Building a Beautiful Log Sauna (Start to Finish)

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hey guys it's like a sauna in there you excited dwayne is this exciting actually i'm i'm intrigued everything we do with you is exciting we're here at armtech which is the guys that make the giant culverts and they're letting me pick one they said you know what kevin have a look and pick whatever one you want and i'm like wow these are these are crazy big look at the size of these things we've got some load restrictions basically on how big we can carry so we're going to try to get one that fits on our trailer in order to get it home today but look at these things raised bed gardens like there's all sorts of ideas for these things north american wine you can look these guys up arm tech we're gonna put a link down in the description for uh for all your pipe culvert needs we're gonna load up our trailer and uh off we go first step of our sauna we're gonna build with sauna this stuff is cool in a big pipe i'm in a big pipe big pot big pipe [Music] i think it's a little bit bigger than i anticipated a little bit bigger big big pipe it's definitely an adventure that's insane that thing is huge here can we see it all right we can see it might be too bright we got uh we got we got a huge pipe we don't know how to unload it we can't lift it we have no machinery that lifted so what we're going to do what are we going to do well we're going to use gravity i think we're just going to tip it up dump it and really hope for the best there's nothing we could do anyways so there's now that we can't stop it we can't lift it we probably roll it once it's on the ground nothing we could do but wat let's watch this and see what happens it'll be fun well it's gonna fall well that sounds scary okay this is gonna be exciting you know what we need we need to strap with pop and give it a little bit of a tug a little bit of tug we gotta get the old uh tractor out i think so can i just give her a push that'll probably cut you in half i'm thinking oh it's going it's going you know what we need that use that uh yeah no you're bored let's we're ready ready to do this what do you do we're prying it right big old tid can no ready yeah oh she's gonna go that worked better than we thought another fine day at the off-grid cabin in the woods wayne's here and whenever dwayne's here we're gonna do something a little crazy yeah all right the plan today is to move a giant pipe and you're like why are you moving a giant pipe kevin and the reason we're moving a giant pipe today is because winter has kind of settled in you can see our snow's on the ground and we're starting to think warm thoughts the warmest thought i can think of is let's let's make a sauna we've got this culvert it's nine foot in diameter nine feet long and it weighs a lot yeah so that's why duane's here so dwayne and i are going to we're gonna try to manage this culvert down the trail to its final location right next to the pond right over there well you know if you're gonna fail fail quickly right or big yeah all right let's uh let's see if we can get this thing rolling well i think we can get it rolling it's getting it stopped getting it stopped pulling rolling rolling what do you think that tree doing i think it's a big tree so we're just surveying site conditions and we've discovered there is a giant ash tree and the ash tree is a little dead and it's standing kind of where we want to put our culvert oh we can knock that down later they love it when i do that culvert in place and that should uh everything will work out [Music] okay we got a 25 feet no we got a little bit further than that but we've got it in the bush and uh it's rolling down the hill well we don't want to throw down the hill so we're going to reposition our chain probably tuck it from the other way [Music] it's hard to illustrate slope anything to do with cameras so we're trying to show where there's a big incline on this trail and because of the snow we're worried about it actually just kind of bowling down there maybe you should get in there and roll down it no come on we're going to send it we're going to send it down the hill and see what happens is it going now it's going now how about now i would know you're just gonna send it i'm gonna send it actually gonna go that far oh yeah i was gonna go down the hill so close but about three inches of hard [Applause] maple [Music] what i want you to say what are we doing here joe or taking this dead ash down because it's this it just happened to grow right beside this culvert steel culvert it just grew there and kev wants to build something out of this so it's under it i always call joe and there's a tree that's quite a little bit too big i don't have the saw if i have the saw maybe maybe i go for it so we're here to help ms-500 oh that's a that's a bigot we've got a couple cedars notched in preparation for it to go into them and they'll go at the same time so we're gonna domino these these other trees that are in the way ready yeah like a glove yeah buddy how about nice that's perfect [Music] okay hold on you're gonna give her a little tickle look at it yeah she wants to go she's like caught on like a freaking one-inch brand probably this cedar a bit too oh yeah i think it's holding yeah maybe that you ready [Applause] naive and so we've got those monkeys off our back above our sauna because we didn't want to get crushed joe from jl's tree service is a good friend of mine so he came out and and fixed that up for me so we don't have we don't have crazy tree gonna squish us on our back that's right have a look at your ash make sure your ass are healthy smash your ass smash your ash whenever they're dead hey boys you guys excited i'm excited we got uh another day another day and it's uh i think winter winter has finally settled in i don't know maybe it'll rain tomorrow who knows dawn's back how many layer day today oh it's another four-layer day it's a four-layer day today the blood's got to get thicker soon it's cold we knocked down our uh the ash trees that were threatening our uh our sauna build and now we're gonna cut these guys up we're going to use them for the build the plan is to grab this this big guy right here and cut it into uh 12 or 13-inch art 13-inch 13-foot long log and then yank it out of here with the old kubota we don't know if the uh this little girl's got enough got enough power of polar so we're gonna give it a whirl you know what the byproduct of all this uh removing of the dead trees is firewood so that's always good when you can harvest firewood in the process of grabbing wood so it's using what we have to make what we want let's get going it's getting cold i'm going to put you guys up here you can watch whenever i'm coming up with an idea or a plan i'd like to look at what i'm working with in order to determine what i need in this case this guy is nine foot six in diameter now when i'm cutting up my log i gotta anticipate the fact that i need to have an overhang kind of like a sitting area in front of this guy i'm going to cut my log appropriate length but then i gotta look at the diameter the circumference of this of this of this thing if i go overboard much wider than let's say stick to the relatively narrow not so wide board in order to make my circumference to maintain the circle culvert again it's cold let's get uh let's get cutting you know what if we get that thing actually to the mill we can't actually lift it on the mill i think we're just going to use the log that's already up there for this particular one and this one will be a a fight for another day because as you can see it's uh it's heavy it's big this is because i'm more stubborn than the log this i've been working on for a little while it's a log lift out of a decommissioned tombstone cart you may notice if you guys watched the original cabin build my brother and i were using this these sets of the sets of wheels here the sets of wheels these sets of wheels that's not even the right word either this axle here for uh basically carrying logs were put on top of it but i then designed a system where i'm going to use this as a log [Applause] arch that log lift uh log arch worked pretty good it's a little bent so i think we're gonna go a little bit we're gonna go back to the drawing board on this guy maybe get some heavier gauge steel i'll talk to my welder see what he thinks because it probably should it probably deserves some square tubing some really thick wall square tubing in order to get this thing so it doesn't bend when we that we were kind of pushing and pulling and twisting and stuff so probably better as if you just pulled it straight this is [Applause] [Music] after our unsuccessful attempt yesterday at loading that giant log i've kind of retooled my idea of what we're gonna clad the outside of this culvert with my current plan is to harvest these dead standing cedar trees these are all just kind of poles that are standing everywhere they're just forest fire firewood so the plan is to harvest those guys and i'm gonna take all the way around the uh culvert that way kind of like two birds one stone sort of technique it's going to uh egg clean up the forest of all the dead standing and it's gonna allow me to actually clad the outside of this thing so it doesn't look like a like a culvert as much as i like looking at culverts culverts are awesome but again i want to have it aesthetically pleasing as well as um functional yeah we're gonna harvest a lot of these four inch diameter standing sticks cut them up 12 feet long and that allows us to give us our overhang a lot of structural support that way and uh great success only solutions to our problems not necessarily just problems just solutions shouldn't take that many it's only 28 feet in diameter how many sticks is that make your guess down below how many [Applause] sticks [Music] fire so this looks like a rock but it isn't it's frozen ground we're gonna let the barrel do its job for a little while and uh thaw out the ground so we gotta have sand or dirt to work with so because we have to level it with the level the the cylinder the culvert see no bueno we slide right into the pond so we'll let that fall out a little bit and then we'll be able to rake it out working in the winter is especially difficult the tool that has saved my my uh my tail on this guy is the uh the old hookaroon for the human anyways we chipped out we ended up chipping out uh about three inches of uh the frozen stuff on top in order to level our culvert so now we've got it uh pretty much level we can start putting the exterior cladding on and actually make it look like we've got some progress we've got like two days into this thing half the battle is getting all the material you need on site in order to actually get progress made we've got the culvert more or less level now we can start stacking them on this is the this is the fun part it's interesting see look at the pond see the pond there look it's got it's got a weird melting area there i wonder if i wonder if that's where the spring is it's going to be like the surprise when you're skating we're making some pretty good progress putting these posts on what we're finding is that we we put the log on to the building we actually can rotate it slightly in order to maintain i guess flat and true so there's not big old gaps between the boards not like you're going to see much of it anyways because over time they'll be you know crud and whatnot collecting inside there it'll darken the uh the bright your eyes kind of drawn to the light even if you took the little bark and stuffed it in there you would probably it'd probably disappear so that's the idea is to try to give it that cladding look i i really like the look of it so far like a big barrel or a beaver dam or something what does it look like don a long house it could be a long house it's a log house it's a long log house you know what's it's really cool is over here this little area here you kind of have the natural natural kind of like lounging area you can kind of oh so relaxing well there was a chair here maybe it's not going to be a ice rink after all maybe it'll be like a putting a putting rink where you kind of put your golf ball into the hole in the water or that's just like the hazard don't don't fall in the water don't fall in the hole it's cold well another thing that actually keeps us pretty warm is this our barrel fire that if you if you can make a fire donald come and it'll help because he likes to burn things the favorite the favoritest thing i've done some people like to drink dawn likes to burn things we should drink while burning things yeah yeah our supply our supply of poles is dwindling but dawn's convene don's convinced well he's he's kind of half hoping that we got enough logs in order to do it we should have a trivia or a guess you guys should guess how many logs are on this thing we haven't counted them yet so we don't exactly know but we're going to count them at the end to make sure we will figure it out [Music] you got it look as you guys know the price of lumber these days is astronomical so whenever you find two by fours on the side of the road like i did with these guys pick them up they were at a a roofing company and they were sitting out front free to go home so these are the two by fours about nine feet long and they're uh they're still in skid forms so they got cross members they got nails they're not quite straight so i'm going to reuse them but the best way to reuse them is to take them apart obviously well i figured i'd bring you guys up to speed a little bit on this i've been working on this for a couple of hours already this morning and the uh rain and snow has decided to come back my arch nemesis the rain in the winter i don't like rain in the winter in the summer either but anyway so what we're doing is uh we're closing in the end walls as much fun as it is to close it in walls on a round building you got to think outside the box because it's not a box it's a cylinder what i've got is these things i'm not sure what they are they're brackets for garage doors and the garage door guy happens to have a lot of them i don't know if they come in spare parts but uh needless to say they come to me because they're extra so i've uh what i've ended up doing is actually tacking them up all the way around this gives me something to attach a two by four too which is gonna be my structure for my wall and i've lagged those in with self-tapping screws and then i'm going to stick frame the wall as easy as that sounds on a round round building much like the uh the hobbit house just a little bit bigger because we're we're nine feet tall you guys can see that can you see the laser so that allows me to measure from this point down the bottom to this point up at the top this is a laser it allows it to shoot a plumb line up and down it also shoots a horizontal laser level a level line so this is what i'm going to use to actually measure and cut the studs that are going to frame with the back wall now that we've got our wall framed up i'm going to sheet the outside of it with rx board which is in my neck of the woods called code board it's a one inch piece of foil backed foam insulation gives you an r value about six so i picked this up out of steel at uh on my local store hardware store and then they uh it actually was was storm damage i guess it was blowing around in the wind or a tornado i don't know it's it's like it's it's beat up but in this application as long as you're you're careful when you install it and you fill your gaps with spray foam afterwards and you tape all your joints it pretty pretty much gives you an airtight seal when putting any of your sheeting material on it's a good idea to plumb up your first sheet or level it and that allows you to give you a straight straight edge for the next piece [Music] well i'm pretty excited i found a log i can pick up with my little tractor my my kubota bx23 i found one i think it's the maximum capacity i ended up using a little piece of wood on the edge of the mill in order to uh in order to kind of pry it up there this just kind of canted up a little bit and uh hey we got ourselves a nine foot log nine foot log by about 12 inches in diameter uh it's it's heavy it's it's an ash log and what i what i'm planning to do with this log is to mill it up into a half inch thick lap siding and that's going to go on the front and back of the sauna kind of to match everything else and and the thing with the ash is it turns nice and gray when it's uh when it's weathered so to cedar so it is a hardwood i do have it on a couple other a couple other pieces the uh on the front of the cabin i have the the shake siding and that's uh that's weathered really well you know if you got you got to use what you have to make what you want to what you want to do and in this case i have a lot of ash logs there's going to be ash logs 10 years into the future because that emerald ash borer is is killing all the trees so there is a lot of ash right now that you can use we're gonna mill this guy up it's gonna give us a lot of material out of that one log all right here comes the fun part this is the installation of the flooring does it look like we're installing the floor yet we're making a level area for the floor and anytime you're dealing with an odd shape it always helps to use as much technology as you possibly can and in this case i'm using a laser level um so i've got my laser level set up here and it's shooting the line here and i want my floor to be about six inches or six inches six feet across finished so what i've done is i've actually measured it out the tape measure doesn't matter i've measured it out it's about six feet to the edge of the the actual culvert actually six foot one inches because i'm going to line this with uh one inch foam on both sides in order to give me thermal break so this guy if you can see so i line that guy up touching the laser on both sides i've actually drawn drawn a line it's a line there line here and then i cut it and i can sit on top of my plate and that gives me a level space i want it to be six feet across because i want to use the curve of the building itself for a backrest because if it's six feet of floor space i'll have to be able to put a chair around this height so about 16 inches off the floor and then i'll still have a nice back rest on the back wall and it'll give me ample space in the middle to either put like a table or a sitting area because this is going to be a multi-use space it's going to work as a sauna if you really want it hot and if you want just a place to relax because you're you know done skating on the pond or something like that you want to come in and warm up you can do that as well and you could double up as a you know if you have your if you have your bench or your table up top you could actually sleep on both sides in theory or you could have lunch you guys may have noticed that there is a uh there's lacking of a bottom plate underneath the doors at the very bottom of the culvert and i did that for a reason and my reason is is if there's any condensation that forms on the outside of the culvert or the inside of the culvert but behind my insulation it's going to run down and it's going to find the lowest point and then it's going to run out that's my theory anyways you know what i could actually i could cut a vent hole on both sides and then it could uh it could just like blow like a wind tunnel place for mice to hide we're finally starting to look like something guys we got we got our windows in that's exciting you're like why did you get your windows in you don't have your wallet you know what it's easier to just kind of what you got because you don't everything's kind of a little bit off and you got to work with it so it's easier to throw the window in place and then frame around it i happen to have these windows left over and that's getting like a that's like it sounds like a broken record i got all these things it's true i do like these these are laying on the bush you can see the dirt is on them it's uh you know it's good it's good that they have a home now my high school teacher reached out to me my communication technology teacher reached out to me and she says i have a curved shower door and if anybody can use it it's you because you're a creative guy and i went i will i will take it so we got it down here and it turns out it's uh it wasn't a door it was a panel thanks cheryl so that was the plan originally was it was due to a curved glass shower door on the front of it and um it doesn't work because it's just a panel it's not a door the idea is to have the benches on the side here and uh you'll be able to look at the window and what's interesting what's actually cool is i've got i've got a window that actually opens so if it gets a little too hot in here you can crank the window i can open the door jump in the pond yeah it's starting to get somewhere i like it i like it progress the good thing about kind of building yourself and having complete control of the entire build is the ability to take the windows out in order to scribe your wood so the wood was was installed loosely and then what i did was actually pop the windows out and then scribed a line and used my chainsaw and i was able to cut exactly the opening of the window and then i was able to reinstall the windows and actually push them out flush where the lap siding is and what i mean by where it's flush the lap siding is that i can basically put my trim on on the outside and have it flush on the lap side because as you know it's got the proud and the not so proud but it's really hard to kind of guess where your window is supposed to be before your installations on and your lap settings on so it's good to have the ability to be able to move it and uh and install it afterwards another another good reason why you should adjust the window once you've got your your lap siding is you only have to do jam build outs on one side and what i mean about a jam build out is if this wasn't flush with the siding i'd have to actually build the material out you can see i have a little bit of a lip but then i have to put i have to put my interior cladding on uh and then you get your jam build out that'll extend it to the wall flush so you can actually put your trim on and again it's easier if you only have to do one side of that it will give you cuts your get your workload in half 50 of the work build on our successes right all right so trim so what i'm using for trim is the same stuff as the siding which is the ash pieces i ripped them down to two and a half inches uh square stock basically which means there's no profile so i can cut my 45 or my miter on both sides keep flipping and to the people at the back of the class calling this a skill saw is kind of like calling a a tissue a kleenex it's just a brand so this is a circular saw i know it's not a skill saw it's a makita circular saw because it's got a round saw blade i got some flack from that it's not a skill saw it's a circular saw it's true but again the kleenex isn't a kleenex it's a tissue again we're talking brand names it's local local colloquialism is that how you say that word the local the local term if you ask somebody for a skill saw around here they're going to hand you this thing whether it's a circular saw or a skill saw anyways that's my skill saw rant make some trim with my circular saw this is what we've got so far we've got our outdoor we got our outdoor cladding done we've got our windows in we've got our doors in i'm dizzy you can't do this when you're older to spin around i'm still spinning we're working on our sauna because we like a nice place to you know relax you can relax in the sauna after you play some hockey that's right we're building the village we got a cabinet we got the off-grid cabin up there we've got our root cellar over there we've got our outhouse in case well nature calls we've got the cube now we've got the sauna you can see the pond has frozen over we've shoveled it off we've uh we're just waiting for some really cold weather because we're gonna end up end up flooding it we're gonna build a maybe a zamboni we gotta make sure that snow stays off of it in order to uh in order to make sure it freezes properly so while we're watching we're watching ice freeze we've got our back wall we've got to do uh we've got our material we've got it all milled up which is uh which is great news because that's that's half the battle dawn's milling about sea diners don hey don nature's calling yeah it's kind of easier to go into the bush than into the into the outhouse we got our fronts on we don't got a doorknob yet we got our windows in so this is what we're working with on the inside so we've got basically a culvert but it's it's a nice gold we're gonna put a floor in here we're gonna get a heat source we've got to put our cladding on in the inside some lighting some decorative stuff some benches some insulation we got our work cut out for us we're just uh we're gonna get started we're gonna start on the back wall so we're doing this siding it's kind of uh it's kind of a pickle because there's no real easy way to get a formula for what angle it is so what we end up doing is actually taking our board cutting it roughly to length from side to side and then kind of if you put it in place if you put it in place and then actually draw what you think is the circumference of the circle and then we cut it out from there that seems to work the best and actually it'll be a little easier on the back side because we don't have to we don't get a rock on a rock it's a hard place and a hard place we can actually sit out front of the logs themselves and then trying to draw a line and then tack it in that way that seems to be the easiest way maybe there's a better way there's no formula well there's probably a formula but that's too much math you guys know how much i like math now that we have the outside all finished uh does it look a little like jupiter i think it looks like jupiter dawn doesn't dawn doesn't agree he doesn't agree with me he doesn't think it looks like jupiter but i think it looks i think it looks like jupiter it's hard to stare at the pond all day and not want to go skating at some point maybe bring your skates tomorrow we'll go for a rip play a little uh afternoon shinny although that is pretty comfortable maybe i'll just have a nap okay so this is a chunk of our floor as you can see it's about two inches of thick styrofoam and it's got the metal on both sides so that's going to give us a a well insulated floor that's not going to be the structure the structure is actually going to be two by six so when i didn't have any walls up i actually uh when i did the first front wall to make the door entrance level i shot a laser over the edge and i actually marked it on on studs because i'm looking past my nose when it builds so this one here we just go down two and five eighths from our original line and actually give us our floor our level floor it went actually in surprisingly well i did not anticipate it being that easy uh we ended up using two by eight down the middle and then two by sixes on each side and then to fill in the gap next to where the round part of the culvert is is we put a uh a two by four flat on end and that allows us to get ours exactly six feet across from one side to the other and now we can put our insulated uh garage door panels on top and that'll give us a nice thermal break from the bottom and it'll allow us to continue our thermal break all the way up around does it feel like a sauna in here yet [Music] look at that perfect we're ready to jam in everything so what we got left from the workshop build is a couple of pieces about this wide and as you can see it's uh not quite wide enough we're a little short why are we trying to bite this thing let's just uh go play some hockey and pick up some lsp tomorrow [Music] i got the wrong skate dog figure skate i'm dizzy you can't do this when you're older to spin around i'm still spinning oh no oh missing that [Applause] oh all right that was too much fun we got let's do that i'm going to do that again here let's i'm going for the new the new cabin record sliding was easier when i was a kid yeah i don't know if you guys are like me and you guys keep track of the price things and as they go up in price maybe it's the older i get 5 8 of an inch osb and it used to be about 12 i bought a piece today it was 42 dollars that's crazy talk i can't even imagine what plywood plywood's probably like uh double that like 80 bucks a sheet i don't see a shortage of wood anywhere commodities i guess there's got to be a or if there's a breaking point the prices of stuff just keeps going up it all makes more sense to just use what you have figure out a different way to do it as opposed to going out and spending forty two dollars now you have to build a house i don't know what the cost of it to do a house would be i got my sheet i got my one sheet of osb that i needed to finish apart for the course right the uh panel installation that we have down below which is the garage door panels is just basically free floating down there it is uh lapped and joined together it's got a little rubber gasket down there so that's providing some sort of ceiling and then we're going to use these guys a four inch screw we're going to go right down through the osb through the panel into the studs below and that should give us a nice solid floor for our tile because we're tiling this bad boy as much as i like doing tile gonna have some style some tile style now that we've got our floor in we're we're basically closing in the envelope and what i mean by envelope is i want a heated space so any of the below the floor is out of my heated space area so i'm not going to worry about it but the thing is is my wall goes all the way down to my unheated area so to prevent moisture and humidity and whatnot to get up inside my wall i'm going to put chunks of the same rx board which is a one inch foil back foam insulation i'm going to tuck it in my joist my stud space is here basically at the floor level and that gives me a continuous thermal break in the entire sauna on the other side i don't worry because my bottom plate is there so it doesn't go down there but on this back wall because my studs go all the way down i'm going to fill those guys so like i said i'm using my phone it's important to always wear a mask when you're using insulation that way it doesn't suck as much luke i am rockwool is my installation of choice and the reason being is because it can get wet and then dry out and it's still good as insulation it's easy to work with once you've you know get the knack like i use a use a steak knife to cut it and i find it not as itchy as regular fiberglass insulation most fiberglass insulation if it gets wet becomes useless especially if you're using it in the sauna where there's a potential for moisture this can dry out eventually and become just as good as it was before and that's why i choose rockwool insulation [Applause] here to give you guys a little bit of an update on the uh the ducks the uh they seem to be thriving hello ducks can you hear them he or she's got a hat on we got the definitive gray head looks like it's like a hat or a whole hood the little house seems to be very very accommodating it seems to be very warm the only again the only problem i'm currently having is the uh the water situation so uh so yeah i just bring out some warm water every day and can you guys keep it down over there [Laughter] well we've got our ceiling supports on now this gives us something to nail our ceiling to once we get uh once we get to that point so now what we're going to do is we're going to infill the spaces in between these with our rx board which is our foil backed foam insulation and then we're going to put a layer over the entire thing and then when we put our ceiling on we nail through the insulation into our furring strips as you can see we've got them all the way around and they're about 32 inches apart i think that's adequate in order to uh in order to secure our ceiling can you feel the warmth yet we've got our second layer of rx board on so we put the base layer in between our our furring channels and then we put our second layer on which is our so we got about two inches of styrofoam we've sealed up all our joints we spray foamed in the crack and then we're going to tape up the cracks to give us even more sealing and then maybe we just we don't even need a fire in here you can more just you know get a bunch of people in here and just body warmth a body warrant sama sauna probably a small fire reasonably sized fire in here because you won't need much it's nice and soft eh oh yeah you don't have to worry about the bumps yeah we were down at uh minus nine last night or something like that and those waters sitting in the sauna and it's not frozen until you bang it look as soon as you bang it it freezes we're just uh trimming off the chunks of foam that are a little bit proud on the uh on the rx board and then we're gonna put vapor barrier on the back wall vapor barrier is pretty much regionally specific some sometimes in warmer climates you put the vapor barrier on the outside i think it's always you always put the vapor barrier on the warm side of the wall and in this case in the sauna inside in theory should be the warmest so we're going to put it on the inside here but if you're in florida i think the vapor barrier goes on the outside again reasonably specific we probably want to keep our moist warm moist air inside our building as opposed to inside our wall cavity okay we're finally at the stage or we start putting our wall cladding on so we've got uh a half inch by seven and a in a bit that gives us our radius around our our cylinder so dawn's just cutting them to length they're about 101. 101 and a half inch long and the idea is to we're going to brad nail those guys in place and then once we've got our end walls up we are going to uh put some battens on them to cover in that little gap and it gives us a little it allows us to have a little bit of expansion and contraction when we heat up and cool down don the million dollar question we never counted how many uh polls we used uh what was your guess what was your guess the original the original guess i believe the original guest was 72 or something oh it wasn't 69 was it may have been might have been was it close to 70 or 68 or no anyway so we counted them there is officially the official count is 76 dead standing cedar pools again there was nothing alive that we cut down to put around the thing these are all dead standing forest fire material and we repurposed them to give the exterior cladding of the sauna so there there you go 76 76 pulls that's a lot of pulls every once in a while i find something that i think geez could i take this and make it into something useful and and i think yeah i probably can so then i grab it and i i hang on to it so the other day i was driving along and i found uh what looks like it to be an old boiler so there it is there so there's your there's your firebox you just need to put a door and so my thought is if i cut if i cut it down the center and actually fold it up and kind of weld along the side here i'll be able to uh have an area for rocks all right so we've gone through the process of getting everything set up uh as you can see the back wall is not done and that actually works to our advantage because we can tile a little looser we don't have to get our towel right up against the wall we can kind of you know because the wall is going to go over top of the top the plan is to now heat up the space heat up the floor heat up basically everything we can in order to keep it nice and warm can give it a little bit of thermal mass uh we're starting off at uh with 33.8 fahrenheit ideally it's 10 degrees again we're not in an ideal situation because we are in the forest we're tiling a floor in the forest which is is the first for me like it's a first for dawn we're gonna see how it works we've got uh some special product we're gonna use we're we're trying out some wood all right so we're uh we've got some uh interesting stuff that we're going to be putting on the floor which is the uh the schluter company makes this it's a detroit membrane it's a decoupling membrane it's also a waterproofing membrane as you know saunas get a little bit wet and we want to protect our subfloor underneath our tile because as you guys may or may not know that tile and grout is not necessarily waterproof the tile itself is waterproof grout is not necessarily waterproof so if you're ever doing a uh you know floor in a wet room like a shower or a bathroom this stuff's great this schluter schluter stuff for waterproofing your floor it also acts as a decoupling membrane your tiles feel warmer if you're actually putting it on like even if you're in your basement on a concrete floor if you put this ditra stuff down on top of the concrete it actually keeps your tile warmer than it would be if you just put your tile directly on concrete and in this situation it'll provide warmth from the floor below okay so what we're using to set this stuff down is a uh is it 11 64 square notch trowel and we mix our thinset a little soupy in order for it to actually impregnate itself into the fibers on the bottom of the schluter detroit membrane so there's like little furs under here okay so once we've got the ditra down i use a grout float and i'm pushing the ditra in to the thinset like this now it's personal preference whether or not you want to lay your tiles lengthwise in the room or perpendicular to the lengthwise in the room and in this case for ease of installation i am going to go perpendicular to the room i don't necessarily like doing this i like to go the long size of the tile the length of the room so my tiles are one by twos i have a number of different colors tiles so it's kind of like a patchwork tile they're all kind of in the same similar family they're all kind of like grayish beige this was remnants from my uh my favorite towel store payload flooring they were like hey kevin you want this tile yes i do but the only thing is they don't quite match together so this is the perfect kind of opportunity to use it and the tile that i cut off on this side i'm going to add on that side and i'm going to carry on i'm not going to follow any specific grout line is if you can do a random pattern make sure you stay random don't do not random and then random because it'll look funny so if you're going to go random commit to it what i'm going to do in this particular situation because my back wall is not exactly square and it tends to at the end of your tiling job if you didn't start off square you're going to have a bad time so what i'm going to do is measure off the back wall and start my level straight line at the back otherwise when i get to my door it's going to be janky we're at the point now where we've got to put the last tiles in and the last tile happens to be at the doorway usually or sometimes when people do this they actually put the tile up against the door jamb i don't like doing that i like to slide my tile underneath the door jamb so in order to do that what i do is i actually take a tile i put it up against the door jamb i add cardboard underneath to mimic my thinset and that gives me the height i want to cut it at [Applause] interesting story when i was doing the firewood collection video you guys can actually look back on that looking for firewood it was in the back of a parking lot somebody had just jumped it and i picked it up this is a tile finishing edge so when you have a rough cut of an edge you actually slide your tile it gives you your your finished edge like that [Applause] so well guys i think we really lucked out today because of the weather i hear there's a polar vortex coming and you couldn't do this much colder than it is now we've got our generator just humming we've got our little space heater which is keeping our space well above freezing it's about 10 degrees [Music] well while we sit around for that tile to dry let's see if we can either a make something or b break something i've got the old that old boiler i picked up and i'm gonna chop it up and see if i can actually make it to look like a stove or the uh the heater for the sauna just to get a little disclaimer here i'm not a metal worker i'm more of a woodworker than anything else this is possibly the third or fourth thing i've ever built using steel i did make a rocket stove at one point that was many many years ago i've really touched stuff since uh but uh we're gonna cut this thing up and see where we're at i i i'm curious to see what's inside of it i'm uh curious to see if it's actually gonna work so let's uh let's get started cutting this thing apart so my plan with this guy is to make a small incision down the middle and then cut the sides all the way around to where it goes up and then what i'm going to do is actually take this and open it up and gives me a nice big platform for rocks [Music] [Music] [Music] now that we've got the sides straightened up you can kind of start seeing what i've kind of envisioned is that it gives a nice big tray here to actually have rocks you can add it right around the firebox originally this was inside a house as a boiler for actually heating hot water for radiator system or in-floor heating or whatever so there's ports here that i don't need so what i'm going to do is cut these guys off [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what i'm using to weld this thing is my lincoln easy mig 140. what does that mean i don't know it's a welder it's red it's got you know says lincoln electric on the side i think i picked it up from my local hardware store a while back because i was like i want to stick things together so i bought a welder do anything more than that no now that we've got the sides all welded up the next step is to make a door so my thoughts are on this guy is if i take this thing does everybody have a chunk of you know circle a circle piece of steel kicking around so i've acquired this many years ago and i think it's the uh it's it's the discarded chunk from uh like a plasma cutter cutting chunks and i was like these are cool wheel things so i grabbed them all and i got a perfect opportunity to use it so my plan is to actually take this guy and attach it there as a door and i think the damper control is going to be whether or not i just leave the door open a little bit or close the door now i've got to fashion somewhat of a hinge in there somehow maybe i'll just tack it in friction fit and then what i can do afterwards is put a giant rope gasket around the perimeter my limited knowledge of welding basically comes down to clean where you're going to weld so grind off any kind of paint any kind of debris kind of like soldering i'm more of a glue stick approach i'm going to fill it with whatever this metal is i've never really took a trade school or uh you know a welding class in my life i just basically thought i want to stick metal together so what i did was i bought a welder and i started sticking metal together am i good at it yeah i don't know stuff doesn't fall apart is it pretty sorta my motto is you know do your best and grind the rest walk across it i think you can weld it i don't know there's a pretty big gap that's what i'm gonna do now i'm gonna actually clean up the uh the area where i'm gonna weld [Music] when you open the door the smoke tends to want to billow out into your face because the chimney is basically at eye level with the top of the opening of the door so what i'm going to do is actually add a piece of steel that's going to go and basically create like a pocket where the smoking pool at the top of the firebox and then out the chimney if you didn't do this every time you open the door you'd have smoke coming out the front if you look at your stove if you do have a stove when you open the door there's a little piece of metal that sticks down and that's to encourage the smoke to go up the chimney as opposed to out in your face i didn't quite anticipate it working as well as it does i've got my little wooden handle door swings like it's nothing got my little smoke deflector got my space for my rocks i like the way it looks i like how it's kind of like steampunkish steampunkish ha steam anyway but yeah it's very i like it i like it's substantial the whole thing it weighs a ton or a couple hundred pounds we've got the stove down we're going to do the inaugural burn the inaugural burn on the boiler converted to wood stove sauna heater it's minus 11 the winter has settled in i believe if we get this thing heated up we'll probably we're like aiming about 10 degrees inside so the grout doesn't freeze while it dries yeah working in the working in the winter is fun well guys i'm pretty impressed with that i think it's working as i planned it working i've got a temporary pipe rigged up at the back just so it's got enough draft actually pull it up and out and uh it seems to be working really well and uh you can see it just kind of vaporized it right away uh once i've got the pop filled up with rocks i think it'll work even better because uh we'll give it more surface area it'll it'll have a basically more opportunity to just kind of just vaporize what they call that and and finish with lowly loyal uh it's l-o-y-l-y the little two dots on top of there steam that's what that means there's gonna be sort of a macgyvered chimney pipe installation on this it's gonna be like a pipe and a pipe and a pipe and i think three layers of pipe will give me enough thermal break that and then an air space so it won't catch the wall on fire and there's going to be some heat deflectors at the back of it in order to again try to keep this thing from burning down it's not going to burn down and also the back wall i'm going to put a section of cement board there so non-combustible material on the back wall to further prevent burning down also kind of gives you separation from the wood it'll give you a little bit of a nice design thing as well because it's waterproof so when you if you do like you know overly ambitiously throw water at the thing and and uh have you know water splash at the back it's it'll be uh waterproof and then who knows maybe i'll tile it it's uh this is warming up now so i can i can hopefully grout today and get this thing in tomorrow again it's uh it's hot it's like sublimation when it goes from a solid ice to vapor without i guess it melts it really quick i didn't pay attention much in school can you tell it's foggy in here it's probably because the humidity is at like 86 percent it's uh i'm grouting i'm just cleaning the uh the floor you can you can kind of see it anyway there's a lot of humidity probably because i brought the camera in from outside and it was minus you know 10 and now it's uh it's 12.5 degrees in here take your shoes off when you're in the house you've got non-slip coatings it feels like anyway that's just more hey bean what do you think what do you think what do you think bean is it awesome it's awesome he's like where is it gonna be warm when is it gonna be warm mean it's big pipe day we've got our big pipe we're gonna put a chimney on jupiter that's our plan we've got uh what is it seven inch insulated pipe it's a really really heavy stuff and we're gonna put a five inch pipe in that and we're gonna put a six inch pipe over that and then we're gonna put it in the seven inch pipe and then it's gonna go up the roof went down to about minus thirteen and then it shot up to one degree which is ideal well it's not ideal but the floor looks awesome now we can walk on it okay so now we're at this stage of the stove installation we're going to create what i call a little bump out and it's going to be a non-combustible bump out it's going to be made of cement board and steel studs so there's nothing burn singed or char and then at a future date we're going to tile the front of it to make it look pretty so it's almost like uh like a thermal break between anything combustible as far as we got we got the pipe five inch pipe inside another two layer pipe inside an actual stove pipe which is a it's basically stainless steel on the outside stainless steel on the inside and it's filled with i believe vermiculite or some sort of other kind of non-combustible material and that is is really it's proper it's proper stovepipe which i'm not i don't use very often because i don't seem to have it very often but good the story behind this pipe is actually my good friend lane up north she uh she bought a house and uh she opted to get rid of her wood stove in the basement and this was a pipe that went from her basement all the way to the second story and beyond the roof and she was like yeah you can have it if you can take it down and one july day it had to be i don't know a million degrees outside and and her roof is really pitchy and i was lugging that thing down by myself and questioning my position in life going what am i ever going to use this thing for and uh so yeah it's a sauna it's on a chimney now thanks lane hi is this pipe so heavy we're at the end of the day and i'm pretty excited to light this thing up and i want to see what kind of draw it's going to get that's really what i want to see to make sure that there's enough draw i think there's going to be tons of draw you can kind of feel draft now you feel it's actually getting sucked out in off the chimney so we're just gonna do a small fire just to make sure everything's good and uh yeah we're well on our way to have our sauna this is it's worked out better than i thought it was going to it was kind of junk it was somebody else's junk that's right yeah yeah it's gonna have a long life long life in the in the sauna like that thing is working perfect i like the draft i think you got to build the right size fire in this thing it's not like uh you know make sure when you get guests over they know that you're only supposed to build the right size fire back tomorrow we're gonna put some interior cladding on and hopefully get this thing buttoned up on the inside you know another cool feature is the threshold is straight so you can just sweep this thing right at the door anytime i have some free time i come out here and nail up some wood so we had uh we had a little test fire over the weekend and uh we've discovered a couple of uh issues well just one primarily issue the the successes at first is that the stove works exceptionally well we had we headed up well over 45 degrees celsius i know i know that's a far cry from 70 or 70 to 90 celsius which i guess the the saunas are supposed to be out but like as a ginger 50 celsius that's pretty good i don't know i was in there for about you just go in there longer right so the ash that we put in here exactly it was milled it was dead standing and then we installed it what if it's covered is it's drying out so it seems to be like the wider planks on this back wall if you can take a close look at this stuff it's a little wonky i can stick my hand back behind here you can see it's kind of moving it's because it's drying and cuffing and the wider the board the tendency to cup is is greater because it's got a more of a surface area so if you were to cut them down you have less cupping that's why we see on the ceiling there is you know almost no cupping and if there is cupping it's actually working to our advantage because the ceiling is round so what i'm going to do at the back wall here is actually remove some of these boards that are actually at the back wall and actually put more bracing on and add some screws at closer intervals to actually pull it pull the bend out of it and then i will tighten the screws over the day and flatten out that board we're gonna just add some more steam in here because it is a steam sauna so yeah so that's the plan for today is to basically flatten this back wall out i've got uh i've got a number of batons cut i don't know 33 batons because i've got to cover all the little cracks and uh we've got window build-outs to do trim to do it's bright out there it's cold in here it's like the coolest sauna i've ever been in sunny the storm has passed we're gonna work on the sauna i had some problems the other time the other day when i uh started the batteries actually ended up dying on me so i couldn't finish up my battens i took the opportunity to go mill some wood and i've got all my wood sawed out for my benches and i've got the rest of the bat and so hopefully get some use out of it you know like it's been a long haul but we gotta get it done so let's uh let's light the fire and make sure we uh a nice little work space nice warm workspace to work in even though i'm in and out in and out in and out and i don't know we can still keep it kind of warm so let's uh let's get that fired up and uh let's get started i'm pretty impressed on how this stove is actually working it it it's amazing how easy it is to light and the giraffe that's there probably it's the giant chimney once you get the little kindling going it just kind of it sucks it right out they got no smoke coming at the front it's really easy to light if you guys didn't uh if you guys didn't see the previous video to this one you can actually check out how i built this guy out of a repurposed weisman boiler that's from germany so one of the issues we had the other video was that this back wall was going all warped and as you can see i ended up putting screws in where the nails were and uh and i flattened it all out so basically i let it heat up again and uh i just kind of tucked the boards on the edge of them on the edge of the boards and i think it's uh it's ready for battens now so it's pretty high humidity in here the other day and i think it was because all the wood was drying out all at once and and it's actually i think it's better for it i don't i don't encourage you to build your entire house with wet wood but if that's the only option as long as you know what's going to do or have an idea what it's going to do you can kind of build with it and just let it do its thing and then if it doesn't do what you want correct it so basically what they want you to do is to put a ventilation just above the stove and that basically what it's going to do is as the hot air rises from the stove it picks up fresh air from outside it mixes it in so you don't like you know fall asleep and never wake up so that's what i'm going to do i'm going to drill a hole here and there's going to be a hole actually in the door with a louver that allows me to control the amount of air that's going to come in and out of the sauna to drill that hole i've got a hole saw with my little makita drill it's a little underpowered but use what you have i'm doing this now because the stove isn't quite hot yet [Applause] this shouldn't take as long as it's taking apparently my teeth aren't very sharp yeah it's smoking too bad we don't have any ventilation holes yet it was just that easy hot my original plan was to put the battens on the back wall but then i was thinking if i do that then what am i going to attach or how am i going to attach the bench to i'd have to cut the battens off so to think beyond your nose every once in a while to see how far in the project you don't want to do something which you got to take apart afterwards so i'm gonna put the bench in first and what i'm gonna use for that is i've milled up some basically one and three quarter by one and three quarter inch cedar this is the i guess the second piece of cedar i've used in this project first was the door the door is made out of cedar so in the finished handbook it basically says alder in my neck of the woods that's also called poplar um i had a poplar tree that come down uh if you guys remember over at the cube we took it down but then when i milled it up it had a weird smell to it so i think it was like almost like it was rotting so it was dead standing but it was it was it was starting to go funky and i didn't want funky wood in my sauna what i like to do when i'm building something i quite don't quite know what i'm doing is that i'll tack it in place just to kind of give me idea what it looks like in this case the bench is a hundred inches long and i don't know exactly how wide it is going to be yet because i don't know how much wood i've built up and it's really frustrating when you kind of get it half built you're like i gotta get another tree i'm gonna build what i want with what i have i like it already it's already holding my level how's that for a [ __ ] now that i got the bench kind of in its final form i'm going to stiffen it up a little bit as you can see the ends of these guys they more or less move so what i'm going to do is actually stick a piece underneath to support the end that's what i'm talking about oh that's nice you can comfortably like you can have a nap in here let's just have a nap oh it's so comfy it's gonna be hard to get any work done be relaxing in my sauna [Laughter] chop some wood that's my favorite activity in the winter is actually busting up wood warms you a couple times it warms you while you're cutting it worms while you're burning it warms you while you're stacking it i like firewood and it's good to you know once you're done at the end of the day or you know you're taking a break relax slower pace in the winter time you can kind of you know load a log on the fire and just watch it burn that's what i enjoy it's it's that's what winter is about for me well winter activities too skating it's sledgehammer time boys let's go find some rock so i've got my little sled here and i'm gonna go up i'm gonna go up behind the uh behind the shop in the pines like i said there was a pile of rock there so we're gonna try to find that and collect it let's see if it works who knows how hard this is gonna be to break up the goal is to get a rock that's not uh got water trapped inside of it and and what i was told was to go to a fresh blast site and pick up the rocks that are baseball sized chunks softball hardball chunks to to i guess fill the top of the boiler because you buy them i'm i'm not in the mood to buy so i've got a plan um so there's there was an old i believe there's no barn on this property at one point there's these pillars and they look like giant hunks of solid rock that were there at some point and my plan is to basically go bust those things up and um i can't think of a better thing to do while it's minus 100 it's not minus 100 it's cold so i'm gonna go bust up some rocks and hopefully accumulate enough rocks probably about 100 kilograms or something like that of rock that goes on top of that thing give me a little bit more thermal mass in here uh in order to keep it warmer longer because currently there's not much thermal mass there's the floor there's the walls there's the you know the benches and stuff like that but there's not enough there's not enough stuff in here so it's got to be got to be heavier so that's why the purpose of the rocks also it helps when you throw water on it helps kind of diffuse the water it kind of allows it to evaporate quicker let's go find a rock in the snow and break it up ah right in the leg that's not a baseball sized chunk okay i think i might have learned something i think you gotta you treat it like split wood you kind of have to find a weakness in the rock and hit it i don't know if that's igneous rock it sort of looks like igneous rock based on the fixtures i was looking at i guess we're gonna find out it kind of is granite igneous rock i should look that up because it looks a heck of a lot like granite i don't know if it smells like granite but we're getting there all right who's gonna carry those back to the sauna that's the hardest thing i've done in a while breaking rocks isn't fun that's uh my tip of the day where's dawn it is his sledgehammer so he's in he's here at spirit see if i can ride these rocks back back to the sauna that should that should be a good start i don't know if it's that's not enough then i don't know maybe we'll uh yeah we got to get some more right i did some research and i actually consulted a buddy of mine jay at visionquest outdoors he has a youtube channel all about rocks takes rocks and he hits them then they break off and they make shapes arrowheads things that are rocked i just break them and make them into baseball size pieces i consulted with him and we are convinced well i'm convinced he's more or less convinced appears to be a granite with light-colored intrusive igneous rock that contains mainly quartz feldspar mica material that's what i think it is kind of could you see that that's kind of what it looks like if it wasn't you know this one's not wet and this one is wet so this one uh i'm told what it's going to do is not explode if it is heated up and cooled rapidly what it will do is chances are it will just crack and then turn to sand um my word of advice when you use the saunas to wear your safety glasses while you're using it in case rocks shoot off but he was also mentioning that if there is no quartz or very little quartz in the material it won't explode and as i can tell as i can tell there is no quartz in there which is like even the white colored almost translucent rock uh it seems to be solid we're gonna hope for the best we're gonna we're gonna heat up our rock give her a test throw some water on that thing and see if it uh see if it explodes i'm pretty confident it's not going to it might like crack all scary-like but sauna and some fear it gets you sweating that's the purpose right so i picked this up a while back because i was thinking that's a good deal it was at uh it was at ikea for i don't know ten dollars roughly it's a strip light so the the the plan with this guy is to install it underneath the bench and what it's going to do is going to light up the floor give you a nice little glow uh at night time and and you know especially when you're in a saw and you don't really want to see everything if you know what i mean it'll be perfect amount of light although during the daytime it's it's bright in here because we got the whole basically wall of windows is it led burger is that ledburg i don't know look him up in ikea everything's made in china anyways what are you gonna do you know what it is what it is why don't they give you such small screws with these things like like i got this screwdriver it doesn't even like it's so like tiny they don't even fit well it does kind of fit but it's gonna you know it's gonna like twist that why even bother giving you screws just like put it up with a hope and a prayer i guess that's my pet peeve my pet peeve on these little tiny light things they give you little tiny screws and then you're supposed to put them up above your head and it just doesn't it doesn't always work but they give you tape i guess that's to stick it on so you can watch it in frustration as you put your screw on look at that that's my only home light france my lightsaber well that's gonna happen that's gonna have just enough light wires back there we're all set a lot of the times it's easier to split firewood in the winter because it's frozen just kind of pops everything's drying out everything's shrinking just add nails where they keep popping out i debated on what kind of latch system i want to put on this door and time coming in and out and letting it kind of cool down overnight what i was finding is there's a lot of condensation and moisture forming on the door causing it to kind of get stuck so i don't really want to put a latch system in place just in case water gets down there and just freezes it's solid you can't get in you can't get out well hopefully you can get out but if you can't get in that would yeah just go through the window or something like that but so what i've opted to do is i've just got uh basically it's it's a magnetic keeper that i'm going to attach onto the top portion and then just a little little metal plate and that should uh allow me to get in and out keep the door closed from blowing in the wind it's not like i'm not talking high security what is it the bear gonna get in here the coziest bear ever i guess they don't have to light a fire the bear would get in here and be cold they just probably leave little tiny screws if you guys have been following the build you guys know i like to use branches as doorknobs door handles so my plan with this guy as much as the same as the other builds is to uh because it looks like a handle right so i'm just gonna cut it cut it there and on the inside it's going to be a little little knob you can pull it shut magnetic latch and catch it should work that's so nice it's cold it's uh yeah minus 20 with the windshield canadian it's cold but let's see how warm it is inside we've been having uh we lit this thing up in the morning you know i think that's what you're supposed to do with someone as you're supposed to foresee the future and think you know what i wanna i wanna i wanna sit in my sauna tonight so you light her up in the morning and uh let's see what it is at well we're gonna fog up 78.6 fahrenheit right now and we're fogging up we gotta let the camera warm up a bit i'm gonna do a little cleanup in here and then get my uh get my skillet we're gonna see if we can cook on this thing hold up [ __ ] fogging away it's been a while since i've made an egg sandwich and i'm just gonna see if this stove is up to the task we've got uh we've got a rocks well piled they're they're relatively hot i don't know they're not they're not crazy hot like i can't i can't hold on to the little glove on it's uh i was reading 74. 75 75 fahrenheit in here which isn't it's not sauna weather yet we're getting we're getting there this is a long process so what i'm trying to do is going to make a little area here that i can actually put my little frying pan on because i'm going to cook i don't cook lunch this is our current temp can you see that 75.9 where it's near 76 degrees fahrenheit we're gonna see how hot this thing can get after my egg sandwich full pile of wood we're gonna ramp it up we're gonna just keep adding wood we got the door closed for good now so we're not gonna let any heat out so we got our we got our flat spot all right making an egg sandwich got my butter my butter's frozen oh it's not frozen for long got her egg it's hot it's really hot typical sauna i don't know like a 10 moisture like it's dry i should probably throw some water on there i'm not gonna do that yet um this is again just this test we're testing it we don't know what we're doing do we this is why we're testing it let's see if we can get her hotter kind of see anything it's all fogged up look at my still safety glasses steel this is a german grape german company with my german boiler my vice men and my steel i can't see a thing safety safety eventually that's what i say my egg is cooking i can't see anything we're not getting enough we're not getting a lot of heat off this this this teflon pan right so we're not we're not cooking real real well i should probably use cast iron on this thing or maybe in the future weld some sort of a plate on it so we get more contact if i'm going to keep down i'm just going to leave that on there i can't even flip it yet still got a little time left to cook that bad boy now i can't even i can't even touch the rocks that's how hot they are and yet i can't cook an egg which goes to show you that teflon is not the greatest fresh bread egg sandwich i've got a little bit of a little bit of a crunch there a little bit of softness oh yeah i'm waiting for this all day oh it's hot again you know it's nice to have a little spot where you can go in the middle of the middle of winter when it's you know minus 20 outside and you're like you know what summer's never coming you can make your own summer in here you come in here you load your logs in and you fire it up to whatever attempt you want you don't have to worry about paying electricity to heat it up you don't have to worry about any of the costs associated with it you just kind of you just kind of you know fired up you're alone in the wilderness the other good thing about this place is that i made the benches on both sides large enough to actually sleep on so if there's if i have guests and they you know they don't want to stay in the cabin or you know they got a snoring buddy that they want to get away from this would double as a as a sleeping quarter so you got two beds one on each side it's a perfect place to actually lay down relax even in the summertime you know like like a day bed a place to relax it's it's a great little spot if it's raining it's a good place to get you know get in here and kind of reprieve from the rain you don't have to be out in the weather or you know if you're using the uh you're using the rink or the pond you can come in here warm up you don't have to you don't always have to go for 140 degrees you can go you know room temperature and have a nice spot to either put your skates on uh come back and warm up while you're you know if you're freezing it's it's all around good space you know what you could it doubles as a kiln too you could you know if you've got a woodworking project and you need your wood dry quick you just throw it in here and fire up the sauna and close the door [Laughter] i can't see anything anymore oh lay that's amazing try again i went from like 10 humidity to like 100 [Laughter] i did not expect that the walls the benches everything everything kind of was milled with wood that was dead it was hanging around for a little while so it's not like 100 moisture it was probably like you know 20 or 30 moisture ideally when you build with wood your moisture content is like a 10 or less so a lot of this stuff is still losing its moisture so as it loses this moisture it'll actually heat up quicker because it acts more like an insulator it's not as dense so that's uh we're gonna keep playing around with it to see how hot we can get it in here and see how well it's a little tweaking a little bit of a learning curve with the stove especially you know that being said the the chimney pipe is rather large i might look into dampening that down a little bit so we don't are sucking actually as much air into the building you're having to heat it up but yeah overall i'm pleased with this project where it's turned out and i hope you guys join me on the next one
Channel: Modern Self Reliance
Views: 590,432
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: building, tools, hand tools, power tools, sawmill, cabin construction, how to build a cabin, tiny house, forest house, small house, log cabin, construction, cabin design, sawing, cutting wood, off grid, homestead, cottage, tiny cabin, self reliance, solar powered house, small home, axe, saw, sauna, sauna build, building a sauna, how to build a sauna, off grid building, portable saw mill, cut, hammer, nails, screws, insulation, building materials, build project, carpentry, wood tools
Id: 3Ny_3h7DsQE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 29sec (4949 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 28 2021
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