Building OUR GREAT MEDIEVAL KINGDOM of RAPTORIA in Kingdom Builders an Army City Builder with Charm

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hello and welcome it is time to build the kingdom of raptoria yet again in a game known as well kingdom builders we're gonna build ourselves a kingdom in this uh game we took a look at a while ago and it's now finally been released into early access with uh dungeons and such to go take a look at we'll be building ourselves a town and build ourselves an army as we uh encroach into other territories and claim them for our great and glorious empire you guys want to see more of this make sure you smash that like button and welcome again to all the new subs and returning subs we're almost to that million so every sub equals another raptorian in the army so thanks again for the support let's jump in to take a look our first look i guess at the early access version and the newest update let's see what the cutscene has to offer as well this is new once upon a time there were two brothers the children of king esmond avalarius esment was an honorable ruler and keeper of the magical crown of unity the king used its power to bring peace and prosperity to all people of the kingdom of hilarious one day the two brothers were exploring uncharted lands beyond the kingdom's borders and stumbled upon a cave inside they discovered a peculiar artifact the night shard the older brother edric rushed to the artifact ignoring warnings from his brother to stop when edric touched the night shard it emitted a cloud of darkness that quickly surrounded him panicking the brothers fled from the cave trying to escape the darkness but it was too late the night shard had infected edric and it could not be undone back in the castle king esmend was furious with edric such careless behavior is unacceptable for a prince you will never become king but the night shard whispered to edric you are the rightful heir to the throne take what is yours and claim the crown of unity your days are over edric screamed and attacked his father and so the king was killed by his own son and the power of the night shard shark anyone trying to stop this power would be corrupted and turned to darkness as well corrupted guards started chasing the younger brother who barely escaped alive after running for miles he finally reached the serene grasslands which seemed to be safe now it is up to you build your kingdom provide shelter for your people and face the shadow king oh okay well there's much more to do than ever before we have to take on the shadow king our brother essentially okay well here we are uh right let's get started i can kind of remember what to do i think each time we uh play two we start as a different character like it's kind of randomly chosen as to who you're going to uh i guess be all right well let's see we can build stuff here and then we have to bring logs over so city center we're already uh right front and center here looks like we've got berries there so that's our food source we're getting our workers to uh well work let's go ahead and build our town center right about uh there's a good spot bring over those logs now i believe this is i think this is also a co-op game i can't recall but i thought there was options or me maybe it's something coming in the future where you and friends can work together on building your uh village which is kind of cool too and how do we get these i'll just simply oh wait do we have to destroy the bush i hope not oh yeah we have to carry one at a time oh boy that's gonna be tedious uh request idol villager oh that's right we can have a companion now oh yes we can assign somebody oh no nobody available at the moment uh we're at a homestead right now maybe we can build some more stuff oh residents okay that's how we'll do that we need somebody to do this for us it's gonna take too long so let's cut down some more trees a bit of a tedious start but that's okay because obviously it's just us okay we'll cut all these trees that's the pro move right there do the double cut that's good strat okay let's build a house somewhere we'll build that uh right here's a good spot near all the trees there we go so once we do this i think this is then what gives us a villager and we can have them as a companion and they'll kind of copy what we do the ai is quite good here there we go our first companion of rosalind excellent so now will she forget it how do i click on her oh wait no we have to go here and sign from the homestead there we go so then rosalind will follow me and do whatever i do cool so if we need to gather wood she'll pick it up i think we want to build a berry farm next it's a very good idea we'll go ahead and build that right over here and then rosalind and me we'll go ahead and pick up uh lumber and drop it off there so go ahead and grab a tree there you go grab the log and drop it off here see damn the ai is really good i think we're playing with another player okay grab that log that should be six seven ah i think the trees also regrow too so there's enemies that we have to worry about some crazy little uh what looks to be bulldogs over there i always think they're bulldogs but i don't know if they're squirrels or what all right rosalind you can go and work here now so how do i assign you to that let's see interact on a sign and then maybe i can assign her here ah there we go job not filled rosalind there we go all right so rosalind can now work on that and i can go build another building probably another uh residence this time build ourselves another house tight quarters here i guess to make up for the lack of space and such in our kingdom for now all right so then what we can do is start getting uh people to transport those goods so what i'm gonna do is hire a person to bring it to the town center uh so that way we can then continuously build up a food stock we'll go out and face some creatures here soon come on out pick up that extra log there we go so we're at four out of five and then we'll grab one more clearing space for additional homes too there we go and now we have space for maryland okay so then you can follow me there we go and we'll get you to work on cutting down trees as well next thing i want to do is build a carrier station so what we can do is we can actually lay out the entire kingdom before we even build stuff we can put blueprints down so if we want to build another house we can do that there we go and we can also lay down a barracks or a tower you can see all the different things to build here blacksmith mule stable forester hut that allows trees and such to regrow as well as the stockpile so we'll probably go ahead and get started with a carrier station next so we'll do the the five on that one and we'll also need another person to work there because we probably need someone to be with us to continuously build there we go and deliver here nice work and one here too all right go ahead and grab some of that log there there you go that brings us to four and five all right so now we can reassign because the berries are almost full so let's go ahead and let's unassign you here and assign you over there instead ah looks like it takes two to work here that's all right so she'll carry those back and forth one by one to the town center it looks like the trees auto regrow nice so now we've got food production and housing we've got uh somebody delivering too we got logistics going on okay we got three out of five perfect now i noticed we're not gaining any xp so that must be from doing sort of uh combat i assume we can also purchase a sword from the blacksmith at some point there we go sadie um let's get you assigned to the let's go ahead and get you a sign of the carrier station as well there we go all right perfect so now food production is going like crazy and i need another person for a personal companion a member of the raptorian god excellent unfortunately we can only carry one of these logs at a time so it's a good idea to build houses wherever you have the supply so i guess we can build another house up here since it's kind of close to everything to all the trees and whatnot very good all right more trees to cut down good then we'll have somebody to work for us personally so as you can see we're creating all that food at the top we have nine in total two plus two per minute total population of three next to that and we also have ourselves another person to work with so now we're at uh plus zero so that's enough food to sustain them so reynold is gonna come with us see if i can get him to assign to me there we go and we're gonna keep on logging brother all right now the next thing we should do is probably make a blacksmith so we can make better tools and whatnot we could do a barracks but we're not really ready for military stuff at the moment so we'll do our barracks right i mean our blacksmith right there and then our barracks will be after that when we can make weapons all right grab that and bring it here okay we got 15 to do it's gonna be a while there we go okay so now we're down to six out of 15. okay he'll come back love the ai with this it's going really well grab that log and deliver that there you go do the same here there we go okay let's go for a few more okay so now we're at what 12. all right so the blacksmith takes a while to build but we're almost there watch it bro brother oh boy it's a wild hog oh boy fall back oh boy a big boy's coming over i don't even know what they do hopefully they don't attack our buildings it's a shadow raider what's he doing oh that's nice gotta get this blacksmith up asap where's he going of course he's attacking the houses get him away from there okay let's on the sign okay i need a wooden sword he's gonna be attacking our kingdom i think one of those attackers coming in those guys are definitely new a nighttime raider we can build our army soon enough okay one more to go we have a better sword or at least a better weapon apparently a wooden sword is better than a uh okay there we go finally i should be able to put this into a weapon slot right there we go equip all right so a iron axe not as good as a wooden sword i guess let's chase him down you cannot trifle with raptoria get wrecked vanquished there we go get wrecked okay very good we probably ought to sign him while we're not doing anything explore the world to unlock okay well we can actually craft another sword for somebody and we'll have a military then we'll have people to escort us so we'll bring him with us let's have him make another sword uh let's see interact give me another sword here kinda sorta there we go all right we've got 17 berries so this is about the maxim which we can produce at the moment looks like you can see who lives at each house too and there's statistics which is kind of a cool idea to keep the houses together let's go ahead and pick this and let's go ahead and unassign uh rental to this and come back over here and we shall present him with a sword a knight of raptoria [Music] there we go there you are sir now we are both knights excellent we've survived the first night things are going quite well okay we're supposed to explore now so let's go look around see what's out there as we venture a little further away it looks like that enemy came from over here there we go vanquished all right let's see oh no one of the houses was destroyed i didn't even notice oh no building is destroyed cannot repair anymore no okay that's all right we'll rebuild good thing we built an extra one okay back to logging we'll need extra berries oh looks like the uh transporters already automatically gather berries from outside the farm as long as they don't need to be harvested just carried unfortunately that's going to bring us to a little bit too high of a population i think yeah now we're at negative two that means we need to make a whole new system so tarawin is here let's assign tarou in here to the blacksmith and please make us a wooden sword there we go all right we've got a few minutes until we run out of food there we are now we get taro went off the thing and we'll have a full army ready to go i love how this works so far this is totally cool okay now we're a settlement as well excellent okay come grab your sword tarawin i knight thee a knight of raptoria there we go onward let's go everybody okay we got more enemies pull out that sword [Music] oh there's her uh dungeon there oh yeah get him boys yeah get vanquished oh damn nice work let's go into the caves uh floor one oh okay this is going to be interesting oh boy oh great snakes i do not want to move let's be very very go oh boy oh that's fast kinda boys okay they're not too bad they're just fast nice nice job everyone so i gotta like hit him to mark him and then those two while he's egg rolled onto me can go in and basically finish him off without even being hit if i take the first hit those two can zip right in and finish off nice work good job that's teamwork now wait we do have a skill point how do i uh spend a skill point let's see cannot save all in dungeons controls uh blueprint skip intro weapons interact open build menu attack move maybe we have to go back to the kingdom for that or do i click down here i'm not sure how to do a skill point just yet i'm healing though we got to kind of stay still for a second just trying to get back up at least over 100 there we go nice oh he's got a key nice now we have a key and we go down to floor two though maybe we should find out what's on this floor there could be treasure chests here maybe that's what that key unlocks is the treasure on this floor reynold and tarawin are doing fantastic by the way okay well the floor is clear at least we got the xp that's important do we miss anything i think we got it i think we got everything okay maybe we missed an enemy but i think we're good let's head downstairs and see what's on floor 2. maybe this is required to unlock floor 2. love the dungeon system though yes descend okay so now we are on floor two we have level one snake still and doggies that are level two nice good job all right taro one is a little low on health let's keep dropping by i think we're getting a little a little too deep here into trouble head back run it's too much we need to worry about our skills and level up let's get out of here okay that's enough for one day okay we should be able to go down here all right that's a big maze it's not as linear as it once was and i want some better weapons and such before we come out of here okay the dungeon's cool let's go see what else we can get nope get wrecked here we go oh pickaxe info defeat the big hog ahead to get your first pickaxe oh oh there oh boy again boys i'll hold them back oh that was nice and now i have it for me ah now we can go in the desert biome and fight whatever else happens to be out there okay we'll bring back stones now and we'll clear the way yeah you two grab stones let's go okay so we can bring the whole crew group and crew here i think we're going to need to recruit a lot more people so what we can do now is try to build an another few houses so we can have yet another automated farm and more people delivering uh we probably need at least one more person to uh deliver all the the goods actually where do we deliver this i guess just drop it grab it here boys okay let's make another house another residence now we can also build castle walls which is cool so we can fortify our kingdom which i assume later in the game they'll be coming from one direction in front of us but it seems like we could at least build gates we don't have to like put the kingdom in a like a complete wall looks like corners of the mountain will do that what we need to do is build little gates and then walls to fill it in on the edges so that way we can defend wherever they may come from all right we got everything we need there so we now have a second farm up and running or we will and we'll build that right here let's see right next to this first one go ahead and cancel that and then we need to put our berry farm down oh like this might oh it's actually on the edge of the kingdom there so we need to build another yeah we can build one a little closer then there we go so not too far away okay let's grab some more logs if we clear cut we should be able to have enough logs to bring back more than what we need it'll be nice if there's a way to store which there is with the stockpile we'll just need a lot more stone to do it all right that's three four five six and then seven eight and we're good okay we should be able to assign the new person as well oh it looks like we can assign two people to the uh go ahead and unassign these guys from us and we'll get our numbers up for a little bit okay cool so now we've got these people equipped and we can also assign them to uh to these little farms so let's go ahead and assign somebody here gail you can work at the berry farm gail comes equipped with an axe i think they all do actually and we have no other upgrades for this one at the moment fully's the building's fully intact okay so we can actually get the other two back with us and we can build a new building so let's see what that will be maybe the barracks upgrade your skills and those your companions that's where we spend our skill points good that's what we wanted i was thinking it would do more for recruiting well let's go ahead and get our companions these two with me and then i'd like you to to build a barracks right over here a good spot for our barracks right there right on the edge of our fair kingdom all right we're gathering berries again too everyone will have food we're at plus three now that's we have plenty of transporters to bring it in if we need extra bonus food we can always tell our people to go out and come with us to go get gather a bunch of supply very nice okay the barracks is done and upgrades are available oh job not fulfilled though damn let's get another person to go do that all right let's build another house build them in different places just if the enemy attacks let's build some more houses down here we'll clear this little tree out of the way excuse me and let's build a residence down here [Music] there we go that should be five great we'll assign somebody here then humphrey come on over upgrade characters oh good we can upgrade everybody well let's see we'll upgrade our damage to strength two and we'll upgrade reynolds to strength too and then we'll give terroin our next point as well perfect so now we've got a strength too humphrey really doesn't have to be here anymore you can kind of assign them other jobs what can we build next a tower expands your territory by increasing the area you can build on that's helpful that's 40 little logs though that's a lot uh houses a pack mule companion able to carry loads of items now that's what we really want this will allow our expeditions like what we just took to go fight that hog and find that mine one of these guys can come with us and we'll be able to go on much longer journeys let's go ahead and try to get all the logs then looks like all the trees are regrowing we need 12 get to it boys so three four five six there we go oh i also noticed that our attack damage has increased the amount of sweat or the damage for swinging at the trees too so it increases our logging speed so that's a very good option for building very good indeed too bad the transporters don't take those logs to the building sites that'd be nice it's okay though okay we're halfway there enemy will attack tonight we should be able to take them on since we have our wooden swords unless they somehow upgrade okay while we wait for those two let's build a forester hut too we could probably build him down here so we have trees in the corner or maybe up here in the corner it might be a smart spot to put it up here oh that's out of our kingdom's range well i honestly think down here would be a good option move some of these trees then blueprint for later excellent automate your wood production by employing foresters to harvest nearby trees right so actually if he doesn't regrow the trees i don't know again i don't understand why in all these games developers are trying to get you to buy a subaru they're always every one of these medieval games has you doing something with a forester and i just don't get it okay looks like uh count robert can carry up to 32 items excellent that's the name of our horse of course or at least our mule okay can carry up to 32 so we can come with us i think uh six out of eight oh we need our reputation up well let's go ahead and build another building while we're at it uh let's see we could work on the let's see what else well we could build a tower after all in the center of the town might be a good idea there we go but let's also work on getting more logs for that forester and we'll deliver eight and then we'll have to go get pickaxes too so that means somebody's gonna have to be assigned from working at the uh there we go humphrey we can assign you from there and you're gonna become our new blacksmith oh evil creatures are approaching my basic pickaxe is four i need these guys to also have pickaxes so we need two of those good enemies should be here soon shadow kingdom's attacking oh boy oh boy all right their attacks are only gonna get more strong as time goes on okay come on over everybody all right charwin now has one build another one all right much better this time than the previous okay cool so reynold and tarwen now have axes and now we should be able to bring count robert with us uh drops drop items to fill up the inventory i forget exactly how he works we have to feed him with a berry i can't recall i think i might need to do i do this i can't recall how we add mules to a companion at the city center okay yep that's exactly what i thought that means we're gonna have to leave somebody behind uh population two next rank is eight so we need two more uh we need two more houses to unlock him which is a pain but we have to do that otherwise it's incredibly inefficient to just leave one of these guys behind no time to build another house which means we're going to need more farms and another residence if we can there we go okay we're at negative one food we can withstand this for a little while smart how this game operates to be honest i like how the weapons are built i like how the attacks come in at night i like how we can build a certain buildings wherever we kind of want within a certain area of the tower or at least our starting area but then we can upgrade that by building a tower and eventually i think we can build other villages at some point too we're going to need some help forester probably to build that so we got to get somebody to help us with the forester so we better get some more houses going we need to hire somebody as a forester afterward too so we need wood for more farmers and drop those off boys we could stack up on some food as well go for emergency berry harvest there we go get that building ready to go nice okay five six okay boys grab a log let's go seven eight okay now let's gather stuff for the berries maybe the uh haulers will come over i'm gonna try to get some extra storage here okay we got two people walking around and humphrey too so we could probably build another farm another one outside of town or over here this would be a good spot somewhat close to the town center so transporters don't have to go too far to get it we gotta get that reputation up so berry farm we can put it this way or this way let's do it sideways give us more room to navigate and the box will need to be easy to reach from transporters okay grab some grab some logs boys okay we're at four hopefully the ai comes over here and picks up some more with us it doesn't look like logs will despawn so nice grab a lock bro all right we're at negative five a minute oh boy that's not good we need to get some villagers then and we'll get another transport hud up we need more transporters i don't know if we can actually do upgrades what does the stockpile do though safe storage for resources okay so maybe perhaps the town hall can be destroyed and they'll scatter i don't know if that'll be game over either but we'll see i guess now we want another carrier station so build that next to our town hall good spot to put it somewhat centralized this game also reminds me a lot of foundation with how the art style looks it's really great and kind of a neat little single player kind of co-op immersion right now i like it i feel like i'm in the kingdom okay we're gonna get more transporters going all right good we got our warriors with us too good feeling okay two on a signed great okay so now food production should be skyrocketing we have uh we pretty much should just have one at each farm so hopefully when the transporters get working a little bit more they'll figure that out okay so now we can go into the caves i think to go get more stone or we go out in the desert and we should be able to recruit our mule now count robert we should be able to come with us so if we assign him here boom all right come on robert you're coming with us grab this stuff here and we'll need a stockpile at some point but i also don't know if that'll respawn or whatnot come on over robert all right interact give me the stone put that in there boys good job all right and what do we have here he has food on him uh the transporters will take care of that okay so the three of us and robert will head out we'll start picking up logs and especially stone because that's a lot further away and if we do battle some more which we likely will [Music] we will then bring all those materials back here too hi boys pickaxe grab that stuff and put it on robert nice i hear a big boy out here oh boy stone golems nice good job boys huh too bad they don't drop stone when they die all right so here we are out of the mines well i guess the quarry really the old raptorian stone mines oh brother i'll pulls robert now getting there nice having all the companions is great and when robert's full we can grab some more on our way out okay it's robert full i think so it doesn't say whether or not it's 32 here but i'm sure it's pretty close or he's just full of type of inventory gotta get rid of the logs though okay come on come on robert let's go back actually we can carry one stone each too that'll increase our carry capacity by three which is a lot all right come on back boys we shall build the kingdom there we go i didn't trust robert there for a second didn't know if he would bail on us or not so there you go interesting kingdom builders looking really good a good step forward from what they had before not that they were missing anything but promises made and promises delivered with lots more to come i assume or future updates to what you can build in your kingdom and ways you can interact with your people and get things constructed and it's really satisfying so we'll go ahead and finish up our forestry building and call it a day for today thanks again for watching everybody and i'll see you all next time for more we'll continue foresting and logging and doing all sorts of stuff in another playthrough if and when there's something else to take a look at thanks for joining everybody have a fantastic afternoon good evening and good night and from the kingdom of raptoria we bid you a do goodbye everyone take care
Channel: Raptor
Views: 125,316
Rating: 4.9476686 out of 5
Id: dpqK-rgDZ0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 47sec (2447 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 28 2021
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