Building the Lightest Windows 10 ... in the world...

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[Music] so [Music] all right we are live let's go ahead jump on the chat here oh wait one second that's the wrong scene that is also the wrong scene [Music] all right we'll go chat i forgot turn on studio [Music] bam all right how's everybody doing on this glorious friday lightest windows 10 in existence in the world um is that click bait no it isn't we're actually gonna go through it uh this is gonna be lighter than windows seven um maybe even give windows xp a run for its money we're shooting for sub 50 processes on windows 10 we will be removing everything and i do mean everything so uh i mentioned a little bit on last week's stream about uh linus tech tips covering windows amy which is an interesting project however i don't like a lot of things they do in the project but i love the overall idea of the project so with that said we are going to be stripping out everything very much like amy but we'll take the ame script because those guys did do a pretty good job with a lot of the builds but we're gonna change everything um i think in that video you know linus was like hey it's kind of a gray area it's not a gray area it's perfectly legal as long as you do everything yourself and you don't download any third-party iso's or tools so everything's going to be official and i'm gonna go a step further and we're only gonna interact with microsoft so the microsoft version i'm using is gonna be windows 10 um and windows 10 um vanilla it's just fresh install nothing in there it's 1903 as the base however we could probably do this on 1909 or 2004 the process i'm going to walk through each portion of this script and change it around as uh i like the base script that the amt ame team put together but um there's certain things i don't like about it so we're gonna walk through every single little thing about it and uh yeah it's gonna be the lightest windows 10 in the world uh i do have some other stuff happening in the background i might be distracted a little bit because uh my day job the internet went down however i do have a lot of failover systems so it did fail over to a secondary connection so i might actually have like a text message or call come through in the middle of this if that happens i apologize uh but couldn't be helped so with all that said i am so jazzed up for this one because we are gonna go deeper than anything we've ever done before and the prep for this mainly is just hosting everything all these scripts i went ahead and downloaded the ame scripts put it on github so it's actually on microsoft servers we're going to go through and change some of the code up we also will be using a live version of linux i'm gonna be using linux mint to interface and rip out some extra components to windows that we can't do while we're inside of windows and then uh we're gonna go through every single aspect of this so replay value on this should be pretty high as this is going to be the lightest version of windows now some people say hey it might break portions of windows i've seen that in the chat here and i will say for most part we're gonna try to avoid that and basically have a functional windows 10 without a bunch of garbage also uh when it comes to security updates i'm gonna show you how we're gonna actually do those updates on this as well as uh the updates that the ame team have are from january and that's eight or nine months old which is yeah in windows world that's really really bad so i always recommend at least a monthly update on doing updates so if you do follow this guide please note you'll need to update your system regularly i recommend at least once a month at the very least every three months going eight or nine months out is just not good so i'm going to show you how to interface with the windows update catalog and do those updates manually using the dism tool and extracting the cab files i've had too much caffeine this morning and i apologize if i'm talking too fast that's just just gonna be one of them days i think it's anxiety say excitement i don't know we're just going to call it excitement all right let's get into it all right blank version of windows 10 here i'll go ahead and show you what all we're dealing with uh as far as this goes we're gonna just go to performance tab about 146 processes right out of the gate if we look at the version of windows we're on we're just going to go winver you'll see that we're on 1903. no updates have been done as soon as i installed 1903 the very first thing i did was go into services which you can get to services just by services msc come all the way down to windows update and basically just open up windows update disable it for now as we want to do all this stuff we don't want it being bloated back up so all i did was just change this to disabled that's it that's all i've done to this system so i just wanted to give us a nice fresh canvas to paint i i want to call it art but i don't i don't know what this is really but anyways let's let's start in on it uh the github project that we're gonna start with is right here everything's hosted with github this script base is from the ame team however we're going to change it uh the first stage of this is just the general uh setup which you'll do registry keys scheduled tasks and i'm going to walk through every portion every line of this script as if you run a script from some random person on the internet you should know what it does so we're gonna actually walk through doing this script real fast so let's go ahead i'm just gonna pull up a blank page and let's zoom in a little bit so you guys can see all right so yeah right right now we're at 146 processes i want to get it down below 50. so that's the goal of this all right first portion here we're just doing some error checks second portion this is going to be a menu that gets run this is a batch script so i'm i'm pretty um fluent in in just running batch script so nothing too crazy here whenever a menu item selected you have four different subroutines basically uh pre ame programs user and reboot so let's flip down this is just running through 3.5 which is needed for a lot of games so what i'd probably use this for is gaming and some other things but also i i you could probably use this for other aspects there's a lot of different things that we use windows for um the one off the top of my head that i might run something like this for is like a streaming pc a dedicated streaming pc that's all it does this would be fantastic for that because windows updates breaks a lot of tools streamers use so this would be a really good utilization of it as well as far as the stock ame settings from the amy team i hate it i really hate amy i don't like a lot of the changes they make to windows and they break windows in a lot of ways that i think can be avoided that we're gonna avoid during this this run so the stock version of amy don't go there don't don't hunt down their telegram group and try and download some pre-built iso that's not good don't don't download pre-built isos build it yourself um that's just terrible you're going to get a virus you're going to get somebody that makes the iso and then distributes it and then you're part of a botnet you know somebody's using your internet connection to attack other people don't do it only official sources i don't like tools at all this will work on pretty much every version i'm using pro here but you can use home you can use uh enterprise i think is one of them ltsc a lot of these pretty much all these i think are pretty much there the one thing i would say is try to stick to version 1903 which i think the latest version of ltsc is on 1903 or 1903 based so should be fine all right first thing here this is sc config this is interacting with the windows update service it's actually disabling windows update second thing here task kill this is killing internet explorer this is adding two registry things uh going into the data collection portion we're disabling and deleting tasks through scheduled tasks as you see all these scheduled tasks are on by default this goes through and disables them then it's doing registry edits and adding these d words so you can see auto logging logging delivery optimization syncing and advertising info most this is very very thing but if there's something in there you're like i don't know what that is by all means uh look it up google it you know that's google's your friend just making sure all right we're good um anything else in here let's go ahead flip through a little bit more i like a lot of the the actual documentation for this is really solid um nothing too crazy here of the start new cpanel cleanup um we're going to be i'll show you how to do control panel if you're not sure how to get old school control panel that doesn't suck hit control and you get the old school windows 7 one obviously if you're on windows 10 you probably already knew that but i like that this little cleanup just cleans up some of the windows control panel which is not bad you don't necessarily need it if you want to keep things stock that's fine we're going to just leave it as b and this is just disabling more services as you can see sc config it's disabling a lot of xbox services this will be ripping out the windows store xbox services so if you have like minecraft bedrock on here yeah you know it's gonna mess things up uh for windows uh store based apps so we will be removing that disabling smb version one this is actually a security tweak uh eternal blue that's mainly used for like ransomware and things of that nature so this is actually put in place just to make sure you don't get hacked which is just a good thing to do clean up this pc uh this pc by default like when you launch internet explorer or i'm sorry windows or file explorer it's just this garbled mess and you kind of want a lot of this cleaned up there's a lot of just junk like 3d objects and other things we're going to clean all that out and that's kind of what this is doing storage sense uh storage sense is okay but we're going to go ahead and disable it cortana nobody likes that um this you can't use a windows subsystem for linux version 2 on 1903. you can use v1 i think with this although this will probably break v1 as well you can use saijin win i think or seisuin i don't even know how to say it but it's a basically a wsl alternative i don't really like either wsl or or xyjin when we're gonna skip all of that we're not gonna do any of that as i think hey if you if you want linux just boot into windows linux i mean no nobody nobody wants to do a virtualized version of linux and windows that's not a thing you just do it because you're too lazy to boot into windows or linux or yes all you can do because you don't have a version of linux on you or you don't have a vm spun up to actually do whatever it is you need to do so we won't be touching on that but we will be booting into a live version of linux to rip out some windows files that we can't do while in windows alright so scrolling through here again fixing windows explorer just removing a lot of the junk in here you can see file associations launch to and some of the file extension stuff actually on this one hide file extension i like to still hide file extensions so this is a modification we'll actually change um let's go ahead and edit this github and i'm going to just change this on the fly here let's let's go down to where we are hide file extensions i like to hide them um hidden files i think we'll go ahead and hide files as well i don't like a garbled mess when i get in there so we're gonna remove those two things on this modification and i'll flip back here so you guys can see what i am doing sigwin yeah thanks peter sigwin have you ever made a video based on a stream chat suggestion yeah yeah i have i've made a video on a lot of stuff um i am going to be doing a lot more of um what is it uh i'll be doing a lot more of little tiny baby fixes on titus tech talk so if you're not subscribed to the secondary youtube channel check it out titus tech talk it should be in the description as well um i did like i think uh michael which you probably seen michael pop around the channel here he sent me uh something and he's like hey i'm having problems installing this on linux and i was like oh yeah and i made a little three minute youtube video for that i don't want that on the main channel just because the algorithm hates small videos and also big videos that's why i always unlist these uh live streams afterwards as well so i like to try and keep it in there to appease the the algorithm gods all right i'm going through powershell gita app x package it's ripping out a ton of packages that are inside uh the windows store and and frankly this is just the the first stage of the cleanup where we're just ripping out windows apps and then we'll probably be removing the store all together at the end here right here as you can see so good to know um uninstalling one drive right here if uh you want to fork the script and leave onedrive installed i'm not sure how well it'll do i know a lot of people hated that i removed drive in the last one i would say leave it in but you know what let's let's leave one drive in let's modify it i'm gonna leave one drive in just because so many people complained to me about oh my goodness this broke so let's go ahead scroll down to one drive let's remove old one drive so then i'll leave one drive and we'll just remove all that and then the hosts file so windows host file you see this manipulated a lot using a bunch of different proj products basically what it's doing and what a host file does is it resolves dns names to whatever ip you put in here so before it hits a dns server the host file you can block a lot of sites so if you want to block facebook for instance you could just put and then put you know to to resolve all facebook's to a local address that's what would be equivalent to in here but basically what this is doing is just blocking all the telemetry and other microsoft servers uh that it's doing like dr watson you can see all the different ones they they really went out of their way to edit the host file that's all those lines it's just blocking it and putting these addresses in so um it's good to know if you don't want that this will probably re-bloat up if these weren't in here all right so let's see i'd leave calc i think someone i think calculator might still be in here let's see yeah if not we'll install calc at the end oh there it is let's go ahead remove calc so it'll leave calculator let's see if we can leave one or two apps behind and see what happens so we'll do that disable users on login screen don't display last login we're going to remove that this is more of an enterprise setting disable the lock screen um and we're gonna also remove that uh legacy f8 boot menu it's nice getting to the boot menu we're gonna definitely leave that disable hibernation i hate hibernation we're definitely leaving that and that's it for the pre now programs this is the second this is actually we go in and clean up some things and this will be the second run through checking for internet connection pinging um just making sure hey you got an internet connection and then it's doing uh install of chocolatey which i love chocolatey made a video on that i may link it up on top if i can remember and then we just doing some basic things i did clean up this they were installing openoffice and firefox and some other things that i didn't like so i actually changed uh the default amy stuff to use uh brave i know i get crap all the time for recommending brave but i love brave i i do so i install brave by default if you want to change it to like chrome whatever just come in here change uh brave to whatever the chocolaty package you want to install and it'll install that that browser directx uh visual c plus plus jpeg viewer because the default uh windows app to view images will be removed open shell which will be start menu replacement 7-zip for zip files and such and then vlc for that i know i like like uh mpc a lot better in pc.hc but i know a lot of people love a vlc so uh i'll just leave it in here because the majority of people on windows like vlc and i'm like all right fine have at it and these are commented out so these were there for i guess mpv is what they were using and then it goes to post which uh that is bad syntax actually i think um that go to post i don't think is right here's go to post as well um yeah i think that's a bug actually let me look uh go to menus probably what that should be let's fix that [Music] ah what happened we'll just copy it and we'll paste this right here and paste this right here um both these look uh the default ones look broken so i guess that's i don't know what was happening there but there is no post that i saw when reading through the code um so this is that's that portion open up user chan uh preferences and do configure administrator and user privilege permissions this is part of ame that um i don't like so we're gonna skip this portion um we're gonna use this is not exactly a secure way of doing it but we're going to use just a regular user as admin i mean you're using windows you're already unsecure and honestly i don't know how much that's going to matter i also hate uac so we're gonna do some things here that are technically not the most secure but meh you know that's that's what we're gonna do so we're gonna just commit these changes real fast so that's it so we're done with this windows cleanup here let's go back let's look at the batch file or actually nope we're going to look at the sh file now so what's what's happening with these scripts is the batch file is going to be run twice it's going to be run once for the pre cleanup that'll be the first thing we run then we're going to boot into linux live usb i've made various videos on installing linux on a usb drive so you can just do it on a usb drive or if you want a dual boot by all means dual boot it doesn't matter but we need to get in linux and then mount windows which we'll show and then we'll run the linux cleanup and then we're going to boot back into windows and then we're going to clean it up again with the post portion of that script all right so let's go to the linux cleanup section now and this portion will go ahead and clean up some of this let's see what all is going on here we're going to just go right into edits because there's probably going to be i don't think there's going to be much we're going to change here but we'll go ahead take a look here these are just installing git and p7 zip version of linux they're using you can see the package manager ap to get so any version of uh debian based system should be able to use this so if you do a live environment i'm going to be using mint which shouldn't have any problems with this script but if it does we can always come in here and change things around um fsef [Music] okay that's yeah that's fine it's interesting that they're using that but [Music] that's just that's actually a zsh add-in does i even have zsh in here uh i'm not sure how well that'll work on bash we'll we'll give it a whirl on that see if it has any errors uh ame process this is just going through and cleaning up some files it's looking for app locker logger delivery optimization all these things inside of our windows and just removing them it's removing like edge all of all all the things so that's gonna be interesting to see run and it should be noted too when it comes to security in windows removing portions of windows will actually reduce its attack vector so what that means is there's going to be less less points of entry to attack your windows so a lot of these things are actually going to be good uh removing the big thing people always get all right small rant time small rant time i gotta i gotta just say this when it comes to windows updates uh disabling windows up i get crucified whenever i even mention this and show people how to disable updates i want to preface this doing security updates are important as a system admin i've done security updates forever you know uh back using wusus or windows service update uh wsus we'll just call it that i don't remember what the acronym is but anyways i would always be going to windows catalog downloading the updates installing them manually so this is not much different than that uh just how it's done without wsus and a centralized server it's just done manually directly on the system so this isn't anything new and anybody that says you have to be updating every single day on windows is a complete and doesn't understand that a lot of those updates on windows um are don't work or they're fluff or they just are not security based they're just feature updates or they introduce something new that is going to load your system down so uh one i want to dispel that aspect of it but i also want to say there is good security updates to hardened windows it's important to run them on at least a probably a monthly at the very least a quarterly basis don't be that guy that hasn't updated windows in a year or more so there's two sides of this it seems like everything in the world's binary you have to be all this way or all that way that's just dumb and if you fall into one of those camps i'm sorry i can't fix stupid so i just want to say that out loud because i'm so sick of hearing that hey everything has to be up to date every single day every single hour i'm like no that's not how it's been in business forever so i just want to address that right now but we're going to show you how to keep it up to date because it's super important installing security updates is important but the feature updates and all that other crap it's just that it's a vulnerability that you're probably installing because it's more stuff to attack too it's probably introducing a lot more bugs there's a lot of bad things that go with some of these updates so just want to throw that out there for everybody in chat please please please please in the comments when it comes to windows updates that's what i mean i get comments all the time about me either disabling or what not about it it's just it is what it is guys and that's what i mean when i say hey install security updates don't worry about all that other stuff get passionate about that y1903 it's two revisions behind 2004 and 1909 have um extra fluff so right now it's probably the best most stable version of windows and you can see this iterated in enterprise as you're not going to see very many enterprise or ltscs past 1903. i think ltsc is not even on 1909 yet uh much less 2004 so very important uh for those that think you need to be on the latest and greatest feature update um there's a reason why microsoft pushes it out to the home users one they're just using you for guinea pigs and two well they need somebody they need that feedback so it's nice and secure for the business enterprise users and what better audience than the home users to to be your guinea pigs so that's microsoft's philosophy not mine because everything is enabled by default for preview builds in 2004 on like my windows 10 home all right going through here we're making some amy backup directories honestly probably don't even need to back these up because the chances of you coming back in here and uh restoring this backup probably zero but we'll leave it in for now uh just a straight copy preserving um that which is fine i mean honestly i would have probably used rsync for this but whatever it's fine and then we're just doing uh rmrf of a lot of directories here so this is the linux script uh we're going to be removing all of these folders which you can't remove while inside of windows that's why we're going to be in linux running this script on this portion you can see internet explorer windows apps defender mail media player all of these look at this that's a lot of stuff we're going to be ripping out but i'm okay with that all right so that's a pretty small script actually so this is the bulk of the script it's just removing files that's really what we're using linux for is to remove this most this is just the restore portion and then uh the bottom part here nothing nothing too bad so very very easy script actually we're not even gonna make any changes to this so we'll go ahead and start downloading these we'll go back to this github project again everything's open source there's no third party downloads here we just walked through every line of both scripts so we're gonna just download this and get going with this whole portion [Music] why download why remove windows defender we're trying to make the absolute lightest version of windows that means removing all the microsoft garbage um defender is decent if you're in if you're just going to use a free antivirus defender is pretty solid so i don't have anything bad to say about defender these days i still like to poke fun at it because the early days of defender were a nightmare but uh if you're going to use a free antivirus windows defender's not bad you know right now my recommended antivirus down below for a paid antivirus is eset um but i like just the antiviruses i don't like the internet security bundles and all that stuff i'm just not a big fan most hated antivirus right now kaspersky y'all forget about kaspersky they said i had a virus on my static site kaspersky can suck it i hate kapersky kaspersky anyways so for all you kaspersky lovers out there i hate it i will never recommend that antivirus they're terrible oh man all right let's see what we got here we got our sh script we're gonna actually remove move this to the root of c drive let's go ahead and pop it in there so this is going to be running linux so that's why i put it there right here for downloads we can start the actual cleanup we're just going to go right click run as administrator and we'll go ahead and set run anyways remember you have to run these as elevation because we're going to be changing a lot of things with the system so they have to be done as administrator again the start of this is going to be 152 processes running right now we want to get that below 50. that's the goal of this all right so let's run the pre ame so we're just going to do one and then enter right here please mount the windows 10 installation media and specify the drive letter oh all right uh let's see here i think i need to log in to my drive and download the iso and mount it so we're gonna just do this portion if you already have the iso file just know that you don't have to do this section um let's go into images templates iso files i got a few iso's popped up all these are official downloads too by the way guys i don't use any junk sometimes i customize my isos but for the most part i just use stock stuff have windows 95 down here too all right we're going to grab 19.03 right here copy it we'll go ahead put that into our downloads as well oh clam av is great with linux the best viruses ever get out of here peter peter's trolling avast get out yeah every everybody everybody has their favorite yeah i'm not a big fan of free antivirus it's almost like a virus in itself our arch mirror iso safe uh i've run into a problem with arch mirrors i haven't had any issues with them um i haven't used them though i usually just use vanilla arch all right so we got our iso file we're just gonna go mount that's on the d drive so we've mounted our iso so now we're just going to go d colon and we'll install net 3.5 real fast what do you think about bit defender they have a good ready i like big bit defender love me some bit defender so that's one i i don't have a problem with at all we'll say no to this disabling windows update disabling data logging services this will change all that removing all folders disabling cortana windows explorer view and this is ripping out all the windows store packages the red is normal nothing nothing too bad here it means either it's not there already or it's just uh actually if you read the error message this app is part of windows and cannot be removed we'll fix that we'll remove it avira no i'm not a big fan of avira all right oh look at that operation did not complete all that was doing was actually disabling telemetry so microsoft must have put a block in there somewhere that uh might have missed so we might actually have to change that around once we hit linux here from here let's go ahead and restart our system so we're just going to hit four for restart and it says we'll be signed out uh-oh did we miss an update oh it might have got updates oh windows you are tricky yeah we'll see how that does we'll see how it does when we get through the second part of the script might have needed to disconnect from the internet on that side we'll see even with windows update disabled they find a way i feel like i'm in jurassic park life finds a way windows updates always finds a way all right uh let's boot into uh it says abundant but i'm pretty sure that's meant i usually always do linux on my systems oh i think uh rohan uh you bought windows at first place if you're a hardcore linux user i think this is a common misconception because i have so many linux videos on youtube i've been a windows system admin i have um i don't know upwards of about 11 different certifications from microsoft ranging from windows xp all the way up to i think the last one i really got was server 2008 i know i think i got a 12-2 in there but yeah i got like mcitp enterprise administrator uh cert and everything in between um past 2012 i think i really just didn't keep up with my search because it just didn't matter anymore as i already had a ton of experience and i've been a windows user for 20 plus years i've been a windows linux desktop user for i don't know two years about two years i think for linux desktop um so not very often not not too long actually on that yeah anywho all right so let's go into here we're gonna do uh just launching the terminal on whatever live iso you have of linux and then we're just gonna do lsb okay it's going to show uh all our drives so we have two drives windows is going to be on sda but if you're unsure you can do sudo blk id see a bit more detail what you're going to be looking for is this right here there's a microsoft reserve partition which is sda and if you look up here sda 16 megs we don't need that but that tells us hey this drive has windows on it and all this all the stuff windows is installed it's going to be sda2 or if this is sdc or sdb whatever how many drives you have in your system just know that that's how you kind of identify it or at least that's the way i'd use it to identify so let's go mount dev sda2 and we're going to mount this to mnt and then we're going to just go into mnt or do a listing or ls for listing you can do it either way um or you can do lsa all and then you can see everything so i already copied that linux cleanup script into the root file so we can actually go and run that this comes with zero warranty press enter to continue so we'll go ahead and hit enter here actually ctrl c i think i need to do sudo so i didn't actually run this as super user because it will need to install certain things for this uh linux install so we want to run this as super user so pseudo this one all right back to it we'll go ahead get these things going f zf is required we'll press enter to continue we'll clone that over enable yes why enable yes and do you want to update your shell configured yes [Music] uh so i wasn't using msr is not needed per se i was just using it to identify the windows drive i already kind of knew what the drive was but i at least wanted to show that process for someone following this video at home so you know hey this is my windows drive you're not worried about it yeah so i have a ton of windows licenses to be legal you need to have a windows license for every windows license you have so make sure you always have a proper license for windows very important i am not on discord i had to shut it down i just have been running way low on time guys um between my day job and all the other things going on i just i i couldn't i couldn't uh do live chat so i actually um i'm not on discord anymore at all i think i i think i still haven't installed for like maybe the occasional game um that maybe i need to chat with like a buddy or something i can do it there windows license for every windows license [Laughter] i need to drink more coffee or water this is water windows license for every version of windows you have installed all right right now it's just backing up those files it found and then it'll go through and delete the files yeah so this this video will be posted later uh it'll be unlisted uh at first and you should be able to get it from there in the live streams playlist on this channel um i do like to do multiples meaning i do like to um change things to where uh i shorten this up to a more condensed version to where you don't have to watch like a two-hour live stream and you can just um watch it like a more condensed 10 or 20 minute on the tightest tech talk channel so i take all my more technical stuff and real condensed stuff and put it over there i used to upload all my live streams to the titus tech talk channel but uh i stopped doing that just because um a lot of those one i was streaming on twitch a bunch i still stream on twitch but mainly just playing games and not really tech stuff people will ask tech questions and i'll answer on twitch but i don't really just say hey here's the itinerary for today like we do on the youtube live streams i was like yeah i'll just do that all right we're done uh let's just reboot this shall we so we're gonna go back into windows now that we've cleaned it up and then we have the third script that we need to run i did notice that uh it didn't allow us to add some of those uh host file settings when we ran the first batch script so i'm curious to see what this looks like after uh it boots if it if it does boot i mean i don't know we'll find out oh i don't like that [Laughter] i don't like that at all all right let's see what we got so where are we sitting on tasks real fast we're at 106 processes still very very bulky all right we're going to unpin uh task view search hidden all right all that looks good how's our our home looking let's go ahead and clean this up remove whatever's left over here which there's still some stuff we'll just clean the rest of this out all right so we have that we are not looking very light right now so i think we will look at our settings here all right it did remove a lot of the stuff we needed it to remove which is good it's personalized oh i need to activate windows well then i shall activate windows i should have done that before doing this i'm going to see if it i can activate windows prior to this i'm going to look at my host file settings because i'm curious about that real fast let's go ahead and pull a post file let's go here see how it cleans up explorer a lot uh the official ame way of doing this i don't particularly like because it it strips out a lot of the stuff we know about windows explorer i kind of i don't necessarily hate the new explorer because honestly i've always hated windows explorer period whether it was old or new it kind of always sucked in my opinion so um i'm just gonna leave this at its stock settings it's fine um let's go into windows uh system 32 i believe is where the host file resides and drivers etc if i remember correctly ah look at that got some stuff all right so host file you can see has not changed um it did not block a lot of the telemetry servers and things of that nature i wonder if it's gonna reinstall stuff i think we're gonna leave it like this um even though probably shouldn't i think i'm gonna leave this going let's see what kind of background we have here what's it sending and receiving you can see the occasional check in there though let's see this is the true test like just letting it sit for a minute and just seeing if it's reporting stuff so kind of cool um so we can actually do a d bloat script on top of this right now we're actually changing how windows operates uh the the core components of windows we're actually ripping those out so you can still see some activities here i i'd like to do this but uh i also made a video called simple wall if you really are adamant about locking it down i wouldn't trust specifically just a host file entry because servers will get added dnses will change updates will happen and uh yeah it's just it's just what it is host file isn't a a proper block in my opinion having um an open source project like simple wall block all processes running i would say is a pretty solid thing so all right so this is this is technically somewhat deep loaded although man i still don't like it i mean you still got what 1.7 gigs of memory being used um cp usage ah i mean you still got a hundred and something processes running i mean there's still a lot of things happening in the background so i would say not exactly the most successful d bloat so far so let's go ahead i'm going to re-run that pre-script real fast just to see what happens with it let's go to downloads and we're gonna just run this again um we're gonna run that prescript just to see i wanna say do i still have that mounted i don't i don't think i do let's mount that that disc again it might have been when this got mounted with uh with the internet on it probably dsim probably repaired portions of windows at that point in time sad face all right um let's just hit enter yeah it's gonna kick me out all right we're just gonna edit that out on the script on the fly uh because we have already installed 3.1 so let's go let's just kill this portion of it shall we [Music] let's just remove that save we'll just edit on the flight don't necessarily i just want to rerun this just to see what we get because i i saw something that was really interesting where it said it did not get all of uh it said it was blocking the host file from getting modified so i'm curious on that i'm curious to see what happens so we're gonna rerun that pre-script just to make sure our host file gets properly modified oh that went too fast i don't think it did it i don't think it did it let's see that can't get it all right let's run a new task uh let's go explorer all right give me some explorer action come back in here let's go back into our host script let's see if it actually got it this time i wonder if they actually did a block that might be why this script hasn't been updated for 1909 or 2004 we can always modify it as well all right we're going to go system 32 having such a brain fart day all right etc hosts yeah so it's having issues modifying the host file probably an update or some way of microsoft blocking the modification to this that's interesting um makes me wonder what's gonna happen over time with this guy oh well let's let's go ahead run the post script on this ah crap one second guys [Music] this chrystitis [Music] oh well i'm not there oh yeah oh yeah [Music] yeah she's confused yeah just say i'm not not not they're not gonna be there yeah just say you talked to me and tell them i got hit by a bus all right later all right we got it i'm sorry guys apparently i had a meeting scheduled for something but it it was not important um all right that was not the call i was expecting um let's run the post install of this right now getting back to it the new windows guy oh man all right oops we need to run this as admin we're going to do the post uh ame see what happens with this it's just installing chocolaty in packages this is still pretty bulky though i wonder what happened during the install i imagine during that dism i do think it definitely added some blocks let's look at our details here looking at this let's see what we got i mean there's nothing too terrible in here going through the list i do have like a lot of uh amd stuff installed on this yeah there's still a good bit of windows crap look at this how many svc host iterations do i have that has to be at least 20 yikes all [Music] right [Music] yeah yeah my day job knows uh knows what i do um and knows how you do youtube on the side too i've actually worked uh off and on at that company for 12 years or so so still have like health insurance through them and some other stuff i love working for him it's something that i'll probably continue for the foreseeable future as i mean unless like youtube has some kind of health insurance program for creators that would be cool if i could get on google's healthcare i would be less inclined to keep keep my day job uh but yeah no not so much so i like having good healthcare so right now it's just going through and installing like uh visual c plus plus re redistribution of like 2000 or visual c plus plus 2005 2008 um just some base packages that a lot of things are going to use after we're done here we should have a pretty functional system um there's other things we'll go through the ame and i'll show you what all we skipped however like having that host file i'm still a little bit iffy about um whether or not this is gonna blow back up i don't think it will i think honestly i'm gonna leave it i'm gonna try and activate it uh using one of my keys and then um let's see what happens i bet you'll still interface with the activation server which is fine i'm fine with that but if it's still checking in with windows on the regular i'm less fine with that and yeah we'll see what happens once all this goes i'm installing a bunch of programs obviously right now to where this is not exactly going to give us what we got but i mean it's not too terrible this is what what is this oh this is an i5 9400 um so pretty decent system the i5 from the nine 9th gen intel really really solid chip the 9400f doesn't have an integrated cpu or integrated graphics so i am using a radeon rx 580 i am looking at doing a giveaway sometime next year uh once all the crypto mining dies down i have a bunch of rx 570 8 gig cards so i have a ton of rx 580 cards that i want to give away are the 500 series cards which will be cool there's brave all right we got all that user permissions this is where you would set up the user as a user and then have to type in your admin credentials to launch whatever it is you're trying to install we're gonna skip that so let's go ahead restart the system and go from there oh did uh mitchell say something i missed something from mitchell just catching up with chat while we we sit here and restart here ooh i like that uh shen neck copy the host file to a different location run the host file related script and then copy it back over yeah i think we can do that i'd like to see exactly where it's pointing to during all that so i think that'd be cool because that host file does worry me having all of uh all of the things there is just like yeah i don't know all right let's go ahead we're gonna set up classic shell or open shell you know what i don't even know if i like open shell that much anymore i used to love it but i've gotten so used to right clicking and doing i mean it's okay but i kind of like the old shell i've gotten so used to the new shell i don't even know if i want to use this anymore you know what i don't we're going to change things up here guys if you guys like the old window shell by all means you can do that let's go choco list coco list i always say chocolate the the short name of chocolaty wrong yeah so i i meant to tell you guys about that on patreon and i'm slowly revamping all that i have a portal of a whole bunch of different uh oh crap i just i just queried the entire chocolaty interface list dash dash installed is that it okay don't don't forget the dash dash installed all right uh sued think i'm in linux remove open shell i thought i had open shell on chocolaty all right well i guess i didn't install through there i thought i did but that's all right we're just gonna go here go app wiz.cpl we're going to remove open shell open shell uninstall do one more modifications i might actually just remove that altogether i think everyone's just so used to windows 10 now it's been five years since windows 7. windows 7 users are probably like open shell though so let's yeah so that's open shell so we're going back to traditional windows shell which is fine um do we have personalization let's see all right i'm gonna first activate the windows real fast and see if the activation goes through that is what i need to do real quick so give me just a second and i think let's grab that bear with me just one minute as we do need all of our stuff and then we're also going to fix the hosts file as well and just gonna put that right in here ah yeah i don't think it's gonna allow me crap should have activated before i did all this well i think i can manually activate through command line i think it's lu there's a non gui interface that you can activate windows licenses through [Music] let me see yeah i'd show this portion but i don't want to give away my product key because i do use a legit product key slm gr is the windows license that we need so we're going to actually install a product key real quick so run i'll run this in powershell and sl mgr.vps this is a built-in tool for windows and then we're gonna go forward slash ipk space and then our product key hit enter oh nope it didn't like that let's see let's try it's been a little bit let's go with this product key here yeah there we go installed successfully yay all right we're gonna go back to the desktop boom and we'll give it a reboot and then we should have it activated so if you do mess up like i did and forget to activate through the gui um or it didn't get activated on the initial run through which you should probably do it there you can always use slgm or sl mgr dot vbs it's a built-in tool to activate windows by the command prompt a good thing i think a lot of misconception about windows 2 while we're on the subject is windows is all gui based and that couldn't be further from the truth you can actually do anything in windows from command prompt or powershell everything still interfaces on the back end um with it so this can be very evident and there's products that microsoft makes where it's only uh powershell or command prompt based and that is uh windows server core um i'm familiar with windows 7 core if you're not if you're a windows server admin you probably should get familiar with core it's pretty cool because you can do like a secondary domain controller and put it on a really small vm and just virtualize that somewhere else in there to have a redundant domain controller there's a lot of really cool uses here i just don't see it very much and you don't really see anybody talk about that on youtube just because well typically that person probably has never done it or a lot of the windows server admins are frankly probably just making more money doing whatever it is they do in a day job but they could always do youtube um i just haven't seen anybody really do youtube that really really knows windows server really well that was the whole reason i started the youtube channel and then it morphed into linux because i found linux while i started youtube which is kind of funny alright so with that done we should have an activated still says not activated windows you're activated bro i just activated you and you said you were successful oh well okay well that's alright we don't really like the metro settings anyways all right so what is the first thing we want to do on this system i think we de-blowed it further because i'm really not satisfied with that um look at that 111 processes i mean it's clean-ish but i think we can do better we i know we can do better uh yeah i think i think when i deleted all those items it basically broke the settings menu ah that's unfortunate but all right let's fix the host file real fast i should have activated this system beforehand too if you've already activated the system you do this on too the motherboard will be already in the registry with windows so you won't run into this problem as well so let's first do that host file and we're going to just grab everything just the section of the script and make our own little host file for this as all right here we go editing host file let's go ahead do that copy we're gonna just make a new batch uh batch script as well oh you know what ah hey how's it going blackworm all right let's make our new uh file and i actually it's funny all right let's go file name extensions i actually changed that but whatever all right um we're gonna name this one hosts dot bat yes let's edit this and we're gonna paste this guy in here what we're gonna do is just kind of change this to be driver's etc we're going to just replace all that close so there's that we're going to save this out and then we're just gonna run this see what we get and then we're gonna open this guy with notepad no uh open with notepad cannot find hub no all right maybe we just gotta open it directly from here windows is having issues let's go all files hosts where's host file oh man oh did it delete it oh there's still some shenanigans all right there's still something running in the background like how's our processes keep creeping up it makes me want to just wipe it all out again it take too long though that sucks that's funny all right let's change it from hosts oh man that's crazy it is like reading it and then deleting it as it goes huh all right let's go let's replace it with something different test file dot txt that is super strange that's funny though i think microsoft just immediately went after this string and like embedded it somewhere in the windows that's nuts all right test file okay so here's all this it's totally not gonna work so this is what the host file should look like right but i don't think it's gonna work i think windows has found a way uh found a way to really block it let's let's do it though uh we're gonna first grab notepad plus plus plus plus oops and we're gonna just install notepad plus plus yes could be yeah it could be it could be blocking it because i'm not activated let's see i mean i think i can mainly force this through maybe let's okay that's notepad um i think i can just do notepad plus plus yeah all right let's just take this we're going to open up a host file directly in here because we're already running as admin if we go to drivers i think it's going to block me though those tricky windows people all right let's see what we get we're just trying to block the telemetry and the spying so let's go save let's refresh that i bet you it's growing through and grabbing it though reload yeah [Laughter] oh that is tricky that is tricky i dig it i'm not even mad at microsoft for that they they automatically look they automatically detect anything in the host file like this that's clean i'm not even mad at the people that went through and ripped that out that is that's solid so that's why like let's let's just see task manager i dig it and i can hear it kind of crunch to the background look at that look at that oh my gosh oh windows yes it it it wants to remain with the telemetry servers it knows it doesn't want to block itself uh yeah lin it's actually saving it so i actually launched that as admin it was actually a modified file it retained for about 30 seconds and then there's a process running inside of windows that's constantly checking for that host file and if it reads those it's blanking them out so writing the host file is not a problem it's just it's constantly checking for those servers and then it's it's wiping them out i think that's probably sparky mentioned that it was activation portion which totally could be and i don't think i can activate now that i've ripped out a lot of the components of windows so activation has to be done even even though i activated through slmgr.vbs it still doesn't like it because it's there's something else running in the background here which is crazy um we could try to change the file permissions let's let's go with that route first all right so we got that up we're going to just pull that to the side let's go ahead grab go into windows and see if we can't block that telemetry servers um but that's that was pretty clean that was like really really clean all right so we'll have hosts open right and we're just going to put read only and then we're going to hit apply um as soon as we get this done so we'll go ahead launch back into notepad plus plus we're going to take this copy come into here we're gonna go save oh there we go save apply continue all right and then we're gonna go file reload from disk all right it's reloaded from disk and it's read only let's see if microsoft will go through market not read only and reload oh that was clean look at chat coming through ah file reload from disk oh it's not able to change it all right there we go let's reboot let's see on restart what happens [Music] yeah so whatever window is there it's definitely uh definitely looks like the read only blocked it which is i mean technically it makes sense yeah we'll see we'll see if this actually worked like i said there's usually some startup checks that windows has as we see still have almost 100 processors running this isn't nearly as light as i hoped it's very fast though i will say that the reboots are happening uh in pretty darn good time so hey there is that all right so we're back in let's go notepad plus plus cannot open file file all right we'll launch notepad plus plus as admin all right we'll launch it as admin let's see what we get uh where's recent view recent file open open huh moral of the story just use linux yeah pretty much operation could not be completed because the file contains a virus or potentially unwanted software interesting so it's reading reading the host file oh that's super interesting drivers etc uh print really uh oh is it printf maybe oh what what's the powershell version of cat can't remember do we have i don't even think i have defender operational in the background let's see so defender i pretty sure got ripped out windows defender there's kms connection broker which i don't really know why that's even running i'm not connecting to a kms activation or anything it's very interesting though anywho i'm not going to get stuck on it that is interesting though um let's let's just go cat file from powershell i mean i can't i can't remember what the that file is oh man type ah it's type that's what it was yeah all right maybe type posts no you can't even type it all right i can't i can't even do anything with that file now that's funny though i mean if you do a dir you can see the host file has a considerable it hasn't been able to overwrite that so i guess the read only kind of worked but i'm sure the setting still yeah see it's still not showing my activation key even though i activated it yeah more or less earl activate it before you do any of this that's the moral of this story um i did let's see atl we can try it um as long as it doesn't expose my key uh s-l-m-g-r-a-t-o well it took the command yeah it still doesn't activate it though it's like let's reboot reboot simulator that's what windows is [Music] yeah so yeah i couldn't even type it there's z8 that's kind of crazy you have made a change reboot uh when you guys are making fun of me in linux videos i'll say this much know that i reboot all the time because i'm just so used to windows all right let's see what we got i don't think that's gonna work yeah i didn't think so it has to be activated all right but anyways we got a pretty small one let's go ahead take this a little bit further i'm not gonna be able to do much personalization which is sad i wanted to change my task tray around i mean i guess it could do registry entries for all this to change it around but i don't care that much i'm going to redo this probably after i'm going to make a full-on youtube video kind of streamlining this whole thing so if you want to see this whole process i'll i'm going to redo this whole thing and we're going to we'll do it up properly yeah hey dad i'm in the middle of live stream bud um yeah i'll be in in probably like 30 minutes all right pizza that was just my son um all right let's see yeah i don't i don't use windows 7 at all like windows 7 don't just don't i'm i'm over windows 7. it is not supported it's super vulnerable uh there's no other really great ways of explaining it than that all right we're gonna set this as default boop switch anyways all right what do we got all that looks pretty solid for our default says let's go windows amy let's see if there's anything else we want to do here this is a really modified version of ame obviously we should have activated beforehand basically just going through the build it yourself a couple things we need to do security updates we definitely need to actually grab uh let's let's go over the updates in ame real fast or this version with a lot of things ripped out so this is the servicing stack update you'll notice that this is from january this is really old uh that's not acceptable so we'll do a copy of this and we're gonna paste that in let's grab the recent uh month is nine right yeah it's september so we're gonna grab the surfacing stack update for this um and we need 1903 that's our version so we're going to grab this one x64 servicing stack oh that's windows update ah there it is that's the latest and greatest for that guy so we're gonna grab this file save this to downloads because we need to be able to do our updates um minimize that guy close that out this one is the cumulative update which will be run after the servicing stack so let's go ahead put that in here and we're gonna just delete that out put today's month this gets updated every month i don't think there's a cumulative update that doesn't go by uh without a month uh pretty much every month if not go back one number but they usually have a cumulative update for pretty much every month all right uh don't do the previews only do these so we got 1903 64. cumulative update that's what we need nine nine so what is that about nine days ago that's a pretty solid update we'll grab that guy and click on that and download it so looking at this instructions i kind of went backwards on this that will whatever we'll get her done we'll get it done we'll just let this uh go get these updates downloaded and then we're gonna do a full on update without windows update so we're gonna be updating windows with just security updates uh just remember the servicing stack update is the one you need and then cumulative updates which rolls all the security updates into one for your version again you could do this on like a 1909 or 2004 if you want just remember when you do type winver and it'll show your version this one's in 1903. uh is the actual official site um i'll be making my own version of this and posting it as i do the youtube video because there's a lot of things i skip or just don't use when doing it [Music] yeah yeah so i don't use vivaldi anymore i'm basically just using brave all the time now vivaldi was getting kind of bulky on me and wasn't uh wasn't as responsive as i liked so i switched over to brave i think i put a link in the description i'm pretty sure it's in the description i think it's part of my defaults for brave uh so if you're interested in brave browser click the link in the description and all that other youtube stuff smash subscribe bell all that good jazz i never say that in my videos i really should but i figure at this point in time everybody's been on youtube forever and they're like okay i like this guy's video they'll like it or if they want to subscribe and see more videos like that one they'll hit subscribe but i probably should say in the video i just get tired of hearing it myself so i don't ever say it scorpion we're ripping out all the components of uh windows basically making a bare bones version of windows chromium is also good i like chromium i like brave um i like firefox those are probably the three i'd recommend uh depending on what your needs are brave chromium or uh firefox did i did try edge chromium um it was okay uh i i'm like i'm i'm wishy-washy on the the edge chromium i wouldn't recommend it but at the same time i didn't hate it so i i'm not gonna i'll let it go for a little bit i'm more curious to see once it has uh more adoption what happens all right we're going to expand our msu file so let's go ahead and do that and then we're gonna grab the cat or the actual uh cab files once those expand let's just pull these up but we're gonna use powershell for this one i think they might be using nah i don't think they're using cmd on that but we're going to use powershell um downloads and l ls let's see what we got here we'll go there paste this guy in expand dash f and we're gonna go windows iso uh nope nope nope man what is it did not like that all right let's go windows 10. all right there we go and this is servicing stack right oh no this one is going to be bulk is what we'll call that um let's just make directory bulk and then make directory ssu for servicing stack and then we're going to expand that into both right all right and then we're going to come back and grab the next one which will be that guy and we're going to put this in the servicing stack all right so we extracted those um and now we need to do this guy right here so we'll just copy this come right into a powershell again i'm going to make a little bit different instructions on this as i think we can do a little bit better job on these but i really love the idea of ame all right so we're in bulk this is the second one we need to do the surfacing stack first so we'll do an ls on this guy and we need to install that uh that package which we can just do windows or crap just do that all right oh i missed my ah i missed my linux terminal i miss it uh all right how i can keep forgetting on marking works and powershell windows terminal is actually not too bad though it's it is not so bad all right we just need this cab file enter right click and that should get that package installed so this is a serving servicing stack we'll reboot after this one and then we'll come back and do our full on cumulative update after this so let's go ahead and restart see we get which version for the dark mode of explorer added i believe that was in 1909 so we're one generation back so we don't have dark mode on 1903 i think when i do this one i might choose 1909 for it 2004's been a bit buggy um for me so i don't know if i'd want 2004 as a solid release because once you do this you you aren't upgrading like if you want to upgrade your windows after doing something like this you're going to be doing a complete reinstall of windows so kind of important to know [Music] yeah yeah yeah sparky [Music] definitely be popping that store link in there if you're interested in any of the merch definitely by all means [Music] oh man sign i think we're still pretty high on the actual numbers here i was very i was not impressed i was not impressed at all with uh the running processes 107. oops yeah 107. not great but i haven't done the d bloat as well we'll do the d bloat on top of this and see if we can't get that down further so but let's let's finish these updates uh first we're gonna go into bulk um which we need to install this cab file so let's go ahead launch into powershell and i think we can just go bulk and let's see if we can't remove that ow where's my autocomplete when you need it that's sad all right [Music] i guess we'll just type it out who cares kb four five seven four seven two seven dash x64 five bucks says i've typed something wrong here underscore [Music] psfx that should get us this is the cumulative update so this one will take a little bit longer i imagine [Music] ah all right i bet i typed something wrong oh crap oh well yeah let's go into downloads what i was about to say what all right we're gonna do bulk and do an ls all right there's that [Music] i tell you and now i think it should be in our history and i should be able to do up bulk actually i think i might be able to come back into that [Music] and i think i might be able to just do bulk for this i did a mistype i knew i always missed something i always missed type on those oh there we go so this will install the servicing stack update to this month um we'll have every single service update everything up to the last nine days so which is pretty much everything you need to have a secure version of windows just remember when you're doing this uh always do the servicing stack first reboot and then do the cumulative updates after you do the servicing stack uh it's real important that's the order they go in but that's how you interact with the catalog and then you also actually go out and do the actual uh updates themselves a default number for processes is about 150 um with nothing installed uh or about 140 to 150 i do have some things installed as uh on my drivers uh if you go into device manager you'll notice i still have like all the amd software which adds probably between five and ten processes so if you look i have uh the amd control panel down here so here's the radeon let's just do a quick setup uh we're gonna use this for gaming continue um but yeah you got like all this stuff installed as well which i went ahead and did just because well if you have a good graphics card you want the most up-to-date drivers just doing the drivers without the the tool sets i don't know i'm just not not huge into that i like just using the w uh wqhl drivers the official certified ones for microsoft and just doing the bulk package it's usually what i recommend so i do have some stuff installed here but not enough to really warrant 120 processes so let's uh once this uh roll up and all our cumulative stuff gets installed we'll uh reboot it's actually probably about 110 that that roll ups definitely going to be doing a bunch of stuff in the background so let's let's chat for a little bit because uh like i said the cumulative one usually takes i would say five to ten minutes on a decent computer because it's every single update uh every single security update for the past two years as 1903 came out in 2018 so very important to know will you stay up will this stay up on the youtube replay yeah java um it'll be unlisted but i put all that stuff directly in to there so so if you're interested in that well what's the minimum process we are looking for michael i really wanted to get to 50 but that might have been too big of an ask um but we'll see what we end up at because i do i'm kind of uninstalling stuff and then installing stuff at the same time so honestly anything sub-hundreds probably solid but the big thing is when you're looking at that windows instance it's kind of blanked out so uh big thing here is you gotta activate your system at least once before you do any of this once you rip out a lot of these components you're just going to be stuck and you won't be able to personalize your system you won't be able to do a lot of the other stuff that we need so this is pretty much um it's definitely lighter than ltsc so this way is really neat because it does rip out quite a bit of stuff i know the stream's not over yet i'm still i'm just waiting for a roll up and instead of me just sitting here showing progress i thought hey we'll just go full screen chat and uh answer some questions you all have and then once the update's done we'll come back most people just don't like staring at windows updates it's not the most riveting thing although i don't know i don't know if my face is the most riveting thing either um if you have a fear of doing this the first thing i would recommend you you can see i messed up parts of this um definitely do it at a virtual machine first that's the big thing i've had a great week sparky thanks for asking man how long you've been streaming on youtube um that's kind of a weird question so the very first stream i ever did in my life was on youtube at a thousand subscribers uh it was really crazy i just kind of got on here i was like hey thanks guys and it was it was funny uh it reminded me the first time i did public speaking and got in front of a crowd because it was it was that kind of thing because i never live streamed before so that was january 2019 so that was about a year and a half and some change so that was the last time uh that i did that which is great and i will make a condensed version of this video as well i just kind of want to show everybody live just so they know that hey it's not just crap so yeah i also didn't want to use any tools like um the tool kit or anything third party i wanted to show everybody how to interact with uh everything directly so if you're wondering why i did things the way i did is one i wanted to be on the up and up i wanted to be completely legal i wanted to use all open source stuff and i wanted to interact with windows in a way that anybody would interact with windows so that's it this stream will be viewable as a normal video as well so if you like to re-watch it again you can for sure [Music] yeah yeah no you will be able to once i i wrap you'll be able to come back all my live streams will also be in there um in the actual uh live stream playlist which i've been linking in my videos lately too so hey we got some progress over here finally finished um we did have one error package roll up fix air right here says the component store's been corrupted that should be okay i think it still installed everything let's look at uh history uh can't remember the command in powershell let's just google it powershell update history let's see we got check your update history with powershell blah blah blah yeah that's it i don't know why i didn't remember wmic space qfe space list [Music] ah lordy all right let's see we got all right we got all those installed security update update uh what version did i install here this is 727 727 that is there so this was the servicing stack update this was this update this update down here i did not install microsoft slipped it in so this might be why we're having some issues down here um that's interesting or actually four five seven six seven two seven uh seven five one oh nope it never it never got this this one actually failed on me sad face we might need to look at any other cab files that are in this folder sometimes wss scan cab i don't think it needs that but they oh maybe they've added something to double check it it's hard to say on that but it did not install this roll up properly yeah i got micro shafted on this one ah darn it all right well let's see here we could okay so what they might have done here is they don't want people doing this so they might have added a secondary thing to check for a wsus server we might be able to emulate one using like a local host that way we can actually download and install these i got some ideas on this i'm gonna have to probably research it offline and make a video about it but we might be able to do a wsus server on the local host and use that to update windows instead of the built-in windows service i'm going to redo this install using 1909 do it all install wsus locally on it as long as they don't have any server requirements and then see if i can't use that uh to push the updates instead of doing it manually through dism that might be a good workaround just spitballing here just thinking of this because it should have pushed this package through but it did not which is kind of sad but yeah let's see maybe maybe there's another package here let's look through this real fast let's go back to the catalog and see if there's another update package that we can get let's go all right um let's go windows update catalog all right and we're gonna search for oh nine or i'm sorry it goes it goes year dash nine and then cumulative update oh i always spell things wrong you always i always get emails about people saying my website i spelled it wrong i'm like well i'm not exactly the best when it comes to the english language [Music] all right so everything's from on here let's see if we have a cumulative update 1909 64-bit this is what we downloaded right here is there another version we could grab oh you know did we grab 1909 or did we grab 1903 and now we had to grab 1903 right [Music] yeah i'm gonna go ahead and grab this guy a05c is the file download let's see what it looks like on here a05c yeah that's the exact same file so that's the file we've downloaded let's see if maybe there's something on the next page and we'll go back and see what we have oh man look at that they're still doing cumulative updates for like 1507 and 1607. god those are old 1703's creator update that was probably my favorite version of windows by the way nope nothing in here we just need 1903 and i don't think any of this is going to be what we need nope bummer all right let's try to do the cumulative update we did install net framework 3.5 i'm tempted to grab this guy right here just to see if that might be interfacing with it let's grab it and see if it installs i don't have a guide using virtualbox i i actually i think i've done virtualbox a little bit i'm not a huge fan of virtualbox though so all right we're just going to extract these files i'm going to go back and we're going to see about doing this one update and then we'll move on i'm just going to flip through the rest of that list and just see if there's anything else in there that we we'd want to grab so let's see expand f and or actually we're gonna we're gonna do a listing expand and i think crap let's just go up don't want to mess up the syntax again and we're going to just expand this right into our regular folder so let's take a peek and it's going to be that secondary file windows 10.0-kb and it's going to be for that one and the destination we'll just put in our current folder do a listing and we're going to install this cab file just to see if this dism is right or not so we're going to just grab this back to downloads and install this cab file right here [Music] see what that does not applicable all right well so be it darn it well the servicing stack did work but the actual one did not for that again i don't like this method for updating i'm going to look at using wsus which is more of an enterprise thing where we're interacting with the catalog but it's more of a a way that microsoft wants administrators to do it so doing that might be a good alternative to to this way as well i'm going to go back to the amil rated and just see if there's anything else i left out um and then we should be pretty much done i will run my script at the end here just to see what the final process count is so let's go ame windows and go into documentation so we've done that done the postscript classic show i went ahead and installed removed i didn't like classic shell anymore i didn't modify windows explorer because i'm used to the new explorer as well laden is hardening tools i love this project this is another github project it hardens windows and removes some attack vectors highly recommend it go into releases we'll run this really fast but we're going to change some things because there's certain things i like to use still and you'll probably need to use as well unless that update method works for me [Music] so we're going to just start this up as admin and we're going to show expert settings there's certain things we're going to do we need power shell or i need it for like dism and other things for updating um the rest of this honestly it's fine to block like script host a lot of the office macros these are a lot of exploited uh places so removing that i hate the uac prompt so i take that off teach his own though you know if you want to be secure set yourself as user do the user adm admin portion however i didn't i'm just still running as admin and i'm disabling usc prompt both those are security concerns but um i don't really care i just dislike them because it slows me down so uh just know you're giving up some security for convenience and that's what we're gonna do so we're just gonna harden those asr fail with air okay show results and asr fail power shell not selected all those okay so we're good so just asr did not work which is fine so we can close that out and restart windows so this just does that a little bit um i didn't recover my hackintosh i just said forget it this is actually the hackintosh computer we're on i i usually am just wiping out stuff constantly um because i like to use bare metal instead of vms for a lot of things i should get more of that authentic experience it's fine like um i could have recovered it using just time machine and doing like going back to catalina or i could have redone that install using the efi and putting it on uh big sur but i didn't um but i obviously keep always i usually always keep my my linux partition just because you can do just just about everything which is great all right so we're back in our thing oh we got some changes let's let's hide that all right cool nobody wants to see a bunch of hidden files on their desktop all right so this is good um hardening tools let's go back to millerated and see if there's anything else in here that we want we did all that we skipped classic shell windows store we ran the hardening tools the application defaults you don't need to do this uh this just basically sets the application defaults for certain things like only office and stuff we didn't even install only office i modified the script so wouldn't use only office um using like flack and mkv when i get those files i can just go open with and select whatever i want so if you have a file and it's not opening with the right thing you can just go let's grab this and go open with and then you just select whatever app you want and then just say hey always use this file but we don't need to do that so that's kind of a pointless setting wallpaper for desktop and lock screen i think if honestly if i would have activated it i wouldn't even need to do this way and um it's here in case you guys need this instructions but i'm going to redo this again when i make the more condensed youtube video and i think i can get this down without needing all this these shenanigans at the end for the wallpaper and lock screen so with that said uh let's go ahead do the final cleanup and we're just gonna run what i usually do with my powershell script and uh we'll go windows 10 scripts down here and we're just gonna go no one drive indexing or defender i love this script if you want just targets for bloatware and telemetry here's the minimal one so we're gonna just go ahead go powershell admin put that in there run this script and clean it up a bit but if this is the first time doing i highly recommend using a vm test it out a bit uh obviously don't do the activation portion at the very beginning you can just skip it and just do uh do it without activation and just just till you get the steps down right and you get a good functional system like this is pretty functional and you can do pretty much whatever you want with it it's just uh you know right now um there's certain things like doing the activation forgetting about that was uh kind of a bummer but past that i think pretty much everything else is fine does linux kernel updates affect lots of apps i seem to reinstall my droid cam client every time i do kernel updates great question michael it'll affect anything that uses a kernel module so think nvidia drivers uh my capture software that i'm using for this right here this is a linux box we're streaming on um that's a magewell capture card that has a kernel module so it affects that so anything that interfaces with the module which isn't very much stuff it shouldn't be applications per se but more hardware it interfaces with that you have to worry about kernel updates so most things won't break in that regard i broke activation peter even though i had a good key and i activated it through the visual basic script it still wouldn't recognize it because i stripped out all a lot of the components that activation uses because it has telemetry built in so kind of broke stuff today um we're still waiting on this script to finish up and then we're going to do one final reboot let's see where we ended at on that regard are you going to install microsoft office 365 i probably will but i want to try a couple things first before i put more stuff on this i'm pretty sure office 365 will go into this just fine but um right now i think i will uh just have this i want to redo it a couple times because this was just kind of like the first run through of ame and i want to make sure that i get all those set up properly so that's that's why so i'll i'll i'll redo this and do a little more polished this is a bit rough around the edges so if you're watching this on the replay just know sometime in the next week i should have a full blown a little more polished script both on my website and then also i will have a full video kind of overlaying it where i'll just cut out all the dead space and fluff so i bet i can get it down into a probably 10 minute video 15 minute video for the youtube algorithm and everyone can follow it along if not hey you can always use this two hour long live stream where you kind of just see this whole portion although remember that activation that's that's a big thing as well so definitely do that it also could have been you know what i'm thinking i ripped out the one drive section of this script and i'm starting to think maybe leaving one drive in was not a good idea but we'll see we'll see [Music] for your best version of windows windows 10 1703 i see people saying it's 1709. uh 1709 was awesome yeah lin actually i misspoke when i said 1703. 1709 was the creators update so yes 1709 was my favorite version so yes i did misspeak thanks for correcting me there yeah youtube's just weird i mean it's fun i i love the two channels where if something doesn't fit into what i think the algo likes i will just go ahead and throw it on titus tech talk so if you guys haven't subscribed yet to titus tech talk be sure and subscribe to titus tech top as well so um do that we should be should be good ah man i'm just getting blown up on my phone so we'll see yeah if you're if you're looking for the link to that channel it's in the description as well so all right here we are oh gosh i did did it did grab him pc all right so fresh boot here is everything let's go ahead go task manager let's see what our performance is not great 107 settings oh it does have a dark theme on 1903. how about that you can see all the other stuff that's actually stripped out messed up activation like i said this needs to be redone not satisfied with it but you guys get the idea of this couple more things to hammer out however it is a fully functional system um as you see almost everything works identically to how normally would on on windows but i want to go ahead finish this up i'm going to reformat this reload it all see if i can't do a windows server update services or a wsus for short get that going and figure out a way to update it without using windows update physically on the system i don't know if that's gonna work probably not because it's probably gonna have some wacky dependencies that i'm not gonna meet because i stripped it out but yeah i'll look at both those ways of doing updates a little bit cleaner those are the biggest things i really would want to address before the video and then installing like office steam for gaming and then probably like the adobe adobe suite would be another one i think i have adobe reader uh or no i have adobe professional so i think i can actually go ahead and do that for my job i have adobe reader professional version that i can install so i can test the creative suite as well because those are the three things people hate about ame that i need to uh need to fix but uh with that guys i think that's where i'm gonna leave this one kind of a win kind of not i i'm not satisfied with this version needs some more polish but i think using a variant of the ame script and then also regular scripts we can get it to a point where it's going to be very very clean very very lightweight and get it to a point where telemetry and a lot of the badness of windows 10 is no longer there so i think all in all not bad let me know what you guys think in the chat or in the comments after this goes unlisted uh i do check back on these every once in a while so if i miss something you're like oh you're watching on the replay let me know in the comments um as it just it agreed it did not come close to light it did not beat the windows 7 test so i'm going gonna redo this until i get it there this was not a win in that regard so we're gonna get it to the lightest though we need it we need it a lot lighter uh just using a powershell script and also stripping out a lot more of the utilities the processes count still quite high but i did like the fact that a lot of the menus and metro stuff was uh was fine so it's fun if you guys haven't yet check out the merch store we got all kinds of shirts over there mugs masks all that all the good stuff uh and it's not using teespring like many other people on youtube it's using i think printful is the back end for that one so pretty good stuff uh and next what is it i would do a usually a q a here at the end is there's one question gsn hit me up real quick um and any other questions real fast let's go ahead got four minutes for q a and then i gotta get out of here because i am getting blown up what do you make of prom proxmox chris do you use it and rate it a proxmox is fun to learn on it has great intuitive interfaces using like pipe spice or vnc for remote desktops so it's really good for youtube videos if you need a bunch of different environments set up proxmox great for business though i really like obviously the de facto standards vmware but you're going to pay a good jillion dollars in licensing fees so i really like xcp and g if you're an smb out there xcpng is great it's based on zen server which is made by citrix so it's a very much more enterprise grade [Music] product compared to proxmox so that's why is windows 10 1909 a good one to do this on i don't know this is the first time i've done it i picked 1903 because that's what uh the guys over at ame team used i wasn't a fan of this whole process uh i think it can be vastly improved which i'm gonna work on and we'll see what comes of that do you i need two efi partitions for two linux distros with windows 10 no no uh efi just think of efi is like your boot menu do you want multiple boot menus not really you'll have an efi partition for windows and you'll have an efi partition for linux and then you just boot to that drive both you can add uh entries in i find adding the entry into windows 10 is a little easier for linux and the reason why i do that is because when windows 10 updates sometimes it can break a dual boot system so that's why what about try this script with 1709 uh i could 1709 honestly i could do i have a minimal version of 1709 i've used in the past but it's getting a little long in the tooth now with 1709 where i don't think i'd want to run 1709 for a lot of practical stuff a lot of software coming out it's just not compatible with such an old version of windows 10 which is funny i mean it's windows 10 it should be fine but 1709 does have problems i did not recover the hackintosh uh we that's what we use today actually i i just wiped that out that that system is like i call it my mint box because i always leave linux mint on it and then i just boot secondary systems from it uh such as windows or hackintosh or whatever whatever have you wsl2 arch linux i haven't done or messed with uh wsl 2 in a little bit wsl 2 made me mad there was a bug and uh update last couple of months that messed things up that just was like yeah so hate wsl too what is a good antivirus for windows what about backup software for windows 10. um antivirus program i recommend eset that's what is my recommended one for a paid one if you want a free one windows defender is still very solid free a lot of free antivirus i absolutely hate if i was going to choose something to complement an antivirus like windows defender malwarebytes would probably be a decent free option for folks that you can couple it with it but as a rule of thumb don't install two antiviruses that's terrible that's worse than a virus so don't do that and as far as backup software uh cronus backup assist uh you know all a backup exec from symantec i've used them all uh i don't know i like backup assist probably out of the two um probably a little bit lesser known i don't i don't even know if i've used a later version of it on windows 10 that much so i don't really use a lot of backup software these days with windows 10 i usually just back up the data very little times do i ever back up a residential machine on windows 10 if i was gonna do full-on backups of a box where i wanted like a block based backup but let's say this machine out here or my wife's machine inside uh get a synology box i got a synology box back there um and i love it they have like built-in uh backup software that you can put an agent on that system and it'll do full backups to where you can restore that whole system so a bunch of different options for you uh for just depending on what your needs if it's enterprise you're going to probably go towards those earlier options i talked about for residential get like a little nas box uh like the synology that's great so yeah i also don't recommend like i said the whole update rant during the middle of the video i constantly have to be telling people that um feature updates bad security updates good just remember that as a de facto standard security updates are a good thing don't just disable updates universally you still need those security updates uh the best way of doing that if you guys haven't known i did make a little guide on on how to do the security updates only so all right i think with that guys i am going to get out of here um i got some bunch of stuff i got about six calls to to respond to and i gotta get going but i will see you guys tomorrow or not tomorrow friday next friday next friday um and i'll be on here you might catch me on an occasional stream on twitch i have been doing like a surprise stream here and there so if you are a twitch user occasionally i'll get in there and if you just want to ask me a question usually i'm playing like some weird game or whatever and i'll answer the occasional question in chat and usually it's only like 20 people so it's not like youtube or it's just like scrolling so there's that hope you all have a fantastic weekend love you all if you haven't again check out uh the secondary channel titus tech talk um it's down below i do little bits there like two three minute videos and even longer streams in the past where i was doing this type of thing over on twitch but i don't do that any longer as i usually just use twitch for gaming so uh with that i will see you all in the next one have a great weekend all still kind of awkward when i get out of here i tell you i hit that uh hit that in streaming it just yeah it's always hard wrapping things up love you all take it easy [Music]
Channel: Chris Titus Tech
Views: 40,771
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: P9sBeDge5YE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 125min 59sec (7559 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 20 2020
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