Minimal Windows 10 Install | ISO Creation, Setup, and Config

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in this video I'm going over a minimal Windows 10 installation it's been a while since I've actually covered this topic and I've covered it a little bit now this is more making the ISO or the image to put on a whole bunch of different computers that will minimize it so you don't need it as fancy enterprise or a long term service branch and I often actually discourage using a lot of these versions of Windows 10 mainly because when it comes to Windows 10 and these custom versions that come with viruses you usually acquire them through like torrent sites and those types of things that's no good you don't want to be downloading them from there just because it can cause all kinds of issues with your system it can infect your system it can spy on you it can do a whole lot of different things so downloading them from these sites in unauthorized sites I never recommend for a whole host of reasons I've personally been burned by doing this and that's why I said I don't care who you're downloading from it's not a reputable source I like to get it directly from Microsoft and then modify the image so that's what we're gonna be doing today I'm gonna download the image from Microsoft and then modify it directly using a tool I called wind toolkit I have used in tea light in the past however they now charge like 60 bucks for it and for this I want to cater to the home user that has probably home license or maybe even a pro license but at the same time you need to be customizing because a lot of this stuff that's baked into these windows is just horrible and bloated and it just doesn't feel very good it doesn't feel very fast I feel like when I install windows on my system it slows me down so using these custom images when we have to use Windows that's what I always used on pretty much any of my systems now there's a whole variety of different custom images and feature releases which I'll probably touch on a different video but for this one I'm gonna go ahead and use the latest version out 1903 and it's gonna be based on that so let's go ahead download 1903 and start customizing you [Music] okay so for this video I want to go ahead and download all the tools we need we're gonna be using 7-zip the win official Windows 10 ISO and then something called wind toolkit and I use major geeks to download it so first I'll go to 7-zip gorg download so we'll go ahead and extract the 64 bit exe also all the links will be in the description below so we'll extract this and install that 7-zip is installed let's go ahead and download this now if you were presented with this screen just go ahead and download the Windows 10 installation run it and then select download ISO or download installation media and then select ISO not USB that's a key thing so we'll download that I've actually already downloaded and have it on my network drive so we'll copy it over and then we download and install wind toolkit so we'll go ahead and click that and download it as well so that's sitting on a Downloads folder it looks like 7-zip didn't quite install all the way so if you run into this problem just select to the 7-zip FM or you could right-click and do it as well so there's one way of selecting it the other way is just to go 7-zip open archive so either or sometimes 7-zip has an issue associated file associations I just wanted to show both methods right there so with that we'll go ahead and extract this file to our downloads as well so we have the 7-zip and now we need to go ahead and grab everything else so I'm gonna actually go ahead and delete all this and then we're just gonna pop open our network drive and pull up our images folder with our Windows 7 19:03 as we want so you can see I go ahead and do a lot of different custom images like 1709 for my most custom version where I've ripped out the most stuff I haven't been able to replicate that kind of minimalism after 1709 because 1803 in past started really integrating a lot of things in the system or would just break a whole host of things when you start ripping out like edge and also defender and some other integrated Microsoft services because they started packaging more and more in there probably the most hideous one that I absolutely despise is onedrive just because of how integrated in with actual file explorer onedrive is in 1903 and 1809 are probably the worst offenders and it just keeps getting worse but we're gonna take 1903 since it's the most recent and that's what I wanted to show as it'll be far more relevant to more people than just customizing an older version of Windows that are just kind of hard to get a hold of anymore so let me copy this one and put it on there again you can download this using the windows download tool ok with that in the directory we can go ahead and extract this so we're gonna go ahead and say 7-zip extract files to this version what this does is it creates a folder and extracts the entire CD into here we need to go ahead and modify one of the install files for a really wind toolkit to optimize and create that minimal install so we'll come into here and in the sources directory we're gonna be modifying installed ESD and if we look down here at the bottom you see that this one actually had dot win which is really nice that's actually what we want but if you do download an ISO and it has installed ESD then we do need to do some more stuff ok so we have the windows folder extracted and we do have the install dot wim if you do have the ESD you need to run a PowerShell command which I'll put in the description to extract the installed wim from the ESD file you just have to select the correct version and it can be a little cumbersome to do however the official version I just downloaded all I did was select my language and say 64-bit and it gave me the exact one I needed so what we'll do is go ahead and proceed here we'll open up Windows toolkit select the all-in-one integrator and we're gonna go ahead and browse for a wim file so we'll go into our downloads folder select this and sources and we'll select installed wim and then from here we'll get all these different ones I'm going to use Windows 10 Pro because that's usually what I run on all my systems and we're going to go ahead and customize this one so from this screen we'll just say select so here is the component remover that took about a minute or so minute to two minutes to really populate everything however this is kind of neat how everything pops up there's certain things you always have to do one thing I recommend this is first time customizing Windows 10 anything that is read leave in do not remove it so I'm gonna go ahead and walk through a typical customization I do I usually leave accessories in multimedia completely alone and leave it alone now for networking most this I go ahead and select and then hit the check box so it'll check all these and then you just kind of look at what you need now this does remove some stuff that you might need especially in an enterprise environment this is more tailored to the home user most people aren't gonna use TF TTP and offline files and remote assistance almost everybody use this team here anyway so a lot of this stuff is just garbage and not needed so we'll go ahead and leave all these completely off our system as we simply don't need any of them now I is is kind of a funny thing now we'll watch what happens when I select this dotnet framework 3.15 will also be removed this is needed for so many games and so much stuff it's not worth removing this component so we're gonna select no and we are not going to remove that mobile PC obviously if it's a desktop remove that printing most people are gonna just remove all this stuff anyways if you have a printer and you want to use it you can go ahead and leave this one going you know obviously on this machine I don't think I'm gonna need it at all so a system I like to check all this there's one thing that says to leave is the HTML engine I'm gonna go ahead and honor that however I'm gonna leave the dotnet 3.1 or 3.51 as well but everything else here defender search TIFF user assistance all this stuff I'm gonna go ahead and rip out as well that's a pretty excessive thing so I'm to search my system neidell hit Windows and then start typing to search program by removing Windows search however that is very resource-intensive in for this video I want a minimal Windows 10 that runs very fast on pretty much any hardware out there it's just you gotta really take care of a lot of this other stuff also Internet Explorer still needed for like old legacy sites so in my day job I work for a law firm and a lot of courts and other things rely on Internet Explorer to file certain legal documents so Internet Explorer still used I don't know why but it is used on the Internet and by removing this you might have some issues with it later on but if that doesn't sound like you will go ahead and remove it hyper-v that's a virtualization obviously if you're watching this and you want to minimize Windows 10 you don't need it Windows Troubleshooters I go ahead and remove and then unknown let's go ahead and select this and just kind of go through all the stuff that comes in here now I am not actually going to select all this just because there's certain things I don't want remove so let's go ahead and take a look here now certain things in here we that might need like Group Policy client tools like this would be GP edit on there's certain things I still like to use GP and on even though my computer's not connected to a machine so I'm gonna leave this on here and not remove it and if you're unsure if it's in white don't remove it unless you have a specific purpose of removing that package as these are typically unknown to win toolkit and can be issued so one thing to note a bunch of hyper-v packages which I probably can go in head and remove these so let's go ahead and do it for this tutorial because we're gonna do an install at the end here so let's highlight the first go to the end and then check them so we just checked everything that said hyper-v we'll see if we get any errors or any issues with that then let's keep going down here print to PDF quick assist Microsoft storage service I'm gonna go ahead and remove there's more hyper hyper be stuff here so I'm gonna go ahead and remove those as well one core containers and stuff I'm not gonna mess with this as that can tie into a lot of system functions and problems can probably arise from removing delete supports a folder and this is actually a Cavey package honestly deleting the update chances are it's just gonna redownload it when you get a go so it's not really worth removing so with all that I think we can go ahead and remove these components and slim this down so we're gonna go ahead and hit continue and we're removing about a hundred and forty-seven packages out of the five hundred and fifty-five hundred and seventy two listed so this would be an equivalent of chopping about 1/4 of Windows tin off which is kind of nice you know that's a pretty sizable decrease especially in when it comes to like windows search and Windows Defender these are extremely taxing programs that's were removing now they do have their benefits search allows you to search your computer Windows Defender protection against viruses when you're online and you download shady stuff so they do have their purposes and if it sounds like you need them by all means use them they aren't bad systems it's just they are bloated and I consider them to be a very resource heavy system function so I'm removing these system functions and if I were to continue using this computer after installation and I've removed like Windows Defender I probably would install the different antivirus you've always asked which paid antivirus do you like I like Webroot if you're gonna use a free antivirus just use Windows Defender a lot of the other free antiviruses have nag screens and other crap it's just not worth it so if you want a free antivirus and you want to do that just stick with Windows Defender it's not bad it has a decent detection rate it is not like it was 10 years ago when I would never recommend it and I just want to throw that out there as far as anybody's goes and as far as search ability removing search you can always use a program called which i think is a little less resource a heavy and it does a better job of searching and on top of that it doesn't send a lot of the search results back to Microsoft or default to Microsoft edge sorter you know opening up when you search for something using it so these are all really good things I just wanted to kind of go ahead and showcase them because you know most people would want to either remove them and replace it with something else or remove them altogether there's minimalist out there like myself that literally just remove these completely because I wanted a bear system with about a singular or maybe even a two or three purpose system for Windows a lot of times when I'm using Windows it's for a very specific purpose I never use it to browse the web I never use it for any of that because I just don't find Windows to be very reliable or all that secure so I'm gonna go ahead and speed this process up probably about a thousand percent and get to the end here because this is gonna take looking about probably about thirty minutes I imagine there's also one more thing I wanted to point out here looking at these packages at the end hello faces face recognition for unlocking your PC Windows recently released they you don't need passwords anymore and we can just use your face that's a great idea and then also if you do remove Windows Cortana completely I've stripped this out in left search before it breaks windows search when you remove cortana cortana and windows search are pretty much integrated the same on this package once it finishes removing i probably will go back and remove hello face and windows cortana as well as both those services are considered a pretty extreme bloat in my situation and i don't like either one of them mainly because Cortana is almost like spyware in my opinion and then Hello face obviously is recording and using your webcam to record your face which is also not a very good thing in my opinion I don't want either one of those I'm kind of old-school in that I like to just type my password in log in and use my computer okay so we finished with the entire component removal here and we figured out there's a couple things now this folder I'm actually leaving me you can actually keep modifying and removing and fine-tuning just remember when you remove something it's removed for good so there's no reading something though oops just no that's not possible however I already kind of went through and said hey I want to go ahead and remove like Windows Defender Windows Cortana windows hello face in these things I just want to completely get rid of so let's go ahead and remove four extra components after we did our initial removal so we'll go ahead and remove these as well now Windows Cortana is a big component so this may take some time but not too bad actually it was only about a minute or two and then the rest these will go ahead and filter out but please note when removing system services like this it will affect certain system functions like Cortana is vital to the screen that pops up the welcome screen the login screen where it shows like hey this video is made in Venice Italy and all these things it uses Cortana to filter and use that information so it's gonna break that when I remove it so just know when you remove big system services like Cortana there's gonna be some side effects and that's just part of it so right now we're down to I think about 400 packages here from the initial 660 or so I forget how much was but a considerable downsize from our original actually we're down to 351 packages so this is actually a considerable downsize from what we had now from here I think we are pretty much done we're gonna go ahead and close out of our component remover and you get this so we're gonna go ahead and hit save and rebuild this goes ahead and saves all the changes to the wim file the install dot wim file and we'll be good so let's go ahead and save and rebuild and this was going to go ahead and save the and rebuild it it was roughly four point eight gigs when we started this I'm curious to see what it is now so let's go ahead and wait for this rebuild to happen and then we'll pick back up after it has finished all right so here we go now we're back after the rebuild it looks like it's shaved off a good bit not too much off the install file but still enough at least 100 or 200 Meg's but that's not really what matters what matters is all that crap we uninstalled isn't gonna run when we start our Windows 10 so we have everything set here there's a couple other things I like to do before creating the ISO but you can just do component removal to have that stock setting because this is pretty much a stock install at this point just with a couple tweaks and some components removed however if you go to the intermediate tab you can actually go ahead and make an unattended creator willow create accounts which is really nice and we're gonna do a Auto login as administrator I like to create everything after doing it I don't like doing that initial setup that just kind of stinks as far as that goes you can set an admin password as well right here I'm not going to for this because as a default I want to go ahead and just do it computer name if you leave this blank it's usually like win and then a whole bunch of like hexadecimal digits afterwards hide wireless set up network location let's see if we can't set that now we can't set that times um some of this we need to actually do in the actual setup but we're gonna set up as much as we can in this one I'm Central Time us updates we're gonna go ahead and say don't download or install most times this gets overwritten anyways this is a registry setting that it's doing so especially on Windows home it almost always ignores the registry setting and you don't have any group policy to fall back on to it's kind of sucks but hey that's the rule we live in with Microsoft and let's go to users here you could actually create a user if you don't want to do the default as administrator which you probably don't actually wouldn't recommend it use your name I like to have caps that's just something in me just says that's no good so let's go ahead and do Titus is that you and then Chris Titus as the display name light password everything else is the same we're going to come back here and then set this to Titus with a cab and from here we have pretty much everything that we can set here in the editor you can do even more stuff if you're familiar with XML editing and an unattended file you can also do that all right we're gonna hit save we're gonna go on Auto unattended XML let's go ahead and save this to our downloads so you need to place this on the DVD or USB route in order for it to work so we'll create the CD or USB Drive probably USB Drive for most folks out there and then when it's creating or before it's burning if it's a DVD obviously you need to drag this onto the route after importing the ISO but on USBs which is just going to be probably 90% of the audience you just need to copy this auto attendant to the USB and we'll go ahead and do that afterwards as well okay to make the ISO file we actually need to select the folder and then from the folder we select the ISO output just make sure before in the video I actually selected downloads that's why we got this giant ISO we're gonna go ahead and overwrite that existing one that's like fourteen seven gigs I thought something was up when that was the case much better projected to be 4.9 gigs which the official version is actually 4.8 so there was probably a lot of uncompressing happening and when it went to compress it back for the ISO it just missed some of that compression it's just not quite as tight as from Microsoft um and that's to be expected because they had to extract so many archives and then say I want to rip this out this out this out and it can't compress that archive back to be exactly the same so that's why you see a little bit of a size increase on the actual installation media when using this tool but now we actually have the ISO created let's go ahead and burn it we're gonna use Rufus for that so let's go ahead and close out of this we're going to open up our Rufus and that's you can go to Rufus dot ie link will be in the description let's select our ISO file here the custom and the custom file did actually end up coming in almost the same size as the original so that's cool alright we're going to label this win 10 and then go ahead and hit start now I do see fat you probably should switch this to NTFS if you have issues usually if the wim file is bigger than for gigs you need to switch it from fat32 to NTFS some people miss that especially as you add drivers and other things to it the wim file kind of bloats up in fat32 can deal with such a large wim file so I'm gonna go ahead and switch this to NTFS okay so whenever using in tf2 to boot you got to remember you got to disable secure boot because it's not compatible with in DFS so that's only if you have a really large installed dot wim file especially the newer versions of Windows it just is gotten so bloated that a lot of times you have to do this if you run into issues you can go ahead and try fat32 just know if you run into issues it's probably when burning the actual install dot wim onto USB a lot of times it deals with the wim file being larger than four gigs so we're gonna go ahead and close here I'm not running the secure boot so no problem so we're gonna go ahead and close this as well now you think we're done ready to install let's go ahead and get that Auto unattended we need to take that take it over to our Drive which is this guy and we're gonna paste that right in there so this is where you put it in the route and from here we should be pretty good to go so let's go ahead and restart this computer see if we can actually install a fresh version of Windows 10 on this box now this is pretty much my throwaway main PC for my studio I use this for doing pretty much anything so let's go ahead and this is gonna be bare metal no virtual machine or anything here no trickery we're just gonna boot directly from this on startup so we're gonna go ahead and select our boot menu f11 and from here I'm just gonna go the USB SanDisk oh actually that was legacy boot let's control delete this so we'll go ahead and restart since it's in DFS it has to be UEFI so we're gonna go you fel partition one see what we get it looks like it liked that one so set up the starting this is where a lot of the auto attendant should take care of most of like account creation and those things that really slow us down when doing it so let's see what happens it didn't do the EULA didn't do the product key let's just go ahead and say I don't have it select our version hit next and then let's just go ahead and wipe out this computer and necks so it looks like with 1903 the auto attendant did not work when I dragged that XML file back on the route he normally does work when you do that just know hey I bet the work on it look for an update about 1903 on it unattended not working I'm sure there's something we can do to go ahead and do that but we'll go ahead and see what happens here I still have hope for the auto account creation that's the thing that really slows me down on these installs is after about 1803 a lot of times they want you to use a Microsoft account instead of a local account so let's go ahead and restart here it looks like we're installed already that was a pretty darn quick install I didn't even have to speed anything up I think I was about a four-minute install of Windows 10 let's see what it looks like on boot though that's really the the key here now I am using USB 3 I am using UEFI and I am using all of the things to basically speed this up it's not using fat32 it's using NTFS all of those things speed up the install considerably and remember we have been doing a lot of component removal now on top of all those factors that also speed up the install we also had unencrypted a lot of that installed WM wim when we actually did the component removal that means that since it sits in an uncompressed State for some of those archives it can read and install it even faster so we're at a four minute install during that install screen which most people I bet as you watch this we're going holy crap that's fast and like I said this is bare metal so it's not sitting in a VM or not sitting on a hypervisor I mean this is a physical box that I'm setting up here this is pretty fast so let's see how long this takes it's at 6 minutes right now on the install all right so here's our welcome screen we are officially seven minutes in let's go ahead and see how fast I can get through this now as you noticed anybody that's done a Windows 10 install usually Cortana screaming at you right now and we don't have that so pretty nice we are now eight minutes in all right and we are in right at nine minutes so actually a little bit less than nine minutes here there we go so we do have a John here of course there's just no getting around getting edge off of the install anymore 1709 was the last time you could actually remove edge by default let's see what our install looks like and now they're still installing crap on here which to be expected I guess but not nearly as much crap as you usually get from the stock install so I would usually at this point unpin everything go ahead go to night-night download my normal utilities why it's also loading my install up when you first get Windows 10 installed it's usually downloading a bunch of apps normally you'd come in here pick Chrome or Firefox you know notepad plus plus and then you can pick anything else you'd want TeamViewer if you have a burner PLC's also a good one I'll go ahead and just pick a couple things just to install and have but most of these I think we can just leave off and do this so here we go downloading and running this and this will install our programs in the background so you can see it kind of loaded some bloatware we got a bubble which three Sokka on here thanks Microsoft and stickies Adobe Photoshop Spotify and that's about it so we're gonna go ahead and start uninstalling any of these that are on here I just like to flip through get rid of as much stuff as I can they'll probably other scrap that goes ahead and pops up but what we can do here now is go into the full deep blue script if you hadn't seen my deployed script it's one of the very first videos I had on my channel that really blew up so it's still good today the maker of that on github is still updating it almost on a weekly basis still and it is a go-to so go ahead and strip out some of this stuff after doing the deployed script I'll do oh and oh shut up so I can actually show that real fast let's go ahead and launch Chrome and we'll just put D bloat windows 10 and we'll go ahead and click the first article which happens to me my meme right here we'll go to the github and we'll go ahead and download the deep load script so we're go ahead and just do a sample run of this just so you guys can see it and we're gonna extract that to our downloads so we've got that done so let's go ahead and launch our PowerShell and we're gonna go ahead and change this let's go ahead and make our system unsecure by hitting never notify because I hate you AC but if you are a person that likes to click a bunch of ads and browse the internet on Windows 10 don't do what I just did and we'll go ahead and set our execution policy to unrestricted now a lot of people give me crap for saying unrestricted but you can easily come back and change this back to restricted just from unrestricted if you after it runs just said set execution poly so you've restricted it'll just go right back so not a big deal at all I don't know why so many people made a fuss about that actually we need to downloads from downloads we'll go into the deep bloat do an LS and we're gonna go ahead and run Windows 10 deep loader ps1 and we're just gonna go ahead and say yes to the bloat now yes to remove everything this unpinned all our stuff from our Start menu gives us that fresh install it'll go through and clean up even more stuff now you're probably thinking why is done on the component removal the component removals only a small portion of it Microsoft's always-on connection it's always there it's always snoop and it's always downloading and uploading it's constantly bloating up your system so you will run this you'll need to redownload it and run it again probably here in 6 months to keep a clean system on Windows 10 but here is the sample deep blow to really have a minimal install and this will go ahead and get rid of a lot of Xbox games and and those types of things that are in here that are integrated into Windows 10 because again this is about minimizing as much crap as we can and getting it off so you might get a couple errors here and that is totally okay not a big deal so alright go ahead yes to this yes - stopping edge from taking over as the PDF viewer yest uninstalling onedrive yes - unpinning everything from the Start menu and yes to install 3.55 there 3.5 a lot of games and a lot of actual applications use 3.5 so pretty much every new system build I install net 3 3.5 because so many things rely on it we're not going to reboot the machine just yet we still have some more stuff to do so we've devoted it using the script let's go ahead and look at our settings real fast I like to go to updates and then Advanced Options and from here we're gonna go ahead and choose feature update and delay one year quality updates I usually like to do 30 days delaying is nice because the update comes out you don't immediately get it it has time to work its through all those other people it didn't do these settings and screw up their computers because most the stuff doesn't have the quality assurance it messes up a lot of computers every business out there sets this I don't know any system admin that doesn't delay updates no system person out there installs updates right out of the gate unless they're just completely crazy or stupid or both so here I go ahead and just turn this off and then privacy settings we're gonna adjust all the privacy settings use an oh no shut up so it's not that big a deal I just like to delay the updates first and then let's go back in and do oh and oh shut up real fast so we'll go download oh and oh shut up so what most people do is once in here they go ahead and apply all of the recommended updates and that that would be my de facto if you're unsure apply all the recommended I like to go a little bit above and be gone and go apply all and somewhat recommended so there's only a couple things that are left on this prohibit apps from running on the background I actually like to leave this enable because I don't want any Windows Store apps running without it being in the forefront that'll mess up a lot of things such as like the Xbox Store or any other things you download through the Microsoft Store so please note on that just say Apple smart screen filter I don't really use edge so I also disabled that Windows updates it's still enabled but you notice we've already delayed them we will disable Microsoft onedrive because we uninstalled it using the dip loader and then we'll also disable Windows Defender which actually is not installed as you see here there's only three icons that we have but let's go ahead and put that in anyways so from here we can just go ahead and hit exit and we'll hit close and then we'll hit restart from here are we now have a very very clean minimal de bloated Windows 10 so we did a hardware bloat to really remove Windows Defender all of the other applications that are built into Windows 10 we delayed our updates this ensures that we don't have a bunch of feature updates happening all the time we delayed our security updates so we're not constantly getting bleeding-edge updates these bleeding-edge updates a lot of times are really bad they mess up your computer you can have all kinds of bugs and issues like that so I like to delay 30 days on those if you really want them sooner you can set this to probably seven days or even five days probably as the lowest I'd go but from here this is all we have in our Start menu it's a bit more bloated than I would personally like but it's not bad it is very functional we have a pretty fast computer here it is working pretty darn good it's on the latest feature update that is not horrible so the unintended actually to follow back up on that it missed a lot of options but it did go ahead and skip like the network settings it did create our local account which was nice it didn't get our product key and some other things we threw in there to just go ahead and skip through all of that so wasn't completely unattended however I might come back and revisit the actual full unattended so you wouldn't actually have any prompts but as you saw not very many prompts we had less than a nine minute to desktop after inserting the USB Drive in our computer back there that's pretty good overall we're about 20 minutes in after running the de bloat script and do an oh no shut up and then also doing a lot of the sets of that so there's still a couple things to do as far as setting everything to default these types of things still need to be fixed but if you look at privacy settings it is far better than where it was but we disabled telemetry our CPU usage if we look here is pretty good not bad we have one percent utilization most windows boxes out of the gate is around 20 percent utilization or 10 percent utilization so this is actually pretty decent as far as a deep bloated windows can we still have some activity so not great but if you don't want activity on startup like that you're not going to be using Windows 10 you'd use like a minimal install of a Linux build or something like that however this is light-years better then probably 99% of the Windows users out there I can't tell you how many people don't be bloated don't bother delaying updates don't bother with the privacy settings letting telemetry run wild letting Microsoft choose everything from the antivirus to everything and this could just turn into a 30 minute rant which I've already done probably five different times on this channel about Windows 10 but this is about minimal Windows 10 and we have achieved it we have done pretty much the impossible in made Windows 10 somewhat efficient somewhat not a resource hog well there you have it that is the full customization of Windows 10 I really really dig this custom version just because I'm able to strip out a lot of stuff now in 1903 there's still some stuff that gets left in there which I am NOT a fan of back in 1709 which is about two years prior I could really really customize Windows 10 if you've seen some old videos where it didn't have anything like edge defender a lot of the other stuff I was actually able to rip out more from the older versions of Windows 10 because it wasn't as integrated but as time has gone on Windows 10 has kind of gotten worse and into more of an integrated bloated mess that were able to customize less and less and why I recommend Linux and why I think that's where the future of desktop computing is I think Windows will be considerably less as time goes on but time will tell on that I know Linux has seen a lot of growth this past year and that's mainly due to its gaming section really catching up with valve releasing steam play last year and then expanding on it just recently I'm about to make a video over this then releasing a new compiler that actually outperforms Windows in a lot of gaming so that's where the future of the actual desktop lies and those that are stuck on Windows and just kind of sit there saying no you can't use anything else are the ones that are gonna be lost and left in the past but with all that said let me know your thoughts down in the comments section below how'd I do on this was there anything I missed during the customization I know in tealight had a little more features there's a little more user-friendly however it does cost a lot of money to fully use it so that's why I didn't use it for this video and why it shows when toolkit because it's accessible to everyone but other than that a big shout-out to my patrons without you I couldn't make videos like this one and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Chris Titus Tech
Views: 341,718
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chris titus tech, windows 10, windows, install, microsoft windows (operating system), windows 10 lite, windows 8, windows 10 install time, best dark theme for windows 10, install adb windows 10, windows 10 upgrade clean install, windows 7, how to clean install windows 10, minimal windows 10 install, minimal windows 10, minimal windows 10 setup, minimal windows 10 iso, windows 10 iso creation, windows 10 setup, windows 10 config, windows 10 unattend.xml
Id: PYOsevW3KdA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 24sec (2544 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 20 2019
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