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hello everybody greats to please we're checking out a new game for the channel called terroir a winemaking tycoon game it's a tycoon game but it has wine in it which means that two things are gonna happen one we're gonna make fat stacks of cash and two I'm probably going to pronounce everything wrong I have a hard enough time pronouncing English words right now I have to pronounce French words that's not gonna happen let us begin with a new game I'm gonna have links in the description below this was out on early acces house messing around with it back on early access it has come a long way it's free I don't know it's like very um very soothing it's a soothing game except it's soothing in the way that you can watch your entire life savings get flushed down the drain as you screw up a crop of grapes and then probably toss yourself off of one of the beautiful cliff sides that dot the country over here we're gonna play on standard difficulty 3535 thousand of starting budget pests rot and overexposure chances are normal I know a little bit about this game but it's been a while since I played like I understand the gameplay of it but there's a lot to it like it's very deep in the actual wine creation so you have to understand your acid your tannins and your sweetness and your bottles and all that kinda for the name of our vineyard you know what's gonna have to have seagulls in it somewhere seagulls are good at two different things stealing your burger when you're at the beach and making wine so let's do this we're gonna do seagulls best it's like Milwaukee's best but slightly more a V whoa belts don't thank you ma'am so we don't really need a tutorial right now because I've already gone through it to read acquaint myself with all different things we can move our little tap our little tiles like tablets we can move our tiles around as we do we can purchase different areas now the cool thing about this game let us go ahead and plant right now the cool thing about this game is that there is a randomness to everything in the game and I actually like that like tycoon games are cool because you get the opportunity to make money and have a business and some play but business is not always linear and sometimes things outside your control happen and I really appreciate the fact that they do that in this game so you can have the apollyon over here I wish they had the pronunciations like right next to all the different wines because I'm gonna screw this up in magnificent fashions and then have the Chardonnay I could pronounce Chardonnay so I think we're gonna go with that one Chardonnay is a workhorse of both new and old world vineyards owning to their relative hardiness and ability to reflect the terroir in rich flavors from new wine makers to century-old the state's cool things happen and then the Chardonnay is the best all right so we're gonna go ahead and plant that we have some other things up here I think this is our instructional hand booklet we got the Rural Development Bank welcome to the Rural Development Bank where we assist farm owners and entrepreneurs in turning their emissions into reality and then probably taking giant cuts and oh they just raise yeah that's gonna say probably stacking up the interest rates that they actually have it in here and make a nice fat profit from the huge interest rates and administration fees yeah we're not going to use that right now but if you were about to lose everything you had I could totally understand why you might do that we have an ambient object over here so this is the stuff that you could put down to make your terroir your own and there is a lot of stuff like look at this there's there's a freakin canoe and campfires and lighthouses and wine presence and vats and tractors and wheel barrels and huts and crates and piers and all that kind stuff so you can have all that as well and then over here this is where we can upgrade our actual estate which we do want to do because as you upgrade stuff you can get more things so a lot of the stuff is locked because we're level one and we want to get to level two will get more barrel storage more bottle storage but the monthly maintenance cost may go up and then underneath over here right here is where the magic happens this is where all our bottles and barrels happen we'll check that out in a little bit so for right now one of the things that we have to do is we have to balance our ripeness and there's a couple of ways to do this you can kind of just keep it at like a 1 and then stash yourself right at the end that's not always the best way to do it though because you end up getting fungal rot which eats away at a lot of your profits like right now it is raining like crazy and every day that we're over well every month I should say that we're at a one hour potential for fungal rot goes up and up what is with the rains holy crap spring is sprung is right now all these tiles when I was talking about like the random stuff oh man it is raining every month all these tiles are all random so we have a little forest over here which is actually quite nice the forest gives any tiles that are nearby an extra fertility bonus so we may actually think about buying that tile over there to put down a different type of wine what is going on here yeah see right there fungal rot because holy crap it did not stop raining at all and this is actually why I like the game because it's not just okay this is getting ridiculous now we're going to how to undo this we're in June right now fungal rot is to get the fungal rot is not going away let's see what July brings if July is still raining I'm gonna cut this back all you know what let's just trim it back all the way because we need to get her we need to get our rightness up to like a four to A six and holy God I've never seen this before I have never seen it rain all year round are we gonna we gonna die in a giant flood that's what it looks like it's happening right here I'm toilet away trying to keep the rain away it's already July Oh finally oh look what's finally does the rain oh it's cloudy now excellent so we have to wait from September to November to harvest our grapes you can see we've been getting hit by freaking fungal rot every month because it was just rain for days we picked a wrong place to grow grapes in but don't you boys worry we're gonna make this happen one way or the other so what I'm gonna do is we could harvest them right now but I'm gonna let it sit for a minute I'm gonna let it sit to see if we can get a little bit more tonnage now we're out of six right now yeah we need to grab it so I'm gonna go ahead and grab it we got eaten a lot by the fungal rot but our harvest report is really good if you can keep your ripeness between a 4 and a 6 you get this right here which gives us an extra star to our wine rating and yes your wine has to be rated by snooty Schmucks that assign it a 1 to 5 stars and if you get 5 stars obviously you get more money when you sell it so now we have to work on preparing our wine for the taste testers and then for the distributors so over here we have crushing we only have one thing that we can do right now which is to beat it with our feet there's also the traditional crusher or the motorized crusher so but again we need to get higher level in order to even get those now each one of these does something so this one over here agree increases the tannins by two which is fine with a Chardonnay you want to shoot right for between the 6s and 7s it looks like so we're gonna go ahead and do this and now we're crushing the living crap out of the grapes over there with our tutors and now it's barrel time every two weeks of fermentation decreases the sweetness by one I shouldn't say barrel time it's fermentation time so wine like all alcoholic drinks needs to ferment your wine sweetness will change depending on how long you ferment it so we're looking for a sweetness of right around 6 to 8 so we don't want to go down so we want less than 2 weeks you can see you can do it I think up to 2 months yep up to 2 months but we're gonna want it less than 2 weeks so it's already done and we need our tit we need our acidity up right now our acidity is a 5 we wanted out a 7 so we need to press some of the juice for every 10% pressed juice we get an acidity of one extra so let's go ahead and bring this down to about 20 that should give us an acidity of 7 and I think I'm gonna be pretty happy with that I think I'll be pretty happy with this batch over here's the barrelling and the aging we only have the common French oak decreases acidity by one and tannaz by two for every month that you leave it stored so we don't want to leave this stored at all basically and then over here you can see acidity by one tannins by three acidity by one tannins by two but stops at the ideal acidity and tannin for your grape that's amazing like to have this stop on its own is fantastic but all we can do is the French oak so let's do the French oak and now we don't want it sitting there for very long I don't know why I clicked on that I just wanted to see our Estate reports I guess right away we want to sell this stuff you can see we're at a 7 6 7 7 I'm pretty happy about that so let's go ahead and bottle it now you can do corks or screw caps what does it do it increases the cost of the bottle quite a bit does it allow you to get more money from the bottle I don't really know I say I know that sometimes the appropriate bottle and the appropriate top will have your wine perform much better than normal for right now we're only gonna be using one star folks so let's just do a screw cap to make as much money as we can the Chardonnay let's see what kind of bottle should we have a nice this bottle right here I think would be nice right over here so now that we've got our bottles prepared we got 360 bottles it is a very very good bottle of wine right now it gets a plus-one starving organize and taste testing we got Boris Miao fern Bosch and he'll squat Ito you can see else court Ito over here probably one of the most inspired names I've ever seen wine so here we go the verdict is in the reviewers invited to the wine taste testing have written reviews pitter-pat the word is out now and the price of your wine has been determined by the words of a few Albert powerful critics everyone gave it 5 stars it's delectable first it - final swig it's big money time boys so now it's time to sell so this is the other part of the game we have to manage our distributor relations with all these different people except for these people these guys over here are like the the back-alley wine companies basically they will buy your wine no matter how craptastic it is but they'll sell it at almost nothing so for these guys here if we get if we get our our fingers good and strong and powerful that sounded terrible if we get in deep that sounds bad too if we get on the good side of these folks we get some like worker benefits it doesn't take as much actions if we get ourselves in good with these folks we get to sell all of our wine bottles to them no matter how much we have and then if we get it in good with these folks we get 10% more per wine so I think I'm gonna get in with these folks now you can I think balance everyone one of the ways that I was doing it was what I was do what I what I would do is put like how many how many do we have total 360 so let's do 180 from them and then I would do a little bit less than 10% of everyone else I think you can actually do 10% and get things going I think you may even be able to do 30% but I'm not 100% sure it kind of changed from what it used to be to what it currently is let's try this ok so everyone's relations just went up to - we want everyone's relations up to 5 so that's something we're gonna work on so now we're done everyone for the most part is happy this is gonna go down we're gonna start making a little bit of money but one of the things that we're probably gonna want to do is immediately buy another another area over here and start planting more stuff so let's um let's go over here the tile type is loam again you can reroll your tile types by the way should you want to ah but I don't think we're gonna go ahead and do that I think we're gonna stick with the loam so let's just let's just do that and Oh 20,000 to add that tile holy God ok maybe we won't be doing that right now we're gonna need a lot more money now one of the things that you do get which is really cool they added this is this chest over here as you get 5-star wines you get the ability to pull from chance and circumstance so basically how it works is this is more of the cool randomization that I love about this game if you do the chance something cool happens now and if you do the circumstance something cool will happen later I think I don't know it's totally possible that you could get friggin hammered and hit your life but let's find out let's do it let's do this now the the the rng gods are gonna go ahead and spin and now we have to pick chance or circumstance let's start with a chance online banking error in your favor okay so thanks to the fantastically voiced did that guy just sound a lot like oh what's the guy from from the Family Guy the guy in the wheelchair sounded a lot like that dude we got an extra $1,800 from that so let's kind of cool we're gonna do circumstance next so right over here when you see this this means that we can continue to sell more wine and we do want to sell as much of it as we can't wait till 144 bottles so let's go over here and start selling you can see right now the distributor relations went down a little bit that happens they're going to go down all the time because we're favoring someone but because we're selling 5-star wine to them they are going to continue to kind of have a positive relationship in that way so let's go ahead and sell the full 86 over here and then we'll sell let's try something different we're gonna try less than 10% we'll do 7 and 7 over there that leaves us with 44 let's try that okay so we're at 4 3 & 3 now so we're slowly starting to work our way up there once we get to a 5 and everyone it loses stuff a lot less quickly so that's kind of cool so right now we still don't have enough money to really buy anything you can click on this empty lot and construct any one of these buildings and there's a lot of look at this we can have a freaking tavern a tavern is a place to enjoy a nice meal a nice conversation and the best source wine locally wine sold here earns you 40 percent more of the retail price and a highly rated wines earn you the best monthly round so we definitely want that and look at this the remains of a medieval castle simple a symbol of the region's rich past not only do they add mystique to your estate but they attract more visitors hungry for culture in history all adjacent taverns will buy an additional 400 bottles from you so essentially you want like a castle surrounded by friggin taverns and then you also have to work office the work office is cool because that's what we get to research a bunch of new stuff like pesticides and how to how to share our stuff quicker and how to share multiple vineyards all at once like right now things are pretty simplistic right because all that's happening is we only have one vineyard right now we only had well we are a vineyard but we only have like one area that is getting any kind of growth once we get an area with a lot more growth we're gonna have to deal with that now right now you can see the rain is still coming down very very heavily it rained all the time but we got an optimal foliage I'm gonna leave it an optimal right now let's go back to our sales to see if we can get rid of all this wine I want to get rid of all this wine as quickly as possible oh and by the way the higher rating the quicker the wine sells so something else to know we're gonna do 31 and then we'll do let's do just like 1 & 1 over here and see what that does okay so right now we just got a 5 star rating so now they're gonna buy wines at 10% more from now on that's pretty cool so I'm very happy about that we're gonna go ahead leave that go and okay good finally we're not where it's cloudy right now but where it's not raining all the time we're probably still gonna get hit with fungal Rock I could try oh yeah we got it hold on we gotta cut this down we got to cut this back big time there we go let's get it right around there we're probably still gonna get hit with fungal rot but like I said if we can eventually get to the point where we're not oh it's cloudy looks like we can sell more wine so let's make sure to do that sell as much as we can we have 11 bottles left so they're still waiting to sell 16 bottles now I wonder if I sell to these people without selling anything to this guy will my amount go down I really don't know so let's I'm like a lot of this I'm just testing so let's try you know what I'm gonna sell a little bit more to these people once it happens okay good so now we have fives all around so now as long as your distributor relations are out of five all worker actions except clear forest and plant forest are free which is amazing as long as you distribute you can sell 100% of your bottles and then Crupp doesn't give you anything so I'm not really like super worried about trying to impress them all right we are in summer fungal rot is finally gone but you can see our ripeness starting to shoot up very quickly and this is what you're always worried about because it rains so heavily in the springtime and then it's just like clear okay cloudy that's actually pretty fortunate we're gonna want it to be September real soon here we don't want to go six right now there we go right here we had a little over a ton of grapes that time fives all across the board except for sweetness which is a six I'm pretty happy about that we get a plus one to our rating so we should be doing just fine let us begin the crushing and this is pretty much how we're gonna do now one of the things I definitely want to do is be able to buy another tile so we can start getting twice as many grapes going out the sweetness is fine so let's just ferment for less than two weeks we want our acidity up by two so let's go ahead and do that right there and now we're at a seven six seven seven that is absolutely perfect for the Chardonnay so now let's get it taste tested I have no doubt that we are well first we have to bottle it and I have no doubt that we are going to get a high rating on this oh we can name it whatever we want by the way so we can call this one we call this one Siegel's best light there you go a screw cap screw cap or cork let's just keep it on the screw cap for right now let's go with the big bottle at the end I like this bottle looks cool there we go and now let's get the organized tasting now every time you impress the taste testers you're going to get someone more powerful that you can invite to the taste testing and I would always get the most powerful people you can so now we have Caleb Elahi I don't know either way you can only pick three three stars all around the wine price continues to go up I think we're gonna cork the next one I'm curious to see how corking doesn't you can see right now we're at about 21 bucks I think twenty twenty-nine dollars over here if we sell it to Manhattan which I definitely want to so let us go ahead and sell as many as we can to them and then everyone else is going to get the leftovers sorry guys but the reality is gray does want to make as much stacks as he can so there we go and those should sell out fairly quickly and if they sell out in time we're gonna be able to buy a brand new tile oh and I said I was gonna do this let's do it chance and circumstance let's do a circumstance this time into so I've gotten a couple things I've gotten like the mayor's coming for a drink I've gotten like the army needs rations circumstance the town's mayor yes vineyard and would like to pay a visit it's a good opportunity to impress him with some of your finest wines okay once you've been crafted the finest wine in vitam over here over for it got it and your oats whole onions for a glass or two oh I actually have some left you might just there we go so we have some seagulls light over here the mayor should be coming shortly which would be awesome and I think that if the mayor comes and we impress him we get like a town grant or something like that so we should have some seagulls best for him when he gets over here it's October right now let's go ahead and move things along over here I don't know how long it takes him to come I think he went I think he came on his own I don't think I did anything to force him over here Oh thirty thousand right now yeah let's go ahead I'm gonna buy this tile right here and now the mayor arrived at your Chateau oh here we go with excitement you give him a tour of the grounds and with the afternoon Sun preparing to sink below the horizon you uncork a bottle of your wine you pour him a glass watch him savor the aromas yes a sip at first then a gulp he closes his eyes as if suddenly hearing the voices of angels yes in his mind he is taken back to a time when things were more simple and all one had to do to get by was smile he opens his eyes and simply says it's good looks like you did well right there it's it's ever palpatine good good release your wine release your anger we got a lot of money for that I am super happy about this okay so that turned out to be pretty good this tile over here I think I'm gonna keep it as it is I kind of want to reroll some of these tiles thousand bucks to reroll tile you boys think we can get something cool attach these two tiles let's try it real Lake we got a lake that's actually pretty cool so the lake gives us immunity to that thing to all the adjacent tiles which is pretty cool the forest would also be very good I definitely wouldn't look a gift Forest in the mouth we could also buy another one over here ooh that's sandy is it hold on let's go ahead and do this so we planted the Chardonnay should we should we try the sovereign yo kind of wonder if we should this will we have something a little bit different for both the Southern Yan and from what I've seen you want to keep everything right around a six so very close to the Chardonnay actually if we have both we can submit them to try and win awards and stuff like that so yeah you know what why not let's have two different grape varieties let's do it what's the worst that can happen let's go back over here make sure that we sell any of the additional wines that we haven't yet sold we have 20 left so we should have no problem selling any of this Manhattan I know you guys are giving me fantastic numbers for my wines so let's go ahead and do that and then we'll do it too over here and a three over here and because everyone's at fives and we're selling 5-star wines everyone should be very happy about this arrangement all right so I mean you make things a little harder on yourself by selecting different lines but I thought it'd be cool so why not so right now we have two different areas that we're dealing with in ripeness we're dealing with a five right now in our Chardonnay and a four in the 7y and right now the weather not playing along very good we don't want to get overexposure so we can get a little bit of rain game I would love just a little bit rain you're not raining for me game you're not ok so now we have overexposed and it stopped producing that makes me sad as a matter of fact I think we're gonna get overexposure for both but what can you over get some rain thank you God we're getting some rain oh there's no bottles left although they can start buying there's nothing for us to do I'm gonna allow time to go a little bit faster here we'll see how things go rain cloudy ok I like the cloudiness I could do with a little bit more rain though if possible yeah Oh God let's get that ripeness down boys there we go there we go we're at a ton we're a little over a ton now alright we're over in July looking pretty slick still cloudy looking clear ok I'm going to let's go ahead and trim this back just a little bit cuz right now things are pretty average there we go and we can get probably a little bit more come on 1.8 tonnes right now let's keep it going let's keep it going I want two tons of grapes boys two tons of grapes a four and a five okay alright let's so let's move this down about like that and let's move this down as well and there we go autumn is here let's go ahead and pick them we've got a 2.2 and the rightness was pretty good in fact both of them oh this one is not as ripe as it could have been so this one over here our seven yawn didn't get the best possible if possible it changed on me too like I said if you keep it between a 4 and a 6 you're good but if you don't get that way you're not gonna get the the plus to the to the gray pitch right over there that's right though let's see what we can do so over here let's start with well we only have one way to do everything alright we got that all done now what are we dealing with for the numbers over here acidity needs to go up the sweetness the tannins and the body let's see this decreases the sweetness so we don't want to decrease the sweetness actually I don't want to decrease the sweetness on either of these so we're gonna leave those for two weeks of fermentation we do need to bring the acidity up a little bit so for the Chardonnay as normal we want it up by at least two and then this actually I'm gonna want both these up by two so let's go ahead and begin doing that right there the pressing is complete and now for the barreling 7677 looks pretty good and six is all around that's right about right about what I want for the most part I don't know if it's gonna be absolutely perfect but I think it's gonna be pretty darn close so let's go ahead and Barrel them back over here to the underground and now it is time to bottle which we will and you know what let's um let's see here for the Chardonnay I'm gonna go with this one again and yeah I'm gonna go with the screw cap or the cork rather I'm gonna go with the cork this time so let's go ahead and do that over there and then for our seven yum let's go what I want to do for this let's do now I can't remember what bottle is best for this if there if there even is a difference let's do you know I'm gonna cork this one as well just to see if it can help us out a little bit so 4,200 bucks for the bottling costs for that that's fine back over here to our bottles organize the taste I think I'm very confident in our Chardonnay very confident in our Chardonnay and I should have been confident because it's $23.90 for the wine price three of five stars all around it's perfect now thus Avignon I don't know I'm gonna give it to some pretty tough taste testers oh we got fives on it as well we got fives all around that's fantastic okay cool so we actually ended up doing very well I'm so happy about that okay so the stacks are gonna start rolling in the stacks are gonna start rolling in $32 for this wine right now $32 let's get these guys 90 and these guys 90 and we'll go ahead and sell and then we're done and I think we have to wait to sell these before we can sell the other ones so we're just gonna let that happen for right now and while we're at it let's go ahead and do a chance of let's do it let's do well let's do another chance this time we'll see what our chance gives us what do you got for me what do you got for me chance huh an unexpected drought is swinging across your vineyards locale the land is parched four consecutive instances of sunny skies well crap alright um that's good and bad at least we know what it's going to be uh so that's okay I guess let's go ahead and don't want to add this towel or do I want to add another vineyard let's add this tile I feel like adding a towel because that's gonna branch out our area you are not stuck in this little tiny area by the way this thing goes out forever so as we continue to build up our vineyard we're going to expand indefinitely I think that there is eventually a level that you cannot expand beyond but if there is I haven't reached it quite yet all right let's see how the year looks all right we're at 36,000 over here what we got we got clay I want more loam let's do that let's add this let's go ahead and plant real quick and I'm gonna plant another Chardonnay cuz like I said our Chardonnay I kind of know what I'm doing for the most part do we have any bottles left to sell I don't think we have anything left to sell yeah we've sold everything so everything turned out pretty good right we're sitting at about $15,000 right now which is not bad well fourteen thousand now costs you money for every tile that you own so and now notice that since I have two chunks of chardonnay right now it is both uh they're both combined under one chardonnay area now I'm kind of curious I thought it was good I thought it said we were gonna have a lot of a lot of Sun I'm not actually seeing like an overly abundant amount of Sun in fact I'm starting to see an overly abundant amount of rain which is kind of interesting holy crap we need to we need to share this stuff back we need to share this stuff back big-time let's share it back we're gonna get fungal rot already already the freakin fungal rot settles in and I think I'm gonna go ahead and peel this back one more time all the way around yep and it's a good thing I did because look at the already already with the freaking rain there we go let's go ahead and push things through over here come on get rid of that fungal rot for me you mean get rid of clouds man where's some sunny skies that there we go there we go that's what I wanted to see yes good good we still have to get through August and then September we got more rain coming in let's go ahead and start peeling this stuff back over here now you're gonna notice that this friggin fungal rot is going to obliterate our tonnage right now we should be getting a ton of tonnage you know what it is but we're not okay hold on we need to it's time to it's time to start hitting things big time so what we're gonna do is we are going to share all of this back as far as humanly possible all the rain stop with the rain for the love of God stop it now not with the rain okay trim this all the way back trim it all the way back all the way back all the way back there we go there we go okay October can I get can I get a little bit of something can I get a little bit of something I got to say for a terrible year and wine we actually didn't turn out with batches that were that bad actually everything's very balanced I may be able to sell this never mind I won't be able to sell it I don't know why for some reason when I tried to put the put these wines in their casks or whatever I just froze so I went back and tried to do it again and I froze again so that's unfortunate I really I kind of wanted to see how our wine was gonna do we're doing okay I mean I had to take 8 grand out of the bank but I think that we were finally starting to get our vineyards to where they need to be that said if I had a tip for anyone do not take the money out to buy a 3rd vineyard until you have like an extra 50 grand in the bank I would say because I cut it way too close and you probably shouldn't do that I can't get off of this is interesting I can't get off of the the pause or anything I don't know maybe it's a buckle at the developer know until the next time folks hope you enjoy terroir stay foxy in much left [Music] [Music]
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 782,723
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: graystillplays, family friendly, building, fun pc game, best pc game, pc game, pc video game, terroir gameplay, terroir tutorial, terroir pronounciation, terroir pc game, terroir game, terroir, chateau, chateau simulator, wine, wine video game, wine making, wine making simulator, wine tycoon, terroir download, chardonnay, cabernet sauvignon, million dollar wine, million, million dollar, dollar wine, most expensive wine, famous wine
Id: CJTvgeyIjeE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 0sec (1980 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 21 2017
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