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good for cooking pink slime mmm that's what we're feeding at this school nothing about the best for our children hallo everybody grace - please we were checking out a new game for the channel called academia school simulator so if this looks fairly familiar it's because it's by some of the same individuals that worked on Prison architect as others very very rimworld looking as well and that's not a bad thing so this game is all about crafting managing and running your own school from the ground up everything the classrooms the kitchens the cafeterias the bathrooms the staff that you hire the club activities it's really cool this is currently going to come out an early access I'm of links in the description below if you want to check it out so they're going to be adding new things hopefully actually the more the better this is a very interesting simulation management style of game I'm actually kind of surprised that the whole school environment isn't more abused in the simulation area when it comes to like all the building and management stuff let's go ahead and start a new game we're gonna pick sand we're not going to pick sandbox mode sandbox mode is kind of like you get infinite money I'd rather have like a challenge so instead we're gonna have to balance our budget and do things we get to customize our school with a name and a motto I wonder what sort of horrible randomizations you get Fisher Lake Butler Valley Valen it's like being voluntold your voluntold to go to school let's go ahead and call our school real ultimate power and our motto is going to be don't eat a frisbee there we are in case you guys don't know you're gonna have to check out real ultra power calm that's something from when I was a young man it's probably old news now the primarycolour secondarycolour does it have gray the answer is no so we're gonna use let's do green oh now orange let's do green and yellow actually a couple of a couple of color actually that looks really good I'm very surprised now we need a cons as well it looks like we get four icons on our coat of arms giving us a wheat a tree a Griffin and a pillar but honestly let's just randomize living crap out of this so the first one we're gonna get is a piece of parchment ok that's fairly academic what next are we going to keep on the same formula here a musical note Wow so far this is making actually a ton of sense moving onward this is the part where we're going to get like a toilet bowl or something ok a snake not quite what I would have anticipated and then our fourth coat of arms is a Griffin oh look at that see not only are we teaching these kids to be amazing in their academics but we're also teaching them to be venomous and deadly so I think if you were a teacher you'd want to work here and I think if you were a parent you'd want to send your kid here and let's play so here we are now there's no tutorial so to speak there's like a to-do list I imagine the tutorial is eventually going to come in some way as of right now we have nothing literally we have nothing we have one garbage right over here we have a dumpster and we have a workers quarters and by workers quarters I mean we have an area where the workers go and I have nowhere to live so let's go to the to-do list and find out what we're supposed to do build a freshman classroom assign a teacher build a kitchen a cafeteria and hire a cook ok so first things first I guess we would need to figure out how big is the area ok Wow ah yeah your school could be pretty big and I don't know if eventually they're going to be making bigger maps or what but this is a huge area for like a high school well I guess it depends I mean I didn't have the biggest high school in the world so the very first thing we need to understand is whether or not we want like an interconnected classroom area or like one giant building that within it has classrooms I always thought the classrooms with like you you need to go like outdoors to get to other stuff was kind of cool that is not what I had I had the giant building and you just kind of walk down the hallway and was sad all the time but I think having things like breezeways and like trees and planters and nature and stuff like that is pretty cool so let's freaking do that the very first thing that we're gonna need is our classroom I guess we could start with any one of these I played around a little bit just so I can understand some of the game but I definitely don't understand everything obviously there's nothing for me to look at right now I'm playing the game and there's an embargo so I can't even release this until tomorrow nor can anyone else our first classroom well hold on here one thing I do know all right or I'll just make that there I think I can right-click on it yes good okay one thing I do know is we can go over to zones and we can click on any one of these zones and it'll show us exactly what we need so for classroom we need at least a five by five ten students chairs a chalk board and I think you need more stuff as well I think you need like a teaching area and stuff like that so some of this stuff has some additions that you're gonna need let's make it I want to make it bigger than a five by five that seems kind of lame plus if we ever want to expand our classroom we can do that let's make it let's see how big how big is big over here let's do like maybe an eight by eight or something like that let's see over there actually even an eight by eight isn't huge but I don't want like a million kids in one classroom go ahead and do this over here you can press right now I have the space bar on which is doing the posi thing if you press one that gets everyone moving over here with a door let's go ahead and put that in before they start putting the walls down we're gonna need some floors as well I don't want the kids just standing on the grass and there is dirtiness and hygiene and stuff like that in this game actually a lot like rim world you have to worry about hunger motivation fun like I said urination I don't know bathroom problems all that kind of stuff so we have that going right now go over to objects you can sort things by these tabs I'm so glad this is here because there's a lot of things for right now let's go over here to classroom so at the very at the very least we need some chairs you can middle mouse click and you can move it all around so that's pretty awesome I always had rows in my in my school so I'm gonna do the row thing like this do a row over there and let's do a row over here and that's 12 students I think that that's good for right now because I don't know what the level of teaching a teacher can handle is now you can mess with your staff I'm gonna put it on polish with League you can mess with your staff as much as you want uh so if you want a teacher you guys are opposing what do you think you could do this to me I pay your salaries if you want one teacher to teach a hundred student classroom you can totally do that I'm not gonna do that I'm not a horrible will I do like making stacks now we're not gonna do it we're not gonna do it all right so let's put down a chalkboard we do need a table for our teacher he'll be right next to the chalkboard I may even want to move the chalkboard over one in fact I think I am gonna move the truck because I want like a space for him to get out I think you can maneuver his way through but I just feel like it's a little bit more realistic if we had that space over there give this poor guy a chair oh these are regular chairs not student chairs son of up that's okay we can fix this we can fix this let's make sure that they're facing the right direction we want them to be facing the teacher over here okay and after some initial failure on my part we finally have ourselves some student areas so they can actually sit down and now we need to designate this as a classroom zone as we do so let us go over here and make this work for the first time where is it class right over here this area click drag it boom freshman classroom we're set so now over here to the to-do list assign a teacher build a kitchen build a cafeteria okay so we need a teacher let's go over to the staff area teacher now here's a whole slew of individuals that we can hire everyone from the fantastic fantastics like this doctorate wearing Jannah thrower - well this guy actually has a master's degree and he looks like he's wearing a freaking sweatshirt or something this guy isn't that wearing a like a an Egret on his chest over here got a bachelor's degree he's decent out a few things how much does this guy cost a day $500 a day $500 a day but he's gonna give us the best possible teaching any child has ever had in the universe you know what why not Janice you're in alright you are in put her down you can also fly more if you want even more right now she's teaching I'm kind of surprised that she's teaching when there's no one there to actually teach yet but whatever that's fine I guess I'm paying her salary for doing nothing right now let us continue to the to-do list build a kitchen build a cafeteria okay well first things first I want like a roadway coming off of this to the concrete tiles baby let's go ahead and start concrete tiling it up in fact I'm gonna make tiles for days over here because we're gonna be making a bunch of new buildings and again I may make little pathways but let's go ahead and do the cafeteria I want a big cafeteria though like a big cafeteria so let's put two spaces between this and this and let's go leave a space for the door and we're gonna you know I'm gonna put the cafeteria like this big so a decent-sized cafeteria there we go there's one thing I know you can't be starving your children they'll hate you for it put a door over here as well because everyone likes doors bathroom tile kitchen zone concrete tile so these only tiles that we have right now so let's go ahead and put down these tiles I want I always like to put the extra tile by the door I feel weird leaving it without it because then it's like this door has grass just coming into the classroom or in this case the cafeteria what else do we need for the cafeteria canteen tables food counters plate counters okay so let's put these down so it looks like kids come in this way to get their stuff I'm probably gonna want more than one of these ooh how many can I fit more than now there's a door that way let some for me you would come into the cafeteria and the food stuff would be all the way over here so let's put one of these and then we'll put a plate counter and then we'll put I don't want to do this we'll put I think another one of these and then another plate counter and if we had to look at this we have enough space to put another set of these and still have a little opening area that's kind of nice now for the canteen tables how many of these can we shove in here looks like we can only put one here and then like one oh we can put them this way oh this is way better yeah let's put it this way we could put one there one there and one there and I think that's all I'm gonna have right now like I said we don't need the biggest school in the universe we just need to be turning a profit put all the chairs down all the chairs down and from there we should be able to lay down our zone in just a second where it is wet cafeteria minimum 5 by 5 canteen tables and food counters all right so the canteen tables are going down in just a second here the second one goes down I should be able to designate this area at yeah right there all right let's do it cafeteria all right so from here we're gonna need a kitchen which means more tiles over this way actually yeah more tiles over this way like so I may even move the tiles over I'm actually thinking about that so I can put like shrubbery and stuff in front of the buildings actually you know what I think I'm gonna do that it's a little bit wasteful on money but I think it's gonna look cooler so I'm gonna put more tiles this way I'm probably gonna destroy all these tiles this way I can put some sweet shrubs we could put some trees down some canopy and stuff like that make this school look legit I already have the best teacher in the universe over here we need we at least need to make our image reflect the level of teaching that we give to these students we also have different walls and stuff that we can use I've been using brick just because I think the brick looks cool but let's um I don't know what you think for the for the kitchen let's use this blue wall I don't know why I just think it sounds cool I'm gonna make sure that the kitchen is fairly large as well because it's going to need to skew out a whole ton of food for the children over here and right about here we'll put a door in this is gonna be a staff area so staff only put down a staff door for this I really don't know what the staff door does anything oh there's a kitchen zone tile let's put kitchen zone tiles down again I don't know if the kitchens own tiles actually make something happen better than not having them but I don't know I just want it to be legit over here into the kitchen what do we have a stove a refrigerator and a kitchen sink okay let's do for cleaning up dirty dishes keeps the food from deteriorating and for good for cooking pink slime mmm that's what we're feeding at this school nothing about the best for our children um okay so let's have like let's have like a bunch of stove tops we're gonna have like a stove top there stove top there so top there and then we'll have let's see how do I want to do this we're gonna put the refrigerators around this way as well and have refrigerators over here frigerator there and then a bigger these go wow the kitchen sinks are like freakishly large I had no idea the kitchen sinks were quite this big ah all right let's put the kitchen sink on this side I guess there we go kitchen sink right there why am I putting it facing away to the wall I don't know I feel like there would be like cabinets or something over here we just don't have any yet at this point I don't really know how many kitchen sinks we need as well let's put I'm gonna I'm gonna make a little hole there so they're not again they're not like directly side-by-side but two kitchen sinks down it's dismissal time so there's no one here at school as a matter of fact I think eventually the game just starts us off on the next day but while nothing's happening let's go ahead and grab our kitchen area okay so minimum size 4x4 and needs a refrigerator and a stove we have all that so let's go ahead oh we don't have all that oh I made this perfectly see I told you guys I wanted to fail something and right there it shows you that the failed zone requirements are here for us we don't have a kitchen sink and as we don't have a kitchen sink that means the guys well we do have it it's just our guys have not gone over here yet to make it you don't we need we need a place for our workers I feel bad they're literally just standing out in the middle of nowhere so let's give them I'm gonna give them the orange wall place we already have an area that's marked off for them I'm actually gonna make it one further down though I'm gonna put it right about here and I'm gonna put it down to here and I'm gonna put it over here like this we do need a door so let's go ahead and put a staff door over here you know and a staff door over here as well and then we're gonna give these guys some tiles let's go ahead and give them some concrete tiles as we do setting up a little faculty area over here nothing too incredible or anything like that everyone gets a little filing cabinet there we go these filing cabinets are surprisingly expensive I want the filing cabinets to be facing forward on this side otherwise it wouldn't make any sense there we go there we go now I imagine everyone can squeeze through here I almost feel like I need a little bit more space but there we go now everyone has a legitimate area that they can loom around and should they want instead of just kind of like walking in the middle of nowhere in the to-do list it says hire a cook three of them our money is going down but don't worry we're gonna get this set up don't you worry over here with cooks now I don't think that you can choose the cooks like you can your teacher I think you just like get a cook so uno dos tres cooks we have all the cooks down oh we just got a completion bonus of $5,000 basic education is completed and we can now start the school year but I feel like we need more stuff like we have a classroom we have a cafeteria we have a kitchen we have a place for our workers but we don't have any place for like the kids to use the bathroom and I think that that's something we should probably have let's do I do it was a computer lab as well I think that's a place for them to have fun and stuff like that there's a janitor's room ooh yeah we're gonna want a janitor's room big time all right starting to build a little janitor's room over here thought we'd get one done let's go over to the janitors room what do they need a chair a kitchen sink and a table does it say anything about this kitchen sink it's good for cleaning up dirty dishes I don't know why the janitor would be doing that but whatever ah let's put a kitchen sink down what I want to do this I'll put this down over here and we'll give the janitors a nice table it'll be facing uh what I want this I'm gonna put it right in the middle and then we'll put down some chairs for them so it'll be nice and happy I should have some tile coming in over here as well I think all right so they're not able to squeeze out kind of interesting I didn't realize that well I should have known but a lot of times in like rim world and stuff like that people could squeeze in unusual ways that sounds terrible but they could I don't know how else to say it so really what I might end up doing is building I don't know do I want to build everything farther away from the front over here this way we have more space I think I do I could probably turn these rooms into something else or we can just use them temporarily but I think eventually I'm gonna evac these people out to better rooms this way they have more space to do stuff in this is kind of the stuff that I'm learning as I play the game this entire area is probably just gonna be like a big I may be letting up making a big garbage zone or something like that or put some trees and stuff over here and some cool shrubs and whatnot all right so we don't have a janitor yet so I think I'm gonna hire like a couple of janitors I'm gonna I'm gonna hire like two for right now and we're gonna see how they do they charge 50 bucks a day to be janitors well good for them I don't think I've made this into a janitor zone as a matter of fact let's go do that real quick just make sure yeah over here so it needs to do at least be a four by four so we made it big enough which is good another thing that we have to do is we're gonna have to put down another tile over here and another tile over here because like I said it just looks a little bit weird and now let's concentrate on a bathroom because I think that's what we're gonna do next and I'm gonna put the bathroom next to the kitchen actually you know what let's put the bathroom behind the cafeteria that makes a little bit more sense so the bathroom ooh tile wall tile wall that seems like something a bathroom would have hold on here for and I want at least five out like this so let's make it like this and yes our bathroom is going to be big as well I'm gonna put a door over here though so let's make it that big and how bigger these these are I think these are like seven they're eight so let's make it eight up here and then over this way and then down okay good and then bathroom tile all around and the other thing that we're going to have is we're gonna have to bisect this area as well this way like one sections for the boys and one sections for the girls put a door over here so that the kids can get in and I think one side is gonna have a slightly larger area than the other or is it gonna be exactly perfect down the mill we may actually be perfect down the middle there we go no other boys and a girl intermingling inside of the bathroom during their school year I feel like if I had that some sort of parent would be annoyed at me uh I just I don't know I get the feeling that somehow I would catch a lot of flack as the teacher if I allowed that to happen it never happened in my school we never had to worry about it back in the day but I don't know how the parents would have taken it if they're like oh well actually we're in high school so I don't know maybe everyone's a little bit more free thinking and we're here and then the boys are gonna get their urinals and I think that the urinals are gonna be I'm gonna put them over here like so we'll put down like we'll put down like four of those for right now we do need some toilet cubicles as well helping these toilet cubicles either pretty big they're actually a pretty decent size let's do let's do like at least one two of those like that for right now again I don't know how much these kids are gonna need these things so for right now I'm just putting down as many as I feel would be necessary at this time and there we go we have two different sides one with here anoles and one with out everyone should have enough bathroom areas I think everyone has six areas to use the bathroom and then three sinks oh hold on you boys no bathroom tile bathroom tile and while we're at it let's put the zone down the day is about to start finally okay I'm pretty sure we have everything we need let's go ahead and start the school year oh I think we need some of these guys we're gonna need I think I have room for twelve yep twelve of those kids right there they arrive in three days oh it takes some three days to arrive all right well that's fine I guess that's kind of weird I mean I think that's that goes in the meantime I guess we can mess around with our school a little bit more we've got our toilet areas what else are we gonna want for sure for these kids I think we're gonna want a computer lab that seems like it would be what a library oh yeah you're good you definitely need a library let's do a computer lab first because I think computer labs are friggin sweet that's gonna be a brick style building and I think I'm gonna make the computer lab oh look at this class is in first period the kids already had some snacks or something I don't know what was going on oh yeah look at this the kids are filing in things are looking good so transfer readmissions does this mean that I have to take this down like if I get rid of one of these what happens because the problem is I don't want to have too many children right now I just want enough children so we're gonna watch this we've got 12 right now everyone's doing fantastic you can see their bladder you can see their discipline their health is looking good they're comfortable well-rested they're excited and they're very clean but they don't have anything to do so I want to make sure I look at this hour computer lab just got done over here we needed all that and we have plenty of it which is good so that's gonna be a computer lab and now we can think about putting down the classic concrete tiles that we have been doing let's go ahead and do it to it over here Oh what time is it right now oh it's second period okay look at this children are using the bathroom of their own volition excellent now can you click on any one of these oh you can this is Derek Markham folks he's a freshman he's going to class right now he's getting a little bit hungry his language skills are going up as are his math skills we're definitely gonna want more than one classroom holy crap our money is going down big-time we have a lot of staff stuff we're using a lot of water and a lot of electricity okay so let's work on more classrooms because we're definitely gonna need more classrooms so this is good that I made these areas as large as I did because I have a feeling that we're gonna need like at least I don't know like at least a second class room of this side now what are these kids do for recess I wonder like there's a computer lab there's a cafeteria looks like they're all just looming around in the cafeteria for right now there we go going to use a computer yeah go have some fun kids go go watch YouTube plenty of YouTube videos to watch you know I think they said these computers are they got 100 megahertz and a fantastic blazing fast 20 gigabyte hard drive now we have this thing over here in the to do area called Grant's school health basic Basic Education build a clinic okay so we need a nurse cleanliness is next to godliness we need trash cans six of them no man I lemonade Club the library toilets build a male toilet and build a female toilet how do you specifically make one male and one female I wonder I wonder if that's under the Edit the edit area hold on let's some aah aah aah I just did something I don't know what let's go do you sure you want to cancel school help I don't want to cancel it I mean I guess I have to do it so we get a 2500 oh oh oh I see we get it and then if we complete it we get the rest of the money clinic nurse okay got it oh you can set the gender' okay got it okay so female and then over here male there that should get us our thing ooh that's fantastic over here in the to do area down to what is it which one was it let's see toilet training right over there yes okay good oh we can only do one at a time all right so let's do the school health first clinic hire nurse we're gonna get this done and I'm gonna put it and I'm gonna put it right next to the toilet area all right we've got some nurses we got some clinic beds we got some medicine cabinets now all we should have to do is make it a particulars own and what does this failed indoors oh oh oh oh I don't have a door on it and if there's no door on it it's well isn't technically a staff building I mean its staff building but there's gonna be kids in and out so I don't want to like lock them out get a door over here my lovely workers where you guys at 6:00 period already I need my guys over here doing they think you know how it is everyone's okay everyone's like super unhappy why is everyone so unhappy what's your problem you're very bored and you're starving okay what are you starving from we should have had enough food and everything like that you can see all these different trays over here that are being taken out by everyone you have some of the kids are like going to get something to eat now I should have plenty of places for everyone to sit I do believe okay good so the clinic yeah school health is completed nice so we got the money for that back over to the to-do list let's see over here we needed you for janitors for that I think we got toilet training done though yeah let's apply for that and get our money a faculty room oh do I have a faculty room oh I don't think I have assigned as a faculty room I have a workers quarters but not a faculty room ah all right you have to have a room for the faculty not just the workers all right I think we're gonna need some trash cans we don't mean trash cans anywhere so I'm gonna put some around I'm gonna put one like over here by the teacher over here by this teacher is well the cafeteria is definitely gonna need some trash cans let's put at least at least two trash cans down I think we need six total the kitchen should probably have some trash cans too let's put the trash can over here and over here and then the toilet areas definitely need a trash can the trash cans were always by the door if I remember correctly there was usually one by the by the sinks as well but I'm gonna put it next to the door over here and then the clinic I mean I guess the clinic would have a trash can for like waste and stuff like that you know how it is over here where our money is going down but don't worry we're gonna get this set janitor for how many do we have we have like three or do we have like two I think we have like two so I guess let's go ahead and hire two more so we can get her done let's see over here there we go there's the last of the of the janitors that we need I believe yeah it could give us five thousand extra dollars which is good school expansion 75 we do not have that yet we do need a club if we do it we get another $5,000 oh we need a library we have a computer lab we don't have a library let's do the library for sure I'm gonna put it right next to computer lab that's gonna give the kids something fun to do as well now we're not using this as a faculty area right now sadly I'm gonna do it suit well I think I'm probably gonna just demolish all this this this whole area here I may keep this janitor's room because they have enough space but this area I'm gonna demolish this and we're gonna put the faculty room over here somewhere by all the classrooms all right the library's coming along it's looking pretty sweet and not only that we can go ahead and grab our area over here now we do have to designate it you seem to have to designate everything we need a bookshelf a table and it need to be a 5x5 we have all that for sure so now we have a library now we should be able to guess ten thousand bucks for that we need sophomore students which we don't have yet and we need a faculty room okay so the faculty room absolutely has to happen as does the club I also need to bring out my tile this way I know I haven't made any of the bushes or shrub breeze or anything like that right now I've just been working on everything else our transferees should be coming in pretty soon there are rivals in two days it says all the kids are going into the cafeteria late-night snack you know how it is actually several of them are eating with the staff still have a lot of unhappiness very happy very very sad about the unhappiness right here a lot of people very hungry very bored but that's why I'm completing things like the library and the club room over here once these kids have access to all these different things they should be very happy as a matter fact I'm gonna go ahead and fast-forward things along here I'd like to go to the next day all right it's a brand-new day we've got 12 students that are gonna be incoming tomorrow oh it's gonna be so good everyone start putting down those desks and such it's gonna look freakin sweet there we go now finally we're gonna have a faculty room makes me so happy for some reason some of these towels aren't filled in so I need to make sure that those tiles get done - on tile over here I'll over there and then while we're at it we're gonna need a chair I need to make sure that's facing the right way and it is over here for some reason I put this chair in the wrong spot zones faculty and file cabinet so we're putting the file cabinet and they're gonna be in in a second there we go oh one child is sick so they're absent that's terrible because I don't think that we get any money then I know that's the first thing I thought of it's so bad can I put this guy I don't want to fire him but I shouldn't have hired him until the until the students were coming because I think it's like four hundred bucks a day that I've been spending on that dude and it's not actually getting me anywhere like it you know what I mean oh that reminds me - over here by the to do area I'm pretty sure where is it right over here the faculty room another five thousand dollars for that and then if we build a club we'll get another five thousand dollars for that let's go right through the day here ASAP I kind of want to move things along pretty quickly you workers I'm so sorry you guys have no place to go right now I'm gonna move things along real quick I just kind of want to see what happens over here the two the two nurses just kind of wandering around no big deal was couldn't clear up our little thing that we have that tells us everything that's going on the toilet being used computer lab being used some kids over here by the library let's click on them yeah see fun right over here that's what we want wow this kid is fantastic at math fantastic at language - she is terrible at art Oh Gwen your art skills are beyond subpar kids going to lunch look at them all grab their lunches over here they're eating with great power and glory I do wonder I wonder if you need more than one cafeteria because it doesn't seem like they have enough time to eat like it's like lunchtime and then it's like alright kids everyone back to work everyone back to class no rest for the weary over here I will say our janitors work like dogs like they are all over the place just kill themselves trying to keep everything together I love it I hate to say it that way but I do enjoy it you people what's wrong with you all over here you're very bored you realize there's a lot of different things for you to do over here ah twelve transferee students are coming tomorrow that's what I like to hear because that's gonna be fat sacks of cash and that's exactly what I want so let's go past I think it's like six twenty two the game ends there's not like that goes on the next day something weird oh oh it's probably the last person leaves that's what it is all right so last person so 641 today engulf the students come on now everyone pour in again I don't know exactly how this works oh I've never you know had to hire a bunch of students or anything like that so I assume this is how you get them I don't pay yes good good now do the students know where to go and what I mean by that is is like well some students go into this freshman room and some students go into the other freshmen Wow the faculty is using the faculty room the library's getting you the toilets are getting you this bit of it oh yeah oh yeah look at this all of the rooms are full up in go the teachers and the teaching begins boys the teaching begins I don't want to fire you I just wanted to like click on you and see a little bit about you or something can I click on my staff and find things out about them this way no I don't want to fire you maybe I just had to remember what they're like or something so right now we're up to 24 students our school is looking fairly would legit our campus is getting somewhere I do want to start building some like trees and some plants and stuff like that to start making it look good and I'm gonna tear this building down nothing is well I can make this into a much larger janitor room if I wanted to actually there's just nothing else down here that I want besides maybe some cool plants and stuff like that guys what are you thinking a school simulator I think it's pretty cool and it does bring me back to the days of rim world it's a little bit of getting used to but I'm starting to get there now I think and we're gonna start making fat stacks of cash we can check on you I don't want to dismantle anything we can check on any one of our students and learn about them actually I need a slide went down everyone's moving so quickly over here you can see this person hasn't had any fun in their life they need more time they need more time to do stuff like go to the computer area or the library we definitely need a club and I think I'm gonna put the club area right behind the computer lab anyway folks feel free to let me know he's a lot about school simulator the comment section below until the next time stay foxy much love [Music] [Music]
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 1,159,991
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: graystillplays, academia, academia school simulator, academia school simulator gameplay, academia school simulator gameplay part 1, academia school simulator steam, school simulator gameplay, school gameplay, school simulator, academia school simulator download, academia school simulator review, early access, prison architect, school architect, games like rimworld, school builder, base building, school managing, managing, prestigious high shcool, high school, back to school
Id: yjsyus_pOU0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 50sec (2150 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 08 2017
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