesting and verse 47 and that same thing and we're going to kind of unpack some of the things that are in those verses but in verse 47 at the end of it it talks about how they did all these things and we'll talk about those things that they did but then it says that last sentence says and the lord added to the church it was almost like as the church positioned themselves in these disciplines with this inside these understandings and these commitments it was almost like it released god to do his thing god wants to do his thing in your life god wants to do his thing in your family god wants to do his thing in your city he wants to do his thing in your region he wants to do his thing on your job he wants to do his thing in your business but we have to prepare a place for god to move if you go back and you study in the old testament the fire didn't fall for nothing the worship had to be just right divide this like that put this here like that build this over here like that set it up like this this needs to be this color all these sort of things and when they did what they did and all of it had spiritual significance this wasn't just religious stuff it had spiritual significance that they did not understand and that's okay do this and when they did that boom the fire fell oh glory to god when they got things in order god brunes was released oh god i feel that's what i want isn't that what you want i want to release god watch this i don't even want to release oh me wish somebody would catch what i'm saying i don't even want to release pt i want pt to be free enough and aligned enough to posture himself in purpose and identity and destiny and calling in such a way that god can be released through the earth because of my life i want to release god so so i have a key in me that will unlock god oh god now unto him who's able to do exceedingly abundantly far above what we can ask for or imagine according to the power that works in us that means that there is something in us that releases him and so we see this they were doing something and and and there is no there's nothing to suggest that there was uh any instruction manual to get them to do eight things that we see in those seven or eight verses so let's just look at them really quickly i want to talk about a couple of things in particular when i look at these verses because i'm hungry family i'm so hungry to get it right i'm shaken by the shaking that's taking place any believer ought to be shaken by the shake we shouldn't be trying to get back to normal if you if you were if i were you i'd be afraid of normal that people when we gonna open that up again when we gonna and i hear and i understand and trust me i miss all that too but you're not seeing it right you're asking the wrong question it is not when are we going to open up it is god what was wrong with what it was what was so wrong with what it was that you shook the whole earth in order to shake it deliver me from that because whatever it was watch this it wasn't enough it wasn't enough whatever it was it wasn't enough maybe enough for then but not enough for now so i have a hunger guys a hunger to figure it out to the best of my ability and that's your job your job as it relates to your walk with god is to figure it out to the best of your ability your job as it relates to your purpose and your calling and your service to god is to figure it out to the best of your ability so i'm i'm i'm searching i'm searching and when i go to acts it worked actually i know we can't do it exactly like the book of acts right but i know that we can have impact in fact an even greater impact in the book of acts because they did this without technology oh hallelujah they did they reached the nations corinth is not somebody's name it's a region ephesus is not your uncle it is a land roam come on baby they were shaking things asia without technology without the internet without airplanes and it worked and greater things we're going to do so when i look at acts i'm not saying i want to get back to the good old days i am i am groping and i am grasping after the hidden revelation and wisdom that is applicable to today that's buried in what they saw i want to find out what they saw because if i can see what they saw then i can apply that to my life to everything that's under my supervision and jurisdiction and bring those modern tools to a timeless perspective and flip this world right side up are you tracking with me can i talk to you like this today and so so when i look at these verses i i see uh i see a dynamic church i see a malleable church not this rigid can't move can't no i see a church that is evolving and is is malleable it's becoming what it needs to become in order to do what it needs to do this is what i see i see an effective what i'd like to term hybrid model of church and if i'm honest it looks a lot different from who we were and quite frankly how others have been doing church and all of us got shaken and so you know it's interesting and this is true not only in the kingdom or not only in church but in anything we can drift so far away from the original idea of a thing that that we end up with something that only slightly resembles what it should look like it only slightly resembles the original idea we can drift you ever been on a boat and you didn't anchor down and you you left it where it was and you didn't anchor down and you looked up i i know i've been on lake and i i didn't anchor down and and and you look up and you're this close to just by the grace of god that you don't crash up on the rocks and you didn't do anything but you just drifted i think that that being where god needs us to be requires intentionality uh bishop jakes has said before you probably heard him say before how if jesus came back today he wouldn't even recognize the church and that's not a dig on anybody i'm saying we drift because we like monuments we we like to more it is easier to memorialize what god did than it is to press into what god is doing it's risky all right so let's look at really quickly i just want to look at kind of just eight things that stood out we're going to focus on one of them uh in particular in this message but eight thing when eight things when i look at those verses uh eight things stand out right away first of all their spiritual leadership and oversight right and so the apostles at the time these were proven and tried leaders and they had oversight even though as we're going to see in just a second um there was a breakdown and you had house to house and that kind of stuff there was still this great respect for the the the spiritual leadership in other words so we look at it right there and those who gladly received his word whose word peter's as peter stood up in the midst of things and he was tapped into the flow that's what we talked about week two he was tapped into the flow he was connected he was flowing with ancient revelation tying ancient revelation into a modern moment and connecting it all through prophecy because remember he was connected when the spirit of god i don't got to teach a lot but you know the spirit of god fail right and then he says okay and they're trying to figure out what's going on he's like okay let me tell you what's going on in joel 2 it says in the last days and approach your spirit this is that so he was powerful he was connecting ancient truths to current moment and bridging them together through prophecy ancient truths to present moment bridging them together through prophecy ancient truths can i teach today ancient truths to a present moment bridge together through prophecy you have to prophesy you have to prophesy you have to be prophetic we cannot get truth if you don't prophesy ancient truths to a present moment connected together through prophecy maybe this is why the word of god says in the last days i will pour out of my spirit upon all flesh and everybody i'm paraphrasing he says everybody's going to prophesy old young men women everybody's going to prophesy why because i have to have ancient truths and i have to connect them to this present moment and the only way i can do it is through prophecy just put it in the feet right now i must prophesy i say it in the room i must prophesy i must prophesy and i'm gonna take it even further i want you to say i'm prophetic i'm prophetic i'm prophetic we take this thing and we make being prophetic like this no no he said everybody's gonna do it i'm gonna be so desperate for what i need to take place in the earth that in the last days i'm going to pour out my spirit upon all flesh and you're going to prophesy i digress greatly but somebody needed that teaching moment and so one there is spiritual leadership and there's oversight and we know if we keep reading in the in the book of acts when there was a dispute amongst the the the philanthropy the distribution they called in the apostles to sort things when there were all sorts of disputes and things going on the apostles came in they sat down they reasoned together and discerned truth so there was it wasn't just this wild wild west everybody do what you want to do thing no there there was a a recognition and respect for spiritual authority one two and we're talking about some of the things that that when we look at these verses some of the things that that pop out uh we see the spiritual leadership and authority too we see that the word goes forth nothing moves without the word nothing nothing nothing moves nothing moves nothing moves if if the word is not perceived and declare we can't go anywhere the word is what god uses to move the church forward the word is what god uses to move the church forward not systems not systems systems are about sustaining and maintaining systems are not necessarily about progress you can build a system around progress but what moves a church forward is the word man doesn't live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of god that's why you have to keep your leaders those who who tend to the word you have to keep them in prayer right that they can have the space and and the the grace to attend to the word and you in your own life have to create space and grace to attend to the whole world that's in your life i'm talking about what the church had they had spiritual leadership and oversight the word always went forth three people were baptized we're talking about this will never go out of style this will never get old spiritual authority the word going forth and people getting baptized it will never ever ever go out of style four watch this they continued in it says where is it in verse 42 it says and they continued steadfastly in the apostles doctrine and fellowship that word continued is an interesting word it means it's almost like becoming so it wasn't just this word that you hear when you get your sunday morning fix and you go on about your business no no what they were speaking see the word is is transformational that's why it's my commitment to go beyond inspiration and get you truth that you can become and live it out and ultimately disciple somebody else with that same truth they continued into this disciples doctrine they continued and they were developed by the word the word that that you want in your life is a word that will keep building you long after it's preached they continue they continued they continued what was spoken to me that stuck with me again it's bigger than getting through a bad week getting through a bad week does not develop you that inspires you right it's bigger than that it is how do i become who i need to become in order to release who i am that's what you're looking for every time you hear a word it's great to get some inspiration along the way but every time you hear a word you're trying to find you in that word you're trying to find you right the scripture talks about how he who hears the word and doesn't do them is like and i believe this is in james is like a person who sees himself in a mirror and then goes and he says he straight straight away he quickly goes and forgets who he is so what does that tell us that tells us that the word is a mirror when when the flow comes to you it is a mirror to reveal to you who you are and sometimes who you are not right and so what you have to do is you can't put that mirror away you've got to continue to look at it oh i'm fearfully and wonderfully made oh i can do all things to christ who strengthens me oh i'm more than a conqueror oh i'm forgiven oh oh i'm love perfect love cast out fear oh god didn't give me the spirit of fear but power and love and a sound mind and you have to keep on looking at you have to continue in the word so that it can develop you and make you whole and when it develops you it makes you whole you express something powerful and great in the earth can i be a real teacher today that's that's that's that's that's what it's supposed to do so they continued it wasn't just inspiration you can't really continue an inspiration inspiration is great because what it does is it maybe will throw something off for you so that you can get the real word that that's supposed to change your life oh i feel the holy ghost i don't want to be and we need all the parts of the body this is not a knock at all anybody but i don't want to be the guy that just inspires you because what i do is i make you an addict i i make you an addict for inspiration and you never change and you need me i become your crack and it only lasts till next sunday and just enough to to to get you through the next sunday and by next sunday you phoenix i need my fix i don't want to do you like that i don't do you like that i i want to be your iv and i want to connect you to the word until it gets in your veins and begins to transform your life from the inside out so that watch this you go from being an addict to someone who's putting the iv in somebody else that's what god wants he continues they continued and that's why they grew because they were nourished they weren't looking israel listen let me tell you something this church was heavily persecuted heavily persecuted so we know that there was some inspiration in it but they didn't need when you persecuted you don't need no inspiration you need to be built you need to be built up you got to become something because watch this because the persecution's not gonna lift it's not gonna lift so if the persecution is not gonna lift that means that i gotta lift i have to get to a place where it doesn't affect me or distract me from what i'm called to do this is a church family that was heavily persecuted the reason i'm telling you i the reason why we're talking about this is because by and large we ain't ready [Laughter] we're ready but we're getting ready we're getting ready and part of that getting ready process was the shaking man i just uh i feel like preaching like like the bible says love not the world or the things that are in the world it talks about the lust of the flesh pride of lust of the flesh lust of the eyes pride of life it says and the world is passing away and i was thinking about that i was meditating this week and i was thinking about that and i was thinking about how even believers still cling to the world system they still they you good wonderful believer but they still are a little clingy to to the world system and and the word teaches us don't don't love that thing he says why he says because the world and all of his lusts are passing away but he who does the will of god will abide forever so there is stability in being who god has called you and created you to be and there is great danger and being a believer but yet still clinging to the things that are passing clinging to them clinging no no i don't want to clean i don't want to invest in something who would invest in the stock that you knew was going to crash who would buy a building and you knew the foundation was weak and when when not if when the shaking comes it's going to crumble man i feel it so strongly and maybe i want to pray for somebody and you're holding on and you're committed to something that is passing away and you're investing all of your youth and you're investing all of your now into something that won't be here that cannot stand the storm and all you've got to do is look around and we can pretend like everything is okay but we're seeing pandemic after pandemic we're seeing war after war we're seeing crazy things happen all over the earth and all over the world and we think somehow miraculously things are going to change the bible says that in those days they're going to be getting dancing and partying and and getting married and giving in marriage and having babies and all this kind of stuff and that's wonderful i'm not saying don't live your don't live your life but i'm saying live your life with an understanding that this thing is passing and you and i need to plant ourselves in something that is eternal something that can withstand the shaking i love you too much not to talk to you like that what is your life anchored on it cannot be anchored in positivity yes i want you to be positive yes i want you to be hopeful but i want your positivity to be connected to the anchor of life and that is jesus who conquered everything that would come against you even depth itself anchor yourself and that if you want to be anchored but you must be anchored what are you anchoring your money one computer glitch and it's gone anchored in your looks you can die tomorrow in jesus name you won't but you can get into a car accident and you'd be gone anchored in your sexuality that's stupid everybody's going to outgrow their sexuality hello i know they got things you can try to do to fix but you hear what i'm saying 95 years old you're not going to be thinking about that so what are you anchored in what's your anchor what have you invested in the word of god says in matthew 5 store up yourselves treasures in heaven where thieves can't break in and steal where moths can't can't corrupt and then it says for where your treasure is there your heart will be also and so what you place a value on so you can train your heart i got to get through this just allow me this digression you can train your heart through your mind about what matters and what you put in front of yourself what you put in front you got to put things that are valuable in front of you put worship in front of you put the word in front of you put put teaching in front of you put meditation and prayer put that in front of you if you allow your day to be so distracted that you don't put the things that matter most in front of you your heart will begin to cling to things that don't matter i'm not saying don't go out and be the best version of yourself and be successful and close all the deals trust me i'm living for that got a big meeting tomorrow but that's i'm not rooted in that i live for that too but i'm not rooting it because watch this what is more important than anything i do is me who i am are you tracking with me i got to keep going and so they continued i just these things that i want to point out and there's one i want to focus on and i'm going to land on it we're almost done i i went around the mountain but i think i'm on my way back home and we'll be good in about four hours we'll be finished okay okay so so these eight things their spiritual leadership and oversight the word is going forth people are being baptized they are continuing in and developed by the word this wasn't just inspiration they were getting tools of transformation for becoming right number five there was ongoing fellowship and community ongoing fellowship and community number six there was benevolence and philanthropy you see it there in the text it talks about how in verse um 44 it says now all who believe were together i love that they were connected and they had all things in common in other words they they understood that they were stewards over what they had and they didn't have this greedy type of spirit they said god you know i believe that you gave me this job that everything that i have comes from you and if there's someone who has a need that i am open and i'm willing and i'm available to be a blessing to that person they were saying it was love for real it wasn't me myself and i it was about the kingdom it was about making certain that that people in the community were blessed they were benevolent and and and they were philanthropic and in seven they regularly met now this is what i'm getting at they regularly met they pray together and they took communion in their homes they regularly met they prayed together and they took communion in their homes in their homes in their homes and number eight i'll just say and then we'll get back to it number eight is there was multiplication so i'm gonna run through them really quickly and then we're gonna talk about this home thing so one again there was spiritual leadership and oversight two the word goes forth the word was always going forth three people were getting baptized for they continued and were developed by the words of the apostles the flow five there was ongoing fellowship and community there was six there was benevolence and philanthropy seven and eight there was multiplication but back to seven they regularly met and they prayed together and they took communions in their home i think one of the things that's important to understand and to note and i think one of the things that god that i believe that god wants to restore in the modern church is the house to house model i i really really believe it and and some of the largest as i alluded to earlier some of the largest and or fastest-growing churches in the world grew and are growing right now not through the mega church model as we know it but through the house church model and as i mentioned before they didn't have the luxury watches they had the advantage they have an advantage that we don't have and that advantage is persecution when persecution becomes an advantage if you study the book of acts when you anytime you see persecution happen you see multiplication happen oh i feel the holy spirit in fact that's supposed to be the believer's response to trouble multiply even the crips had a song that says we don't die we mostly got to be from la to understand that but they we don't die that's on colors colors anyway that's too much it's too far we don't die we multiply and although that may have been slightly you know skewed the reali i like the fight in it that that if i'm a child of god and i stand on the fact that romans 8 28 is real in my life which says that god causes all things to work together for good that means that that that when persecution comes that means that god is trying to multiply me in some way when difficulty comes when when things often times things that are outside of my control i prayed about it and it still won't stop then maybe just maybe that thing is there as a gift to multiply you to make you stronger to bring you to that place where you fear the lord where there's a deeper reverence for god so that you can start producing miracles because one of the things that i know that god wants to develop in us is us not being fair weather believers right well not listen i'm telling you right now i am a fair weather motorcycle rider if the sun ain't out i don't want no parts of it there's rain forget it and when the lights go off i don't want to ride in the dark i will i'll be honest i'm a fair weather motorcycle riding dude it is what it is but i cannot be a fair weather believer because i cannot put myself on the ship i can't roll myself in the garage i am who i am in the morning and at night and so what god does oftentimes is through pressure and through difficulties and through persecution what god does is he tempers your spirit in such a way that you are not overly excited over blessing or overly discouraged over trouble and that's when you know when god can bless you with what most people will run around the room about and you just say amen thank you lord where's the next assignment oh god i thank you so much bless you hallelujah thank you jesus what's the next excitement right or when trouble comes oh god i don't like it oh god i don't like it but i'm coming out on the other side of this oh god i don't like it i wish this would go away but and my back is against the wall and i have no options and the enemy is threatening and i don't know what to do but my eyes are upon you and when god finished trying me you start speaking to your mountains you start speaking to your trouble you start speaking to your difficulties and say okay you you you got me against the rope i'll give it to you and that punch hurt i'll give it to you i won't lie i'm not gonna be detached from the reality of my circumstances but this one thing i know when this thing is over i'm coming out like gold i tell you what you won't beat me you won't whip my butt i'm gonna come out of this stronger i'm gonna come out of this wiser i'm going to come out this better are you tracking with me because persecution is designed to multiply this house church model there's certain things that can't happen in the mass gathering now i'll tell you right now hybrid means that there are it's it's a mix of things i don't believe that god is doing away at all with the mass gatherings i don't believe that but i do think that he is pinpointing and highlighting a need for the restoration of the house church model there are things that that happen in your home in your home setting if it is called together properly and the environment is set that will never happen in a room full of thousands can we keep it 100. you can hide in the thousands you cannot hide in a small group you you can be a stranger in the thousands you cannot be a stranger in a room with 20 or 30 people or 5 or 10 people discipleship does not happen in the room of 5 000 it cannot happen it is impossible for discipleship to happen you can be touched you can be fed you can get saved wonderful things can happen but discipleship you becoming cannot happen in the crowd and i believe that we're in a season where god is more concerned about you becoming than he is anything else because he wants us to be ready i was looking at james the other day james chapter five study when you get a chance we're almost done here but it talked about how you know if if you're sick if anybody be sick let them call for the elders of the church call for the elders of the church which means that the elders of the church came somewhere came out of the church to wherever this need was and it says in the prayer of faithful save the sick and if their sins they were forgiven and then right after it says says confess your faults to one another and pray for one another that you may be healed oh god i feel the holy ghost this the current model makes no provision for that it makes no provision for that not the current model but the house church model totally makes provision for that you can be in church and you can put your mask on literally now i mean literally now you can put your mask on and no one knows what's going on and you get your word and you suffer in silence but in the house church what's going on oh no no no no no we let's stop this right now let's stop the program watch this because there is no program you are the program you are the program what's going on well i've been feeling and now you're over to pick it up i feel the lord saying boom and now all of a sudden healing is taking place that can't happen in the big crowd so there was a hybrid and most of it happened in the house to house nazis here pastor nazi some of you may or may not know this but nazi got saved in our ministry and then she opened up her house and started a house church and it was a farsi speaking house church predominantly and people from the persian community begin to come not to our church and she's been a pastor in our church for years not to our church to her house and got saved and it grew and it grew communion is taking place bible teachings people getting to know each other leaders are developed and it outgrew the whole church and they had to go and get a church church they had to get a building because it outgrew in the house but it was in the house for years and real disciples were made and not only that miracles i'm just thinking how many people were healed of cancer tumor shrinking the miraculous not in the big church in house church bonds grew stronger so so in the house church model what i'm getting at is that things meaningful things ground level things take place that will never take place in the mega it doesn't discredit the mega because there's something powerful about the collective praise and worship and collective vision and focus oh there's something glorious about that and the bod of god can fall into place and healings can take place but not discipleship that's why it's a hybrid it's a hybrid model your home is who you are if you come to the corporate place that's wonderful and we will do that and as soon as it's safe to reopen we will soon listen but what i am more excited about is this home church movement that we're launching i'm excited about the leadership development and the call leaders is on its way back and there will be leadership development there's there's a track that's coming that i want you to be a part of you can go to one online and look for one fam we're gonna be raising up leaders and putting together these models all over the world many of you are a part of our church and don't even fully know it you're on the other side of the world and you watch and are fed by this church and we're getting ready to take that to another level i believe that some of you are called to facilitate house churches and watch this and what i want to see and what god has already told me is going to take place is that the authority the authority of one is coming to your house it's coming to your house authority and you're not just going to be watching oh god grace grace some of you and i'm prophesying some of you you're going to a house church and you're just you're just gonna invite a few friends and maybe you invite a few friends and you have a watch party around the sunday service but something's gonna happen and the spirit of god is gonna fill your house oh god and it's going to be a tangible presence of the living god in your house and people are going to get saved and even filled with the holy spirit and deliverance and all these things and i'm prophesying and some of you are going to be just like nazi who's here in this room right now and we're going to birth because there's going to be such a grace on you and what you start that we're going to realize that we're going to have to facilitate a greater work some of your call all of you are called to prophesy but some of you are called to pastor and regents oh god i i just sense that god just like what happened in the book of acts and you got to study it maybe we'll continue to talk about it in the coming weeks but from jerusalem he said listen wait in jerusalem but then he said from jerusalem the gospel is going to go out to judea to samaria and all the uttermost parts of the earth what that meant was the authority and the grace from the home church moved out and touched the nations so you thought that you were just watching one la one denver or one part however you connect but you didn't realize that this is a part of a spiritual movement a divine movement watch this that cannot be chained that cannot be bound and it's coming to you god i feel it god i feel it god i feel it i see you right there i can see you so clearly and you are getting ready to open up your house and you're thinking to yourself i'm not qualified stop saying that if you're hearing it and it is resonating deeply don't let your mind talk you out of it this is the kingdom and you have to do it and and you're going to do it now just tell you right now you're going to do it in your own way yes we'll cover you and we'll pray for you and you'll have authority but you're going to do it in your own way listen the church of ephesus was different from the church of corinth the church of corinth was different from from the church of philippi they were different they had unique nuances and unique expressions there were unique needs i feel god hear me clearly and you're going to gather community around community and you're going to gather community around commonality because at the end of the day here's what it's about all of us are trying to figure it out and we're gonna figure it out together how does this when i look at my life how does this make what am i i know i'm called of god to do things for god but what does it look like for me in the context of my existence and you're going to wrestle through that and you're going to figure it out and it's going to be amazing you are the modern church you want to know who the modern church is it is you connecting ancient truths in a modern moment through prophecy that is the word and the word is going to visit you in your meetings all you have to do is prepare a place for god you've been touched and now you're going to go from follower to a disciple and for some of you there's going to be so much grace that i or one of our pastors are going to have to come to your city i'm going to come to your region and establish it just like in the book of acts so excited about this new era i'm so excited about this new day i'm so excited about building you and i want to break this this false mode of you know i gotta i gotta throw my skinny jeans on and i gotta get a big building and convert it and i gotta get flashing lights and i gotta find my little instagram or tweetables quotables and and my fancy footwork i wanna break that lying spirit that says that that's how it's done i gotta have campuses all over the place i gotta have run five thousand i gotta that's an old model [Music] i'm not saying it's wrong i'm just saying and i'm not saying that there isn't a place i'm not saying our way is the only way but what i do know is that what god is emphasizing right now is becoming discipleship and reaching the ends of the earth in a modern way he's going to use technology he's going to lose use tools but what he's going to use even more than that is you you are the modern church it's you and i want to pray for you this service didn't go the way i i anticipated but so what here we are i care about you i'm concerned about you i want to see you grow i want to see you strong i want to see you bold i want to see you courageous i want to see you released so that you can release god i want to see what god has planned to do through your life it is it is my wildest dream to see you become and so i have an invitation it's a twofold invitation you're watching this and you say pastor man i just there's some you're there's some and you're literally trembling right now you literally your heart is racing your heart is beating fast you're like i don't know what this is it's god he's calling you and some of you you're sobbing you're you're weeping you're broken and some of you you've been you've been weeping all throughout the service that's god calling you calling you in a way that only god knows how to call you so the two points of this of this invitation is if you're here and you just want to say yes to god you you just feel like you've kind of been around spirituality and you've been around spiritual things but you feel like it's almost like you're supposed to dive in yeah that's what it feels like and i hear god saying dive in i'll catch you and not only will i catch you i will hold you and not only will i catch you and hold you but i will carry you not only will i catch you and hold you and carry you i will keep you forever and all you have to do is say yes if that's you i just want you to put yes right there in the feed or if you're not online you're watching this later or you know just say yes if you listen to the podcast just say yes lord yes lord just say yes lord i'm yours just say yes just say yes lord yes lord yes lord yes lord and we've got pastors if you're watching this live there we can connect with you pray with you if you're opening up your heart for the first time there's instruction if you're listening to this via podcast you can reach out to the website we've got people that if you connect if you contact us we will get back in touch with you we will pray for you and touch you if we can get to you we will i mean we are committed to you this church this movement exists for you [Music] and then i want to appeal to another group and you know that god not even that god requires you know that there's more in you than you are utilizing for god [Music] you know and i want you to just say i surrender [Music] i surrender because the only way that god can use you to the capacity of your potential is through your surrender and your obedience when god gave me this he told me torah you you've got pastors in the making that are just watching they're live stream viewers they're they're they're but they're pastors they're they're called to be shepherds [Music] you've got you've got people who are called to be apostles and prophets and pastors and teachers and evangelists but they haven't been activated they haven't been released now is your time and i don't want you to worry about what it's going to cost you because here is the guarantee what you will gain and who you will become and the impact of your life will far outweigh what you may or may not have to walk away from to get there i left i left everything i left corporate america i walked away from everything i didn't find god when i was down and no matter where you find him is fine i found god when i was high wait not that type of high but when i was up i might have been that type of high too sometimes but i was up [Music] and it was a sacrifice and i've had to make sacrifices along the way and when i tell you i've never regretted it man you're called who am i talking to and i just want you to confess it just confess it i want you to say it i want you to put it in the feed just say i'm called i'm called and one of the things that our movement is committed to do and as a top priority is to help facilitate and train and speak into and empower that call that's my legacy my legacy is not to be i've had big big buildings i've done all that my legacy is to build big people not wrong with big buildings we've got buildings but my heart is you i want you to be the bit the building the bible says that we are the temple we're the living stones and so i want you to plug in if you know you're called to lead or you're interested in the training that will prepare you and equip you for leading go to our website one online one dot online and look for one fam so that we can make you abreast of some training that's coming up to help you to understand the culture to bring you into things and then there is a leadership thing that we're going to do a leadership event that i want to give you too much information but get connected so so you can be plugged in i want to pray for you father thank you so much for this time that we've had together with your sons and daughters you've said much at these moments together hallelujah you've prophesied you've encouraged you've built up you've strengthened you've spoken truth this is a holy moment this is holy ground and father may we continue in this hallelujah may this mirror that has been erected to show us who we are and show us who we are becoming god may it not be put away because of distraction or difficulty but god may we continue in it [Music] and god for those who've given their hearts to you today seal this work i thank you that you're doing something holy and fresh and powerful in their lives i thank you god that you're filling them with the holy spirit so that it won't be about them you know mind over matter or trying to you know in their own strength walk this thing out but i thank you god that they will be able to walk in the spirit hallelujah and be everything that you've created them to be [Music] and then father i thank you for those who are called in a deeper way called to leadership called to plant churches called to open house churches called to serve in a house church hallelujah oh i thank you for the harvest i sense it i feel it from all over in fact i want you to put it right there in the feed if you feel like you're called to be trained or to start a house church i want you to put one and whatever your city is just put it right there in the feed one cerritos one zimbabwe one south africa one germany one the philippines one iran one afghanistan one israel just put it right there just flood it flood it flood it because you're making a declaration right now a declaration while we're here in the presence of god without hindrance you're making a declaration about the flow that has come to you just flood it one one wherever your city is wherever your nation is wherever your country just one one and if you want to take it further you can say i am one and whatever that is but just however you want to do it we're gonna make a declaration right now we're gonna make hell nervous hallelujah we're gonna make the adversary nervous because we're coming to cities and nations in a very powerful way i love you i'm for you let's stay connected we're building something beautiful go to the website click on that one fam link reach out to us you're next hallelujah
Channel: ONE | A Potter's House Church
Views: 18,402
Rating: 4.9832635 out of 5
Keywords: TPH, The Potters House, TPH LA, The Potters House LA, One LA, Toure Roberts, Sarah Jakes Roberts, tphla, LA Churches, One Church, onela, Sarah Jakes, Pastor Touré, TPH Denver, Bishop Jakes, one.online, one
Id: grChMlp3C8s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 13sec (4273 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 29 2021
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