Foundation | Ep. 1 | Building the Greatest Kingdom on Earth | City Building Tycoon Gameplay

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[Music] hello again friends and fans Raptor here and welcome back to foundation one of the most beloved games on the channel returns as there's now some big updates including new buildings such as the granary and fishing and gathering work a little bit differently now in this new update big update for foundation so if you're excited want to see more make sure you show your overwhelming support and of course as always glory to rap Toria down below in the comment section welcome everybody good to see you all here welcome to all the new subscribers welcome to everybody click it in town on that like button and welcome especially to everybody clicking in Tampa the join button to to become a new member of our wonderful fine Kingdom which we're going to construct now so if you love city builder games and a lot of customization then this game is definitely the one for you I'd also mention to follow me on Twitter as well with the links down below in the description because the developers often give me codes free game keys to give out to all of you so if you want a chance to win foundation as well follow me on Twitter and say hi if you don't have one make one so you have your chance to build your own castle there's also apparently weather effects are now into the game not only effects but there's gonna be like heavy rainstorms and different types of weather which could punish crops and make fishing more difficult and provide rough seas so we'll see how we do in this new early test of foundation ready here we go let's start a new map on what would be the mountain and let's start our game oh I love that music listen to it he is just so triumphant absolutely well that is that is epic man all right here we are welcome to foundation help all right we won't need any of that but we're starting now let's pause everything as we glanced around a little bit and our wonderful new kingdom a giant waterfall coming down to a river that opens up into the coastline here and it's an outlet into the sea or the ocean we've got a beautiful coastline lots of wonderful territory for us to build our little village in many little farms and things like that and then of course mountains where we can build military fortresses castles and even some monasteries too so lots of areas to start in lots of places to go but I think we're gonna have to start on the shore because of course we want to see the fishing - which is new so berries are no longer infinite and neither are fish so they're going to have to be replenished over time and then of course we can build some big buildings up here like our monastery and everything like that so let's get started without further ado let me know you're excited everybody I'm excited too I can't believe it all right now hopefully actually does that have a little stone there we're gonna need an area with stone I see berries trees and hopefully some stone therefore a stone cutter so that we can get stirred looks like there's also some stone here that's much easier to see and also over there as well I think that's a good area to start but it's on the side of the cliff so this would probably be even better so let us begin welcome everybody to the glorious kingdom of raptorial glory to wrap Toria make that entire front page nothing but glory to raptorial let's put down our village centre now for everyone to gather around we'll put it right around right around here there we go and we'll say hello to our first new building the granary high granary good to see you here well put down our stone cutter camp to make sure we've got access to that so we'll put that over here by what seems to be a little bit of stone that's hidden in the tall grass so let's put that there and then we'll start with our lumber camp - we're gonna need some basic materials up so of course lumber and stone and things like that are gonna be of utmost importance so we'll put down our lumber camp let's go ahead and on piles to go and increase speed now our wonderful people can get to work let's also click on the villager list we'll have two people assigned to being builders and then we'll assign everybody else to other things as soon as these jobs are done here's where we can gather some berries from the gatherer Hut so let's put that down there not a Pizza Hut the gatherer Hut we'll put that down there and we'll make sure that they start with these buildings first so that when we have food and some basic building materials so two builders going out to start construction on those right now and then we'll get to labeling out where we can cut down things through our development zone so let's go ahead and allow extraction in the forest we'll let our people extract all the trees there and also same with the berries as soon as that Hut is done there we go and then we'll go and do the same on the other side perfect alright so that shouldn't indicate to our people that all trees are open for business on being cut down and eventually we can start putting houses here you guys remember our previous playthrough man oh man we did a great job the kingdom a rapt Oriya there was great but today it's going to be even better as we expand on these wonderful lands we had two folks already doing some building we had a couple people standing around but I'm gonna just get them onto these jobs as soon as they're done they're pretty much done anyway construction site for the stone cutter just requires some tools and some logs in order to work and it looks like we've already got the lumber camp up and running so it's going to start three people working on that excellent quest completed before the building of the lumber camp wonderful what else can we build now any marketplaces it looks like we can build a market now and we can also build that granary and the well and the sawmill and a few other things there's the new building the granary that stores of course all the food and everything in the kingdom so we'll put that maybe over here closer to the there we go make it look like that put a little wheelbarrow here to kind of blend in with the berry bushes and everything like that looks like it's a part of the gatherers Hut that's kind of cool we'll also put down a sawmill shortly let's also put down our market place though that's gonna be very important for our people and that is gonna be one of our requirements to to get to the next level so we can unlock more building so let's put down a couple of food buildings we'll put down a food stall or two over here around the town square so I'll put down two of those Stonecutters camp just completed so we certainly now have people who can work on that building and let's put down a good stall - we'll start very basic and then we'll add some stuff later to the a wonderful market we can do everything custom we can custom build this and then of course we can add tents and things later let's go ahead and assign some stone cutters then we'll hire two of them for that and then we'll hire a forger later as soon as we've got enough materials so we're waiting for everything to be completed we'll kind of just take a look around the map again and let's take a look and see where we can find some fish for us to eventually fish Oh right here little bubbles in the water is where some fish are I just mark the area for stone extraction let's go ahead and do that there you go right there you go perfect come on over excellent all right so we got two areas for fish here all the bubbles you can kind of see the silhouette if you if you look at it at the right angle oh yeah you could see it there did you see it there's like a little fish silhouettes kind of glitched here but you can kind of see the the black outline of fish there so fishing is no longer infinite and neither is berries but they need to replenish over time luckily we now have somebody who can become a forager so that's perfect awesome so we have two people mining stone three people on logging we're gonna need all those materials we can get the granary is being built now as well by the two builders and same with the market place actually the market place is being built and so it's the granary what else can we put down let's see well we could put well well well well well we can put down a well well well we put that right in the middle that would kind of look weird let's put the well over here just close to the town there we go perfect and we got a quest complete on produce now we're producing a wonderful amount of berries we also have the sawmill that steeped it still needs to be built so we can make planks right now most things can be built with just simple logs but eventually we'll need to expand and make planks and just take a little bit more material but we need more people living here first looks like the granary is starting to near completion and we have newcomers here what does that say oh you have a new quests fill the need of your newcomers that mean we got new people I don't think so I think nobody's unemployed so alright let's go ahead and sort my job first of all it makes things easier alright we need to build a well which is there need to build a granary which is nearing completion we need to build a market which they've started on we also need to assign a market tender as soon as it's done and sell some berries and that will allow us to go to the next level and we'll unlock more stuff one of the things I like most about foundation is that the people kind of create their own roads by walking the shortest routes so you can actually make roads in the game - by clicking on the paint development zones and telling people that they're forbidden to go elsewhere so if you wanted for example the Stonecutters to walk this way for some reason and into the back you could do that - by just telling them that the land is forbidden okay well now we're waiting for more stone to come in we should probably let's get rid of a couple of our wood cutters and I don't know as they increase in level they become more efficient at their jobs so maybe we just will just leave it for now eventually we'll need far more wood than stone anyway let's see what what are we missing is this this building is actually nearing completion wonderful get rid of this extraction zone here and take a look alright is done fantastic perfect and let's go ahead and store berries here wonderful I wanna sign a villager as soon as somebody is free in order to bring those berries in otherwise I think they can go directly to market which Jacob our Jojo Cobb is bringing ten wood to complete the construction of the market he's building out all those wonderful little desks and things for trade okay it looks like more wood is arriving the beginning of the game is rather slow but in time we'll be able to buy more and more these hexagons and then we'll be able to occupy the entire left side of the screen and then we'll build a wonderful bridge possibly a stone bridge to go across here and build on to the other side we can also build stone bridges up here way up high and go across gaps that are even not filled with water for example you can build a bridge from here all the way to there if we wanted to so long as we have enough stone and wood and other materials required to do so all right to the stone cutters are doing what they need to do the well just requires some more materials and people sometimes just stand around as they don't have a home it's them basically in power-down mode otherwise they'd walk home but they don't have houses yet so it's not that they're not doing anything they're just some mandatory break you know Union labor yeah all right so it looks like they just need a little bit more wood and they should be good that's why I'm making so much wood the next thing will be the well to go up and we'll make that a higher priority the marketplace the highest priority right now and then the well and then the we'll make a sawmill over here too so to make the sawmill just next to this building maybe we can make it like this go looks like it's a part of that building all right so that's pretty much the extent of everything that we can build for now until our people have some more items looks like the wells going up excellent the well and the market are going up so that's two more done then we just need you to hire or assign a market trader and then that'll be that let's speed up time a little bit so our people can finish quickly there we go that's what happens when you give them coffee and the well needs to be completed all right let's assign somebody to sell berries shall we let's have one of our let's get rid of one of our lagers there and assign them over here Martin is now selling berries wonderful and then the well should be done soon perfect and that'll be the last thing we need to do people are buying berries now for food perfect and we'll be able to build the sawmill start making planks instead of logs soon enough and the only thing left for the well is to make the five stone required looks like we got two out of the five some that's being brought over there he goes always got the five out of five excellent so that will be the end on the well and everything is going very well glory to wrap Toria yes yes indeed everything's going very well and the well has been completed now we just need to raise the status of our villagers to serf and that just takes a little bit of time by selling stuff and providing with their needs Oh also we need to hire somebody here to pick up those berries so it can be delivered to the well even though it says sell resource well that just means that we need to assign it alright let's get rid of let's get rid of one of the builders well they need one soap here we're gonna assign you to transporter although he's not inside let's make him unemployed and do it this way there we go here is now working here perfect so he should be able to pick up the berries from here and store them in the granary and then bring them to market as needed so that should complete that hopefully if everything works according to plan I don't know who pure is but we'll see him work in a minute he might be on break alright the sawmill is going up just need more people now as always in these games that is very important for us to get a population Coloma happiness now at 50% very good we started like zero and fit our people have done quite a bit they built a granary and the well at a market place and all this other stuff good will add a little bit more flair to the market later and make it look somewhat decent perfect there we go he's delivered the berries as needed wonderful now we have the residential zone unlock so we can start building houses for our people so let's go ahead and start indicating where those can go we have new quests and everything like that of course of course the kingdom recognizes your efforts in establishing your settlement Thank You King let's go ahead and paint some zones now for people to live and this is just where we'll allow them to build homes it's on the villagers to build the house and they usually build somewhat nearby you can already see a couple of homes already being built and I believe I can't remember exactly how many villagers live in each home but I think it's like 3 2 or 3 in each home all right there we go they don't want to live near the construction areas but they do want to set up their homes here so as soon as enough logs are provided it's gonna be a while but they'll be able to do that so unlock warehouse from the Labour estate panel let's do that Labour is here Emily and we need to unlock the warehouse so it means we need to have 10 serfs so we just need things to keep rolling we can now build a wooden gate for our people and start I guess we could probably wall off this area but to be honest we're literally next to a coastal region so any attacks are probably gonna come from the water rather than the mountains behind us we also have the ability to make Polish stone from stonemasons right now what we really need is more people in town so let's see what we got here are gathering huts we could probably buy some more territory that'd be good if we could do that doesn't look like I do that just yet so we just need more people to actually have homes so in order for that to happen they just need a lumber so it puts more people on the logging shall we logging in building then hire another person to be a in the logging industry and I believe the builders still need to build homes so it is important to have builders still have one of these 47 logs I think each one of these homes takes up ten so that's gonna be an additional one to thirty more logs plus other buildings that we have so it's good to keep that coming in all right first home is completed good and we just need to I guess get our splendor up a little bit so we just be ten serfs we only have eight people now so all we got to do is provide the basic needs and more people will move in I suppose we'll build a stonemason over here at some point there we go two villagers now joining excellent as soon as they get here we can assign them some jobs perfect and we'll probably put them on more stone mining or actually building so we get these homes done faster we could build a wooden gate but there's really nothing else we can do with that so let's put down some decorative bushes in the neighborhood there we go perfect all right let's see if we can edit this a little bit although I think it might shut it down if I do that well we'll see oh good we've unlocked new stuff well we'll mess with the marketplace a little bit later let's go and see what we've unlocked the warehouse boom alright now we could build the warehouse to store extra goods let's see where that is I asked the good old warehouse we'll need to build at least one of those and we need to unlock a trade route in order to trade for tools and other things that we might need so let's put our trading post down here and we'll leave that area in the north for the wood and everything and also for the homes to build it right there perfect all right off to a really great start we can actually put a wooden gate here and wood wall off like the industrial zone we could do that we could make like a little industrial zone out of it however if I do this I don't know if I have walls are not being unlocked so I could build a gate but it really doesn't do much because I can't build any walls around it and fences take up quite a bit of materials we'll need planks for that okay let's assign those other workers now let's assign some more stone cutters actually builders and what we want to do let's go to our villagers list and the two unemployed can become builders and they should be able to help build any other buildings such as this home and also the warehouse and the stonemason Hut and then we'll assign them to work in the Trading Post happiness is skyrocketing we're at 73 now we're doing it glory to rap Toria indeed indeed now we just need these trees to be moved down the way so we can start building along the coast we'll start building homes on this area and then eventually we can move all this stuff what certain basic needs have been fulfilled oK we've got a few homes built looks like another one going up awesome let's do a little more decoration in the meantime this person should be able to you know they're gonna go that way there we go and some nice little decorative bushes to decorate everything like that perfect well we're off to a good start considering where we were before all right the warehouse is almost complete only grace is being a stonecutter right now but she's producing enough stone for everything needed eventually need to start producing planks at some point and especially in order to upgrade the homes too and wonderful all this area here for the woodcutters can be cleared for more homes and then eventually we can focus on this area closer to the water and then up here too so we can build more homes and then of course we're gonna upgrade our little marketplace - let's make some pathways for our people I guess they can walk this way the pasture okay for now the wheelbarrow actually looks like it belongs there because it's on the road and people are walking behind the marketplace seems okay a good start and another home must have been completed ah two more villagers joining excellent they'll be here soon and you'll know that they're here when they actually stand at that area and then you can start using them for all sorts of things like being in the military or working as a tax agent or being a farmer which will have unlock very soon so far so good things are going quite nicely we'll have more fish to trade next that bread looks really rotten look at that bread that looks green more than yellow but he can sell berries bread and fish and a few other things too for food I believe like for example deer meat reforestation is now available from the forest or camp if we do any sort of that it's probably gonna be over here this is where our new people come in you can kind of see the path that they're carving through the water like that so eventually we'll build over this way maybe make this our industrial area before you get to the main city but it would be a good idea to keep reforestation going until we're ready to move so let's do that a forester camp will make sure that trees don't run out they basically plant and cut down bigger trees in conjunction with the lumber camp we'll build one of those there so Mason hunt is up we're just waiting for the main market place to be complete or rather the warehouse so we can sell things at the market or in market I guess the international market and another house going up now to kind of cool how these houses like interweave each other let's put down some more decorations while we wait and we're just waiting on them a little warehouse to be completely did there we go it'd be nice if the bushes could be different colors you can add a little bit more variety that way but we'll have trees and other things to build with soon enough we're just out of tools for the time being so that's why we got a trade oh we need to make planks that's what it is okay looks like they've delivered all of the stone that needed to be delivered so we'll use our two new workers to make some planks excellent happiness now it's 75% excellent I bet your happiness is it 100% that I'm playing foundation again is anybody here back from the previous series let me know down below in the comment section let me know what you thought of the first run-through it was a lot of fun the first run-through was really good and now we can use all those new lessons learn from that play through to make this one even better and even better and bigger and more beautiful city it looks like some of the lumber was just made and I think they're bringing it over yep looks like he brought over two pieces of lumber to start construction love the art style in this game it's just so beautiful it's really kind of it's cartoony but not really at the same time it's really good it's a fine balance without being too crazy well look at this man go ham on this one tree and also people don't blink in this game so if you want to see a scary sight just watch somebody resting in the village center and that's the most frightening thing you'll see let's see we can hide in this bush and spy our people okay nobody's come around yet oh no okay we'll be back later in the meantime the warehouse is almost complete just more and more wood being produced and more buildings being built good job everybody okay I think we can move our builders around let's make a couple of builders let's make this level one into a carpenter instead except I'd what that was weird you should have three carpenters one two three that's weird now we have two new villagers joining us that's good now there he goes now he's working here finally all right we got three villagers working as carpenters now turning a lot of those logs into planks and all those planks going right into the warehouse construction two more people here which means now we can start making Polish stone but I think we just want to gather up more basic stuff so here they come so I think maybe I'll have them work as foresters and we'll keep this area down here forested since we're kind of in a little bit of a tight area who is somebody upgrading their home maybe looks like the house disappeared and then this being rebuilt all right the warehouse is complete awesome let's go ahead and hire somebody they're like Henry and let's import tools and I forget exactly how to do that so bear with me as I remember how do we focus on training let's see there's a way to trade so we've asked well this is gonna store tools so that's good now how do we do external trading with our neighbors there this okay so we need to unlock the trade route by first giving them 20 planks so we need to create enough planks and then we'll be okay so just a little bit of time has to pass and then we're good the meantime chef cloyce can work on reforestation and let's go ahead and populate the area that can be reforested perfect actually I think we'll just do this entire blue circle there he goes alright so while he plants trees the others will cut them down and that should work just fine for now okay another house was complete good more homes for more people live in happiness is at 77% oh there we go reforestation has begun he's starting to grow these trees over here look how they grow weird all right on to the next thing then we need to unlock the trade route so let's do that we now have enough wood for that yay perfect and we got one free territory from the king thank you sire well I think what we want to do is build as close to the water as we can oh there's lots of fish over here all the bubblies all that bubbly okay let's go for territory let's buy this territory then we'll get a waterfront and more trees let's do that all right let's cut down some more trees too we got to clear the land so the laundress are gonna be busy they're gonna be a busy bunch you guys go ahead and extract everything on the coastline and we will turn that into a wonderful waterfront village and also start camping - we're out of fishing we'll turn it into a fishing camp all right allow purchase from the training panel oh yes we need to import tools let's see import tools buy until we get to let's say 25 tools what are we going to exchange in it well I guess we buy it for gold we don't have to exchange we have money from the king so that's fine first trade round is complete excellent glory to wrap Toria again that comment section has got to be just absolutely spam let me know you're excited I'm so excited to be back there's a good it's always good to return to a game for a reason such as the granary being included it's a small change but the weather is really what I'm here for I want to see it like be all dark and gloomy I want to see what it's like put that as a thumbnail because it's gonna be really exciting to see it when it comes it's gonna be awesome it's a really big new feature everybody's been excited for all right so what can we do next fences can go down we can start building ourselves a rustic Church now might be a good time to build one of those if we got a little bit more space I think we can clear that area out it'd be a good spot for it let's go ahead and start construction on a rustic Church it's gonna be a little ugly the rustic church is never the most beautiful of buildings but we will try to make it look cool build it here net near the road we'll put a couple of cores down then we'll put down a wooden extension maybe for the door this is the best part of the game is this custom thing building yes custom thing building it's the best part Oh can I not go on the extension I'll look build that one that's much better I'll put these extensions off to the side then let's put down Dorsey and we'll put down wooden extension what is it a maybe so put that down the sides of the building I think if you press T you can also oh sorry oh that was crazy alright if you can press T you can actually make it so it doesn't click to the building like that let's go crazy I was like no I'm having a mental breakdown there small Tower a or B let's go with B to add a little bit of a wood flare to it [Applause] there we go does that look nice I think that looks nice alright let's begin construction why that's gonna be extremely expensive and the only way that we're going to get money now is by completing quests for the King since we really don't have much to trade with the other people we could trade with them for sure but it's not gonna bring in much money so let's start trading sell all above let's say any logs above 20 any planks above 20 let's also start selling stone above 20 [Applause] and I think we also have some new people in town so we might be able to make polished stone so let's set that to 20 as well lots of things in this game that we can build with of course and make for example honey in the apiary when we make ourselves a monastery what did I want to do is sign workers right so let's go ahead and sign a couple of people to work we have two unemployed let's get them to work then as I think actually we might need to make somebody as the clergy and I can't quite remember let's put them to work as stone masons there all right perfect now we have two people with stonemasons when I signed one of them as a stonemason well may have clicked on something else for the other one well we did two of them all right well let's make the other one a stone cutter all right so once the stonemason one's a stone cutter it should take their job there shortly we'll be able to produce more food with additional foragers to I think we're a little low on food that's another way to make money too is selling food back to the people looks like we need to what do we have to do here thirty oh boy let's see what gives us the biggest benefit fishers Hut Oh actually helping out the people would be big we'd unlock that Fisher's Hut so let's go for that I will assist the people all right but now we have sixty days now to get that food so I got to rearrange our setup here so let's have some of our builders let's change our builders from I don't really want to change the builders they're very skilled let's leave them as is when one transporter for the granary and the other one for the warehouse now we got to do something quick let's make two of these carpenters forgers now food is more more important now for trade and wealth writ local trade so we can get money that way look at the wonderful little church being built two more people joining us now excellent are you joining us too by the way thanks to everybody for clicking and tapping the join button and becoming members it's very nice to be able to show your unwavering support like that appreciate everybody being here so welcome on behalf of all of Rapp Toria welcome absolutely alright we need to get ourselves a few more forgers here I think we need one more no no we're good I think we should start selling planks we've got quite a few of those and I think we need things here to trade with so I should assign them to be stored here so let's assign planks stone let's just do finish stone anything that brings in more money and then also ah well we certainly have a lot of logs so let's trade for that too and we'll accept that so we can do more training with it all right looks like money's coming in training resources what's the other thing berries I suppose we should trade although we're at zero because people are hungry but that's why I'm trying to unlock the fishing dock yes we need to get some more foragers going I think so let's put another gathering Hut here and get some one people assigned to that that's a good use of our resources so if we get thirty berries and storage then the king will finally I think we might need to store them here actually permit no actually it's at the granary so if we have 30 at the granary will be perfect for completing the goal although I don't know if the game checks for it being in the warehouse if it checks for it being in the granary or if it checks for total number like for example screw in between the market in a few other places we'll see churches nearing completion or about well not nearing completion but we're at least started at least the walls are completed now they're working on the roofing and of course all the extensions and such will be completed to that church is going to be a beautiful building when it's ready excellent alright and we're getting closer to the amount of berries that we need very good very very good maybe we should have some more builders first let's assign people for building and that way we can get some more stuff done good we have like level 3 and level 2 builders that speeds up things a little bit and then as soon as those builders are done getting the basics down well actually make this a high priority because we got to do it for the king we have we have a quest from the king and we have 54 days we better deliver it at least it's a quest from the king let's get this Hut done just needs 10 little logs perfect let's think that building still going up - I like how the church is not too much bigger than the building surrounded it's it almost could be a home alright speaking of home it's another one was completed boy look these two people living next to each other oh this guy like hey I'm gonna start my house here no you're not I'm gonna build my house here like wow okay jerk alright let's assign two of those builders now to be forgers and we'll keep those two builders that we have that way we can get all the food for the king alright good transporters and everyone else are doing a great job it's pretty much just the speed in which they complete their job so they'll walk around normally but if they happen to pick up a box boom they'll start going turbo all of a sudden trade is bringing in a little bit money where of course having some big expenses because of all the things were buying from the neighbors tools and whatnot but we're maintaining a good number now come on baby we need more berries I think I'm gonna name this the Barry White Memorial berry Hut that's what I'm gonna name it absolutely all right red eleven berries I have a feeling that's gonna go down as soon as somebody comes over to cowboy to buy them from the marketplace or something we do have two new people in town I just want to assign them to be forgers eventually the berries will disappear can't click on them and see how many are remaining but that's why we do want to expand into fishing as soon as possible because I'm not sure this is uncharted territory and the developers even said this is going to be a much more challenging and difficult mode for the player so we'll see exactly how much challenge it provides very soon I'm sorry I mean very soon perfect okay so it looks like a lot of stuffs being traded oh man we should be Oh yep perfect we're bringing the money yes good good good well let's get another person on foraging now that they're here and I don't know what other jobs I could assign them to is there anything else I missed let's get another carpenter going that'll be good to make some more planks they're bringing quite a bit of money it looks like all regular stone is being converted to a construction project at the church or being sold for cash which we have nine things there let's make sure we're actually anything else right now sell anything over like one go ahead and sell it all we don't really need the knee at the moment it's just to bring in cash for now all right looks like the scaffolding is being completed there so they can build the roof and the front of the door is being completed - excellent all right we should have enough for the king we have 48 remaining can't deliver need resources in warehouses okay so the game is much more descriptive about where they need to be now let's go ahead and empty this Henry go ahead and make that zero my man we won't be able to trade planks for a while but this is the Oh actually perfect let's go ahead and change this to berries then and I can't choose berries well there's two berries here they must mean that it needs to be in the granary because there's no way I could actually store it in the warehouse there's no option for that now so it's switched to be a granary so we have 31 fairies but we need 30 that are into the granary so we need more and more berries now 46 days remaining it'll be fine we'll be okay land that we got the Forester here now let's go ahead and have him stop on doing this and let's have you jacquees become a a logger we got plenty of trees over here to clear so we don't have to keep re growing it's just clear what's there already and we'll be fine looks like we're looking at 41 berries now none are in stock here there we go let's stock maximum there anybody else no okay as soon as we get to maximum and that should be fine we have no gold but we will be receiving plenty of gold from the king as soon as we've completed some more quests and we'll be up to that commoner level and will unlock the Fisher's hut and the lords manor and hedges and other things too with additional points there we go we certainly see some berries in there not too many though this man is holding on to 38 Marten could you not take the entire stock please how about just like 10 yeah he's only selling ten a week this guy's a hoarder Martens sir if you could leave a little for the king please my goodness we should have some more people joining us shortly I can't wait till the church is complete we are short a little bit on the stone needed for that but I assume it's at zero because they're bringing it all over planks are needed - all right we best not sell any more of those then we'll just do local trade let's go ahead and not sell any more of these well we're selling anything over 20 will technically make that names you know they're like 35 now let's trade all resources that are over 35 so if we have 40 while they sell five - more villagers joining excellent and there they come now they're within our realm welcome one stonemason we probably need more stone to be produced then there we go four out of five that will help us immensely in finishing the church and it looks like we've got 17 in the granary now things are going okay we will eventually have everything we need there and we aren't making mutton that's great the money that we're making why look at that hundred eighty-four just from Barry sales the money we're making is immediately going back to buying tools until we can make our own so that's just fine and our church is pretty elaborate - I must say it's it's quite a large church but one thing I know from this game is the bigger the better when it comes to those types of buildings you need to hold as many people as possible and of course our population is only skyrocketing so it's gonna be a gonna be a lot of people moving in speaking of which I wonder if we could build some more homes let's say we got this area kind of designated all for home building nobody else wants to build a home I suppose we could build down here too but area needs to be cleared of trees so that's why I got rid of the Forester for now and we've got wood cutters working at full time they're bringing in a lot of logs and the two builders are doing a kick-butt job on the building of this structure just need 120 planks now is 29 waiting down here 6 waiting there the rest can be gathered from here so they just need to bring it over it looks like a lot of materials are coming through town hey hey we're almost close to playing the King with everything he needs here we go one more berry just bring over one more little blueberry come on one more strawberry I need I need a I need something give me something what do you got blackberry blueberry oh there it is perfect yes wonderful and we get 200 gold for that very good wonderful now we can unlock the Fisher's Hut when we get to enough splendor 20 serfs we need a population them a little bit more in order to unlock that then not a population but we have 22 serfs we just need more honor or whatever it is oh it's my building the church that's what it is this will provide us with 8.88 to the clergy which will then unlock the few other things actually and then we can use that to unlock stuff kind of confusing actually but it works it's a system that does work while we're able to the church Wow we only need tools to be delivered down we have the 20 we have the 20 tools in storage 25 and we've got twenty nine out of twelve ninety-five wood let's speed this up I want to see this thing completed today let's complete our big church today and while we're waiting let's add a few more decorations maybe we can add some fences or something like that was that a home going up Oh somebody build a home there let me get that Bush out of your way there you go cool what a nice little neighborhood everybody's can strike oh well there's actually two more homes going out that's crazy they're building a lot let's build some fences here just outside the church two more people joining us wonderful I assume that's like when somebody subscribes today they move into the town so anybody who's a new subscriber welcome to our wonderful little city let's finish our little fence here there we go that looks nice I wish I could put some trees there or something but we haven't yet unlock that okay we do have two new people in town so we need to assign them some jobs and let's assign the other person to be a I think the construction would be fine construction worker let's get you to be a builder my man we're building quickly here all right welcome Richard everybody welcome Richard down below in that comment section say hey Ritchie welcome Brella let's welcome him to our new wonderful country our new kingdom good Richard Zach no he's the man ladies grab a nineteen would go man go and Joe Cobb is bringing five tools that's good nearing completion uh who do we help this time let's go for helping me let's see helping the kit Oh actually we can already unlock some stuff with this stone wall wooden wall or wouldn't keep let's go for a wooden keep eventually wall unlock anything anyway and let's go for who do we want to help this time let's see it would give us plus 10 which could unlock the hunters Hut eventually I think there's more in helping the king so let's do that oh wait yes that would be just fine there we go I feel every time that there's a request even if we go to help the clergy or whatnot we're oh we shall allow you to establish an outpost in your territory as such we'll be able to participate military campaigns for your leaves do not forget this is a privilege tell his majesty will comply with the Royal requests all right we will do that perfect now we have a goal to build a military base essentially well let's build a keep maybe over here by the river when we get over there we don't have to do it now but it would be better to build a base somewhere over here oh and you know what we can put a bridge here too we can have a guard the grit of the bridge or something like that well somebody said that they found nothing in the extraction zone what's that for all is good apparently okay never mind I must admit a little glitch oh there's a snow boots don't cutter cannot find a resource oh maybe there's only so many people who can be working in a site at a time I don't know it'll be okay though is the church complete oh come on now I want to see this church get completed we have everybody cutting down trees as quickly as possible maybe we should build another camp then just in case more people move in I'll build another logging camp over here we could build it closer to the to the actual lumber but they have to bring it back here any way to turn it into planks so it really doesn't matter let's build it like right around let's make it a little different maybe maybe like that there we go okay I assume that's a little game glitch there because these people are working outside of our territory I think there's only a certain number of people who can work on that so that that little dinging sound will come in from time to time but it should be okay because once somebody leaves somebody immediately starts working on it and there's open space for more so that's okay as soon as we buy that territory that'll be alright I don't know if there's more stone over here though it doesn't look like it all right we're just waiting for the rest of the planks the church is gonna be completed as soon as the tools are delivered to lumber camp completely tiresome Oh Oh wonderful two more people just decided to join perfect timing welcome aboard glory to raptorial glory to rap Toria oh I'm not seeing enough glory to rap for there we go someone typed it in there you go awesome welcome buddy Oh F of course we can finish our goal here forgot about that and we got two more people we can hire let's go for it are you guys to be loggers as soon as you're here there we go awesome we should have another quest from the king soon and now we've unlocked stone walls and things like that so we'll do one for the clergy next I suppose let's unlock wooden walls and stone walls perfect and now we just need tools to be brought in and the church is complete let's see it happen come on now one more small delivery special delivery for me come on there it is alright they just need to construct construct construct do it do it do it whoa we did it everybody it's done yes fantastic the rustic church is complete and that does it for today's episode of foundation there are many new features on the way so make sure if you haven't already click or tap that like button and make sure you subscribe if you're new here to see more it's been fantastic to have you with me today so thanks for dropping by we're gonna be building closer to the coast and start taking advantage of our fishing and many many more things that we can do so I will see you all next time thank you everybody for subscribing being here just being awesome you're all wonderful I'll see you soon goodbye
Channel: Raptor
Views: 799,928
Rating: 4.886447 out of 5
Keywords: Foundation Game, Foundation Gameplay, City Building Games, City Building Tycoon, Medieval City Builder, Castle Building Game, New Building Games
Id: d95kgwDvIz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 0sec (3060 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 13 2019
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