GORGEOUS CUSTOM RV - 1972 Boles Aero Tour with @Home meets Road

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you know the funny thing is every time i call a screen company and say hey i need some work done for an rv click i don't know i just can't seem to get anybody to do any work for me that's no good hey guys brian here from five to go and i'm joined by dan from home meets road and this is a super super special rv tour because you will never see this anywhere other than where this guy is what is this a 72 bulls arrow bulls arrow and there's no model right it's just no model yeah the dmv loved that yeah it was a weak fight with the dmv to get this thing properly registered because it has no model when we decided to go full time after watching you guys uh we were looking around for rvs we really didn't find anything we liked so we were like hey how about just doing a vintage trailer and redoing it okay everybody wanted an arm and a leg for a airstream right and we came across bulls arrow and somehow this one was 15 miles from our house wow uh it was in someone's backyard as a storage shed was actually sitting on the factory stabilizers believe it or not for 15 years wow i don't have those anymore because by the time i took them off they were so bent yeah no no it's crazy for me to reuse them that's crazy so you just found this thing nearby and i remember seeing pictures way back when of this on casters sliding into your garage because your neighborhood would not allow you to work on it in the driveway yes we had a hoa luckily we had a tandem garage so it was a three-car tandem so two cars plus a third in the back wow and a lot of room to work we spent two days ripping everything off the roof everything out from underneath got a couple of harbor freight casters set the thing on there and pushed it in the garage and closed the garage door and ten months later she came out just smash cut and beautiful trailer rolls out i wish well yeah it's a little more effort than that all right so 72 bulls arrow this is older than me and i'm something older than you um so let's take a look at the outside super quick and then we'll head inside and see what the ridiculous amount of work that dan and his wife jessa has put into this thing all right so from the front of this thing you were telling me that you had to build this uh protector for the window right uh yes so you can see there used to be something here but we have no idea what and honestly there is not a lot of documentation on what this thing used to look like okay so we just went with some material we found at home depot and slapped it together and it actually turned out pretty good i think it looks pretty good and then you got a planter and this is your ac unit if uh my eyes deceive me so this is a 120 volt mini split so this is not only our ac but also our heater okay um it has the main lines right here just like you would have in a house and there's a unit actually inside okay so we'll see that in a minute yeah the nice thing with this one is usually it's around four to five hundred watts so we can run this thing off our batteries which is just amazing yeah that's pretty low power that's nice is there any insulation on this yes okay yes uh not a lot but we actually insulated the entire unit so as much as you could stuff in there you did yeah okay gotcha the factory ball was so screwed up that there was no saving it okay so we actually had a welder come out cut the whole thing and we ended up going that route and you were saying you have a two 30 amp receptacles yes so as you obviously noticed from the lovely air conditioning we do not have propane on board we're all electric i put in two just in case so we can run off shore power and i can run a generator at the same time we have splitters on the inside so i can run like the air conditioning off one and run the entire rest of the trailer off the other it has come in handy every once in a while but yeah not something i would recommend but it's worked okay and then work our way back here uh very strange looking black sewer solution going on here so you have a macerator and a composting toilet right yes both of which i don't recommend um after two years on the road with a composting toilet i i think i would like to try a regular rv toilet before yeah before making the choice again i've heard that from multiple people now but you guys do a lot of boondocking we did initially yeah but we haven't been spending a lot of time on the west coast yeah and east coast it's a little hard yeah i know most of the people we've met that have composting toilets it's because they boondock so much yeah you can get way more days out of a composting toilet yes we can get a month out of our compost retail yeah and since we have uh 84 gallons of gray if we change our routine a little bit and all that we can go two weeks no problem and we have 84 gallons of fresh and it's uh it's you and your wife and braxton our seven-year-old seven-year-old so there's three of you guys in here yeah yeah yeah this you might find interesting this is one of those 120 volts under sink tanks it's 2.6 gallons and it's the one that you put underneath your sink so you get hot water immediately instead of waiting for it on hot water yeah exactly so it's a booster but it's actually our main hot water is that your only source of hot water only source of hot water huh uh how long does that last not a nice shower not at least navy showers yeah yeah okay uh i actually just finally found uh this company makes now a four gallon okay it's on its way so it'll fit in that same space yeah supposedly it is the exact same shell okay just the inside is different um so we're going to go from 2.6 to 4. i am looking forward to my showers the problem is the tankless ones either have to be 240 volts or they have to be propane yeah and both of those options did not work it's a lot of heat exchange so this is really the only outdoor storage we have which is taking up half that's the actually much larger than i was expecting the crazy thing is and one of those things you just don't think about until you have an rv half of these boxes are all rv related yep right outside stuff you have your fresh you have your gray you have your electric and by the time all that is back here you really don't have any storage for anything else that's one of my biggest pet peeves with rvs is they need so much equipment yet they don't have the room for it all right so coming up the side here uh so you said originally this was like polished where the white is was polished like an airstream and then where the teal and the black runner board said it was gold gold yes that was their signature look and the gold was not going to fly with us and i wasn't going to pay the money to get it polished right so we just ended up painting it i think that's about it for the outside oh oh yeah your door is interesting the factory the original door was cut up to make these plates to cover up any of the the holes that we needed to that needed to be fixed really so we used the material of the door to do that and then we went this is actually an ikea kitchen countertop okay um that we turned into a door huh it's uh seen better days two years on the road i think it needs to be sanded down it's a nice patina but uh you know it's that's interesting i like that's that's a very great use for this so you have the same material and the same pattern right very cool so you've got there and probably a couple pieces around the back a couple of people yeah pieces on the other side there's like one big one where it's it's not the same and i just ran out of material right yep there's only so much to go around okay so let's go ahead that one right there yeah that one does look familiar all right let's head inside [Applause] it's a interesting solution here it's a little magnetic mosquito shade yeah one of those things where they don't make a size for this door it's barely 24 inches wide and extremely short and yeah they just don't make one and i guess i could find a company to make one but you know the funny thing is every time i call a screen company and say hey i need some work done for an rv click i don't know i just can't seem to get anybody to do any work for me that's no good come on guys so this thing actually works pretty well it does yeah and even this it had to be cut on the top because this door is so short i think it's 71 inches tall yeah all right so there's a lot of switches right here yeah uh so all our main lights um we have two fans rock lights that's from our four by four days we've got lights underneath so we can see and obviously the porch light we've got our air conditioning control this is really the only thing they give you okay and then the inside half was up there okay yep that's really all there is and the main lines 120 volts i've been in here for several minutes and didn't even realize yeah you just kind of hit it right there that's nice try it as much as possible apparently braxton was hiding batman i did see batman from outside yes didn't even notice all right so you got a little electric fireplace down here electric fireplace and this is a televator other than that this is um 120 volts so my laptop's in here i charge my batteries for camera equipment and things like that this is 12 volt so we charge our game controller some things i see some ikea bins those are ikea doors ikea pulls there's a lot of ikea in here i like yes went crazy with ikea whoa what is this so this is a temperature gauge that tells me how the batteries and all our electric is doing and it actually controls fans um to cool the system down if it gets too hot these are primary 12 volt these are our primary 120 volt and then the rest of your batteries are hiding down yes if it's a pain you don't feel like you have to open oh no no no it's easy oh good lord we have five battleborns on the bottom so 500 amp hours of lithium we initially started off with 800 amp hours of agm and that was a huge mistake oh yeah yeah i was going straight to lithium yeah lithium is the way to go yeah we have our solar charger our main grounds main power all our main disconnects our inverter and then our circuitry and our switchovers so we have a little door on the side here i can get to these switches and they control where power comes from and where it goes okay if we get caught in a polar vortex in the bottom of texas our system's good enough to power everything except for running this because we have no solar coming in because of the storms i can run just this off the generator and then the rest can run off the batteries okay that's that's neat uh speaking of solar you said happening uh we have 1240 on the roof gadget nice all right and then this looks like uh more ikea furniture probably more storage more ikea and this is actually our second one we had the one that was just straight that folded into a queen okay and you could lift the whole thing up and it had storage so this one still gives us storage so we've got this one yeah and then this one comes out and then folds up which makes it a great area to chill for movie nights all right so looking backwards from the nose so we've got the main entry here we've got a kitchen i would call this a galley kitchen yes and this is all ikea yep pretty much yeah so that was pretty much straight out of the box right yeah and honestly we designed this entire kitchen uh at ikea.com which was amazing nice and then on a black friday sale got the whole thing for dirt cheap very cool uh the nice thing that i like about these is not only do you not get caught on them but they also kind of oops well it was a little harder than i thought but they uh they were a little bit of a cushion good cushion justice like dan what are you doing uh so yeah it's all just kitchen stuff yeah we use these magnetic locks it's on drive taste yup lock it all up awesome okay we got our berkey my biggest problem with berkey is that there's no way to mount it down when you're moving so as long as it's empty we just use one of these and then just put it on the floor oh good they need to make one that is square yes that has anchors or brackets or something because so many rvers have them yes and it just seems like a no-brainer i love the fact that they're like oh just take this off flip it around and put it in and store it i'm like i don't want to store the part that everybody touches with the clean stuff with the clean sucks yeah yeah um the yeah but the rest it's all just kitchen nothing special to see here half of this probably this is kind of like a snack drawer going on in there yeah so there's no proper pantry like this is this is it this is it yeah and if you're wondering we do have a portable induction top a cooktop yep but we rarely use it we just go outside and use the black stone um we do have an air fryer that we love um so if the weather is not conducive to going outside and cooking we use the air gotcha there's also the sink is back in the bathroom area and we'll get to that in just a second all right so across from the kitchen we have braxton's room yes so this was initially we had a moving wall but it honestly didn't work for us it was one of those great ideas but in the long haul it just didn't work really well yeah so now we have this um you undo this we've got a table you can work on and then we also have braxton's bed wow so we put this down we have a curtain here and you just pull the curtain closed um braxton has his own max air fan that if he decides he's hot he will just wake up in the morning open it and turn it on this i actually thought that was going to cut more into the walkway no it really doesn't we had it so it would stay here yeah initially we went with the wall but braxton's such a decent sleeper that the curtains yeah enough yeah for him i love the uh i love the space portal decals yeah all this space stuff happened after we were in south padre at spacex watching some uh starships take off very cool and then you just have some some more storage furniture down here this is all toys those are all your toys right yeah yeah um our clam this is pretty much where it hides moving days outdoors yeah since we're moving tomorrow it's already in here some of these are toys some of them are pantry honestly i have no idea we'll just call it all toys and i am seeing uh shapes on the floor yes uh so this for example is access to our water pump okay um she's fully sealed underneath so you have to open these panels in order to get to any of the water fittings but by being fully sealed underneath you can't just crawl under and no start wrenching on things you got to go from the top no the good thing is we have never had a critter problem that's good ever that's good 12-volt fridge freezer this might go well or not and sometimes things just fall out it works great yeah the the only issue is that you have to defrost it every once in a while that's all right now we only have yeah the camera angles are gonna get really weird a little snug in here we only have one sink when we designed it i was trying to figure out how to fit two sinks and i'm like why do i need two things one one sync does the job so yeah this is your standard depth it works well we use it to do our dishes everything for the kitchen because you're right here and if you're using it for the bathroom we just have yeah a door that's great i'm moving on we have our bed it is a jump yeah uh it's just because it needed to be this height in order to work with the window and to work with the original door yeah so half of it is storage and the other half we've got all our clothing other than that we've got this if you're wondering where we've been we're still trying to keep track of it we are about a month shy of two years okay right gotcha yeah i like this just it's a cork board and then the whole pins with the thing and we're up here somewhere there yeah and then colors just signify the years there are three colors but that's because we started in the middle of a year so again don't pay attention to the flooring that's uh the access panel for all the gray tanks and we're working on that oh right here yeah okay we have a couple of drawers underneath the bed we have our lovely composting toilets if you are curious what exactly a composting toilet is and does please just google it and then we have our our shower it is also something that we're going to redo those are the water lines coming from that on-demand hot water heater back there yes so there is no break between the lines from those fitting all the way to so they come through this way and then down into that corner yeah exactly gotcha but again i wanted to make sure i can get to every fitting and i knew we were going to redo the shower sooner or later oh so the shower head oh it's like a quick connect yeah gotcha it's just the sprayer well we actually do have there is one hiding i can't pull this stuff off sorry we're working with small spaces here oh there is one there yeah there is one there but we're redoing all of it and again i wanted to make sure i can get to um yeah to all the the plumbing is the roof solid as well like you're saying the floor is yes okay so you really unless you were really digging into it you wouldn't be able to run those lines up through there no no okay so this is another sliding yes door yeah to close that off if you wanted to but you said you guys primarily just do this one yeah we just use that so then get the full bathroom experience here it's tight yeah you know what though it's an rv i like that i really i really do appreciate the dual use sink i think that's uh that was a very wise choice the funny thing is that there are so many vans that have two sinks right and it just never makes any sense especially when they're like two feet apart from each other yeah it's just like it's like i'm gonna wash this hand here and this here what was that yeah those things are half the size and less than this yeah crazy if you're wondering why we designed the floor this way uh the biggest challenge we had was a design around the wheels right and b design around the windows yeah it was gorgeous gorgeous windows the windows is what sold us yeah we we saw the trailer and we saw the windows and the minute we knew all the windows worked none of them were broken or like that's it we're cutting your check and those uh they crank open is that yes uh they're old school cranks awesome they they need constant lubrication yeah in order to work that well [Applause] but they they do work quite well very cool all right guys that that's a cool trailer i like it i like it a lot so this is uh again this is dan and his wife jessa from homemates road uh jessa and aaron are hanging out with all the kids over at our rig so we had some nice and quiet to do this tour but this is this is a great great build uh super fun it's small it's definitely small i mean there's no there's no slides but you made such good use of the space in here thank you i like it a lot so what are you guys doing just go ahead and plug yourself real quick we are a family of three that live full time in our rebuild vintage travel trailer we try to share the good the bad and the ugly of building your own rv and living the nomadic life so if that sounds remotely interesting to you consider subscribing yeah so homebeats road there will be links in the description down below they are also road runners and they are camping here with us because we are on our summer caravan and we are sharing our entire route with all of our road runners and uh they saw the route and they were like hey let's meet up so that's what happened so we've been cooking out hanging out having fun so if you want to get in on that too fivetogo.com roadrunners i'm you've heard us say it over and over but we're having a lot of fun and there's still plenty to go so thank you guys for watching we'll see you in the next one bye
Channel: Five2Go
Views: 286,211
Rating: 4.9020891 out of 5
Keywords: rv tour, rv tour 2021, rv tour family, rv tour full time, Rv tour small, vintage rv, rv renovation, vintage camper, boles aero, rv life, vintage travel trailer, home meets road, tiny home on wheels, rv remodel, camper remodel, camper tour, vintage rv restoration, vintage rv renovation, vintage rv living, vintage rv trailers, vintage rv tour, vintage rv conversion, vintage rv camper, vintage camper trailer restoration, vintage travel trailer renovation, rv life vlog
Id: _knVg2RfgwE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 46sec (1426 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 24 2021
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