Building Tiny MICRO 32 sq ft. LUXURY RV Camper - "The Glamper!" VS. @Fowler's Makery and Mischief

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57 hours running just the lights in here so that's like a long weekend today we're doing a special project sort of like a glamper of sorts this thing is going to be luxury portable off-grid shelter it's going to have all the bells all the whistles everything you could possibly imagine you wanted or needed for camping i've got some regular sized tires on i took these tires off the sawmill because that's not going anywhere anytime soon matter of fact i haven't moved it since i put it there years ago and it's a good idea to keep the tires out of the sun anyway so i took them off put them on the on the clamper that's the official the official title is the glamper so don's here he's going to give me a hand with this thing we've got uh we're going to take off a lot of the junk that uh is not required for the glam for like these side tie downs and the back tailgate before i get too far into this build this video is sponsored by jackery what you got there though oh they want to clean your docks buddy probably led submersible trailer lights hopefully we never have to take advantage of the submersible version of that got some caulking some tape cut off wheels i got an idea in my head i've been saving panels garage door panels so they're the insulated uh panels like aluminum some sort of metal on both sides and it's got styrofoam in the middle and we're gonna we're gonna stick those petals together and make this thing something now it's time to do some grinding these are all garage door panels that were destined for the garbage when you buy a new garage door sometimes there's a scab on the tops on the bottom so it'll get dented these are the scabs so i've been collecting them over you know the last eight months or something like that so i've got quite a few of them the whole structure is going to be built on the garage door panels as you can see it's shaping up to be a really big box on wheels and it's all insulated so you could you know fill this thing with ice put your beers in there and you're good to go we're gonna make the structure in such a fashion that is watertight airtight and it keeps your hot or your cold and depending on which climate you're using it because i want this to be an all season clamper this is the reinforcing piece punch-out angle that we're using on all four corners in order to give us a little bit of rigidity and depending on on um then we may add some to the middle to give us a little bit more structure but as you can see the structure itself is coming along quick well well how's that for the biggest cooler on wheels they're calling for rain the next couple of days so i wanna make it watertight so the water doesn't get down the crack so basically make like a fish tank we're working on uh the bump out here so this is the this is the back of the little glamper and what it's going to do is it's going to house somewhat of a little wood stove we got a cubic mini stove it's coming it's on the way we're going to put it in this little bump out here so it's going to be up a little bit higher but we want to give it a little bit space so we're going to bump out about a foot and then carry on up and that's going to give us all the space we need to have that maybe give us a little bit of shelf too for storage and whatnot good now that we've got most of the walls up we added punch out angle iron and the corners in order to facilitate our roof installation so now we're gonna work on our gable ends and once we have the panels up enough we're gonna draw a line that goes to the peak and then we're gonna cut it off in sort of an a-frame style which then we can install the roof on it well how's this for a comfy spot oh yeah you can already tell that it's gonna be very cozy this guy's opened up it's decided to rain on us this thing is watertight it's gonna fill up like a like a bucket you can kind of see it's shaping up you got the fireplace area over here and then you're gonna have like a bed area here we just gotta get our roof on we gotta cut some windows in we've got some doors in still so like it's just we're making the box first and then we're gonna cut all holes in it airiness it's kind of like inside of a igloo cooler and finally transport our human organs it's bright and spacious just gonna crawl out maybe maybe i'm gonna crawl up there you go don here's the camera still running okay there you go your first selfie buddy that's not really what i wanted the chief inspector's here we got mark mark is the uh you've made a couple cameos on this yep he was just he's getting off vacation and he came by to see what i was up to so what do you think of this thing so far i think it's uh i think it looks warm and cozy it's a thing it's a thing i think it'll be a thing that anybody who puts their mind to it can build like it's just like it's like building a giant gingerbread house console and gretel trailing behind that's right yeah kind of sort of maybe or it's like a big white van we could have like a window at the side and you could sell popsicles out the thing that's right get a little bell on it good idea except maybe kind of creepy kind of creepy yeah this is the plan for my door it is a two foot garage door panel and the idea is to sit in here somewhere you have to be determined i don't even have the size of the door i got to cut it out still so that's a plan plan plan i don't want to cut a hole in this thing and then not fit you're probably wondering how we're going to charge this thing well this is the solution of the problem this is the jackery explorer 1500 we're glamping we're not taking away any luxuries we're bringing them with us this battery pack is perfect for glamping it's not necessarily lightweight it's not something you're going to be putting in your backpack but it's something that you can put in your car in your trunk take it out when you need it it's all the power you need to power most anything you can think of from a blender a toaster a refrigerator yeah there's gonna be a refrigerator in this thing we gotta power our lights i've been using the jackery the entire time i've been building this thing from running a grinder to a circular saw to a table saw this thing does it all it's got 1800 watt of continuous usage with a surge capacity of 3600 watts i've set the jackery up with a maximum of four panels you can set it up with as little as one panel each panel can produce 100 watts of power you can pretty much plug in anything you can imagine it's got dc voltage so as a regular cigarette lighter adapter these are your inputs so charger or regular house power to plug it in you got your usb c so your phones or whatever and then you got regular ac power which you can plug your toaster in there or anything else you can imagine and then the display shows you how much power you have left 78 percent and then input which is how much is coming in which is nothing but output also says nothing so when we plug something in it'll actually tell you how much it's using and how long it has left to power that particular device the input will tell you how much you're putting back into the battery from your solar panels so guys if you want to pick up one of these jackery packs the link will be in the description below the problem i ran into is that the grinder wheel isn't quite deep enough to get all the way through so i ended up using a zip cut or an oscillating tool and i get to plunge into it this isn't uh this isn't a metal blade this is a wood blade i lost a couple of teeth in that process as you can see but uh this little tool is good for getting yourself out of some tricky situations oscillating tool corner to corner and corner corner and cut it out oh yeah isn't that always the case you get your cell phone set up and then it starts raining and then you're like i gotta bring it inside bring it inside and then it stops raining now the sun's coming out dry up all the rain so to give you guys an update the just taking the styrofoam out here in order to uh give it some a little bit more stability we're gonna add some blocks in here and then the jam is going to attach it we're gonna glue the blocks in so it's gonna be all secured and one big monolithic slab how's that for progress i'm impressed with the fit of that door it needs a little bit of tickle right here where it's got to be cut down a little bit because it is touching the jamb but otherwise it fits great and it doesn't just wing open because the hinges aren't quite designed i was thinking of mortising the hinges and then i was like well you know what a surface mount hinge is not a bad idea because we're gonna do our sheeting and we're gonna butt up against it so it's gonna not be in the way and then when it's fully open it can be fully fully open and then you don't got anything here because i need to put in another lip here in order to actually hold the door closed and seal it shut so the debate was do we overhang the roof at the front and at the back to give us a little bit of thing and then i was thinking this thing's going to travel at like 100 kilometers an hour like you know 60 miles an hour huh what's what's miles and kilometers gonna be 62 62 miles 62 miles an hour 100 kilometers an hour we probably don't want to limp at the front because otherwise the wind will come over and go underneath and try to rip our roof off which would probably not be ideal right yeah not ideal so i'm thinking of doing a flush roof at the front and then overhang at the back because if it overhangs the back it gives you kind of like a drip edge so when you have your door open or you know it's not dripping inside right here is the greatest opportunity to use every spare tube of caulking you have laying around the house i'm going around sealing up all the joints cracks crevices this thing's going to be watertight and then after that i'm going to actually go around and use some either sheathing tape or blue skin at any of the major cracks just to give it further waterproof because we don't want any water in this thing here i mean oh yeah what is it a big dog see so now that we have our shell we need to put a window we need a couple of windows in here so i got my my lovely assistant handed me a window so this is this is obviously the outside of the window and this is the inside of the window and what's cool about this window is that it was from an old camper so it's already got the little slopiness in order for the water to kind of channel itself in and out if any water gets behind it really i'm what i'm debating is positioning of this thing so if this is my bed i'm sitting in my bed you got to use some imagination here my bed's further over here where do i want my window i'll be able to open the window from here let's do that look at that what do you think of that guys all right now we cut from the outside [Music] oh yeah test fit see if she fits now i just want to test fit to make sure it fits because i'm going to put the cladding on first and then screw the whole window to the cladding oh yeah it's a little house is it a pretty cool egg for me yeah all right come on in all right we've got a little bench over there got a little bench it's coming along right come along hey dawn we're really going to be at the bench yeah it's nice and airy in here now it's got windows well it doesn't have the windows in yet but it's got the holes there's a great example of why you should always collect more of the old stuff than you think you need so we collected all the windows from the old camper that we had that we tore apart and the window that i wanted to use right here had a little mechanism this little guy here was uh the knob busted off so we ended up salvaging the knob from the old window the other old window and dawn carefully replaced it so we got the little crank up because i doubt you can find these little crank outs in the store anymore like from 1976 or something like that it's a all cast aluminum this stuff is blue skin if you don't want something to leak stick this stuff to it this is the stickiest waterproofiest stuff in the world it's got like a peel back and it's kind of like a tar based membrane they use it for waterproofing foundations around windows when you're doing a like a retrofit or even a brand new install this stuff is like this does for life but you can lap it over it's got the little lines so you can lap it over to make a seamless joint so what we're going to do is we're going to actually put it on the ridge of the glamper in order to prevent any water from infiltrating into the foam or down the crack in order to install our fascia board we ended up taking a little bit of styrofoam out of the panels installing little blocks with glue and then we attached our fascia board to the little blocks and that gave us something secure to nail to and the reason why we did that beforehand is because our roof sheeting is actually going to lap over top of it now our roof shooting isn't really designed for waterproofing it's more of an aesthetic thing because our panels themselves are waterproof well guys we're experiencing a little bit of a rain delay the skies have opened up and it's decided to rain on me but i can take this opportunity to check for leaks if i look at the roof i don't see any water coming in checking the cracks there is a little bit of water coming in through the fact that there's no window here so i can actually see it coming down and down the wall and then kind of pulling on the floor so that seems to be the only source of the leak i'm just checking the joints along the ridge cap and along the where the seams are it seems to be nice and dry [Music] in order to cut the window into that door i ended up taking the chunk of glass that i had and put it on the door traced around the circle and then what i did is i gave it a little bit of meat because i want to put a frame around the window so then what i did was i grinded that out and then i used the drill and poked all the way through and then transferred the marks to the other side the grouting wheels that i have aren't thick enough that go through both pieces of material all at once so once you transfer it to the other side you disconnect the dots a lot and you've got a nice circle for your window now all i've got to do is figure out subway in order to enclose kind of where the styrofoam the raw styrofoam is inside the panel so i think i'm going to try some wood i like bended wood let's see if we can get it thin enough to actually get around the perimeter of the opening in order to make the frame on the window i ended up using really thin pieces of wood and then i ended up wetting them in order for them to bend and not break after that i used pieces of black pipe i had laying around in order to frame the window and then simply silicon it all in place in order to hold it onto the door now that we've got that all siliconed up we just gotta wait for it to dry and i'll probably end up putting a couple more brackets around it just to firmly secure the window in place because we don't want that falling off while we're driving the siding and roofing material on the clamper is being installed first with construction adhesive and second with mechanical fasteners so every couple of inches we're installing a screw in order to ensure our siding does not fly off at highway speeds this siding is going to be experiencing tornado-like winds 100 km an hour you know gus traveling down the highway because the last thing we want is a piece of siding flying off before we get to our final destination that's both well dangerous and embarrassing all right there it is it's cedar clear theater it'll gray up over time once it weathers i don't like to put any finish on it because uh well i like when it turns gray so we just got the front and we've got uh i guess the roof we got we ran out of pieces for there so we're gonna mill up some more for that guy but no big deal we're going to finish the front [Music] turns out zach over at fowler's makery and mischief is also building a camper so we're gonna have a little bit of a friendly competition so i want you guys to go check out his it's at fowler's makery and mischief go take a look at his build and then i want you to come back here and comment who won who won the build off of this micro glamper all right so my plan is to make an accent wall of the back wall where my fireplace is going and what i'm going to use is this old scraps of hardwood floor it's engineered so to withstand the heating and the cooling process and the humidity and all that good stuff so it is a it's about four and a half inches wide by about a half inch thick but it is engineered that'll go on my back wall and that'll give me a really pretty accent wall i'm having to chisel out the back of them because there's uh the tech screws that are holding the metal brackets up so that's taking a little while but i'm almost done this little guy is the mini cubic stove this is the cub version of this stove it's great for heating small spaces whenever i build a small space i used to have a hard time finding a stove that would actually you know not overheat the space and this is the perfect solution that like if you have a camper or like a boat or like if you're you know converting a shipping container or something like that this little guy here is ideal for heating such a small space because you don't want to overheat it the neat thing about this is it actually takes tiny little wood like five inch wood cord wood trees dried sticks refused from building or whatever you got produces a very even clean heat it's got the huge viewing window you can see your fire crackling it acts as like an ambiance in the space design and function comes together it's it's awesome so the other cool thing about this stove is it comes with every accessory you could possibly need to install it in any space you have this particular guy here is a wall bracket it allows you to have the clearance off of a combustible surface it also comes with side heat shields if you need to install it closer to a sidewall or to another sidewall you can purchase them as you go depending on how high you want to go you can just purchase a la carte chimney sections to go up higher and the great thing about this stuff is it's all stainless steel it'll probably last forever original manufactured instructions on the clearance to the side of this guy is 20 inches unless you have a side heat shield which we do once we put this guy here it'll reduce our clearance on this side down to three inches what do you guys think that looks like a pretty nice spot for that because when it opens up you can see you can have your little box of wood right here you're actually not above anything else that's combustible that there is the spot i think right there chimney clearance it's not going to be in the seam this is the rear heat shield for the chimney pipe so this goes here and the chimney pipe goes in front of it and that protects the back wall from the pipe this particular pipe we're using is double wall so it's got very little clearance issues these stove pipes are some of the nicest stove pipes i've ever seen they're stainless steel inside and out these are pipes that are probably last forever because traditional pipe is made of mild steel and they painted black and usually what happens is over the summer time the condensation goes inside and it rusts but these guys fight for life well we're moving on to my favorite part which is interior finishing this is what i'm you know formally trained at is interior finishing i don't really do most of the outside stuff this is more this is my home it's the inside stuff i'm good at doing inside stuff well at least i think i am anyway so we're doing some trim i've got some old-school trim for the 1950s laying around so what better time to use than on my window casings and baseboards and trimming and stuff like that so i've got some you know some gaps between the panels and and there's some metal edging and stuff like that that i'm just going to cover over because uh and make it purely aesthetics it's more so than anything else and then i'm just going to give it some paint and it's going to look like a million bucks i think it already looks like a million bucks it's pretty it's coming together moving right along we got our flooring this is sheep vinyl i picked it up for my local flooring supplier big old flooring thanks bigelow if you ever need a really small piece of flooring usually if you go into a big giant store they've got stuff laying around you toss them a couple of bucks and they're they're more than happy to get rid of old stock so this is a piece of old stock it happens to be the same stuff as we use in our giant cabin over there so this stuff's neat i actually got them to cut it to size just a smidge there oh too much too much pull your way okay i say we don't even glue that thing down i say we put baseboard down and that's gonna hold it in place my original plan was to silicone all the way around the perimeter and we're getting there we need um outlet power we need to figure out where everything goes we've got some led panel lights that i'm gonna fix up in the ceiling thinking of a piece of wood and then i'm gonna cut it in and then probably recess it in the ceiling well that's exciting we're making progress look at that light that's a beautiful light we got the interior lighting done and that's all plugged in to my jackery my jackery is currently uh being housed in my shop so i've got my extension cord plugged in my jacket where am i at what am i at 81 81 for the entire build so far this whole shop's actually run on the on the jackery pack right now we're drawing 61 61 watts which is ac which you can see got my accent lighting in my shop and yeah so that's that's that and it's powering the entire inside of the cabin look at that that's that's pretty cool we got some tidying up to do still on the wires but uh as you can see you got the dim oh accent lighting so trying to figure out where exactly i want to put this battery if it'll fit back on that back wall on the little shelf there but i think it'll be a little bit too far to actually plug stuff in so ideally we can put it underneath the bed got a long cord actually i could put the battery out outside and then have the solar panels ideally in the sunshine and uh i haven't charged up while i'm while i'm running stuff so we got the jackery all in place now we're just setting the height of the bed we've got to get a couple things set in here this is our fridge we'll get a little bit more on this a little bit later but it does plug into the jackery through a cigarette lighter adapter so i want to make sure it's tall enough the bed is tall enough to actually get the fridge underneath it so this is our this seems to be our good height now we just got to secure this to it and put our bed on hinges so it'll fold up in and out of the way when we're not sleeping how's that for bed fold away everything it's like a murphy bed we got a couple more pieces of trim to put on and then we got some more features we're gonna install this thing because this thing's getting glamorous real fast so because this is a glam or we're going to make this thing fancy we're going to install some baseboard and because it's rattling around a lot we're actually gluing everything but if you're going to do this in your house just don't glue it because it might be you taking the baseboard off and it's not fun taking baseboard up it's glue it's kind of a permanent thing using pl premium for this guy we're going to glue it on we're going to tack it on the nails are holding it temporarily until the glue sets up because this the nails kind of pull out of the aluminum but once that glue sets up that stuff going nowhere all right we're at the stage we're adding some features and this is one of the features that i've added is a fold up shelf this is our cook station here and allows us to give us a nice nice countertop from one side all the way to the other we're probably going to install some hooks up here to hold pots and pans and whatnot because once you've got this thing in place you're going to stay there probably for a little while when you're traveling you fold it up this block tucks inside and when you're ready to cook folder down ready to go the only thing we haven't quite figured out yet is how to hold it up while traveling so i'm thinking of like a like a latch what's that thing called dawn a hasp we got a hat we got a couple of hats but we lock it in place maybe with a little latch we don't have those with us so probably in the future we're going to make sure that there's a couple hasps to hold that thing in place while we're traveling all right so once we're in here we can fold down our bed [Music] we don't have our mattress topper on here right now but we can sit down here and then we can fold up our desk we've got our fancy little stick sits in this back little bracket here now we got a nice little workstation for our laptop and it's even got like this it's a nice size too you can look out the window [Music] stoke your fire this is like home office this is clamping and when it's raining and you need a place to hang out from the rain you can always open your window you can listen to the rain on the tin roof you can work on your laptop you can watch a movie you can read your book here actually probably laying down when you're reading your book but it's a good little workstation you have your coffee here this is this is a great little this is a great little spa so this here is our board for hanging our cooking utensils once we're parked because we're gonna have a cook surface down right here so let's just attach this to the wall we've got our glue so it doesn't fly off at 100 kilometers an hour now we can add our micro cast iron this is a great for cooking an egg sandwich we got there and we've got a little micro grilled cheese iron a little waffle iron make a waffle iron grilled cheese iron hang it there when we're parked we probably shouldn't travel with these like this but when we're stationary and we're ready to cook pull this off put it on our cook station and away we go we're done hang them up don made me a couple of nice storage boxes that will double as seats inside here so you can turn them up on the side and place to sit and then when you're traveling you just kind of put your stuff in there so that guy goes underneath goes underneath there and there's two double the storage pillows storage firewood in there that's the idea behind that i think we're pretty much buttoned up i don't know i think we gotta i'm gonna give it to the stove a little test fire just to make sure that's uh safe we're gonna put some uh we got a little kindling some little uh again this is this is my test fire it's pretty warm out today i don't need too much of a fire and quite honestly i don't think you're gonna need much of a fire in here anyways because this is a very small space just load it up like you would a traditional fireplace i think the wood is about five inches wide i got a little small that guy's a little wet we'll just throw it out the window all right so and then my traditional layer up what's really neat about this stove is the amount of giraffe to get this is the front damper so we open that up and it sucks air in through the front and there's a rear damper at the back so you can adjust the flow from both sides of the stove pulls air in from underneath or in from the front this is the initial fire anytime you get a heating appliance it's always good to do an initial fire with all the windows and doors open because at the factory they're painted and you want to kind of cure that paint so let that guy go test fire so far so good i want you to head over to zach fowler's page it's fowler's makery and mischief and he's building a camper as well we're having kind of like a friendly competition of sorts so uh i want you to check out his build and i want you to come back here and comment who won the build off you know friendly competition is always good now let's take you on a tour of the inside let's start on the outside we got our coat hook for hanging up our coats we've got our exterior lighting that'll allow us to see in the dark when we uh we want to do stuff on the outside so crawling in we've got our our dimmer we got we can dim the lights dim the lights so we can you know nighttime whatever you got the outside lights come on in we've got our bed nice comfortable bed we've got our nice pillows we've got our fold out shelf and then you can put your laptop or whatnot on it's fireplace tools so we want to poke the stove what's neat about this little stove is you can actually cook on top of it like other my little coffee perk sits right on top of there and everything folds down to get out of the way when you don't need it so when you're done sleeping you get out of bed you make your bed fold it up this little foot folds up with it and you clip it we've got some storage on the bottom some pillows it doubles as a seat we need a little bit more space maybe you're not sleeping maybe you're just hanging out here because it's raining you get to hang out here you got your benches and this is a 12 volt dc refrigerator it's made by a company called joy tutu it's actually really it's really handy because you can keep your drinks in here and keep everything cold your food your your meats soft drinks all that sort of stuff i'll put a link in the description below for that fridge it's really cool you can put it in your camper or in your truck or your car it's like i said dc voltage plugs in and then we got the the power pack on this guy is the the jackery explorer 1500 and we've been using this thing for the entire build and we're currently at 41 it'll do line voltage which is ac power it'll do dc simultaneously it'll charge your phones you've got your usb ports on that thing and uh what the other thing is what we got hooked up on the roof is the solar panels now these things you can buy them extra with the with the jackery but it charges the battery pack once you get to your location you hook these guys up on the roof it trickle charges your battery during the day then you got power all night to use this is our little cook station here it folds down and then when you don't want you fold it back up we've got a little hanging things for our pots and pans you could hook it up to a small car truck whatever you got i think it'll you know a little toyota can pull this bad boy so anyways there you go exterior lighting things got everything well guys that wraps it up for me today i hope you guys join me on the next one where we take this thing out on its maiden voyage
Channel: Modern Self Reliance
Views: 644,046
Rating: 4.9219308 out of 5
Keywords: building, tools, hand tools, power tools, cabin construction, tiny house, forest house, small house, log cabin, construction, cabin design, sawing, off grid, homestead, cottage, tiny cabin, self reliance, solar powered house, small home, axe, saw, tiny house on wheels, rv, camper, rv camper, portable house, build, rv tour, rv living, rv build, rv renovation, rv trailer, rv life, small rv, rv features, tiny house tour, tiny house design, tiny house build
Id: kX_YMZz6uXg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 0sec (1920 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 24 2021
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