How to use Dungeon Full Dive (Game Master Overview)

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all right what's up everyone today we are going to take a look at dungeon full dive and how you can set up your own campaign inside dungeon full dive whether it's DND Pathfinder or whatever rules that you are using we'll be taking a look at the most efficient way on how you can set up your campaign so in general what will this be about we'll be taking a look at matap building how to organize and set up your maps how to set up your NPCs your characters your character sheets and of course how to use the tool itself meaning using the player tools like rulers throwing Dice and how to use the GM tools cuz there are quite a lot of them there will also be time stamps if you don't care about the map building or the Character Creator you can straight up skip to the tool sections time stamps are down below and without further Ado let's get started and switch over to one of our devs all right thank you Rachel I'll take over from here hi everyone I'm K I'm game designer at TK gaming Studios and yeah let's get started so the first thing you notice is that now we are in the main menu and the game is still in Early Access so a lot of things might change so definitely check out if there are newer guides if you're watching this right now um the first way you see in the main menu is map building characters and play um and what we will be doing now is check out M building so uh there are three tabs inside M building there's official Maps public maps and my maps if you go to my maps and you just downloaded the game this will be empty um for me there are quite a lot of maps in there U because I have two campaigns that I prep and also some backup Maps this list is sorted alphabetically the one trick that I use um is I just name them according to their campaign so that all the stuff for my fine campaign is sorted over here and all the stuff that's for the end campaign is sorted over here and how do we actually use the mamps so so the official and the public Maps these are pre-built maps by other developers or other community members and because we are Min maxing our campaign efficiency today what we can do is I will not be making a map of stratch but actually uh we can just take one of them and use them as a template so for example if I need a village for my map I generally do not make maps from scratch you can of course if you want to but if you want to save time can use um one of the official Maps or public Maps just straight up uh look for whatever map you you might want use uh if you see one that is interesting for you to let's say use as a B for your campaign uh you can do that so I'm going to take this walk C and download this for my campaign so now that I have this war C downloaded uh we can check it out and go over M building toour just really quick quickly because map building itself definitely should be it its own tutorial um how to master everything once it load you will see that you have your map building browser over here where you can place your assets you can edit the existing assets like just them around or uh Delete the existing assets on there there also a terraforming tool if that is interesting for you so you can adjust the terrain here but for now Let's ignore this and just take a look at this map real quick so this is a map that the user created and if I want to use this for my campaign this saves me a lot a lot of time if I just use a template but the big Advantage we have compared to 2D Maps is that obviously everything in here can be edited so let's say I am playing my campaign where the players are going to a big very fortified War cam this isn't fortified enough but uh we can use it as a base and just um duplicate here the tower and say okay let's see if we can have more of these um yeah maybe add something like uh W to this okay so it's a little bit more fortified so I'm not going to do all of this inside this tutorial because this is not a map building tutorial this is how to set up campaign so the only thing that I will say here is um you generally are able to make maps really quickly if you use the Y and twist so I would say if you do it based on the template it probably takes around 20ish minutes depending on how much you want to change if you use a map straight up from the public map this will be of course much shorter and if you want to do one from scratch this can wildly depend on how much time you actually want to spend setting up the map the important thing here is you should enjoy the process if you like building Maps really love to add all the details and spend hours in this and have a lot of fun doing it uh awesome but if you would just want to save some time um yeah use the templates um so much about the map building and the map setup so now let's check out out the character setup all right so let's check out characters the first thing that you will see is there again two types here you have sheets and you have Miniatures Miniatures are basically all the pre characters from developers can use they are humanoids um and there are creatures so the creatures are Miniatures that do not have two arms and two legs and cannot be used for full dive more than that later while the humano are all the creatures that can be full out and additionally in here you can create your own characters and also have publicly available characters that are made from the developers and um they also have character sheets attached so it's nice to use for like your generic NPCs I personally prefer to have my own um I just deleted all my character so you won't see much there let's go through this real quick and take a look so in the character builder you can make your own Miniatures so just visually uh we have all the uh characters from fifth edition so you have your uh you have your mans but you also have the H Orcs or the dragon BS and um yeah there's a lot of variety that you can choose from and all of these preset species do have Vis SM connected and pre fig up so yeah um you can just set up your character choose from different body type and you can actually adjust uh like the proportions of your character which is really really awesome so let's just make this or really really muscular for no specific reason at all and then yeah the rest of it is pretty basic you have your different body parts you can change out you can adjust the color for example H the lip color you can choose from different years and I wouldn't say there is anything that you absolutely need to know or your character creation it's mainly about okay bringing your NBC to life and just yeah picking whatever you prefer for the campaign that you have in mind and once you have set up your specific character what you also can do is add your character sheets and having said that the character sheets are optimized for fifth edition so um if you are not playing D and D first edition um you can skip this part but basically um in the character sheet you can maintain your character and there is some set integration which we can show in the gameplay section later so what I generally recommend is always set up the base stats over here because the rest of the stats would be autoc calculated so it's actually not as much as you think so let's say oh these are actually pretty good stats very strong and dexterity is average at quite tanky and then just set up the level the HP will Auto calculate if you want to M override can do so and that's pretty much it for having this work as NPC uh for your campaign one quick note here for the autoc calculation everything that is marked in blue will be uh used as a custom stat that that you can just input for example here the uh the stats over here or the level and the ones in Gray are autoc calculated um so if I adjust something like dexterity and what you will see is that over here all the skills that are coupled to dexterity will autocalculate for you so that's pretty neat and what you also can do is you can add um spells if you are a spell cter for example bar um which is pretty neat uh to keep track of things um and you can also go into the inventory and manage that uh so that your NPCs are set up I personally don't necess keep track of the inventories for NPCs um as a player this is this is amazing but as a GM I kind of just wing it when you have your inventory because to be honest it doesn't really matter if your Goblin has I don't know five gold or 10 because it only really matters if the party actually like robs the goblin or want trade with them but that would never happen and um yeah uh so when it's become IR relevant I will start tracking it but before the party actually it acts with this I kind of think it's all okay and so yeah let's save this character so if you head over to play mode uh you can either join a game or host a game or find players on the LD Channel um which is basically just um a Discord Forum where there are open games where you can apply to or you can say hey I'm the game master I'm looking for players uh but what we will be doing is hosting a game right now so uh when you host a game you start with a map and um if we go to my maps we can go over to the war camp that we used uh we're going to change this to be a private game and then just launch into that so starting with the player tools what you have here is um your classical dies uh the full dive menu which I will be showing later as well as the ruler dies are pretty straightforward uh you can uh select for do D2 to a D20 and they mount and if you press on one option it adds it to the stack you can actually combine this so if you say it's a d8 plus a D4 you can or D6 you can add this and then um you have them over here and maybe a D2 as well and once you grab these D you have them in your hand and then you can throw them and yeah the result will also be displayed in the chat so um yeah that is publicly posted so everyone will see your dice Resort that's important and the other thing is the ruler over here with the ruler uh you can measure distances uh for example during combat just hold left click and uh to move it and then right click to split it that way you can measure U from different points and if you want to uh Delete the section just left click again uh it's pretty straightforward um there's also a chat where you can run people hello everyone the other last important thing is your character sheet so if you have a miniature that you have spawned so um only the ones that have not been created by your game master you can press on character sheet to access the character sheet at any time or you can see your actions you can see your spells you can see your inventory but what you also can do is use the shortcuts you press c um this will also open your character sheet on a status page if you press I this will open inventory and if you press K this will open your spells and for the actions I think that one is actually not found um but yeah just a little bit easier to access all these tabs as far as the GM tools goes uh there's a variety of different things you can do in here so first thing is the map settings uh probably one of my favorite features uh what you can do here is um this map right now is in the daylight setting but what I can also do is switch over and select the for example uh gloomy sating which is very very creepy um it at for and also it's much darker and you can switch over to morning switch over to night um or rainy and there there quite some options here and it just add a little bit of inversion for you when you play play with your friends and um what you can also do in here uh change the map um so if you press on here you can see all the maps that you've used previously and then switch in the new map always here the top right are the tools for map building as well so if you go in here and select the map Builder you can now edit the map while the players are playing so example they start coming across a carriage you can war that in for them or if they roll a perception throw that goes well I do like to hide important things and just spawn them in when they are needed so let's still need this again and that works through multiplayer which is is quite nice um but that's that's the mod settings also how you change maps and the other tool is soundboard and soundboard is actually quite powerful because it has has intensity sliders and volume sliders so what is intensity if you add music to the for example here the combat music uh this is a loop that you can basically just leave on so start combat start Combat music and then it just runs um I don't know how long the exact Loop is probably a minute is I would say um but you basically don't notice that it's looping and um the other thing that we have in here though apart from the volume is intensity so imagine your party goes into an end verion and then you have the big bad evil guy appearing now you want the music to become intenser and this is possible here if I go from the lowest intensity which is right now to the highest it will actually change the m us it intensity so listen And that's pretty cool if you wanted to reduce the DD with this um super awesome and if they if they kill him or the fight gets less intense can switch back and this happens dynamically [Music] uh but there's not only music in there um let's change the music to yeah just generic background Tero music what you also have here is the ambient so um right now we have no Ambiance selected but we can use something like Forest day uh which automatically it's birds and wind and again here we have the intensity so if you want the wind to pick up because you are changing the weather you can increase its volume but also down here uh how it actually sounds like so uh one good example is uh the Wolves uh that are in here on the lowest intensity they kind of far away and you can hear them in the background but if we let's say start going into combat with some W what you can do is then increase the intensity which makes them appear much more aggressive and much more closer yeah so that's the soundboard naturally the next thing we want to talk about is combat there is a tool for initiative and there's also a tool for keeping track of the Miniatures on the board so uh in here in the miniature overview tab you see all the Miniatures is out on the map and if you double press on one of these uh buttons it will actually move you over to the miniature so there's for example uh a riding horse I double click it I see okay here it is and you can also quick access character sheet here so that's pretty neat um but going back to fight that's over here and if you want to start a fight uh let's spawn some more party members it's uh a little bit more balanced uh if you press prepare combat this will open the select combat participant screen you see again all the minatures that are on the field and can add them to the initiative so I'm going to pick uh the party members as well as the wolves and then you can start the combat which will automatically roll initiative based on the character sheet um of these managers if they don't have a c SE they will not get a modifier or the stats um yeah so on start combat you can see they have all rolled and I now put into this que and if I press enter this will end the turn for the character and uh move it on to the next player um so yeah it's just easier to keep track that way as a game master and if you are done with the combat you can end combat anytime but before we actually do that I want to show another thing which um you can actually see the HP of characters inside the meure overview list if they are damaged so I can see that KD is has HP for the players they are not able to see Miniatures inside this tab except for their own party members and they will not see it for example or the wolf character sheet um this one is at 1 HP they will not see that uh this W even exists on the map I can also reduce its HP to zero which will show that it's de so there some icons and Al for the ones comment it's like makes it a little bit easier to keep track of things and the other thing you might have noticed by now is if I hover a character I can see its name and I can also see how much HP it has so um for example here kay or kulan uh which who is full HP and this is an information that the players also have that means if a player hovers over this vature they will see some W with one out of 11 HP now question what if I don't want that um if you don't want your players to know how much HP they reaches have you can head over here to session settings in session settings uh you can disable the HP bar visibility uh right now it's set for full for but you can also set it to either EX numbers only for GM or for only for GM I said this for only for GM only I can see the Min so if I hold over this wolf I will see this if my player does it they will see nothing and the other setting except numbers only for GM I can simulate this by demoing myself to a player um they will only see the name and the HP bar but not the exact number of edes um this is personally the setting that I like the most because it gives players like insight into how much uh damage the creature roughly has like he HP or very low one shot and without telling them the exact number value and yeah I think that's it uh it's better than actually not having HP bus at all because then um yeah it it it's a little bit more of death to the strategy in combat um but in the end it's up to you this uh is a good overvie over the TM tool now um the other thing that is probably quite interesting to see is the full death option because we haven't talked about that yet so uh let's stop the combat here and check out all that so every creat that we can spawn uh via this map building tool menu can either the humanoid or a creature um creatures basically means they don't have have two arms two legs and AR standing upright uh because these you cannot possess and humanoids are every everything that has two arms two legs can be um can stand um and also all characters we create from the Character Creator are in here so let's uh take this Triant and place it and the way full dive works is if you open the context menu on the character you can select full dive or if you select t menu and then press on process then you can full dive for yourself or throw all your players into full dive um uh so let's do that and if you fold that you can see you are now actually inside your ca so I'm my miniature right now and I can see the NPCs they now have animations um because if you're not in full dive they will only stand around on the base plate but if you full dive you can see uh yeah how they are idling and of course if you play the multiplayer how these people will um yeah walk around so uh when to use full dive mode um this entirely depends on what you prefer as a game master um I know players that prefer to just use this as a normal tabletop tool which is fine uh perfectly fine and uh just use this basically as one vs uh overall 20 or tabletop simulator um uh just much easier to use cits made for TBL toop and they will not use full dve at all however um there's also a lot of players that do prefer the full dive mode and if you are playing in VR I generally recommend to use full dive mode more because then it's actually a complet different experience it's so much more like life action role play then it is um with your normal virtual tabletops which is amazing because you can't have that experience anywhere else so yeah um uh on PC itself it kind of controls like a first person shooter um so you can walk with W ASD you shift uh to Sprint or space bar to jump and then uh you can also up with the players this is a little bit like GTA or for armor RP if you've done that um and um this can also be quite fun uh uh in the end it is a question of mod preference and if you are a game master you can set other session settings either that you control this as a g or you can say that they have to full control for the players um that is up to the GM to decide um one last thing for for that as a game master in the process menu you can also togg animations in table mode if you do this even if you're on tabletop mode you can see the animations of the iding characters but also the animations of your players when they are actually F ding inside the character so that makes it easier as a GM to see how they are rping if you personally prefer as a GM to stay outside in tabletop mode just for the overview of course if you are GM you can also full dive to up you with your players and say I'm the tree guide and because there is liping in the game um so there is some advantage to that if you prefer to use the the live action aspect or GL action role play aspect of the game and that's it for the F life tool and with that we have pretty much everything covered for the most important tools for D full life and how to use them additionally there will also be another video coming up with the best tips and tricks on how to build Maps inside dungeon full death for your campaigns so keep out an eye for that and of course course if you have any questions about dungeon F di itself or any tools let me know in the comments and if you guys are interested we might even make a more detailed guide on how to GM as a game master more tips and tricks being more in depth if that is of interest for anyone just let me know in the comments So yeah thank you guys so much for watching go check out dungeon F dive on Steam if you like tabletop RPGs because dunge F dive is literally free to use so yeah I hope to see you inside dungeon full death very soon and see you then bye-bye
Channel: Dungeon Full Dive
Views: 2,662
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Id: G2IdobCKOxw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 30sec (1650 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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