How to Optimize Windows 10 for Gaming and Performance

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faster lighter better than windows 7. that's what this is all about windows 10 can be a bit of a clunky big mess at times and i've made plenty of optimization guides and how to install and this and that this video takes everything i'm talking custom isos windows amy d bloat scripts all of them combine them all into one video and that's this video check time stamps down below i've marked up everything you don't necessarily need to do everything in this video however i wanted to go ahead and do everything so we can take this to the extreme so with that said let's get on the desktop and get into this now in true fashion i have created an entire article which i'll expand on i called it the windows 10 optimization guide and it's into three parts the custom iso part installing windows 10 and removing components and then optimizing the settings so we're going to start with custom iso the easiest method for a custom iso and if you're not familiar this is the install media to install windows 10 is int lite it's thirty dollars i'd put a link here but you don't need to click the link it's not an affiliate or anything like that it's just a easy software to customize windows 10. however i really don't think that's applicable for probably most people watching the video because you're going to just want a clean windows to use for years on end so then second method was which i actually made a video about was msmg toolkit it's this right here just click on this this video kind of shows you how to utilize this script it'll show you how to actually create the entire iso and it breaks it down from this main menu shows everything in the toolkit to make a custom iso about a 10 minute video watch if you want to take this method however i love giving you options when it comes to these types of things and if we go back to the guide you'll notice the third option which is the official microsoft method you don't hear about it too much and you probably don't see too many youtube videos because it is a pain i only recommend it for advanced users however i wanted to leave some links for those that want to go ahead and download the adk or utilize windows deployment services now there was one video on youtube which i thought was very good just released by uh craft computing excellent guy very knowledgeable i watched this entire 30 minute video and he did a dang good job of actually covering wds and doing sysprep and those types of things i will say most users are going to hate this and honestly i have ptsd just from doing it in business that i never want to make a video i never even want to touch it again that's how much i hate it but it's an option for those that want to do it so we'll create the iso first using that and i'm just going to throw it on vintoy now vintoy this is where it's kind of like a whole bunch of videos in one bin toy is a multi-boot solution to where you can just take a bunch of isos and drop them in here there's a couple isos we're going to do obviously the custom windows one which pick your method that i just showcased and then we also need to download linux and for linux i recommend linux mint it's probably the most familiar to folks so if we go linux mint download just grab the standard cinnamon flavor of linux mint right here and go for it if you're in the us i find giganette has probably some of the highest transfer speeds or you could just torn it directly either way grab the linux mint iso and also put it on ventoy you'll see i have it right here under vintoy i have a whole bunch of isos on my venn toy so we can easily install this one i've already got the windows 10 lite and we also have linux mint 20 cinnamon edition so this is part one let's go ahead and install windows in under five minutes utilizing this method i'm gonna go ahead and reboot the pc and start the install of windows all right if we hit f2 or delete at startup usually you get into your bios from bios i usually just go into your settings save and exit and usually you have a boot override you could also change your boot around depending on what you're doing here we're just going to go right into our usb that's plugged into the computer with vindoy on it we'll click enter and ventoy now we just select our windows light that iso we've created and this should boot into a startup now let's go ahead and start the timer here as this should only take about five minutes to install i'll say i do not have product key since i've already activated windows on this it should already activate on startup i will say during the setup make sure that you go ahead and disconnect from the internet uh we'll go ahead delete all of our partitions here be careful not to delete any partitions on say a games drive like this three terabyte drive we'll leave that intact we have drive zero unallocated next now some people use the front ports on this don't do that go ahead reach behind your computer even if it's in a nook or cranny plug it into a legit back port preferably usb 3 using a usb 3 drive this will take no time at all as you see it is just flying through this install process we're about two minutes in right now and we're almost done i think this is actually going to probably take closer to about three minutes for the installation that's how i'm able to install windows in such a short period of time all right here's the getting things ready section on a custom iso this usually takes about 30 seconds so from here it should restart the system again and boot directly into our desktop all right now we'll have to answer some questions on startup unless you did it unattended file on your custom iso i didn't i just did really the basic msmg strip down tool kit you'll notice no ethernet is connected remember that's important that you don't have internet on we'll say limited setup and we'll label this better than win seven next no password here by doing this we're able to skip a large portion of this now you can go ahead turn all this off if you like it really doesn't matter as when we run our de-bloat script it's going to pick all this off anyways and we don't want to keep track of history now normally here you would see a big text that's saying hey getting things ready and blah blah blah since i've actually stripped out cortana and other things it's just going to be a black screen this black screen usually depending on the speed of computer lasts between 1 minute and two minutes okay and here we are first thing we do is one we probably want to update our drivers and then to activate windows you need to activate windows otherwise you're going to always have a watermark this isn't about how to pirate windows this is how to have a stripped-down clean version of windows using official resources so we're going to go start run type services.msc the first thing we're going to do is disable windows update for now because it is actually about to get completely removed but when we connect up that network connection we want to make sure it doesn't go out and start updating a whole bunch of stuff we don't want so this one right now is disabled which is fine this one is running the medic service uh you can't really disable it or anything just make sure it's stopped that's probably the best you can do and we'll go ahead and plug up our internet download our drivers and activate windows all right the cable is plugged back in we'll say yes now it's going to go through it's going to be dinging and getting all of the drivers installed now another method to do this hit device manager just make sure you don't have any caution symbols like this now you can go out search the web whatever i like to use snappy driver tool it's great tool and i usually just come in here and hit select all and then install any missing drivers as you see i got like a 2060 ethernet driver just some other stuff we'll go ahead and hit install and let all this install it's just an easy way of doing it and also you can also stay offline if you have all this downloaded however i will say the full offline installer for snappy drivers about 50 gigs all right all that looks good now we can probably see in our device manager a lot less on the drivers you can see how most of all of those were found we still have to get our nvidia driver installed but we can always do that at a later date as that's completely independent the last thing we need to do before we start modifying anything it's just some cleanup here we'll go ahead unpin things from the start menu remove anything else in here that you see i like to just kind of flip through here if you miss anything from your custom iso just go ahead uninstall all of these things and the rest is pretty good this is actually not that deep loaded of an iso but still rather nice let's give it a restart and see how fast it restarts here all right here's the startup process now you'll notice on a strip down or a custom iso the boot sequence is relatively quick as you see it's about four to five seconds on the full boot from bios to desktop and this is actually not even an nvme drive this is an old solid state so you can get this down to just a couple seconds really now with all this done we can go ahead and begin the whole ami and stripping more things out to make it even more minimal now from the custom iso perspective you'll see on the more details we're at about 117 processes now before we started most systems run about 150 to 200 processes fully loaded so 117 for starting points pretty good but i really think we can get down to windows 7 levels of about 50 to 60 processes all right it is time to start the full purge of most components in windows 10 with windows amy method now if you don't want to do this this breaks windows update and does remove quite a few features of windows so i don't recommend it for everybody but we're going to the extreme back to our optimization guide you'll see we have all this here's the official one but i went ahead and forked it and made a completely different github one there are certain things it did that i didn't particularly like i didn't like oral explorer i didn't like open shell i didn't like a lot of the things they did with ame that i thought kind of removed functionality or just made it feel kind of like an old version of windows and we're just going to go ahead and just download all these files and if you want to review each one of these scripts you can it's all open source or you can fork it make it your own whatever you want to do with it in our downloads folder and i'm just going to extract all just right to our downloads and open it up you can see the modified batch file i also removed office and a lot of other packages that the ame team wanted to install as i just didn't think it was very necessary for most folks the thing we need to pay attention to is the sh file we actually are going to take this file and put it in the root of c we'll just drop it in here we'll come back to that when we go into linux to actually do that but going back to our downloads folder we still have our batch file we'll just right click run as admin and then from here we run the pre administration script and it'll request the windows now if you haven't already plugged in back there that's fine but since we use vintoy we can't exactly do that so you got to copy that iso off and mount it which is pretty easy to do back on the actual ventoy we'll grab our windows i actually have a full version of windows here that isn't modified or a custom iso we're going to take that one as we just want to grab the net files from it so we'll put that in the downloads folder and paste it i love how steady and just more consistent copies are once you start using custom stuff like this alright we'll right click and hit mount and you'll see it's the g drive so we just come into here hit g enter all right and now that the script is done it just reboots and we're gonna go into our boot menu now for my computer it's like f11 some are f10 or f12 but from the boot menu we're going to select that vintoy now we can actually start to modify things and we're just going to select the sandisk usb drive and we're going to boot into our linux we're going to pick linux mint 20 cinnamon and here's a little menu just select the first one now i know something's going to happen here and i did this on purpose you see how we have artifacting and it's not booting properly this is because i'm using an nvidia driver chances are you won't have this happen but i'm going to go ahead and show you how to bypass this just in case this does happen to you so i'm going to go ahead and hard reboot and come back into the boot menu and fix our nvidia up so we can get on our linux desktop all right come back into linux mint cinnamon and then instead of here we're going to press e and then come down to the linux line we're going to come to the end of this and we're gonna wipe out everything all the way up to quiet and then hit no mode set and then from here we just press f10 and it'll add this little option that makes it so we can boot in using an nvidia driver or nvidia card and we are on the desktop go into files come into the root file right here you can see our miller rated script already there right click open in terminal we just do sudo forward slash am and then just type tab to auto complete hit enter and it'll ask us a bunch of questions we can just go ahead and hit enter for each one it'll just choose the default options enter enter enter and now it'll just go through and kill each one of these files folders in windows all this is really doing is deleting files when looking directly at the script and while this goes and does its thing let's take a peek at the script and we'll just open this with a text editor put this over here you can see kind of what it's doing it's making a backup of the ame and then it's basically copying all those old files like internet explorer windows media player windows mail windows defender those things that we can't delete in windows that we are deleting here it's basically copying them all so we could revert this necessarily now i've never actually reverted back from an ame system just because there's so much other stuff that i honestly think it's just better to do a fresh install but once that's all done you can see what it's doing it's doing our rm rf windows defender internet explorer windows media player windows mail and the list goes on and on smart screen a lot of the junk in windows and that's really all this is doing it's just deleting files there's no other things happening a lot of people make it seem like there's a lot more going on in the background with these scripts but very basic and the script is completed we can now reboot and we'll just do a reboot command and a way back into windows we go all right and we are in sometimes it does lose its username and password on initial boot i like to auto login to a lot of my windows systems which i know is a bit cringe because of the security concern there obviously if someone gets physical access they can just turn on this computer but if you want to do that here's a little pro tip to do exactly that we can go into registry editor come into local machine software microsoft windows nt current version win login and really just changing auto admin login to one and then default user password and just i leave everything blank for this machine as it is an auto login machine fun fact but windows removed auto logging capabilities using like control user passwords too where you used to be able to just check this to log in here now there's some security concerns here which we're going to address as well but let's run our post ame script right now come to downloads come into here we'll right click run as admin yes and then we're just going to do the post script now now this one differs a little bit from the official ame script just because i'm not really modifying nearly as much as they are when it comes to explore functionality and then also what's happening with like the start menu and those types of things as i kind of like some of the feel of windows 10 i just don't like the bloat it'll install old calculator because new calculator uses the windows store which we no longer have on this system and then it's doing hardening which it actually has its own little custom one that runs in the background that'll do it and press any key to reboot and we'll go ahead and restart our machine and here is the ame experience for the most part still a couple things left to do the user and we'll come into task manager let's see where we're at right now about 105 processes which we will explore and get that down even further but let's fix our user real fast we're just going to go control user passwords 2 and this is the users on the system we can actually change this around we're actually going to go into our users you can see what accounts we have we're going to just create a new user we're going to call it admin and we'll create a super secret password for it when we look at admin it is members of the users we want to put it in the administrators apply and okay and then our login user we want to remove it from the administrators but we're going to put it in the users group hit ok and what this does is if something gets elevated or it needs to run as admin this user won't be able to run it which is good because that's the security thing if you don't want to do this by all means you don't have to but i highly recommend it so here is the final ame desktop i will say there's one more thing i need to tell you about and that's the hardened tools that comes with ame honestly every windows install should probably run this and i'm going to go to releases and just download it even though it's already run there's one thing i kind of want to show you when you do this and we'll just run with administrative privileges and it says hey ready to harden your system i'm going to go show expert settings there's a couple things i really like one powershell is a big one the rest of these though disabling office macros and adobe reader there's a lot of things in here that most viruses use this removes a lot of vulnerabilities from your windows that obviously us not getting all the updates on a daily basis this would probably offset if not probably eliminate most virus threats not to say updates aren't bad i will just say it's very hard to do updates in ame now if you come over onto my website chris titus and just do the optimization guide i do have running updates and you'd run the servicing stack update reboot run your cumulative update but it can get tricky and a lot of times the cumulative one will fail and it just requires a lot of upkeep and it's technically kind of demanding to update your system on ame so hardening tools i think are very very important now coming into the final section here windows 10 settings it wouldn't be any kind of guide without me running my toolbox that i've been slowly working on other collaborators have actually come in and done things and we're just going to do some essential tweaks here and just run this i also kind of wanted to run this at the end because then you can choose your browser we have google chrome firefox brave all the ones that you want to do but i wanted to give that option to you and that's completed and you can see all the stuff it's it's doing in the background there's still a lot of tweaks i like to do in here most of this stuff doesn't even exist anymore obviously like background apps cortana onedrive all that doesn't exist but let's say i want to go into like dark mode i can go ahead and flip that back to dark mode or if you like light mode do that visual fx i'm gonna probably do that as well just kind of make things a little bit snappier and faster when i'm going through my menus and then probably windows search i like to just completely disable all of it i think pretty much it gets ripped out in this past one but i'll just go ahead and click it and then security most things here you're probably going to want to hide it being an ame based system but if you skip the ame portion of this video heck you get to choose what type of security you want and update well i just went over windows update there is no windows update now we're still around probably about 100 processes just looking at this we'll go to performance and about 107 processes this is where we can start to cut things down i think right now it's more performant than a windows 7 system especially an up-to-date windows 7 system that is already rather bloated but we can take this to an extreme level as i said this is an extreme tweak or optimization guide and what we're going to do is just see what all is happening in the and we can actually start to disable a lot of these different services now to get the absolute lowest fastest running one i would say windows version 1709 from about three years ago is probably the best one to deploy i've been able to get this process count to about 40 or 50 on a 1709 spin that was a creator's update was probably the best version of windows 10 out there however it's not really suitable for today's environment in a lot of ways just because it's starting to get a little long on the tooth or a little dated however i will still say 1709 is by far my favorite because of the less the bloat now there's a lot of things like connected device platform you can't stop this stuff a lot of times and this one allowed me to do it yeah a lot of times it will not allow you to change these it'll just say parameter incorrect but there are stuff in here that you don't necessarily need like metered data usage we could probably disable and just kind of go through each one of these and let's see how far down the process count we can do diagnostics policy service we'll go ahead and take it down network location awareness print spooler we're not going to print anything from this system we're going to remove the push notification service touch keyboard web account manager program compatibility assistant microsoft store install service and an orchestrator update service ip helper if you use a lot of ipv6 by all means leave this enabled network connection broker let's see if we can't get rid of it these are mainly store dependencies remote access i'm also removing and that's about it for services let's go ahead and take a look at task manager and you'll see we're at about 80 processes let's go ahead and give it a reboot all right no errors or anything on startup which is good and here is basically our final product after a reboot on the services management this is pretty darn clean pretty darn low memory usage being just a hair over a gig which is really good for windows obviously if you have a really old pc this is kind of the install i'd probably prefer to do i wanted to make this video mainly just to tell you it's okay we can change pretty much whatever we want to in windows and there's a lot more stuff we could actually rip out we didn't even touch on task scheduler and some other things as this video is getting a little long in the tooth but i want to leave you with this windows is getting worse as time goes on there's no doubt about that there's more and more processes happening and it's still needed for a lot of gaming i've made a lot of linux videos on this channel and the reason being is i would like there to be a viable alternative for everything i want to do right now for 100 gaming you pretty much are using windows and i would like to change that i would love to do that that's why i always talk about linux and those types of issues i hope this optimization guide gets you to where you want to be but be very cautious of doing everything in this video as not having updates not properly doing the hardening tools will make you very vulnerable and for those few people that are still on windows 7 you're fools don't ever use windows 7. you could be hacked by a script kitty at this point they're not even releasing any kind of updates for it and the security is abysmal so do not use windows 7 in 2021 you've been warned don't come crying to me when you get your ransomware and with that i'll see you in the next video
Channel: Chris Titus Tech
Views: 238,612
Rating: 4.9110732 out of 5
Keywords: chris titus tech, How to Optimize Windows 10 for Gaming and Performance, how to optimize windows 10 for gaming, how to speed up windows 10, how to optimize windows 10 for gaming 2020, optimize windows 10, windows 10, optimize windows 10 for gaming, windows 10 gaming optimization, how to make windows 10 faster, windows 10 optimization, make windows 10 faster, optimize windows 10 for gaming 2020, windows 10 lag fix, windows 10 gaming, optimize windows 10 for gaming performance
Id: TlMqdSiGcOg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 7sec (1627 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 01 2021
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