Dawn of Man | Ep. 1 | Ancient City Building for Cave Men | Dawn of Man City Building Tycoon Gameplay

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hello again there friends and fans Raptor here and welcome back to John Amman where some recent major updates have come out for the game making farming and city life back in the caveman days much much different I guess we're coming out of the caves and building civilization for the first time so glory to rap Toria down below in that comment section you are all amazing today we're gonna start with a nomad tribe and build everything from scratch and we're going to see all the new features in this game all the new stuff that you can do including using animals for farming and plowing and also advanced farming techniques and other things that really are supposed to make the game more optimized to better use your workforce and make the man definitely not be just the a dream but an actual dawn of an age the age of man Don of man alright guys well if you want to see more of this game make sure you click Taplow destroy that like button let me know by the way glory to rap torre of course is always down below in that comment section and i'm sure this video will creep up well over 2000 because you guys have been waiting for a long time to see me continue this one so welcome back to all of you let's get started with a fresh new game a fresh new tribe and let's get out there and make it happen all right here we go welcome again to all the new subscribers thanks for smashing that sub button and all that people click on the tab and join welcome to all you lovely new members you guys are amazing so thank you as always for the support let's start ourselves a fresh game with this experimental version version 1.5 which came out on March 12th which is today when I'm recording so I'll see you guys in just a second let's go find ourselves the seat of our new empire [Music] and here we are my fellow Rapp torian's yes our little tribe is ready to go we've got old men and women and children with us and we are ready to settle so this is where the game starts us initially in this new mode which is Nomad mode which allows us to explore the map and start a city wherever we'd want obviously we're gonna build somewhere around the rivers so let's go ahead and take our tribe and go upriver somewhere and see where exactly would be a better place to settle this is a pretty good spot where they've started us however it's pretty basic and an area in which we start all the time and let's go ahead and try looking down here I see some really nice shoreline that we could do here let's try and looking down the other side of the river and see if there's any other places for us to build our civilization wait a minute this looks really good over here lots of open territory and a large mountain for us to build on too if we'd like to ah this seems perfect okay let's have the people come on over here let's see if we can what do we need to do to go to them let's go to the free camera ah there we go all right our tribesmen have begun the journey excellent so let's go ahead and see we can get back to them oh okay looks like we need to find out exactly where they are there they are okay so our tribesmen are going through the woods now we'll once we find the new location they're just nomads so they have no settling at all no buildings no knowledge of farming we'll have to unlock that over centuries and build ourselves the seat of mankind I suppose the beginning of it all all right well we're gonna head up a river then they'll make their way up there soon let's go ahead and put them on to top speed then as we wait if you don't know about this game by the way there are prehistoric animals in here such as woolly mammoths and woolly rhinos and lions and tigers and bears oh my there's quite a bit that it will definitely threaten your civilization so you'll need to watch out for it or our people are making their way to the new lands now as they pass through the mountains and do a little climbing here careful y'all now Oh looks like there's a woolly mammoth right there well that be careful with our people they would be able to hunt it but we need a few more people to actually do hunting with so it looks like right now our people are climbing the mountains and will soon pass over to our new territories over here let's slow down time a little bit hold on a second was that a lion let's take a look and use our primal vision to see what threats might lie in front of us if we go to primal view we can actually see that there's a like a giant ox your ancient bison nearby there's also some more bison up there so the lands here are quite fertile and there's quite a bit of animals nearby so this is good and also there's probably flint and stone and other things that we'll need in order to build tools as well as these giant rocks megaliths which we can my mine out of there to build monuments to so that'll be quite good all right let's take a look here our people are starting to get closer to the river and we will then start farming and building our city somewhere along the shorelines looks like there's an entire family of like deer and stuff over here - elk what are these exactly I think there are reindeers yeah okay so that's good here's the Flint that we're looking for as well so that'll be definitely useful for us to start making our initial tools but we just don't know it yet all right our people are crossing in the low shallow part of the river here we'll also be able to use water power in order to make a waterwheel but that won't be until like the later and like the Iron Age or something along those lines okay let's go ahead and start maybe over here I think we'll build our little capital here of our empire it's gonna take a very long time for us to do all this and there's some more Flint there as well okay our people are approaching the animals I wonder if we should do some hunting - just - well it's actually while we're in the area let's go ahead and do some hunting on one of these are these key bits yes they are there's also a big Oh ancient bison there - I kind of feel like I want to harvest those just so that way we can get some leather and stuff to build our homes with so let's go ahead and have our people hunt right now they are nomads so they are very used to going on the hunt like that we're gonna have all seven people - the children attack them and this will be the mark of our start here and they come out of the out of the forest now the kids are gonna be over here I guess they're looking to see if they could play some fortnight or something like that meanwhile there we go here comes our adults ready to hunt they're gonna throw those Spears I believe those Spears are made of Flint so we'll see exactly what happens they're sneaking up Shh quiet kids he'll probably attack us go yes he did he's coming at us throw throw there we go we got him down excellent some of our people were slightly wounded but not too bad and good we gain knowledge from that so that's gonna be our first a very important thing oh they're coming back over here I think gonna attack us okay let's go ahead and start setting up our settlement I guess they're ahh yes they know they know the rap torian's are their keepers their gods yes they respect us okay let's build ourselves our first residence which tents require sticks and skins in order to build so we'll have to do that let's go ahead and start right here then I guess we'll build over here instead let's try to start putting our tents over this way quite intense indeed let's go ahead and try one there and somebody will start building that meanwhile everybody's already harvesting the meat so that's good that won't go to waste and I believe we'll need at least maybe three or four tents to get ready up for the winter so we'll just go ahead and get everyone in a tight formation just to get things done let's also put down a campfire a hearth so that way a food can be made and it looks like they're also continuously slaughtering that animal too so we've gotten off to a very slow start as it will take a very long time to build up this there we are as we build our camp for the first time eventually we will put walls and we'll do farming all the way around our camp it's gonna be quite interesting and it looks like we have donkeys here which we can eventually domesticate too so that way they can do all the work for us some farming and everything else all right we should probably start setting up some gathering areas too to get sticks so that way we can let's see I want to try to get some nearby sticks there we go not too many to gather just so we can start building some homes all right so materials are being dropped off and I think we also need to put a area for storage we might be able to put a storage tent down yes so we can store meat and things like that for our other settlers excellent very good all right so everyone's coming out of the woods now with all the materials needed in order to build those excellent and the kids are coming out too they were in hiding for the ancient bison there somebody's still clean two people are actually cleaning for all that meat so that's good very good all right our population will increase from seven as soon as we have more homes once we build a couple of homes I don't know exactly how many people can take shelter in these but eventually we'll up their quality a basic shelter I believe it's um I think it might be two or three people so two or six at least but we'll wait until we build our first one to see looks like we also have some bones here too so that'll go for basic tool construction and we also have some hides here that eventually as it's called in the game raw skin which we need to build these homes as well so we'll see if we can get some more bison around here in order to get started the game also does allow you to start with more supplies when you go into this mode as well so let's go ahead and make some of these buildings top priority pending materials is four sticks it looks like we've got one but I told everyone to also gather here so let's go ahead and put like three workers on this and so let's do like half hour more than half our population let's just have people like five work on that let's gather like fifty sticks those are gonna be very important look at all these animals around here alright nice very good now eventually Raiders will attack us - so we'll eventually need to build up our camp very big and very strong in order to survive against attacks from the enemy but I want to see all the new farming stuff that's what's more interesting to me and of course there are also updates for more military stuff too which allows us to build bigger and more permanent structures so that should be quite interesting more permanent in terms of defense okay it looks like just four sticks are required then let's go ahead and speed up time and watch our people get to work on certain things we've seen them going out and gathering sticks bringing back hides doing some hunting and eventually they'll take their I guess they'll set up their camp around the oh it looks like they're bringing in more materials good they also set up around the hearth which requires more stones too so we better tell some people to grab stones as well so let's go ahead and find some stones nearby there should be a stone pile there we go a couple actually three stone piles over here great that is a lot of good stone it'll eventually help us for later building of defensive structures like walls and gates and things like that perfect our first little luck tent is going up as it says a basic shelter tent a basic shelter than a hut stables round house and stone stables - that's a more permanent building for horses and livestock in the future which we can use for labor and or things like pigs or goats excellent our first little Hut is complete very nice I thought I pointed it towards the fire that's okay it doesn't matter really these eventually will be taken down at overtime okay our people now have their first home up it looks like three people so three six nine people can live in these homes so now we just got to build the other one so let's get a trying to get a campfire up next so that way we can get food cooking that's gonna be very important and I also want to assign a few people to work on the stones let's go ahead and assign maybe three people two stones three people two sticks and that brings us with one free person who should be able to work on the hearth now I don't know if the children can live or not it looks like we actually have a capacity for three which means that yeah we need more people to have homes in order for more people to move into the camp so we'll definitely get on more storage as soon as all that stuff is constructed looks like they're also putting materials for the storage tent so lots of sticks are needed but also lots of wood is needed to to build that hearth and stones too so that way we can start cooking and making food otherwise they're eating raw meat I don't mind sushi and all that but we'll have to eventually get a fire we can do fishing too so there's definitely an opportunity to have some of that sashimi and such okay so now we've got ourselves our first little Hut up now priorities put towards building the second building here you can see the temperature by the way is 24 degrees Celsius and workload is pretty high at 86% but of course we only have a few people gathering sticks and stones which are quite important unless they break bones but words or words hurt kids all right let's see no storage slots left so essentially they're just putting stuff around on the ground I think we can actually build some storage areas for those now so let's try to put an area for rocks near the camp and let's also do an area for sticks near the camp wood pile there we go all right so that way anything that's not being immediately used can be stored there so they will bring the sticks in closer why here sound like an animal getting attacked there for a second actually we could put a could put a hunting ground around the camp though I don't think we need to hunt necessarily right away but I guess anything that comes close to camp will allow somebody to go on hunting for that alright the hearth is requiring one more stone to be built looks like we have two Flint in storage and let's open up some of the other menus too to keep an eye on things let's see that general menu should be switched - I think we probably want to keep a track on resources groups resources now let's see defense speed animals there's another one I like to keep open food not necessarily needed at the moment things are a little low where we don't really need to worry about food alright well the people are still building homes looks like the second home is being constructed this actually requires dried skins so that's gonna require us to put a drying rack down so let's put one of those down under production I believe yes we have a skin dryer that can be used there so let's build one of those to dry the rest of the skins and a what is that a hyena cave hyena just walking through that can be quite dangerous so anything coming past us that's a dangerous animal like a lion well actually I think they have time yes they have lions they have hyenas they have bears the woolly mammoth and woolly Rhino are a little more docile wow I just heard Oh actually it looks like a cave lion here got attacked by hyenas oh that's dangerous and they're coming over to eat wow we got a lot of hyenas over here that's gonna be a real threat to our camp they just took down a lion okay we're gonna need to be careful I think we've maybe killed something in our camp well there's outfits there okay we're trying to get that main camp set up with sticks and stones nobody's gathering stones at the moment though should have a stone gather up here this is obtaining stone and we have a maximum of ten so three people should be working on that and bring them right over here so that way construction can begin I guess it's just taking a little time well we have no sticks either so let me go ahead and take everybody off the stick duty actually we'll just go ahead and remove that work area for now we'll just tell everyone to work on stones so let's see we can get the whole team working on stone so we can get that camp set up there we go now in this series I also plan to flash forward from time to time so that way we can see more and more of this game so even though we're seeing the initial setups now and it's slow each episode I plan to have a monolithic or I guess a mega goal our goal now is to just basically set up the camp but as we go on and on I'll try to show off more things that are new such as defenses and building walls and things like that if you want to see more full complete playthroughs of every single painstaking moment in this game make sure you subscribe to see all the other series and watch them in a playlist by the way a lot of people use autoplay and get confused because there's different cities but of course you need to use the autoplay to see different types of cities that we've built sorry in the playlist don't use the autoplay all right well we're gonna try to build this heart next now we got everybody on gathering stone we should have everybody sign to what they need to do workload as balanced so we should have everybody working here on on gathering stones is there a way to make that work more pro but like priority let's see where's that banner I really wish they made the banner more visible it's kind of hard to see sometimes only if you go in a work area I think can you see it let me see if I can find out where this thing is I don't even see it I'll put it right here instead and we'll make sure we put that on five people there we go I deleted the stick one so the stone one should be good to go alright well at least now the next thing going is the stone hearth which will allow us to cook food and give us more health then we need everyone on stick gathering because we need to be able to build the rest of these tents which is requiring just a few sticks mostly just sticks but I want to get those stone hearth done first since that's a priority let's go ahead and just make these normal priorities so everybody goes on stone gathering and I'm assuming some people are coming over we're now starting to see the seasons change it is now fall of our first year and we just need enough camps up to give everyone shelter and then we should be able to survive our first winter which shouldn't be too hard it's just basically gonna be everybody eating food and surviving throughout the winter and not much goes on for the first year so storage just requires six more sticks and it looks like everybody's just gathering whatever else is needed and bringing back and putting it in the work zone okay let's go ahead and have person work on yeah is there more sticks that we can gather nearby let's see maybe I should make this bigger oh good there's sticks nearby over here ah there we are on top of the mountain okay so let's put two people to work there and two people to work here and hopefully that'll work and is there prioritization we can do no all right so we need people to work on gathering stuff hopefully they do well speed up time a little bit more I want to see our people gather the rest of the materials that are needed and we should be done here there we go more sticks are coming in now fantastic it looks like nothing was happening in the camp but they are delivering all the sticks needed at the tent zone or at the storage area or being it delivered to the to the buildings for repair to that's another thing alright we've gathered ten meet that's great shouldn't be too much longer until we have enough meat to survive the winter we have five knowledge now so we can spend that on upgrades such as bone tools sling making domestication of dogs or funeral rituals I think we should go with food drying which will allow us to get food ready for the winter and although it's you I believe you can do it in the winter as well so that allows it to last a lot longer so we'll put a food dry over here too and so will dry out skins and food and excellent we have our first storage structure up now beautiful all right things are really starting to roll now fantastic and good skin is starting to be dried we have one person decide to assign to the hunting around the camp and let's put people on fishing to will try to see if we can get somebody to spear a fish or something like that and get ourselves some experience haha yeah thank you thank you I'll be here all week alright so let's go ahead and optimize our hearth making now so that way we can try to cook food food is dried I believe it's just as hearty as cooking the food as well certain food is better when cooked but drying it also helps it to last throughout the winter okay we're low on food for now we've got two fish remaining two raw fish oh good that means fishing is already taking place great I'm gonna try to get the hearth up right away so that way we can get people to cook their meals now and I believe that's more of a filling meal looks like we have a wooden harpoon to start yeah wonderful and trader has found us great what's been hard to find us let's see so we can trade for certain things bones have value and so does Flint so we can trade for some meat and fish so let's go ahead and trade for a meat and a fish to help us through the winter trade value is gonna be three there so let's trade another bone so let's see we're gonna trade for two so weak let's see trade values three I think we should be able to do this anything else I can trade for looks like we can also trade for a log or dry skin but I don't think we'll be able to afford that and we're short by one and I don't want to give the Flint away because the tools are quite important so let's just go ahead and try to trade as close to three as possible and that'll do all good for a first year start everybody seems to have clothing we've got seven out of seven skins outfit our second home is going up winter is just beginning and it looks like the second home is going up soon our third home rather as soon as the second one is complete I see people finally coming over to gather stones that's great and stones are going to be stored here at the rock pile or maybe they were gathering sticks but regardless it is good to see all this material being brought back so that way we have fuel for the fire excellent alright one more building to get next then we need two more dried skins we have one there and that one's gonna be dried out and will be made into another thing for homes and it looks like it's getting quite cold now it's starting to get freezing everybody needs a home then so let's go ahead and get started with the final hunting operation let's see we're gonna make this a little wider let's edit the work area make that as big as possible so anywhere around the camp we find an animal go for it the way the guys are just a little sloppy at finding the stones I can't believe that everybody's gathering sticks but nobody's going for the stones we have stone piles right here they should be able to gather them by hand they don't have to mine them out I believe maybe there's smaller piles of stone let's see here these are ones I think we have to mine so let me try a smaller one then maybe that they can pick up by hand ah it's these ones here these smaller stone piles can be gathered by hand the bigger ones they actually have to mine out I see they can't actually move those but Flint they should be able to gather too so we'll start our operation over here for mining flint and stone okay so keep in mind that the smaller piles are for hand gathering and the larger piles are for mining eventually but it doesn't matter since we have all the other structures that are more important built which is the basically the shelters the drying rack is much more important look at all that fish Wow we've got plenty of food good very good all right let's speed up time now we'll have our people bring back the rest of the stuff so they were over here gathering sticks which is great lots and lots of sticks being gathered and then we should be able to make some more harpoons to continue fishing so that'll be great all right we'll get that last house constructed it's interesting though because in this game people don't necessarily need a home until they're tired and so long as there's a vacancy they'll go to any house in order to sleep you just need to have a capacity much higher in order to increase the size of the camp so that's just fine Wow look at this champion bringing back a giant stone wow those are huge look at that so those are some big o stones there we go and now the hearth is up - excellent now we can get some cooked meals as well and hopefully we have an animal stop by so that way we can do some more hunting very good if we get one more knowledge point we'll be able to start taking care of all of our needs for hunting and we'll improve that okay let's do some spiritual stuff we'll build a shrine over here somewhere near the homes so that way people can worship and praise the Dead so that way they feel a little more confident in the camp and increase our happiness we'll build one there and there why would look like cannibals now putting our relatives heads on sticks I guess in order remember them no one can forget that I guess also requires dried skin in order to build that as decorative pieces all right well we got a lot of sticks and a lot of flint now we can start upgrading our camp to start making weapons and such let's see if there's a building available for that under production yes the crafter perfect so with the crafter we'll put them over here so that way he has access to the warehouse and the pile he'll be able to make weapons and clothing and other stuff for us and we'll have to have somebody there full-time but the next priority is going to be the home so that way actually let's make this priority - and any animals that come by we'll have our people automatically hunt you should probably increase the number of hunters now so let's go ahead and cancel all the other jobs no more gathering sticks or anything and fishing is important but only one person's on that so that's okay but more importantly is hunting for animals because we can use their hides so let's see if we can I don't see a hunting zone here again so let's increase the size of that there we go and let's put everybody on that will put five people on hunting and we have more knowledge again excellent and we should be able to start making slings which will make hunting a lot better too so I think that'll be even more important for hunting on the ground which will get us skins and we can actually hunt from afar which will make our hunts much more effective all right looks like we've also gathered ten fish that's great for knowledge and our last home should be going up before the second winter very good glory to wrap Toria our people have done a great job and excellent weave hump hunted our first mouflon our first muffin it's a blueberry muffin tasty and now we have two skins that are raw that should help out for making our final home excellent a home away from home if you will very good and also raw skins great we're knocking out goals left and right now fantastic so we'll make the tent our next priority and then we'll try to make the crafter a priority after that so that way we can make things a little bit faster slings and things like that that'll bring in more skins for us to finish the rest of these buildings until we've got a larger population that looks like an e Bicks is escaped that's right not every hunt and successfully we can also as I mentioned start making clothes and we're gonna need that for the next winter eventually these clothing will wear out and they'll need new clothes overall great lots of ROM eat lots of raw fish and an ability to cook here at the hearth which looks like we gonna creep red here at the hearth should be able to cook other things here too are they not yeah someone just brought over a hunk of meat so they can do more cooking here too which helps whenever somebody's hungry they grab something out of storage and have themselves a meal alright looks like we see some more bites in there oh and the hyenas on the other side Oh Oh hoo ah heen is not gonna mess with that oh but a giant bear coming through Wow alright there is lots of dangers just outside the camp that is crazy we're gonna need to get more people here in the camp ASAP so that way we can get more jobs done well speaking of jobs done a job well done and building our initial camp building so it took a while but sometimes you just got to wait based on what animals come around and of course I had to remember the difference between different types of stones and such but that's not required for building homes it's the it's the sticks that are really required so let's build another house there eventually we'll have more people in our tribe we probably don't wanna have much more than like five homes to start with they do need maintenance from animal skin from time to time because they do take damage over time so we'll build two more homes bear walking by ok guess he doesn't want to mess with us they're not afraid of us but they also don't see us as food so we don't want to irritate them at all we're building more sticks so that way people can pray to the ancestors there and that'll increase the happiness in the camp so everyone who's a little upset will be able to worship at these things and then they'll be ok and that's why we got the dryer there so that's really good all that dry skin fantastic nobody get any hand moisturizer near that we needed all dry it out very good ok well now all we need to do is unlock more and more knowledge I think the next important thing would be bone tools but also maybe tanning so that way we can unlock things like the tannery weaving sledge making too so that way materials can be brought back faster to camp from farther away let's go with that so that way we can bring back more and more and excellent our material crafter is almost done as well very good all right let's go ahead and have somebody on let's see let's make some wooden Spears no let's make us a couple of slings well there's two people who moved in okay let's make like five slings for our hunters and then we'll make a couple of by faces for harvesting meat and materials and then some more skins outfits lots of things being made now how many is there way I can assign looks like it's Auto assigned whoever is free will work there okay we have two new people who joined we have a capacity of nine so now we just need two more homes and those require dry skins and sticks we've got plenty of dry skins and more skin drying and we just need more sticks I guess to make more homes which are coming in now the traders arrived again for the fall season our second year all right let's see what would you like to trade for well we have more bones and we have a lot more Flint let's see he'll trade knowledge on making bone tools but I think we want to try to take maybe more fish for the winter now dry skin would be important too let's see how much we can trade let's get rid of the bones and let's go with well dry skin is certainly valuable for making stuff let's just go for the food instead there we go I'm gonna go for six on that when he's got a low Commission so that's good and we'll just start with that that's fine all right good more food for the winter excellent I'm gonna build another drying station for skin so that way we can build more things faster from our crafter and it looks like somebody's crafting excellent and we've also acquired ten Flint wonderful knowledge is coming right in excellent let's go for funeral rituals next burial mound or spirituality let's go with that keep our people happy after each death and to remember those who died in our tribe ahead of time and let's see which we make next so we're making slings we're making outfits apparently we've already made enough buy faces let's also do some harpoons and we can sell these for the trader to the trader for big money so sharpened sticks are worth a lot very important okay let's see what we got for funeral arrangements looks like we can build a burial mound let's build that outside of town so if anyone perishes they'll be buried here where skulls and things like that will be put on like under like a mound here okay let's build it maybe over here somewhere ancient wrap torian's site let's build it like up here oh that's gorgeous up there far away from town so it's like very mysterious and stuff you know it's the way it's got to be that's the way it be all right more homes are constructed excellent not off to a bad start at all we've got food for everybody clothing is going to be made more people are moving into the camp knowledge is being knocked out of the park like crazy we got winter outfits being made as winter is really the most important time for us to want to survive homes need repair but we do have extra drying skin so let's make sure we make those top priorities so that way all that skin is made in and look at that we got more people assigned to the hunt let's but yet we're on five so I want to make sure that we have really no limit to skin let's go and make that like fifty four dry raw skin 30 and let's go fifty beautiful excellent all right we got more people happy in the camp all right everyone's fed everyone's happy we've got slings being made beautiful that's good for hunting trying to make a few more of those in time let's also make that a top priority too so dry the skins so that way we have stuff to make slings and then start making slings at the workshop so that way we can continue on the hunt into the winter looks like we have a winter storm coming our way we have a capacity for 15 people now all right I don't want to do too much more than that we'll probably have more people move in soon our workload is only at 44 percent so that's great so we're not overworking anybody at all and winter time it's pretty quiet for that type of stuff let's see if we can continue to gather stuff from over here it looks like we still have people gathering stone we got to move our stone workshop again still want to gather some more stones very important to keep on getting stuff for that we need to do the small piles though so these two here there and there can be gathered by hand and let's do some more Flint here two Flint it's great for axes and stuff at the start that will allow us to cut down some logs and such all right into the late season now a wolf attack where we have a we have a person gonna be attacked by a wolf song the alarm everybody we have a wolf attacking one of our people Ren Drayton oh wow she almost died to that okay all good now in the future we might see woolly mammoths attack or possibly bears look at how huge that bear is that is a tremendously gargantuan bear this is big as a house look at that seriously like if I put a house next to that thing look at how big it is it's as big as one of our houses it's crazy we'll have to stay away from a crazy bear over there okay so we just need some more dried skin so we can keep making more outfits it's the middle of winter now or getting close to the middle winter it's gonna get a little colder out more knowledge coming in from bones and things that we're gathering we eventually can go out and gather from berries and such so it might be a very good idea to gather some of that stuff so let's see we can bring in some more food now so we have many people assigned to hunting we have people assigned to fishing so I'm just gonna go ahead and ask like two or three people to do that everything else is gonna be on the drying rack off to a great start so we started in a random location as a nomad tribe worked our way down the river and started our civilization our people have food clothing we're starting to make weapons we're starting to bring in more and more animals and eventually we will develop into a society with the wheel very advanced technology yeah I know we're gonna copyright that as well as oxygen and the color blue yeah pretty soon I'll be as powerful as the Walt Disney Corporation fantastic unlimited power yes that's why it's labeled there we go that's what I was looking for fantastic all right let's use one more of our knowledge points here big brain let's unlock domestication for dogs is really good because then we could actually they're like their defenders and stuff and look it I didn't even take a look at the iron stuff here saddle us down all stones more reinforcement stuff some of these are actually new like plowing which allows us to domesticate horses that's great and all this domestication of animals and stuff really good fresh stuff included in here bone polishing to make even more quality ire quality bone tools wonderful I think we'll go with the bone tools next so that way we can start making bone tools that sell them to the trader because if we start making bone tools those sell for a lot of money and we can trade for other things even if we don't use them ourselves plus we're bringing some good bones too from all of our hunts so that's pretty good for me alright guys that is it for our first episode glory to rap Tori of Donna bans experimental update for all sorts of new stuff the funeral stuff is new and also the farming stuff is new we'll get into that later I'll play ahead a little bit so don't be surprised if episode 2 we look a little bigger but this game is a real slow grind and it's definitely worth it to see it all play out I'll see you all next time for more thanks again for your support you guys are amazing and I hope to see you soon goodbye everyone
Channel: Raptor
Views: 1,056,042
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dawn of Man | Ep. 1 | Ancient City Building for Cave Men | Dawn of Man City Building Tycoon Gameplay
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 41sec (2141 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 14 2020
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