Building My Friend A $3600 Gaming Computer!

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hello everybody it is me Edge back with another video and it's not gaming what I know but as you can see by the title today we are going to be building a 3600 PC now keep in mind quick disclaimer I did not buy these parts all right this is actually my friend's computer Anthony um so also keep in mind I didn't pick the combinations you know this was all him so if you got any complaints go ahead and let them know down in the comments but now without further Ado let's go ahead and build this computer all right guys let's go ahead and start the video by going over all of our parts uh first up we have our case we have a lean Lee 011 Dynamic Evo I've been seeing a lot more of these cases lately and rightfully so because they are amazing and they look wonderful I have to say um we got these two glass panels right here and there's tons of space for airflow tons of space for cable management and whatever you need from this uh this case right here next up we have our motherboard we have an Rog strix z690a gaming Wi-Fi D4 all that fun stuff this is going to be going with our white color scheme that we're looking for and I'm pretty sure this part right here actually lights up it's if I must say so it's it's a sexy motherboard right what did he say it's a very very nice looking motherboard and you all get to see that more when we open up that box let's go ahead and move on to our CPU Cooler we have an all-in-one Kraken z73 RGB I actually have the same cooler except mine is not RGB and his is also uh that white color scheme so very nice I don't know why they don't show it in the picture but it is white next let's take a look at our GPU our probably the most expensive item I think um we have a MSI supreme Supreme I'm gonna say Supreme X RTX 3090 TI and uh this thing he showed it to me when he dropped off all the parts and I gotta say this thing is massive so it's hard to believe that um those those 40 series are even bigger than this because I just don't see how they get much bigger than that next let's take a look at our CPU we have a Intel I9 13900 KF and then we got that socket which is LGA 1700 you know my CPU is a it's that square shape but all these new CPUs are just rectangular and they're just getting bigger over time you know just like these guys right here let's take a look at our Ram we have some Corsair Dominator Platinum RGB uh he got two sticks of 16 or two sticks of eight adding up to that 16 gigabytes um and the speed right there is a 3600 megahertz next let's take a look at our storage we have a two terabyte Samsung m.2 SSD 980 Pro um I actually have the same one in my computer that's right here definitely a very good uh storage device that he decided to go with now let's take a look at our power supply we have uh he was gonna go with an uh Rog uh power supply as well and though that one was very very nice but I guess they didn't have any and they just substituted this for him I honestly would have waited but we have a MSI MPG a1000g or 1000 and watt power supply and then it's that 80 plus gold rating right there so definitely going to be able to handle all the parts that we have for this computer the last parts we can look at are these fans I gotta say these things are amazing if y'all don't know anything about these fans they're also made by Lian Lee but these are amazing if you're trying to go for that no cables look so basically for these all you need is one fan connected I'm pretty sure and then the rest just magnetized together and they're all powered so very very sick fans but they are definitely a hefty amount of money geez um but yeah that's all the stuff here so I guess we're gonna go ahead and get into the build now we're going to start by opening up the motherboard and then putting all the small items in there and then we'll go from there so let's go ahead and get started all right guys it is time to open up the motherboard uh sorry if the angle is not the best I tried a lot of angles and this was the best one so you get what you get and hopefully you don't throw a fit but yeah here we are you got to keep that box in the best condition you know because you're gonna have to sell it again and sometime oh that thing's a beauty holy all right um hopefully I'm not blocking the view too much we got the antenna oh my God this thing is massive here let me uh let me just take a look at this y'all I mean y'all can't really see it too well but oh my God look at that that's like a whole screen in there holy shoot and you got that thing right there oh my gosh this thing's a beauty I gotta say Let's do let's look at what else comes in the Box set that aside so we got a keychain little thing got some cool little stickers I don't think I got stickers with mine but those are actually pretty cool stickers right there let's go ahead and uh open up that motherboard now open open the best part you're about to look at it oh there we go and then I usually set this back down oh my goodness holy holy that thing is beautiful all right um let's start with the CPU I guess go and open her up um Factory seal come on there we are going to cut her open [Music] this is so sick I love building these honestly I would I wouldn't mind having a job like that just building computers but that's the dream you know you just I don't know if you would be able to build anything you want you know holy crap my thing a thing blame that dang blade go ahead and open her up Bang Bang I usually I don't do uh the thing where it just snaps them out because I don't like that I just plop them in there and it'll fix them so you know like because usually you can leave that little shield in there you put the CPU in there and then you close it and then this thing will pop out but I don't like doing that sorry if that angers anyone but uh I just it ain't for me I'm really about to pull a Linus Tech tips and just drop it how do we open this wait what oh it opens the opposite way all right so now you need to look for the triangle they're gonna have a triangle so the triangle right there it's going to be in the bottom left corner um because there's dots in these corners and then there's a triangle right there so now we gotta find where the triangle is here I'm I'm very sure that it goes this way though hopefully all right I hate that I hate that so much but yeah that is in there now let's go ahead and uh let's do our m.2 now time for that storage got that Bang Bang I think we're gonna put it in the top section right there so either we have to put those pads in or there's already going to be a pad that has a seal on it that we just have to remove bam yeah that's the seal right there and then there's another seal right there don't forget to take that off if you want to take that off or else it'll be dire consequences so we're gonna go ahead take this off bang I hope I'm doing this right it's been a minute let's go in there all righty sort of like a thing we're supposed to do here oh that's pretty cool now let's go ahead take off this this is also a thermal pad right here and just make sure we put it on the right way should be good now you don't want to over tighten one screw you want to start tightening the other one and then evenly tighten them at the same time a little bit more and you don't want to over tighten them even when you've finally done it so you as soon as you start feeling tension that's when I stop and there it is all right so that is there now let's go ahead and take off this plastic right Bang all righty uh let's go ahead and put that Ram in now oh my God those things are humongous holy dude these are Hefty like they have some weight to them boys and girls you know I'm discriminate holy crap that's like a solid actually it feels like aluminum I don't know if it's full aluminum we're gonna take off these uh too sexy you sexy holy these are okay that is solid aluminum it is actually solid aluminum boys oh we were doing it the wrong way okay I might might have to cut that out I promise uh it's still fine I was putting it in the wrong way though oh that's that's not talking about that I'm gonna keep that in the video but just just know I could have cut that out there it is it's good I didn't put too much force trying to do it the first time my boy Anthony's probably watching this gun I can't believe I let this mother trucker build this I promise mistakes are rare they don't happen to me that often I think it is time to finally open up uh the case now and then get everything situated all right I'll get back to y'all when I've uh opened up that or when I start opening up that all right y'all probably don't have the best view but uh I also have no more room in my room like literally every every square inch of my room is covered now so this is the best that's gonna the best it's gonna be boys are Leanne Lee that is Hefty what is that I think those are fans and other stuff oh that biggest can y'all see that oh my God come on you can do it this is harder than I thought oh There She Goes she's ready she's getting there come on come on and she gone [Music] there we are [Music] come on now y'all can see bang wow that's a case look how much this thing looks like a 3D printer oh [Music] thanks you don't want that thing shocking you when you got all the stuff on there God dang all right now I'm gonna set a blanket down on this put the PC on its back and then put the motherboard in there you get me all right I'll get you all when I do that all right boys just want to show y'all where we're at at the moment so we have everything that we need on the motherboard at the moment and now we're gonna go ahead and put the motherboard into the case um and holy can y'all just look at how freaking clean white that is that's like the snow white or the ice white it's it's beautiful it's simply beautiful but yeah we're gonna go ahead and put that in there now and I'm pretty sure yeah it already has that I O shield on there so that's good but yeah I'm gonna go ahead and get that started all right guys I was gonna put the motherboard in the case but then I just remembered we actually have to put the back plate of the cooler on the motherboard before we do that because it's just going to be covered um after we slide that on in so we have to get some of the pieces out of this first and uh then we will be able to put that in but yeah I'm gonna go ahead and record me opening this thing and uh yeah that's what we're doing that is what we are doing oh my goodness so much stuff all right so we're just looking for this part right here sounded a little bit Canadian when I said that this part all right oh I'm an idiot I forgot this is the AMD socket or whatever and the Intel one is already on the cooler right there it's already there might be I was doing everything right I'm gonna strip them now we're just screwing them in alrighty [Music] foreign we can put our motherboard in the case I'll see y'all when I get everything arranged all right we have the case back on the table and now it is time to once again put our motherboard in the case make sure we're lining up everything oh wait but first I should probably remove that I O Shield little I'll do it on camera for y'all wow so beautiful all right hurry it up all right he's this aisle Shield is so nice too all right let's put it back in there put her back in there you don't want to scratch anything either Bang it's in there all righty you all ready are you ready kids [Music] [Music] all right I suppose it is time to actually uh put in the cooler now it is time so I'm gonna get that all set up and we're gonna do that all right guys it is now time to mount the CPU Cooler we're going to be putting the radiator on the top of the case because that is what Anthony wanted to do also in my opinion it does look the best so we're going to be doing that now Point y'all down to that now because we have to put the fans on now yeah yeah yeah yeah we got our fans right here the RGB looking very sexy all righty and we're also going to have um the wires on the outside right there actually wait so you gotta you gotta think of everything reverse so it'd be like that so the wires actually need to come this way wait what the heck these things have like little plug-ins right there uh I think this is RGB means more freaking cable management dang it is what it is probably gonna time lapse this but basically I'm screwing in this to the radiator now very fun [Music] so now we're going to lift this this way is going to be facing upwards it's going to flip like that and then we're going to screw into the top yeah very nice more screws yay everyone clap if you're happy [Music] [Music] and bang now let me adjust you up to there now we will lift this oops and it will go nicely nicely right there just like that oh wait that thing is sexy [Music] I'm jealous I am jealous boys and it's good we don't have to apply any thermal paste or anything it's already on there all right well I'll get back to y'all when we uh do that all right guys it is now time to put on the CPU Cooler actually on to the CPU so we're gonna go ahead and do that now um and luckily we already got that pre-applied thermal paste I don't think my friend Anthony knew that it came with thermal paste but at least he'll be able to have some extra just in case he ever does take this off I guess um but yeah we're gonna go ahead and put this on there now oh and by the way I am positive now that uh that CPU is on the right way because uh it does have a triangle um on the CPU right there and right there so I know I did it right all right um but yeah let's go ahead and put it on there now and then I have these as well to screw them on so we'll just lower that down onto there now and that should be on there all right and then we just got to screw it down but yeah this is this orientation I found was the best looking one so that's why I'm doing it tight now that's on there so this is the orientation and if you want to zoom out that's what it's going to look like um and we'll take off that when we need to but pretty nice and he'll still have space to put in another Ram stick in both spots if he ever decides to do that so now I think we're gonna put in the fans fans is probably the best way to go um but yeah I'm gonna clean up a little bit and then I'll be right back let's slide these Beauties together Bang all right and then we're gonna put these right like that looks very cool alrighty those are in there now let's go ahead and put them on in put them on in there it is all right and then put this screw in I think we're gonna go ahead and uh do these fans now and we'll make those exhaust fans everything's exhaust everything's exhaust anyways I'm gonna go ahead and cut to when I've moved the computer on all right guys so basically what you're looking at right now is I put these together off camera because I mean y'all don't really need to see the process again it's pretty simple they just snap together but now basically I'm gonna put these fans right over here and I have them something like that so I'm gonna go ahead and screw them in now and uh yeah oh that looks beautiful this thing's oh my gosh it's amazing I have combed stop it get some help anyways I'ma clean up and then I'll get back to y'all when uh I figure out what we're doing next all right guys now it is time for the power supply that we have right here looking very nice this thing is gonna be pretty hefty after we put this thing in I mean it's already getting very heavy but it's gonna reach a new level once we put this thing in let's go ahead and open that up foreign there it is I don't know if y'all can see it but it's right there I'm gonna take that out though quick and this is the bag of cables the famous bag of cables there it is and we're gonna have the fan facing outwards like that um but yeah something along the lines of this ooh perfect fit this is actually so good for cable management look I'm about to show you all something I just found this out if we uh unscrew this I'm pretty sure that thing just pops out look at that [Music] here I'll get back to y'all when I figure out what I want to start with oh [Music] all right guys I did a little bit of more uh Cable Management while the camera had died but basically we got all the fans hooked up or at least close to being hooked up these cables right here go to this and then this plugs into the to the motherboard let me go ahead and spin this around and show y'all what the computer is looking like I'm gonna set y'all right there looking pretty clean pretty clean it would look more clean if my man had gotten those white cables but you got to work with what you got you know but that thing is still a beauty come on now I wish I could have hit in this cable better but um like maybe if I had flipped it it could have been on the side who knows um but yeah I'm gonna go ahead and uh open up the graphics card now and then once we do that I can plug in these pcie uh cables and then uh it will be all cable managed and ready to go all right ladies and gentlemen it is time for the moment y'all have all been waiting for the graphics card foreign [Music] let me get up out of my chair for this I'd be lying if I said I didn't already open it but I already opened it set this to the side lift this off oh yeah I forgot he you get a mouse pad with it like I wanna you'll see that if you get a mouse pad with it it's pretty funny all right what else we get what the hell is this is this a bike break or a bike stand what is this it looks like a GPU uh oh yeah this thing raises I'm guessing this is a support thing if it's too heavy we might have to use that all right what else we got in here oh yeah this is the cable I wasn't really wanting to use but so apparently these newer graphics cards they only have this part on them they don't got the three uh the three eight pins anymore they have the splitter so you have to plug that into the card and then plug your pcie cables into this oh my God this thing is humongous [Music] let me set this aside I cannot look how fat that thing is I want to compare it to something but I don't know if I can let's go ahead and open her up oh oh my [Music] oh jeez sup Jesus oh my God oh my God it's like a it's like a super car you just spin a million on and now you get to look at it look at that beautiful brushed steel aluminum whatever that is oh my God these things are Beauty look how fat that thing is don't you just want to make love to it yeah I'm gonna go ahead and reorganize all right we have the splitter out now and we're gonna go ahead and uh plug in all these pcie connectors yay very fun oh yeah let's do that now [Music] [Music] foreign look at that thing that's like a crystal right there it's like glass or something y'all see that crazy all right now let's lower this bad boy on and all right come on baby oh there we go she's in she's in boys [Music] oh muddy she's in I thought they didn't cut something but they did all right it's not it's not hitting any of the fans that's good all right I we're good to go now I'm gonna do a little bit more uh cleaning up and then we'll uh get to the powering on of the computer all right boys I'll see you later all right guys we're just putting on all of the covers now gotta be careful not to hit my camera we're gonna go and put everything back together now [Music] [Music] there it is oh shoot I forgot to take off that freaking thing we're going to take out that stupid sticker I'll get back y'all all right guys it is now the Moment of Truth the moment we've all been waiting for look at this absolute monster now everything is ready to go I just need to press that button right there I'm cross your fingers everybody that turns on first try shoot oh we didn't we didn't press that yet now we need to stop please try oh look at that oh my God oh those ones aren't spinning up though so close why is it doing that y'all see that oh my God don't worry about that that rotates holy crap this thing's a beauty it's all those fans all the fans spinning they're spinning up they're spinning up all right what does orange mean here I'm gonna look this up real quick and I'll be right back and maybe I'll fix it while I'm gone be right back all right guys after some time I was finally able to get rid of that Ram light all I had to do is actually just update the BIOS you know after trying replacing the ram a bunch of times trying different things all I had to do was update the BIOS and uh while I was doing that I also found that I left the CPU Cooler pump or at least the the CPU fan thing unplugged so it wasn't even plugged in so maybe that's the reason that the lights were messed up but hopefully everything's gonna be fixed and working perfectly now so let's go ahead and turn it on huh not as exciting but uh at least we got rid of that Ram light yeah I don't know what's going on with these fans everything's plugged in everything's good um we might have just gotten unlucky with that one out I'll see I'll try to keep fixing that one but but yeah I'm gonna go ahead and boot up uh windows 10. I got it on my boot drive right there and uh yeah I'll get back to y'all all right guys I am very happy to say that the fans were able to fix themselves after Windows loaded right up that just fixed itself and I I'm so happy that everything came together and nothing's wrong anymore holy that was so stressful for me for like such a while because you know I'm just trying to I'm just trying to make my friend his his computer you know and I wanted everything to go perfectly and now luckily it All is resolved and I couldn't be happier and I can't wait for him to get this computer and all that but um I'm gonna go ahead and do a little bit more and I think tomorrow we're gonna have some nice little uh some what's it called we're gonna have some nice cinematic shots of the computer all right that's what we're gonna do and I can't wait all right but uh I'll get back to y'all maybe later tonight and see where we're at all right guys I got the computer out in my dining room now and uh we have a very very exciting part now it is time to remove the plastic now before y'all say anything I did ask my friend Anthony if it was okay to take this off for those shots and he said it is so let's go ahead and remove all this yeah yeah oh my oh my God oh oh that is so clean next up the big boy the big boy holy oh my God it is so beautiful holy crap look at that look at this thing it's breathtaking it's breathtaking yo those lately fans are pretty cool dang all right I think it's time for some cinematic shots let's get it boy [Music] foreign [Music] but anyways guys I think that's gonna be it I couldn't be more happy about how this computer came out I mean look at all these colors just popping out and then these glass panels making the whole dream just work it's absolutely stunning so I really hope that my friend Anthony enjoys it I mean if he doesn't I'll gladly take it boy if you don't get that I'm joking all jokes but uh yeah guys that's gonna be the end of the video I hope everyone enjoyed if you did drop a like comment and subscribe and it's been Edge peace out [Music] [Music]
Channel: Edge Unboxes
Views: 78,397
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: edge, unboxing, gamingpc, pcbuild, rtx3090ti, msi, nzxt, corsair, suprisingmyfriend, gaming pc build, pc build guide, pc build 2023, pc building, gaming pc, pc builder, pc gaming, gaming pc build guide, gaming computer, gaming, white pc build, custom pc build, best pc builds, best gaming pc builds, how to build a pc, pc build, best gaming pc, how to build a gaming pc, budget pc build, intel, pc, gaming setup, pc gaming 2023, build pc gaming, gaming pc tutorial, graphics card, lianli
Id: HXCAdudKeQk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 20sec (2120 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 01 2022
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