The Male and The Family | Dr. Myles Munroe

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thank you for joining us for another power packed message from dr miles monroe provided by monroe global incorporated and we transform followers into leaders and leaders into agents of change we hope that this message is a blessing to you as you advance your life and discover your purpose now let's go into the message your bibles if you will and i want you to turn your bibles to the book of genesis chapter one and i want to talk for a few minutes about the male and the family i want to focus on understanding the principle and the power of the human family what you're about to hear is going to change the way you think and so let's take a look at this very important subject the first point i want to make if you will please keep moving daryl is what is the kingdom standards for building a strong family and this is going to shock you how do you build a strong family and a strong marriage and a strong home as a man let me read what solomon tells us about this it's found in proverbs 24 verse 3. he tells us how to build a strong family a strong home and to have a strong house he said by wisdom our house is built and through understanding it is established and then he says through knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures solomon says the way you build a a house and a family and a marriage and a home is by three things first he says you build it not by kissing and hugging and making love and having sex he says the way you build a for the home is first you get information knowledge i think the number one weakness of the male is he thinks he's smart but he's ignorant and he's too proud to admit that he doesn't know that's our problem our pride is so big that our ignorance can't fight it so solomon says the first thing you need to build a strong family and to build a strong marriage and to build a strong home is you must first get knowledge knowledge doesn't just come to you you have to go and get it so instead of buying a bag of chicken today go buy a book because you need information secondly he says understanding everybody say understanding the word understanding means comprehension you don't get information you gotta understand the information comprehend it and see how it assimilates into your reality and then the third thing he says we need is we need to have wisdom the word wisdom means application do you know what the bible says about wisdom it says wisdom is supreme that means wisdom is more important than knowledge and understanding why because you can have knowledge and still not have wisdom you can know you shouldn't be smoking and still smoke in other words wisdom is shown by a smoking doctor not because you know something doesn't mean it's going to help you you have to what apply it so it doesn't matter what you learn in this conference it really doesn't matter the question is are you going to apply this so solomon says the way you build a strong home and a strong marriage is you must have information and the information must be based on truth and then he says the secret to success in life is applied truth what is truth truth is original information write that down truth is what when you buy a car or television it normally comes with a booklet called a manual that manual is the manufacturer's information on the product that means only the manufacturer knows the truth about a product so what you want to do in life is get your hand on the manual because everything else is an opinion so the question is ui product who manufactured you that's the question and you need to therefore find a manufacturer's manual and begin to discover the truth about the product this is why the kingdom of god is so important the kingdom of god is really a country and the kingdom of god is not a religion a religion has members but kingdoms have citizens you cannot be a member of a country now this is important for us to understand jesus christ never joined a religion he was never a religious leader he never became a pharisee a sadducee or herodian he never became a part of the sanhedrin council he never submitted to cahyphus he was actually not a part of their religious environment as a matter of fact his number one opposition was religious people his best friends were sinners it's amazing uh how he was so a-religious why because he didn't come to bring a religion he came to earth to bring a country he came back to earth to colonize earth with the kingdom of heaven and the kingdom of heaven is a country and kingdom citizens submit to a higher law kingdom citizens live by heaven's highest standards this is important for men to know if you claim to be in the kingdom of god then your government is not on earth which means that your constitution doesn't come from earth which means then that your laws are not from earth which means then that your morality and your standards are not from earth you are not supposed to be like earthly man but first you gotta think kingdom i am not under earth's jurisdiction i am under heaven's government which creates my culture for me kingdom citizens therefore live by higher values they live by higher morals and they also live by a higher culture the culture of men on this planet are not the same as the culture of men who are from heaven by the way you didn't come from earth you came to earth you are not an earthling you're from another place called heaven we've been looking for aliens in other planets when in fact we are the aliens [Applause] they asked jesus one time he was born in bethlehem grew up in nazareth and he had his work in capernaum and they all knew his earthly family and one time they asked him where are you from his answer was i came down from heaven they said wait a minute we know your mother we know your father we know your sisters and brothers we know where you were born he says no that's where i landed do you understand i am not from earth so my culture isn't from earth so as a male i cannot be like an earthly male i must act according to higher standards higher values and a higher culture and my country heaven created earth and earth is more more submitted to heaven than heaven is to earth earth was produced by heaven the bible says that which is seen came from that which is unseen and that which is seen is temporary but that which is unseen is what eternal so earth is a product of heaven earth is heaven's property and god created earth to colonize earth with the kingdom of heaven and colonization is the extension of a kingdom to a territory and impacting it with its culture i was born in 1954 in the bahamas and when i was born i was not born in a country i was born in what they call a territory matter of fact the name they gave a territory was a colony a colony is a distant territory under the control of a kingdom far away our kingdom was over 3 500 miles from us we never saw the king but we were just like the king we preach we speak the king's english we drive on the left-hand side of the street we drink tea four times a day we eat cucumber sandwiches and we eat chocolate with our tea every day four times a day we had the culture of our kingdom even though we never saw the king when you are colonized you don't act like where you are you act like where you're from that's why christ jesus said repent why for the kingdom of heaven has arrived he was reintroducing the impact of the culture of heaven on earth and he says when you pray don't pray to go to heaven religion does that he said when you pray pray the opposite he said pray like this our father who is not on earth where is he he's in the home country heaven and then he says pray this holy is your name let thy kingdom come and thy will be done where on earth how just like it is in heaven he said don't pray for earth to go to heaven pray for heaven to come to earth in other words pray for heaven's culture lifestyle morals values standards to come to earth so that earth begins to look just like heaven it's called kingdom colonization this is what god wants god wants you on earth more than he wants you in heaven that's why he provided healing to keep you out of heaven [Applause] now heaven has a wonderful plan for earth from the beginning and i want to introduce it to you i call it the key to national success god created the family and the family is the oldest institution on planet earth it's the first institution on planet earth and the family is god's ideal institution the family is the cure for every social psychological and emotional ill on this planet and it's the answer to all of our spiritual ills on this planet and in our community as a matter of fact the solution to all national problems is the rediscovery the recovery the restructuring the strengthening and the rebuilding of the family it is the first institution the family is the key to a stable productive sensitive unhealthy nation the family is i put it to you this way that there are 10 principles of the family and please get this cd number one the family is the foundational unit for reproduction because it is the only qualified unit for effective and total development of an offspring secondly the family is the prototype of society if you want to know what a family what a society is like look at the families number three society is only as strong as the family number four society is a reflection of the conditions of the family number five the purpose of the family is to secure society that's why god gave us this institution called the family to literally protect society and number six the sanctity of the family is the bedrock for human survival and this is why the attack has always been on this one institution number seven the family is not a product of the state i want to repeat this again the family is not a product of congress it was not created by the senate or by the supreme court judges the family pre-existed government the family was here before government government shouldn't tamper with an original the family is the first institution even before the church this is this is why you should never sacrifice your family for your ministry number eight the family produced the state number nine the dissolution of the family is the dissolution of the entire society if you dissolve the family you've destroyed society and this is why there is a strategic sense of attacking the family if i can destroy the family structure i've destroyed a nullified society and number 10 it is illegal custody when the state becomes the parent listen to me our problem is we are turning over the families responding to the state so we got the state bringing up our kids educating our kids even disciplining our kids we can't even just discipline our own son and daughter this is out of order which means that we have abandoned our responsibility to the state for raring our own children what a tragedy we are in the the foundation of the family is so key let me give you a few thoughts about this the family is the first form of society established and instituted by god in human history it's the first one the family is the prototype of society society is a reflection of the condition of the family society is only as strong as the family and the family institution is a product of natural law i want to repeat this the family is a product of what natural law everybody say natural law in other words it reflects the principles of nature a male and a female get together they have sex they produce a child that's a family the two males get together they can't create a family naturally family is a natural product of god two females cannot create a family that's why they gotta buy kids don't get quiet on me now i'm looking at you very carefully so anything other than a natural family or those who who have that capacity to either produce naturally or within the context of a male and female adopt a child that is not a legal family it's an unnatural family the family institution is a product of natural law and the family is not a product of government i'm saying it again you cannot legislate a family you cannot create family by social science or religion the family is god's product originally and we shouldn't tamper with it family was not taught as a principle in the in the bible god never sat and talked with the family in genesis why because family is a byproduct of natural relationships let me say this very important in proverbs 24 it says again by wisdom the house is built through understanding it is established and true knowledge is rooms are filled with precious treasure in other words god says go and get some information to understand the family what's the purpose of the family please write this down gentlemen number one the purpose of the family is to secure society number two the family is the sanctity of society we must protect that institution it is the sanctity of the family that keeps our state in order number three the family produces the state and therefore the state should never take control of the family number four when you dissolve the family you dissolve society and number five every social mental psychological moral and emotional problem can be traced back to the family all of our crime in our countries is family produced all of our frustrated depressed young men are family produced all of our jails filled with people are family produced all of our broken homes and our neglected mothers and our wayward young people having pregnancies out of out of order this is all family-based something break down in the family which means then that if we can fix the family we can solve all those problems you know i was reading the the dictionary definition of family and i got some issues with webster here's what before says the family is he says a family is a group of individuals living together under one roof i got problems with that because it could be two brothers so that ain't what the bible defines as a family perhaps the dictionary says a family is two or more individuals living under the same roof under one head the greek word for family new testament the word oikos and it means a dwelling a home to dwell out at home the hebrew word is this word by etap and it actually means lineage that is a deeper word god's word is lineage family is lineage that means i came from a source that's why during slavery times the black man in the western world lost family because his lineage was cut by those slave ships he's still trying to find family family has to do with a sense of history and if you lost your lineage you've lost your sense of family and that's why god comes into your life and reconnects you to his family so you can have a lineage even in heaven family is a dwelling created as a result of marriage between a male and female who become parents and produce and adopt children committed to parental care nurturing of the same to reproduce themselves in character values conviction and do that through love discipline and example it's a long definition in other words a family is when a male and female comes together and produce children or adopt a child and reproduce themselves in that child in character in values and morals and in nature so the kid becomes a product of their own character that's family the bible says in malachi 3 why did god make you and your spouse one he said because i wanted righteous seed you know two men can't produce seed for god [Applause] let me quote it again malachi 3 why did god make you one he said why'd i marry you he said i made you one with your spouse because i wanted righteous seed so our standards are different now listen if you want to be you know of that particular lifestyle no problem but don't ever claim you belong to the kingdom of god you can claim that you are a christian no problem with that but christianity is a religion it makes room for those kinds of behaviors but the kingdom of god has no room for those things you are not a citizen of heaven absolutely not a citizen of heaven exodus chapter 12 verse 2 says verse 3 rather it says tell the whole community of israel that are that are on earth the tenth day of this month each man is to take a lamb for his family one for each household here god is thinking in terms of the man representing a family first timothy 5 8 says if anyone does not provide for his family especially for his immediate family he has denied the faith and is worse off than an infidel this family is your test of relationship with god you should not succeed and then lose your family and that includes success in ministry let me just say something let's get it over with if you are a pastor today or you claim you are in ministry listen to me carefully jesus said these words through paul he says husbands love your wife like christ loves his wife now he never told to love his wife he said love your wife not his wife he gonna love his wife that's the church you leave his wife alone you love your wife stop committing adultery with his wife go home to your wife many pastors are sleeping with his wife committing adultery [Applause] shut that church down go home to your wife because his wife will destroy you i promise you you can't love his wife she's a mean woman only jesus could love the church go home and love your own wife [Applause] now i want you to get it right in this minute this meeting today i don't care what your title is you go and love your wife take care of your children i tell people all the time in my church if my wife needs me and you are dying we're gonna have a funeral [Applause] you are as spiritual as the success of your marriage and your family husbands love your wife he says like christ loves his wife leave his wife alone preach to her correct her rebuke her but go home and sleep with your wife sit down i want you to write the word husband down we got to be careful with this i was looking at this word the other day and i realized that the power of a man in the family is the key to the family matter of fact the word husband is from two words put together write them down is the word house bond one who bonds the house together if you are the husband your job is like glue you're supposed to glue the whole family together you are responsible for gluing the family together you are the houseborn that's why they call you a father the word father is the hebrew word abba it means sauce and sustainer not just the sauce you got to sustain with your sauce that's my baby good are you paying for the school of that baby are you feeding that child oh by the way did you know that women are your baby too god did not take women from the soil he went inside the mail and pulled out a fee mail that's what i like about god in other words the mail came out of the mail but he built a mail to make it a female so a real female is a female because she has a womb to carry the fetus you are a female if you get a fetus capacity so you can break your wrists wear your earrings have a ponytail but if you ain't got no room you are a brother your job is to sustain your baby the woman came out of man not man out of woman paul was clear that means the female in your life is your baby that's why it's natural for man to call his wife baby it's in your jeans she's your baby that means you must feed her clothe her protect her counselor provide for her but maybe you can do everything for her why she's your baby no all you want is sex that's your problem [Applause] the house should be bonded together by the house bond the family is like a business corporation the father is the president the wife vice president the children the board members neighbors clients now look at those words carefully you are what the president that means you preside you don't own or control you preside over the house who's your wife vice president that means you don't act without getting advice from your wife as well oh i'm in trouble now see and your children are on what the board that means you inform them of what you're doing and why you're doing it [Applause] if you're gonna burn the house together it has to be a corporate effort management of the home is the greatest test of a man's leadership what did i say i can't hear you say it again management of the home is the greatest test of a man's leadership that's why the apostle paul says look if you want to come into god's house and sit in this pulpit he said first you must manage your own home well there's some men who want to build a house of god but they can't build their own house they're men who counsel other people's kids but lose their own kids some men spend more time with other women than with their wives and they call it counseling you all don't get quiet on me because i'ma walk right down there and talk to somebody else there are wives who need to make appointment to see their husband is your wife one of them she wants to see you you haven't talked to her for months you are the manager of that home and this is why it's important for you as a man to understand that the family is your most sacred responsibility malachi 4 verse 5 says see i will send you the prophet elijah before that great day the dreadful day of the lord not the way prophesied about the coming of jesus christ and john the baptist introducing him it says in verse six he returned the heart of the fathers back to the children and the house of children back to who the fathers or else i will curse the land god says when the country seems under curse it's because the fathers have left their children not the mothers god never blames the mother he said the problem is the fathers have abandoned their children and the children can't find their fathers he says therefore the land is under a curse ephesians 6 verse 4 says fathers do not exasperate or frustrate your children instead bring them up in the training and the instruction of the lord fathers this is our responsibility now let me give you a couple of things to look at in this verse it says first of all do not what exasperate it means to frustrate or provoke let me tell you what the word means in the greek it actually means to say one thing and do something else don't tell your son don't smoke son and then you smoke until your son boy don't have sex are you sleeping around with six women you are frustrating that kid provoking their kid you tell the son read the bible he never saw you read the bible go to church son no take him to church you don't exasperate your children it says don't frustrate them let me tell you something jails in our nations are filled with angry men and i guarantee it that 90 of their anger is against their fathers why their fathers exasperate them and then he says train your child what does it say train them and instruct them two things everybody say train listen to me brothers the bible says train them a train is a strange product do you know that the train is not that long thing on the track the train is the car in the front with the engine that's the train everything else is called cars i'm gonna try this one more time the train is not what you think it is the train is the engine up front everything else attached to it is the cause paul says you train fathers your children that means you don't tell them go before you you hook them up to you and wherever you go that's where they go wherever you go that's where they go wherever you go that's where they go you train your children you don't send your kids to church you tell everybody hook up here we go we're going to pray meeting come on everybody let's go in other words you train them you don't take them into the club where you're drinking would you your kids can't be in the presence of your friends they are not friends [Applause] oh boy if your kids can't drink when you drink it you shouldn't be drinking it oh my my if your kids can't watch what you're watching at two o'clock in the morning on your tv or on your computer you shouldn't be watching it come on follow me kids come on follow me kids see what i see eat what i eat drink when i drink come on kids train them or you should never come to this session you should never come to this session notice it says father's train we leave the kids to the wife to train god says no no in my country of heaven the father does the training and then he says what instruct them you cannot instruct what you do not know i just told you that there's some books out there and cds and dvds of myself and other speakers and you will walk right past them and go buy a box of chicken when you eat the chicken it goes into your system for six hours and comes out of the drug but when you read a book it stays in your heart and in your mind forever that's a better investment of your money you cannot teach what you do not know the family does not need a boss it needs an instructor the family does not need a controller it needs an instructor think about it friends wherever you go in the night if your kids can't go with you you're in the wrong place if the language of your friends should not be heard by your child you're in the wrong company [Applause] if the books you are reading cannot be found by your son and doesn't destroy his mind it's a good book in other words what do you read that your kids shouldn't read training means they are hooked up to you ephesians said it that way colossians chapter 3 verse 21 says fathers do not embitter your children or they will become what discouraged i'm gonna drop out of school man my daddy man i saw my daddy sleeping around man this this whole thing he's telling lies man he said god is this god is that but i watch his life man i'm discouraged i ain't gonna follow god no more so you discourage them when you embitter them we need to take responsibility for our children psalm 68 verse 6 says god sets the lonely in families say that with me god sets the lonely and isn't that beautiful because when somebody's lonely they need a family that's how powerful family is family can solve loneliness some of you men don't have a good father you never knew your father maybe your father was a mess and god is saying look i'm gonna put you in another family it's called the body of christ find some fathers like me follow me just follow me like i follow christ i'm your father today i adopt you if you ain't never seen a good man you're looking at one right now this is the brother i love my wife love my kids and i'm debt free follow me the next verse says he leads for the prisoners with singing when a guy comes to the prison he needs a family before he needs a job he puts the lonely and family and when they're prisoners he put them in families but the rebellious live in a sunscorched land he says you rebel against the family idea you become a frustrated heat driven creature scorched numbers 14 18 says the lord is slow to anger abounding in love forgiving sin and rebellion yet he does not leave the guilty and punished he punishes the children for the sins of the fathers even to the third fourth generation the power of a father spans four generations that means there's some stuff you're going through right now that your great great great great grandfather was doing you're suffering from it right now you're wondering why do i hate women or why do i want to beat women why do i have tendencies for certain lifestyles check your great great great grandfather's lifestyle that means whatever you're doing now is personal but never private let me say it slowly whatever you're doing right now is personal but it's never private that means whatever you're doing with your life will affect four generations from now because every man carries right here in his loins for generations every second everything you do comes upon your sperm four generations i remember years ago i began to feel the tendency for you know wanting to sleep around with women and i never had sex before i was married as a virgin and i began to feel this urge and i said i love god where's this coming from and i read that verse i had to break the curse of my great great great grandfather who i never knew why do you have a tendency to drink alcohol check your great-great-granddaddy lifestyle there's some stuff that you're fighting with that have to do with your inheriting the lifestyle of your great great grandfathers and your great-great-grandson is in danger right now because you're doing stuff that could destroy his life [Applause] the bible calls it righteous seed you need to repent today and break the power of the curse of your fathers some of you been trying to fight against all kinds of habits you say why can't i break this why i keep trying how can i break this check your great grandfather's or your father's father's behavior or even your father's behavior and then you got to break that i declare before we leave this room that god is gonna sever every demonic power that has been affecting your life oh come on i feel it right now he's gonna break the history that's been destroying you hallelujah i know you want to do right i know you love god i know you want to be holy but that stuff has been frustrating you and god says i'm going to break it today i'm going to destroy the spirits that came into your family line sit down tell your neighbor this is it next please go ahead i want to close this session on how the family preserves values read this verse with me psalm 78 verse 8 says i will open my mouth in parables i will utter hidden things come on read me things from of old when we have heard what we have heard and known what our fathers told us he's telling us that you should learn your lifestyle from your father next verse please go ahead read it it's important it says we will not hide them from their children we will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the lord has proven and wonders he has done in other words the father's supposed to transfer the testimony of god to their children next it's very important to understand then that we are the ones who transfer values read this with me out loud come on go for it please go ahead darrell it says what the role of the family is preserve generations that's the power you have as a man we as men must stop leaving the family up to the woman that ends today you take charge and take responsibility for your family that includes your spouse next please very important to understand that because if we don't appreciate our responsibility we're going to lose the most important institution in this planet it is the family so let's talk quickly then about the generational powers of the family number one the educational role of a family you supposed to be taught in your family before you taught in school where did you learn about sex don't answer that question it wasn't your father who sat you down and told you about sex it was some friend behind the school with a dirty magazine that's your education or some pornography movie or something that taught you that's why you're so warped and the problem is once you've been miseducated you cannot be uneducated so we go into our marriage wanting our wives to do what we saw in that filthy movie and she's like what do you want me to do you crazy you're being miseducated the family should educate you so i'm telling you now it's too late for you so you take charge and educate your own children number two very important go ahead brother psalm 78 says read read aloud for me he decreed statues for jacob and established the law in israel which he commanded our fathers to teach their children education belongs in the home first i taught my son about business myself i taught him how to invest money i showed my daughter how to build a house how to keep a home i taught my son and daughter how to choose a good mate i taught them that i taught them how to keep their virginity and to preserve themselves for their spouse i have to teach them that the school hang on the school's gonna get them condoms next please very important look at verse six read out loud go so the next generation would know them even the children yet to be born and they in turn would tell their kids god says education supposed to take place in the family generation to generation to generation as a father i want you to go and turn your home into a university and you are the president of the school next place verse 7 read then they will put their trust in god and would not forget his deeds but would keep his commands wherever they learn his deeds in the home my son and daughter love god because we taught them how to love god and show them the benefits of loving god you are the teacher of your family i put it to you then that we must become the kingdom education program read this out loud with me come on go ahead brother it says this read out loud the family is god's institute for education number two quickly please go ahead the family is god's system for transfer of values number three the family is god's program for instilling morality number four the family is god's source for establishing righteous traditions and customs and number five the family should never be substituted by the state and number six out loud the state may transfer information but not morality and values don't let the government teach your children values you are a kingdom man you from another country you know when you go to chinatown in california those children have chinese values in the middle of the country they don't act like the other americans they got their own values in that culture that's the way your kid's supposed to be and when your kid go to school and other kids say you are different they both say absolutely yes i'm different come on clap loud being different is proof that you are from the kingdom of god you mean to tell me brother you've been married to your wife for 13 14 16 19 years you ain't never had no other woman no man you are different absolutely yes in our country we only sleep with one woman that's our wives brother if you ain't clapping you got me nervous i'm gonna look one more time let me see if you're gonna clap in other words distinction is proof of your heritage in my country we don't commit adultery i'm talking about heaven in my country we don't fornicate now you could do it if you want to but in my country we don't do that in my country we don't tell lies in my country we don't bear false witness in my country we don't cover other people's cars in my country we are faithful to one spouse man and any woman winks at us we think she is crazy in our country we think she's crazy in our country we control our zipper oh boy i'm looking all the way in the back there let me see we are from another kingdom look at this last part here watch this read this on live with me come on out loud quickly but i don't go ahead please deuteronomy chapter 11 says is read teach them to your children talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road when you lie down go ahead brother and when you get up read the next statement write them on the door frames of your houses and put them on your gates so that your days and the days of your children may be many in the land the lord god sort of give your forefathers as many as the days that the heavens are above the earth god said look you fill your house with my instructions i want you to take this message from this place take control of your family take responsibility for what your wife learns your wife should never know more than you so if you read one book you read four if she prays one hour you pray five in other words always be ahead you cannot lead from behind that's why god brought you here he brought you here to change you not to excite you you need to go back home and say god i repent i changed my thinking i am going to become a man of the house a husband i'm going to do it together i'm going to fix it finally i want to close with the purpose of the family sit down write this down quick number one write this down please the prayer for the family is for socialization next please the purpose of the family is for civilization you know the way you civilize your kids is in the home that's why your kids are uncivilized and they're in gangs if you don't socialize your own kids they'll find socialization outside the house if you don't civilize your own son or daughter they're going to find civility outside the house next please go ahead and put them all down the family is supposed to preserve it's a place of preservation where you protect and preserve things in it and then the family is for identification where do you get your identity from it should be from your family that's why people leave the family and give themselves cheaply to other people they're trying to find their identity you're supposed to find your value and your identity in your family number five the family for procreation that means you're supposed to have kids within the context of a family number six classification the family should classify you in other words a lot of young people don't know what they are because the family never showed them what they are so they go outside the family to find out what they are and other people make them what they want them to be the family is also for incubation it incubates what a person is to be the family is also for accommodation in other words the families where we allow you to be yourself we give you room to exercise your gifts and your talents we accommodate your uniqueness that's what happened in your family the family is also for liberation it sets you free to be all you were born to be it encourages you to pursue your goals and your dreams and give you support to pursue your destiny the family is also for transformation you're supposed to be changed through the impact of your family to become god's image that's how much we've missed i put it to you that we're going to be men real men we're going to have to walk as men in the family i thought it would be important to give you the ten principles of a family number one very important and this is key can you go ahead bolder responsibility everybody is a responsibility come on man write this down put it in the palm of your hand this is the list for you to work on go ahead list them all please i want you to write them down number one is what responsibility number two accountability number three respectability number four morality number five communicability number six values number seven emotional shelter number eight a natural psychological incubator and number nine self-concept and self-worth should be found in a family and number ten convictions and beliefs should come from your family look at that list that's a human's life i'm going to leave you in a few minutes what we say here today is very very full of a lot of information but it's enough to keep you for the next 50 years i want you to close your bibles and i want to pray the lord will really give you the spirit of a father and a husband stand up on your feet please no man please i want no movement please but no man in this room wants to fail we all want to succeed my wife has great respect for me because i love her the family is all we have i really not want to talk about the ordeal the ordeal is the family you came from it wasn't perfect but i want to talk about the idea it's god's standards now it really doesn't matter what your father did or didn't do it's your turn [Music] so here's what the holy spirit wants to do right now he wants to break and sever separate every spirit that had a right to your family through the behavior of your fathers he wants to break it so that from this generation that you are in charge of onward there'll be no longer unrighteous seed coming out of your family this this is where it stops this is where the spirit of adultery stops in your family history this is where the spirit of alcoholism stops in your family where the spirit of abuse stops lift your hand up repeat after me in the name of jesus christ i surrender my manhood to the one who made me i repent i change my thinking of what a man is and what a father should be i return to the manufacturer's product father father me and make me a man who loves family i renounce every act of my forefathers that was against your will i denounce every spirit that entered my family line to the acts of my father's today i command you get out of my family i take control of the future of my family life from this day forward my family shall be righteous now lift your hands and believe god just did it in jesus name i love you god bless you very much thank you once again for listening to this message as we hope that it has been a blessing to you our goal is to show you new paths and opportunities so that you can discover your purpose it is your love support and partnership that makes monroe global possible please visit us online at www dot for more product partnership or to join us at one of our live events around the world
Channel: Munroe Global
Views: 277,891
Rating: 4.8858585 out of 5
Keywords: myles munroe, dr myles munroe, munroe, myles, munroe global, motivational, inspirational, motivation, inspiration, kingdom, leadership, purpose, character, speaker, author, consultant, bahamas, nassau bahamas, the bahamas, food for thought, educational, learning, self help, personal development, album, speakers, teach me, planning and change, crisis, Azusa, conference, global, teaching, ruth munroe, charisa munroe, mylesjr, myles munroe jr, next generation, the legacy of purpose, legacy, prayer
Id: bfU-s69cxjU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 15sec (3555 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 14 2020
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