Leading As A Husband & Father ❃Voddie Baucham❃

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well good morning first God for another day and another opportunity to worship Him if you have your Bibles with you this morning we will open up to where we left off on last night the book of Ephesians we're going to look today at Ephesians chapter 5 and chapter 6 today we address the issue of a man's leadership in his home his leadership of his family this is a crucial topic for in fact the man's leadership in his home is pivotal not only to the church but also to the state was Manton who said that the home is the seminary of both the church and the state the home is the place where leaders for the church are forged in fact a man is to be examined for leadership in the church by first looking at his track record of leadership in his home it is a man's leadership in his family that is foundational to determining whether or not he has even qualified for leadership among God's people this is crucial it is also the home that is the place where citizens are forged for the state the state has no charge no responsibility or no jurisdiction over children informing them as future citizens it is the home that is charged with this duty with this responsibility it is the home that forges the character of future leaders in the state where we learn to follow and where we learn to lead so it is absolutely critical that we look here in Ephesians chapter 5 and 6 and see what it actually means for man deleting his home first listen to this from James Alexander speaking about the issue man and his leadership in his home he is their head he is such by a divine and unalterable Constitution these are duties and prerogatives which he cannot alienate it alienate there is something more than mere precedence in age knowledge or substance he's the father and the master no act of his and nothing in his character can fail to leave a mark on those around him a man is the head master and leader of his home and there's nothing he can do about that he really lead effectively or he will lead poorly but he will lead a man's failing to lead is actually a man leading in failure this is not optional there are however objections to the idea of a man leading in his home there are those objections of course that we would not be surprised by in the culture at large we know that the feminist movement has huge problems with what I've just said the idea that the man is the head of his household that the man is the leader in his family re herkiman a leader in the United Nations Population Fund has in fact referred to the breakdown in the family in the West as a triumph it's a good thing he argues why why would a man say something like this re herkiman actually argues that high divorce rates high out of wedlock birth rates actually signal a triumph of human rights over patriarchy in other words male headship in the home is oppressive and divorce and out of wedlock birth rates represent liberation from that oppression again it's almost unfathomable that anyone would say such a thing let alone a leader of the United Nations but if you're troubled by that you don't know much about the United Nations all right um yep I said that out loud didn't I okay my back other radical feminists feel the same way Linda Gordon for example listen listen to this statement the nuclear family must be destroyed and people must find better ways of living together whatever its ultimate meaning the breakup of families now is an objectively revolutionary process no woman should have to deny herself any opportunities because of her special responsibilities to her children families will be finally destroyed only when a revolutionary social and economic organization permits people's needs for love and security to be met in ways that do not impose divisions of labor or any external roles at all that's radical but wait there's more Andrea Dworkin under patriarchy no woman is safe to live her life or to love order mother children under patriarchy or male headship every woman is a victim past present and future under patriarchy every woman's son is a potential betrayer and also the inevitable rapist or exploiter of another woman that's our cultural context but you say if that's that's out there certainly that's the radical feminist people who don't even claim to know God but there are also objections in here evangelical feminism as it is euphemistically called has objections to the idea of male leadership and male headship in the home there are three basic objections and we have to deal with these before we move forward with the text here in Ephesians chapter 5 and the reason that we have to deal with these is quite simple because they have gained much headway in the church and there are many in the church even in churches that you would consider you know run-of-the-mill conservative evangelical churches some of these ideas have crept in and have become assumed for many of you as students you assume some or all of this about the idea of male headship that somehow it's an archaic concept that somehow it's anachronistic for us to talk about men as heads of their household and to look at passages like Ephesians chapter 5 in that context three main arguments I'll give them to you and then we'll address them in turn one the culture to the curse and three the confusion those are the three arguments the first argument is the culture that Paul's admonition to male headship and Ephesians chapter five and they have to deal with the features chapter five by the way you give there's just no way around it you cannot assault this idea of male headship in the home without somehow dealing with Ephesians chapter five so even the liberal feminism deals with Ephesians chapter five and the first line of argumentation is this is cultural that Paul here in Ephesians chapter five is merely making a cultural statement because of circumstances on the ground as it were now the problem with this argument is that the Bible teaches male headship in the home in a number of places not only Ephesians 5 but also Colossians 3 and first Peter 3 as well as Titus two and five all of these places we see men called to lead as heads of their household and women call to submit to the leadership of their husbands but more importantly and more foundational to this is the teaching in Genesis chapters one through three would solidify the idea of male headship so there is no way that what Paul teaches in Ephesians chapter 5 is merely some cultural accommodation that calls for male headship in this particular setting and circumstance and does not see male headship as the norm this for example does not take into consideration Paul's teaching in 1st Corinthians chapter 11 where he says the head of the woman is the man the head of every man is Christ and the head of Christ is God we also see in 1st Timothy chapter 2 that Paul roots male headship in the creation order not only do we see that argument but also the argument of the curse that actually what we're dealing with here is male headship as a result of the curse in Genesis chapter 3 and verse 16 when God looks at Eve or looks at the woman before she was named Eve and says that because of what she's done the consequence will be that her desire will be for her husband but he will rule over you but that's the idea that when God says that in Genesis chapter 3 and verse 16 you have male headship established as a byproduct of the curse listen to this her curse now was to be ruled perversely too long for her husband and he to rule over her she would want to be dominated by her husband and he would submit to this desire God does not command Adam to rule or govern his wife rather the curse is Eve's the ruling is a consequence of Eve's longing and her fall that's the argument from even the little feminism that this is a product of the fall now there are a couple of problems with this if this is a product of the fall my first question is why do we find in Ephesians 5 in Colossians 3 in Titus to this same allusion to male headship referring to people who are in Christ who have been redeemed from the curse if it's just a product of the fall here's my second question to those who would argue that male headship is a product of the fall my second question is this have you been in the delivery room with a Christian woman giving birth you know what does that have to do anything well okay think about this male headship is a product of the fall therefore when we are in Christ that curse is removed and we no longer have male headship but God also said to Eve there will be much pain in her childbearing so if logically becoming a Christian removes the curse there ought to be screaming in the delivery room of non-believers and peace and calm in the delivery room of believers I know better I was there I have heard the famous you did this to me I have watched the woman whom I love with every fiber of my being turned into a creature who looked at me with eyes that said if you come too close I will kill you now wipe my forehead the other problem here is that we see male headship before the fall we see male headship for example in Genesis chapter 2 the woman was made after the man male headship the woman was made for the man I will make him a helper suitable for him male headship the woman was made from the man male headship the woman was brought to the man male headship and the woman was named by the man male headship and if that's not enough for you all you have to do is go later on in chapter 3 when Adam receives his curse and God says because you have listened to the voice of your wife because you did not exercise your headship if that's not enough for you just go to Romans chapter 5 where Paul doesn't say because of the sin of one couple Adam and Eve death under the word no because of the sin of one man Adam Jesus is not referred to as the last Adam and Eve he's referred to as the last Adam why male headship so what's happening there in Genesis 3:16 the curse well I'm glad you asked God says your desire will be for your husband but he will rule over you now unfortunately our event Allah feminist author here completely misses the nuance of that text she says that somehow the woman is going to be pining for her husband if you just go to Genesis chapter 4 and verse 7 you see the identical phrase God says to Cain in Genesis 4:7 sin is crouching at your door its desire is for you but you must rule over it God is not saying to Cain sin is yearning and pining for you oh it loves you no he is saying sends desires to overtake you and you must rule over it see the curse is not male headship the curse is the woman's natural rebellion to the headship of the man that's the curse your desire will be to usurp your husband's authority and yet his authority will not be removed and because of this desire there should be a clash between you and your husband but in this clash creation order will not be overturned he will rule over you that's the nuance there in Genesis chapter 3 and verse 16 male headship is not invented in Genesis chapter 3 it is reinforced in Genesis chapter 3 but the clash against male headship is what we see as a product of the fall there is a third argument and that is the argument of the confusion that we have completely and utterly misinterpreted this passage here in Ephesians chapter 5 because we have forgotten verse 21 if you look with me there in Ephesians chapter 5 look at verse 21 and it reads submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ so here's the argument and you find this even in just very conservative circles the argument is that because of verse 21 what we have is the idea of mutual submission between husband and wife we don't have the idea of male headship male leadership within the context and confines of the home but we have the idea of mutual submission of believers to one another and they just have sort of different roles within this mutual submission but the submission is mutual that's the argument that we've completely mistaken what Paul meant to say because we have not paid close enough attention to verse 21 in our assertion of male headship first let me give you my technical theological response and then we'll look at this exegetically my technical theological response to that assertion is not but let's do a little exegetical work here shall we a couple of problems one problem is the verb that is used here submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ in verse 21 wives submit to your own husband's now that verb there in verse 22 is the verb carried over from verse 21 they success wives to husbands and the verb there is Hoople Tazo so it's actually a military term and this military term refers to the voluntary submission of an inferior officer to a superior officer or to a soldier or of a soldier to a superior officer that's what the verb means it means that you submit to someone because of their rank you submit to them because of the office that they hold the problem with the idea of mutual submission is that it doesn't work with this verb there is no mutual submission in military ranks the captain does not come to the private and say private there are some things that I'd really like to discuss with you I really think we need to take that hill over there but I know we're called to submit to one another mutually so I'd really like to discuss with you private whether or not you feel like charging that hill over there as we mutually submit to one another private thing coming back Zen captain I really appreciate that I appreciate you honoring this mutual submission agreement that we have to one another there's a machine-gun up there and I just really think maybe no not the way the military works how does the military work superior officer gives order inferior salutes and executes that's how the military works it is not mutual submission and that's the term the term does not allow for the mutual submission interpretation there is another problem the second problem is that this mutual submission clause supposed mutual submission Clause and Ephesians 5:21 does not exist in Colossians 3 does not exist in first Peter 3 does not exist in Titus 2 so elsewhere where we have the headship of the husband and the submission of the wife we do not have this mutual submission clause so here's what evangelical feminism argues you don't take all of these texts together and read them the way they normally read in all of their senses you take this one text that has what appears to be a mutual submission clause and you then superimpose that clause on your reading of all the other texts that's the argument doesn't work that way Herman ethically anything else that we do but in this particular instance that's what we're supposed to do there is a third problem and it's the immediate context broader context problem in order for us to understand this and we're going to get to Ephesians chapter 5 and male headship but trust me this is necessary the third problem is when you go back to this text and put it in context Ephesians chapter 5 and verse 21 is the end of a paragraph I don't know about you but generally when I start reading something I go to the beginning of paragraphs not the end maybe you do that may I go to the beginning paragraph Fiji's chapter 5 verse 21 is the end of a paragraph that begins in Ephesians chapter 5 and verse 15 when we get there here's what we find very interesting we have three commands on the third command you get excuse me go to verse 15 with me three contrast I'm sorry like why is that not what I'm talking about we get three contrast on the third skew I'm sorry just had a senior moment there with we have three contrasts on the third contrast you get three commands and on the third command you get three contexts all right look at the beginning of verse 15 let's look at these three contrasts look carefully then how you walk not as unwise but as wise making the best use of the time because the days are evil so there's a contrast not unwise but wise the second one therefore do not be foolish but understand what the will of the Lord is there's the second contrast first one not unwise but wise the second one not foolish but understanding the will of the Lord here's the third contrast do not get drunk with wine for that is debauchery but be filled with the spirit there's the third contrast on the third contrast you get three commands three commands as to how to fill the third contrast look at verse 19 first addressing one another in Psalms hymns spiritual songs singing and making melody to the Lord with all your heart there's a first command the first command related to what the third contrast is how you live that spirit filled life what's the second command giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ there's your second command created correlated to what that third contrast here's how you do it this is the spirit filled life and then there's the third command submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ that's the third command as it relates to the contrast of the spirit filled life versus drunk with wine on the third command you get three contexts what are they wives to husband 5:24 to the end of the chapter children to parents six one through four slaves to masters six five through nine in other words Ephesians 5:21 is not the umbrella over the rest of Ephesians chapter five it's actually the umbrella over feedings 5:22 through 6-9 and here's why that's important because in all of those relationships the husband-wife relationship the verb used there is not a mutual submission verb in the parent-child relationship not mutual submission children are called to hearken to the voice of their parents parents are not called to submit to their children and in the third one slaves and masters masters are not called to submit to their slaves slaves are called to submit to their masters so in each one of these contexts submission works in one direction there is a person who is the head and there's a person who's called to submit to the one who is the head therefore because of all of these things the idea that we have misunderstood Paul's teaching here about the husband and his headship in his home is not an acceptable explanation for the text instead what we get is Paul is very clear and unambiguous and the husband is to exercise headship in his household now here we have the household codes whenever you see the household codes for example if we go to Colossians chapter 1 or if we go to first Peter chapter 3 or if we go to Titus chapter 2 always either right before or right after you have husband and wife you have children and parents and you have slaves and masters these are household codes so the first thing we see about a man's leadership in his household is this that a man's leadership in his household goes to his government of all the affairs of his home a man's leadership in his household goes to the government of all the affairs in his home first yes there is the idea of a man and his headship in his leadership with his wife unfortunately for many of us that's sort of where we stop the whole thing is about who is the man the head of his marriage yeah the man's a head of his marriage but please don't stop there the man is also the head of his household as it relates to the training and discipleship of his children which means men cannot and must not abdicate when it comes to the training and discipleship of their children here's the great irony the great irony is we have men who want to stand up and pound their chests yours the Bible says I am the head I am the head of my marriage so when my wife and I have a disagreement I have the last word hoorah good for you let me ask you this are you the chief and principal disciple of your children well si will seem it when my wife and I when we when we when we're trying to I'm I'm the boss of her have you laid a roadmap for how your children learn to believe the right things in order that they might be transformed by the gospel able to see let's see the Bible says that my wife she's supposed to see that's where we want to end but the text says father's do not provoke your children to anger but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord does this mean that my wife doesn't have a role to play in the discipleship of my children no any more that it means that my wife doesn't have a role to play and enter any of the other aspects of our family life but the idea here is that I am to exercise headship when it comes to the discipleship of my children we have lost this we have missed this and let me say a word in particular to those of you who are considering the ministry there has been an idea in generations past you take care of God's business and he'll take care of your family this same idea is the idea that has allowed evangelists to be world renowned while they spend three four five six months at a time away from their families and the name of serving the Lord this attitude has been the excuse for pastors who devote their lives to taking care of the problems in everyone else's household while they neglect their family so commonly that we have a phrase called the PK which refers to these neglected untrained undisciplined undeciphered children who grew up in pastors households but were not disciple there and it's sin pure and simple my first calling my first ministry is to be Bridget's husband and Jazmyn tre Elijah as juda Myka and Sophia's father yep this Minnie that's my job go and make disciples of panthatar s name every people group we love that Great Commission don't we baptizing them in the name of the Father Son the Holy Spirit teaching them to observe all the things that I've taught you let me ask you this how dare I do that out there and not do it at home how dare I disciple your children and fail to disciple mine that is my duty as a father this lasts when were uncomfortable with this idea of a father and his headship in the context of a slavemaster relationship let me explain this to you and this one we it used to be difficult for me as well there's a family in our church who got an opportunity to move to the Middle East and they're in the Middle East this individual is a pilot he was recruited by an airline over in the Middle East they're in the country where they live it is common for households to have servants in fact that you you can't find a place to rent there that doesn't have servants quarters attached it has just absolutely come it's the air they breathe it's the way things are well he's there for a little while and you know we were skyping with keeping up with one another and I have had two opportunities now to go and visit with them they're the Middle East and to preach there and it's been incredible but here's what began to happen I began to get these messages from him and we ganna talk on skype about the incredible things that were going on with their made their servant this woman from another country who is in that Middle Eastern country basically to serve as a servant as a housemaid the airline that hired him pays them a salary also pays for them to have a housemaid and some incredible things begin to happen like they began to invite their maid and her husband into their household with them for family worship everyday and as a result of it this Sri Lankan maid and her husband were converted not only was a Sri Lankan maid and her husband converted but other Sri Lankan maids began to hear about the relationship that this woman had with her master as they call them and would just sort of show up around the house from time to time and when they showed up around the house they would be invited to join the family and family worship and so long story short my first trip to go visit them in the Middle East first opportunity to go and preach there a number I had the privilege of going out into the ocean and do by the United Arab Emirates here's the burj dubai you know that huge hotel that looks like the sail of a boat I'm standing in the shadow of a burj dubai there's muslims air we're not everywhere air we're that's beyond everywhere all right they're at the beach with the hijab on the whole nine yards and I walk out into the ocean baptizing Sri Lankan maids and butlers I just a you Church real quick I was scared it's like super gonna drown me what an incredible testimony as people came over to ask what's going on the household codes a man shepherding his wife his children and his servants and God blessing the work male leadership in the home is comprehensive you're responsible to set the trajectory for your entire household in a time that we have let me say this because I want this to be clear male headship in the home is not something that is achieved through domination it's something that requires submission in fact look with me beginning in verse 24 verse 22 I'm sorry notice he doesn't say husbands make your wives submit he says in verse 22 wives submit to your own husband's as to the Lord for the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is a head of the church his body and his himself its Saviour now as the church submits to Christ so also wives should submit and everything to their husbands this is not something that's forced on a wife says why I say to young men if you find a young woman that you're interested in and she is unsubmitted run do not pass go do not collect $200 get out now by the way when I say she's on submissive I don't mean she's submissive to you because she's not called to be submissive to you I get that sometimes too you know my girlfriend she's not really submissive to me my response to that complaint is always good for her yeah but she's supposed to be submissive right yeah to her husband but ring on her finger have you married her yet then she must not submit to you well wait a minute if she's not supposed to submit to me until I'm her husband then how will I know if she's submissive watch her with her father why because that's the only context we're in she is now commanded to submit to male headship yeah but you don't know her father's relationship with her I don't care yeah well you know I mean they're just like special mitigating circumstances really because I don't care because a daughter's submission to her father is not based on her father's worthiness it's based on God's command now here's what I want to ask you sir what makes you think that this woman will find an excuse not to submit to the man who gave her birth and shelter and food but somehow you're gonna be so fine that she'll just gladly submit to you you better wake up she doesn't submit to her father because her father is flawed that she will not submit to you because you two sir are flawed and if you marry an unsubmitted woman you're in a world of hurt how you what are you gonna do you're gonna arm wrestle her for leadership in your home the next context children obey your parents and the Lord for this is right honor your father and mother this is the first commitment with a promise they may go well with you and that you may live long in the land children are called and commanded to submit to their parents that commanded to it is God who calls this when it comes to slaves in their masters go down to verse five slaves obey your earthly masters with fear and trembling with a sincere heart as you would Christ so in each of these context God does not say sir you are the head of your household you must rule with an iron fist and force everyone in your home to bow the knee to you absolutely not the idea is they that that they submit to you are the reverence for God so if someone is not submitting to you within the context of your household first thing we need to know this is universal your headship in your household secondly it requires submission from those under your leadership but how did they achieve that by you shepherding them that's how are you shepherding them what do you do with your wife go back to 5:25 husband's love your wives as Christ loved the church gave himself up for her that he might sanctify her having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word so that he might present the church to himself and splendor without spot or wrinkle or any such thing that she might be holy and without blemish in the same way husband's ought to love their wives as their own bodies it when men come to me and say oh my wife has a submission problem ok fine she has a submission problem she has to deal with that before God but let me ask you a question are you disciple in her she being washed with the water of the word are you bringing the truths of God's Word to bear in her life so that she is being built up and sanctified in him are you living with her as Peter says in 1st Peter three chapters chapter 3 verse 7 in an understanding manner as with a weaker vessel are you praying for her are you falling on your face before a holy God begging him to sanctify your wife or are you merely pointing your finger at her saying you are not submitting with your children how do you get them their fathers do not provoke your children to anger but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord are you disciple in your children is your discipline designed to bring them to the cross or merely to outward obedience with your servants look at verse 9 masters do the same to them stop you're threatening knowing that he who is both their master and yours is in heaven and that there is no there is no partiality with him are you conducting yourself as a follower of Jesus Christ and bringing God's word to bear in all the relationships within the context and confines of your home that the result might be that your discipleship would bear fruit in the lives of everyone over whom God has given you charge how different is this from me man you woman me speak you do this is the picture of biblical leadership in the context and confines of the home this is what it means for a man to lead in his household there's a final piece here and the final piece here goes back to what we spoke about on last night remember this is all about what Christ his body and its unity the glory of Christ manifests it in his body the church and in its unity that's what we see in the indicative half of the book of Ephesians those first three chapters now we get to the imperative half of the book of Ephesians these last three chapters and remember these imperatives we have the ability to accomplish these imperatives because of what Christ has done in us we've seen that in the first three chapters and we are motivated to accomplish these imperatives why because of our desire as followers of Christ to see his glory manifested and magnified in those places where he has given us Dominion so what's your desire what's my desire when it comes to my wife and my headship being exercised there here it is my relationship with my wife is a living breathing illustration of the relationship between Jesus Christ in His Church I desire to exercise biblical Christ honoring headship and my marriage because it is a picture of Christ and for me not to exercise that kind of head in my marriage is a blasphemous act against my Lord and Savior and master Jesus Christ my desire for my wife to submit to me is not just so that I can feel powerful but my desire is centered around the fact that she is called to submit to me as to Christ that her submission to me is actually an act of worship toward Christ so a wife was not submissive to her husband has a worship disorder first and foremost my headship with my life sinners around my desire for her to be sanctified and built up as a member of Christ's body but not only is she a member of Christ's body she's a member of my body and this mysterious one flesh Union I don't know who first said it to me but I just it's I keep it in my mind she's not just mine she's me she's not just mine she's me she is bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh so my desire is to see her built up because she's a member of the body of Christ and I desire his body to be built up and for him to fill all things my desire for our unity has to do with the fact that she's a member of my body as well we are one flesh she's not just mine she's me also this picture that we paint of the relationship between Christ in His Church has an impact first and foremost on our children who see this on a daily basis but secondly on our servants who also see this on a daily basis so there is this picture of the truth of the gospel that we proclaim that is being lived out in the context of this marriage relationship it does not replace the gospel it is not the gospel but it reinforces the message of the gospel that changes my focus I changes my everything when a man comes to me and says I'm finished I can't do it anymore I'm leaving where you going sir you can't do that yes I can't no you can't you're her head head can't leave the body you don't want to run around headless well I do I yeah why I understand all that I'm just leaving no you can't leave where you going go love your wife you're commanded to love your wife your husband's love your wives as Christ loved the church my desire for my children is what that my children would come to know Christ fathers do not provoke his children to anger but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord what is my desire with my children that they would make me proud and become doctors and lawyers and quarterbacks and whatever my desire for my children is if they walk with God but as our first and foremost is that they would be saved by desire is that they would know Christ and that desire must lead all other desires everything else must take a backseat to that why first half of the book Christ his body and the unity thereof I want my children to be part of the body of Christ I want my children to be redeemed I want Christ to be glorified as my children come to faith in Him I want the father to be glorified as the son gives my children to him as a gift that is then reciprocated because the father first entrusted them they am and I know that this happens through the proclamation of the gospel so I preached the gospel to my children again and again and again and my desire for their obedience to my headship has to do with them knowing Christ not with impressing you I want their hearts I'll let them saved Cotton Mather also made an argument that I've just never been able to get away from he says as you look at your children remember that that sin nature from which they need to be delivered was inherited from Adam through you you gave it to him rid them of it if you can't they suffer under the curse directly through you do everything that you can to deliver them from that oh how many parents have fallen on their face before God praying that their child would get into the right school but have not spent one hour begging God that their child might get into heaven I want my children saved first and foremost and so my headship and my leadership in my home as it relates to my children must center around this desire above and before all else that they might know Christ in the pardon of their sins this is real headship why is this important why is it important that we know the opposition that is out there why is it important that we fight for this ground here's why it's important that we fight for this ground first and foremost it's important that we fight for this ground because people are not just arguing against us they're arguing against God I don't write the mail I just deliver it and it is important that we refute those who contradict sound doctrine Titus 1:9 that is my job to refute those who contradict sound doctrine here's the second reason that this is important if the picture of male headship in the home is an illustration of the relationship between Christ and His Church then anything that would Mar that image is actually working too profane the truth about Christ we can't have that here's the other problem God has designed marriage to function in a way that brings glory to his name and that fulfills his design and that design centers around male headship if we undermine this fundamental truth we begin to undo all so what do we see we see marriages that are shipwrecked because of a failure to understand this issue we see wives that wrestle with and run away from submission to their husbands listening to and sounding more like the feminists we see men who have no idea whatsoever what real headship is which results in either passivity in men where they completely fade to the background or hyper masculinity in men where they turn into Rambo neither of which is acceptable the idea is for biblical male headship a man who understands his role doesn't back down from his role doesn't apologize for his role and is terrified because he understands the magnitude of his responsibility that's the picture now you go and do likewise let's pray father thank you that you have not left us to wander aimlessly in the dark but has spoken clearly to the most pertinent issues in our lives and to our deepest needs grant that we might hear and heed your truth for Christ's sake for his glory for his honor amen you
Channel: Marriage Sermons Voddie Baucham
Views: 233,317
Rating: 4.8907351 out of 5
Keywords: Perry Stone, James Goll, David Swann, Derek Prince, Al Janssen, Roxanne Swann, Marilyn Hickey, Joel Osteen, Rick Warren, Joyce Meyer, Paul Washer, Mark Driscoll, John Piper, John MacArthur, Bishop T. D. Jakes, Bishop Noel Jones, Kirk Cameron, Matt Chandler, Dennis Leonard, Joseph W. Walker III, Chris Hodges, Rudolph McKissick Sr. and Jr., Troy Gramling, Larry Stockstill, Mark Balmer, Duane Sheriff, Jentezen Franklin
Id: iX5EnQo2V7E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 30sec (3270 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 28 2013
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